PDW Intro
PDW Intro
PDW Intro
The potable water used for production of packaged drinking water is water
derived from any source (such as ground water like Borewell, public drinking
water systems such as Municipality Supply or Supplies from other sources)
received on regular basis. Supplies of such water through pipelines or tankers
would be acceptable provided the source remains the same.
There are many terminologies presently adopted by the industry & consumer for
describing the processed water as packed in different packaging. For the
purpose of uniformity in describing the various types of containers, the
following definitions are suggested:
IS 14543 does not prescribe any specific process for manufacturing of the
processed water. However, the definitions given under the standard provide
information regarding steps that may be involved in the acual practice. In fact,
the manufacturing process of the processed water is essentially a purification
process of raw water through different treatments, for conformance to the
requirements of IS 14543.
Raw Water _Raw Water Storage Tank_ Raw Water Feed Pump_ dosing system
1 & 2_ Pressure Sand Filter_ Activated Carbon Filter _ Micron Cartridge Filter
High Pressure Pump_ Reverse Osmosis_ Ozone generator and re circulation _
Finished Water Storage _ U.V System _ Filling and Packing _ Visual
Examination _Storage for testing _ Forwarding.
The water is drawn from Bore Well line. The water is then collected to storage
tank. It then goes to dosing system through raw water feed pump. In the dosing
system, antiscalent is used for the softening of the water.
From dosing system water goes to pressure sand filter, where the impurities of
raw water are removed.
From pressure sand filter water goes to activated carbon filter where organic
impurities are removed.
Water is then passed through micron filter. This filter removes the micron
particles from the water.
Water from MCF goes to R.O. System through High Pressure Pump. R.O.
removes 90-95% of dissolved solids. The finished water is passed into Storage
Water from S.S. tank is passed through MCF to U.V. disinfection system, where
the bacteria are inactivated.
Containers are visually inspected for any leakage and suspended matter against
illuminated screen.
The raw water is tested two times in a month. Finished water is tested as per
scheme of testing prescribed by BIS.
1. The jars are checked for crack, contamination and foul odors. The
jars not fit for re-use are rejected.
2. The Jars are capped with cap and washing of outside surface is
done thoroughly with Detergent solution and normal water.
3. After outer cleaning, jars are internally washed with food grade
detergents (like iodine based) and then thoroughly washed till free
from the last traces of detergent.
4. Then clean jars are sent to filling station.
5. At filling station, jars are rinsed internally with product water.