Dody Hermawan - 13-1 PDF
Dody Hermawan - 13-1 PDF
Dody Hermawan - 13-1 PDF
1 April 2013 54
ISSN : 1978-6239
Doddy H. Kurnianto
Dosen Fakultas Teknik
Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Universitas Soerjo, Ngawi
Email: [email protected]
Building Mosque Baiturrahman Ngawi planned with 2 units of the main
building. Both the main building unit tipycal together on the floor with a distance
of 32.34 m building between the center of mass of the two buildings. The total
area of the main building is 60.05 m x 32,50 m. Consists of 2 main floor as a
means of prayer rooms with voids extending between two floors. In this study, the
theoretical predictions will be made about the structural design of existing
buildings. And will be investigated in accordance check-list follow the terms and
conditions SNI 03-2847-2002 check list of the 310 FEMA planning procedure for
the earthquake resistance of buildings. Deviation ultimate criterion is used as the
target displacement according to ISO-1726-2002, while the acceptance of
normative evaluation criteria still refer to FEMA 356. Evaluation results indicate
that the structural condition of the building has adequate structural ductility.
although there are some terms that do not meet the requirements of FEMA 310.
There is a difference between 310 and FEMA Response Spectrum Analysis on the
value of the natural vibration period (T1) and base shear. With the long
dimension of the building mosques Baiturrahman (Lx> 40 m), the building needs
to be made delatasi.
Keywords: ductility, structure, building, earthquakes
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