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Grade 8 Daily Lesson Log Catherine V. Calumba

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School Grade Level Grade 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Catherine V. Calumba Learning Area MAPEH (Health)
Teaching Dates and Time 1 hour Quarter Third

I: OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the different Communicable Diseases
2. Create an advertisement that shows on how to prevent and control communicable diseases
3. Appreciate the importance of preventing and controlling communicable diseases

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of principles in the prevention and control of communicable diseases for the attainment of individual
B. Performance Standards Consistently demonstrates personal responsibility and healthful practices in the prevention and control of communicable diseases
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives 1. Discuss the signs , symptoms and , effects of communicable diseases H8DD-IIIb-c- 17
Write the LC Code for each 2. Enumerates steps in the prevention and control of common communicable diseases H8DD-IIIb-c-19
II. CONTENT Most common communicable diseases and its prevention and control
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal

B. Other Learning Resources https://www.livestrong.com


Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Question will be asked related to the previous lesson:
presenting the new lesson What was our previous lesson? Non-Communicable Diseases Ma’am
Yes, thank you for that. What is Non communicable diseases? is a medical condition or disease that is not caused by infectious agents
(non-infectious or non-transmissible). NCDs can refer to chronic
diseases which last for long periods of time and progress slowly

Very good! Now, give me examples of non-communicable Allergy

diseases, anyone? Asthma
Cardiovascular diseases
Renal failure

That’s great! Are you ready for the new lesson class? Yes Ma’am
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson “ACT WHAT I SAW CHALLENGE ”
To activate the prior – knowledge of students before the lesson.

Description :
In this activity, the teacher will show graphic representations about the lesson where they can use their ability to
accomplished the given tasks.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Procedures:
new lesson
1. Have a group of 4
2. Assign area to each group and let them form a line
3. Each group will have a representative to go in front then the teacher will give picture to each group act out of what they saw

4. The members of the group will observe properly

5. The first member of the group will relay it to the next member of the group until the last member of the group
6. Then the last member of the group will then go in front and write their answer on the top of the drawing and paste it on the board.
7. They must do this within 5 minutes only
8. The group who will first to accomplish the tasks will be given 10 points and the rest is 5.
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1

• Discuss Communicable Diseases

- Communicable or infectious diseases are illnesses that can be transmitted from one person to another person

• Types of Communicable diseases are:

1. Influenza- this is commonly known as the flu, a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract.
-high fever
-runny nose
-sore throat
-muscle pains
-feeling tired

Prevention and Control

-avoid close contact
-stay home when you are sick
-cover your mouth and nose
-clean your hands
-avoid touching your eyes and nose
-practice other good health habits

2. Common cold- is the most common communicable diseases in the world. You can get a cold virus by direct contact with person
who has cold by inhaling an airborne cold virus.
Symptoms includes

• stuffy nose or nasal drainage,

• sore or scratchy throat,
• sneezing,
• hoarseness,
• cough,
• watery eyes,
• low-grade fever,
• headache,

Prevention and control

• wash your hands regularly

• don't cover your sneezes and coughs with your hands
• do aerobic exercise regularly
• eat foods containing phytochemicals

3. TB- is an infectious disease that affects the lungs and other parts of the body.

Symptoms includes
• Persistent cough, accompanied with blood- stained
• Swollen glands,
• Tiredness
• Loss of appetite, Loss weight
• Night sweats and chest pains
Prevention and control

• Managing your environment with good ventilation and good hygiene

• Vaccine

4. Dengue Fever- is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the dengue virus

Symptoms may include

• High fever,
• Headache
• Vomiting
• Muscle and joint pains,
• Characteristics of skin rashes

Prevention and control

• Wear shoes, socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirt,
• Use mosquito repellents and mosquito net
Avoid indoor and outdoor mosquito bites

5. Sore Eyes- medically known as conjunctivitis, is a highly contagious infection of the eyes, commonly cause by an adenovirus.

Symptoms may include

• Redness of the eyes

• Discomfort
• Burning
• Gritty sensation
• Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
• Pain
• Difficulty opening eyes after sleeping
• Eyelids stuck together after sleeping
• Watery discharge
• Soreness
• Runny nose
• Sore throat
• Lymph glands are sore (lymph glands are your body’s defensive filter, they are located behind the ears)

Prevention and Control

• Avoid contact with people who have conjunctivitis

• Disinfect household surfaces, e.g. doorknobs and countertops
• Keep your fingers away from your eyes
• Avoid rubbing your eyes
• Wash your pillow cases often
• Wash your hands often, and using disposable paper towels for drying your hands
• Ensure that eye drops and ointments, facecloths, towels, and pillow slips are not shared
• Use and care for your contact lenses correctly

E. Discussing new concepts and Health Measures to Prevent and Control Communicable diseases
practicing new skills #2 Maintain good health and hygiene
• Take a bath every day and get plenty of rest and exercise
• Avoid sharing unwashed eating and drinking utensils with others
• Eat a balanced diet
• Observe cleanliness in food preparation and cooking
• Undergo regular checkups.

Be considerate of other people’s health

• Stay at home when sick
• Cover one’s mouth when coughing and sneezing
Teachers Activity Students Activity
F. Developing mastery “Carousel”
Students will be group into five (5). Each group will be given
a manila paper (labeled with one disease) and a marker. They
will be given 10 seconds to write down the definition,
symptoms, prevention and control in each diseases. After 10
seconds they have to pass their manila paper clockwise to the
other group and same thing will be done until all the diseases
passes all the groups. After the activity a representative will
have to go in front and read everything that is written in the
manila paper.
G. Finding practical applications of The teacher will let the students create short advertisement
concepts and skills in daily living that shows oh how to prevent and control communicable
diseases in a creative way. Each group will have to draw lots
on what certain disease that they are going to portray. They
will be given 10 minutes to do such activity.

They will be graded based on the on the following criteria:


Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs


Content Thorough Complete Shows some Shows

and understandin understandin incomplete
insightful g of the g of the understandin
understandin content content g of material
g of the
Organization Extremely Organized. Somewhat Poorly
well The organized. organized.
organized. grammar The Grammatical
The and the grammar ly error is
grammar sentence and the really
and the structure is sentence obvious.
sentence good. structure is
structure is satisfactory

Group work Entire group Entire group All group Grouped

involved in involved in member is does not
making the making the often work well
task equally. tasks but not making the together
equally. tasks

H. Making generalizations and Do you have questions class? None Ma’am.

abstractions about the lesson Let’s check if you really understand the lesson
What do you mean by communicable diseases? - Communicable or infectious diseases are illnesses that can be
transmitted from one person to another person
What are some types of communicable diseases? -Influenza
-Common Cold
-Dengue Fever
What are the symptoms for TB? • Persistent cough, accompanied with blood- stained
• Swollen glands,
• Tiredness
• Loss of appetite, Loss weight
• Night sweats and chest pains

• High fever,
How about dengue fever, what are the symptoms? • Headache
• Vomiting
• Muscle and joint pains,
• Characteristics of skin rashes
I. Evaluating learning I. Identification:
Identify the following statement. Write your answer on the
blank provided below before the number.
___________1. Illnesses that can be transmitted by one person
to another person. Answer : Communicable Diseases
_____________2. Is an infectious disease that affects the Answer: TB
lungs and other parts of the body.
______________3. This is commonly known as the flu- is a Answer: Influenza
highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract.
_______________4. The most common communicable Answer: Common Cold
diseases in the world.
_______________5. A mosquito-borne tropical disease caused Answer: Dengue Fever
by the dengue virus.

II. Essay . In your own understanding

(5 points )
1. What do you think is the importance of knowing the
different preventions of the different communicable
2. Choose one among diseases then explain its symptoms
and prevention?

Features Experts Accomplish Capable Beginner

(5 pts.) (4 pts.) (3 pts.) (2 pts.)
Quality of Thorough Somewhat Give some Gives no
writing and informative new new
insightful and information information
understandin organized poorly and very
g of the organized poorly
content information

Grammar Visually no Few spelling A number of Poorly

usage and spellings and spelling organized.
mechanics ,pronunciatio pronunciatio pronunciatio Grammatical
n or n, minor n or ly error is
grammatical grammatical grammatical really
errors errors errors obvious.

J. Additional activities for application Students will have to answer the question:
or remediation 1. What will you do if one of your family member is
experiencing one of the diseases that we discussed?
Explain your answer.
A. No. of Learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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