Espenilla 4phl
Well the movie started with a very weird scene that others may find cute but I don’t.
This was the intro to the movie a scene with the daughter asking her mother if he could
marry her father. It may be due to this intense admiration of his Father and that his father is
her ideal man so to speak. The insights that I made enough impact to enter my brain filled
with philosophical stuff that which appeals to my observations within the family scene during
my younger and innocent years. Never leave one’s partner behind. In the movie, A fireman
was almost killed in the line of duty when his partner left him because of miscommunication.
This was I think a great symbolism for the trials of marriage. Each member of the family
must keep each other in check for it to be a stable family. That from my memories the use of
hierarchy’s of power within the family each one is responsible for something even the
youngest (like me). There is a very fundamental reason why family is called a UNIT.
Relationships are not always broken; sometimes, we just don't know how to make it work.
This I jokingly see why a lot of people get doped by mechanics. If one does not know how a
thing works how can one hope to fix it. This is why marriage is the decision made after years
of being in relation to another person this enables people to gain so much knowledge on
how to deal with people’s individuality. The movie I think revolves on this. The dying
relationship because it is not maintained by losing sight of the life you live is no longer your
own. A real man has got to be hero to his partner before he could be to anybody else or he
is not a real man. Well this is where it struck me the most. A real man must be a hero to
ones partner before anyone else’s, well I do agree that family comes first (because some
members of the family have differing beliefs about Faith). I think because the man has
become communities model of good character the wife who should be in the first place the
one who notices this first is left out. She feels that she should be first be wowed by this
rather than being stuck between the husband and his fame not feeling the same level of
admiration. Death should not be feared if you know where you are going. This reminds me of
Bruce Lee’s talk about death. Fear and Death can be stride by a person who understands it.
Knowing how something work can help one to cope with it being natural occurrences in the
life of mortals."The sad thing about the covenant of marriage is that when most people
promise for better or for worse, they only mean for the better." Very human indeed. People
tend to just look at the bright side the easy way, well it’s okay to do so but this should come
by looking at the bad or the worst case would be so that when the element of surprise
ambushes you, you are able to cope with e change of plans."Marriages are not fireproof;
sometimes you get burned. Fireproof does not mean that fire will never come, but when it
comes, you will be able to withstand it." As regards the fireproof thing, I agree
wholeheartedly. up that's the best way to summarize the whole underlying theme of the
movie. The ability to withstand the trials by fire. This is because fire doesn't turn you to
nothing but to darker and less pieces of yourself."How can someone show love over and
over again when they are constantly rejected? You can't give what you don't have." Love
only exist between to entities in a cycle of give and take, love is limited believe me it only
appears infinite because of its constant movement between to bodies. Don't just follow your
heart because your heart can be deceived. You've got to lead your heart. Mind over heart?
Most probably. If I haven't told you that you are a good man, you are. If I haven't told you
that I have forgiven you, I have. If I haven't told you that I love you, I do. Catherine’s words to
Caleb. The movie ended with a reaffirmation of the spouses' vows - as a covenant and not a
contract. Marriage is a sacred institution established by God and one that is meant to last for
life. Marriage is the start of a life that you live is no longer your own.