DFID Environmental Screening Checklist

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DFID Overseas Territories Department (OTD)

Environmental Screening Checklist

(Guidance for external users)

To facilitate the preparation of an Environmental Screening Note, OTD requests

that the following information be provided, so far as possible:
Identification of environmental issues
1) What, if any, are the environmental risks – direct and indirect –
associated with the project?
2) What environmental benefits, if any, might the project generate?
3) To what extent does the proposed project comply with relevant policy
and legislation at the Territory and international levels, including
multilateral environmental agreements (eg UN Convention on Biological
Biodiversity, UN Framework Convention of Climate Change).
4) What is the capacity for environmental management and regulation in
the Territory relevant to the project being screened (eg the ability of
government to address and take an integrated approach to environment
and development, such as links between planning, finance, sectoral
agencies and environment stakeholders; or the ability of civil society to
participate in development processes and help articulate environmental
needs and influence policy and practice)?
5) What is the capacity of the implementing institution and/or contractor to
develop and implement an environmental management plan for the
construction and operation of the proposed project?
6) Are there any environmental trends in the Territory or region that are
relevant to this project?
Identification of actions/next steps
7) What actions, if any, need to be undertaken to ensure the risks are
managed and benefits and opportunities maximised? In some cases,
further environmental assessment and/or studies will be needed to
inform subsequent decisions (for example, an environmental impact
assessment, a strategic environmental assessment, or merely the
gathering and analysis of additional information).
8) How will the results and recommendations of these studies be
incorporated into the design of the project?
9) Can these actions be incorporated in the logical framework (eg as
Identification of responsibilities
10) Who will be responsible for implementing these actions?
11) Have those responsible for implementing follow-up actions been made
aware of and confirm their agreement to their responsibilities?
Monitoring and evaluation
12) What environmental monitoring and evaluation will be carried out
throughout the project cycle management process?
Climate change risk assessment
13) What are the potential impacts of current and future climate change on
the project? What is the potential for the project to reduce climate
change impacts?

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