Homicide in Islamic Law and Conventional Law As Applied in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis

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Homicide in Islamic Law and Conventional Law as Applied in Bangladesh...


Jiaor Rahman Munshi*

Though the world is largely divided on cultural relativism and law is the most affected
phenomenon of that relativity, there is hardly found any society in which the criminality of
homicide is debated. Despite this universal abhorrence to this crime, it is the unique feature
of Islam that it equates the killing of an innocent human being with the murder of whole
mankind. But in and after the Age of ‘Enlightenment’, the secularists championed the
dignity of human life so much so that they stood against any sort of corporal punishment,
and some of them overtly opposed capital punishment for murder. As the large majority
people of this country are the followers of Islam and at the same time they are governed by
secular common law as inherited from the British colonial rule, attempt has been made to
show a comparative picture of criminality of homicide and its variant punishments in both
systems. This theoretical and comparative research finds that the Laws of Islam have taken
the issue of homicide more seriously and provided the heirs with more options to meet their
grievances compared with the existing secular form of criminal laws of the country.
Keywords: Homicide; Murder; Coercive Authority; Blood-money.

Homicide (qatl) is an action causing the detachment of the soul from a human being (Al-Fayyūmī:
187). The Qurʾānic term qatl is used for two meanings: (a) the crime of murder and (b) the
punishment of execution. Homicide is a crime except done in consequence of just causes. Just
causes include killing of a combatant enemy in the battlefield (Qurʾān, 9: 5), renegade from Islam,
married adulterer (Bukhārī: 6878) and highway robber (Qurʾān, 5: 33) etc. In both Islamic law and
existing penal laws of Bangladesh, homicide is a crime for which both the systems have declared
different types of punishments. During the British colonial era, serious allegations were made
against the efficacy of Islamic laws. One of those allegations is that Islamic law is ineffective in

* Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Manarat International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Manarat International University Studies, 4(1), 2015

combating crime. Is it so? This research reveals it in the strongest negative form and proves that
Islamic law is more humane, more victim-friendly and compatible with the needs of the society.

1.2. Objective of the Research/Study

The prime objective of this research is to show that Islamic law is unique and unparalleled among
the legal systems of the world and to emphasize the gravity of this heinous crime, in providing the
heirs of the victim, not the head of the state, with absolute power to choose any of the three options:
retaliation (qiṣāṣ), or blood-money (diyah), or forgiveness (ʿafwun).

1.3. Background of the Study

Similar issues have been dealt with in different writings of Muslim scholars in the past century.
More than sixty years ago, the noted Egyptian jurist ʿAbd al-Qādir ʿAwdah, in his seminal work Al-
Tashrīʿ al-Jināʾī al-Islāmī muqārinan bi ‘l-Qānūn al-Waḍʿī (The Penal Laws of Islam in comparison
with Man-made Laws), gave a detailed guidelines of how and to what extent criminal laws of Islam
differ from man-made laws. Though that work is exhaustive in what it includes, necessity of the
present research has been strongly felt, because in the former work Islamic law was compared with
continental law (or civil law) of Europe and, on the other hand, the present work concentrates in
comparing Islamic law with the British common law as applied in Bangladesh.

As this article is basically a comparison between Islamic law and man-made laws as prevalent in
Bangladesh, pure textual analysis method has been followed throughout the research. Supreme
priority has been given to the verses of the Qurʿān. Sunnah of the Prophet has been used as the
living commentary of the Qurʾān. As the Penal Code, 1860 is the major and guiding statute dealing
with criminal laws of Bangladesh; utmost emphasis has been laid upon the texts of relevant sections
of the Code and their illuminating illustrations.


3.1 Origin of Homicide
History of homicide is as old as the birth of mankind itself. The Qurʾān informs us that two sons of
Ādam (Peace Be Upon Him) offered sacrifices before Allāh. Sacrifice of one brother was accepted
while that of the other was rejected. The failed and jealous brother, instead of rectifying his deeds,
killed his brother whose sacrifice was accepted for his piety. With regards to the beginning of
homicide, the Qurʾān informs that each of the two sons of Adam [Abel and Cain] offered a sacrifice
to Allāh. It was accepted from the one but not from the other. The latter said to the former: “I will
surely kill you” and at last he killed him. (5: 27-30)

3.2 Different Phases of Prohibition on Homicide

First Phase: Raising the Sense of General Accountability in the Hereafter
As per the general nature of the Qurʾānic legislation, direct prohibition was not imposed upon

Homicide in Islamic Law and Conventional Law as Applied in Bangladesh...

homicide at the very outset; rather it primarily attempted to raise the sense of general accountability
with regards to homicide in general, and infanticide in particular, in the hereafter. It reminds the
people about the Day of Resurrection (81:8-9) and declares that lost are those who kill their children,
from folly, without knowledge (6: 140) and presents the pathetic picture of the evil-mongers (16:
58-9). It removes the fear of want – one of the main causes of infanticide – and assures that Allāh
will provide sustenance for both (6: 151) and repeats the same assurance in a later phase of Madīna
as well (17: 31). In the light of the above instructions, the Prophet (PBUH) reminds “On the Day of
Resurrection Allāh - the Blessed and the Most High - will at first adjudicate among the people the
cases of homicide”. (Muslim, Chapter: Oaths)

Second Phase: Visualizing homicide as the practice of the rebels against Allāh, not that of
devoted believers
At the second stage the Qurʾān depicts homicide as suicidal plan inspired by the devil (6: 137)
and informs that, at one time, Pharaoh also took resort to the heinous crimes of homicide and
infanticide but the plots of unbelievers (end) in nothing but errors and delusions (40: 25-6) and tells
that if they want to be the obedient servants of Allāh, they must refrain themselves from unlawful
homicide (25: 63, 68).

Third Phase: Forbidding unjust homicide without prescribing any punishment for the
At this stage the Qurʾān addresses the issue of homicide more directly. Now infanticide and
homicide are not only generally abhorred, but also brought within the periphery of the activities
directly forbidden by Allāh. The Prophet (PBUH) is commanded, “Say: “Come, I will rehearse
what Allah has (really) prohibited you from”: … kill not your children on a plea of want… take
not life, which Allah has made sacred, except by way of justice and law (6: 151 and 4: 29). Even
the killing of a single human being is equated with the killing of whole mankind (5: 32). Though
homicide has been declared unlawful, punishments and remedies are yet to be declared.

Fourth Phase: Empowering the State (sulṭān) to ensure justice to the heir of the victim
This phase starts after the consolidation of sulṭān (i.e. state-authority) in Madīna. At this level the
nascent state of Madīna has been vested with the power of adjudication of homicide cases and the
heirs of the victim have been assured of state-interference and advised not to cross the limits set by
law in punishing the criminals (17: 33). What punishment should be inflicted upon the murderer
and what remedies are available for the heirs of the victim have not been given in this phase with
sufficient clarity. It is to be noted that the Qurʾānic sentence faqad jaʿalnā li waliyyihī sulṭānan
is generally translated as ‘We have given his heir an authority’. In my opinion, this rendering is
erroneous, because it gives the impression that punishing the killer is the personal responsibility of
the heir without any institutional support. Therefore, its more accurate rendering may be, “We have
made for his heir a coercive authority (i.e. the state)”. Besides, the end clause “Certainly he will
be helped” also indicates to the institutional support of the state in favor of the heir. My rendering

Manarat International University Studies, 4(1), 2015

is further supported by an interpretation given by Ibn Zayd who said, “faqad jaʿalnā li waliyyihī
sulṭānan yanṣuruhū wa yantaṣifu min ḥaqqihī i.e. (Allāh says) ‘We have made for his heir an
authority’ who shall help him and ensure justice with regards to his claim”. (Al-Ṭabarī, 7: 390)

Fifth Phase: Confirming the retributive punishment of homicide as mentioned in the Tawrāt
with certain developments
Before the announcement of punishment for homicide, the Qurʾān mentions the punishment of
qiṣāṣ as prescribed in the Tawrāt (5: 45). Now the same punishment is prescribed with certain extra
options: “O ye who believe! The law of equal punishment (qiṣāṣ) is prescribed to you in cases of
murder… But if any remission is made by his brother, adhering to it with fairness and payment
of the blood money, to the heir should be made in fairness (2: 178-9). According to this verse, the
heir of the victim has been given three options: (1) law of equal punishment; or (2) blood-money
or (3) forgiveness. These provisions of homicide had been incorporated in the Madīna Charter as
well (Art. 21)

3.3 Variant Legal Status of Homicide

Sometimes homicide becomes permissible and sometimes punishable. From that perspective,
homicide cases may be categorized into five (Al-Mawsūʿat, 32: 321-2): (1) wājib/ duty, e.g.
the killing of a murtadd (apostate)– the renegade from Islam and the death penalty to married
adulterers by the court, if his guilt is legally proved; (2) mandūb/ recommended, e.g. the killing
of a man who insults Allāh or His Prophet; (3) mubāḥ/ permitted, e.g. killing in self defence; (4)
makrūh/ disapproved; and (5) ḥarām/ unlawful, e.g. the killing of an innocent person without a just
cause (Encyclopedia of Islam, 4: 768).

3.4 Classification of Unlawful Homicide

Unlawful homicide, i.e., the killing of an innocent person without a just cause may take place in
three ways: (1) ͑amd or intentional and direct (Qurʾān, 4: 93); (2) khaṭaʾ or accidental (Qurʾān,
4: 92); and (3) shibh ͑amd or quasi-intentional (Abū Dāwūd: 4565), i.e. death as a result of an
action not always but sometimes fatal. All these classes are based on the texts of the Qurʾān and
the Sunnah and therefore agreed upon by the jurists. However, some jurists have tried to add
more classes in homicide: (i) jārī majrā al-khaṭ͗ or equivalent to accident, e.g. someone falls upon
another in his sleep and kills him; and (ii) qatl bi sabab or indirect killing, e.g. a person digs a
well and someone falls into it and dies as a result. As these classes are not based on any divine
text, jurists are of divergent views on these issues and, therefore, those rulings do not represent the
universal laws of Islam.

3.5 Punishments for Homicide

Intentional homicide: In this case the murderer faces several punishments: (1) moral i.e. hell as
the dwelling place in the hereafter (Qurʾān, 4: 93), and (2) legal (a) qiṣāṣ or equal punishment
(unless forgiven by the heirs of the victim for blood-money or for nothing (Qurʾān, 2: 178-9) and

Homicide in Islamic Law and Conventional Law as Applied in Bangladesh...

(b) exclusion from inheritance of the victim, if the murderer is the heir of the victim (Bayhaqī,

Accidental Homicide
Based on the status of the victim, the accused of accidental homicide has to face the following
punishments: (a) blood money cum expiation, if the victim is a believer residing in the Islamic state
(Qurʾān, 4: 92); (b) mere expiation, if the victim is a believer residing in an enemy territory (ibid);
and (c) blood money and expiation, if the victim is a non-believer residing in a state with which
the Islamic state has a peace treaty (ibid). The same principle is applicable to the mistaken killing
of a non-believer residing in an Islamic state under state-protection (al-dhimmah). Close scrutiny
of this Quranic verse reveals that the main issue is whether the non-believer has any peace treaty
with the Islamic state, either in the form of al-dhimmah (intra-state protection of the minorities) or
in the shape of al-mīthāq (inter-state peace treaty). Hence came the consensus of the jurists that if
a believer accidentally kills a nonbeliever in a territory with which the Islamic state has no peace
treaty, then neither blood-money nor expiation is legally binding upon the killer. However, if the
accused of accidental homicide is unable to perform the obligations (mentioned in a, b and c), he
has to fast two consecutive months (ibid).

Quasi-intentional Homicide and its Legal Consequences

Whoever commits quasi-intentional homicide shall be liable to diyah, and qiṣāṣ shall not be applied
upon him. The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said, “The blood-money for quasi-intentional
killing is severe like that for deliberate killing, but the perpetrator is not to be executed (Abū
Dāwūd: 4565)”. Another narration makes it more specific: “The blood-money for quasi-intentional
killing with a whip or stick is one hundred camels of which forty should be (she camels) with their
young in their wombs. (Nasāʾī: 4795)”

3.6 Homicide in Common Law

In terms of definition of homicide, there is no fundamental difference between Islamic law and
common law. In common law, homicide is defined as the killing of a human being by a human being
(Stephen: 158). Though Islamic law has divided the legal status of homicide into five categories:
obligatory, recommended, permitted, disapproved and unlawful, common law divides it into two
broad categories: lawful and unlawful. Homicide is lawful, if it falls within any of the general
exceptions as mentioned in Chapter IV of the Penal Code, 1860.
Lawful homicide is further classified as (a) justifiable, and excusable. Justifiable homicide
may be committed by (i) a person bound, or by mistake of fact believing himself bound, by law
(The Penal Code, 1860, s. 76), (ii) a judge acting judicially (s. 77); (iii) a person acting in good
faith and in pursuance of a judgment of a court (s. 78); (iv) a person justified by law (e.g. action by
a police upon a person in self-defense thinking him a murderer) (s. 79); (v) a person doing lesser
harm in prevention of greater harms (s. 81); or (vi) a person acting in private defence (s. 103).
Excusable homicide may occur, where death is caused (i) by accident (s. 80); (ii) by a child (ss.

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82-3), or a person of unsound mind (s. 84), or a person intoxicated against his will (s. 85); or (iii)
by act done in good faith for the benefit of the person killed (ss. 87-8 & 92).
Islamic law has divided ‘unlawful homicide’ into: (i) intentional; (ii) quasi-intentional;
and (iii) accidental. In common law, as applied in Bangladesh, unlawful homicide is classified as:
(i) culpable homicide amounting to murder; (ii) culpable homicide not amounting to murder; (iii)
abetment of suicide (if suicide occurs) and (iv) homicide by negligent act.

3.7 Culpable Homicide Amounting to Murder Equivalent to Intentional Homicide

Culpable homicide is murder, if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention
of causing death (s. 300). From this perspective it may be likened with ‘intentional homicide’ in
Islamic law. The first four illustrations in section 300 of the Penal Code, 1860 are also identical
with illustrations of ‘intentional homicide’ found in classic texts of Islamic jurisprudence. In both,
intention plays the central role.

3.8 Culpable Homicide not Amounting to Murder

As per exception 1 of section 300, culpable homicide will not amount to murder, if done ‘whilst
deprived of the power of self-control by grave and sudden provocation’. Though Islamic law
exempts ‘lunatics’ from legal liabilities, it does not accept the excuse of grave anger to escape
criminal liability of murder. Therefore, in illustration (z) of exception 1 of section 300, the criminal
is exempted from the liability of murder; while in Islamic law both are to be held responsible for
intentional murder.

3.9 Wrong Target: Accidental Killing or Mere Unlawful Act?

The Illustration (c) of section 299 reveals that the penal law of Bangladesh does not recognize wrong
target as homicide at all. In its eye, it is merely an unlawful act worth of very little punishment. On
the other hand, in Islamic law it is accidental killing in which blood-money is obligatory unless
forgiven by the heir of the victim. According to exception 4 of section 300, culpable homicide is
not murder if it is committed without premeditation in a sudden fight in the heat of passion upon
a sudden quarrel and without the offender’s having taken undue advantage or acted in a cruel or
unusual manner. This illustration may be likened with quasi-intentional killing in Islamic law. Abū
Dāwūd (4565) defines quasi-intentional homicide in following words: “When the devil incites
people to do evil, and blood is shed blindly, with neither malice aforethought nor bearing weapons.”

3.10 Punishments for Homicide

The above discussion reveals that the penal laws of Bangladesh do not treat the criminality of
homicide as seriously as is treated in Islamic law. So many acts have been driven out of the ambit of
murder and made into mere unlawful acts. It is all at the definitional level. The lack of seriousness
is more evident, when the issue of punishment comes forward. Even culpable homicide amounting
to murder is to be punished with “death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine”
(ibid, s. 302). Culpable homicide not amounting to murder is lighter than that of murder. If the act

Homicide in Islamic Law and Conventional Law as Applied in Bangladesh...

is done with intention of causing death, the punishment is imprisonment for life, or imprisonment
for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. If the act is done without
any intention to cause death, the punishment is imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten
years, or fine, or both (ibid, s. 304).
It is the common feature of proponents of secular laws that they portray themselves to
champion the dignity of human life. But when the punishment of the criminals – who have showed
no respect whatsoever to the dignity of human life – comes forward, they always propose very
soft punishment. By taking lenient position in favour of the criminals, they are, in fact degrading
human dignity

3.11 Prerogative of Mercy of the President

Another dissimilarity between the criminal law of Islam and that of Bangladesh is that in the
former it is the heir of the victim, not the head of the state or anybody else, who is empowered
to demand qiṣāṣ (equal punishment), or be satisfied with blood-money, or to forgive for nothing;
while in the latter the heirs have been deprived from such rights and instead the head of the state
has been vested with the power to pardon any criminal without showing any reason whatsoever.
Constitutionally, it is known as prerogative of mercy. The law says, “The President shall have
power to grant pardons, reprieves and respites and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence
passed by any court, tribunal or other authority. (The Constitution, Art. 49)” Moreover, though
Islamic law has kept the provision for the heirs of the victim to demand blood-money from the
murderer, there is no binding provision in the penal laws of Bangladesh to that effect.


Both Islamic law and the penal laws of Bangladesh treat homicide as a heinous crime. In punishing
the criminal, the former authorizes the heir of the victim, not the state, to choose any of the
three options: retaliation (qiṣāṣ), or blood-money (diyah), or forgiveness (ʿafw), while the latter
considers it as a crime against state and empowers the head of the state to pardon the criminal at his
sweet will with the exclusion of the heirs of the victim. In quasi-intentional homicide, both Islamic
law and the criminal law of the country exempt the criminal from death penalty, but the former
imposes blood-money in favour of the heirs of the victim (unless the remit) and the latter prescribes
imprisonment for different terms.

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Ibn Ḥanbal, Aḥmad. (1995) Musnad, Beirut: Muassasat al-Risālah.
Al-Bayhaqī. (2011). Al-Sunan al-Kabīr, Cairo: Dār Hijr.
Al-Bukhārī. (2001). Ṣaḥīh, Cairo: Dār al-Taqwā.

Manarat International University Studies, 4(1), 2015

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Al-Ṭabarānī. (2011). Al-Mu‘jam al-Ṣaghīr, Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah.
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Ibn Mājah. (2005). Sunan, Cairo: Dār al-Ḥadīth.
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