Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - PVT Behaviour of Pure Substances
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - PVT Behaviour of Pure Substances
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - PVT Behaviour of Pure Substances
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineeringg
Kongu Engineering College
Perundurai, TN, India
P-T Diagram
• A typical P-T diagram showing the relationship between pressure and temperature of pure substance is shown below:
• Measurement of the vapor pressure of a pure solid at temperature up to its triple point and measurement of the vapor pressure of the pure liquid at
temperatures above triple point, lead to P Vs T curves shown by lines 1-2 and 2- C
• The third line 2-3 gives the solid-liquid equilibrium relationship
• The three curves represent the conditions P and T at which two phases, and thus are
boundaries for the single phase regions
• All the three lines meet at the triple point (0.010C, 0.0061 bar), where the
three phases coexist in equilibrium.
• According to the phase rule, the triple point is invariant (F=0).
• If the system exists along any path of the two-phase lines, it is univariant (F=1), whereas in the single-phase regions it is divariant (F=2)
• Although the fusion curve 2-3 continues upward indefinitely, the vaporization curve 2-C terminates at point C, the critical point.
Critical Pressure and Critical Temperature
• The pressure and temperature corresponding to this point (Critical Point) are known as the critical pressure PC and critical temperature TC respectively.
These are the highest pressure and temperature at which a pure substance can exist in vapor-liquid equilibrium.
Process Thermodynamics, 2
Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
Process Thermodynamics, 3
Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
Fluid region : Exist at higher temperatures and pressures; marked off by dashed lines
A phase is generally considered as liquid, if it can be vaporized by reduction in
pressure at constant temperature
A phase is considered as gas, if it can be condensed by reduction of temperature
at constant pressure
• Since neither process occur in the area of dashed lines, it is called „Fluid Region‟
• The gas region is sometimes divided into two parts; as shown by the dotted line in
A gas to the left of this line, which can be condensed either by compression at
constant temperature or by cooling at constant pressure, is called vapor
The region everywhere to the right of this line T>Tc, including the fluid region, is
termed „supercritical‟
• Paths such as the one from A to B is fig. lead from the liquid region to the gas region
without crossing a phase boundary. The transition from liquid to gas is gradual.
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Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
Vapor Liquid Equilibrium
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Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
PTxy diagram for vapor/liquid equilibrium
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Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
• The under surface represents saturated-
vapor states, it is the P-T-y1 surface
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Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
• There are two types of solutions:
- Ideal Solutions which follows the Raoult's law
- Non Ideal Solutions which doesn't follows the Raoult's
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Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
• Within non-ideal solutions, some
solutions show positive deviation,
in which the intermolecular force
of attraction between the solute-
solute and solvent-solvent are
more stronger than solute-solvent
• The interaction between the solvent-solvent • The interaction between the solvent-solvent and
and solute-solute molecules are stronger than solute-solute molecules are weaker than solvent-
solvent-solute molecules which results in their solute molecules which results in their high
low boiling point boiling point
• Volume of the solution is lower than the sum of • Volume of the solution is higher than the sum of
the individual volumes of the constituents the individual volumes of the constituents
because of low solute-solvent molecular because of high solute-solvent molecular
interaction. interaction
• Enthalpy of the mixture of its constituents is • Enthalpy of the mixture of its constituents is
positive negative
• 96% ethanol solution forms a minimum boiling • 68% nitric acid solution forms a maximum
azeotrope boiling azeotrope
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Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN
Reference :
Smith J. M., Van Ness H. C. and Abbot M M., “Introduction to
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill,
Process Thermodynamics, 25
Ms.N.Deepa Priya , Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, TN