Besb Ect RD FP
Besb Ect RD FP
Besb Ect RD FP
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BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
Not to be photocopied except by permission of the BOSTER.
BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
This procedure describes the use the Eddy Current Technique (ECT), for the inspection of Heat
Exchanger tubes using Olympus NDT‟s MS5800 series of equipment. It outlines the Inspection
Principles, Equipment used, and Testing Procedure including the preparatory work to be
This procedure describes the use of Eddy Current Testing for detection of discontinuities in heat
exchanger tubes such as pitting, general wall loss due to corrosion, longitudinal cracks etc. using
standard bobbin probes. This procedure does not cover special applications, which involves
detection of circumferential cracks and cracking near the tube sheet.
This procedure covers ECT equipment manufactured by Olympus NDT, Canada however any
other equipments which full fill the basic requirements of ECT can also be utilised under this
Personnel performing eddy current examination shall be qualified (with the documented training
and certification) in accordance with BOSTER written practice BESB-ECT-RD-FP which has been
written in accordance with the requirements of SNT-TC-IA and CP: 189 standard of ANSI/ASNT
(2006).Evaluation of test results shall be by NDT Level II or NDT Level III.
This inspection procedure is for the MS5800 equipment and will comprise of the following
2. Laptop Computer with Multiview Software to run the equipment for Data Collection with
analysis and Carto Software for Tube Sheet Diagram.
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BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
Eddy current testing is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. In this inspection
technique a magnetic field is produced by an alternating current flowing through the test coil.
When the energized coil is brought close to, or placed in contact with, a conductive material,
eddy currents are induced in the material.
The induced eddy currents produce a magnetic field that opposes the field produced by the coil.
The net effect is to cause a change in the impedance of the test coil. This change in impedance
can be detected with a high degree of accuracy by the instrument circuits.
A change in test coil impedance can be caused by three fundamental physical and metallurgical
properties of the material that effect the amount of eddy current in the material under test. These
Inspection involves calibration of the system on a tube sample similar to the one being inspected.
This helps in obtaining the necessary information that serves as a comparator / baseline for
quantifying flaws on the actual tubes being inspected. This involves the preparation of a
calibration chart for inspection. Phase and Amplitude values changes measured during the
actual inspection are compared with values in the calibration chart and defects are thus
4.2.1 Electronics
The MS5800 series of inspection systems are fully digital, multi frequency, multi-channel
systems designed to inspect Heat Exchangers with powerful software for Quick Set-up, Data
Collection and Data Analysis. Communication with the PC is done through an RJC Connector for
fast and smooth data transfer. All the equipments are highly immune to ambient field
4.2.2 Software
MultiView is the R/D Tech software used for operating the MS5800 family of products. The
software runs on Windows NT & XP Platform and has three operating modes.
A) Set-up Mode: The set-up mode is used for all configuration operations such as probe
balancing, selection of calibration points, data acquisition and analysis configurations etc.
The software has an inbuilt wizard that helps in building up a set-up as and when the wall
thickness values are provided.
B) Data Collection Mode: The data collection mode is designed to perform inspections using
a predefined filing system.
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BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
C) Read back Mode: The read back mode is used to load and read data for analysis
4.3 Probes
i) Probe types
The probes used shall be bobbin type having differential coils. Straight bobbin type probe shall
be used for the normal tube while flexible bobbin type probe shall be used for “U” bend
inspection. The probe shall be selected such that the central frequency of the probe is closest to
the optimum testing frequency for a given tube material and wall thickness under test.
ii) Probe-size
The term fill factor is used to define a distance between the probe coil and the specimen. Fill
factor is a very crucial criterion in Eddy Current Testing. Hence the probes used for the
inspection should have a minimum fill factor of at least 80% or more. Probes with lower fill factor
values have less sensitivity to defects as compared to one with higher values. A down size probe
is always kept as back up during inspection.
5.1 Safety:
All safety rules pertaining to work in the specific area must be adhered to „Permit to
work‟ systems may vary between different operating plants and all personnel shall have
to familiarize themselves with the same and adhere to it al all times. Prior to the
application for the permit to work, an assessment of the location of the unit, identification
of any potential hazards is to be undertaken. It has to be ensured that safety
preparations and suitable safe scaffolding exist.
As the work involves Computers and Digital electronics, proper enclosures need to be
erected at the place of work to protect from heavy sunshine and unexpected rain.
Barriers need to be erected if adjacent cleaning work takes place. In the event of
thunder or lightning, work must be stopped immediately and equipment and power
supply need to be switched off and crew shall return to the ground.
Electrical sockets need to be exclusively available for supplying power and shall not be
shared with other activities to ensure equipment safety and proper functioning. The line
from which power is supplied must not be from a common junction box shared with other
people / ordinary power generators. Suitable power sockets that match the plant power
source must be used. It must be from a dedicated plant power socket. Proper
instructions that no one is to remove the power socket must be issued to prevent any
damage to equipment and quality of data collected.
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BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
Prior to the inspection a questionnaire will be send to the client. This form is to be
completed with essential and basic information about the equipment and site conditions.
Details required include – Unit Name and Number, Tube OD, Thickness, Material,
Length, Type (straight or U), baffle spacing, tube sheet drawing, and quantity of tubes to
be inspected, whether the unit is to be inspected in-situ or at the cleaning bay. A
Scheme of Examination highlighting work scope and anticipated problems need to be
made available well in advance to ensure smooth planning.
Cleaning the tubes adequately is one of the most important factors in getting a valid
inspection results. Experience has shown that this is true for all types of internal
inspection techniques. No amount of data analysis skills will be helpful in interpretation of
the data from dirty tubes having high signal to noise ratio.
The inside tube surface should be clean, preferably bare metal without any obstructions.
Hydro jetting has been an effective cleaning method in most cases. Cleaning crews
should be made aware that they are cleaning for an ECT inspection. The hydro jet lance
tip size should be matched to the tube I.D. to achieve the required level of cleaning. After
this the tube shall be dried using high-pressure air.
As in any matrix the rows run horizontal and the columns run vertically. Drawings
provided by the customer can provide standard numbering scheme. However if the
same is not available, the customer must approve the numbering scheme to be adopted.
This can be obtained through Carto or any other tube sheet diagram software. The client
shall specify the %age of the tubes to be inspected. These tubes shall be marked on
the tube sheet map.
1. One through hole of the diameter 1.30 mm for tubes up to 19.00 mm O.D or 1.8mm
for tubes above 19.00 mm O.D.
2. One FBH, (2.0 mm) in diameter x 80 % through the wall from O.D.
3. One FBH, (2.8 mm) in diameter x 60 % through the wall from O.D.
4. One FBH, (4.8 mm) in diameter x 40 % through the wall from O.D.
5. Four FBHs, (4.8 mm) in diameter x 20 % through the wall from O.D.90° apart each
through out the circumference
6. A 1.6 mm wide, 360° circumferential groove, 10 % through from the inner tube
For making the calibration standard the tube shall be defect free and the artificial flaws
shall be far enough from the end to avoid the interference due to the “end” effect.
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BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
6.1 Calibration:
Calibration is always performed in the lab prior to leaving for the job site. The same
calibration is then repeated at the job site. This assures that the overall system
experiences no interference by drift, changes in line voltage, or other RF interference at
the site.
The calibration is activated in the Set-up mode. The ECT set up wizard is used to create
an inspection set-up quickly. The set-up wizard allows carrying out the following
Calculate the optimum F90 frequency for the tube to inspect.
Select the number of frequencies, differential & absolute channels
Select a mix in order to eliminate a support plate
Select calibration points
Create report codes, measure channels, and phase depth curves
Determine the manner in which to calibrate the differential channel and the
absolute channels
Delete the current inspection list name and type a new one
Delete the current report file name and type a new one
Perform the calibration of the system and do the necessary mix for
baffle plates from the heat exchanger
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BOSTER QUALITY Boster Engineering Sdn Bhd (1047520-V)
Print “acquisition report” of important defect & Take screen capture for
the final report
Build your text report and add the saved pictures during the analysis
7.1 A record of inspection and results shall be reported on Standard BOSTER Report –
Format (Attachment-1). The Inspection report shall include a record indicating the
tubes examined (this may be marked on a tube sheet sketch or drawing), any
scanning limitations, the location and depth of each reported flaw, and identification
and certification level of the operators and data evaluators that conducted the
7.2 The Acceptance criteria for each equipment will vary based on the unit‟s age,
service history, operational requirements etc. Hence a discussion between the
concerned people from client side (Process, Operations, Maintenance and
Inspection) shall be called for to decide on the acceptance criteria for the particular
unit being inspected. Tubes that are to be repaired or removed from service, based
on eddy current inspection shall be identified.
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