Casio SGW100 Manual
Casio SGW100 Manual
Casio SGW100 Manual
General Guide
World Time Mode Stopwatch Mode
• The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between
• In any mode (except when a setting screen is on the display), press B to illuminate
the display.
• You can enter the Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode from the Timekeeping Mode
by pressing D. To enter from another mode, first use C to enter the Timekeeping
Mode, and then press D.
Press D. Press C.
Press C.
Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current Daylight Saving Time (DST) Setting
Month – Day
time and date. Daylight Saving Time (summer time) advances the time setting by one hour from
Day of week Standard Time. Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight
Read This Before You Set the Time and Date! Saving Time.
This watch is preset with a number of city codes, each of
which represents the time zone where that city is located. To toggle the Timekeeping Mode time between DST and Standard Time
When setting the time, it is important that you first select 1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the city
On/Off status
the correct city code for your Home City (the city where code starts to flash, which indicates the setting screen.
you normally use the watch). If your location is not 2. Press C once and the DST setting screen appears.
included in the preset city codes, select the preset city 3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (ON
code that is in the same time zone as your location. displayed) and Standard Time (OFF displayed).
Seconds • Note that all of the times for the World Time Mode city 4. Press A to exit the setting screen.
Hour : Minutes codes are displayed in accordance with the time and • The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight
date settings you configure in the Timekeeping Mode. Saving Time is turned on.
To set the time and date
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the city code starts to flash, which DST indicator
indicates the setting screen.
2. Use D and B to select the city code you want.
• Make sure you select your Home City code before changing any other setting. Digital Compass/Thermometer
• For full information on city codes, see the “City Code Table”.
3. Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown below to select the other You can take direction readings and temperature readings in the Digital Compass/
settings. Thermometer Mode.
Direction readings are taken by the watch’s built-in magnetic bearing sensor and
12/24-Hour displayed as one of 16 directions. A temperature sensor is used for temperature
City Code DST Second Hour
Format readings.
• See “Digital Compass” for more information about the digital compass.
Temperature • See “Thermometer” for more information about the thermometer.
Day Month Year Minute
To enter and exit the Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode
• The following steps explain how to configure timekeeping settings only. 12 o’clock position 1. While in the Timekeeping Mode, press D to enter the
4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is flashing, use D and/or B to Current time Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode.
change it as described below. • The watch will start to take direction and temperature
readings. After about two seconds, the direction that
Screen To do this: Do this: the 12 o’clock position of the watch is facing will be
Change the city code Use D (east) and B indicated and the current temperature reading will
(west). appear on the display.
• Direction readings will be taken each second for about
Toggle between Daylight Saving Time Press D. 10 seconds, and then stop automatically.
( ) and Standard Time ( ). During readings • Temperature readings will be taken every two
Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and Press D. ▲ About two seconds for about 10 seconds, and then stop
24-hour (24H) timekeeping. seconds
Reset the seconds to 00 Press D. • To perform direction and temperature readings for
another 10 seconds, press D again.
2. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
Change the hour or minute Use D (+) and B (–).
• For information about using the digital compass, see “To
take a direction reading”.
Change the year Use D (+) and B (–). • For information about using the thermometer, see “To
take a temperature reading”.
Change the month or day
The watch takes temperature readings automatically whenever you enter the Digital
5. Press A to exit the setting screen. Compass/Thermometer Mode. In addition, you can take readings manually by
• For details about configuring temperature display settings, see “To specify the performing the procedure below.
temperature display unit”. • You can calibrate the temperature sensor if you think readings are wrong for some
• See “Daylight Saving Time (DST) Setting” below for details about the DST setting. reason.
• You can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) as the temperature unit.
Operation Guide 3157
To take a temperature reading Note
In the Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode, press D. • Note that taking a measurement
• This will display the temperature reading. while the watch is not horizontal
• After the first reading, the watch will continue to take (in relation to the horizon) can
readings every two seconds for about 10 seconds. result in large measurement error.
• To perform temperature readings for another 10
seconds, press D again.
• The temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F). • The margin of error for the angle value and the direction indicator is ±11 degrees. If
• The display range of the thermometer screen is –10.0°C the indicated direction is northwest (NW) and 315 degrees, for example, the actual
Temperature to 60.0°C (or 14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature direction can be anywhere from 304 to 326 degrees.
display will show xxx if a temperature reading is • Any ongoing direction measurement operation is paused temporarily while the watch
outside the allowable range. is performing an alert operation (daily alarm, Hourly Time Signal, countdown timer
alarm) or while illumination is turned on (by pressing B). The measurement
operation resumes for its remaining duration after the operation that caused it to
• Sudden temperature changes can affect pressure sensor readings.
pause is finished.
• Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are
• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that
wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate
appear on the display.
temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well
ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It takes Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning
approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual North- East-
surrounding temperature. N North NNE northeast NE Northeast ENE northeast
East- South-
Temperature Sensor Calibration E East ESE southeast SE Southeast SSE southeast
The temperature sensor built into the watch is calibrated at the factory, and normally
South- West-
does not need any adjustment. However, if you feel that readings being produced by S South SSW southwest SW Southwest WSW southwest
the watch are not correct for some reason, you can calibrate the temperature sensor
West- North-
to correct them. W West WNW northwest NW Northwest NNW northwest
Important! • See “Digital Compass Precautions” for other important information about taking
• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings. direction readings.
Carefully read the following before doing anything.
Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and Digital Compass Precautions
accurate thermometer. This watch features a built-in magnetic bearing sensor that detects terrestrial
If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30 magnetism. This means that north indicated by this watch is magnetic north, which is
minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize. somewhat different from true polar north. The magnetic north pole is located in
northern Canada, while the magnetic south pole is in southern Australia. Note that the
To calibrate the temperature sensor difference between magnetic north and true north as measured with all magnetic
1. In the Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode, hold down compasses tends to be greater as one gets closer to either of the magnetic poles. You
A until the indicator at the 12 o’clock position starts to also should remember that some maps indicate true north (instead of magnetic north),
flash. and so you should make allowances when using such maps with this watch.
2. Press C twice and the current temperature calibration
value will flash on the display. This is the temperature Location
sensor calibration screen. • Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can
3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the calibration value. cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction
• To return the temperature sensor to its factory default readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets
Current temperature calibration (indicated by OFF on the display), press (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high
calibration value D and B at the same time. tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers,
4. To exit the calibration screen, press A. washing machines, freezers, etc.)
• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.
To specify the temperature display unit • Accurate readings also are impossible indoors, especially inside ferro-concrete
1. Enter the Timekeeping Mode. structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up
llll l 2. Hold down A until the city code starts to flash, which magnetism from appliances, etc.
lll lll
3. Press C nine times until the temperature display unit Storage
flashes on the display. • The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes
• See step 3 under “To set the time and date” for magnetized. Because of this, you should be sure to store the watch away from
information about how to scroll through setting magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets
screens. (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers,
4. Use D to switch between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F). washing machines, freezers, etc.)
5. Press A to exit the setting screen. • Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform one
of the calibration procedures under “Calibrating the Bearing Sensor”.
Digital Compass
The watch takes digital compass readings automatically whenever you enter the Calibrating the Bearing Sensor
Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode. In addition, you can take readings manually by If you feel that direction readings being produced by the watch are not correct for
performing the procedure below. some reason, you can calibrate the bearing sensor to correct them. You can use either
• See “Digital Compass Precautions” for important information about using the digital of two methods to calibrate the bearing sensor: bearing sensor correction or magnetic
compass. declination correction.
• You can calibrate the direction bearing if you think readings are wrong for some You also need to calibrate the bearing sensor if 100 days pass without calibration, and
reason. after you have the watch’s battery replaced. The message will appear on
• For a digital compass practical example, see “Using the Digital Compass While the display to remind you to calibrate.
Mountain Climbing or Hiking”.
• Bearing Sensor Correction
To take a direction reading With bearing sensor correction, you rotate the watch in accordance with the
Direction indicator 1. While the watch is in the Digital Compass/Thermometer movement of an on-screen indicator. Doing this will recalibrate the magnetic sensor
Mode, place it on a flat surface, or if you are wearing of the watch with magnetic North for the area where you are located.
12 o’clock North the watch, make sure that your wrist is horizontal (in
position pointer • Magnetic Declination Correction
relation to the horizon).
2. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the With magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle
direction you want to measure. (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to
3. Press D to start a Digital Compass measurement indicate true north.
operation. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on
• After about two seconds, the direction that the 12 the map you are using.
o’clock position of the watch is pointing appears on the Note that you can input the declination angle in degree units only, so you may need
display. to round off the value specified on the map. If your map indicates the declination
Angle value (in degrees) angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input
• A pointer on the display indicates magnetic north.
270° WN
0° • After the first reading is obtained, the watch continues to 7° or 8°.
take direction readings automatically each second, for
up to 10 seconds.
180° 90°
direction reading is complete indicates that bearing One movement of the One
second flashing indicator. second
sensor calibration is required due to either of the
reasons described below. When this happens, perform
the procedure under “Calibrating the Bearing Sensor”.
1. Remove the watch from your wrist, and position it so its back is parallel with the
• It’s been 100 days since the last bearing sensor
ground and the 12 o’clock position is pointed away from you.
2. In the Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode, hold down A until the indicator at the
• The watch’s battery was replaced.
12 o’clock position starts to flash. This is the calibration screen.
• While the watch is taking compass readings, it displays
3. Press D.
a direction angle and a direction indicator, all of which
• The flashing indicator will move clockwise on the face of the watch with each
change dynamically when the watch is moved. The
passing second.
direction angle, direction indicator and direction pointer
4. Each time the indicator moves, rotate the watch so the indicator remains pointed
all disappear from the display after the compass reading
away from you.
operation is complete. Use the direction indicators
5. After the flashing indicator completes two full trips around the display (and you
imprinted on the bezel to record the indicated direction.
rotate the watch twice), press C.
For details, see “Using the Digital Compass While
Mountain Climbing or Hiking”. • This completes calibration and exits the calibration screen. The message will
appear on the display for about one second, and then a direction reading operation
will be performed automatically.
Operation Guide 3157
World Time
• If you want to cancel bearing sensor correction, press D in step 5 instead of C. World Time displays the current time in 48 cities (29 time
Timekeeping zones) around the world.
This will return to the screen in step 2. From there you can press A to exit the Mode time
calibration screen. • If the current time shown for a city is wrong, check your
City code Home City time settings and make the necessary
• The indicator will go around the display up to four times, if you do not stop it by
pressing C. After the fourth time, the watch will exit the calibration screen changes.
automatically. • All of the operations in this section are performed in the
World Time Mode, which you enter by pressing C.
To perform magnetic declination correction
To view the time in another city
Magnetic Magnetic 1. In the Digital Compass/Thermometer Mode, hold down
In the World Time Mode, use D (east) to scroll through
declination declination A until the indicator at the 12 o’clock position starts to
angle value angle direction city codes (time zones).
flash. This is the calibration screen.
• For full information on city codes, see the “City Code
2. Press C.
• The magnetic declination angle and magnetic
Current time in the zone
declination angle direction will flash on the display. of the selected city code
3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the magnetic
declination angle and magnetic declination angle To toggle a city code time between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time
direction settings. 1. In the World Time Mode, use D (east) to display the
DST indicator city code (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight
• You can select a value within the range of 90° W to 90° E with these settings. Saving Time setting you want to change.
• The following explains magnetic declination angle direction settings. 2. Hold down A to toggle between Daylight Saving Time
0 OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed. The magnetic (DST indicator displayed) and Standard Time (DST
declination angle with this setting is 0°. indicator not displayed).
E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination) • The DST indicator appears on the display whenever you
W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination) display a city code for which Daylight Saving Time is
• You can turn off (0 OFF) magnetic declination correction (which effectively makes turned on.
the magnetic declination angle: 0°) by pressing D and B at the same time. • Note that the DST/Standard Time setting affects only the
• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction currently displayed city code. Other city codes are not
setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 1° West. affected.
4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.
Using the Digital Compass While Mountain Climbing or Hiking Stopwatch
This section describes three real-life situations where you could use the watch’s built-
in digital compass. The stopwatch lets you measure elapsed time, split times,
Current time
• To set a map and find your current location and two finishes.
Having an idea of your current location is important when mountain climbing or • The display range of the stopwatch is 59 minutes, 59.99
hiking. To do this, you need to “set the map”, which means to align the map so the seconds.
directions indicated on it are aligned with the actual directions of your location. • The stopwatch continues to run, restarting from zero
Basically what you are doing is aligning north on the map with north as indicated by after it reaches its limit, until you stop it.
the watch. • The stopwatch measurement operation continues even
• To find the bearing to an objective if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen
To set a map and find your current location Minutes Seconds on the display clears the split time and returns to
1. With the watch on your wrist, position it so the face is elapsed time measurement.
North indicated horizontal. • All of the operations in this section are performed in the
on the map 1/100 second
2. In the Timekeeping Mode, press D to take a compass Stopwatch Mode, which you enter by pressing C.
• The reading will appear on the display after about two To measure times with the stopwatch
seconds. Elapsed Time
3. Rotate the map without moving the watch so the
northerly direction indicated on the map matches north
as indicated by the watch. Start Stop Re-start Stop Clear
N location • If the watch is configured to indicate magnetic north,
align the map’s magnetic north with the watch Split Time
indication. If the watch has been configured with a D JA JA JD JA
declination to correct to true north, align the map’s
Start Split Split release Stop Clear
true north with the watch indication.
N •This will position the map in accordance with your (SPL displayed)
current location. Two Finishes
North indicated by 4. Determine your location as you check the geographic D JA JD JA JA
north pointer contours around you. Start Split Stop Split release Clear
To find the bearing to an objective First runner Second runner Display time of
1. Take a compass reading and then set the map so its finishes. finishes. second runner.
northerly indication is aligned with north as indicated by Display time of
N the watch, and determine your current location. first runner.
• See “To set a map and find your current location” for
information about how to perform the above step.
Objective 2. Set the map so the direction you want to travel on the Countdown Timer
map is pointed straight in front of you. You can set the countdown timer within a range of one
Current 3. With the watch on your wrist, position it so the face is Current time
location minute to 24 hours. An alarm sounds when the countdown
horizontal. reaches zero.
4. In the Timekeeping Mode, press D to take a compass • You also can select auto-repeat, which automatically
N 12 o’clock
position reading. restarts the countdown from the original value you set
• The reading will appear on the display after about two whenever zero is reached.
seconds. • All of the operations in this section are performed in the
5. Still holding the map in front of you, turn your body until Countdown Timer Mode, which you enter by pressing
north as indicated by the watch and the northerly C.
direction on the map are aligned. Hours Minutes
• This will position the map relative to your current location, so the bearing to your Seconds
objective is straight ahead of you.
To configure countdown start time and auto-repeat settings
1. While the countdown start time is on the display in the
Questions & Answers Countdown Timer Mode, hold down A until the hour
Question: What causes incorrect direction readings? setting of the countdown start time starts to flash, which
Answer: indicates the setting screen.
• Nearby source of strong magnetism, such as a household appliance, a large steel • If the countdown start time is not displayed, use the
bridge, a steel beam, overhead wires, etc., or an attempt to perform direction procedure under “To use the countdown timer” to
measurement on a train, boat, etc. Move away from large metal objects and try display it.
again. Note that digital compass operation cannot be performed inside a train, boat, 2. Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown
etc. below, and select the setting you want to change.
Question: What causes different direction readings to produce different results Start Time Start Time Auto-Repeat
at the same location ? (Hours) (Minutes) On/Off
Answer: Magnetism generated by nearby high-tension wires is interfering with
detection of terrestrial magnetism. Move away from the high-tension wires
and try again. 3. Perform the following operations, depending on which
setting is currently selected on the display.
Question: Why am I having problems taking direction readings indoors ? Auto-repeat on indicator • While the start time setting is flashing, use D (+) and
Answer: A TV, personal computer, speakers, or some other object is interfering with B (–) to change it.
terrestrial magnetism readings. Move away from the object causing the
• Set 0:00 to specify 24 hours.
interference or take the direction reading outdoors. Indoor direction readings
• While the auto-repeat on/off setting (0N or 0FF) is flashing on the display, press
are particularly difficult inside ferro-concrete structures. Remember that you
D to toggle auto-repeat on (0N) and off (0FF).
will not be able to take direction readings inside of trains, airplanes, etc.
4. Press A to exit the setting screen.
• The auto-repeat on indicator ( ) is displayed on the Countdown Timer Mode
screen while this function is turned on.
• Frequent use of auto-repeat and the alarm can run down battery power.
Operation Guide 3157
This section contains more detailed and technical information about watch operation.
To use the countdown timer
It also contains important precautions and notes about the various features and
Press D while in the Countdown Timer Mode to start the countdown timer.
functions of this watch.
• When the end of the countdown is reached and auto-repeat is turned off, the alarm
sounds for 10 seconds or until you stop it by pressing any button. The countdown
time is automatically reset to its starting value after the alarm stops. Auto Return Feature
• When auto-repeat is turned on, the countdown will restart automatically without • The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not perform
pausing when it reaches zero. The alarm sounds to signal when the countdown any operation for about two or three minutes while in the Digital Compass/
reaches zero. Thermometer Mode or Alarm Mode.
• The countdown timer measurement operation continues even if you exit the • If you leave a screen with flashing digits on the display without performing any
Countdown Timer Mode. operation for two or three minutes, the watch saves any settings you have made up
• To stop a countdown operation completely, first pause it (by pressing D), and then to that point and exits the setting screen automatically.
press A. This returns the countdown time to its starting value.
Button Operation Tone
The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You
Alarms can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.
• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, hourly time signal, and
The Alarm Mode gives you a choice of four one-time Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.
Current time
alarms and one snooze alarm.
Alarm number Also use the Alarm Mode to turn the hourly time signal To turn the button operation tone on and off
(SIG) on and off. In any mode (except when a setting screen is on the
• There are five alarms numbered AL1through AL4, Mute indicator display), hold down C to toggle the button operation tone
and SNZ. You can configure SNZ as a snooze alarm on ( not displayed) and off ( displayed).
only. Alarms AL1through AL4 can be used as one- • Since the C button also is the mode change button,
time alarms only. holding it down to turn the button operation on or off also
• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were causes the watch’s current mode to change.
viewing when you last exited the mode appears first. • The indicator is displayed in all modes when the
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the button operation tone is turned off.
Alarm time Alarm Mode, which you enter by pressing C.
(Hour : Minutes)
To set an alarm time Data and Setting Scrolling
1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to scroll through the alarm The B and D buttons are used in various modes and setting screens to scroll
screens until the one whose time you want to set is through data on the display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll
displayed. operation scrolls through the data at high speed.
D Sensor Error and Low Battery Displays
AL1 AL2 AL3 Subjecting the watch to strong impact can damage the sensor or cause internal
connection problems. These conditions will cause (error) to appear on the
display, indicating that sensor operation is disabled.
SIG SNZ AL4 Sensor operation also is disabled whenever (battery) is on the display, which
Alarm on indicator indicates insufficient battery power or voltage due to a low battery or a cold
2. Hold down A until the hour setting of the alarm time start to flash, which indicates • If an error occurs or the battery goes low during sensor operation, or will
the setting screen. appear in the upper right of the display for about 10 seconds, and then change to
• This automatically turns on the alarm. ---.
3. Press C to move the flashing between the hour and minute settings.
4. While a setting is flashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.
• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time
correctly as a.m. (no indicator) or p.m. (P indicator).
5. Press A to exit the setting screen.
Alarm Operation
The alarm tone sounds at the preset time for 10 seconds, regardless of the mode the
watch is in. In the case of the snooze alarm, the alarm operation is performed a total
of seven times, every five minutes, until you turn the alarm off. • If an error occurs or the battery goes low during bearing sensor correction, or
• Alarm and hourly time signal operations are performed in accordance with the will appear in the upper right of the display for about one second, and then the
Timekeeping Mode time. calibration screen will appear. Try performing calibration again.
• To stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound, press any button. • If an error occurs or the battery goes low during temperature sensor calibration,
• Performing any one of the following operations during a 5-minute interval between or will appear on the display for about one second. Next, xxx will flash for the
snooze alarms cancels the current snooze alarm operation. temperature value in the center of the display.
Displaying the Timekeeping Mode setting screen This indicates that temperature sensor calibration is not possible. Press A to exit
Displaying the SNZ setting screen the calibration screen, and then try performing temperature sensor calibration again.
• If the message appears frequently, it could mean the sensor is malfunctioning.
To test the alarm
In the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.
Whenever you have a sensor malfunction, be sure to take the watch to your original
To turn an alarm and the hourly time signal on and off dealer or nearest authorized CASIO distributor as soon as possible.
1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to select an alarm or the hourly time signal.
2. When the alarm or the hourly time signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it Timekeeping
on and off. • Resetting the seconds to 00 while the current count is in the range of 30 to 59
: Indicates alarm is on. causes the minutes to be increased by 1. In the range of 00 to 29, the seconds are
: Indicates snooze alarm is on. reset to 00 without changing the minutes.
: Indicates Hourly Time Signal is on. • With the 12-hour format, the P (PM) indicator appears on the display for times in the
• The alarm on indicator ( ), snooze on indicator ( ), and hourly time range of noon to 11:59 p.m. and no indicator appears for times in the range of
signal on indicator ( ) are displayed on all modes. midnight to 11:59 a.m.
• If any alarm is on, the alarm on indicator is shown on the display in all modes. • With the 24-hour format, times are displayed in the range of 0:00 to 23:59, without
any indicator.
Illumination • The year can be set in the range of 2000 to 2099.
• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month
This watch has an EL (electro-luminescent) panel that lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change
causes the entire display to glow for easy reading in the it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.
dark. • The times for the Timekeeping Mode and all the city codes of the World Time Mode
• The electro-luminescent panel that provides illumination are calculated in accordance with each city’s UTC offset.
loses power after very long use. • The UTC offset is a value that indicates the time difference between a reference
• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under point in Greenwich, England and the time zone where a city is located.
direct sunlight. • The letters UTC is the abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time, which is the
• The watch may emit an audible sound whenever the world-wide scientific standard of timekeeping. It is based upon carefully maintained
display is illuminated. This is due to vibration of the EL atomic (cesium) clocks that keep time accurately to within microseconds. Leap
panel used for illumination, and does not indicate seconds are added or subtracted as necessary to keep UTC in sync with the Earth’s
malfunction. rotation.
• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm
• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.
To turn on illumination
In any mode (except when a setting screen is on the display), press B to illuminate
the display for about one second.
Operation Guide 3157
City Code Table
City UTC
Code City Offset
PPG Pago Pago –11.0
HNL Honolulu –10.0
ANC Anchorage –09.0
YVR Vancouver
LAX Los Angeles –08.0
YEA Edmonton
DEN Denver –07.0
MEX Mexico City
CHI Chicago –06.0
MIA Miami
YTO Toronto –05.0
NYC New York
SCL Santiago
YHZ Halifax –04.0
YYT St. Johns –03.5
RIO Rio De Janeiro –03.0
RAI Praia –01.0
LIS Lisbon
LON London +00.0
MAD Madrid
PAR Paris
ROM Rome +01.0
BER Berlin
STO Stockholm
ATH Athens
CAI Cairo +02.0
JRS Jerusalem
MOW Moscow
JED Jeddah +03.0
THR Tehran +03.5
DXB Dubai +04.0
KBL Kabul +04.5
KHI Karachi +05.0
DEL Delhi +05.5
DAC Dhaka +06.0
RGN Yangon +06.5
BKK Bangkok +07.0
SIN Singapore
HKG Hong Kong
BJS Beijing
TPE Taipei
SEL Seoul
TYO Tokyo +09.0
ADL Adelaide +09.5
GUM Guam
SYD Sydney +10.0
NOU Noumea +11.0
WLG Wellington +12.0