False Class Conciousness
False Class Conciousness
False Class Conciousness
Marxand further developed by social theorists who came after him. Class
consciousness refers to the awareness of a social or economic class of their
position and interests within the economic order and social system. In contrast,
false consciousness is a perception of one's relationships to social and economic
systems as individual in nature, and a failure to see oneself as a part of a class
with particular class interests relative to the economic order and social system.
Marx's concept of class consciousness is a core piece of his theory of class conflict,
which focuses on the social, economic, and political relationships between
workers and owners within a capitalist economic system. A class consciousness is
an awareness of one's social and/or economic class relative to others, and the
economic rank of this class within society. To have a class consciousness is to
understand the social and economic characteristics of the class of which one is a
member, and an understanding of the collective interests of their class within the
given socio-economic and political orders.
Within Marxist theory, the capitalist system was one rooted in class conflict--
specifically, the economic exploitation of the proletariat (the workers) by the
bourgeoisie (those owned and controlled production). Marx reasoned that this
system only functioned so long as the workers did not recognize their unity as a
class of laborers, their shared economic and political interests, and the power
inherent in their numbers.
Marx argued that when workers realized all of these things, they would then have
a class consciousness, which would lead to a revolution of workers that would
overthrow the exploitative system of capitalism.
According to Marx and other social theorists who followed, a false consciousness
is dangerous because it encourages people to think and act in ways that are
counter to their economic, social, and political self-interests.
Marx believed that this served to hide the fact that relations of production within
capitalism are actually relationships between people, and that as such, they are
Italian scholar, writer, and activist Antonio Gramsci built on Marx's theory by
explaining further the ideological component of false consciousness. Gramsci
argued that a process of cultural hegemony guided by those holding economic,
social, and cultural power in society produced a "common sense" way of thinking
that provided legitimacy for the status quo. He explained that by believing in the
common sense of one's age, a person actually consents to the conditions of
exploitation and domination that one experiences. This common sense, the
ideology that produces false consciousness, is actually a misrepresentation and
misunderstanding of the social relations that define the economic, social, and
political systems.
Decades worth of demographic data show us that the American Dream and its
promise of upward mobility is largely a myth. Instead, the economic class that
one is born into is the primary determinant of how one will fair economically as
an adult. But, so long as a person believes in this myth, they live and operate with
a false consciousness rather than a class consciousness that recognizes the way
that the economic system is designed to spare only the tiniest amount of money
to workers while funneling money to the owners, executives, and financiers at the