Operational Risk Data SRM

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Operational Risk
1• Calculate the regulatory capital using the basic indicator approach and the standardized
2• Explain the Basel Committee’s requirements for the advanced measurement approach
(AMA) and their seven categories of operational risk.
3• Explain how to get a loss distribution from the loss frequency distribution and the loss
severity distribution using Monte Carlo simulations.
4• Describe the common data issues that can introduce inaccuracies and biases in the
estimation of loss frequency and severity distributions.
5• Describe how to use scenario analysis in instances when there is scarce data.
6• Describe how to identify causal relationships and how to use risk and control self
assessment (RCSA) and key risk indicators (KRIs) to measure and manage operational risks.
7• Describe the allocation of operational risk capital and the use of scorecards.

8• Explain how to use the power law to measure operational risk.

9• Explain the risks of moral hazard and adverse selection when using insurance to mitigate
operational risks

AIM 5-1
Calculate the regulatory capital using the basic indicator approach and the
standardized approach

three options available for the calculation of operational risk regulatory capital
1. Basic Indicator Approach
2. Standardized Approach
3. Advanced Measurement Approach
Basic indicator approach (BIA):
• - An aggregate measure of business activity: fee income, operating costs, or assets.
The capital charge equals a fixed percentage (alpha factor) of the exposure
indicator(EI, currently defined as gross income under BIA and SA):
• - Currently, α has been set at approximately 15%.
• - Advantage: Simple, transparent, and uses readily available data.
- Problems:
• (i) Understate the ORC if the bank reported a weak profitability performance.
• (ii) Does not account for the quality of controls. As a result, this approach is
expected to be mainly used by non-sophisticated banks.
Standardized approach (SA):
• - This divides the bank’s activities into a number of standardized business units. Each business
line is then characterized by an exposure indicator ,taken as gross income for simplicity. The
capital charge is obtained by multiplying each exposure indicator by a fixed percentage (beta
factor) and summing across business lines.

• Advantage: Still simple but better reflects varying risks across business lines.

AIM 5-2
Explain the Basel Committee’s requirements for the advanced measurement
approach (AMA) and their seven categories of operational risk

Advanced measurement approach (AMA):

• - AMA as the most flexible approach for operational risk quantification
allows the bank to build its own internal operational risk model and
measurement system in the estimation of required capital, comparable to
market risk standards.
Additional “Qualitative criteria” need to be meet for banks planning to use
• (i) Banks must have an independent risk management function for
operational risk.
• (ii) The financial institution’s internal operational risk measurement
system shall be closely integrated into its day-to-day risk management
• (iii) There must be regular reporting of operational risk exposures and loss
experience. Financial institution shall have procedures for taking
appropriate corrective action.
• (iv) The financial institution’s risk management system must be well
documented. The financial institution shall have routines in place for
ensuring compliance and policies for the treatment of non-compliance.
• (v) The operational risk management processes and measurement systems
shall be subject to regular reviews performed by internal and/or external
• (vi) The validation of the operational risk measurement system by the
competent authorities shall include the following elements: (a) Verifying
that the internal validation processes are operating in a satisfactory
manner; (b) Making sure that data flows and processes associated with
the risk measurement system are transparent and accessible.

Additional “Quantitative criteria” need to be meet:

• (i) Internal data: The financial institution must track internal loss data measured
over a minimum period of five years.
• (ii) External data: The financial institution must external data.
• (iii) Scenario analyses: The financial institution must use scenario analyses to
evaluate their exposure to high severity event.
• (iv) Bank must take into account the business environment and internal control
• (v) Insurance can be used to offset up to 20% of ORC.
Seven categories of operational risk
1. Internal fraud
2. External fraud
3. Employment practices and workplace safety
4. Clients, products, and business practices
5. Damage to physical assets
6. Business disruption and system failures
7. Execution, delivery, and process management
AIM 5-3
Explain how to get a loss distribution from the loss frequency distribution and the loss
severity distribution using Monte Carlo simulations

Structure/steps of LDA:
- Step (1): Organize and group loss data into a “BL/ET matrix” that corresponds to
LDA model. Basel II requires that all internal loss data be clearly mapped into
seven operational risk ET and eight BL, which produces 56 units of measure.
- Step (2): Assign an equal weight on every data point in the matrix, except for split
losses (losses are assigned to more than one business line), old losses, and
external losses and scenario.
- Step (3): Model a loss distribution in each cell of the matrix based on actuarial
approach by separately deriving “distribution for event frequency” and
“distribution for severity” and then combining them using the Monte Carlo
simulation. The loss distributions for various types of operational risk events are
then aggregated through the modeling of their dependence structure to generate
the aggregate loss distribution.
- Step (4): Determine capital requirement at the required confidence level. Then
allocated capital for each business line by combining empirical distributions and
parametric distributions.

BL/ET matrix
AIM 5-4
Describe the common data issues that can introduce inaccuracies and biases
in the estimation of loss frequency and severity distributions

Dominance of high-severity, low-frequency losses

• - LFHS losses tend to dominate when one estimates high quantiles of the total
annual loss distribution in the LDA computation, not only in terms of the value of
the estimate, but also in terms of the uncertainty around this estimate.
Negative diversification benefits
• - When using quantiles of the loss distribution (often referred to as Value-at-Risk)
to measure risk, negative diversification benefits are often observed in heavy-
tailed losses. Value-at-Risk is an incoherent risk measure and therefore can exhibit
negative diversification benefits.
• - This effect can occur even when the losses in different units of measure are
independent. The heaviness of the tail of the loss distributions has much more to
do with the overall diversification benefit than does the correlation and
dependence structure.
• - The heavier-tailed that the distributions are, the smaller the diversification
benefit will be.
• - LFHS losses not only dominate the capital estimates, but the presence of one or
more such distributions among the units of measure may further inflate the
overall capital estimates by reducing the overall diversification benefit.

Sensitivity to loss categorization

• - LDA can be sensitive to how the losses are pooled. Units of measure may
be organized according to business line and event type categories as
described in the Basel II regulation. However, there is typically a very
uneven distribution of losses across the BL/ET matrix.
• - For example, two units of measure that appear to have similar
distributions will typically give lower capital values when pooled than if
they are modeled separately
While the LDA is conceptually appealing and straightforward, there are
numerous issues in implementing the method. These issues may be
classified into four main areas:
• - Data sets.
• - Annual loss distributions.
• - Dependence modeling.
• - Simulation (computational issues)

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