00 Oracle DBSecReview Checklist en v1.6
00 Oracle DBSecReview Checklist en v1.6
00 Oracle DBSecReview Checklist en v1.6
DB Sec. Review:
Checklist for
analyzing the script
Table of contents
1 Summary______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
2 Configuration __________________________________________________________________________________ 4
2.1 OS Access control configuration ______________________________________________________________ 5
2.2 SQL*Net Configuration _____________________________________________________________________ 5
2.1 Patch history ______________________________________________________________________________ 6
3 Auditing ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7
4 Availability ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8
5 Access Control _________________________________________________________________________________ 9
6 Additional Information _________________________________________________________________________ 11
Change history
Name Position
Carsten Muetzlitz
This checklist can be use to check the outcome logs from DB Sec. Review scripts.
The scripts are divided into several areas. Each area will generate a log file. For the analyzing these
log-files will be used for reviewing the database.
E.g. the first script outcome is the log-file 01_configuration11g.log which was generated by SQL-script
Within the SQL-script and log-file you will get above the select or generated outcome a so called SQL
identifier. This identifier will be used in this checklist, what we suggest to do with SQL select or
outcome. Be aware this is only a suggestion and maybe this checklist is not complete. Maybe you
think differently and finding other ways to analyze. Then it is your responsibility to create your own
checklist and execute you way of doing a DB Sec. Review. There is not only one way there are lot of
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Please follow the sql identifiers and the review suggestions for configuration.
1001. Check the DB SID? DB creation date? LOG_MODE status? Flashback enabled? New
patches available / patches installed?
1002. DB version? Are patches available? Was this patch before creation date available?
1003. Installed options? We do not cover option-review; this is not an LMS service!
1003.1 : Used DB Options
Please comment the SQL Statement if the customer want this.
1004. OEM packs in use? Pack access granted, pack access agreed? We do not cover option-
review; this is not an LMS service!
Please comment the SQL Statement if the customer want this.
1005. Old EM 9i repository in use? Do the customer use old OEM java fat client
1006. Network Encryption in use? Look for encryption algorithm, if no, then ASO was not used, we
do not cover options, this is not an LMS service!
1007. Check init.ora parameters.
1007.1 checks some hidden parameters. Comments are in the script.
1008. Check if UTL_FILE_DIR and directories are in use? Are they double entries? If yes, why?
1009. Check OPEN_LINKS parameter, how many DB Links in use? Is the configuration setup of the
DB Links ok?
1010. Check the tuning parameters.
1011. Check the control files status. Are they multiplexed?
1012. Check the redo log files status. Are they multiplexed? At least to members per Group?
1013. Check the Archive Log status? Enabled?
1014. Check the tablespaces information. Only standard oracle tablespaces, or customized
1015. Check the tablespace extents. Are the tablespaces local managements?
1016. Check the tablespace contents. Permanent content?
1017. Check the TMP tablespace. Just for information.
1018. Check the TMP tablespaces size. Just for information.
1019. Check the TEMP extent pool. Just for information.
1020. Check the TMP tablespace used size. Just for information.
1021. Check the Data Files. Data file fragmentations? Please as well output of 3004 and 1005
Only if no locale managed tablespace then fragmentation could be problem, story
1022. Check the SYSTEM Tablespace objects.
1023. Check which user has wrong default tablespace (SYSTEM).
1024. Check the SYSAUX tablespace status. Just information which internal Oracle objects will be
1025. Check the dependencies others then Oracle internal. See if important functions will be
1026. Check all Synonyms linked with external database.
1027. Check Comments on History. Upgraded from? Patchset?
1028. Oracle Standard USERS installed? Are they really used? Answer from interview, what does
the customer need and use.
1029. Standard Oracle DB Users with default password (if 10g DB in use)?
1030. Standard Oracle DB Users with default password (if 11g DB in use, with view
1030.1 DB Users and password hashes. Can be used to crack the passwords with john the
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Please do not log hashes, if the customer do not want.
1031. Check the Password File users. How many SYSDBAs and SYSOPERS and SYSASMs?
1032. Check the Profiles. Anything changed from standard? How many user groups, how many
profiles, differences in profiles?
1033. Check the security related profile information!
1034. Check the Password Verify Function. Rootkit installed, logic clear?
1035. DB links setup?
1036. Maybe the USER from DB Link exists in this database:
Check Users and Roles with the same Privileges -> DB Link User/Remote User and Local
User! Same as 4013 in ACL
1037. Wallets in use?
1038. Check the DBA_WALLET_ACLS!
1039. Triggers in use? Logon Triggers etc.
1040. Check the ACLs for Network Packages (HOST).
1041. Which ACLs for Network Packages are in database?
1042. XMLDB in use? HTTP, FTP etc.
1043. Check OS ACLs
1044. Check embedded Gateway for APEX
1045. Check SQL*Net Configuration
1046. Check what is really installed
1047. Check patch history
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Please follow the sql identifiers and the review suggestions for auditing.
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Please follow the sql identifiers and the review suggestions for availability.
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Please follow the sql identifiers and the review suggestions for access control.
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The script 04_acl11g.sql will generate not only the log-file. Some additional csv-files will be generated.
These files focusing on access control in database. For a better analyzing we have setup a little load-
tool to bring the data into a database and start the analyzing in the database. You will find the tool in
this folder EvaluationDBSetup/. After Loading you can start your own queries. The file
Select_Collection4ACL.sql do have some examples for you collected.
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Please follow the sql identifiers and the review suggestions for additional information.
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