Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

Chapter 1

Theoretical Background

1.1 introduction
Induction heater using resonant inverter with feedback using phase looked loop
combines two phenomenon: 1 induction 2. Resonance

Problem statement
The technology is moving at a rapid pace and there is improvement in a spheres of human
life. There is a constant struggle to achieve betterment and perfection. In this regard,
heating materials of forge and shape those according to the need has been a basic tool
in construction and production. Generally, the materials are heated by burning fossils
fuels and waste materials which discharge toxic gases in our environment and has put a
considerable burden on our natural ecosystem .moreover this method is not efficient since
the heat is not confined to remain in the system .in this regard, induction furnace provides
a practical solution of heating metals efficiently using modern control and power
management techniques and on same note preserve the environment as well.

Central Idea
Induction furnace is a type of furnace which does not contain direct heating by flame or
by any material burning inside it rather we heat the material using phenomenon of
induction .This employs a simple theory of alternate current passing through a coil which
induce current or magnetism in the nearby coil or metal. This flowing current helps in
heating of the metal. To achieve the task we will employ a resonant inverter .Resonant
inverter is used to convert DC to high frequency AC by switching the transistor at a rapid
rate. This generates the required high frequency alternating current which passes through
the coil to heat the metal. The inclusion of PPL tracks the resonant frequency .This project
aims to creating an environment friendly and efficient furnace that is used in different
heating applications including of metal such as aluminum to forge and melt it .

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

Figure 1.1: Block diagram

1.1.1 Induction
The concept of electromagnetic induction was proposed by Michael Faraday in his first
demonstration on August 29,1831 .In his experiment ,he showed that when two wires are
wound close to each other on the iron core, similar to toroidal transformer, then passing
a current through one coil reasons a wave of electricity in the other coil. The detection
was possible by connecting a galvanometer to obtain an indication .Induction was
possible due to the change in magnetic field .Thus it was found that by varying the
magnetic field rapidly ,the amount of disturbance observed on galvanometer was
increased .The result of the experiment were that induction is due to varying magnetic
field. It does not if a permanent magnet is brought near the coil or coil is brought near the
permanent magnet ,induction will take place .Induction heating is applied by connecting
an electrical oscillator which passes highly varying AC current through an electromagnet

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

.This electromagnet couples its highly varying magnetic field with the work piece inducing
eddy current causing joule heating .
The equation in physics that define the experiment is called faraday Law of
electromagnetic Induction .The more generalized form of the equation also incorporating
the relationship between changing magnetic and electric field is called Maxwell –Faraday

1.1.2 Resonance
Resonance is a phenomenon in which an external system vibrating at a particular
frequency causes another system to vibrate with the same frequency but with a greater
amplitude .The vibrational storage element stores energy at resonant frequency.
In electrical system resonance is defined as the matching of oscillation frequency of
system with the frequency of LC tank filter offering minimum and maximum impedance in
case of series and parallel circuit respectively.
Electrical resonant circuit can be divided into two main categories
1. Series Resonant Circuit
2. Parallel Resonant Circuit

1.2 Resonant Inverter

Resonant Inverter deploys a high frequency inverter which oscillates at the natural
frequency of the LC tank filter circuit effectively canceling the inductive and capacitive
reactance losses most suitable for high frequency applications are based on resonant
current oscillations. The disadvantage of PWM control can be eliminated if the output
voltage or current of the inverter is force to passes through zero by using an LC resonant
circuit. A resonant converter contains a network of inductors and capacitor called a
“resonant tank “, tuned to resonate at a specific frequency. The tank current as well as
the load voltage and load current have essentially the sinusoidal waveform having
frequency equal to resonance frequency with negligible harmonic. By changing the
switching frequency (closer to or further) from the resonant frequency, the magnitudes of
tank load voltage and current can be controlled. Hence power can be controlled via
frequency. The resonant frequency must can be set taking into account the effect of
heating achieved through it. The skin effect which occurs at frequency higher than 50 KHz
causes heating on surface periphery rather than in depth. This effect is explained in later
section 1.5.
Depending upon the switching sequences the inverter can be operated in two modes:

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

In non-overlapping mode, the transistor is turned on while the freewheeling diode in the
other transistor stop conducting, and in overlapping region the transistor is turned on while
the freewheeling diode still conducting .
Resonant converter are broadly classified into eight categories:
1-Series Resonant Inverter
2-parallel Resonant Inverter
3-Zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) resonant converters
4-Zero-current-switching (ZCS) resonant converters
5- Class E resonant converters
6-Class E resonant rectifiers
7-Two-quadrant ZVS resonant converters
8-Resonant dc-link inverters
Other than these we can have LCC, LCLR (Series –parallel mixed) type tank network at
the output of inverter. Which changes the transfer function.
For our project, we require high frequency AC at minimum switching loss, so we focus on
series and parallel topologies, with ZVS and ZCS. For tracking resonance frequency PLL
is implemented for both series as well as parallel tanks.

1.3 Series Resonant Inverter

Inverter utilizing the series resonant tank network are known as the series resonant
Inverter. To understand the working of series resonant inverter, we must study the
response of simple series RLC circuit.

Figure 1.2: Series circuit

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

Because of the series combination the current through the series tank remain same
throughout the circuit, hence current can be taken as a reference quantity.
Now the Resistive voltage (Vr) will always be in phase with the current.
The inductive voltage (VL) will always lead the current by 90 degree and capacitive
voltage (Vc) will always lag the current by 90 degrees.
Now the magnitude of voltage across capacitor and inductive defines the behavior of the
circuit, which are described by capacitive (Xc) and inductive reactance (XL).Below
Resonance frequency Xc >XL and overall circuit behavior is capacitive.



𝜃<90° vL- vC
vR+ vL- vC
Figure 1.3: capacitive dominant behavior

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

While above resonance frequency XL>XC and overall circuit behavior is Inductive.

vR+ vL- vC
vL- vC


Figure 1.4: Inductive dominant behavior

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

And only at resonance frequency we have XC=XL

vR= vR+ vL- vC


Figure 1.5: Resistive behavior at resonance

So, at resonant frequency the voltage across capacitor or inductive alone might be very
large but the resultant of two voltage is zero and only the voltage is dropped across
resistive component and overall impedance is minimum at resonance frequency. At
resonance, maximum current will flow. So by examining the phasor diagrams, it is
concluded that at resonance the overall voltage (source voltage) and capacitive voltage
(Vc) are displayed by 90 degree or we can also employ the fact that overall voltage and
overall current are in phase at resonance. The main advantage of series resonant circuit
is its high efficiency from no load to full load.

Its major drawback is its poor voltage regulation from no load to full load hence some
frequency controlled mechanism is required for good voltage regulation, but we can
change frequency only specified limits due to the natural frequency of the LC tank filter.
When circuit is operated at resonance and a short circuit occurs then a very high current
is limited by the inductor. The current is also controlled by increasing the frequency
above the resonance frequency by offering more inductance.

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

1.4 Parallel Resonance Inverter

In Parallel Resonant Circuit the output is taken across capacitor, because capacitor and
inductor not in parallel only the load configuration is changed. We can use the same
technique that we have shown above using phasor diagram to measure the resonance


vR= vR+ vL- vC


Figure 1.6: Resistive behavior at resonance for parallel resonant inverter

Parallel Tank
The output voltage have very large magnitude at no load so the voltage is controlled by
increasing the frequency above the resonance frequency. The current flowing through the
switching device does not depend upon load hence its efficiency is low because even in
the absence of load, there is a current flowing through circuit.

Series-Parallel Resonant Inverter

To compensate for the major drawback of series as well parallel resonant inverter, we
can employ a combination of series as well as resonance tank, hence the regulation
problem in case of series and the independent switching current in case of parallel tank
can be eliminated. Mostly we use LCC or LCLR network.

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

1.5 Effect of Frequency

The frequency at which an induction heater is made to run depends on the type of heating
and material being heated. At low frequencies typically around 10KHz to 35KHz, deep
penetration of heat is obtained an is used to heat thick metal objects. At high frequency,
small and thin objects are heated and heating obtained really quickly. This difference in
heating is due to an effect known as skin effect. At high frequencies, the current tend to
flow on the periphery of the object causing heating on surface.
Skin effect Coefficient =

The image attached shows the effect of frequency on heating of steel. The effect of
heating represented by shaded region. As the frequency is increased, the current flows
on the outer edge.

Figure 1.7: Effect of frequency on heating

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

1.6 Simulations
1.6.1 PROTEUS simulation for Inverter
Following is the electrical model of our system, simulated using Proteus. The work coil
is also taken as a transformer because transformer action takes place when we place
piece inside the work coil.

Figure 1.8: Proteus simulation for inverter

The gate pulses with inverter output are shown in following diagram.

Figure 1.9: signal for inverter

Chapter 1 Theoretical Background

Following is the output voltage across work coil.

Figure 1.10: Output for tank circuit


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