Failed The Civil FE - The FE Exam - Engineer Boards
Failed The Civil FE - The FE Exam - Engineer Boards
Failed The Civil FE - The FE Exam - Engineer Boards
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I took the Civil FE for the first time last week and was pretty confident about it. I studied
only for about 3 weeks (during my winter break) about 5-6 hours a day. I created a solid
study plan and focused my time on my stronger subjects (Transpo, Hydraulics,
Geotech, Env, Mathematics, Ethics and Construction). I mainly used the videos from
Marshall University and my FE prep book (FE Civil Review - Michael Lindeburg) to brush
up on old subjects.
2 posts
I was also pretty familiar with the cheat sheet thats given on the test, I used it during
my studying and knew where everything was during the test. Since I'm a pretty fast test
taker, I finished my exam about an hour early and only guessed on about a total of 10-
15 questions for the entire exam. I was very shocked and disappointed when I got my
results back this morning and unfortunately did not pass. Attached is my diagnostic
and as you can see, I did poorly in majority of the subjects. I think my failure could be
due to the fact that I didn't do enough practice problems? Although I felt confident
about my knowledge. 1/4
1/27/2018 Failed the Civil FE - The FE Exam - Engineer Boards
I want to take the test ASAP since the semester will start to pick up again and you all
know how difficult it is to manage engineering classes, work and studying for a huge
exam like the FE. But I'm not sure if there is a time constraint between my first exam
and my retake, I've looked everywhere online and can't seem to find a solid answer. I
am in the state of California so if any of you have any idea that would be really helpful! I
know you can only take 3 exams during a 12 month period but not sure for the time
between each tests. Also if any of you have any study tips/advice I would really
appreciate it.
Thank you!
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1/27/2018 Failed the Civil FE - The FE Exam - Engineer Boards
40 posts
Based on the report, not sure why the number of questions is 100 and not 110.
Any clue?
Members I didn't notice that until now but I think those 10 questions were the pretest items that
NCEES places to possibly use for future exams.
2 posts
I have lost the test before. I am taking again in a few weeks. However I come up with a
spreadsheet that helps me to improve the areas that need most of the work. I hope it
will help.
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6 posts QuestionsScale Score
Gender:Female 1Mathematics 8 15 8.3 0.5555.3% 4.43
Location:Binghamton, NY
2Probability and Statistics 5 15 0 0.000.0% 0.00
3Computational Tools 4 15 8.9 0.5959.3% 2.37
4Ethics and Professional Practice4 15 7 0.4746.7% 1.87
5Engineering Economics 5 15 8.3 0.5555.3% 2.77
6Statics 7 15 8.3 0.5555.3% 3.87
7Dynamics 5 15 9.3 0.6262.0% 3.10
8Mechanical of materials 8 15 7.3 0.4948.7% 3.89
9Materials 5 15 8.6 0.5757.3% 2.87
10Fluid Mechanics 5 15 7.8 0.5252.0% 2.60
Hydraulics & Hydrologic
11 8 15 8.4 0.5656.0% 4.48
12Structural Analysis 6 15 7.2 0.4848.0% 2.88
13Structural Design 7 15 7.5 0.5050.0% 3.50
14Geotechnical Engineering 9 15 7.9 0.5352.7% 4.74
15Transportation Engineering 9 15 9.3 0.6262.0% 5.58
16Environmental Engineering 6 15 9.5 0.6363.3% 3.80
17Construction 5 15 10.3 0.6968.7% 3.43 3/4
1/27/2018 Failed the Civil FE - The FE Exam - Engineer Boards
The FE Exam
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