Computer Capsule For RRB and UIIC Mains Exam 2017
Computer Capsule For RRB and UIIC Mains Exam 2017
Computer Capsule For RRB and UIIC Mains Exam 2017
1. Which among the following is not a mobile Operating 10. Which among the following is not an Object Oriented
System? Programming Language?
(a) Bada (b) Safari (c) Symbian (a) Python (b) PASCAL (c) Java
(d) MeeGo (e) WebOS (d) C++ (e) Ruby
2. Which among the following key can be used as a 11. Which cloud is a cloud computing environment that uses
shortcut to rename a folder in Microsoft Windows 8 and a mix of on-premises, private cloud and third-party,
higher versions? public cloud services with orchestration between the
(a) F2 (b) F4 (c) F6 two platforms and it is particularly valuable for dynamic
(d) F9 (e) F11 or highly changeable workloads?
3. AT&T designed its first commercial modem, specifically (a) Dynamic Cloud (b) Advance Cloud
for converting digital computer data to analog signals for (c) Hybrid Cloud (d) Sharing Cloud
transmission across its long distance network. What is (e) Combined Cloud
the name of the modem? 12. If you are allowing a person on the network based on the
(a) Telex (b) Memex (c) CompuServe credentials to maintain the security of your network,
(d) Bell 103 dataset (e) Dataphone then this act refers to the process of ______.
4. Integrated Chips or IC’s were started to be in use from (a) Authentication (b) Automation (c) Firewall
which generation of Computers? (d) Encryption (e) Decryption
(a) 1st Generation (b) 2nd Generation 13. The use of combination of 1’s and 0’s is feature of which
(c) 3rd Generation (d) 4th Generation of the following type of Computer Language?
(e) 5th Generation (a) High Level Language (b) PASCAL
5. In Computer programming there is set of subroutine (c) Machine Language (d) C
definitions, protocols, and tools for building software (e) COBOL
and applications. Which among the following is a term 14. Which among the following is a recently debated
for sets of requirements that govern how one application principle that Internet service providers and
can talk to another? governments regulating the Internet should treat all data
(a) UPS (b) API (c) CGI on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging
(d) J2EE (e) OLE differentially by user, content, website, platform,
6. BSoDs can be caused by poorly written device drivers or application, type of attached equipment, or mode of
malfunctioning hardware, such as faulty memory, power communication?
supply issues, overheating of components, or hardware (a) Comcast (b) Net Neutrality
running beyond its specification limits. Which color (c) Oblique-net (d) Net Fraternity
screen is displayed when encountered a BSOD Error? (e) Fair Web
(a) Red (b) Grey (c) Black 15. Which among the following is an important circuitry in a
(d) Blue (e) Green computer system that directs the operation of the
7. Which among the following is the smallest unit in an processor?
image in a computer screen? (a) Memory (b) Address Bus
(a) Unit (b) Pixel (c) Array (c) Accumulator (d) ALU (e) Control Unit
(d) Resolution (e) Clip 16. MS Word is a text or document editing application
8. Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by program that comes in the package of MS Office Suite.
Microsoft. In MS Word Spelling Check is a feature Which among the given options is not related with MS
available in which tab? Word?
(a) File (b) Home (c) Insert (a) Page Layout (b) Antivirus (c) Mailings
(d) Review (e) References (d) Format Painter (e) SmartArt
9. There is a network that can connect networks ranging 17. Which among the following is another name for a group
from small location or area to a bigger range including of 4 bits?
public packet network and large corporate networks. (a) Nibble (b) Byte (c) Kilo Byte
That network's enterprise allows users to share access (d) Mega Byte (e) Peta Byte
to applications, services and other centrally located 18. Which among the given options is IBM’s Supercomputer?
resources. Its ability for a huge geographical access has (a) Tihane-2 (b) SunwayTaihu Light
transformed networking. Which among the following is (c) Watson (d) Shasra-T (e) Brain
that network? 19. Which is a feature included in Microsoft PowerPoint
(a) SAN (b) CAN (c) LAN software that allows the user to see all the slides in a
(d) WAN (e) MAN presentation at one time?
ENIAC was the first digital computer and it was invented Mauchly Computer Corporation, and released a series of
by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of mainframe electronic digital stored-program computer
Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943. It uses 18000 under the name of UNIVAC.
vacuum tubes as a storing device. They were also founders of MIT introduces the whirlwind machine (first computer with
the first computer company, it was initially named Electronic RAM) on March 8, 1955.
Controls Company which was later changed to Eckert–
Generation of computer
Subject 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation 4th generation 5th generation
Period 1940-1956 1956-1963 1964-1971 1971-present present & beyond
Circuitry Vacuum tube Transistor Integrated Microprocessor ULSI (Ultra Large
chips (IC) (VLSI) Scale Integration)
Memory Capacity 20 KB 128KB 1MB Semiconductor type VLSI and ULSI
and very high
Processing Speed 300 IPS inst. Per 300 IPS 1MIPS(1 Faster than 3rd Very fast
sec. million inst. Per generation
Programming Assembly High level C,C++ C,C++,Java All the Higher level
Language Language language languages,
(FORTRAN, Neural networks,
Example of UNIVAC, IBM 1401, IBM IBM 360 series, Pentium series Artificial
computers EDVAC 7094, 1900 series Multimedia, Intelligence,
CDC 3600,D Stimulation Robotics
Analog computer introduced by Lord Kelvin. Numerical Shasra T is considered as India’s fastest super computer,
data are represented by measurable physical variables such manufactured by Indian Institute of Science.
as electrical voltage. A thermometer is a simple analog Servers are dedicated computers that serve the needs or
computer. request of other programs or computer.
Digital computer that accepts and process data in the form Workstations serve usually one user only.
of numbers and all the character are converted into binary Information appliances are computers specially designed
code. to perform a specific "user-friendly" function—such as
Hybrid computer used the combined feature of analog and playing music, photography.
digital machine. you can see hybrid computer in geological An embedded system is a computer system with a
departments. dedicated function within a larger system.
Microcomputer these are small relatively inexpensive
computer designed for personal and office use. It has lowest
storing and processing speed. These can be laptop or
Minicomputer powerful as compare to microcomputer it
has higher memory provide faster operating speeds and
large storage capacities than microcomputers. It can be used
as a server and capable of supporting from 2 to 200 users.
Mainframe computer it has very high memory and
processing speed and used as a server (can support
thousands of users)
Super computer can be used for complex type of application
i.e. specific research, weather forecasting, Weapon designing
CDC 6600 was the first successful supercomputer.
Sunway TaihuLight of China is the fastest supercomputer in
the world.
PARAM-8000 India’s first Super Computer developed by C-
DAC Pune in 1998.
Light Pen is the pen shaped device, which can sense light
and is used to point at spots on a video screen.
A technology enables a high-speed reading of large
quantities of data and transferring these data to the
computer without using a keyboard. It is referred as Optical
Bar Code is a machine readable code, which is represented Non – Impact Printers do not touch the paper when
by parallel vertical lines with varying widths. For reading creating an image.
these bar-coded data, a device is used, which is known as a
Bar Code Reader (BCR) I) Ink-jet printers:- One or more nozzles in the print head
emit a steady stream of ink drops. Droplets of ink are
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is used to scan the electrically charged after leaving the nozzle. The droplets are
document containing text. It is the mechanical or electronic then guided to the paper by electrically charged deflecting
conversion of scanned or photographed images of plates
typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/
computer-readable text. II) Laser printers:- Laser printers use buffers that store an
entire page at a time. When a whole page is loaded, it will be
A point of sale terminal (POS terminal) is an electronic printed.
device used to process card payments at retail locations.
III)Thermal printer:- is a digital printing process which
The device that prints information from the computer onto produces a printed image by selectively heating coated
the paper is Printer. thermo chromic paper, or thermal paper as it is commonly
The printed form of output is referred as Hard Copy. The known, when the paper passes over the thermal print head.
form of output displayed on the screen is referred as Soft
Copy. A plotter is an output device that interprets commands from
Pages per Minute (PPM) is the unit used to count the speed a computer to make line drawings on paper with one or
of the printer. more automated pens. Unlike a regular printer, the plotter
can draw continuous point-to-point lines directly from
On the basis of technology, printers are categorized into vector graphics files or commands.
Impact and Non- Impact Printers.
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that
Impact printers create an image by using some mechanism allows a computer to keep running for at least a short time
to physically press an inked ribbon against the page, causing when the primary power source is lost.
the ink to be deposited on the page in the shape desired.
A Monitor is a TV-like display attached to the computer on
I) Dot matrix :- The dot-matrix printer uses print heads which the output can be displayed and viewed. It can either
containing from 9 to 24 pins. These pins produce patterns of be a monochrome display or a color display. The number of
dots on the paper to form the individual characters pixels displayed on a screen is known as Resolution.
Types of OS.
1)Batch operating system : Here data and program that
need to be processed are bundled and collected as a batch
and executed together.
2)Multiprogramming operating system : It allows the
instruction and data from two or more separate process to
reside in primary simultaneously. Multiprogramming system
are multitasking multiuser and multiprocessing operating
3)Single user : It is designed for single user and a single
person use it at a time i.e. DOS window’s 95 etc.
4)Distributed operating system : It is the one which
manages a collection of independent computers and makes
them appear to the user of the system as a single computer.
5)Real Time Operating System (RTOS) : It is a computing
environment that reacts to input within a specific time
period. It is used at those Places in which we Requires higher
Application software is a group of program designed for and Timely Response.
fulfill the demand of end user e.g. MS office, PowerPoint, 6) Time Sharing System: A time sharing system allows the
Windows Media Player. many users to simultaneously share the computer resources.
System software is a program which is created for the Since each action or command in a time-shared system take
system and to make the system user friendly such as a very small fraction of time, only a little CPU time is needed
operating system or is a type of computer program that is for each user.
designed to run a computer's hardware and application 7)Mobile OS: Windows 10 Mobile is the latest name for
programs. Microsoft's phone and tablet operating system. Google's
Utility software designed to help analyze, configure, latest’s version of its android OS is Nougat and iOS i.e.
optimize or maintain a computer such antivirus software. iPhone Operating System's latest version is iOS 10.
Computer Languages
Low level language: these are coded in a form which is easy Fortran: it is known as formula translation. It is used for
to understand by the processor. scientific application
Machine language: it is also a type of low level language COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language ): used for
these can be develop in binary language (0 and 1) . record keeping and data management in business
Assembly language: it is also a type of low level language
and using the human readable instruction of the CPU. It is BASIC (Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction
written as ‘MOV A.’ Code): first language designed for non-professional
High level language programmer can write code in simple PASCAL: it is developed as a teaching tool for programming
easy language, it is user friendly . E.g. C, JAVA concepts.
C language: it is a middle level programming language and Simula was the first object-oriented programming language.
also known as procedural language Java, Python, C++, Visual Basic .NET and Ruby are the
C++ is high level language that uses the OOPS concept. most popular Object Oriented Programming languages.
The Java programming language is designed especially for | | | adda247 the official App
Computer Capsule for IBPS RRB and UIIC Assistant Mains 2017
use in distributed applications on corporate networks and Linker is used to combine all the object files and convert
the Internet. Ruby is used in many Web applications. Curl, them into a final executable program.
Smalltalk, Delphi and Eiffel are also examples of object-
oriented programming languages. Interpreter converts high level language program into
machine language. It is very slow because it convert program
Language processor (Translator): Programmers write line by line.
their program in one of the high level language because it is
much easy to code in these language but computer does not Compiler: It also translates the program from high level
understand any of these language so it is necessary to language to machine language. It is very fast because it
convert program into a machine language so translator do converts the whole program into machine language.
this work.
Assembler: It is used for converting the code of low level
Loader: It loads the code which is translated by translator language (assembly language) into machine level language.
into the main memory and makes it ready to execute.
8 bit 1 byte
1024 Byte 1 KB (Kilo Byte)
1024 KB 1 MB (Mega Byte)
1024 MB 1 GB (Giga Byte)
1024 GB 1 TB (Tera Byte)
1024 TB 1 PB (Peta Byte)
1024 PB 1 EB (Exa Byte)
1024 XB 1 ZB (Zeta Byte)
1024 ZB 1 YB (Yota Byte)
A group of 4 bits is called a nibble. A byte is also known as for primary or main storage. Primary storage is volatile and
an Octet. can be contrasted with non-volatile secondary storage, also
known as auxiliary storage.
Primary Storage (memory), also known as main storage
and it is the area in a computer in which data is stored for Cache memory is a smaller, faster memory which stores
quick access by the computer's processor. The terms random copies of the data from frequently used main memory
access memory (RAM) and memory are often as synonyms locations. A CPU cache is a hardware cache used by the
Computer Network
Different types of network are: LAN, MAN and WAN. computers, telephones, tablets and personal digital
A LAN (local area network) is a group of computers and assistants.
network devices connected together, usually within the same
building. By definition, the connections must be high speed Campus Area Network or corporate area network is a
and relatively inexpensive (e.g., token ring or Ethernet). computer network made up of an interconnection of local
A MAN (metropolitan area network) is a larger network area networks (LANs) within a limited geographical area.
that usually spans several buildings in the same city or town. A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a specialized, high-speed
A WAN (wide area network), in comparison to a MAN, is network that provides block-level network access to storage.
not restricted to a geographical location, although it might be A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network
confined within the bounds of a state or country. A WAN across a public network, such as the Internet. It enables
connects several LANs, and may be limited to an enterprise users to send and receive data across shared or public
(a corporation or an organization) or accessible to the public. networks as if their computing devices were directly
The technology is high speed and relatively expensive. The connected to the private network.
Internet is an example of a worldwide public WAN.
Networking Devices
A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network Modem: Modem stands for Modulator-Demodulator. It is
used for data transmission amongst devices such as used to connect computers for communication via telephone
lines. | | | adda247 the official App
Computer Capsule for IBPS RRB and UIIC Assistant Mains 2017
Hub: It works at the Physical layer. It just acts like a network. The source of data origination is single but there
connector of several computers i.e. simply connects all the may be multiple receivers. A communication channel is of 3
devices on its ports together. It broadcasts all the data types:
packets arriving at it with no filtering capacity.
Simplex: This, communication is unidirectional i.e. one of
Switch: It works at the Data Link Layer. It is used for the two devices can transmit the data and the other can only
dividing a network into segments called subnets. It provides receive the data. For e.g. Radio broadcasting, television
filtering of data packets and prevents network traffic also. broadcasting etc.
Repeater: It operates at the Physical Layer. It is used to Half duplex: This communication is bidirectional. Either of
amplify a signal that has lost its original strength so as to the devices can act as transmitter or receiver but only one
enable them to travel long distances. device can transmit the data at one time. For e.g. Walkie-
Router: It works at the Network Layer and is used to Talkie.
connect different networks that have different architectures
and protocols. It sends the data packets to desired Full Duplex: Here the communication is in both directions
destination by choosing the best path available thus reducing and both the devices can simultaneously transmit the data.
network traffic. For e.g. Telephone conversation.
Gateway: It operates in all the layers of the network The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI) is a
architecture. It can be used to connect two different conceptual model that characterizes and standardizes the
networks having different architectures, environment and internal functions of a communication system by partitioning
even models. it into abstraction layers. The model is a product of the Open
Systems Interconnection project at the International
Bridge: They are used two connect two LANs with the same Organization for Standardization (ISO).
standard but using different types of cables. It provides an
intelligent connection by allowing only desired messages to 7 APPLICATION LAYER Data
cross the bridge thus improving performance. It uses (Network Process to Application)
physical addresses of the packets for this decision.
IPv4 - 32 bits numeric address (Data Representation & Encryption)
IPv6 - 128 bits hexadecimal address 5 SESSION LAYER Data
IPv6 does not use broadcast messages and has three types (Inter-host Communication)
of addresses, which are categorized as : 4 TRANSPORT LAYER Segments
Unicast addresses. A packet is delivered to one interface. (End-to-end connections & reliability)
Multicast addresses. A packet is delivered to multiple
interfaces. (Path Determination and IP)
Anycast addresses. A packet is delivered to the nearest of (Physical Addressing)
multiple interfaces (in terms of routing distance). 1 PHYSICAL LAYER Bits
With an IPv4 IP address, there are five classes of available IP (Media, Signal and Binary
ranges: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E, while Transmission)
only A, B, and C are commonly used. Each class allows for a
Network topology is the arrangement of the various
particular range of valid IP addresses. Class D is reserved for
elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. There
multicast groups and Class E is reserved for future use, or
are two basic categories of network topologies:
Research and Development Purposes.
Physical topologies and Logical topologies.
Data Communication deals with the transmission of digital
Physical topology is the placement of the various
data from one device to another. Data is transferred through
components of a network, including device location and
a pathway called as communication channel which can be
cable installation, while Logical topology illustrates how
physical wire connecting the devices or may be unguided
data flows within a network, regardless of its physical
media like laser, microwave etc.
design. Various types of topologies are:
A communication channel has a source or transmitter at one
side and a designation or receiver at another side of the
Bus Topology Every computer and network device is connected to
single cable.
Tree It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to
Topology it forming a hierarchy. It is also called hierarchical
Hybrid topology uses a combination of any two or more A private cloud is infrastructure operated solely for a single
topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not organization, whether managed internally or by a third
exhibit one of the standard topologies. party, and hosted either internally or externally.
Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing that A hybrid cloud uses a private cloud foundation combined
provides shared computer processing resources and data to with the strategic integration and use of public cloud
computers and other devices on demand. services.
Public clouds are owned and operated by companies that Google Drive is a personal cloud storage service from Google
offer rapid access over a public network to affordable which gives every user 15 GB of Drive storage space.
computing resources. OneDrive is Microsoft's service for hosting files in the "cloud
computing". OneDrive offers 5GB of storage space for free.
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer A Home page, index page, or main page is a page on a
networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite website. A home page usually refers to:
(TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. The initial or main web page of a website, sometimes
It is a network of networks that consists of millions of called the "front page" (by analogy with newspapers).
private, public, academic, business, and government The first page that appears upon opening a web browser
networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad program, which is also sometimes called the start page.
array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking This 'start page' can be a website or it can be a page with
technologies. various browser functions such as the visual display of
ARPANET adopted TCP/IP in 1983, and from there websites that are often visited in the web browser.
researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” The web page or local file that automatically loads when a
that became the modern Internet. web browser starts or when the browser's "home" button
The World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3, is pressed; this is also called a "home page". The user can
commonly known as the Web) is a system of interlinked specify the URL of the page to be loaded, or alternatively
hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet. choose e.g. to re-load the most recent web page browsed.
A personal web page, for example at a web hosting
A Website is a set of related web pages served from a single service or a university web site that typically is stored in
web domain. the home directory of the user.
Computer Security
A Computer Virus is a computer program or code that can
replicate itself and spread from one computer system to Antivirus Software is used to scan the hard disk to remove
another system. A computer virus has the capacity to corrupt the virus from them. Some of the famous anti – viruses
or to delete data on your computer and it can utilize an e- available are Avast, Norton, Avira, Kaspersky, AVG, etc.
mail program to spread the virus to other computer systems A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to
.In the worst case scenario, it can even delete everything on other people’s computers to get information illegally or do
your hard disk .The purpose of it is to disrupt the operation damage is a Hacker.
of the computer or the program. Authorization is the function of specifying access rights to
resources related to information security and computer
Some examples of Computer Virus are Trojan viruses. security in general and to access control in particular. More
Stealth viruses, worms, malware (malicious software), formally, "to authorize" is to define an access policy.
Disk Killer, Stone virus, Sunday, Cascade, Nuclear, Word
Concept, etc. Authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an
attribute of a single piece of data or entity. It might involve
Malware, short for malicious software, is any software confirming the identity of a person by validating their
used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive identity documents, verifying the validity of a website with a
information, or gain access to private computer systems. It digital certificate, tracing the age of an artifact by carbon
can appear in the form of executable code, scripts, active dating, or ensuring that a product is what its packaging and
content, and other software. labeling claim to be. In other words, Authentication often
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, Office 365 is a subscription service that includes the most
servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac recent version of Office, which currently is Office 2016. It
operating systems. It includes Microsoft Word, Excel, comes with the applications you’re familiar with, like Word,
PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Access and Publisher. PowerPoint, and Excel, plus extra online storage, ongoing
Note: Microsoft Windows Vista was an windows OS for tech support.
PC not Office Suit.
Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. Ctrl + [ Decrease the font size by 1 point
Ctrl + ] Increase the font size by 1 point
It is used for creating, editing, formatting, storing, retrieving Ctrl+ Spacebar Remove paragraph or character
and printing of a text document. formatting.
Ctrl + C Copy the selected text or object
Microsoft Word's native file formats are denoted either by a Ctrl + X Cut the selected text or object
.doc or .docx file extension. Ctrl + V Paste text or an object
A Cursor is an indicator used to show the position on a Ctrl + Alt + V Paste special
computer monitor or other display device that will respond Alt+ Ctrl + S Split the document Window
to input from a text input or pointing device. Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
Home Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles,
Editing To create a document, we use New command at the menu.
Insert Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links,
Header & Footer, Text, Symbols(and Save as is used to save a document for the first time. It is also
Equations) used to change the destination of the saved file in the
Page Layout Themes, Page Setup(includes margins, computer.
orientation, breaks etc.), Page
Background(includes watermark and Print Preview is used to see the document before the
borders), Paragraph, Arrange printout is taken.
References Table of Content, Footnotes, Citation and
Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Cut and Paste options are used to move the data from one
Authorities part of the document to another.
Mailings Create(Envelops & Labels), Start Mail
Merge Control Keys + Function keys
Review Proofing( Spelling & Grammar, Ctrl+F2 Choose the print preview command
Research, Thesaurus, Word Count), (Microsoft office Button)
Language(and Translate), Comments, Ctrl+F3 Cut on the spike
Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect Ctrl+F4 Close the window
View Document Views, Show, Zoom, Window, Ctrl+F6 Go to the next window
Design Table Style Options, Table Styles, Draw Ctrl+F9 Insert an empty field
Borders Ctrl+F10 Maximise the document window
Layout Tables, Rows & Columns, Merge, Cell Ctrl+F11 Lock a field
Size, Alignment, Data Ctrl+F12 Choose the Open command (Microsoft
Office Button)
Basic Keys (Common Tasks)
Ctrl + N Create a new document
Portrait and Landscape options are available in
Ctrl + B Make letters bold
Orientation category of Page Setup.
Ctrl + I Make letters italic
Ctrl + U Make letters underline
Alignment refers to the position of text between the
Ctrl + Shift+ < Decrease font size one value
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase the font size one value | | | adda247 the official App
Computer Capsule for IBPS RRB and UIIC Assistant Mains 2017
Auto Correct in word automatically corrects certain
Auto complete is a feature in word that automatically spelling, typing, capitalisation or grammar errors.
completes the spelling of days of the week and months of the
year that have more than five letters in their names. Thesaurus is used for finding a synonym for a word in the
Function Keys Word has extensive lists of bullets and numbering features
F1 Get help or visit Microsoft office Online. used for tables, lists, pages, chapters, headers, footnotes, and
F2 Move text or graphic. tables of content.
F4 Repeat the last action
F5 Choose the Go To command (Home tab).
F6 Go to the nest pane or frame.
F7 Choose the spelling command (Review tab)
F8 Extend a selection
F9 Update the selected fields
F10 Show key tips
F11 Go to the nest field
F12 Choose the Save As command (Microsoft Office
Header and Footer option is used to display information
such as title and page number of the document.
The bar at the top of the window that bears the name of the
window, is known as Title Bar.
A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below
the title bar that provides categorized options is called Menu
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Short cut key to insert a new worksheet in MS-Excel is ALT
Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. + Shift + F1 + or F11.
It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a Sheet tab is the tab at the bottom of the worksheet
macro programming language called Visual Basic for window that displays the name of the worksheet.
A Microsoft office document that contains one or more
The intersection of a row and column is called a Cell. worksheets is known as a Workbook.
The cell in which we are currently working is known as Shortcut Keys of MS-Excel
Active Cell. Key Description
F2 Edit the selected cell
Microsoft Excel's native file formats are denoted either by F5 Go to a specific cell
a .xls or .xlsx file extension. F7 Spell check selected text and/or
A Worksheet is made of columns and rows, wherein document
columns run Vertically and rows run Horizontally. F11 Create chart
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
Up to Excel 2003, the standard amount of columns has Ctrl + ; Enter the current date
been 256 and 65,536 rows. Shift + F3 Open the Excel insert function window
Excel 2007 onwards, the maximum number of rows per Shift + F5 Bring up Find and Replace box.
worksheet increased to 1,048,576 and the number of Ctrl + A Select all contents of the worksheet
columns increased to 16,384. Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection
Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter- Ctrl + P Bring up the print dialog box to begin
named columns to organize data manipulations like printing
arithmetic operations Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + F9 Minimise current workbook
The letter and number of the intersecting column and row Ctrl + F10 Maximise currently selected workbook
is the Cell Address. Ctrl + F6 Switch between open
Ctrl + page up Move between Excel worksheet in the
Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation Slide Show from current slide - Show the
program developed by Microsoft. It was officially presentation as a full screen slideshow from the current
launched on May 22, 1990, as a part of the Microsoft selected slide.
Office suite.
Filename extension: .ppt, .pptx, .pps or .ppsx Slide Area: Displays the active slide