Timing and The Tarot
Timing and The Tarot
Timing and The Tarot
The following information is taken from the “Tarot Companion: An Essential Reference Guide” by
Tracy Porter: Llewellyn Publications ISBN 1-56718-574-6
The first way to figure out timing is through Major and Minor Conjunctions. With the conjunctions
you take the energies of the major arcane card and the timing card to find out just how they are
affected. Also pay attention to if the card is reversed or not, because that may also affect the
timing factor.
The Conjunctions:
The Tarot can be used to time certain events in life that may occur when certain cards in the
Minor Arcana appear before or after a card from the Major Arcana.
If card numbers 2, 3, 7, or 9 appear immediately before or after a card from the Major Arcana, a
conjunction occurs. This conjunction should be interpreted separately from the initial reading
because it adds an additional layer to the reading and gives greater clarity to the querent’s
circumstances. If more than one conjunction appears in a spread, these two configurations
should be interpreted separately, because in all probability they refer to separate events.
Minor Conjunction:
If a number 2, 3, 7, or 9 card from the Minor Arcana appears immediately before a card from the
Major Arcana, a minor conjunction occurs that indicates that the querent is beginning to embark
on a new cycle. The energies inherent in this cycle are determined by the energies specified in
the cards.
Major Conjunction:
A major conjunction occurs when a card from the Major Arcana appears before a timing card.
This indicates that the major event has already appeared in the querent’s life and the influences
of the card impact the native first, as she or he then experiences the energies represented by the
Minor Arcana timing card to complete the conjunctions.
The difference between these two types of conjunctions is that the major conjunction signifies the
end of a cycle, while the minor conjunction depicts the beginning of one. For the purpose of the
timing descriptions, they are written as if the event has not happened. If it is a Major Conjunction,
then that event has already occurred in about the time period that is shown.
The number two generally refers to challenges in partnerships, which almost always refer to
couples, partnerships, duality, and pairs. Two as one more than one refers to our need to extend
our level of awareness beyond our egocentric concerns to those of our partner or friend.
Threes refer to expansion and growth, and signify a need for independence because they are one
more than the coupling two.
When a seven precede a Major Arcana card, a choice needs to be made. The querent has
reached a crossroad in her or his life and must make a choice before continuing on their journey.
The Seven deviates from the general pattern of the previous conjunctive cards because each suit
of seven will be activated in approximately seven days.
Nine represents the end of a cycle in traditional numerology and is considered one before the end
in the Tarot, with the ten representing completion. Nines generally have a lot of power, which is
cultivated through the previous eight cards. With nine, the querent feels the need to go back and
reflect, reevaluate, and release that which he or she no longer needs. Each nine is stimulated in
two stages comprised of twenty-eight days. The first stage is composed of nine days and all
existing forces will be broken down during this period. The second stage lasts for a duration of
nineteen days and during this period the new cycle begins.
Elements & Timing
Air = Wands:
In terms of time, this element relates to the fortnight. Therefore each numbered card in the suit of
Wands will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one fortnight. **note: a fortnight is 14
days or two weeks.**
Earth = Pentacles:
Because Earth is somewhat slower than the other elements, in terms of time each numbers card
in the suit of Pentacles will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one month.
Fire = Swords:
Because Fire is so swift, in terms of time, it relates to days. Therefore, each numbered card in the
suit of Swords will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one day.
Water = Cups:
In terms of time, this element relates to the week. Therefore, each numbered card in the suit of
cups will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one week.
Spirit = Major Arcana
Because matters of the spirit as a general rule tend to transcend time and space, they affect our
lives in such a transformative way that in terms of time it equates to one year. Therefore, the
duration of each card in the Major Arcana will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one
Aces = Seasons
Timing with Aces only applies to those in positions 6, 7, 8, & 9
Ace of Cups = Autumn = September 21st/October/December 20th
Ace of Wands = Spring = March 21st/April/June 20th
Ace of Swords = Summer = June 21st/July/September 20th
Ace of Pentacles = Winter = December 21st/January/March 20th
XV Devil = Time of Change(s)/Transformation(s)
Amount of time is determined by the cards near it:
XVIII Moon = 1 month
XIX Sun = 1 year
III Empress = 9 months
(From "A New Dawn for Tarot: The Original Tarot of the Golden Dawn" )
Your Tarot card is The Emperor, the guy who will always be there when you need him. This card
represents your sign's loyalty and ability to stick by your friends through thick and thin. Like the
royal figure on your card, you use your authority and analytical powers to help others and to
achieve your goals.
Your card, The Hierophant, represents learning from knowledgeable teachers who can help you
research for higher truths by exploring tried and true traditons. Sifting through the superficial,
these learned souls can lead you to the heart of matters where profound insights reveal important
life lessons.
Every Gemini is blessed with a dual nature represented by your Tarot card, The Lovers. Turning
points for you often involve making a moral choice between taking the high or low road. This card
encourages you to weigh your options carefully and follow the path dictated by your personality
Like The Hermit, you often need to slow down and go within to focus on your purpose in life. The
image on this card -- an old man -- represents a person who is weary of the outer world. When he
retreats to explore the mysteries of his inner life, he becomes open and innocent like a child.
Justice holds the scales, asking you to weigh your desires against your needs. In order to reach
a fair outcome, you must put your feelings and emotions aside. When you reach the light at the
end of the tunnel of indecision, you will be able to serve the greater good.
Like your Tarot card, Death (and the Tower), you welcome transformation. You often shed your
skin like a snake, seeking to release your spirit and be reborn. Because you are able to detach
yourself from the ties that bind others, it's easy for you to change your identity, making you the
mysterious person everyone wants to figure out.
Like your card, Temperance, you are a gifted mediator, able to find common ground by balancing
out judgments with genuine understanding and awareness. Like a steadily-meandering stream,
you work your way through whatever difficulties get in the way.
The Devil card encourages you to face your shadow-self in order to gather the knowledge
necessary for spiritual transformation. It advises you to reflect on any negativity that has made
you doubt yourself, swap it for confidence and hold fast to your highest vision of who you are.
Your card, The Star, focuses on your optimism. When you wish on the stars, you really believe
you can achieve your heart's desires. Your job in this world is to convince others they can too,
thereby helping to lead them home in a spiritual sense.
Like your Tarot card, The Moon, you are a creature of ever-changing moods. You do best when
you attune to nature's cycles and use them to refresh your intuitive powers. The Moon rules
emotions, which are your strong suit, especially when you use your compassionate nature to help