This document appears to be a log or record containing three lines of data: a header listing "Volumes" and "Type Num", followed by a date and time stamp, and then three letters - Y, Z, and X. In summary, the document seems to be recording volume data of some kind on January 26, 2018 at 2:16:29 pm, with values Y, Z, and X.
This document appears to be a log or record containing three lines of data: a header listing "Volumes" and "Type Num", followed by a date and time stamp, and then three letters - Y, Z, and X. In summary, the document seems to be recording volume data of some kind on January 26, 2018 at 2:16:29 pm, with values Y, Z, and X.
This document appears to be a log or record containing three lines of data: a header listing "Volumes" and "Type Num", followed by a date and time stamp, and then three letters - Y, Z, and X. In summary, the document seems to be recording volume data of some kind on January 26, 2018 at 2:16:29 pm, with values Y, Z, and X.
This document appears to be a log or record containing three lines of data: a header listing "Volumes" and "Type Num", followed by a date and time stamp, and then three letters - Y, Z, and X. In summary, the document seems to be recording volume data of some kind on January 26, 2018 at 2:16:29 pm, with values Y, Z, and X.