Industrial Ovens Operation & Maintenance Manual: Finishing Systems

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Finishing Systems

Industrial Ovens
Operation & Maintenance Manual

Built in America,
Support with Integrity
Copyright © AFC,inc 2002. All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of AFC,inc.

Disclaimer of Liability

AFC has used its best efforts in preparing this manual. These efforts include testing and checking the functionality
of the information contain within this manual. Because of the diversity and individual customization of our spray
booths, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data contain within this manual are reviewed on a
regular basis and any necessary correction will be included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement
are welcome.

AFC, AFC,inc, Air Filtration Co, and Air Filtration Company are trademarks of AFC,inc. All other trademark
symbols are registered trademarks of their respective companies. They are included to the benefit of the
respective trademark owners only and with no intention of infringing on that trademarks.

AFC, inc
250 Airport Parkway
Oroville, CA 95965

Phone: (800) 331-7744

Fax: (530) 533-0179
Email: [email protected]

This manual is intended for the initial setup of the electrical and control systems of paint spray
booths and how to operate and maintain paint spray booths only. Please refer to the booth
installation instruction that comes with your paint spray booth for sheet metal installation.
Electrical power to each system, fire suppression system and gas plumbing are also required and
must be installed by qualified local contractor(s) prior to doing initial setup. Information on the
Power Flame burner is shipped with the burner. Additional information on the Power Flame
burner may be obtained from Power Flame at:

Power Flame Incorporated

2001 South 21st Street
Parsons, KS 67357
(602)421-0948 (fax)
email: [email protected]

AFC Finishing Systems offer free telephone support eight hours a day, five days a week from
8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. PST, Monday through Friday. We could be reached at our toll-free number:
(800) 331-7744. Supports and General information are also available online at our web site,

Table of Content

1. Start-Up and Operation

1.0 Safety Precautions ................................................................................1-1
1.1 Initial Start-Up Procedure ……………………………………………………1-1
1.2 Operator Pre-start ……………………………………………………1-1
1.3 Operating Procedure ……………………………………………………1-3
1.4 Emergency Operations ……………………………………………………1-3
2. Maintenance
2.0 Operator Service Requirement…………………………..……………………2-1
2.1 Preventive Maintenance ……………………………………………………2-1
2.2 Troubleshooting Guides ……………………………………………………2-3
3. Appendices
3.0 Spare Parts and Supply Lists……………………….…………………………3-1
3.1 Warranty Information ……………………………………………………3-1

START-UP & Operation

Start-up & Operation

1.0 Safety Precautions

1.0.1 Fire Safety
The interior of the spray booth is a rated Class 1, Division 1
hazardous area. Except for vehicles or parts to be painted, no
sparks, spark generating equipment, or open flame inside the
spray booth at any time. Three feet around any opening into the
booth is a rated Class 1, Division 2 hazardous area. Caution WARNING
should be taken not to place or have any flammable or flame Fire or explosion hazard.
causing equipment within three feet of any booth openings. Can cause property damage, severe
injury, or death. Verify safety
1.0.2 Tampering with Safety Equipment
All AFC spray booths are designed and built to the standard of requirements whenever installing a
the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA 33, NFPA 86, NFPA spray booth control system.
91, NFPA 101, NFPA 70), the Occupational Safety and Health
Act (OSHA), BOCA (National Fire Prevention, National Building
Code, & National Mechanical Code), the Uniform Fire Code
(UFC), Uniform Building Code (UBC), and the Uniform
Mechanical Code (UMC). All safety equipment, limit switches, air
solenoid valve, etc., must not be tamper with. If the particular
piece of equipment does not operate correctly, please have a
qualify technician fix the problem immediately.

1.0.3 Installation CAUTION

Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or Electrical shock hazard or
maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer to this equipment/control damage. Can
manual and the Power Flame burner manual. For additional cause electrical shock or equipment
assistance or additional information, consult a qualified installer, damage. Disconnect power supply
service agency, or call AFC at our toll-free number, (800) 331- before beginning installation.

1.1 Initial start-up procedure

1.1.1 Initial start-up
1. Turn off all power to control panel.
2. Tighten all electrical connections (field and factory).
3. Turn on power to booth.
4. Check for proper air flow.

1.2 Operator Pre-start

1.2.1 Safety Equipment
Operator must use proper clothing and equipment when
operating a powder oven. Caution needs to be used when
transporting product in and out of the oven. Temperatures in the
oven can exceed 400 F. The oven is designed to replace 20% of
the air with fresh air in order to maintain low levels of CO, but
caution should be used in case of an unsafe CO level inside of

1.2.2 House Keeping

The inside of the oven, top of the oven, and sides of the oven Safety Equipment Required
should be kept clean and free of debris. You should maintain at
least 3’ clearance from anything combustible around the oven.

Start-up & Operation

1.2.3 Air Moving Equipment

Air moving devices such as the exhaust fan and make up fan
must be in good operating status and running prior to any spray
operation. Check for belt tensions, cracks, and other signs of
wears and tears on a regular basis.

1.2.4 Door Latches

The door latches keep the oven doors closed so that no heat or
CO can escape the oven. The door latches work with the door
seals in order to accomplish this task. Prior to each start up
these items should be checked for proper operation, and
excessive wear.

1.2.5 Burner
Powder ovens use a direct fired burner. These type of burners
are used to ensure a 100% usage of expelled energy, thus
making them 100% efficient. But this also means that the oven is
essentially part of the burner its self, and because of the un safe
conditions could occur. Make sure that all safety equipment is
fully operational and has not been tampered with prior to each

Start-up & Operation

1.3 Operating Procedure

1.3.1 Normal Operation

1. Turn on and verify that there’s power to the control panel.
2. Turn the system on (turn system switch to the ON position).
All fans should turn on.
3. The oven will go through its initial purge and could take as
long as 5 minutes before the burner will start to fire.
4. Once the burner has fired it can take up to 30 minutes for the
oven to reach the desired curing temperature.
5. There are two modes that the oven can run in one is a timed
cure mode where a bell will ring once a timer has expired to
notify the user that it is time to remove the product. The other
is a manual mode or a continuo’s mode were the oven will
continue to run until it is manually shut off.
6. To shut down the system, turn the system switch to OFF, the
oven will go through a post purge/cool down sequence this
sequence can run as long as 45 minutes.

1.4 Emergency Operation

1.4.1 Safety Equipment Failure, Non-life Threatening

Powder Curing Oven safety equipment, like all other mechanical
equipment, will eventually fail due to wears and tears. The few
safety devices on powder curing oven that may be safely bypass
for short, emergency operations are:
1. High limit switches, by pass this only with an AFC
Technicians instructions, do not by pass this on your own.
2. Air Flow switches, by pass this only with an AFC Technicians
instructions, do not by pass this on your own

1.4.2 Safety Equipment Failure, Life Threatening

In case of life threatening equipment failure, immediately exit
Powder Curing Oven and if possible, shut down all control
systems. Call service and maintenance and have the particular
equipment fix prior to the next operation.

1.4.3 Air Moving Device Failure

Air moving device (fans and fan motors) failure must be fixed
before the powder curing oven can be put into operation mode
again. There is no temporary fix to have the booth running in an
emergency status. Forcing and bypassing safety protective
devices for air moving devices can lead to serious health hazard,
injuries or even death.

1.4.4 Lightings
In case of complete lighting failure, the power source for all
lighting fixtures may be re-routed temporary for emergency
operation. If lighting is provided by AFC, then there is a lighting
circuit breaker and a lighting contactor relay inside the control
panel. Note that all electrical must be done outside of the paint
spray booth unless the equipment are rated for NFPA class 1
division 1 hazardous location operation.

1.4.5 Burner
If the oven does not heat up by itself please contact AFC or any
other authorized service technician to work on it. Do not attempt
to fix this unit by your self.

Start-up & Operation

1.4.6 H3CA Timer

This unit is equipped with a H3CA timer, the first digit should
always be set to E, and the last digit should always be set to
M. The M stands for minutes, so the middle three digits will
stand for how many minutes you want it to run for. Typically it
will be set for 30 minutes so the manual read out will look like
this: E 0 3 0 M. The digital read out will show a bar graph
that will slowly disappear as the timer counts down.

1.4.7 E5CK Thermostat

This unit is equipped with an Omeron E5CK thermostat
temperature controller. The red numbers are the real time
readout of you ovens current temp. The green numbers
represent the desired set point. You can change the set point by
using the up and down arrows located on the front of this
controller. Do not adjust any other settings on this unit, or
damage to the equipment or personal injury could take place.



2.0 Operator Service Requirement

The operator is required to make the following services and maintenance.

2.0.1 General Service

• Oven operator should practice good basic house
• There should be no prepping in the Oven unless the AFC Filters Replacement
system is design specifically for prepping and not for (515) 872-1137
painting (i.e. Work Station, Prep Benches, or non- (800) 848-5859
enclosed systems like the Exhaust Benches, Bench Filter
Booths, or Floor Filter Booths).
• When exist, doors should be kept shut at all times to
minimize the amount of dirt carried into the booth
• For enclosed systems, the interior should be vacuumed
regularly, and the wall wiped down to prevent the
accumulation of combustible residues.
• Check the door, tie-bar, and light frame gaskets for
damage and replace as needed.
• Check and replace light tubes as needed.
• For enclosed systems, check all joints on interior of booth
and re-caulk any air leaks.

2.0.2 Filters
Standard Dwyer Mark II
• N/A Manometer
2.0.3 Mechanical
Routine checks and proper servicing contribute to minimal down
time. AFC recommends that the operator:
• Keep door latches adjusted to maintain seal of access
and drive-in doors.
• Drain filter/regulator on air actuated damper system.
Sediment bowl should be kept clean of water and dirt.
• Check damper linkages on combustion air blower for the
burner to insure proper movement and free travel.
• Check for belt wear and tension on all motors.
• Re-tighten pulley set screws and motor mount bolts.
• Lubricate motor bearings if bearings are not of the sealed
• Lubricate fan bearings every six months. DO NOT
• Keep electrical equipment clear from clutter and debris at
all times.

2.1 Preventive Maintenance

2.1.1 Fans & Motors
• Belts should be check for tightness and wear every three
months and replace as necessary.
• Fan bearings should be lubricated every six months with
#2 Lithium-base grease. Note: DO NOT OVER-
• Exhaust fan(s) should be cleaned annually.


2.1.2 Exhaust System

The exhaust ducts, exhaust fan blades, and exhaust discharge
point(s) should be inspect annually for residue build-up and clean
as necessary.

2.1.3 Fire Suppression System

All fire sprinkler heads should be inspect and clean on a regular
basis to prevent residue build-up, thus ensuring proper
performance. Custom Tacky Filters

2.1.4 Controls & Heat Systems

Electrical connections and motor load currents should be checked
annually. If your booth has heated air make-up, you need to have
the furnace serviced, cleaned, and re-tuned annually.

Bag Filters


2.2 Troubleshooting Guides


Spray booth will not operate 1. Circuit breaker at main panel 1. Reset the circuit breaker
is tripped
2. Circuit breaker inside AFC 2. Reset the circuit breaker
control panel is tripped
3. Faulty fuses 3. Replace faulty fuses
4. Motor overload(s) tripped 4. Reset overload(s)

No (or not enough) exhaust air 1. One or more booth doors are 1. Close all doors
2. Faulty fuses 2. Replace faulty fuses
3. Motor overload(s) tripped 3. Reset overload(s)
4. Broken fan belt(s) 4. Replace fan belt(s)
5. Faulty door limit switch 5. Repair or replace switch
6. Dirty exhaust filters 6. Replace filters
7. Snow or other debris on up- 7. Remove debris or melt the
flow canopy dampers snow
8. Incorrect sheave on motor 8. Replace with proper sheave.
See notes on booth too
negative or too positive

Booth too negative or too positive. 1. Incorrect sheave(s) on 1. Replace with proper
Also see no (or not enough) exhaust motors sheave(s).
air and/or no (or not enough) make-
up air Note1: Slow down make-up fan Note2: A smaller motor sheave
and/or speed up exhaust fan(s) if (pulley) will slow the fan down,
Note: Only with enclosed system that booth is too positive. Speed up decreasing air flow. A larger
have both intake and exhaust make-up fan and/or slow down motor sheave will speed up the
systems. exhaust fan(s) if booth is too fan, increasing air flow. Before
negative. increasing motor sheave, check
load current to determine if it is
possible to speed up the motor
without causing an over-current.
The motor load current should be
at or below the full load amps
(FLA) stamped on the motor
rating plate.



3.0 Spare Parts and Supply Lists

Note that the list below only shows supplies that are needed or may be needed on a regular basis. Please
contact AFC for all other parts at (800) 331-7744.


Belts AFC Please check number on belts or

(800) 331-7744 specify fan and motor sizes when

Door gasket AFC 17710

(800) 331-7744

Exhaust filters Air Filtration Co., inc (Iowa) Please specify type. Available are: RB
(800) 848-5859 Series Fiberglass, GA/PA Series
Fiberglass, Expanded Paper, SA
Series Styrobaffle, and PP/PR Series

Intake filters Air Filtration Co., inc (Iowa) Please specify type. Available are:
(800) 848-5859 Laminar III Series, 5000 Series,
Custom Tacky Series, 300 Series

Light Ballast AFC 15010

(800) 331-7744

Manometer fluid AFC 18065

(800) 331-7744

Pre-filters & Extraction Filters Air Filtration Co., inc (Iowa) Please specify type. Available are:
(800) 848-5859 Bag filters, PF Series, P Series,
Pleated Filters, and EA Series Framed
Glass Disposable

3.1 Warranty Information

AFC has a parts warranty on all new spray booths and spray booth equipment of one year. This means that,
within reasonable means, AFC will replace any parts found to be bad due to manufacturing or transporting, free
of charge. Because AFC does not always have control over the installation process, parts found to be bad due
to the installation process are evaluated on a case-to-case basis.

AFC will provide free telephone support on all paint spray booths and paint spray booth equipment for the life of
the equipment, whether you bought it new or used. On-site services are only available in certain area of the
United States. However, AFC paint spray booths are simple systems and can be troubleshoot by any local
heating and air condition companies.
Built in America
Supported with Integrity

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