Consort R36xx - ComputerControl
Consort R36xx - ComputerControl
Consort R36xx - ComputerControl
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
1. Introduction
The new range of electrochemical instrumentation R36xx from Consort has been completely
redesigned and is significantly improved compared to his predecessors. The digital communication
allows more direct commands to be able to read faster and more accurate.
2. Digital ports
The devices are equipped with a RS485 port.
'#' Start of Identification number
xxx The 3 digit identification number which is preset in the instrument, e.g. 001
Checksum Single byte, the lowest binary byte of the sum of the previous bytes which have
already been sent starting from '>'.
- the single quote signs are only to indicate it is a character, the signs are not to be sent to the device.
- the + signs are to not to be sent either unless when placed between quotes.
- the function ASC() indicates the character with the ASCII value given between the brackets, ought to be used.
- Simple commands that do not require additional data don't need to be completed with the checksum.
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
'#' Start of Identification number from the responding device
xxx The 3 digit identification number which is preset in the instrument, e.g. 001
Data The requested information. This information can be ascii coded or binary. See the
command table when and which data will follow.
() Size and data are not always returned! See the command table when and which
data will follow.
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
5. Command table
Command Additional Returned Purpose See
data bytes data bytes
'?' Request to print last measurements in ASCII format Print measurements
'-' Disable user keyboard Keyboard
'+' Enable user keyboard Keyboard
'B' 1 Simulation of key Key simulation
'S' yes Request the settings from the device Settings
'M' 1 yes Request measurements from a channel Request
'F' 1 Change display Output Display output
'G' yes Return the GLP report from the current focused GLP report
'D' 4 Modify the data logger settings Parameters Data log
'L' yes Requests complete Data table in ASCII format Data table text
'l' 8 yes Requests Data information in binary format Data table binary
'Y' yes Read date and time from device Read Date/time
'y' 6 Set date and time from device Set Date/time
'P' yes Request menu parameters Read Menu
'p' 1 Set menu parameter position Set Menu
'N' yes Request number menu parameters Read Number
'n' 4 Set number Set Number
'R' 4 Resets/Restarts the device Reset
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
6.1 Conventions
• The examples are written in a coloured fixed pitch font (Courier).
• The blue coloured text in the example highlights the text sent by the computer (see Command
protocol to send).
• The magenta coloured text highlights the answer received from the device (see Command
protocol to receive).
• Green text highlights additional comments or clarifications which are not sent or received.
• The examples are either given in ASCII text or as hexadecimal codes. The ASCII coded examples
don't always show the additional code for the checksum, carriage return and linefeed. These are
however required.
6.3 Keyboard
With the commands '-' and '+', it is possible to disable and enable the keyboard so the user cannot
interact while the software communicates. This way the software can control the device completely.
The keyboard is automatically re-enabled when the device restarts.
#999 >-
#999 <-i /* the keyboard is now disabled */
#999 >+
#999 <+g /* the keyboard is now enabled */
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
Byte 0: Display focus number. The device has several display outputs which are selected
manually using the arrow keys. These are indicated with a focus number starting from 0.
This number can be checked this way. The focus can be changed using a specific
Byte 6, 7: Measurement settings of the channels, one byte for each channel.
1=pH, 2=mV, 3=EC, 4=O2, 5=%O2, 6=°C, 0= OFF
Byte 9, 10, 11, 12: 32 bits Password settings. The highest bit indicates the password is enabled.
Byte 19, 20: Data log settings: Number of logged data points
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
Byte 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: Data log settings: irrelevant information
Byte 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41: Digital output settings of which byte 30 and 31 returns the time
interval in seconds.
Byte 44 → 47 (74→77): Value High control limit (32 bit, 10000 = unit value)
Byte 48 (78): Conductivity range of High control limit
Byte 49 (79): = 1, When the control of the High value is enabled
Byte 50 (80): = 0-3, The number of the associated relay subtracted with 1
Byte 51 → 54 (81→84): Value Low control limit (32 bit, 10000 = unit value)
Byte 55 (85): Conductivity range of Low control limit
Byte 56 (86): = 1, When the control of the Low value is enabled
Byte 57 (87): = 0-3, The number of the associated relay subtracted with 1
Byte 58→61 (88→91): Hysteresis value (32 bit, 10000 = unit value)
Byte 62 (92): Conductivity range of Hysteresis
Byte 63→66 (93→96): Proportional control area value (32 bit, 10000 = unit value)
Byte 67 (97): Conductivity range of Proportional control area
Byte 68→69 (98→99): Timer value (in seconds) to wait after exceeding the limit
Byte 70→71 (100→101): Pulse time value (in seconds) proportional control
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
e.g. Request the measurement from channel 1 (=> Send 'M'+0, see command table)
23 39 39 39 20 3E 4D 0 8B 0D 0A /* send the request to device #999 */
23 39 39 39 9 3C 4D 13 /* Start of answer from device #999, 19 data bytes to follow */
10 80 01 01 2C 00 58 B5 2B 00 01 14 E3 00 03 D0 90 03 DA /* returned data */
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 : byte number offsets)
CA D A /* Checksum + Carriage Return + LineFeed */
Byte 9→12:
32 bits with measurement data where the value 10000 corresponds to the unit 1. In this
example, the hex value 00 01 14 E3 corresponds with 70883. Using the format from byte 8,
this example returns the value of '7,09 pH'.
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
The last 2 columns indicate the control condition and the activated relays (here relay 1 is active):
'<' = Low, '>' = High, 'A' = Alarm, 'M' = Maintenance, 'S' = Stop, '-' = normal condition.
The device will first return the number of records which will be actually returned. This number can be
different from the requested number depending on the amount of available records starting from the
given start record number.
The returned information from a data record contains 10 bytes with the following information.
Here's a description with the data from the first record as example: 1C 5F 2 26 A B1 8E C3 AB 0
• Next 2 bytes contain the channel number minus 1 and the measured temperature:
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
• The 5th Byte contains the 'out of range flag' and the lowest 2 digits of the year.
➢ The highest bit is 1 when the value or the temperature is out of range
In the example: 0, No out of range measurements.
➢ The lowest seven bits is a number for 0 to 99, indicating the last 2 digits of the year
In the example: 0A, year 10 (lowest 2 digits from 2010).
• The 6th , 7th , 8th and 9th byte (32 bits, starting from b31 down to b0) contain the date/time
information and the measurement format range.
In the example, this information is binary: 1011 0001 1000 1110 1100 0011 1010 1011
➢ b31 → b28: 4 bits with the Month (0..12), in example 1011 = 11, the month November
➢ b27 → b22: 6 bits with the Minutes (0..59), in example 0001 10 = 6
➢ b21 → b16: 6 bits with the Seconds (0..59), in example 00 1110 = 14
➢ b15 → b11: 5 bits with the date (day of the month, 0..31), in example 1100 0 = 24
➢ b10 → b6: 5 bits with the hour (0..23), in example 011 10 = 14
➢ b5 → b0: 6 bits with the measurement format table index, in example 10 1011 = 43 or
the range 0.01 pH.
The recorded data from the example is 7.26 pH, 25.0°C on the 24th of November, 2010 at 14:06:14.
There was limit exceeded and no control active.
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
The current date and time here is: 29 November (20)10, 14:28:13.
Set the menu bar position to 5, i.e. the sixth element of menu. Note that the display itself is not
refreshed but the selection is set to 5. This can be tested with reading the menu parameters
IMPORTANT: There is no checking on the values that will be tried to put in. The result on an invalid
value, when continuing using the OK button, will then be unpredictable.
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
IMPORTANT: There is no checking on the values that will be tried to put in. The result on an invalid
value, when continuing using the OK button, will then be unpredictable.
Request version:
3E 49 01 88 0D 0A
3C 49 04 20 31 2E 37 3F 0D 0A /* '<I'+nr of data bytes+' 1.7'+Checksum+CR+LF */
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
1. Set the device in the SETTINGS menu mode using the 'B' command.
2. Send the Device Information command code with the first unlock code 0xC7.
3. Send the Device Information command code with the second unlock code 0x63.
4. Send the table number, table type and the table information in the same format as one can read
them with the 'U' command (mind the capital size or lower case of the command codes!). This
table format requires : (see examples in Read User Table)
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
Mind that all these table elements (name, min/max, values, format, irrelevant values/bytes, ...) are
required but only the 12 values and the measurement format for conductivity tables will be stored. The
measurement format cannot be changed for pH tables. The names, min/max temperature, number of
table values... cannot be changed.
There is no control on the 12 table values or the measurement format when writing the table.
The incorrectness of these are solely the responsibility of the user.
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]
7. Measurement formats
The measurements returned as 32 bit numbers are based on the integer 10000 as unit value. The
returned format number indicates which value is represented according to the following table. The
values should rounded against the given format.
e.g. 1. The measured 32 bit value is 86932, the given format number is 43 which is 0,01 pH according to
the table. This value/format combination represents the measurement of 8,69 pH.
2. The measured 32 bit value is 1006325, the given format number is 9 which is 0,1 mS/cm
according to the table. This value/format combination represents the measurement of 100,6
Parklaan 36 +32 (0)14 411279
B-2300 Turnhout +32 (0)14 429179
Belgium [email protected]