Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Foundation is the lowest part of a structure which provides a base for the super-structure and
which transmit the loads of the structure to the ground are known as foundations or substructure. The solid
ground on which the foundations rest is called the foundation bed.
Objects of foundation: - foundations are provided for the following purposes:
1. To distribute the total load coming in the structure on a large area.
2. To support the structure
3. To give enough stability to the structures against various disturbing forces such as wind, rain, etc.
4. To prepare a level surface for concreting and masonry work.
It is desirable to visit the site of work and inspect the same carefully from the view point of
foundation details. The nature and thickness of strata of soil may be estimated by studying the excavation
details of nearby constructions or by examining the open side of a nearby well.
The purpose of site exploration is to assess the suitability of a site for a particular project or to
investigate the cause of failure of an existing structure. The primary objectives of soil exploration are:
Determination of the nature of the deposits of soil.
Determination of the depth and thickness of the various soil strata and their extent in their
horizontal direction.
The location of the ground water table and fluctuations in GWT.
Obtaining soil rock samples from the various strata.
The determination of the engineering properties of the soil and rock strata that affect the
performance of the structure, and
Determination of the in-situ properties by performing field tests.
The information gathered will be used as bases:
For the selection of foundation.
To decide on the depth of foundation.
For the determination of the bearing capacity of the selected foundation.
For the performance of settlement of the existing foundation.
The subsoil exploration should enable the engineer to draw the soil profile indicating the sequence
of the strata and the properties of the soils involved. In general, the methods available for soil exploration
may be classified as follows:
1. Direct Methods: Test pits, Trial pits or trenches.
2. Semi-direct Methods: Borings.
3. Indirect Methods: Soundings or Penetration tests and geophysical methods.
This stage is the detailed investigation phase and it involves:
Making test boreholes and /or test pits.
Collecting soil samples.
Conducting field tests.
4) Percussion Boring
Soil and rock formations are broken by repeated blows of
heavy chisel or bit suspended by a cable or drill rod
Water is added to the hole during boring, if not already
Suitable for advancing a hole in all types of soils,
boulders and rock.
5) Rotary Boring
Rotary drilling is a very fast method
of advancing hole in both rocks and
A drill bit, fixed to the lower end of
the drill rods is always kept in firm
contact with the bottom of the hole.
A water solution of bentonite, with
or without admixtures is
continuously forced down.
The mud coming up wards bring the
cuttings to the surface. The method
is also known as mud rotary drilling.
a) Isolated Footings
o These footings are sometimes known as column footings and are used to support the individual
columns, piers or other concentrated load.
o Most column footings are slab footings with two-way reinforcements and constant depth.
2) Grillage Foundations
They consist of steel or wooden beams arranged in layers at right angles to one another and
embedded in concrete.
They are generally provided for heavily loaded steel column and used in locations where bearing
capacity of soil is poor.
Under reamed piles are bored and cast in situ concrete piles having bulb shaped arrangement near
The principle of this type of foundation is to anchor the structure at a depth where ground
movements due to changes in moisture content or consolidation of the poor strata are negligible.
Shape of well
Well Foundation
1. Explain the purposes for which sub-soil investigation is done.
2. In site reconnaissance what are the things we need to examine.
3. How do you decide the depth of exploration? Mention the recommended depth of exploration for
various types of foundations.
4. What do you understand by a trial pit? When do you adopt this method?
5. Explain in brief the various methods of boring for sub-soil exploration.
6. What do you understand by a bore hole? How do you maintain the details of various types of strata
obtained during boring?
7. Write a short note on sub-surface soundings.
8. What do you understand by geo-physical methods? Enumerate various methods used.
9. What do you understand by ultimate bearing capacity? Enumerate the different methods to
determine the bearing capacity of soil.
10. Explain in detail the plate load test for determining safe bearing capacity of soil.
11. Differentiate clearly between disturbed sample and undisturbed sample.
12. Discuss various functions served by foundations.
13. What are the requirements of a good foundation?
14. What are the causes of failure of foundation? What remedial measures would you adopt?
15. What do you understand by a ‘shallow foundation’? Draw sketches to show various types of
shallow foundation.
16. Differentiate between ‘strip footing’ and ‘pad footing’.
17. Explain with the help of sketches, the following (i) trapezoidal combined footing (ii) strap footing
(iii) mat foundation.
18. Explain the situations in which the pile foundation is preferred.
Building Construction Page 37
19. Classify various types of piles based on (i) function, (ii) method of construction and (iii) materials
and composition.
20. Differentiate between pile foundation and pier foundation. How does pier foundation differ from
caisson foundation?
21. Describe with sketches the method of setting out foundation trenches.
22. What do you understand by ‘timbering’? Explain with the help of sketches various methods
adopted for different types of soil.
23. Explain ditch sump, well point and deep well system of foundation dewatering with the help of
24. What are the main causes of foundation failure? Enumerate those sites considered to be potentially
hazardous for foundation construction.