RCM Methodology - NAVAIR
RCM Methodology - NAVAIR
RCM Methodology - NAVAIR
NAVAIR 00-25-403
01 July 2005
NAVAIR 00–25–403
2 July 2005
NAVAIR 00-25-403
01 July 2005
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Total number of pages in this manual is 194 consisting of the following:
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1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. B-2
1.2 ON CONDITION TASK INTERVAL DETERMINATION ............................. B-2
1.2.1 Using Acceptable Probability of Failure and Task Effectiveness ............B-2
1.2.2 Optimizing Task Intervals for Failure Modes with Non-Safety
1.2.3 Methods for Estimating Potential-to-Functional (PF) Interval..................B-5
1.3 HARD TIME TASK INTERVAL DETERMINATION.................................... B-7
1.3.1 Weibull analysis ......................................................................................B-7
1.3.2 Testing ....................................................................................................B-7
1.3.3 Fatigue analyses.....................................................................................B-7
1.3.4 Determining Hard Time Intervals for Non-Safety Related Failures .........B-7
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Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an analytical process to determine the appropriate
failure management strategies, including PM requirements and other actions that are warranted
to ensure safe operations and cost-wise readiness. This process of developing PM requirements,
with an auditable documentation package, is based on the reliability of the various components,
the severity of the consequences related to safety and mission if failure occurs, and the cost
effectiveness of the task. This manual is the primary guidance document for anyone tasked with
implementing an RCM program or performing an RCM analysis on Naval Air Systems
Command (NAVAIR) managed equipment. It covers the following subjects:
∗ RCM Program Management
∗ RCM Analysis Process
∗ Implementation of Analysis Results, and
∗ RCM Program Sustainment.
NAVAIRINST 4790.20 (series), Reliability-Centered Maintenance Program, states that, "The
NAVAIR RCM Program is applicable to all new procurement and in-service aircraft, engines,
systems (i.e., weapons, aircrew escape systems, avionics, and electrical systems), and Support
Equipment (SE) (i.e., avionics support equipment, non-avionics support equipment, and aircraft
launch/recovery equipment) including their modification, during all life cycle phases and levels
of maintenance. RCM principles shall be applied (as part of the systems engineering process) to
ensure safety and cost-wise readiness through determination of appropriate failure management
strategies. These strategies ensure the proper balance of preventive maintenance (PM) tasks,
prognostics and diagnostics (i.e., predictive and detective sensing devices), corrective
maintenance, operational procedures, maintenance improvements, design changes, and training."
This manual does not attempt to provide the complete background, history, or philosophy of the
RCM process. Various books and training courses are available on the RCM philosophy and its
development and applications. A good understanding of the underlying tenets of RCM should be
obtained before attempting to implement an RCM program.
This manual describes the process used to develop all PM requirements for NAVAIR aircraft,
engines, aircrew escape systems, weapon systems, aircraft launch and recovery equipment, and
support equipment.
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∗ Acceptable Probability of Failure – The probability of a given failure mode occurring
during a defined period that a program is willing to accept.
∗ Actual Probability of Failure – The predicted or demonstrated probability of a given
failure mode occurring during a defined period in the operating environment.
∗ Age Exploration (AE) – A process used to collect specific data to replace estimated or
assumed values that were used during a previous RCM analysis.
∗ Conditional Probability of Failure – The probability that a failure will occur in a
specific period provided that the item concerned has survived to the beginning of that
∗ Criticality Analysis – A procedure that prioritizes each failure mode identified in the
FMEA according to the combined influence of its severity and its probability of
∗ End Item – An assembly of hardware elements that is not used to assemble a higher level
physical item, and is ready for its intended use.
∗ Failure Consequences – The impact of functional failure (including secondary damage)
caused by failure mode(s) based on evidence of failure and adverse effect on Safety,
Environment, Operations, and Economics.
∗ Failure Effects – The result of a functional failure on surrounding items, the functional
capability of the end item, and hazards to personnel and the environment.
∗ Failure Finding Task – A preventive maintenance task performed at a specified interval
to determine whether a hidden failure has occurred.
∗ Failure Mode – A specific physical condition that can result in a particular functional
∗ Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) – A process used to determine the
function(s) of each item, the functional failures associated with each function, the failure
modes that have the potential to cause each functional failure, and the effect and severity
of each failure mode.
∗ Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) – A process which combines
a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and a Criticality Analysis (CA).
∗ Function – An intended purpose of an item as described by a required standard of
∗ Functional Failure – The inability of an item to perform a specific function within
specified limits.
∗ Hard Time Task – The scheduled removal of an item, or a restorative action at some
specified maximum operating limit to prevent functional failure.
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∗ AE Age Exploration
∗ AEB Age Exploration Bulletin
∗ APML Assistant Program Manager for Logistics
∗ APMS&E Assistant Program Manager, Systems and Engineering
∗ BUNO Bureau Number
∗ CBM Condition-Based Maintenance
∗ CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System
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1-5/(1-6 Blank)
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Implementation of an RCM program encompasses much more than just performing RCM
analysis. It is a major undertaking that requires significant planning and project management
efforts. This section addresses many of the issues that need to be considered prior to
implementing an RCM program. Figure 2-1 illustrates the overall RCM program process and
highlights the RCM Plan and Hardware Partition blocks covered in this section.
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As with any large project, substantial up front planning is required for it to be successful. An
RCM Program Plan, which is required by NAVAIRINST 4790.20 (series), is the means by
which this planning effort is accomplished and recorded. The RCM Program Plan must address,
at a minimum, the implementation and sustainment issues discussed in this section. It should
also include a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) to outline key events that will occur
when a particular activity is started or completed. The plan may also address how an RCM
program will interface with other organizational elements, such as system safety, logistics, and
human factors groups. The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP),
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2, and the Naval Ordnance Maintenance Management Program
(NOMMP), OPNAVINST 8000.16, offer guidance by establishing standard maintenance policy
for aircraft and ordnance respectively. They should be referred to during development and
execution of the RCM Program Plan to help create a positive working relationship between the
RCM program and the maintenance program. The RCM Program Plan must be updated
periodically to reflect changes in program requirements. Examples of RCM Program Plans are
shown in Appendix A.
One valuable resource for assisting in the implementation of an RCM program is the NAVAIR
RCM Steering Committee. It is made up of RCM experts from several NAVAIR programs that
represent various assets such as aircraft, engines, weapon systems, aircraft launch and recovery
equipment and support equipment. It provides a forum through which a wide variety of RCM-
related subjects are discussed, including the development and refinement of processes and tools
used to implement and sustain RCM programs. One objective of the Steering Committee is the
exchange of technical information among personnel assigned to perform RCM. Another
objective is to work in cooperation with all Navy maintenance organizations, other Department
of Defense agencies, academia, industry, and international armed forces and organizations to
standardize the RCM procedure and to share information for the benefit of all concerned. The
Steering Committee is available to provide assistance to any program tasked with implementing
and sustaining an RCM program.
Supplements to this guide may be issued to provide specific additional guidance related to
unique equipment or commodities. Recognizing specific competency responsibilities and
authority, this additional guidance will provide commodity or competency-unique data, criteria
and analysis techniques. Any supplement to this guide should be coordinated with the NAVAIR
RCM Steering Committee to ensure it properly supports the general RCM process.
The NAVAIR RCM Steering Committee may be reached via the NAVAIR RCM web site at
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The DoD Guide “Designing and Assessing Supportability in DoD Weapon Systems: A Guide to
Increased Reliability and Reduced Logistics Footprint” of 24 October 2003, provides a template
to use in defining and assessing program activities to meet DoD policy requirements throughout
the weapon system life cycle. Emphasis is placed on designing for increased reliability and
reduced logistics footprint and on providing for effective product support through performance-
based logistics (PBL) strategies. The Guide stresses the use of RCM for a system-based
methodical approach to determine causes of failure, failure consequences, and to identify the
most applicable and effective maintenance task(s). Appropriate use of proactive maintenance
technologies embodied in diagnostics and prognostics, integrating on-board and off-board
monitoring, testing, data collection, and analysis capabilities are also addressed to significantly
enhance system maintainability and overall supportability. These practices include enhanced
prognosis/diagnosis techniques, failure trend analysis, electronic portable or point-of-
maintenance aids, corrosion mitigation, serial item management, automatic identification
technology, and data-driven interactive maintenance training. Ultimately, these practices can
increase operational availability and readiness at a reduced cost throughout the weapon system
life cycle.
The following is provided as guidance for appropriate activity prior to various Acquisition
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∗ The Use Study should be updated to identify any issues and constraints related to
preventative maintenance in the intended environment as the design evolves and
operational basing/deployment and training plans are developed.
∗ An initial "hardware" RCM analysis on the evolving design should be used to
influence the design evolution to optimize preventive maintenance and failure
∗ The RCM Plan should be updated consistent with the design phase. The RCM
analysis effort should be iterative and responsive to design and modification
development to ensure a preventive maintenance and failure management program
reflective of current configuration and with plans for update consistent with any
planned product improvements. The RCM Plan should clearly identify RCM Team
members, organizational responsibilities, RCM candidate selection, schedule and
resource requirements, supportability design constraints and requirements, ground
rules and assumptions, design evaluation and trade-off processes, analysis and
documentation methodologies and tools, and establish the framework of the RCM
program for the life-cycle of the equipment. Fleet user involvement should be
solicited early in the analysis process.
∗ The preventive maintenance and failure management approach should continue to
evaluate technological advances such as PHM to reduce reliance on physical
inspections and calendar-based maintenance; and facilitate opportunistic
maintenance. Trade-off processes should be continued to ensure such technologies
are evaluated for life-cycle cost effectiveness. Technological advances with inherent
risk should be mitigated and monitored until the maturity can be adequately
∗ The RCM handling of safety and environmental consequences should be consistent
with established design requirements for system safety and environmental hazards.
∗ An agreement and approach for development and use of the FMECA and early
fielding failure data to support System Safety, Reliability and Maintainability, and
Supportability Analysis/RCM requirements should be established.
∗ Lessons learned from fielded programs and early fielding feedback (or lessons
learned by other programs incorporating similar technological advances) should be
incorporated into supportability design or performance requirements, or result in
adjustments to preventive maintenance and failure management requirements through
update of the RCM analyses.
∗ RCM results should be incorporated into maintenance plans and technical
publications. Provisions should be in place to ensure preventive maintenance
requirements are not changed without support from an updated RCM analysis.
∗ Resources and plans should be identified for sustainment of the RCM and preventive
maintenance/failure management programs for in-service equipment. Meaningful
performance metrics should be established or updated to monitor and adjust the RCM
results and preventive maintenance requirements. Periodic Fleet reviews should be
identified and scheduled following fielding.
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2.2.4 During Full Rate Production and subsequent (Operations & Support)
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∗ Resources and plans should be maintained/updated for sustainment of the RCM and
preventive maintenance/failure management programs for the in-service equipment.
Performance metrics should be reviewed and updated. The RCM and preventive
maintenance requirements should be updated (as necessary) based on the performance
metrics. Fleet reviews should continue periodically. The RCM update process
should be responsive to fleet inputs and findings.
∗ The Age Exploration program should continue to be integral to the overall
maintenance approach, including incorporation into technical documentation as
appropriate. Results of Age Exploration should be used to update the RCM and
preventive maintenance requirements in a timely manner.
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NAVAIR 00-25-403 Competencies
Competencies required by the team to provide data and expertise in their fields may include:
∗ Design Interface and Maintenance Planning
∗ Air Vehicle Design and Integration
∗ Reliability & Maintainability
∗ Air Vehicle Structures
∗ Air Vehicle Systems
∗ Aircrew Systems
∗ Avionics
∗ Propulsion and Power (P&P)
∗ Weapons
∗ Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment
∗ Support Equipment
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gained from the operators, maintainers, and supporting engineers and logisticians. The
deliverables should be scheduled such that appropriate progress is ensured and any problems are
identified before investment of resources into follow-on activities. For example, the RCM Plan
should be delivered and approved before beginning the analysis effort and the FMECA data
should be subject to incremental or in-process reviews to identify issues early in the process.
Provisions for support and sustainment should be considered to ensure the format, content and
depth of data in any deliverables ensures adequate documentation to support decisions and
recommendations for future reference.
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workload of an updated analysis. A previous analysis may be used in several ways. Examples
include limiting the updated analysis to hardware that has no prior analysis; updating the
previous analysis to conform to new processes; to consider application of new inspection or
monitoring technology; or as a data source for a complete new analysis. A combination of these
may be used to some advantage. A hardware item with limited life remaining may warrant
analysis of only a few specific functions. The availability of funding and trained analysts will
also be major factors in determining the analysis scope.
The intent of an RCM program for a new item is to ensure that appropriate levels of safety,
environmental compliance, mission accomplishment, and economy of operations are achieved.
This includes identifying design shortfalls or areas for application of technology such as NDI or
PHM that would lead to lower life cycle costs. An appropriate scope of analysis for a new item
design is, therefore, one that encompasses the entire item.
When any of the methods described above are used to limit the scope of an analysis, extreme
care must be taken to ensure that no safety/environmental or significant operational/economic
issues are overlooked.
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Clear boundaries of where an item begins and ends must be identified and documented in the
RCM Program Plan’s Ground Rules and Assumptions section. For example, when preparing to
analyze a hydraulic flight control system, it must be determined where the flight control system
ends and where the hydraulic system begins. To make this distinction, the system’s interfaces
must be clearly defined and logically established. A typical division of the system would place
the actuator with the flight control system and the attaching tubing and connectors as
components of the hydraulic system. The ultimate goal of this undertaking is to break down the
hardware into units that simplify the task of clearly identifying functions, functional failures and
failure modes and to ensure no subsystem or component is overlooked.
The Work Unit Code (WUC) manual is an excellent resource to utilize in partitioning a system
for RCM analysis. A WUC breakdown may be useful as is, or it may require some manipulation
for more efficient analysis. For example, a landing gear door may be part of the fuselage in a
WUC breakdown, but it might be more efficiently analyzed as part of the landing gear system.
Other hardware partitioning systems, such as the Logistic Control Number, system diagrams
from technical publications, or coding systems used to assign hierarchical divisions of an asset
may also provide useful starting points for a hardware partition. One advantage of using the
WUC breakdown is that it can be applied directly to the NALCOMIS maintenance data
collection system. If some other system is used, it may have to be “mapped” to the WUC system
before NALCOMIS maintenance data can be efficiently utilized in the collation of information
for RCM analysis. Conversely, system descriptions in technical publications often provide the
best breakdown from a functional description perspective. Figure 2-2 illustrates an example of a
hardware partition.
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Careful consideration is required to choose a level of analysis that will identify a manageable
number of functions and failure modes. An analysis performed at too high a level will likely
become overwhelming as the relationship between functions at the high level and the many
failure modes become complicated. As the effort advances from a high level to progressively
lower levels, the number of functions and related failure modes identified will multiply. This
eventually will have a stifling effect on the analysis. The target level will normally be a level
consistent with the likely level of "on-equipment" maintenance. For example, if most
maintenance is performed by replacing assemblies, the level of analysis would most likely be
such that the functions and failure modes of the sub-systems comprised of these assemblies could
be readily defined. This is often referred to as a "sub-system" level analysis.
Relatively simple systems, such as aircraft oxygen systems, can be analyzed at the system level.
Complex systems, such as a flight control system or a landing gear system, may be better served
if they are analyzed at the subsystem level. This does not apply necessarily in an instance where
an analysis has been done at some other indenture level, and the data from that effort will be
updated instead of performing a new analysis.
A limited analysis may be performed efficiently at lower levels, such as the assembly or
component level, on specific items. If this is the case, plan to approach the analysis in such a
way that it allows the effort to be expanded to a full analysis should the need arise. A preferred
approach to accomplish this is to identify functions at the system or subsystem level, then
analyze only failure modes of selected components within the selected subsystem. This
approach may require a little more effort initially, but will save time if or when the complete
analysis is performed.
Some hardware may be analyzed at multiple levels to avoid analyzing redundant functions. For
example, assume that an aircraft is being analyzed at the subsystem level. Subsystems may
include the wing, forward fuselage, center fuselage, and aft fuselage. Rather than analyzing the
functions of the paint on each of the subsystems, the paint functions could be analyzed at
airframe level while the remaining functions of the aircraft structure could be analyzed at
subsystem level (e.g., wing, forward fuselage). Some complex items may also warrant analysis
at a lower level. For example, a canopy may be identified as a subassembly of the forward
fuselage in the hardware breakdown, but may warrant separate analysis due to the number of
distinct functions it has which are clearly apart from the fuselage. Information regarding
hardware analysis levels must be identified and documented in the Ground Rules and
Assumptions section of the RCM Program Plan.
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selected would be those cost or readiness drivers, or higher-level items that contain them
depending on the selected level of analysis. Another objective of a limited analysis may be to
evaluate current PM requirements. In this case, only hardware items with current PM
requirements may be selected. Be aware, in this case, that if all items have not previously been
subjected to RCM analysis, the current PM tasks may not be adequate to provide the desired
level of safety, environmental compliance, economic, and operational effectiveness for the end
item. A limited analysis may also be implemented to evaluate the insertion of new
inspection/detection methods for specific hardware items. For a given RCM program, hardware
may be selected for any combination of reasons. For any limited analysis, the RCM sustaining
program should be established to monitor the performance of the system or end item to identify
areas of concern that may not have been subjected to RCM analysis. Regardless of the scope of
the initial analysis, an effective RCM program will be sustained such that any additions or
changes to the PM requirements will be developed from the results of an RCM analysis.
Information regarding hardware selection must be identified and documented in the Ground
Rules and Assumptions section of the RCM Program Plan.
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∗ Organizational (O) and Intermediate (I) level failure modes from defect reports
(engineering investigations, hazardous material reports, bulletins, and mishap reports)
∗ Depot (D) level in-service failure modes (e.g., temporary engineering instructions,
local engineering specifications, and examination and evaluation reports)
∗ O and I level failure modes from maintenance databases (e.g., NALCOMIS or
CMMS data)
∗ Failure modes identified in corrosion prone areas
∗ Anecdotal failure modes from interviews with operators and maintainers
∗ High visibility failure modes (e.g., failure modes causing high cost or readiness
∗ Test result failure modes (e.g., failure modes from fatigue tests, component
∗ Failure modes that may benefit from new inspection and detection technology
∗ Safety and safety hidden failure modes identified in schematic, block and reliability
∗ Failure modes of protective or sensing/detective systems and functions that may not
be evident without inspections or checks
∗ Failure modes from failure mode libraries on common equipment types
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Appendix A provides an examples RCM Program Plans for an aircraft and
an engine that contains Ground Rules and Assumptions.
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2.6.4 Certification
The NAVAIR RCM Steering Committee manages the RCM certification program to ensure
appropriately qualified individuals accomplish RCM efforts. The Steering Committee, under the
authority of NAVAIR 6.7, will designate a Site Coordinator to manage the certification of
individuals performing RCM at each site. The following categories of certification apply. Level 1
Level 1 RCM Analyst certification indicates an individual has received a NAVAIR approved
RCM Analyst course and be familiar with the contents of this manual. The Level 1 Analyst is
not expected to be proficient in conducting or leading RCM analysis efforts. The Level 1
Analyst should perform RCM analyses only in conjunction with a Level 2 Senior Analyst or a
Level 3 Implementation Manager. A Level 2 Senior Analyst should review all analyses before
being submitted for approval as established by the applicable RCM Plan. Prior to certification, a
Level 1 Analyst should meet the following requirements:
∗ A NAVAIR-approved RCM Analyst course
Education and experience:
∗ Bachelors degree or equivalent experience related to maintenance, reliability, or
safety of NAVAIR systems
∗ Thorough knowledge of this manual
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NAVAIR 00-25-403 Level 2
Level 2 certification indicates an individual is capable of leading or conducting an analysis
effort. A Level 2 Senior Analyst should be capable of explaining and defending the results of
any analyses that he or she has led. Level 2 Senior Analysts should submit analyses to the Level
3 Implementation Manager for approval as established by the applicable RCM Plan.
A Level 1 Analyst will be recommended for Level 2 Senior Analyst certification by a Level 3
Implementation Manager upon demonstrating proficiency in performing RCM analyses and
meeting the following requirements:
Meet requirements for Level 1 Analyst
Additional experience:
∗ 2 years experience related to maintenance, reliability, or safety of NAVAIR systems
∗ 1 year experience performing RCM
Suggested additional training and reading material:
∗ Statistical Analysis Methods
∗ Reliability Analysis Methods
∗ System Safety Methods
∗ Non-Destructive Inspection Methods
∗ Navy maintenance data systems Level 3
Level 3 certification indicates an individual is well versed, trained, and experienced in RCM
methods and applications. A Level 3 RCM Analyst may serve as an Implementation Manager
for a RCM program or extensive analysis effort. The Level 3 Analyst should be knowledgeable
of the content of the NAVAIR RCM Management Brief, and be capable of presenting an
Orientation Brief to members of their assigned RCM Team as required. A Level 3 Analyst will
have led or conducted numerous RCM analyses and shall be conversant in all aspects of the
RCM process and policy. The Level 3 Analyst is capable of being responsible for planning the
overall RCM effort for a program and developing the RCM Plan. The Level 3 Analyst may
recommend certification of personnel for Level 1 and Level 2 certification to the RCM Site
Coordinator. The RCM Site Coordinator may approve Level 3 certification for Level 2 Analysts
that meet the following criteria.
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If RCM efforts are contracted, appropriate contract data deliverable list (CDRL) items or other
deliverable products need to be specified in the contract SOW.
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production inspection records, vendor’s overhaul and rework data, test reports, engineering
studies, drawings, and computer modeling.
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Section 5 of this manual provides detailed descriptions of the types of tasks that are necessary to
properly sustain an RCM program.
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This section describes the RCM analysis process. The RCM analysis process (highlighted in
black in Figure 3-1) includes performing a Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA), selecting significant functions, and performing task evaluations and task selections.
Figure 3-1 also illustrates where the RCM analysis process fits in the overall RCM program.
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3.2.1 Function
A function is the intended purpose of an item as described by a required standard of
performance. It is not necessarily what the item is capable of doing, as shown in the example
below. A complete function description should include any specific performance limits (upper
and/or lower bounds).
Although most equipment is designed to perform a specific or single function, many systems
may perform multiple functions or have secondary functions. Some functions are "demand"
driven, such as an ejection seat, while others operate continuously. Care must be taken to ensure
functions are not overlooked, and that the function statement is clear, including any operating
context notations.
An example of an item with multiple functions is an aircraft landing gear system. It supports the
aircraft ground load. It retracts when the aircraft is airborne. It extends when the aircraft is
airborne, prior to landing.
Examples of secondary functions for the landing gear system include the following:
∗ Provide fluid containment
∗ Provide protection from environment damage or exposure
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Virtually all systems have primary and secondary functions. Secondary functions are often less
obvious than the primary function, but may have more severe consequences if they fail.
Secondary functions to consider for the system under analysis include:
∗ Fluid Containment
∗ Controlling features
∗ Safety or protective features (for the equipment, the operators, the maintainers, or
sometimes, bystanders)
Functions should not be combined if failure consequences are different for each function. For
example, two functions of an aircraft landing gear system are to “extend landing gear” and to
“retract landing gear.” There may be a tendency to create one function "extends and retracts
landing gear". However, if the landing gear fails to extend, the aircraft will not be able to land
without significant damage. However, if the landing gear fails to retract, the consequence might
be limited to the loss of a mission.
Functions that only apply during certain operational or mission scenarios or context should be
clearly noted. These will require special attention in the RCM analysis. Resulting functional
failures and failure modes can then be identified such that they clearly relate to the appropriate
scenario or context. Reliability and cost values may also require adjustment to account for the
usage profiles of the item or function. Information for determining functions can be drawn from
several sources such as maintenance and operations manuals, drawings, and discussions with
equipment operators, maintainers, and design engineers. Block diagrams for each indenture
level being analyzed provide both functional and reliability information. They illustrate the
operation and relationships of the functional entities involved in the system’s use.
SAE JA1012 provides additional discussion on the development of function statements.
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Failure effects are used in the RCM analysis process to determine the consequences of failures so
that appropriate PM tasks may be developed. The consequences of failure adversely impact
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personnel safety, the environment, mission accomplishment, and economics. To determine the
consequences of the failure, the analyst must identify the effect that the occurrence of a failure
mode has on the end item. An understanding of how the occurrence of failure modes affects
each functional level of the hardware is essential for determining their effects on the end item.
Often, effects vary under different mission/usage phases or profiles and this must be carefully
evaluated and documented. In these cases, it may be necessary to list different effects based on
the usage scenario. This information will be used in the RCM process to determine the proper
failure management strategy. For example, certain PM or Other Actions may need to occur only
while deployed on-board an aircraft carrier. Other systems may be dormant for periods (such as
support equipment, missiles, or weapons) and have different failure management strategies while
in dormant/storage phase than when active or installed.
Most FMECAs identify three levels of failure effects: local, next higher, end item. Three levels
are usually sufficient for most analyses, but they may be added to or eliminated as required.
When applying failure effects to protective devices, monitoring systems, advanced diagnostics
and PHM systems, consider the protected function as well as the protective function is in a failed
state. Failure effects for emergency functions that are only activated based on the occurrence of
a "demand event" should be described considering that the event has occurred and this
assumption should be included in the description (e.g., "inability to eject following in-flight
emergency leading to loss of life" or "inability to extinguish fire causing loss of aircraft").
Examples may include ejection systems, fire detection systems, or missile "self destruct"
systems. These "demand events" should be described in the RCM Plan ground rules and
assumptions as a mission or usage phase, and the effects carefully documented as applicable to
the appropriate phase.
Sources of information for identifying failure effects include maintenance manuals, defect
reports, drawings, contact with maintainers, depot artisans, designers, vendors, and materials
laboratories, various test results, and functional block diagrams.
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methods include pressure tests, voltage checks, visual inspections, NDI, and PHM systems that
isolate failure modes automatically. Again, clear description of these methods will aid the RCM
analysis in choosing the most appropriate and least intrusive detection method, minimizing
induced from the maintenance activity.
Sources of information for identifying failure detection methods include maintenance manuals,
operator manuals, drawings, maintainers, operators, depot artisans, designers, vendors, materials
laboratories, various test results, and functional block diagrams.
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Prioritization of analysis can use any reasonable method for determination of MTBF as long as
the method is consistently applied, but that is not true for the other 3 purposes.
A prerequisite for determining if PM (or other failure management strategy) is desired is to
determine how often failures would occur if PM (or other failure management strategy) were not
imposed. Therefore, in RCM context, MTBF is defined as the average time (or other appropriate
usage parameter) a component or system operates without failure from a particular failure mode,
assuming no actions are taken to prevent that failure mode. In other words, MTBF is the average
age of an entire population of assets assuming they were all run to failure, under normal
operational conditions, without PM (or other failure management strategy) imposed. As a result,
in-service data often cannot be used to directly calculate the MTBF for RCM purposes, because
some form of PM may already be in place. In such cases, MTBF values must be estimated based
on an understanding of the failure mechanism, its degradation characteristics, and the impacts of
the imposed PM (sometimes using data on similar equipment without PM). Therefore, the
MTBF values listed in a FMECA should clearly identify the methodologies used, and sources
and timeframes for any data used in the calculations.
When MTBF values are calculated from in-service data or vendor/manufacturer data on similar
equipment, the values may also need to be adjusted to compensate for differences in equipment
design or operational context, in addition to accounting for the influence from existing PM tasks.
Therefore, considerations when using in-service data to calculate MTBF include:
∗ When using NALCOMIS or CMMS data, failures will often have to be divided among
several failure modes since failures may be documented in several ways. For example,
they may be documented against a higher level assembly, or they may be documented
at different locations on the analyzed item, or they may represent several different
failure modes within a given malfunction code. Input from maintainers should be
solicited to assign reported failures to the most appropriate failure modes.
∗ The occurrence of one failure mode may result in a corrective action that, in turn,
prevents the occurrence of another failure mode. For example, if an assembly is
removed for repair, often the repair process corrects failure modes or restores the
item's condition other than for the failure causing it to be removed. Input from repair
sites should be obtained to determine failure modes revealed during repair and the
MTBF adjusted accordingly.
∗ In-service data may include the effects of a current or past preventive action. If a
current failure mode has a PM task in place, adjustment to the calculated MTBF to
account for that PM task is necessary. For example:
− When an On Condition task is in place, in-service data will include both potential
failure and functional failure information. Therefore, the unadjusted MTBF
considering both potential and functional failures (influenced by potential failures
discovered by the On Condition task) will be lower than the MTBF with no PM
task in place.
− When a Hard Time task is in place, in-service data will not include failures that
would have occurred had the Hard Time task not been performed. Therefore, the
unadjusted MTBF will be higher than the MTBF with no PM in place.
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∗ Items or functions may be dormant for extended periods of time, therefore any failure
modes that occur during the dormant period may not become evident until the item is
activated, causing the MTBF to appear longer than actual.
The age distribution of the population, the number of items per end item, and the existence of
infant mortality (among other factors) may skew the MTBF requiring careful evaluation and
appropriate statistical methods. Also, equipment design, operating environment, maintenance
process, and other factors change and may impact failure rates over time. The use of MTBF in
the RCM process is to project the average time/usage between functional failure caused by a
single type of failure mode on each item without PM. Various methods may be appropriate for
making this determination dependant on available data and type of equipment. Various
reliability guides and studies may be researched if more precise determination of MTBF or
failure rates are desired.
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The logic questions asked in the SF Logic diagram apply to every function that has the potential
of being significant. It is important to understand that an item may have more than one function.
Each function must be evaluated separately. It must be pointed out that the first question in the
logic flow that evokes a “YES” answer dictates that the function is significant, thus negating the
need to consider the remaining logic questions. If, on the other hand, all of the logic questions
evoke a “NO” answer, then the function is considered non-significant, and, therefore, requires no
further analysis. While answering any of these questions, consideration must be given to all
possible effects of failure modes for the function being analyzed. This includes secondary
damage (such as foreign object damage) that may not directly result from the loss of the
function. In the case where secondary damage is the only effect that makes a function
significant, it may be possible to add a secondary function whose loss results directly in the
secondary damage. The effects of losing this function would then be the secondary damage. For
example, many hardware components may cause foreign object damage if they become
unattached from their attach points. The resulting damage may have nothing to do with the
actual system performance of the component or be much more severe than the loss of the subject
system. This “secondary damage” could be addressed by adding the secondary function:
“Component xyz maintains secure attachment to the airframe.”
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Evident Hidden
Does failure mode cause function loss Does hidden failure mode in combination
or secondary damage that could have with second failure/event cause function
an adverse effect on operating safety loss or secondary damage that could have
or lead to serious environmental an adverse effect on operating safety or
violation? lead to serious environmental violation?
Evident Evident Hidden Hidden
Safety/ Economic/ Economic/ Safety/
Environmental Operational Operational Environmental
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∗ Does the occurrence of the hidden failure mode in combination with a second failure
or event cause a function loss or secondary damage that could have an adverse effect
on operating safety or lead to a serious environmental violation?
Failure consequence evaluation is a two-step process. First, functional failures are separated into
two categories: those that are evident to the operator/operating crew and those that are not.
Second, the effects of the failure are evaluated to identify those that affect safety or
environmental compliance.
For a functional failure to be classified as “evident,” it must be evident to the operating crew on
its own, under normal circumstances. This means that no other failure or event needs to occur to
make the functional failure evident, and no special actions or special conditions have to take
place, other than those that are part of regular operations. Systems are often designed with visual
or audible warning devices to make failures evident. Other failures are evident due strictly to
their operational effects, for example, vibration or loss of control. Detecting the failure must not
require operator actions other than those considered “normal duties” in order for the failure to be
classified as evident. If the operator has to do anything not considered normal procedures to
detect a failure (e.g., remove panels during equipment operation), the failure will be classified as
Some functions are normally dormant and only become activated upon occurrence of a "demand
event". If the operational capability of these functions is not known until they are called for (i.e.,
there is no indication that they are in a failed state prior to the "demand event"), then failures are
not apparent under normal circumstances and will also be classified as "hidden". Examples
include ejection seat functions, emergency devices, and other systems with infrequent use (unless
there is an effective built-in test or indication that alerts the operator to their failure prior to
Once functional failures are separated into hidden and evident categories, failure modes that
affect safety or environmental compliance are identified. Failures are considered to affect safety
if they have an unacceptable probability to unintentionally kill or severely injure someone. In
making this determination, consideration must be given to the operating crew, maintenance
personnel, bystanders, and any other personnel that could be affected by the failure. Failures are
considered to affect environmental compliance if they have an unacceptable probability to cause
a serious violation of an environmental standard or regulation. A serious violation would be one
that would do significant permanent damage to the environment, or carries penalties (such as
fines or criminal prosecution) that could affect the viability of the operating organization or its
Evident failures that have adverse impacts on safety or environmental compliance resulting from
the loss of function (including any secondary damage that was caused by the occurrence of the
failure mode) require action (on-condition task, hard time task, or other action) to avoid
unacceptable consequences. If more than one failure management strategy can acceptably
satisfy the safety or environmental concern, further analysis is required to choose the best option
by factoring economic and operational impacts.
When hidden failures are analyzed, the loss of function and any secondary damage caused by the
hidden failure, in combination with a second failure or event (that makes the hidden failure
evident), are considered when determining the impact of the failure. Hidden failures that have
adverse impacts on safety or environmental compliance when combined with another
failure/event (including any secondary damage that was caused by the occurrence of the failure
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mode) also require action (on condition task, hard time task, failure finding task, or other action)
to avoid unacceptable consequences. Note the failure finding task option is unique to hidden
failures, since the possibility exists to find and fix the hidden failures and ensure availability,
when called upon, to an acceptable level of probability.
Evident and hidden failures that do not affect safety or environmental compliance will require
analysis to determine the best failure management strategy by comparing costs and operational
impacts of various options.
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Inspection Interval
PF Interval
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potential failure indicators for the failure mode “wear” could be considered. Among these
include a specific amount of material lost through wear, a level of vibration induced by a worn
segment of a rotating component, or the intensity of heat generated by friction associated with
wear. When deciding which characteristic to use as an indicator of failure resistance, consider
the length and consistency of the PF interval, the availability of measuring equipment and,
ultimately, the cost effectiveness of the resulting On Condition task. It is often helpful to do a
trade-off analysis to determine which approach is most effective, when multiple approaches are
deemed acceptable. Various tools and the IRCMS software could be used in doing these kinds
of trade-offs.
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fraction will depend on the consequences of failure and the effectiveness of the proposed task.
This is discussed in more detail in Appendix B. This concept is represented by the formula:
I = PF/n
I = Inspection interval
PF = potential failure to functional failure interval
n = number of inspections in the PF interval
For failure modes with safety/environmental consequences, an On Condition task is acceptable if
a task and interval can be identified that will reduce the probability of experiencing a functional
failure to an acceptable level. For failure modes with hidden safety/environmental
consequences, an On Condition task is acceptable if a task and interval can be identified that will
reduce the probability of experiencing a multiple failure (or failure on demand for protective
functions required upon the occurrence of a demand event) to an acceptable level. The
acceptable level(s) of probability will be established by the program team and should be
documented in the RCM Program plan. The acceptable level can be one acceptable level of
probability for all safety/environmental consequence failure modes, or may vary by failure mode
based on Severity codes, operational environments, failure effects, or other factors. It may be
that the acceptable probability of failure for a failure mode is dependent on mission assignments
(e.g., high-risk missions may accept higher probabilities of failure). Whatever factors and
methods are used for establishing the acceptable levels, the proposed task must be expected to
achieve the minimum acceptable level, regardless of cost or operational impact.
For some failure modes, the probability of failure may be extremely low for an initial operating
period, such that the initial inspection can be delayed. In this case, the on-condition task interval
would begin after this initial operating period, sometimes referred to as the "failure-free" period.
This becomes the initial inspection interval, with recurring inspections based on the PF interval.
For failures that result in economic/operational consequences, an On Condition task is acceptable
if it can be shown to be cost and operationally effective. Cost effectiveness is demonstrated if
the projected life cycle costs with the On Condition task in place are less than the projected life
cycle costs with No PM. Operational effectiveness is more difficult to demonstrate and may
require involvement from the operational community to ensure the resultant probability of failure
and any operational impacts from task accomplishment are acceptable. In some applications,
operational impacts can be quantified in economic terms allowing a comparison between the On
Condition task and No PM to be strictly on the basis of economic impact. If not, the task must
be shown to be cost effective as compared to No PM, without imposing any unacceptable
operational impacts.
Appendix B provides some proven methods for determining task intervals. Other methods not
listed in Appendix B may be determined applicable. The method chosen must be logically and
mathematically supportable. For example, it has been shown that "n" (the number of inspections
in the PF interval) should not be less than one for the most cost effective On Condition tasks,
therefore methods that result in "n" of less than one should be avoided. Selection of methods
must also consider accuracy and availability of required data, and the specific failure mechanism
being analyzed. Regardless, the method(s) adopted for determining task intervals should be
documented in the program’s RCM plan.
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COC = cost of one inspection (includes cost of material, labor, etc., for inspection, but
not repair costs); or (man-hours to perform task) * (cost per man-hour) + cost
of materials
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Figure 3-6 Safe Life Limit
A Safe Life Limit item must survive to an age below which no failures are expected to occur.
This is illustrated by Figure 3-6. Safe Life Limits are imposed only on items whose failure
modes have Safety/environmental consequences.
Economic Life Limits are used for items whose failure modes have only Economic/Operational
consequences. An Economic Life Limit is warranted for an item if it is cost-effective to remove
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Figure 3–7 Economic Life Limit
it before it fails. Unlike Safe Life Limits, which are set conservatively to avoid all failures, Economic
Life Limits may be set liberally to maximize the item’s useful life and, therefore, may add to the risk of an
occasional failure. Figure 3–7 illustrates the characteristics attributed to Economic Life Limited items.
An item with a steadily increasing conditional probability of failure may support an economic life limit,
even without a well defined wear out age, if the benefits of restoration to a lower probability of failure
exceed the cost.
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CHT = Cost Of One HT = Cost to perform one hard time task (AVDLR or new cost)
= (man-hours to perform task) x (cost per man-hour) + cost of materials
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CFF = Cost Of One Inspection = cost to perform one Failure Finding inspection.
= (Man-hours to perform task) x (cost per man-hour) + cost of materials
3.5.8 No PM
If safety/environmental compliance is not involved, not performing PM may be the most
appropriate option of dealing with the functional failure. In this case, the item is allowed to
remain in operation until it fails. When safety/environmental compliance is involved, however,
the functional failure must be prevented. This is accomplished by either performing a PM task,
or taking some other action that is warranted.
CR = Average Repair Cost. Includes repairing the item and any secondary damage caused
by the failure. For a hidden failure, be certain to include the cost of the multiple
failures. For operational consequences, if a cost of lost operations is defined, it
should be included in the average repair cost. See section
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uncover root causes that may be easier to correct or may need to be addressed before desired
improvements can be effectively implemented. The number "5" is not critical but just illustrates
the need to get below the initial obvious issues to more systematic causes. In the RCM context,
this may entail identifying a failure mode, effect/consequence or frequency, and asking why it
occurs, then for each answer further querying the cause of each answer. A simple example is
provided as follows:
Why are bearings wearing? Answer: Because they are overheating.
Why? Answer: Because they are getting inadequate lubrication.
Why? Answer: Because the lubrication system has inadequate flow.
Why? Answer: Because its components are often improperly installed/adjusted.
Why? Answer: Because the mechanics have inadequate training and maintenance
This example illustrates how what may have been perceived as a design problem with the
bearing or lubrication system is actually more effectively addressed by improving the training
and maintenance documentation available to the mechanics.
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Safe life limits may be determined based on statistical analyses, often testing a sample of items
to failure. Safe life limits are then established based on some factor below the mean age at
which the sampled items failed to ensure the risk of in-service failure is reduced to an acceptable
AE tasks can be used to collect data on the reduction of failure resistance or degradation of items
that have safety/environmental consequences while the item is in operational use provided that
potential failure and functional failure limits have been set. Data may be collected up to the
point at which a defined symptom is identified or the item must be removed. For example, an
AE task may be used in the operational environment to determine the crack propagation rate for
a damage tolerant structure if care is taken to ensure that the item being studied never reaches the
functional failure condition. An AE task should never be used in the operational environment to
validate the point of functional failure when the failure mode has safety/environmental
consequences. AE task data that indicates no failures have occurred up to the time that an item is
scheduled for removal is not justification for increasing the removal interval. If the item’s Hard
Time removal age is extended based on such evidence, the net effect is a reduction in the safety
factor upon which the Hard Time removal was originally established. AE tasks that are
accomplished in an operational environment must be implemented with conservative AE
inspection intervals to reduce the risks of failure to an acceptable level.
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NAVAIR 00-25-403 Cost
There are several ways to compare the cost of each option. The costs of options are typically
compared by normalizing them to a common unit such as cost per unit operating hour, cost per
flight hour, or cost per cycle. Costs can then be compared directly with one another to assist in
making a final decision. Table 3-1 provides methods that can be used in such a manner. These
methods are similar to those in the IRCMS software. However, due to the various versions of
IRCMS in use and development time in updating IRCMS to incorporate improvements in these
methods, the analyst should check the IRCMS version used. Some versions may have slightly
different cost equations than those listed here. IRCMS incorporates the ability to insert costs in
replacement of its calculated values. A program may decide to use their own set of equations or
methods for comparing options, including adopting any differences between the equations below
and those in the IRCMS version used. If this is the case, document the method to be used in the
RCM Program Plan and in the IRCMS database. Regardless of the method chosen, ensure that
the applicability and sensitivity of the method are considered.
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costs) may have a bigger impact to operations, such as requiring more downtime, and, therefore,
may not be as desirable. If the operational impact is considered more important than the
additional cost, the more expensive task should be chosen. The program must establish the
methodology to be used to balance cost and operational impact. Discussion and review with
maintenance and operations personnel is particularly important in evaluating operational impacts
and balancing these impacts with direct costs.
The operational impact can sometimes be expressed in terms of added cost, and included in
determining the “cost” of the option. At times, this is not feasible, and an operational
consequence must be considered separately from cost, often in a more subjective manner. The
program’s RCM plan should include additional guidance to assist in making these decisions. A
part of these subjective considerations may by the level of intrusion required by the various task
options. Tasks that require significant disassembly will generally have a larger cost to perform
and operational impact due to the elapsed maintenance time required to perform the task.
However, another consideration would be the possibility of inducing failures when performing
the task. Although the potential for inducing failures is often not readily quantifiable, tasks
which require greater intrusive action should be carefully considered before selection over
similarly effective tasks that can be accomplished without disturbing the system.
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On Condition
OCOP = ((COC / IOC) *(L - (II-IOC)) / L) + CR / MTBF
OCOP = On-condition task cost per operating time
COC = Cost Of One Inspection (Includes cost of material, labor, etc., for
inspection but not repair costs)
L = Item Design Life
II = Initial Inspection Interval = Interval of time until the first
IOC = Task Interval
CR = Average Repair Cost. Average cost of repairing all failures
(both potential and functional failures) assuming the inspection
is in place. Ensure secondary damage is included, as applicable,
and, for hidden functions, include the cost of multiple failures in
the functional failure portion of the cost. If operational impact
has been converted to "cost", ensure it is included.
NOTE: A large majority of the repair actions should be the repair of
potential failures if the inspection and interval are appropriately
selected. However, there may be significant costs associated
with the remaining functional failures such that they should be
considered in the cost evaluation.
MTBF = Mean time between failures (both potential and functional with
task in place)
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No PM Where:
NOOP = “No PM” cost per operating time
CR = Average Repair Cost Average cost to repair the functional failure and
secondary damage. For hidden functions, include the cost of multiple
failures. Include operational impact if it has been converted to "cost".
MTBF = Mean time between failures (with no task in place)
Other Where:
OAOP = “Other action” cost per operating time
COA = Cost of Other Action. Total cost to develop and implement “Other Action”
LR = Remaining life of system
Table 3-1 Cost Equations (continued)
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Another issue with the cost equation is the determination of average repair costs (CR).
Recognize that to determine average repair costs, you must factor the frequency of various levels
of repair, along with any economic impact from lost operations (if appropriate). For example, if
a potential failure costs $1000 to correct on average (considering labor, material, and lost
operations) and functional failure costs $100,000 to correct (considering labor, material, and lost
operations due to the failure and any secondary damage), you must also factor in the frequency
of each. If 95 percent of the corrective actions are potential failures and 5 percent are functional
failures in a given timeframe, the average repair cost would be ($1000 x .95) + ($100,000 x .05)
or $5950. The CR descriptions in the above equations list the factors to be considered for each
task type in determining average repair cost.
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deterioration of corrosion protective and preventive material using corrosion sensors. The
functions of these sensors must be included in the RCM analysis with consideration given to
what the consequences will be if the sensors fail.
When evaluating on-condition tasks, consider PHM technology and systems that introduce the
potential for automated on-condition inspections through on- and off-board devices. An RCM
analysis should be performed to determine where and how this technology might be applied to
new acquisitions. The analysis can be used to some extent to calculate sensing sensitivities and
frequencies, to set potential failure condition values. The functions of PHM systems,
themselves, must be considered in the analysis to ensure that the high levels of reliability
required to ensure their effectiveness are maintained. Consider also, the need to monitor or
validate the effectiveness of these systems during RCM sustainment and Age Exploration task
evaluations. This can be done by periodically validating that the assumptions and capabilities of
the PHM systems to predict failures are consistent with actual equipment conditions.
PHM systems with on-board sensors are often designed to detect potential failure conditions by
performing automated On-Condition inspections. These types of PHM systems could be used
under circumstances that preclude the use of conventional On Condition tasks; for example,
when PF intervals are too short. The “inspection interval” for the PHM system is the rate at
which equipment condition is sensed. The sensing rate can be so fast that it is, for all practical
purposes, nearly continuous. For this reason, some PHM systems can instantaneously initiate
preventive or protective actions automatically. For example, if a potential failure condition is
detected by a PHM system while the equipment is in operation, it may be set to automatically
switch to a backup system, thus allowing the operation to continue without interruption. The
degraded system can then be replaced after the mission is finished.
PHM systems may be used to automatically track the age or usage of components to promote
cost-effective management of Hard Time tasks. In this context, however, they are not sensing
degradation, but merely usage. PHM technology can reduce costs by automatically tracking age
and triggering replacement or restorative actions. PHM systems can be used to reduce or
eliminate the dependence on manual tracking systems or tracking parameters that not are easily
tracked, such as actual power-on time. Note that, in this context, the Hard Time task interval still
needs to be determined via RCM analysis.
In evaluating Failure-Finding tasks during an RCM analysis, PHM technology may be
considered as an alternative to physical inspections where it can be shown effective in reducing
costs or offering benefits with regard to safety, environmental compliance, or operations. PHM
technology in this context is not sensing degradation, but actual functional failure of the
monitored system. When PHM systems are incorporated into the equipment design, they must
be included in the FMECA so that their failure modes can be considered for RCM analysis.
Failure modes that are protected by PHM systems are prime candidates for being monitored
during the RCM sustainment phase or validated by Age Exploration tasks. There may be a need
to validate the assumptions or algorithms used initially to predict equipment condition by
comparing them to the actual in-service condition. The methods chosen to conduct validation
requirements should be based on factors that include the degree of confidence in the sensing or
predictive technology and the consequences that will result if a PHM system fails. Periodic
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sampling, fleet leader sampling, and trend analyses often can be used effectively to gather this
data during the RCM sustainment phase.
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loads or extreme usage that may cause the normal failure mechanism to be accelerated to such a
degree that it cannot be confidently assumed that RCM derived maintenance requirements are
still satisfactory to achieve adequate failure management. Examples, of these types of
inspections are tests and checks performed after exposure to extreme conditions such as hard
landings, extreme temperatures, potential overloads, excessive vibration, buffeted flight, harsh
operations or environment (e.g., overspeeds, abnormally high utilization, long at sea conditions,
corrosive material exposure), and unusual weather conditions (e.g., hail, high winds).
Sometimes these event driven failure modes can be defined uniquely and intervals determined
based on repeated exposures, but often these kinds of tasks or checks are most appropriately
handled as Other Actions (and included in IRCMS as such).
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Are basic program parameters, including ground rules and assumptions adequate?
∗ Are the RCM analyses conducted in accordance with the plan? Are techniques
defendable, applicable and are results documented such that decisions are supported
and well understood? (The assessment should include review of a sample of analyses
of systems that cover the various types of systems analyzed (i.e., structural,
mechanical, electrical/electronic, propulsion, etc.) and a variety of senior analysts to
ensure correct and consistent approaches are applied.)
∗ Is adequate engineering and logistics support available? Are individuals
trained/certified to an appropriate level?
∗ Does the maintenance program as documented in MRCs and specifications reflect the
RCM results?
∗ Are methods to update maintenance requirements based on feedback from in-service
activities (i.e, age exploration, continuous monitoring, etc.)?
∗ Is there an approach for identifying and prioritizing RCM shortfalls of the
maintenance program identified, and are they being addressed to achieve full RCM
support for all preventive maintenance requirements in accordance with the approved
RCM plan?
3-39/(3-40 blank)
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01 July 2005
Implementation of an RCM program encompasses much more than just performing analyses.
After the RCM task evaluation and selection processes have been accomplished, the resulting
outputs must be implemented before the program can receive any benefit from them. The
actions required of the outputs from the RCM process will be evident in several forms, including
developing PM tasks, redesigning hardware, and modifying operating and maintenance processes
and procedures. This section addresses the issues required to implement the results of an RCM
analysis. Figure 4-1 illustrates where “implementation” is situated in the overall RCM program.
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# of Aircraft
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
F lig h t H o u r s p e r M o n th
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
F lig h t h o u r s p e r m o n th
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L a b o r H o u rs a t P a c k a g e d In te rva ls
100 2000
90 F le e t D epot 1800
80 1600
Fleet Labor Hours
7 Da
5 ho
14 d
28 D
56 D
10 H
40 M
80 M
T as k In te rv a l
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Suppose Tasks 1, 2, and 3 are packaged at 100 hours; 4 and 5 at 200 hours; and 6 through
9 at 400 hours. Without phasing, the maintenance packages might be:
100 hours – Tasks 1,2,3
200 hours – Tasks 1,2,3,4,5
300 hours – Tasks 1,2,3
400 hours – Tasks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
500 hours – repeat 100 hours package and continue the above cycle
With phasing, the maintenance package might be:
100 hours – Tasks 1,2,3,4,6
200 hours – Tasks 1,2,3,5,7
300 hours – Tasks 1,2,3,4,8 (note Task 4 is repeated at a 200 hour interval)
400 hours – Tasks 1,2,3,5,9 (note Task 5 is repeated at a 200 hour interval)
500 hours – repeat 100 hours package and continue the above cycle (note Tasks 6
through 9 will be repeated at 400 hour intervals)
The above example is a simplistic example of "Phased Maintenance". Often letter codes are
assigned to the primary phases (Phase A = 100 hours, B = 200 hours, C = 300 hours, D = 400
hours), which are then repeated throughout the life of the equipment. In reality, additional
considerations such as operational impacts, location/access, skill levels, ability to conduct tasks
in parallel, elapsed maintenance time, and resource requirements (such as electrical power,
hydraulic power, NDI, post-maintenance checks, support equipment, tools) would be considered
in developing the phases, but the benefit of "phasing" is to level out the maintenance
requirements to reduce operational impact while still preserving the integrity of the period
between inspections. Tasks that cannot be fit into the phased maintenance cycles would be
handled as "Special Inspections" and scheduled according to their individual periodicity,
considering operational impacts and maintenance efficiencies.
Sometimes tasks may be packaged with other maintenance for convenience. If this is done, the
underlying RCM derived interval for the tasks must be reviewed to ensure the convenience-
oriented packaging will not result in exceeding the interval and resulting in ineffective
maintenance. It may be necessary to add a "not to exceed" interval to a requirement that is
packaged for convenience to protect the equipment from exceeding a specified period between
tasks. Overuse of "convenience-oriented" packaging could also result in excessive maintenance
and reduce the benefits gained from performing the RCM analysis to determine the best
maintenance frequencies.
Another fairly new concept is "flexible packaging" where requirements are not fit into fixed
packages of maintenance tasks, but instead are accomplished in conjunction with maintenance
opportunities or downtime events based on the accumulated usage of each individual item. This
concept allows maintenance to be performed uniquely for each end item, and therefore requires
significant management oversight or facilitization using automated rulesets and tracking to
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ensure all maintenance is performed across the population before the RCM-derived tasks
intervals. While significant operational and economic advantages are possible, the oversight
required to ensure safety is not compromised should be carefully considered before adopting this
approach. Development of reliable PHM systems will make this kind of approach more easily
accomplished. An additional consideration is the need to reliably predict budget, material, and
resource requirements when the maintenance packages and intervals are not fixed.
4.2.3 Repackaging
An effective RCM program will include a periodic review of the PM task packages with
responsible maintainers and operators to verify that the tasks and packaged intervals are
appropriate considering the operational and maintenance scenarios for the equipment. Primary
focus should be placed on the individual tasks within the packages, concentrating on their
effectiveness at achieving the desired levels of reliability. Poor reliability may be an indication
that tasks are ineffective or ill timed. Feedback from these reviews should be used to revisit the
original analysis for task rationale and update as necessary, or to re-evaluate the packaging
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The PHM system may be performing monitoring for a hard time task. The PHM indication of a
need for the hard time task should be set to allow time to plan for the task to
remove/replace/restore the item, as required, at a convenient maintenance opportunity.
The PHM system may be performing a "failure finding" task. In this case it may not be possible
to delay maintenance once the failure is indicated.
Some PHM systems require maintenance personnel to record or download information
periodically, run checks, or check outputs. While often done after each usage, some may require
longer intervals that must be planned/scheduled. Again, the particular application and
parameters must be well understood before deciding on the frequency of these actions.
In all the above examples, once the time for required action is identified, it must be clearly
identified in maintenance manuals or programmed into the PHM and maintenance support
systems. If possible, the actions should be aligned with the overall preventive maintenance
program to avoid unnecessary disruption to operations.
∗ Solvents
∗ Sealants
∗ NDI Materials
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∗ Review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). If the material is considered hazardous
then the Environmental Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) coordinators or similar
personnel shall be consulted.
∗ If in doubt, ESOH coordinators or similar personnel shall be consulted for their
evaluation and recommendations.
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correct the problem and achieve the level of reliability required of the item. When the selected
alternative action, for example, item redesign, is selected for implementation, and it is
determined that it will be a lengthy process, some interim action most likely will be required as a
temporary fix. The interim action itself may be one of the options that were determined to be
feasible, though less desirable than the primary alternative, but it is one that can be implemented
without undue delay. In most cases, the urgency is not as critical for items that have not yet been
put into service, so there is more time to implement the desirable primary option.
Final resolution of the appropriate action to be taken must be based on several factors. These
include, but are not limited to the cost of the option, the ability to incorporate it, how well it will
perform, and the impact it will have on operations. Since the RCM analyst alone will often be
unable to make the final determination of the most suitable solution for failure modes requiring
Other Action, the RCM Program Implementation Manager will confer with program
management representatives to evaluate the problem and select the appropriate options.
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∗ Review data from available sources such as the NALCOMIS/CMMS database or depot
overhaul database
∗ Review data for serialized components in equipment history records (EHR) (Direction
on the use of an EHR is provided in COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 and NAVAIRINST
4790.3 (series).)
For data that must be collected, it is necessary to set up a task to collect specific data. This
includes defining the frequency and duration of the task. The method used to transmit data to the
fleet support team or the integrated program team should be defined. The following methods are
typically employed for this type of AE task:
∗ Sampling tasks that are carried out in conjunction with D-level maintenance
∗ Data collection through site visits to maintenance activities; verbal communication with
maintenance personnel
∗ Age Exploration Bulletins (AEB) - Specific direction for AEBs is given in NAVAIR-00-
25-300. This method is used for direct data collection from O-level or contractor
maintenance organizations.
Data that are collected via AE tasks should be electronically stored for retrieval and use in future
analyses. Digital photographs that illustrate problems or failure data anomalies are extremely
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∗ Determine the total cost of performing the PM tasks, including the cost of removing and
replacing the item to gain access to the components being inspected or replaced versus
the cost to perform the PM tasks early, i.e., to perform the PM tasks in conjunction with
the unscheduled repair – avoiding costs to remove, replace, or gain access. If the
percentage of time remaining in the PM interval is less than the percentage reduction of
the total PM cost by performing the task early, then the PM task, or group of PM tasks,
should be performed.
4-11/(4-12 blank)
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01 July 2005
A failure management strategy and accompanying PM program that is based on the RCM philosophy
must be dynamic. This is especially true during the early stages of a new program when it is based on
limited information. Maintenance organizations must therefore be prepared to collect, analyze, review
and respond to in-service data throughout the operating life of the equipment in order to continually
refine the failure management strategy. The procedures and processes used to monitor, analyze,
update, and refine the strategy and PM program through RCM analyses will help ensure safe operations
and cost-wise readiness. The sustainment approach should be identified in the RCM Program Plan.
This dynamic process is depicted in Figure 5-1.
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The basis for the decisions made during an RCM analysis change continuously as the program
experiences growth and maturity, which is brought about by time, use, modifications, updates, etc.
Review and refinement of the PM program must be an ongoing process, requiring organized
information systems that provide a means to conduct surveillance of items under actual operating
conditions. The information is collected for two purposes. First, it is used to determine what
refinements and modifications need to be made to the initial PM program (including task interval
adjustments). Secondly, it is used for collecting data to determine the need for taking some other
action, such as product improvement or making maintenance /operational changes.
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FUSELAGE DOORS 1121A Worn Airloc Replace the 63.24 430 2848 3 / 5 18 9
111AA fasteners and existing Airloc 1301
1115A receptacles fasteners and 1559
1112G resulting in receptacles with
1113G extensive ones with
maintenance and improved
TFOAs retention
BRU36A BOMB RACK 754CJ Corrosion on Replace with the 58.21 400 6015 3 / 10 23 14
numerous more reliable F-
components 18 BRU-32 Bomb
resulting in jamming Rack
CANOPY OPEN/CLOSE 11267 Worn rollers, latches Redesign with 121.27 500 18640 8 / 14 14 15
MECHANISM and mechanism improved
resulting in in-flight materials and
openings tolerances
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Flight Hours/
Verified Failure
SPC Example
8000.00 -
7000.00 -
6000.00 -
5000.00 -
4000.00 -
3000.00 -
2000.00 -
1000.00 -
0.00 - I I I I I I
NAVAIR 00-25-403
materials, such as paints or sealants, with less environmentally hazardous or less expensive ones
reducing maintenance costs. Issues affecting material selection should be coordinated with and
supported by local materials laboratory personnel. Fleet representation should be included in document
reviews to address ineffective maintenance tasks and current or emergent issues that have been
The following types of documents should be reviewed:
∗ Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs)
∗ Depot Level Maintenance Specifications
∗ Maintenance instruction manuals, (for PM requirements that accompany or rely upon
corrective maintenance tasks)
An often overlooked element of an RCM program is the correlation of the assumptions made during the
PM program development, and the policies and processes used for corrective maintenance. For
example, if a PM task was developed utilizing a potential failure condition that was later identified as
acceptable damage requiring no repair or monitoring in the maintenance manual, the task interval
developed by the RCM process will be compromised. Another example would be a hard time task
developed assuming replacement of a sub-component during the repair/overhaul process, when a
subsequent change to the item's maintenance/overhaul process allows the sub-component to be reused.
Procedures to ensure review by RCM personnel of changes to maintenance procedures are critical to
ensuring these kinds of conflicts are prevented. The methodology and requirements for these reviews
should be included in the RCM Program Plan.
NAVAIR 00-25-403
these areas on one or more “fleet leader,” or most used assets. The fleet leader program may also
include specific AE tasks. Appropriate sample sizes should be established to support
conclusions desired, based on valid statistical techniques.
Specific requirements for this program should be developed as RCM analyses are completed. Fleet
leader inspections should first consider using "opportunity" inspections. For example, FST
engineers may participate on a “not to interfere” basis with the first phase inspection of the first one
or two aircraft to reach multiples of 1000 flight hours. If the fleet leader task is accomplished in
conjunction with depot maintenance, it may be supported by regular visits to the depot line by FST
personnel. Fleet Leader inspections may be documented as "Age Exploration" tasks within IRCMS.
Emergent Issue
Corrective Action
Corrective Action
Interim Action Y
Interim Action
RCM Review
RCM Update
RCM Update
Y (Revise PM,
Required? Operational Change,
Redesign, etc.)
Document Results
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* Failures and other problems are reported through various means, each requiring a
specific type of response. Examples include requests for engineering investigations
(EI), Hazardous Material Reports (HMR), Quality Deficiency Reports (QDR),
Technical Publications Deficiency Reports (TPDR), and mishap investigation reports.
Specific requirements for each process are provided in COMNAVAIRFORINST
4790.2 (series) and OPNAVINST 8000.16 (series).
* Depot Discrepancy Reports – Defects discovered during Depot level inspections are
provided in the form of Depot Level Maintenance discrepancy reports or other
reporting processes. All scheduled and unscheduled D-level inspections and
rework/overhaul efforts should provide feedback to the RCM process.
* Vendor and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Discrepancy Reports – All
scheduled and unscheduled vendor and OEM inspections and rework or overhaul
efforts should provide feedback to the RCM process. Special effort may be required to
obtain this data through contractual actions, vendor visits, etc.
* Local Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRC) – In accordance with
COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series), operating activities are required to submit
locally-generated MRCs to FST personnel for assessment. All local MRC
recommendations should be justified via the RCM decision logic process before fleet-
wide implementation.
* RCM Updates Due to Design Changes – Design changes may be driven by a variety of
factors including a redesign decision from the RCM logic. Regardless of whether or
not a design change is driven by RCM analysis, a review and update of the analysis
may be required. The design change, which may be in the form of a single item change
or a major system modification, will be implemented through the ECP process. An
assessment of the impact on supportability should be an integral part of the
maintenance planning efforts of any proposed design change. RCM analysis reviews or
updates should be accomplished as part of the design change process in order to assess
any impact on the maintenance program.
* RCM Updates Due to Test Results – Results of tests such as fatigue tests, certification
tests, and test performed during item failure investigations may require RCM review
and update in much the same manner as in-service failures. Test data may also be used
in the course of an RCM review or update that was initiated by some other event.
* If tests are initiated to extend the service life of assets, an RCM analysis update is
required to implement the changes resulting from the tests. These results may affect
not only the item under test, but might extend to other items if the overall service life of
the asset or end item is extended beyond the assumptions made in the original analysis.
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the assumptions that were used to establish the interval during the initial RCM analysis. By
applying the new data to the RCM analysis, the PM task interval can be adjusted to improve its
Sustaining efforts may also identify the need to add, delete, or modify PM tasks. This could be,
for example, changing an inspection method or material, adding or deleting requirements, or
changing the type of PM task altogether, e.g., going from an On Condition inspection to a Hard
Time removal. The results should be used to update the RCM analysis to accomplish these
Sustaining efforts may also generate a requirement to modify AE tasks that are in place. The
task modification may be as simple as changing the number of samples which will undergo
analysis or as complex as rewriting the inspection task and data recording process. An effective
RCM program will necessarily impose frequent change to the AE program, such as adding new
AE candidates, deleting completed or unproductive tasks, changing sample sizes, or adjusting
task intervals.
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5-11/(5-12 Blank)
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01 July 2005
Appendix A
The following F/A-XX Aircraft RCM Program Plan and Propulsion and Power System (PPS) RCM
Program Plans are provided for examples only, and not to imply every RCM Program Plan should be
an exact replication. RCM Programs are of varying complexity and developed for various life cycle
phases, and the RCM Program Plan should be tailored as necessary. Some may only require a few
pages, while others be quite extensive. Utilize the guidelines of the contained in basic portion of this
guide to determine the content required for each program.
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1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................A-6
2 BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................A-6
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This is an example of an RCM Plan that describes the efforts and processes by which the F/A-XX
aircraft systems and equipment will be evaluated and failure management strategies determined and
sustained utilizing RCM methods.
The establishment and sustainment of a Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) program is
essential to ensure the safety, readiness and affordability of naval aviation systems. RCM analysis
must not be considered a separate, independent effort, but rather a continuous, integrated activity
based on sound engineering and logistics principles for making affordable, and effective failure
management decisions. RCM is a process to ensure Cost-wise Readiness, and therefore is applicable
throughout the entire acquisition life cycle.
This RCM Program Plan documents how the United States Navy F/A-XX FST will sustain the
maintenance program. This Plan is applicable only to United States Navy F/A-XX aircraft. F/A-XX
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers may use this Plan at their discretion.
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The numerical values and definitions of severity classification used in Figure 1 are derived from the
F/A-XX Hazard/Risk Assessment included later in this document (Figure 4). Severity Classifications
are considered equivalent to Hazard Categories of Figure 4. Severity Classifications are defined as
Severity Classification I - Possible death or permanent disability, loss of aircraft, major system
loss/secondary damage exceeding $1 million, or significant breach of
environmental regulation
Severity Classification II - Possible injury to personnel, primary mission loss, or major system
loss/secondary damage between $100,000 and $1 million.
Severity Classification III - Possible minor injury/illness, mission loss, or system loss/ secondary
damage between $10,000 and $100,000
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Deviation from the values or definitions specified herein shall only be permitted with Program
Management concurrence.
4.3.3 Labor Rates
Labor rates used in performing an RCM analysis should be consistent with approved labor rates at
the time of the analysis. Labor rates change over time, but their relationship to other costs may
remain fairly stable. However, cost and labor rate assumptions should be periodically updated,
especially for analysis results on items with significant cost impacts to the program. Changes to
analysis results as a result of changing rates should be carefully examined as to return on investment,
stability of the rates, and disruption to the total maintenance program (due to changing existing
requirements, packaging, etc.) before implementing changes.
4.3.4 System Boundaries and Interface Items
System boundaries define where one analysis item ends and another begins. Interface items are items
that do not clearly fall on either side of a system boundary. System boundaries are usually obvious,
but may require special consideration in certain cases. In general, system boundaries should be kept
consistent with the WUC structure. Deviations from general guidance should be documented in the
memo field of IRCMS. The following should be used as additional guidance in determining system
boundaries and analyzing interface items:
• Hydraulic or electrical components associated with systems such as flight controls or
landing gear should be included with those systems. However, the associated lines,
and/or wires that connect those components to the hydraulic or electrical systems should
be analyzed with the hydraulic or wiring system respectively. For example, when
analyzing a hydraulic actuator that opens a landing gear door, the actuator is analyzed
with the landing gear door. The hydraulic lines that go to the actuator are analyzed under
the hydraulic system.
• Attaching hardware such as clamps, brackets, and fittings associated with systems
components should generally be analyzed as part of the system containing the attached
component. Exceptions may include situations where a bracket or fitting is coded with a
structural WUC or where the fitting or bracket is an integral part of a structural or other
• Wiring will be identified as a separate subsystem in the hardware breakdown and all
wiring failure modes should be addressed under the wiring subsystem.
• Failure modes of hoses and tubes should be analyzed under the fuel, hydraulic, or other
systems as applicable.
4.3.5 Performance Parameters
•Acceptable Hydraulic Leakage rate – X drops per minute (if no other leakage rate specified)
•Visually detectable crack size – X in
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New Data
Implement Age Connect
Need for Analysis
Exploration task B
Design Change
Is there a current Collection
Is there an analysis
task to address this No No - EI
for this failure mode?
failure mode? - NALDA
- etc.
Sort Data
No - Potential
Is there an analysis - Functional
to justify the task?
Perform Trend
- W eibell Definitions of Potential
- Actuarial and Functional Failure
- etc.
Categorize Failure in
accordance with Risk
Assessmemnt Matrix
Class II
Collect Cost
IRCMs Yes Is it Safety Related? No
NAVAIR 00-25-403
Connect Connect
No Preventive Interim
Has an Age
Exploration task also Yes
been Identified?
Propose Elimination of
Existing Task No
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Standing Team
Is the Task
D Level Organizational or O&I Level
Depot level?
NAVAIR 00-25-403
Execution of F/A-XX Sustaining RCM Program Plan will not require initiation of any new data
collection efforts other than those identified in conjunction with Age Exploration (AE) tasks. AE is
addressed in Section 4.4.12.
Data collection is essential for RCM analysis to substantiate the need for all maintenance
requirements. The data are used to support a clearly documented analysis. It provides the technical
justification for each maintenance requirement. In addition, it serves as the backbone for the audit
trail for each maintenance requirement and helps to establish the baseline from which adjustments to
the maintenance program can be made.
Data are also collected to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the maintenance program through
in-service equipment performance, to investigate and correct maintenance related problems, and to
identify hardware design and manufacturing deficiencies.
Collection of data is also necessary to document specific resource savings that are achieved through
the RCM process. It enables a comparison of cost, manpower, and readiness levels that were
achieved by the previous maintenance approach to the revised RCM-justified maintenance strategy.
4.4.3 Data Sorting (Potential or Functional)
To avoid unnecessary maintenance tasks, all data should be sorted to clearly separate potential
failures from functional failures as much as practical. Each F/A-XX FST team should develop a
detailed list of discrepancies that define whether the failure is a potential failure or a functional
failure. During the sorting process, all data should be scrutinized to ensure that data for the failure
mode under consideration is used appropriately.
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failure. During the sorting process, all data should be scrutinized to ensure that data for the failure
mode under consideration is used appropriately.
4.4.4 Failure Modes (FMs)
Since the F/A-XX Aircraft has been in service for a long time, many failure modes already have
preventive maintenance requirements established. At a minimum, an RCM analysis for each of these
failure modes is necessary. To ensure that failure modes are not overlooked, analysts must carefully
evaluate what condition each of the existing maintenance tasks is designed to detect or prevent.
Although most failure modes will already be identified from existing maintenance tasks, the analyst
should also identify any other feasible failure modes based on a review of maintenance data,
discussion with operators and maintainers, or by a review of equipment characteristics.
4.4.5 Potential Failure to Functional Failure (PF) Interval Determination
F/A-XX Aircraft and equipment operators and maintainers are in a prime position to observe how
failures occur and should be consulted when determining PF intervals. They should understand that,
when establishing PF intervals, the information regarding the rates at which deterioration progresses
are as important, if not more so, than how often the failures occur.
For failures that have safety/environmental consequences, it will often be necessary to consult the
hardware manufacturer or obtain laboratory data to identify the PF interval.
For a failure mode that is being addressed by an existing effective PM task, the value of the PF
interval may be able to be estimated from the results of the existing task.
4.4.6 Wear Out Characteristic Determination
If an item that is under evaluation exhibits wear out characteristics, the shape of the wear out curve
should be determined if possible. This will help determine the appropriate strategy for addressing the
failure mode.
All failure modes will exhibit one of six characteristic conditional probability of failure curves (see
Figure 3). The three curves on the left illustrate wear out. Only items that illustrate one of these
three curves are likely to benefit from setting a life limit. However, the wear out curve alone does
not provide sufficient evidence to determine a valid life limit. In cases where PF intervals are
sufficiently long, other, more effective, maintenance tasks may be possible, even for items that
illustrate wear out characteristics. Each of the four maintenance tasks discussed in Section 4.4.9
must be evaluated to determine the most effective maintenance strategy.
Life limits should not be assigned to items that produce any of the three (conditional probability of
failure) curves shown on the right side in Figure 3. An item conforming to one of these three patterns
will not benefit from a life limit because there is no correlation showing an increasing probability of
failure as time progresses. Imposition of life limits on items conforming to one of the non-wear out
patterns will result in discarding or reworking items unnecessarily. At a minimum, this will result in
excessive costs. It may even increase the probability of failure through the introduction of infant
4.4.7 Categorization of Failure in Accordance with Risk Assessment Matrix
The F/A-XX FST developed a Hazard/Risk Assessment Matrix (Figure 4) to categorize and prioritize
failures. This matrix should be used to determine the severity classification for all failures. Only
hazards that fall into Categories 1 and 2 should be considered to be safety /environmental
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W ear C o n d itio n al
O ut P ro b a b ility O f
C u rv e s F a ilu re
consequence failures for the purposes of RCM analyses. Category 1 will always be considered to
have safety/environmental consequences, while category 2 can fall into either the
safety/environmental or operational/economic category. Categories 3 and 4 will not be classified as
safety/environmental consequence failure modes.
The acceptable probability of failure for each of the four hazard severity categories is derived from
the F/A-XX Hazard/Risk Assessment Matrix. Severity Classification I hazards are considered
acceptable if they fall outside the matrix boundaries (< 1/1,000,000) after review. The boundary
between the acceptable and undesirable zones determines the acceptable probability of failure for
Severity Classification II, III, and IV hazards. For hidden failures, the acceptable levels from the
matrix shall be considered to apply to the multiple failure (or failure on demand).
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Category > 1 per 0.1 to 1 per 0.1 to 1 per .1 to 1 per < 1 in 1,000,000
1,000 hours 10,000 hours 100,000 hours 1,000,000 hours hours
Death or Permanent disability
Aircraft loss
1 3 5 7 10 **
Major system loss/secondary
damage > $1 million
Significant breach of
environmental regulation
Injury to personnel
Minor injury/illness
Mission loss 4 9 13 16 17
System loss/ secondary
damage > $10,000 (<
Unscheduled maintenance or
11 15 18 19 20
∗ Replace hours with numbers of catapults, arrestments, or landings for failures related to these conditions.
Change the frequency definition to reflect the ratio between the metric being evaluated and flight hours. See
Section 4.3.1 (example, 1 FH = 0.45 catapults, 1 FH = .88 landings)
** Hazards that have frequencies below 1 in 1,000,000 are acceptable regardless of hazard category; however,
management review of potentially catastrophic failure modes is required before accepting failure mode as
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Both the safety/environmental and operational/economic categories of On Condition tasks use the probability
of detecting failure in one inspection (θ) to help determine the appropriate inspection interval.
Analysts should ensure that the value of theta (θ) used in the analysis is equal to (or less than) the estimated
probability of detecting the failure mode via the task being considered. Any uncertainty should err towards a
lower probability of detection since it will ensure necessary inspections are performed.
In the case of nondestructive inspection (NDI), techniques must be certified for the intended use. The
Materials Laboratory should be able to provide additional data regarding the reliability of such techniques.
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NAVAIR 00-25-403
PF ln Pacc
t= and n=
n ln(1 − θ)
t = task interval
n = number of inspections during the PF interval (calculated from “n” equation)
PF = the potential to functional failure interval
Pacc = acceptable probability of failure (from Figure 1) (For hidden failures, the
acceptable probability of failure will be higher, based on the probability of the failure/event
that makes the hidden failure evident. Therefore Pacc of the hidden failure equals the Pacc
from Table 1 (for the multiple failure/demand event) divided by the probability of the
protected failure or demand event)
θ = probability of detecting failure in one inspection
To use the worksheet, it is first necessary to determine the value of the PF Interval. Methods for
determining this value, if it is not known, are provided elsewhere in this document. MTBF shall not
be used as the value of the PF Interval. Operational/Economic Consequence Failures:
Operational/Economic related On Condition tasks are only required to cost less than the failure
consequences they are designed to prevent. The formulae used to calculate the optimum cost
effective interval are as follows:
− MTBF * C i
PF ln
t= and (C npm − C pf ) * ln(1 − θ )
ln(1 − θ )
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This equation is programmed into the On Condition Non-Safety Analysis worksheet. To use the
worksheet the analyst must first determine or estimate the value of the PF Interval. Discussions of
methods to determine this value, if it is not known, are provided in section 4.4.5 of this document. Hard Time Task Analyses
Hard Time tasks are broken into safety/environmental and operational/economic categories for
evaluation. Only operational/economic Hard Time tasks can be evaluated using a worksheet. Safety/Environmental Consequence Failures
Operational data for a safety/environmental related failure that is likely to benefit from a Hard Time
task is typically unavailable. As a result, task intervals are most often determined either analytically
or from laboratory data. Analytical techniques such as Notch Strain Analysis are typically used to
predict the safe life for fatigue-related failure of items. A number of techniques, including
refinement of previous analytical models and Weibull analysis, can be used to determine safe life if
laboratory data is available. Operational/Economic Related Failures
Operational/Economic related Hard Time tasks are only required to cost less than the failure
consequences they are designed to prevent. The formula used to ensure this is as follows:
(C BF × N S ) + (C AF × (1 − N S ))
N S t + [(1 − N S ) MTTFP ]
NAVAIR 00-25-403
This equation is programmed into the Hard Time Non-Safety Analysis Worksheet. Tasks that have
CBR values of less than 1 are considered cost effective. Since MTTFP may be difficult to obtain, the
worksheet provides a reasonable estimate using the estimated percentage of the proposed
replacement age premature failures will achieve (on average). Items with infant mortality issues
following rework or replacement will generally have a lower percentage. If premature failures are
expected to be evenly distributed throughout the period before replacement, 50 percent may be a
reasonable estimate for this entry. Failure Finding Task Analyses
Failure-Finding tasks are only performed for hidden failures. A hidden failure is one that is the result
of loss of some function that is not exercised as part of normal operations or is not evident to the
operator and its failure goes undetected without failure of some other function or the occurrence of an
event that demands its functionality. The function that must be lost (or demand event) to cause a
hidden failure to become evident is referred to as the protected or evident function. Task interval
determination for Failure-Finding tasks is therefore based upon two independent failures. If a failure
is solely a result of some other failure, it is not a hidden failure, but rather secondary damage of the
initial failure.
Use of the Failure-Finding worksheet requires knowledge of MTBF for both the hidden and protected
functions in order to determine task intervals. The Failure-Finding spreadsheet is based on an
exponential (random) failure distribution pattern and uses the following iterative equation to
determine the appropriate task frequency:
Pacc(t) = PPF(t) x PHF(t) or,
NAVAIR 00-25-403
MTBFAC is determined from the desired Pacc using the Hazard/Risk Matrix of Figure 4, and setting
time (t) to 1 FH (or other single event).
4.4.10 Collection of Cost Data:
For Operational/Economic related Severity Class II and Severity Class III and IV hazards, it is
necessary to assemble information regarding the cost of maintenance actions. A Cost-Benefit
analysis is performed to determine whether a PM task is warranted. Collection of the following
logistics data is necessary to perform the analysis:
∗ Cost to Inspect for Failure
∗ Cost to Remove, Replace, Rework or Discard Item Before Failure
∗ Cost to Remove, Replace, Rework or Discard Item After Failure
∗ Skill Level Required to Perform Inspection and/or Repair
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Comments from the manufacturer should be reviewed by the RCM Analyst and the cognizant FST
Engineer for validity and incorporated as necessary.
4.5.5 Lead Logistician Review
Lead Logistician review of all new and revised maintenance tasks is necessary. Lead Logisticians
who are cognizant of the asset affected by the maintenance task should review each analysis for the
∗ Executability of the maintenance task in the operating environment
∗ Availability of supporting spares, support equipment, manpower/skills, etc.
∗ Impact on support elements such as technical publications, operations and maintenance
4.5.6 Cognizant Engineer Review
Cognizant Engineer review of all new and revised maintenance tasks is necessary. Engineers who are
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cognizant of the asset affected by the maintenance task should review each analysis for the following:
∗ Accuracy of the FMECA
∗ All appropriate data was used to support the analysis
∗ Output of the analysis is valid
The Cognizant Engineer should forward all reviewed RCM analysis packages to the RCM Team
Leader for final approval and implementation.
4.5.7 RCM Team Leader Final Approval
RCM Team Leader is the final step in the RCM analysis approval process. The RCM Team Leader
should review the analysis to ensure correct usage of assumptions and definitions, and for
documentation of background information.
The RCM Team Leader shall only authorize tasks for implementation when all of the necessary
documentation and prior signatures is provided.
4.6 Task Implementation
4.6.1 Implementing a Depot Level Change
A depot specification revision is used to implement a depot maintenance task change identified
through RCM analysis. Upon approval, the specification is distributed for release and sent out to all
organization elements affected by the change.
Generation of a Naval message may also be necessary to notify maintenance activities of the change.
4.6.2 Implementation of Organizational or Intermediate Level Changes
Manual Change Releases (MCRs) and Interim Rapid Action Changes (IRACs) are the vehicles used
to incorporate changes into the Maintenance Requirements Cards (MRC) deck and Periodic
Maintenance Information Cards (PMIC). Periodic update of the MRC deck is performed to formally
incorporate MCRs and IRACs. Changes to the Maintenance Information Manuals (MIMs) as a result
of RCM analysis are also handled via MCRs and IRACs.
4.6.3 Work Unit Code (WUC) Manual Updates
It is common for maintenance tasks to be identified for which a unique WUC does not exist. While it
is not necessary for every task to have its own WUC, it is essential to be able to evaluate how
effective the task is at achieving the desired reliability. If the existing WUC Manual does not provide
sufficient ability to track task effectiveness, recommended changes to the manual that will allow
tracking should be forwarded to the WUC Manager.
4.7 Performance Monitoring
Once changes to the maintenance program have been made, it is essential to monitor the changes to
determine if they were successful. Tracking the in-service performance over time will accomplish
this requirement. This should be done for each of the items subject to RCM analysis. The metrics
most commonly used are MTBF (or a related parameter like MFHBF), Direct Maintenance Man-
Hours (DMMH) per flight hour, and removals (for cause) per flight hours. Readiness rates may also
be tracked however; readiness has historically shown itself to be less stable than other parameters.
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Figure 5 illustrates a typical trend chart that will be generated from the tracking effort. As illustrated,
trended and individual values will be plotted on the same chart. Additionally, upper and lower
control limits will be established to help identify when unusual trends are encountered. Details of
how this process is conducted are defined in the sections that follow.
Lower limit
Upper limit
0.5 Trended
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
NAVAIR 00-25-403
value. The initial standard deviation is calculated using the first twelve values of trended parameter.
4.8 Review Frequency
To enable adverse trends to be identified and addressed promptly, trending data will be updated on a
quarterly basis. Because it may not be practical to investigate all excursions, priorities will be
established by the RCM Team Leader in conjunction with the cognizant Engineering Team Leaders.
RCM analyses corresponding to the trended data will be reviewed and updated as necessary, based
on investigation findings. In general, it will not be necessary to update RCM analysis unless the
trending model shows significant improvement or degradation. Unexpected or new failure modes
will require a new analysis to be generated.
4.9 Documentation and Reporting Requirements
Documentation of all analysis is performed via data entry into the IRCMS software. Any additional
useful information should be included in the memo field provided in the software. In addition to the
reports available from IRCMS, the RCM analyst should provide reports to FST team leader
concerning negative trends, problem solutions, recommendations, and any new RCM analysis
These reports include, but are not limited to:
∗ RCM Cost Avoidance - Summary of cost avoidance calculations associated with the RCM
analyses performed.
∗ AE Status - Summary of AE inspections and data, which was collected and analyzed during
the reporting period and the RCM results of those inspections.
∗ Effectiveness metrics - Status of metrics performance during the reporting period.
∗ RCM Status - Summary of RCM analyses performed during the reporting period, i.e., RCM
History Log.
5.1 RCM Analysts and RCM Team Leaders
All analysts and team leaders should be certified to the appropriate level in accordance with the
NAVAIR 00-25-403.
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Sustainment of the F/A-XX RCM-based maintenance program requires active participation from
each of the standing teams comprising the FST. A dedicated team that is well versed and
experienced in the application of RCM is the most effective means of supporting the maintenance
program. The core sustaining RCM team should be comprised of individuals from the avionics,
flight systems, airframes, power and propulsion, and electrical systems teams. Figure 6 illustrates the
composition and reporting requirements of the sustaining team.
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Maintenance Engineering
RCM Team Leader
Team Leader
Avionics Readiness
Team Leader
Avionics Analyst(s)
Flight Systems
Airframes Readiness
Team Leader
Airframes Analyst(s)
Electrical Systems
Team Leader
Electrical Systems
A- 29
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Support from the logistics and documentation teams will be necessary even though they will not be actually
performing RCM analysis. Each team within the FST should be prepared to provide the necessary
resources to support a dedicated effort.
Funding requirements for the F/A-XX RCM Program will be developed and updated annually. For FY __,
they are as follows:
Manpower Cost
Organic 10 man-years $1.5 M
CSS 5 man-years $.5M
Materials and Travel $300K
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(A-31 Blank)/A-32
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NAVAIR 00-25-403
Prepared by:
Approved ([ENGINE ID] RCM Program
Approved ([FST ID] FST Site Leader)
Approved (Navy PPS RCM Lead Engineer)
Approved (RCM SITE Lead, [LOCATION])
Approved (Navy RCM Steering Group Signee)
A- 35
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NAVAIR 00-25-403
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. A-39
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................ A-39
1.2 Scope............................................................................................................. A-39
1.3 Background.................................................................................................... A-39
1.4 Referenced Documents ................................................................................. A-40
1.5 Change Recommendations ........................................................................... A-42
1.6 List of Acronyms ............................................................................................ A-42
2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ A-47
2.2 [FST ID] Fleet Support Team (FST) [LOCATION] .........................................A-47
2.3 Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) ....................................................... A-49
2.4 Vendor (OEM) or Contractor Support Services (CSS) ................................... A-50
3.0 SCOPE OF ANALYSIS ........................................................................................ A-51
3.1 Initial Analysis Guidelines and Steps ............................................................. A-51
3.2 Sustaining Analysis Guidelines and Tasks .................................................... A-55
4.0 RCM ANALYSIS GROUND RULES AND ASSUMPTIONS ................................ A-57
4.1 Analysis Coverage ......................................................................................... A-57
4.2 Methods for Prioritizing Failure Modes for Analysis ........................................... A-58
4.3 Analysis Assumptions ................................................................................... A-60
4.4 RCM Program Metrics .................................................................................. A-62
4.5 Single Inspection Effectiveness ..................................................................... A-63
4.6 Minimum Detectable Flaw Sizes ................................................................... A-63
4.7 Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis ................................................ A-63
4.8 Task Analysis................................................................................................. A-65
4.9 Sustaining Task Priorities ............................................................................... A-65
4.10 Design Changes ........................................................................................... A-66
5.0 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ A-66
5.2 Integrated Reliability Centered Maintenance Software (IRCMS) ................... A-66
5.3 AE Database.................................................................................................. A-67
5.4 RCM Audit Log .............................................................................................. A-67
5.5 Quarterly RCM Reports ................................................................................. A-68
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1.1.1 This plan provides the requirements, procedures, and responsibilities for
implementation of an effective and pro-active Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)/Age
Exploration (AE) Program for [ACFT ID] Propulsion and Power System (PPS). The [ACFT
ID] aircraft and aircraft components are covered under a separate plan. The [ACFT ID]
PPS consists of [ENGINE ID] engine and [GTS/APU ID] Gas Turbine Starter/Auxiliary Power
Unit (GTS/APU). Attachment (1) provides Logistic Control Numbers (LCN) and Work Unit
Codes (WUC) for the [ACFT ID] PPS. The purpose this plan is: To develop the appropriate failure management strategy for the
Propulsion and Power System (PPS) components through the RCM process, including
identification, implementation, and support of any preventive maintenance (PM)
requirements to ensure cost-wise readiness. To integrate the RCM analysis process into an overall RCM-Based
Maintenance Process (Attachment (2)). To identify various statistical analysis methods to determine
appropriate failure management strategies to include any PM tasks.
1.1.2 This plan is not intended to duplicate existing guidelines but to capitalize on
resources and processes currently available to Propulsion & Power (P&P) engineers,
logisticians, and management, and provide specific information and plans applicable to the
[ACFT ID] Propulsion and Power System (PPS). Specific RCM terms or tasks are fully
defined in NAVAIR 00-25-403.
1.1.3 An RCM-Based Maintenance Process will provide preventive maintenance
updates, substantiate redesign recommendations for the Component Improvement Program
(CIP), and identify safety, logistic, maintenance process, and life cycle cost
recommendations. This plan is generated in response to the initiatives to improve the
[ACFT ID] PPS readiness, reliability, and cost effectiveness.
1.2 SCOPE The RCM/AE Implementation Plan is applicable to the [ACFT ID] PPS and
shall be updated as required. It is developed using the guidelines of NAVAIR 00-25-403.
1.3.1 The RCM analysis process is used to develop failure management strategies,
considering the design and operational environment of equipment, that ensure effective PM
requirements and other actions for a required level of safety and readiness. The process
recognizes that sufficient information is often unavailable at the time of analysis to
accurately determine the best strategy and PM task intervals. The RCM analysis process
allows for the prudent use of best available data and engineering judgment. The RCM/AE
program will provide the plans to obtain the information necessary to verify or update those
estimates and judgments, where justified.
1.3.2 The RCM/AE program will provide data on the effectiveness of the PM
program and focus attention where RCM analysis update may provide cost savings,
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NAVAIR 00-25-403
2.1 The basic composition and responsibilities of a RCM team is defined in NAVAIR 00-
25-403. The specific responsibilities within the [ACFT ID] PPS RCM team are defined as
2.2.1 FST Leader - The [FST ID] FST Leader is responsible for development and
implementation of an RCM program for the [ACFT ID] PPS in accordance with NAVAIRINST
4790.20, the RCM plan, and direction provided by PMA-[CODE]. The FST Leader’s
responsibilities: Reviews and recommends approval for the [ACFT ID] PPS RCM
Program Plan. Obtains funding to perform all RCM/ R&M tasks defined by this
program plan. When required funding level cannot be obtained, the FST Team Leader is
required to review and approve prioritized reduced RCM program. Obtains adequate trained/experienced RCM personnel to perform
RCM analysis as defined by this program plan. Reviews the RCM/R&M program tasks and divide task responsibilities
between organic and commercial RCM organizations. Participates in resolving IPT team conflicts that relate to PPS
RCM/R&M issues. Obtains all software and Automated Data Processing (ADP)
equipment required to implement and maintain the [ACFT ID] PPS RCM Program.
2.2.2 [ACFT ID] PPS RCM Lead Engineer (RCM Implementation Manager) - The
detailed management of the RCM program will be performed by an organic
trained/experienced RCM Lead engineer. The RCM Lead Engineer’s responsibilities: Reviews, approves, and provides signature authority for all RCM and
R&M analyses. Provides all resulting PM and Age Exploration (AE) task changes, and other
action recommendations, to [ENGINE ID] Engine Sub-team Leader for approval.
Contractual products shall also be accepted by the organic RCM Lead Engineer prior to
approval/implementation. Exercises technical authority for the resolution of RCM and AE
development, implementation, and utilization problems. Reviews the implementation and sustainment of the overall RCM/AE
effort. This includes development and sustaining the AE plan, including identification of
budget/manpower requirements and workload projections. Provides briefs, answers data calls, and arranges training associated
with the [ACFT ID] PPS RCM program. Ensures AE data from depot and fleet sampling engines, modules,
assemblies, and components is compiled, correlated, and entered in the AE database in an
accurate and timely manner. Modifies and upgrades database structure and format as
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required to meet the requirements identified in paragraph 5.3. Ensures AE inspection status
reports are up to date. Develops and provides inspection requirements and changes to AE
publications, i.e., AE depot or field sampling specifications. Maintains liaison with squadrons, MALS, depot, and Type
Commanders (TYCOM) to identify and schedule engine candidates for AE Depot inductions
and/or field inspections. Also, ensures compliance with specification requirements, support
accuracy of depot/fleet AE work documents, and provides engineering input to workload
standards review. Reviews all engine discrepancies with Quality Evaluators and depot/fleet
maintenance personnel. Periodically monitors AE samples to ensure engineering disposition
of all AE discovered discrepancies are documented with consultation from FST engineers
as required. Coordinates and monitors AE depot and fleet sampling engines,
modules, assemblies, and components. Prepares engineering instructions designating specific AE inspections
to be performed and any emergent or investigative inspection requirements to be performed
on each engine, module, assembly, and component. Prepares and revises RCM Analysis Packages to identify the most
effective failure management strategies and develop PM and AE sampling inspection
requirements, as well as redesign or other action recommendations.
2.2.3 RCM Analysts - The RCM analysis functions will be performed by various
RCM-trained and certified [ACFT ID] PPS organic and vendor personnel. RCM Analysts
responsibilities: Prepares and revises RCM Analysis Packages to identify the most
effective failure management strategies and develop PM and AE sampling inspection
requirements, as well as redesign or other action recommendations. Ensures that publications reflect the results of RCM analyses and that
any local MRC cards are reviewed for fleet wide application. Reviews Supportability Analyses and Maintenance Plans for proper
incorporation of PM and AE requirements. Compiles Age Exploration, operational, and test failure data.
Performs failure distribution analyses (Weibull, trending, etc.) of compiled data. Reviews all new or changed maintenance procedures to ensure failure
modes have been considered and maintenance instructions are compatible with RCM
assumptions and requirements.
2.2.4 Integrated Maintenance Concept (IMC) Team Leader - The IMC Team
Leader is responsible for maintenance plan, Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), PM
documentation, and overall maintenance program reviews. The IMC Team Leader is
responsible for ensuring the results achieved through the RCM analyses are implemented
into the maintenance program.
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The following requirements are performed by vendor (OEM) or CSS
only if covered by appropriate contracts.
2.4.2 Perform complete FMECA and RCM analysis for all Class I and II engineering
changes. Provide the completed analysis to [FST ID] FST for review, approval, and
implementation of results.
2.4.3 Review organic RCM/R&M analysis as requested by [FST ID] FST.
2.4.4 Perform AE data collection and provide results to [FST ID] FST.
2.4.5 Perform RCM analysis on in-service problems as requested by [FST ID] FST.
2.5.6 Provide necessary attendance at quarterly RCM review meetings.
2.5.7 As requested by [FST ID] FST, using IRCMS approved Preventive
Maintenance task data, develop source data for incorporation into appropriate maintenance
instruction manuals.
3.1.1 Level of Analysis Complete engine FMECA was provided using AWS 5.3 software.
Updated FMECA/RCM analyses will be documented into IRCMS 6.2.5 as issues arise, or
based on hazard/risk rankings and available funding. These analyses will use best
available data and conservative assumptions to support RCM decisions when information is
insufficient. Complete GTS/APU FMECA was provided to MIL-STD-1629 format
and in hardcopy format only. Initial assessment determined that the GTS/APU had no
Safety Category I or II failure modes. Therefore no RCM analysis was deemed necessary at
the time. Subsequent in-service failures have resulted in Safety Category I and II failures,
and other failure modes may justify analysis to determine appropriate failure management
strategies, therefore RCM analysis is required. Safety Category failures will be analyzed on
a priority basis, followed by non-safety failure modes with current PM Tasks. The GTS/APU
will be documented in a separate IRCMS 6.2.5 database.
3.1.2 Hardware Partitioning and Analysis Boundaries The [ACFT ID] PPS RCM program will only cover the hardware listed
in the following Illustrated Parts Breakdowns: [MANUAL #] for the [ENGINE ID] [MANUAL #] for GTS/APU, [PART NUMBERS] [MANUAL #] for [ACFT ID] QECA, [PART NUMBERS]
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NAVAIR 00-25-403 The top level for the hardware partitioning will be: The [ENGINE ID] engine for the Engine IRCMS database. The [GTS/APU ID] for the GTS/APU IRCMS database. The [ACFT ID] PPS will be divided into sections and systems
identified in the manuals listed in paragraph Hardware partitioning will be to a level
that identifies the functional sub-systems (normally at least one level above the WRA’s), as
a minimum. Lower level partitioning may be required depending on complexity and
maintenance concepts developed during the analysis.
3.1.3 FMECA Using the IRCMS software and instructions contained in NAVAIR 00-
25-403, FMECA documentation will be created/sustained for the hardware listed in
paragraph 3.1.2. (The initial delivered FMECA was done in AWS 5.3 software and will be
converted to IRCMS software.) For failure mode effects and consequences, the end item will be the
AV-8B aircraft.
3.1.4 Failure/Problem Related Reviews/Analysis The process for responding to reported problems will vary depending
on the criticality of failure, means of reporting, and whether a vendor or organic activity must
perform the failure analysis. The interfaces with the RCM/AE program are described in the
following paragraphs. The following paragraphs are general guidance. There may be
additional actions required for specific issues. Coordination with other activities such as
contractors may also be required. Some actions may be directed by higher authority. All of
these steps are not necessarily performed by assigned RCM analysts. However, RCM
analysts and leaders should be aware of all actions related to their assigned systems and
be involved in recommendations for PM or other actions affecting the failure management
strategy. Although this process shows a specific logical order, in some cases the steps may
be performed concurrently or in a different order. Step 1: Problem Reported/Recognized The process is started upon receipt of a report or recognition
of a problem requiring RCM action. The problem could be reported/recognized through:
• El request
• Hazard Material Report (HMR)
• Quality Deficiency Report (QDR)
• Technical Publication Deficiency Report (TPDR)
• Deficiency Report from vendors
• MRB reviews
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report may be required to program personnel, dependent on the nature and origination of
the problem. If PM changes or other actions are required, continue with Step 4. Step 4: One Time Inspection or Interim Action - If not accomplished
previously, the need to issue an inspection bulletin (technical directive) or take other interim
action is based on the potential safety or operational implications. If the possibility of
additional unacceptable failures exist before completion of the investigation, a bulletin or
other interim action is required. An Age Exploration Bulletin (AEB) may also be used to
gather data to better refine the problem. NAVAIR 00-25-300 provides direction for
preparing and issuing technical directives. Step 5: PM or Other Action - PM or other actions necessary for final
resolution of the problem are determined. This may be a single action or a combination of
solutions, as determined by the RCM analysis. Corrective actions will be agreed upon by
the assigned primary individual, the cognizant RCM analyst, and others as applicable. Any change to PM requirements will be determined through
RCM analysis. Changes to PM requirements directed by higher authority that disagree with
RCM recommendations be pursued for resolution. If still directed to taken action
inconsistent with the RCM results, the direction will be documented in IRCMS and the RCM
audit log (paragraph 5.4), without modifying properly determined RCM results. Design changes may be required to preclude additional
failures. Design changes are implemented through the ECP process. Recommendations to
incorporate ECP(s) may or may not be a result of the RCM analysis. A change to maintenance procedures or processes may be
identified during the analysis of the problem. Examples of such actions include: changing a
type of sealant used in an assembly process, changing torque requirements, or adding
quality assurance steps to a maintenance requirement. These types of actions may be
revealed through the course of the RCM analysis or may be used to make a current
requirement more effective. Clarification of an ambiguous current requirement or
emphasis to ensure proper performance of maintenance requirements may be necessary
when failures are the result of improper maintenance procedures. Clarifications and/or
emphasis can be accomplished by changes to the appropriate documentation (MRC,
manual, etc.) using Interim Rapid Action Changes (IRAC), Manual Change Releases
(MCR), through Maintenance Advisory Reports (MA(s)), or by maintenance awareness visits
to the performing activities. These actions will be documented in the IRCMS memo of the
associated failure mode and the RCM Audit Log (paragraph 5.4).
3.1.5 Initial Task Packaging - Task packaging is the process of incorporating a
number of maintenance requirements with discrete RCM preliminary intervals into optimum
packages such as a 250 hour phase inspection or major engine inspection (MEI). Task
Packaging shall be accomplished per NAVAIR 00-25-403 instructions. Changes to PM
requirements shall be issued in accordance with standard FST procedures and documented
in IRCMS and the RCM audit log.
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NAVAIR 00-25-403
statistical analysis to determine the minimum required number of samples to draw valid
conclusions Preventive Maintenance Requirement Document Reviews - Annual
reviews of PM documents will be conducted with maintenance activities/personnel to
validate maintenance processes, techniques, tools, or supplies, allowing update to increase
effectiveness or lower cost. These reviews will also afford the maintenance community an
opportunity to identify ineffective or excessive maintenance requirements for reevaluation by
the RCM process. Task Packaging Reviews - Task packaging process is described in
paragraph 3.1.5. As requirements are updated, they will normally be placed into these
packaged intervals. As changes accumulate over time, the original packaged interval may
no longer be optimal. Task packaging reviews will be conducted periodically to re-evaluate
the packaged maintenance intervals, considering the maintenance tasks that are added,
deleted, or modified. Changes to operational scenarios may also generate a need to review
the task packages to maximize availability. Class I Design Changes - Design changes may be driven by a variety
of factors including a redesign recommendation from the RCM analysis. Design changes
are implemented through the ECP process. An assessment of the impact on supportability
is a part of any proposed ECP. RCM analysis reviews or updates should be accomplished
before completion of the design change in order to determine the most appropriate failure
management strategy. [FST ID] FST has input into the initial ECP development
through the [ACFT ID] Configuration Action Team. Any new change proposals presented to
the should be brought to the attention of the cognizant RCM analyst. The Vendor/OEM may be assigned responsibility for
delivering an updated RCM analysis as part of their design changes. If so, the cognizant
RCM analyst or RCM Lead Engineer shall interface with the vendor/OEM to ensure
consideration and compatibility with the overall RCM program.
4.1.1 Interface Items All items listed in Attachment 1 are considered part of the [ACFT ID]
PPS RCM program.
4.1.2 Repair Procedure Reviews Before being approved for service, all component repair procedures
will be reviewed against the RCM Analysis to ensure that the failure mode is properly
addressed, the repair approach is consistent with the PM requirements and assumptions,
and evaluate whether the post-repair configuration will require additional analysis due to
changes affecting the failure mode, failure onset, or progression. All repair procedures that adversely affect PM program shall have
program approval before being implemented.
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If a failure consequence is hidden, then the risk is assigned based on
the failure/event that would make the failure evident.
4.2.4 STEP 4. All failure modes in the Hazard Risk table red and gold zones
(HRI 1-10) shall be analyzed first. The order of analysis will be from the smallest to largest
number located in each Hazard Risk table red block.
4.2.5 STEP 5. Anytime an operational metric of paragraph 4.4.1 moves into the
red, an analysis shall be made to determine underlying causes/failure modes. These
causes/failure modes shall be analyzed at a priority above the failure modes in Step 6.
Failure management strategies should be developed through RCM analysis that would
move the metric into the green.
4.2.6 STEP 6. All failure modes in the Hazard Risk table yellow zones shall be
analyzed next, if funding/resources allow. The order of analysis will be from the smallest to
largest number located in each Hazard Risk table yellow block.
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R = OR >100/100K FLT
1 3 7 13
U 10-99/100K FLT HRS
2 5 9 16
N OCCASIONAL (C) 4 6 11 18
1.0-9.9/100K FLT HRS
0.1-0.99/100K FLT HRS 8 10 14 19
= OR >0.1/100K FLT
12 15 17 20
SEVERITY is the worst credible consequence of a hazard in terms of degree of injury, property damage, or
effect on mission defined below:
CATASTROPHIC (1) - CLASS A (damage > $1M / fatality / permanent total disability)
CRITICAL (2) - CLASS B ($200K < damage <$1M / permanent partial
disability / hospitalization of 5 or more personnel
MARGINAL (3) - CLASS C (($10K < damage <$200K / injury results in 1 or
more lost workdays. Mission aborts
NEGLIGIBLE (4) - All other injury / damage less than CLASS C
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(1) Labor rates listed are for RCM task cost comparisons only and may not be
representative of actual labor rates. These rates will be used for both organic and
(2) Costs information obtained from COMNAVSAFECEN NORFOLK VA WEB SITE
posted document (FILE NAME: 2003eng.txt, SUBJECT: 2003 Engine Cost Data For
Aviation Mishap Reporting). These costs are not actual, but are used when actual costs are
not known.
4.3.2 Hardware Utilization Rates and Life
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Mean Engine Flight Hours between 800 EFH 333 EFH PMB Tracked Metric
Removal (MEFHBR)
Engine Availability (Spares) 26 5 PMB Tracked Metric
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4.4.2 RCM Goals for Major Intermediate and Depot PM Task Intervals
Attachment 4 provides charts that show the PM task interval History and Goals for various
engine modules and starting system components.
4.4.3 RCM Acceptable Probability of Failure (PACC) Safety PACC
[Below values are examples only, replace with appropriate values]
Safety PACC
Severity Class
I 1 x 10-6
II 1 x 10-6
III 1 x 10-3
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1B Taxi
2 Takeoff and transition
2A STO or CTO to V1 takeoff speed 0.004 0.004
2B V1 takeoff speed to transition
3 Transition to conventional flight 0.427 0.427
4 Close air support 0.050 0.050
5 Interdiction 0.050 0.050
6 Air to air combat 0.080 0.080
7 Climb and return to base 0.385 0.385
8 Transition and vertical landing 0.004 0.004
8A Hover
9 Taxi, post flight and ground checkout 0.125 -
4.7.6 Failure Detection Methods - Refer to NAVAIR 00-25-403 manual for required
4.7.7 Failure Distribution Curve Methodologies Weibull Analysis Weibull Analysis is a statistical technique useful for various
aspects of failure analysis. P&P Weibull Analysis Module (Excel Workbook) for performing
Weibull analysis for RCM, RCM-P01, is contained in Propulsion and Power RCM Training
Handbook. Weibull Analysis can provide information such as the following:
• The conditional probability of failure of a part versus a given age.
• The expected number of failures over any period. The type of
failure mode, i.e. infant mortality, wear-out, batch problems,
combinations of failure modes, etc.
• The percentage of items expected to fail by a given age.
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4.9.2 Priorities are assigned to each task. Tasks within each priority group are listed
in descending order of importance. In the event that not all tasks can be performed, they will
be performed according to priority. The RCM/AE task priorities are provided in the following
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FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
PRL Funded xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
IMC Funded xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
SOO Requirements xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
FY Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
FY08 FY09 FY10
PRL Funded xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
IMC Funded xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
SOO Requirements xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
FY Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx
NAVAIR 00-25-403
Turbofan Engine
A-71/(A-72 Blank)
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(1) Navy wide data collection programs (e.g., 3-M, Ecomtrack, ERAP, etc.)
(2) Program data collection tasks (e.g., Engineering investigations, Age and power plant bulletins,
Fleet meetings and messages, etc.)
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(1) Engine Flight Hours (EFH) = Aircraft Flight Hours x
Number of Engines
(2) Goals/Norms should be established for Metrics 1,2,3,4.
1. Cost / Engine Flight Hour - Total cost of engine operation, including Contractor
Engineering and Technical Services (CETS), Modification (Mod) Kits, CIP, Depot engine
rework cost, I and O level consumables and labor, and Aviation Depot Level Repairable
(AVDRL), divided by total Engine Flight Hours (EFH).
2. Time on Wing (Mean Time between Removal) - The total number of EFH(s) divided by
the total number of items removed from that system during a stated period. Mean engine
flight hours between unscheduled removals, excluding removals to facilitate maintenance
and removals for product improvement (Change incorporation).
3. Abort Rate / 1000 EFH (In-flight and preflight) - Based on VIDS/MAF records with:
a. A transaction code of 11 or 12
b. A when discovered code of –A- or –C-
c. A maintenance level of 1
d. The job control number suffix blank and an action taken code other than J, K, L, M, N,
Q, S, or T
Rate is computed by dividing the number of aborts by the total EFH over the same period
and then multiplying by 1000.
4. Direct MMH / EFH - Total maintenance man-hours (scheduled and unscheduled)
expended on an engine divided by the total engine flight hours over the same period of time.
5. Unscheduled Removal Cause / 1000 Hours - All engines having a status-star code of
2474 and not having a reason code of:
3W Cannibalization
3X Cannibalization (Administrative)
4D Direct Removal
5G High Time
6A Mod/Technical Directive Compliance (TDC) Incorporation
7C High Time Component
7D High Time Engine
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Entry Into
1500 Reduction in PM
Current Interval
RCM Goal
Engine LPC MRA HPC Rotor Combustion HPT MRA LPT MRA Exhaust Exhaust Duct
MRA Diffuser MRA MRA
A-77/(A-78 Blank)
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NAVAIR 00-25-403
01 July 2005
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 2
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Various methods are available for meeting the quantitative and qualitative needs of the RCM
analysis process. Some methods are widely accepted, while others are applicable only under
certain circumstances or applications. Additionally, some methods that were previously used
have been found to be suspect after review. Care must be taken to ensure that any method
adopted for performing RCM analysis is appropriate, and that any mathematical or statistical
methodology is consistent with the data inputs or assumptions used. No method or formula
should be used unless there is a clear understanding of their derivations and of the
appropriate data or assumptions that must be made for them to be valid. The following RCM
methods have been developed for computing or estimating task intervals for the various types
of RCM tasks. These methods have been reviewed and are endorsed by the NAVAIR RCM
Steering Committee for use in applications where appropriate. Other methods may be found
at the NAVAIR RCM web site or by contacting the Steering Committee. It is the
responsibility of the user to determine the appropriateness of a given method to a specific
application. Programs are encouraged to submit additional methods found helpful in
conducting the analysis to the Steering Committee via the NAVAIR RCM web site.
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I = Inspection interval
θ = Probability of detecting a potential failure with one occurrence of the
proposed On Condition task, assuming the potential failure exists
Pacc = Acceptable probability of failure
Recognize this equation is not precise in that it calculates the Pacc based
on the assumption the potential failure exists. This is a conservative
assumption and encourages the use of highly reliable inspection
techniques. If a more precise interval were desired, the actual failure
rate and failure mechanism and distribution would need to be
considered in more detail. However, as more precision is pursued, the
loss of conservatism must be weighed against the confidence in the data
sources to ensure adequate levels of protection against failure are
maintained. If more precision is attempted, the analyst must also
consider, when establishing the acceptable levels of probability at the
end item level, that there are usually multiple safety/environmental
consequence failure modes.
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This method is appropriate for failure modes with safety/environmental and hidden
safety/environmental consequences. It may also be used to provide an estimated value for n
for non-safety consequences provided an acceptable probability of failure is identified.
However, for economic failure modes an additional step to ensure that the task is cost-
effective must be performed as follows:
1.2.2 Optimizing Task Intervals for Failure Modes with Non-Safety Consequences
Another method for determining the number of inspections, n, in the potential failure to
functional failure interval for failure modes with non-safety consequences is to use a cost
optimization formula such as the following:
ln PF n
(Cnpm − Cpf ) ln (1 − θ )
ln (1 − θ )
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If Cnpm is equal to Cpf, there is no benefit in discovering
potential failure before functional failure.
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However, this method requires significant in-service data on potential and functional failures
found, to determine the current task's effectiveness, as follows:
If PF is expected to be longer than the existing inspection interval, PF can be estimated by
the following:
PF = ( ln (1 - α) / ln (1-θ)) * I
When PF expected to be shorter than the existing inspection interval, the formula becomes:
PF = (α / θ) * I
α = Task Effectiveness (i.e., number of potential failures found divided by total
failures (potential and functional)
θ = Probability of detecting a potential failure with the current On Condition task
(assuming the potential failure exists)
I = Current Task Interval
Care should be taken in using this method as it is dependent on good in-service data and
estimates of θ. The resulting PF should be evaluated using engineering judgment,
maintainer/operator input, and any other information sources to ensure it is reasonable and
consistent with the failure mode under consideration. The analyst must also consider
whether the information from the existing task is indicative of a situation where a consistent
PF condition or progression is not a characteristic of the failure mode under consideration,
and therefore an OC task would be inappropriate. Once the PF is determined, the methods
described in previous paragraphs can be used to set the new inspection interval.
If a different inspection method will be considered for replacing an existing task for a given
failure mode, the new inspection interval should be based on the probability of detection of
the PF condition (θ) using the new inspection method.
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1.3.2 Testing
Testing is another means to determine safe-life limits or wear out ages of items. Many
components require certification tests that ensure that the component will operate for a
certain period without failure. Aircraft structure, for example, is usually tested to failure
under a full-scale fatigue test to ensure that it will remain crack-free for the life of the
aircraft. When airframe cracks are found unexpectedly, coupon testing is sometimes
performed to determine the life to crack initiation of the suspect component. Statistical
techniques such as Weibull may then be applied using the test data to determine appropriate
task intervals.
(C BF × N S ) + (C AF × (1 − N S ))
N S t + [(1 − N S ) MTTFP ]
Where: CBR = cost benefit ratio
CBF = cost of rework/replacement before failure
NS = the percent of items that survive to the proposed task interval
t = the proposed task interval
CAF = cost of repair/replacement and collateral damage (if any) after failure
(if operational impacts have been converted to costs, ensure they are
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Tasks that have CBR values of less than 1 are considered cost effective. Since MTTFP may
be difficult to obtain, a reasonable estimate may be made using the estimated percentage of
the proposed replacement age premature failures will achieve (on average) (i.e., replace
MTTFP with (K x t) where K is estimated percent of task interval premature failures
achieve). Items with infant mortality issues following rework or replacement will generally
have a lower percentage (i.e., lower MTTFP). If premature failures are expected to be evenly
distributed throughout the period before replacement, 50 percent may be a reasonable
estimate for this entry (K).
The desired MTBF for the function (i.e., multiple failure) can be established by setting an
acceptable probability of failure over a known timeframe (e.g., life of the item) and solving
for MTBF. If the MTBF for the hidden and additional failure (or event) can be determined
(or estimated), the equation is easily solved by iterating the two equations on a spreadsheet to
find the appropriate time period (t), which becomes the inspection interval.