Lab02 Reading Material

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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani – K. K.

Birla Goa campus

Computer Programming (CS F111)
Second Semester 2017-2018
Lab-02 (UNIX- Shell)
1. tr and cut – Unix utility commands
2. Introduction to Unix Shell and Pattern Matching
3. Shell Script
4. Interactive Shell Scripts
5. Performing Arithmetic Operations
6. Variables in Shell
7. Decision making constructs in Shell
8. Exercises
Note: Type and execute the sample codes, do not copy paste.

1. tr and cut – Unix utility commands

1.1 tr command
tr stands for translate. The tr command in UNIX is a command line utility for translating or
deleting characters. It supports a range of transformations including uppercase to lowercase,
squeezing of repeating characters, deleting specific characters and basic find and replace.

Syntax :
tr [OPTION] … SET1 [SET2]

Options :

Option Description
-c Complements the set of characters in string. i.e., operations apply to characters not in
the given set
-d Deletes characters in the first set from the output
-s Replaces repeated characters listed in set1 with single occurrence
-t Truncates set1

To convert from lower case to upper case, the predefined sets in tr can be used. The [:lower:]
and [:upper:] represent set of lower case and upper case characters. The tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
command matches lower case characters and transfer them to corresponding uppercase
Eg : echo "you Are the Best" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]

By default tr will repeat the last character of the second set for all additional characters in the
first set if the first and second sets are of different lengths. Consider the following example.

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echo "Difficulties are blessings." | tr 'abcde' 'XYZ'
DiffiZultiZs XrZ YlZssings.

The last character of the second set is used to match any letter from c-e. Using the –t (truncate)
option limits the matching to the length of the second set.
echo "Difficulties are blessings." | tr -t 'abcde' 'XYZ'
DiffiZulties Xre Ylessings.

The additional characters ‘d-e’ are not replaced when -t option is used. Use the -c option to
search and replace compliment of a pattern in first set. In the following example, any character
that is not ‘te’ is matched and translated to ‘B’.
echo "you Are the Best" | tr -c 'te' 'B'

To delete specific characters use the -d option. This option deletes characters in the first set
specified. The following example removes any occurrence of ‘c’ and ‘e’.
echo "success is not an accident" | tr -d 'ce'
suss is not an aidnt

We can use the -s option to squeeze repeated occurrences of characters in a set. This removes the
repeated instances of a character. In the following example, a string with too many spaces is
squeezed, i.e., removed.
echo "Failures are stepping stone towards success"| tr -s ' '
Failures are stepping stone towards success

1.2 cut command

The cut command in UNIX is a command line utility for cutting sections from each line of
files and writing the result to standard output. It can be used to cut parts of a line by byte
position, character and delimiter. It can also be used to cut data from file formats like CSV.

Syntax :
cut [OPTION] … [FILE]...

Options :

Option Description
-b Extracts the specific bytes
-c Extracts the specific characters
-d Replaces TAB [the default delimiter] to the specified delimiter
-f Cuts by fields (1, 2, 3...)

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The byte/character positions can be a single number, list of comma separated numbers, or a
range of numbers.

Example of byte cutting :

echo 'Opportunity' | cut -b 4
echo 'Opportunity' | cut -b 3,6
echo 'Opportunity' | cut -b 3-6

Example of character cutting :

echo 'Opportunity' | cut -c 4
echo 'Opportunity' | cut -c 3,6
echo 'Opportunity' | cut -c 3-6

The -d option is normally used in conjunction with -f option to specify the field that should be
cut. For demonstrating the use of these options, data.txt file is created with following content.
cat > data.txt
Rhonda,Byrne,The Secreat, Rs. 750
Dale,Carnegie,Stop Worring And Start Living, Rs. 250
Monica,Sheehan,Be Happy, Rs. 240
Napolean,Hill,The Law of Success, Rs. 950
Robert,Kiyosaki,Rich Dad Poor Dad, Rs. 420

The delimiter is set to comma with -d ','. The cut command can then pull out the fields of interest
with -f option. In the following example, the first field is cut.
Example of field selection based on delimiter :
cut -d ',' -f 1 data.txt

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Multiple fields can be cut by passing a comma separated list or by specifying a range of

Example of multiple field selection based on delimiter:

cut -d ',' -f 1,3 data.txt
Rhonda,The Secreat
Dale,Stop Worring And Start Living
Monica,Be Happy
Napolean,The Law of Success
Robert,Rich Dad Poor Dad

Example of range of field selection based on delimiter:

cut -d ',' -f 2-4 data.txt
Byrne,The Secreat, Rs. 750
Carnegie,Stop Worring And Start Living, Rs. 250
Sheehan,Be Happy, Rs. 240
Hill,The Law of Success, Rs. 950
Kiyosaki,Rich Dad Poor Dad, Rs. 420

2. What is Shell?
A program that interprets commands and allows a user to execute commands by typing them
manually at a terminal, or automatically in programs called shell scripts.
A shell is not an operating system. It is a way to interface with the operating system and execute
Login shell is BASH = Bourne Again Shell

Bash is a shell written as a free replacement to the standard Bourne Shell (/bin/sh) originally
written by Steve Bourne for UNIX systems. It has all the features of the original Bourne Shell,
plus additions that make it easier to program with and use from the command line. Since it is
Free Software, it has been adopted as the default shell on most Linux systems.

Many commands accept arguments which are file names. For example:
ls -l main.c
prints information relating to the file main.c.

The shell provides a mechanism for generating a list of file names that match a pattern.
For example,
ls -l *.c
generates, as arguments to ls, all file names in the current directory that end in .c.
The character * is a pattern that will match any string including the null string. This
mechanism is useful both to save typing and to select names according to some pattern.

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Following are the special characters interpreted by the shell called as Wild cards.
Command What does the command do?
* Matches any number of characters including none
? Matches a single character
[ijk] Matches a single character either i , j or k
[!ijk] Not i, j or k
[x-z] At least a single character within this ASCII range
[!x-z] Not a single character within this range

(i) * stands for zero or more characters.

ls a (output is only a if a is a file, output is the content of a if a is a
ls ar* ( all those that start with ar)
ls *vict ( all those files that end with vict)
ls *[ijk] (all files having i ,j or k as the last character of the filename)
ls *[b-r] (all files which have at least any character between b and r as the last
character of the filename)
ls * ( all files)

(ii) ? matches a single character

ls a?t matches all those files of three characters with a as the first and t as the
third character and any character in between
ls ?oo matches all three character files whose filename end with oo

What will the following commands give?

Command What does it do?
ls ??i* Matches any number of characters but definitely two
characters before i followed by any number of characters
ls ? Matches all the single character files
ls *? Matches any file with at least 1 character
ls ?* Matches any file with at least 1 character
ls “*” Matches any file with * as the filename (exactly 1 character
which is *)
ls “*”* Matches all files starting with * as filename

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2.1 Quoting
Characters that have a special meaning to the shell, such as < > * ? | &, are called
metacharacters. Any character preceded by a \ is quoted and loses its special meaning, if any.
The \ is elided so that
echo \?
will echo a single ? and
echo \\
will echo a single \
\ is convenient for quoting single characters. When more than one character needs quoting the
above mechanism is clumsy and error prone. A string of characters may be quoted by enclosing
the string between single quotes.
For example,
echo xx'****'xx
will echo
The quoted string may not contain a single quote but may contain new lines, which are
preserved. This quoting mechanism is the most simple and is recommended for casual use. A
third quoting mechanism using double quotes is also available that prevents interpretation of
some but not all metacharacters.

3. Shell Scripts
The shell may be used to read and execute commands contained in a file.

As a simple case, assume that we have a scenario where commands who, ls and date are
executed one after the other.
To write shell scripts, open a new file in gedit (say gedit firstShellPgm)
Type all the commands that you want to get executed one after the other. i.e. who, ls and date.
The file content will be now

echo “My First Shell Program”

ls -l

As stated earlier, the shell may be used to read and execute commands contained in a file.
To read and execute, the file use the following in command line

sh file [ args ... ] e.g. sh firstShellPgm

sh calls the shell to read commands from file. Such a file is called a command procedure or shell
procedure or shell script.

Execute the program by typing

sh firstShellPgm

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This produces the output as shown in Figure 1.

Note: You need to give execute permission to file firstShellPgm

chmod +x firstShellPgm

Figure 1: Output of the sh firstShellPgm

Arguments may be supplied with the call and are referred to in file using the positional
parameters $1, $2, ....
For example, if the file secondShellPgm contains

echo My Second Shell Program with Parameter Passing

echo The parameter1 is $1 and Parameter 2 is $2
who|grep $1*
ls -l $2*

sh secondShellPgm CPSec first

produces the result as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Output of the sh secondShellPgm CPSec first

When the file executes, the first argument (CPSec in the previous example) replaces $1, second
argument replaces $2 …….

echo The parameter1 is $1 and Parameter 2 is $2
is equivalent to
echo The parameter1 is CPSec and Parameter 2 is first
who|grep $1*
is equivalent to
who|grep CPSec*
ls -l $2*
is equivalent to
ls -l first*

i.e. CPSec is assigned to variable 1 and first is assigned to variable 2

Note: You need to give execute permission to file secondShellPgm

chmod +x secondShellPgm

4. Interactive Shell Scripts

Interaction with the computer is always through input and output operations. The read command
allows the shell scripts to read input from the user. Let us write our first interactive shell script
here. You may save it in the file first.
The script is as follows

#this script asks user to input his name and then prints his name
echo What is your name \?

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read name
echo Hello $name. Happy Programming.

Execute the script by typing

sh first

You must have noticed \ symbol before? This can be avoided if the message to be displayed is
enclosed in quotes. This script causes the name entered by you is stored in the variable name.
Also, while using in echo statement, this variable name is attached with $ indicating that name is
a variable, and extract the value stored in the variable name and use it in place of it.
The output is:
What is your name ?
Hello john. Happy Programming.

5. Performing Arithmetic operations

We start with an example here. Type the following code in the file named arithmetic.

#this script performs different arithmetic operations on two numbers

echo `expr $a + $b`
echo `expr $a - $b`
echo `expr $a \* $b` #multiplication
echo `expr $a / $b`
echo `expr $a % $b` #modular division, returns reminder

Now execute the script by typing

sh arithmetic 20 12

You will get answer as follows

Line 1 is commented which is used for improving readability of the script. This line will not be
executed. Anything following # is a comment and will be only for improving readability.
Line 2 and 3 assigns some values [passed through argument 1 and argument 2] to variables a and
b. In the line echo `expr $a + $b` expr is the key value that signifies it as an arithmetic expression
to be evaluated.
An expression like $a \* \( $b + $c \) / $d is a valid expression. This expression performs
a * (b+c) / d. The enclosing punctuation (` `) in `expr $a + $b` is accent grave. It causes the
expression to be evaluated. expr is only able to carry out the integer arithmetic.

NOTE: The symbol quoting expr can be found on key having Tilde (~) below ESC key.

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6. Variables in Shell
To process data, it must be kept in computer’s RAM. RAM is divided into small locations, and
each location had unique number called memory location/address, which is used to hold the data.
Programmer can give a unique name to this memory location/address called memory variable or
variable [It is a named storage location that may take different values, but only one at a time]. In
Linux (Shell), there are two types of variable:
(1) System variables - Created and maintained by Linux itself. This type of variable defined in
(2) User defined variables (UDV) - Created and maintained by user.

6.1 System Variables

Some of the important System variables are:
System Variable Meaning
BASH=/bin/bash Shell name
BASH_VERSION=4.3.48(1)-release Shell version name
COLUMNS=80 Number of columns for the screen
HOME=/home/CPSec01 Home directory
LINES=24 Number of columns for the screen
LOGNAME=CPSec01 Log in name
OSTYPE=linux-gnu OS type
PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin Path settings
PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ Prompt settings
PWD=/home/CPSec01/ Present working directory
SHELL=/bin/bash Shell name
USERNAME=CPSec01 User name who is currently login to this PC

Caution: Do not modify System variables. This can some time create problems.
You can see the current values of these variables by typing echo $variable name
Example: echo $HOME

6.2 User Defined Variable (UDV)

Defining a User defined Variable
To define a UDV, the following syntax is used.
Variable name=value
'value' is assigned to given 'variable name' and Value must be on right side of the = sign.

number=10 # this is ok

10=number # Error, Value must be on right side of the = sign.

vech=Bus # defines variable called 'vech' having value Bus

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Rules for Naming variable name (Both UDV and System Variable)
1. Variable name must begin with Alphanumeric character or underscore character,
followed by one or more Alphanumeric character.
Examples of valid shell variable are:

2. Don't put spaces on either side of the equal sign when assigning value to variable.
For example, in following variable declaration there will be no error
But there will be problem for any of the following variable declaration:
number =10
number= 10
number = 10

3. Variables are case-sensitive, just like filenames in Linux.

For example,
Above all are different variable names.
To print value 20 we have to use echo $NUMBER.
echo $number # will print 10 but not 20
echo $Number # will print 11 but not 20

4. You can define NULL variable as follows [NULL variable is variable which has no value
at the time of definition]
For example
Try to print it's value by issuing the command echo $vech
Nothing will be shown because variable has no value i.e. NULL variable.

5. Do not use ?,* etc, to name your variable names.

Try the following

1. Define variable x with value 10 and print it on screen.
2. Define variable xn with value CP and print it on screen
3. Print sum of two numbers, let's say 6 and 3?
4. Define two variable x=20, y=5 and then to print division of x and y (i.e. x/y)

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7. Decision making constructs in Shell
What computer know is 0 (zero) and 1 that is Yes or No.
To make this idea clear, lets take the help of bc - Linux calculator program. Type
After this command bc is started and waiting for your commands, i.e. give it some calculation as
follows type 5 + 2 as:
7 is response of bc i.e. addition of 5 + 2.
Now see what happened if you type 5 > 2
1 is response of bc, How? bc compare 5 with 2 as, Is 5 is greater than 2, bc gives the answer as
'YES' by showing 1 as value. Now try
0 indicates FALSE. i.e., Is 5 is less than 2?, the answer NO indicated by bc is by showing 0.
Remember in bc, logical operations always returns true (1) or false (0).
Try following in bc to clear your Idea and not down bc's response.
5 > 12
5 == 10
5 != 2
5 == 5
1= < 2

Expression Meaning to us Your Answer BC's Response

5 > 12 Is 5 greater than 12 NO 0
5 == 10 Is 5 is equal to 10 NO 0
5 != 2 Is 5 is NOT equal to 2 YES 1
5 == 5 Is 5 is equal to 5 YES 1
1<2 Is 1 is less than 2 YES 1

It means whenever there is any type of comparison in Linux Shell, it gives only one of the two
answers YES or NO.

In Linux Shell Value Meaning Example

Zero Value (0) Yes/True 0
NON-ZERO Value No/False -1, 32, 55 anything but not zero

Remember bc and Linux Shell uses two different ways to show True/False values
Value Shown in bc as Shown in Linux Shell as
True/Yes 1 0
False/No 0 Non - zero value

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7.1. if condition
if condition is used for decision making in shell script. If the given condition is true then
command1 is executed.
if condition

Condition is defined as:

"Condition is nothing but comparison between two values."
For comparison you can use test or [ expression ] statements.
Expression is defined as:
"An expression is nothing but combination of values, relational operator (such as >,<, <> etc)
and mathematical operators (such as +, -, / etc )."
Following are all examples of expression:
3 * 65
c > 5 + 30 -1

test command or [ expression ]

test command or [ expression ] is used to see if an expression is true, and if it is true it return
zero(0), otherwise returns nonzero for false.
test expression OR [ expression ]
Following script determine whether given argument number is positive.
if test $1 -gt 0 # if [ $1 –gt 0 ] will also work
echo "$1 number is positive"
Run it as follows
chmod +x ispostive
sh ispostive 5
5 number is positive
sh ispostive -45
Nothing is printed
sh ispostive
Test and justify the output
Detailed explanation
The line if test $1 -gt 0, test to see if first command line argument ($1) is greater than 0. If it is
true(0) then test will return 0 and output will printed as 5 number is positive but for -45 argument

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there is no output because our condition is not true (no -45 is not greater than 0) hence echo
statement is skipped.
For last statement we have not supplied any argument hence error ispostive: 1: test: -gt:
unexpected operator, is generated by shell , to avoid such error we can test whether command
line argument is supplied or not.

test or [ expression ] works with

1.Integer ( Number without decimal point)
2.File types
3.Character strings

For Mathematics, use following operator in Shell Script

Mathematical Normal
Operator Arithmetical/
Meaning But in Shell
in Shell Mathematical
Script Statements
For test For
statement [expression]
with if statement with
command if command
-eq is equal to 5 == 6 if test 5 -eq 6 if [ 5 -eq 6 ]
-ne is not equal to 5 != 6 if test 5 -ne 6 if [ 5 -ne 6 ]
-lt is less than 5<6 if test 5 -lt 6 if [ 5 -lt 6 ]
is less than or equal
-le 5 <= 6 if test 5 -le 6 if [ 5 -le 6 ]
-gt is greater than 5>6 if test 5 -gt 6 if [ 5 -gt 6 ]
is greater than or
-ge 5 >= 6 if test 5 -ge 6 if [ 5 -ge 6 ]
equal to
NOTE: == is equal, != is not equal.

For string Comparisons use

Operator Meaning
string1 = string2 string1 is equal to string2
string1 != string2 string1 is NOT equal to string2
string1 string1 is NOT NULL or not defined
-n string1 string1 is NOT NULL and does exist
-z string1 string1 is NULL and does exist

Shell also test for file and directory types

Test Meaning
-s file Non empty file
-f file Is File exist or normal file and not a directory
-d dir Is Directory exist and not a file
-w file Is writeable file
-r file Is read-only file
-x file Is file is executable

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Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to combine two or more condition at a time
Operator Meaning
! expression Logical NOT
expression1 -a expression2 Logical AND
expression1 -o expression2 Logical OR

If given condition is true then command1 is executed otherwise command2 is executed.
if condition
condition is zero (true - 0)
execute all commands up to else statement

if condition is not true then
execute all commands up to fi
For e.g. Write Script in file isPos as follows:

if [ $# -eq 0 ] # $# is used to see how many parameters passed

echo "You must supply one integer"
exit 1 # exit from the shell script

if test $1 -gt 0
echo "$1 number is positive"
echo "$1 number is negative"

Do the following:
chmod +x isPos
sh isPos 5
5 number is positive
sh isPos -45
-45 number is negative
sh isPos
You must supply one integers
sh isPos 0
0 number is negative

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Detailed explanation
First script checks whether command line argument is given or not, if not given then it print error
message as "You must supply one integers". if statement checks whether number of argument
($#) passed to script is not equal (-eq) to 0, if we passed any argument to script then this if
statement is false and if no command line argument is given then this if statement is true. And
finally statement exit 1 causes normal program termination with exit status 1.

The last sample run sh isPos 0 , gives output as "0 number is negative", because given argument
is not > 0, hence condition is false and it's taken as negative number. To avoid this replace
second if statement with if test $1 -ge 0.

8. Exercises
Exercise 1
Write a shell script to display all the files in the present working directory whose file name starts
with the word given by positional parameter 1 and ends with the word given by positional
parameter 2.

Exercise 2
Write a shell script to display the total number of files in your present working directory.

Exercise 3
Write a shell script to ask user to enter a command and execute it.

Exercise 4
Write a Shell script which accepts two numbers a and b from the user directly and displays the
result of a2+b2. The shell script also takes a parameter. This parameter is added to previously
2 2
computer (a +b ) value and displays the final result.

Exercise 5
Write a Shell script which accepts three numbers a, b and c from the user directly and displays
the result of ax2+bx+c. The shell script takes the value of x as a parameter.

Exercise 6
Write a program to find the largest of 2 Numbers
(A) Take Numbers from user using read command
(B) Take Numbers from user as command line arguments

Exercise 7
Write a program to find the largest of 3 Numbers
(A) Take Numbers from user using read command
(B) Take Numbers from user as command line arguments

Exercise 8
Take radius as user input and calculate Area and Circumference of a circle if radius is greater
than 5

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Question #1
Write a shell script program named which accepts a string from the user. The
shell script program should print the message “The entered string <string> is a directory
under the current working directory” if the string user entered is a directory under the
present working directory. Else the program should print the message “The entered string
<string> is NOT a directory under the present working directory”.

Question #2
Write a shell script program named to take 3 sides of a triangle as command
line argument. Find whether the inputs can form a triangle. If yes, then find the perimeter
of the triangle and check whether the triangle is a scalene triangle. Display appropriate
messages for invalid data [like negative numbers, not a triangle etc ..].

Note: If A, B and C are three sides of a triangle, then the necessary condition for a valid
triangle is
A + B > C and A – B < C

Exercise Solutions
ex 1: ls -dp "$1"*"$2" | grep -v /

ex 2 : ls -l | wc -l

ex 3 : echo "Enter a command"

read cmd

ex 4: echo 'enter value of a :'

read a
echo 'enter value of b :'
read b
g=`expr $a \* $a`
h=`expr $b \* $b`
sum=`expr $g + $h`
echo $sum
echo finalsum=`expr $sum + $x`

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ex 5:echo 'enter the value of a:'
read a
echo 'enter the value of b:'
read b
echo 'enter value of c :'
read c
g=`expr $a \* $x \* $x`
h=`expr $b \* $x`
echo result is :`expr $g + $h + $c`

ex 6: (A)
echo 'enter first number :'
read a
echo 'enter second number:'
read b
if test $a -gt $b
echo $a is greater than $b
echo $b is greater than $a
if test $a -gt $b
echo $a is greater than $b
echo $b is greater than $a

ex 7: (A)
echo 'enter first number:'
read a
echo 'enter second number:'
read b
echo 'enter third number:'
read c
if test $a -gt $b -a $a -gt $c
echo $a is the largest
elif [ $b -gt $c ]
echo $b is the largest
echo "$c is the largest"

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if test $a -gt $b -a $a -gt $c
echo $a is the largest
elif [ $b -gt $c ]
echo $b is the largest
echo $c is the largest

ex 8:
echo 'enter radius :'
read radius
if test $radius -gt 5
echo area is : `expr $radius \* $radius \* 3`
echo circumference is : `expr 2 \* 3 \* $radius`
echo 'enter radius greater than 5'


echo "Enter the string"
read str
n=`expr $(ls */| grep / | grep -c $str)`
if [ $n -eq 0 ]
echo "The entered string $str is not a directory under the current working
echo "The entered string $str is a directory under the current working directory"

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if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "You must supply a value"
if [ $1 -lt 0 -o $2 -lt 0 -o $3 -lt 0 ]
echo "Supply Positive Numbers"
elif [ `expr $1 + $2` -gt $3 -a `expr $1 - $2` -lt $3 -a `expr $1 + $3` -gt $2 -a
`expr $1 - $3` -lt $2 -a `expr $2 + $3` -gt $1 -a `expr $2 - $3` -lt $1 ]
echo "Valid Triangle"
echo "Perimeter = `expr $1 + $2 + $3`"
if [ $1 -eq $2 -a $1 -eq $3 ]
echo "Equilateral Triangle"
elif [ $1 -eq $2 -o $1 -eq $3 -o $2 -eq $3 ]
echo "Isosceles Triangle"
echo "Scalene Triangle"
echo 'invalid values'

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