Series: 3.5 Tonne - Pneumatic Model

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Tires: Pneumatic

Power unit Gasoline/LPG Diesel
Engine model Nissan K25 Nissan QD32

Displacement cc 2488 3153
Rated output kW 46.9 38
Rated torque Nm 182 186
Load capacity kg 3500 3500
Overall width mm 1280 1280
Turning radius mm 2420 2420
Overhead guard height mm 2155 2155 Series
Length to forkface mm 2780 2780

3.5 tonne - Pneumatic model

Nissan Forklift Europe B.V. CEN-LX35-NFE/05-08-3000 Printed in the Netherlands
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make any changes without notice concerning colours, equipment or specifications detailed in this brochure, or to discontinue
individual models. The colours of vehicles delivered may differ slightly from those in this brochure. The specifications vary for different countries depending on local market
conditions. Please consult your local dealer to ensure that the vehicle delivered accords with your expectations. All values are determined based on the standard condition
and may vary, due to motor and system tolerances, condition of the truck and operational conditions. Some equipment shown on photos are optional.
Seeking symbiosis of people, vehicles a nd nature 

Nissan’s environmental philosophy is encapsulated in the phrase “symbiosis of Eco-friendly engine design
people, vehicles and nature.” This expresses our ideal picture of a sustainable Making use of advanced engine technologies developed for passenger cars, Nissan Forklift
mobile society. products meet emission standards that surpass the strict regulations of Japan, the US and
Europe, and also offer productivity-boosting performance balanced with impressive fuel
For the future of our planet and generations to come, we are doing everything economy.
we can to help our natural environment, by reducing the environmental load in
real-world terms and providing customers with innovative products that contribute
to the development of a sustainable mobile society.

Nissan’s ultimate environmental goal is to manage the environmental impact

generated by our corporate activities, customer use of Nissan vehicles, and the
company’s use of resources to a level that is within nature’s capacity to absorb. ISO14001 certified production facilities
Nissan Forklift’s production facilities are strategically located in Europe, Japan and USA.
We have established specific targets to achieve this goal on three key issues, All factories have the environmental ISO 14001 certificate. It is targeted at reduction of
and are intensifying our efforts to achieve them. Nissan regards the following water and energy consumption, visual and noise disturbances and avoid the draining of
three issues as paramount: reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions; cleaner pollutants into the air and water.
emissions to preserve the atmosphere, water and soil; and recycling of resources.
Among these three, Nissan is treating the issue of reduction in CO2 emissions
as a high priority. Nissan’s targets for this and other key issues, as well as
measures to achieve them by 2010, are spelled out in the Nissan Green Program
2010, our medium-term environmental action plan.
We are moving steadily forward to achieve the Program’s goals.
Minimizing Resource Maximum re-cycling
emission recycling that
to preserve promtes the The Nissan Forklift trucks are carefully designed to a degree wherein the trucks can be
the atmosphere, three RS -
water and soil Reduce, Reuse,
recycled to approximately 95% of the applied material. Re-use of materials contributes to
effective use of our planet’s limited, precious natural resources.

To ease the environmental burden

and reduce resource utilisation by
Nissan’cars, forklift and business
A safer and cleaner workplace 

Industry leading
engine technology

To ensure minimum exhaust emissions,

Nissan’s advanced LX35 Series offers an
the LX35 series’ electronic LPG fuel array of new technology and design to provide
injection system relies on engine sensors a safe, comfortable and productive space for
and the Engine Control Module (ECM) both you and your colleagues in the surrounding
to maintain and deliver the best air/fuel area. Protecting and sustaining the environ-
ratio within the combustion chamber. By ment is important to you and to us. Nissan ap-
accurately delivering the right ratio, the proaches this responsibility with the conviction
engine can produce precise combustion, that sound environmental policy is at the core
resulting in better fuel efficiency as well of sound business practice. This is evidenced
as exceptionally low emissions. in the LX35 Series’ electronic controlled LPG
engines, delivering exceptionally low emissions
(intake air) levels.
Air cleaner

Oil pressure,
treansmission fluid
Main fuel passage Nissan’s new QD32 diesel engine fully com-
& water temperature
sensors Electronic fuel injector plies to the latest European Stage 3A emission
Idle switch

Three-way requirements.

Oxygen The LX35 Series’ Risk Reduction System incor-
switch sensor Clean
exhaust porates advanced standard features to ensure
the safety of pedestrians, the driver and the
truck, including:
Ultra low exhaust • Cushioned Stability Control
emission levels • Return-to-Neutral Transmission
• Mast Lock System
Based on our extensive automotive • Parking Brake warning
experience, Nissan continues to take the • Seat Belt Warning
leadership position in clean air engine
technology. The resulting NOx, HC and
CO emissions are extremely low, contri- Mast Lock System
buting to a cleaner and safer environment.
This standard seat-actuated system automati-
LPG System cally locks lifting and tilting operations when
CO exhaust emission
the operator exits the truck.
no catalyst &%% 
2-way catalyst '*
3-way catalyst
- no closed loop '* Tilt lock
3-way catalyst &. Previous Model
+ closed loop
3-way catalyst New K-Series

+ closed loop and ECCS ECCS engines

Lift lock
HC + NOx exhaust emission
no catalyst &%% 
2-way catalyst +(
3-way catalyst
- no closed loop +*
3-way catalyst
+ closed loop ( Previous Model
3-way catalyst New K-Series

+ closed loop and ECCS & ECCS engines

Remarkably low noise
and vibration levels
Productivity that counts 

An automobile-style floating powertrain

in a rigid chassis reduces noise and
vibrations for the operator, making longer
and more comfortable hours of operation

Designs that help you accomplish the job
faster while minimizing fatigue and interrup-
tions in workflow are all part of creating a
more efficient and productive operation.

Adjustable steering The Nissan LX35 Series, low noise and

and single control lever unique low emission levels offer the perfect
combination of dimensions and functions to
A memory lever designed into the deliver exceptional performance and produc-
steering column allows operators tivity to your operation.
to reset their ideal driving position.
Nissan’s innovative single control lever The spacious cab design offers ample foot,
allows simultaneous lifting and tilting leg and head room. While a full suspension
operations for greater productivity. restraint seat with generous front to back
travel adjustments is standard on all models.

Designed for a low center of gravity, the LX35

Series provides excellent stability during
operations. For difficult working conditions,
this can be further enhanced with the use of
double front tires.

With the range of features available on

Nissan’s LX35 Series, drivers can easily
achieve maximum results with minimum effort.

Cushioned Stability
Control (CSC) Optional Steering
The standard Nissan-exclusive main-
tenance free Cushion Stability Control This function, controlled by the VCM, helps
System (CSC), improves lateral stability ensure the accurate and consistent coordina-
and provides confident driving while tion of steering wheel and tires, for precise
making turns. steering every time.

Tum begins

Rubber dampener
provides added
stability and easier
Original position

Steering knob returned to original position

Keeping maintenance easy 

With simplified maintenance operations, the
LX35 Series promises less downtime and
PIN-code access reduced ownership costs. Longer service in-
tervals with Nissan’s advanced engines mean
The standard 4-digit PIN access system less time in the workshop and more time on
avoids unauthorised truck usage. Up the floor.
to five PIN-codes can be registered. It
allows readout of operating hours for The Powertrain Protection System provides
each code or operator. engine and transmission protection by control-
ling the engine speed and fuel delivery in the
event of excessive heat generation or low oil
pressure. A warning will illuminate on the LCD
display to alert the driver, while the ECM en-
gages its “Creep Home Function” allowing the
truck to slowly be driven to the nearest safe
area, without harming the engine’s internal
Service reminder components.

When activated, a reminder indication is Access to the engine has never been easier
shown in the LCD at startup whenever thanks to the wide opening engine hood,
a specified operating hour or day and one-touch removal of the floorboard and
date has been reached, reminding of sidepanels.
the need for regular service.

Engine Concentrated
Control System (ECCS)

Diagnostics Menu Engine and vehicle functions are monitored

and controlled continually through integrated
The on-board Built-In-Test-Equipment systems that offer rapid troubleshooting
(BITE) has integrated self-check and together with the best truck performance at all
dialogue-type functions and allows times and under all conditions.
for easy troubleshooting and less
downtime. In case of a malfunction,
a warning on the LCD display will
All controllers

Focus on economy 11

New Nissan QD32

diesel engine
Outstanding value is what you will get from
Nissan’s new LX35 Series forklift trucks.
Thanks to the electronic Quick Glow
System and extended maintenance State-of-the-art Nissan engines, including
intervals, the new Nissan QD32 diesel LPG fuel injection, offer extended mainte-
engine is reliable and low-cost under all nance intervals while delivering class-leading
conditions. performance.

500 hours The comfortable, quiet working environment

reduces fatigue. This together with the sturdy
design makes the job much easier. This is
exactly what the LX35 Series offers you to
stay focussed and do more throughout the
shift and maximize efficiency.

The rugged, reliable construction of the LX35

Series combined with the extended main-
* Also applies to the new Nissan K25 tenance intervals ensure that more time is
LPG engine.
spend on the job and less in the workshop.

At the bottom-line, the LX35 Series delivers

Ground Speed Control exceptional value for money.
& Power/ECO switch
Just what you’d expect from Nissan Forklift.
The Standard Power/ECO switch (LPG)
provides even greater fuel savings and Strict testing for
lower noise levels. The optional Ground superior quality
Speed Control switch permits selection
of maximum speed based on operator Nissan uses the same development process
skill level or operational requirements. and testing system as for its automobile de-
velopment, for superior quality and enhanced

Power mode
ECO mode

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