Kinetics of Zinc Sulfide Concentrate Direct Leaching in Pilot Plant Scale and Development of Semi-Empirical Model
Kinetics of Zinc Sulfide Concentrate Direct Leaching in Pilot Plant Scale and Development of Semi-Empirical Model
Kinetics of Zinc Sulfide Concentrate Direct Leaching in Pilot Plant Scale and Development of Semi-Empirical Model
Abstract: The direct leaching kinetics of an iron-poor zinc sulfide concentrate in the tubular reactor was examined. All tests were
carried out in the pilot plant. To allow the execution of hydrostatic pressure condition, the slurry with ferrous sulfate and sulfuric acid
solution was filled into a vertical tube (9 m in height) and air was blown from the bottom of the reactor. The effects of initial acid
concentration, temperature, particle size, initial zinc sulfate concentration, pulp density and the concentration of Fe on the leaching
kinetics were investigated. Results of the kinetic analysis indicate that direct leaching of zinc sulfide concentrate follows shrinking
core model (SCM). This process was controlled by a chemical reaction with the apparent activation energy of 49.7 kJ/mol.
Furthermore, a semi-empirical equation is obtained, showing that the order of the iron, sulfuric acid and zinc sulfate concentrations
and particle radius are 0.982, 0.189, −0.097 and −0.992, respectively. Analysis of the unreacted and reacted sulfide particles by
SEM−EDS shows that insensitive agitation in the reactor causes detachment of the sulfur layer from the particles surface in lower
than 60% Zn conversion and lixiviant in the face with sphalerite particles.
Key words: kinetics; direct leaching; sphalerite; shrinking core model (SCM); pilot plant
Corresponding author: Javad MOGHADDAM; Tel: +98-243-3054364; Fax: +98-243-2383400; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(17)60253-X
Nima SADEGHI, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 2272−2281 2273
Fig. 1 Zn extraction rates for 0.2 mol/L Fe, 52 m mean size of 3.2.1 Influence of initial iron concentration
particles Direct leaching reaction involves ferric ions (Eq. (1))
directly, which is regenerated by ferrous ions and oxygen
3.2 Kinetics model gas reaction, and it would be expected that the ferric
Two kinetic regimes were studied in leaching sulfate concentration would be an important parameter in
process. Equations (2) and (3) can be used to describe the the process. According to the Fe3+ analysis, in constant
leaching of zinc when only one step, chemical sulfuric acid concentration, there is a direct relationship
reaction [12,14,22,24] or diffusion through the reaction between Fe3+ and total iron concentration in the solution.
Nima SADEGHI, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 2272−2281 2275
Hence, the study of the iron concentration effect can be sulfate sources in these studies. In the previous
useful on the zinc sulfide dissolution rate. studies [7,14], the ferric sulfate was added to the solution
For the reactions at 87 C, 0.15 g/L sulfuric acid and at the beginning of the reaction and Fe3+ concentration
30 g/L solid to liquid ratio, apparent rate constants (kr) was decreased by ZnS oxidation, while the ferric ions are
were deduced from the slopes of the individual regenerated dynamically by Fe2+ oxidation in the tubular
1−(1−X)1/3 versus time straight lines, and these rate reactor.
constants are displayed as a function of the iron 3.2.2 Influence of H2SO4 concentration
concentration in Fig. 3. The plot from both ln kr and The effect of H2SO4 concentration on the
ln[Fe] values was used to determine the order of a dissolution rate of 55 g/L of sphalerite was surveyed at
reaction with respect to the Fe concentration. As it is 87 °C in 0.2 mol/L Fe solution. The apparent rate
seen in Fig. 4, the order of the iron concentration is 0.982, constants (kr) were calculated from the straight line
being close to 1 and similar to those values available for slopes of 1−(1−X) 1/3 versus time curves (Fig. 5(a)). The
the oxidative leaching [26,27]. apparent rate constant is the function of H2SO4
concentration of the solution. As acid concentration
increases, the zinc sulfide leaching rate increases,
accordingly, from about kr=0.0078 at 0.05 mol/L H2SO4
to kr=0.0120 at 0.5 mol/L H2SO4. Moreover, the reaction
order with respect to H2SO4 concentration was calculated
by slope line of ln kr versus ln[H2SO4] (Fig. 5(b)). As can
be seen, the reaction order of H2SO4 is 0.189.
On the other hand, the reaction order determined by Fig. 5 Kinetic plot of surface chemical reaction for dissolution
AYDOGAN [28], DUTRIZAC [14], DUTRIZAC and of zinc sulfide concentrate at different concentrations of H2SO4
MACDONALD [22] and SOUZA et al [7] is (0.027 mol/L ZnSO4 initial concentration, 0.4 mol/L Fe, 87 C
approximately 0.50. The main reason for such and 55 g/L solid to liquid ratio) (a) and ln kr vs ln[H2SO4]
disagreement may be due to the difference in the ferric plot (b)
2276 Nima SADEGHI, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 2272−2281
CRUNDWELL [12] and SOUZA et al [7] have lines. The reaction rate dependence on the temperature
reported conflicting results for the reaction order with follows the Arrhenius equation [31].
respect to sulfuric acid concentration. They mentioned
that the reaction order was around 1, while
DUTRIZAC [14] reported that the reaction rate increases
gradually for more than 0.1 mol/L sulfuric acid
concentrations. These observations were attributed to
direct acid attack reaction increasing in zinc sulfide
leaching process. However, LAMPINEN et al [19]
reported that the sulfuric acid concentration has no
significant influence on the reaction rate of the direct
leaching of zinc, but they did not present any reaction
order for H2SO4 concentration.
In addition to the acid attack reaction, the sulfuric
acid has a desirable effect on Fe2+ oxidation reaction
rate [29] that can increase zinc dissolution rate,
consequently. Thus, the sulfuric acid concentration
would rather increase zinc leaching and Fe2+ oxidation
rates in the tubular reactor, simultaneously.
3.2.3 Influence of mean particle size
Different sizes of sphalerite were leached at 87 °C
in 0.4 mol/L FeSO4−0.25 mol/L H2SO4 to assess the
effect of grinding on the dissolution rate of zinc, and the
leaching kinetic curves under chemical control regime
are presented in Fig. 6(a). The kinetic constant (kr)
changes from 0.02412 to 0.1090 when the mean size of
the particle increases from 52 to 115 m. It is clear that
the rate increases, significantly, as the particle size of
sphalerite decreases. A decrease in particle size causes an
increase in the solid’s total surface area. Also, the size of
particles with lower iron content could have a greater
Fig. 6 Kinetic plot of surface chemical reaction for dissolution
impact on dissolution rate due to lower reactivity of
of zinc sulfide concentrate with different mean particle sizes
sphalerite [7,30]. de LOS SANTOS et al [30] have
(0.25 mol/L H2SO4, 0.027 mol/L ZnSO4 initial concentration,
reported that the presence of a catalytic surface of pyrite
0.4 mol/L Fe, 87 C and 30 g/L solid to liquid ratio) (a) and
with sphalerite favors the electronic transfer of sphalerite
ln kr vs ln[H2SO4] plot (b)
to pyrite in the ferric sulfate solution. So, the catalytic
and galvanic effects of pyrite decrease particle size
effects in the zinc extraction of sphalerite.
lnkr versus lnr0 plot is presented in Fig. 6(b). As it
can be seen, the slope of the straight line in the plot
shows that the order of reaction with respect to the initial
radius of the particle is close to −1. This value confirmed
surface reaction control in SCM that kr varies with the
inverse of the initial particle radius (kr∝1/r0). The result
is in agreement with the results obtained by
DUTRIZAC [14] and XIE et al [1] .
3.2.4 Influence of temperature
Figure 7 illustrates the 1−(1−X)1/3 versus time
curves for the dissolution of zinc when Angouran zinc
sulfide concentrate (65 m) was leached at various
temperatures (70, 80, 87 and 95 C) in 0.4 mol/L Fig. 7 Kinetic plot of surface chemical reaction for dissolution
FeSO4−0.15 mol/L H2SO4 solutions. The dissolution of zinc sulfide concentrate at different temperatures
curves are essentially linear at 70−95 °C and the rate (0.25 mol/L H2SO4, 0.027 mol/L ZnSO4 initial concentration,
constants (kr) were calculated from slopes of the straight 0.4 mol/L Fe and 30 g/L solid to liquid ratio)
Nima SADEGHI, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 2272−2281 2277
By plotting the natural logarithm of the rate affects the fluid flow through solid particles and mass
constant (ln k) against the reciprocal of the reaction transfer of lixiviant around the particle is decreased,
temperature (1/T), the Arrhenius plot is shown in Fig. 8. accordingly [32].
The slope of this plot (−E/R) is −5.978 and the apparent
activation energy for sphalerite direct leaching is
obtained as 49.70 kJ/mol by multiplying gas constant.
Similar results were reported by other authors [1,22,25],
who calculated in SCM with chemical control regime.
[ZnSO 4 ]0.097 [r0 ]0.992 exp (7)
According to the value of activation energy and the
inverse relationship between kr and initial particle radius,
chemical reaction was stabilized as control regime.
Fig. 12 Comparison of experimental and calculated data of
Furthermore, plotting the rate constant (kr) values versus
sphalerite concentrate dissolution in direct leaching of zinc
the right side expressions of Eq. (7) gives a k0 value of
sulfide concentrate
29.131, 17.016, 12.204 for 30, 55 and 80 g/L of solid to
liquid ratio, respectively.
3.3 Morphology of leaching residues
The morphology of the leaching residual was
examined at different time intervals of the process by
SEM−EDS (Fig. 13). The particle’s precipitation after
10%, 35% and 60% Zn conversion is presented in
Fig. 13.
As can be seen in Fig. 13(a), the particle surface is
approximately clear; however, the sulfur is dispersed on
the particle. The sulfur particle is dispersed on the
sphalerite surfaces in Fig. 13(b). In Fig. 13(c), the sulfur
layer covers parts of the particles but the leach liquor is
faced with the sphalerite particles. The morphology of
the leach residue implies that major amount (higher than
60%) of zinc sulfide is dissolved in the solution without
sulfur interference, whereas some studies [7,21] reported
that sulfur covers particle surface after 35%−40% zinc
extraction. The Fe3+ concentration analyses show that
only 10% of iron concentration is oxidized to Fe3+ and
the ferric ions attacks to the mineral surface, slowly. A
thin sulfur layer is formed on the surface by the reaction
of Fe3+ attacks. It seems that extreme turbulence in the
present reactor causes the break-down of the thin sulfur
layer on sphalerite surface and dispersion in the system.
SANTOS et al [33] considered that leaching
residues showed no change in the sphalerite composition
after the leaching by the electron microprobe analysis. In
this regard, the elemental analysis result of this
micrograph is presented in Table 2. According to Table 2,
the content of sulfur increased on residue surface, while
Fig. 11 ln kr vs ln[ZnSO4] plot (a) and ln kr vs ln[S/L] plot (b) the zinc content was decreased in the zinc dissolution
reaction progress. Furthermore, the XRD pattern of
To test the accordance between the experimental leaching residue is demonstrated in Fig. 14. The sulfur
values and the calculated values from the empirical peaks are observed in the pattern, obviously, which
equation, a plot of these values was drawn. As can be confirms that the sulfide layer is formed on the surface.
Nima SADEGHI, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 2272−2281 2279
4 Conclusions
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摘 要:在中试规模管式反应器中直接浸出贫铁硫化锌精矿,研究其浸出动力学。为满足静压浸出条件,将含硫
酸亚铁和硫酸的矿浆注入到垂直放置的直径 8 m 的管式反应器中,空气从反应器的底部吹入。考察了初始硫酸浓
直接浸出遵循收缩核模型,过程受化学反应控制,其表观活化能为 49.7 kJ/mol。采用半经验模型描述该过程,得
到铁含量、硫酸浓度、硫化锌精矿浓度和矿粒直径的反应级数分别为 0.982、0.189、−0.097 和−0.992。采用 SEM−EDS
对硫化锌精矿浸出反应前后的矿粒进行分析,发现当锌的浸出率低于 60%时,由于反应器搅拌的问题,颗粒表面
(Edited by Bing YANG)