Jewish Standard, January 26, 2018

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Useful Information
the Next Generation
of Jewish Families


We Will Go

Summer Choices

Homemade Purim
Taming Tummy

JANUARY 26, 2018

Supplement to The Jewish Standard • February 2018

VOL. LXXXVII NO. 19 $1.00 2017



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Page 3
Israeli moon mission still on
● The contest may be over, but the Is- moon and beyond.”
raeli team isn’t quitting the race. And SpaceIL, the nonprofit Israeli
This week, Google announced that organization that launched with its eye
its X Prize contest for flying a space- on X Prize, will continue its pursuit.
ship to the moon and sending back In a press release this week, SpaceIL
selfies has ended. confirmed that it still is moving for-
There were no winners. ward with plans to land on the moon
The contest was announced in 2007. this year. In an interview last year,
The deadline was 2014. Then it was Eran Privman, the chief executive of
extended to March 31, 2018. But with SpaceIL, told Space News that even Nathan Goshen
none of the five remaining teams of if didn’t win the $20 million prize, the
rocket scientists booked for a launch, mission would continue.
Google announced this week that “At the end of the day, our main
there would no more extensions, and target is not only the competition, but
therefore no winner. putting a spacecraft on the moon,”
“If every X Prize competition we he said. “If we feel we are not ma-
launch has a winner, we are not being ture enough to meet the deadline, we
audacious enough, and we will con- would be in favor of doing a proper
tinue to launch competitions that are mission rather than stick to the date of
literal or figurative moonshots, pushing the competition.”
the boundaries of what’s possible,” the Three other teams still competing
leaders of Google’s X Prize Foundation for the prize were from India, Japan,
said in a statement. and the United States; the fourth was a
“Though the prize is coming to an global consortium.
end, we continue to hold a deep ad- To date, only three countries have
miration for all Google Lunar X Prize landed vehicles on the moon: the for-
teams, and we will be rooting for them mer Soviet Union, the United States,
as they continue their pursuit of the and China. LARRY YUDELSON

Israeli firm seeks to boost aging satellites Candlelighting:

Friday, Jan. 26, 4:48 p.m.
● Your communications satellite is Keeping satellites already in orbit Shabbat ends:
old. It’s running out of fuel. Its orbit happy and humming is turning into a Saturday, Jan. 27, 5:50 p.m.
will decay and it soon will crash to competitive space, so to speak. Space
earth, burning up hundreds of mil- Logistics, a subsidiary of Orbital
lions of dollars of otherwise sound ATK in the United States, expects to
hardware. launch its first life-extension space- CONTENTS
Who are you going to call? craft this year. Space Drone would be
NOSHES ...............................................................4
Effective Space, a new Israeli start- smaller and cheaper than the Space BRIEFLY LOCAL ..............................................14
up, hopes you’ll call it. Headquar- Logistics model. ROCKLAND ...................................................... 18
tered in London, with its research As the space around the earth be- COVER STORY ................................................ 22
and design center in Tel Aviv, Effective altitude-control capabilities. comes more and more cluttered with JEWISH WORLD ............................................ 27
Space just signed a $100 million con- Space Drone will use its own elec- satellites, including very small nano- OPINION ........................................................... 38
tract with a major satellite operator tric propulsion to maneuver into posi- satellites, making better use of exist- THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE ................... 47
to launch two of its so-called Space tion with the target satellite, then take ing assets may help minimize the very CROSSWORD PUZZLE ................................ 47
Drones by 2020. over maneuvering the satellite itself — real potential for collisions with an ARTS & CULTURE ..........................................48
The 400-kilogram Space Drone is either for the long term or for shorter estimated 170 million pieces of space CALENDAR ......................................................50
designed to dock with an existing sat- activities (such as moving an aging debris floating in the earth’s upper OBITUARIES .................................................... 53
ellite and provide station-keeping and satellite into a “graveyard orbit”). atmosphere. BRIAN BLUM/ISRAEL21C.ORG CLASSIFIEDS ..................................................54
REAL ESTATE.................................................. 57

ON THE COVER: From left,

Diet slimming down Sherman the overweight Israeli hedgehog Abraham Sutzkever, Israel Zeligman,
and Gershon Abramovitsh stand
by a wagon of materials and
● Sherman the overweight cat food that warmhearted Israe- objects they recovered after Vilna’s
hedgehog, who was put on a lis leave on the streets for strays, liberation from the Germans in
diet at a zoo in Israel, has lost that they had problems curling July 1944. YIVO INSTITUTE
about one-tenth of his body themselves into balls to defend
weight. themselves against predators.
Sherman weighed 3.5 pounds, All the hedgehogs were put on
PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is pub-
double the average weight of food and exercise regimens. The lished weekly on Fridays with an additional edition every October,
a normal hedgehog, when he plan is to get them trim enough by the New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road,
Teaneck, NJ 07666. Periodicals postage paid at Hackensack, NJ and
was taken in by the Ramat Gan to be released by the summer. additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New
Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
Safari outside of Tel Aviv in No- The hedgehogs were fed cat Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Out-of-state subscriptions are
vember. The Safari announced food, but in smaller portions, and $45.00, Foreign countries subscriptions are $75.00.
The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does
this week that Sherman has lost it was supplemented with fruits not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid
0.33 pounds. and vegetables, the Jerusalem political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any
candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or
Sherman is one of 10 hedge- Post reported. And the food any employees.
hogs that were found waddling was placed far from the animals, The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolic-
ited editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolic-
through the streets in Israel. forcing them to have to walk for ited editorial, and graphic material will be treated as uncondition-
ally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject
They had eaten so much, mostly their dinners. JTA WIRE SERVICE
to JEWISH STANDARD’s unrestricted right to edit and to comment
editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. © 2017


“For the duration of that performance,
adult life didn’t just seem possible;
it seemed like it might actually be fun.”
– Rachel Shukert, in Tablet, writing about how Neil Diamond showed up
unexpectedly in 2002 at her NYU graduation, which had been a grim
affair, overshadowed by the still-raw 9/11 attacks, until he brought them
surprising joy. Mr. Diamond, who has Parkinson’s, has just announced
that he no longer will tour.
The Hasty Pudding
is slow to change
Harvard’s Hasty characters in club shows. anne” ended in 1997
Pudding Theatri- Harvard admitted have flopped. She has
cals club was set women in 1977, when it swung erratically from
to honor PAUL RUDD, merged with Radcliffe, one very vocal political
48, and MILA KUNIS, 34, but men still are play- viewpoint to another
as its respective man ing all the women’s parts (like running as the
and woman of the year in club shows. Pressure presidential candidate
on January 25. The is building fast to let of the leftwing Peace
country’s oldest theater women play women. A and Freedom party
organization — it was star role in a Hasty pro- in 2012 and voting for
founded in 1844 — gives duction can open profes- Trump in 2016).
the award annually to sional doors. Activists Barr recently said the
“performers who have are trying to get Kunis, Roseanne character will
made lasting and among others, to speak Paul Rudd Mila Kunis David Draiman be a Trump supporter
impressive contributions out about this. in the new series. Many
to the world of enter- As I wrote my have said it’s absurd that
tainment.” The honorees Grammys article a feminist character like
are treated to a fun- in this issue (page Roseanne — a supporter
filled parade before they 48), I watched a number of gay rights — would
are presented with the of YouTube perfor- be a Trump supporter.
“Pudding Pot” in Farkas mance videos. Here’s I don’t think the show’s
Hall, the Hastys’ historic four you really should target audience will like
home in Harvard Square. see, and that are easy to this depiction, which
The woman of the find by googling. A Barr is responsible for. I
year award began in video of the band suspect another Barr TV
1951 and the man of the “Disturbed” singing “The failure is looming.
year award began in Sound of Silence” was Most of you know that
1967. Kunis and Rudd released late in 2016. It’s Gilbert has not faded
are the second Jew- sung by “Disturbed” Roseanne Barr Michael Fishman Sara Gilbert into the character actor
ish duo to win in the front man DAVID Twilight Zone. She had
same year. In 1978, the DRAIMAN, 44. The performance in the ally hear “Somewhere” WEISS (1921-2010). a juicy recurring role on
late opera singer BEV- song, written by PAUL official video. Both anew, almost like you’re An eight-episode “The Big Bang Theory”
ERLY SILLS and actor SIMON in 1963-64, has interpretations have hearing it for the first revival of the hit as Professor Leslie Win-
RICHARD DREYFUSS, found a new audience their strong points. time. I found it appropri- show “Roseanne” kle, the sometime lover
now 70, won. As of via the “Disturbed” Israel “IZ” ate a guy named “Israel” will premiere on ABC on of main character Leon-
2018, 13 Jewish men and video and the video has Kamakawiwo‘ole was a is singing a song penned March 27. The entire ard Hofstader (played
10 Jewish women have racked up an astonish- native Hawaiian singer by two Jews. E.Y. “Yip” original main cast will by Johnny Galecki, who
won the award. ing 325 million views to who died in 1997 at 38. HARBURG (1896-1981) return: ROSEANNE played her boyfriend on
The Hasty Pudding date. A video of A video of him singing wrote the lyrics and BARR, 65; John Good- the original “Roseanne”).
club, which is private, Draiman singing “Si- “Somewhere over the HAROLD ARLEN (1905- man, Laurie Metcalf, Even better: Gilbert is the
does admit women. lence” on Conan Rainbow” was released 86) wrote the music. MICHAEL FISHMAN, 36 creator and main pro-
However, to date, no O’Brien’s show has got in 2010 and gradually It’s also easy to find a (as Roseanne’s son), and ducer of “The Talk,” a hit
woman has been cast in another 75 million views became known. To date, medley that seamlessly SARA GILBERT, 42 (as ABC daytime talk show.
a Hasty Pudding show. (also on YouTube). 350 million people have weaves “Somewhere” Roseanne’s young- She also co-hosts “The
Harvard was an all-male Draiman really has a seen the video. Israel’s with Israel K’s version er daughter). Talk.” So you will not be
college when the club great, dramatic voice, sweet high voice and so- of “What a Wonder- Every series and other shocked when I tell you
began, so — understand- and this take on the prano ukulele somehow ful World” on YouTube. project (including reality that Gilbert is a main
ably — men dressed as song on O’Brien is a lot are perfectly matched “World” was co-written and talk shows) Ms. Barr producer of the “Rose-
women played female more laid-back than his with this song. You re- by GEORGE DAVID has done since “Rose- anne” revival. –N.B.

California-based Nate Bloom can be reached at

Want to read more noshes? Visit [email protected]

Last year, the #WeRemember campaign
reached 250+ million people around the world.
It was the largest Holocaust remembrance event in history.
Yet, we still have more to do.

In 2017, anti-Semitism grew to record levels…

Holocaust denial is relentless,
and unfortunately, the Survivors among
us are dwindling.

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January 27, 2018.

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let us never forget.

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‘We were strangers ourselves’
Two Teaneck shuls find different approaches to help welcome refugees

ver the last several years,
members of Temple Emeth in
Teaneck have grown increas-
ingly concerned about the plight
of refugees.
“I think the issue of refugees came to the
world’s attention around 2013, as we became
aware of the refugee crisis that was generated
by the Syrian civil war,” Steven Sirbu, the con-
gregation’s rabbi, said. “Some children were
losing their lives in perilous Mediterranean
crossings, and countless more were losing
their childhoods in refugee camps. It was the
largest displacement of people since World
War II, and there was something about this
crisis that resonated with me and with others
in my congregation.”
Community events focused on immigra-
tion stirred the synagogue community as
well. And they noticed that the name HIAS
appeared over and over again.
“The 2015-16 selection for JFNNJ’s One
Book, One Community program was ‘A Back-
pack, A Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka: A
Memoir,’ by Lev Golinkin,” Rabbi Sirbu said.
“The author tells his experience leaving the
Soviet Union as a young boy with his family From left, Karen Misler, Joy Sapin, Lee Paskind, Lainie Rosen, Paul Resnick, and Bernie Rous are among the members of
in 1989. HIAS plays a crucial role in their jour- Beth Sholom’s Tzedek Tirdof committee.
ney to the United States.”
“When Temple Emeth held its event about And then last February, members of a neighboring synagogue, Con-
the book, Mark Hetfield, the president and Temple Emeth members gregation Beth Sholom. “While Reform and
CEO of HIAS, was our guest speaker. He Laura and Daniel Kirsch Conservative Jews have disagreements on
began by asking for a show of hands as to arranged for a bus to bring prayer and the role of Jewish law, on the issue
how many people’s families were assisted congregants to lower Man- of refugees, we found common cause,” Rabbi
by HIAS. About half the room raised their hattan for an immigration Sirbu said.
hands.” rally. Both congregations have found ways to
One reason HIAS’s work resonates with so “Temple Emeth has long address the issue of immigration. While
many Jews, “even though we disagree about been in the forefront of the Temple Emeth has joined the HIAS Welcome
so much, is that the refugee experience is so social justice movement, Campaign — on January 26, the congrega-
fundamental to Jewish identity,” Rabbi Sirbu dating back to the civil rights tion will host Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer,
said. “Abraham and Sarah are wanderers. movement of the 1960s,” HIAS’ director of education, who will speak
Jacob has to leave his home under the threat Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer Rabbi Stephen Sirbu Mr. Kirsch said. “Many of on Welcoming Refugees: Learning from the
of violence. The Israelites need to escape our members have personal Past, Rising to the Moment — Beth Sholom
Egypt in such haste that their bread does not community to help the vulnerable and to ties to HIAS through their own histories, or has taken another approach and is helping a
have time to rise. And of course the Holo- share our blessings of freedom.” those of family members, and many more specific refugee family.
caust shapes this perception too. Whether Current events have focused the congre- know that they would not be here today if Describing HIAS, founded as the Hebrew
it was the preventable tragedy of the [steam- gation on the immigration issue even more the United States had not admitted refugees Immigrant Aid Society, as a global Jewish
ship] St. Louis or the slanders against Jewish directly. in the past.” organization for refugee resettlement and
refugees who were accused of being danger- “The 2016 election cycle featured the Temple Emeth has signed up as a HIAS wel- advocacy, Rabbi Meyer said the group is
ous anarchists, it is instinctive to the Jewish unabashed scapegoating of refugees,” Rabbi coming congregation. It joins more than 380 “growing a huge constituency of American
Sirbu said. “I could tell that many of our synagogues around the country that have Jews taking action for refugees.” Her talk at
Who: Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer members were distressed that the United pledged to take at least one action to support Temple Emeth is the synagogue’s first such
What: Will talk about “Welcoming States might shut its doors — doors through refugees. “It’s a way to stand together with action since signing on to become a welcom-
Refugees: Learning from the Past, which our ancestors passed in the last cen- other Jewish institutions against the hateful ing congregation.
Rising to the Moment” tury — to refugees, abandoning one of its rhetoric and attacks against immigrants gen- Is this our grandparents’ HIAS? Yes, Rabbi
When: On January 26 at 8 p.m. central humanitarian programs. I responded erally and refugees in particular, and makes Meyer said. “The work we do today grew out
by choosing HIAS to be the beneficiary of an affirmative statement in support of wel- of the 137-year work we have done bringing
Where: At Temple Emeth, 1666
our Yom Kippur appeal in 2016. One of our coming refugees to the United States,” Mr. Jewish refugees to this country and helping
Windsor Road, Teaneck
members, a Holocaust survivor named Peter Kirsch said. them here. In many ways, the services we
For more information: Go to www.
Adler, spoke about his experience with HIAS To illustrate the importance of unity, are now providing are same ones provided
as his family arrived here.” the synagogue opened up the rally bus to SEE REFUGEES PAGE 8


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Refugees are people escaping violence; peo-

Refugees ple who are persecuted simply for being who

Strange new world

they are. And “we have to put some myths
to our grandparents: job assistance, housing, to bed,” Rabbi Meyer said “This is a safe pro-
to form their mouths into new shapes
vocational training, ESL. Maybe the immi- gram.” No one HIAS has resettled has been LOIS GOLDRICH and say words that may sound terribly
grants are from different faiths and places, part of any terrorist act. strange to them. “My dress is purple.”
but it’s very much the same work.” Even In order to help, people can become vol- Rabbi Lee Paskind, speaking about his “It is not snowing outside.” But when
more important, she added, “It’s rooted in unteers either with HIAS or with one of the synagogue’s commitment to help refu- they go out of their apartment and hear
gees, notes that watching young chil- “real” idiomatic English, spoken quickly,
the same values.” other resettlement programs, such as the
dren adapt so easily to a new culture will they understand? Eventually, they
Most of those immigrants coming today International Rescue Committee. Immigrants is both heartening and enjoyable. As a will. But not now. Not yet.
are not Jewish, simply because there is only a may feel unwelcome in this country. Helping member of the CBS Refugee Support As head of his family, the father must
small number of Jews around the world who them integrate would be a big help. Committee, I enthusiastically agree. adjust to many things as well: not being
are trying to come as refugees. “For the first “One note of comfort has been the robust But my joy is tempered somewhat the family breadwinner, having to rely
time in history, Rabbi Meyer said, “the Jews constituency of American Jews raising their when I see the older members of the on others for help, not being allowed to
family struggling to adjust to their new drive until he passes a test in another
aren’t predominantly refugees.” HIAS’ work voices,” Rabbi Meyer said. Jews may not have
reality: different climate (What is snow, language — all the while feeling respon-
is international. “We help refugees in the first been involved in this issue until now, with the and what do we wear on our feet when sible for the well-being of his family and
country they flee to,” she said. “We do local possible exception of speaking out for Soviet it is snowing?), strange language, new knowing that he has so much to offer
integration work so they can live in safety and Jewry, she added. “They’re stepping forward customs, new everything. And yet, that his new country.
dignity. in amazing ways.” That includes participa- is precisely what our grandparents and As frequent visitors to their home,
“It is a devastating moment now for refu- tion in interfaith coalitions, organizing letter- great-grandparents experienced when we CBS members are doing our best
they came here from eastern Europe, to help “our” family meet these chal-
gees,” she continued; at the end of the last writing campaigns targeted to members of
knowing they would not — could not — lenges and, I hope, doing it well. But
fiscal year, the number of refugees allowed Congress, attending rallies, and working with return to their homes. I can’t help thinking that something
into the county was lowered to a figure not local resettlement agencies to adopt families I remember a book, “Call it Sleep,” is missing. When we read about our
seen since 1980. And, she added, “Because and provide support. detailing the plight of families where grandparents, we read about crowded
of the temporary ban on refugees from 11 “Unlike the other commandments, we parents spoke only Yiddish and young tenements, teeming with people in the
countries, they may not even reach that cap. are given a reason to love and protect the women worked in sweatshops, subject same situation. For reasons of comfort
to the abuse of the owners. For the first and sanitation, that was not necessarily
The nations included in the 11-country ban stranger,” Rabbi Meyer said. “That is because
time, picturing the wonderful young good. But it did create community. And
account for more than half of the refugees we were strangers ourselves. We don’t under- women I now visit weekly, I can start even if the existing western European
resettled last year in the U.S. That’s part of stand the exact situation but we understand to understand the plight of my own — Jewish community did not necessarily
why we’re so far behind where we should the vulnerability. We have a special responsi- your own — family, coming here with embrace their eastern European broth-
be. It’s a real betrayal of American values. We bility to stand in solidarity with others who only a dream and hopes for a better fu- ers and sisters as equals, they neverthe-
were founded by immigrants and refugees. are vulnerable.” ture. They may sorely miss the families less provided some resources.
they left behind, even worry for their Now? With fewer refugees being
And it’s a betrayal of Jewish values.” Temple Beth Sholom, also in Teaneck,
safety, but they have done what they permitted into the country, and new
Even more devastating, she said, “There’s has taken a different approach to the issue had to do. immigrants often feeling more iso-
never been as much need, factually speak- of refugees, Rabbi Lee Paskind said. He and And once they were here, our lated than our own grandparents did,
ing, with the worse refugee crisis in recorded Rabbi Julia Andelman are co-chairs of the families also did what they had to do, that peer support is harder to find.
history. To see us dial back is tragic and sets shul’s Tzedek Tirdof committee. Members whether sharpening knives, selling dry Some fellow volunteers witnessed a
a bad example. The U.S. has always been a of the committee are working with the Inter- goods from a pushcart, or doing piece- joyful scene in a clinic when members
work in a dimly lit kitchen for pennies. of “our” family stumbled upon a family
global leader in resettlement. We need to be national Rescue Committee to help provide
They did it for their families — and to- from their own country. Joy, fellow-
a global leader.” assistance to a refugee family now living in day, many of those families are thriving. ship, laughter — something we had
The first thing the Jewish community can central New Jersey. Now teaching a mother and her el- not yet seen.
do to address this issue is “advocacy, advo- Like members of Temple Emeth, “I think dest daughter to speak English, when I hope that we will once again be-
cacy, advocacy,” Rabbi Meyer said. “We’re initially many of us were deeply moved by the they were not even literate in their come a welcoming nation and that this
really in an unprecedented moment. The pictures several years ago showing refugees native language — the girls were not family, and others, will get the support,
permitted to go to school, for safety fellowship, and warm embrace that will
policies we set now will have repercussions from the Syrian civil war washing up on the
reasons — I delight in their willingness so enhance their lives.
for decades. We must continue to raise our beaches of Lesvos in Greece and other loca-
voices” to ensure that the government admits tions,” Rabbi Paskind said. Like Rabbi Sirbu
at least the 45,000 refugees it has agreed to and Mr. Kirsch, he said that “for many of us,
take in. Whether the action is taken individu- the identification runs very deep. So many of surprising in their work with the refugee different than ours — and without a great
ally or collectively, “it’s so important to be us were refugees, or our parents or grandpar- family — which includes providing material deal of common language — is quite a chal-
vocal about refugee resettlement.” In addi- ents were. assistance, transportation, and help navigat- lenge. And yet at the same time, some of
tion, synagogues should “make themselves “Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, formerly vice ing the administrative and medical hurdles the universal facts of life — the curiosity of
visible as a congregation who does this, per- president of HIAS, put it like this: ‘A cen- faced by all new families, as well as teach- the children, their ability to play, to adapt
haps hanging a ‘refugees welcome’ banner. tury ago, we — HIAS — saved them because ing English to family members who may not to very different life circumstances — these
We were refugees too.” they were Jews. Today, we save them have been able to write in their native lan- give me hope for them.
There is also a great need for education so because we are Jews.” guage — Rabbi Paskind said, “What hasn’t “And they are a pleasure for all of us to
members of the community can be informed When he was asked if the commit- been surprising? Meeting a family from get to know.”
about what’s going on, she continued. tee members had encountered anything another culture, with expectations very SEE REFUGEES PAGE 56

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Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 9

A Lion of Judah goes to England

Dana Post Adler of Tenafly helps inaugurate women’s philanthropy in London
ABIGAIL KLEIN LEICHMAN friends with several Jewish women in Eng-

land — including Ms. Burkeman — through
ana Post Adler of Tenafly was her involvement in Young Presidents Orga-
sitting on a train to Washington, nization, a global network of young chief
D.C., when she got a call from executives.
Lesley Burkeman, an old friend “These women became like my sisters,”
in London. “Dana, have you heard of the Ms. Adler said. “They had a huge impact
Lions of Judah?” Ms. Burkeman asked. on me as a young woman and as a Jew liv-
Ms. Adler smiled as she touched the Lions ing in Britain. They really embraced my hus-
of Judah pin on her chest. band and me and our son and included us in
Indeed, not only had she heard about the their Jewish lifecycle events. In my view, they
global Jewish philanthropic organization, never took their Judaism for granted; they
but she already was one of the 17,500 women always insisted on Friday night dinners with
around the world who are proud Lions of family even if they were not religious.”
Judah. They earn that status by donating at In 2002 the family returned to New Jersey,
least $5,000 to their local Jewish federation and Ms. Adler was invited to become a Lion
every year, funds that go toward charitable of Judah. At the dinner in London, she talked
projects at home, in Israel, and in Jewish about her experiences over the past 16 years,
communities abroad. including the opportunity to accompany 71
So when Ms. Burkeman told Ms. Adler Ethiopian Jews on their journey to a new life
that she was involved in the United Jewish Caroline, Dana, and Eliana Adler celebrate the birth of the Lions of Judah UK at in Israel.
Israel Appeal’s revival of the Lions of Judah its inaugural dinner in London. MARC MORRIS PHOTOGRAPHY “Being a Lion of Judah has taken me on
UK chapter, which had been dormant for both a physical and philanthropic journey
a decade, Ms. Adler decided to fly to Lon- really taking the future into our own hands,” Ms. Adler, her husband, Jim, and their son, that has enriched my life in so many ways,”
don with her two teenage daughters for the Ms. Adler said. “Lions of Judah is about Harrison, went to live in London in 1998. she said. “I have been to the exotic reaches
group’s inaugural dinner, which was held women empowering themselves by making They stayed there for 4 1/2 years, during of eastern Africa, met with the Jewish com-
over the Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend. a gift in their own name to strengthen Jew- which time their daughter Caroline was born; munities of Berlin, Argentina, and Chile,
“I wanted to set an example for my girls ish continuity and inspiring others to do the Eliana was born once the family came back and have made personal relationships in
about spreading the strength of women and same.” to the United States. Ms. Adler became close Israel and at home. I consider myself so

Joe Taub would have loved it

The Kaplen JCC honors his memory with its Sports Night of Champions
JOANNE PALMER in a neighborhood that was very ethnically scholarship and sports,” Mr. Tesser said.

mixed,” said Scott Tesser of Englewood. Mr. “If you had a certain level of scholarship
hat does a glittering eve- Tesser is married to Joseph and Arlene Taub’s — your grades had to be up to a certain
ning with leaders of the daughter Michelle; Scott and Michelle Tesser level — and you were involved in sports,
Kaplen JCC on the Pali- are sponsoring the evening. he’d help. He funded programs that got
sades in Tenafly, the Sports “There was a Jewish community and kids off the streets. And as they moved
Night of Champions — which will feature as there was a black community; my father-in- up through the ranks, those who excelled
its speakers the football legend Phil Simms law grew up next to Larry Doby,” Mr. Tesser ended up with scholarships to private
and his son Chris — have to do with inner- said. Mr. Dobie was the first African-Amer- high schools or colleges. As they contin-
city Paterson? ican to play in the American League — he ued to excel, he wanted to get them out
Phil Simms, of course, retired from his played for the Cleveland Indians — and the of the community.
15-year career playing for the New York two men stayed close throughout their lives.
Giants to become a football analyst on CBS Together, they started the Taub-Doby Bas- What: The Kaplen JCC on the
and a contributor — talking about football, ketball League, among many other philan- Palisades’ first annual Sports Night
natch — to Showtime. Chris Simms was an thropic endeavors. of Champions
NFL quarterback for 8 years, playing for “I know it’s a cliché, but my father-in-law When: On Tuesday, February 13,
three teams, and now is a co-host on NBC, never forgot his roots,” Mr. Tesser said. “He at 6 p.m.
where he talks about — what else? — football. always remembered when he had nothing, Where: At the Kaplen JCC on the
On Tuesday, February 13, the two Joseph Taub and he just wanted to help people in Pat- Palisades, 411 East Clinton Ave. in
Simmses will be part of a full evening that erson. Obviously, the community changed Tenafly
includes a strolling dinner, an auction, hon- co-owner of the New Jersey Nets, grew up dramatically over the years, but he never How much: Until January 31, it costs
ors, and scholarship awards. very poor in Paterson. Although ADP made really left it.” In fact, he added, Mr. Taub $180 per person; after that, it’s $250
So where does Paterson come in? him very rich, he managed not only not to often would go back to visit, a dramatically each. Students pay $50.
Here. The evening will include a tribute to forget where he came from but to devote a visible figure, a tall man with a great shock For more information: Call Michal
Joseph Taub, who lived in Tenafly and died great deal of money, time, energy, and imagi- of bright white hair. Kleiman at (210) 408-1412 or go to
on October 27. Mr. Taub, a co-founder of nation to offering children in Paterson oppor- “He obviously had the means to help,
Automatic Data Processing and a one-time tunity and hope. “My father-in-law grew up and he did it through a combination of


Free! Open to the Public!

s a t t e r
y h
lucky to have traveled to see my dollars in action.”
As a board member of the Jewish Federation of North-
ern New Jersey and co-president of its Women’s Philan-

n d a ch e c
S u S
thropy Board, Ms. Adler takes an active role in how Lions
of Judah contributions are allocated. (She also sits on the
National Women’s Philanthropy Board of Jewish Federa-
tions of North America.)
The 44 guests at the dinner in London also heard from
Israeli Lions of Judah Ruth Oren and Sigal Bar-On. The
event raised £111,000, and 37 British women pledged to
form a cabinet of founder members.
UJIA trustee and Lions of Judah UK Chairwoman Karen
Goodkind announced that in its first year, Lions of Judah
UK will fund a UJIA-supported mentoring program in
Israel called Youth Futures, for at-risk children ranging
from 8 to 18 years old. Founding members also will allo-
cate financial support to another project of their choice.
Ms. Adler told them how philanthropic activities far
from home can have a very personal impact. Two years
ago, when her son, Harrison, joined the Israel Defense
Forces as a lone soldier, she was unable to attend his
induction ceremony. So she asked women from the JFN-
NJ’s partner city of Nahariya to go in her place.
“Five incredible women drove to Harrison’s base with
candy, chocolates, smiles, and love,” she said. “They were

a d
able to send photographs and videos in real time, and

although I could not be there myself, they made me feel

as if I was there. Suddenly I was not just a donor, I was
not just a Lion of Judah, I was a recipient of the incredible

A M sts
strength and power and love of women’s philanthropy.”
Some of the Lions of Judah UK leaders may go to the
Scie e)
International Lions of Judah conference in Miami next
ou ng
January, Ms. Adler said. “We’re hoping we can meet and

l or Y G
mentor each other. Who knows what kinds of great things f th
ties h5
F ivi g
can happen if we work together?”
t ou
s- on Ac re-K thr
d or P
Han a t f
“He didn’t talk about it much. The family all knew (Gre
about it, but he didn’t talk about it. He didn’t want any
credit for it. He just wanted to do it.” Sunday
There weren’t very many athletic stars to come
out of this program, Mr. Tesser said. There was Vic- January 28 | 10-11:30 AM
tor Cruz, a receiver for the New York Giants, “and a Stretch your child’s imagination
few basketball players, but that was not a failure of
with these hands-on design
the program. He never expected any of these kids to
survive through athletics. thinking activities:
“He wanted to give them a chance to get to the mid-
dle class through scholarships. The sports was just a • Make a density rainbow
way to draw them in.” • Create a glacier with slime Solomon Schechter
The evening also will honor Gordon A. Uehling III
of CourtSense, who will be given the JCC Emerging • Build a popsicle-stick bridge, Day School of
Leader Award, and two students — Tobias Zypman of and more...
Cresskill High School and Alexandra George of North- Bergen County
ern Valley Regional High School — each will get a Director of Academic Affairs
$3,600 scholarship. 275 McKinley Avenue,
Some of the funds raised during the evening will go to
Andrew Katz will lead our family-
friendly Sundays@ Schechter
New Milford, NJ 07646
families who could not afford the JCC’s programs without
the help, and whose children benefit from it. program.
A mother in Ridgefield — she’s the Russian-born sin-
gle mother of two sons — went through an acrimoni-
ous divorce “and not only do I get no support, I have
to acquire a lot of debt to defend myself,” she said. (She
requested anonymity; she does not want her ex-husband Find out about our inquiry-based approach
to read about her online.) and warm, inclusive community. Age three
“My kids are 6 and 7 now,” she said. “They go to school, through Grade 8. For more information or
but when summer came there was a need to put them in to schedule a tour, email us at
camp. I work in the city full-time. I had friends whose kids
went to the JCC, and I looked at it — but it was very expen-
[email protected]
sive, and I couldn’t afford it.



Was a thank-you note a breach of etiquette?

Frisch students asked to email Trump for Jerusalem decision;
not all parents approve, some privately vent their displeasure
LARRY YUDELSON student who believes that the president’s

decision was correct to contact the White
local pro-Israel organization House with words of support. It will take
Dear Students,
sent out a call for action — a approximately 2 minutes of your time.”
request to thank President The email included a sample letter thank- The organization NORPAC has launched a campaign that directs individu
Donald J. Trump for recogniz- ing the president “for the courageous lead- to personally thank President Trump for his decision to declare Jerusalem
ing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. ership you demonstrated by formally pro- the capital of Israel and to begin the process of moving the embassy there.
A local yeshiva high school passed it on claiming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and This move was heavily criticized and it is therefore important that each
to its students. initiating steps to move the US Embassy. person who believes that the president made the right decision have their
Nobody involved expected that would This action fulfills the commitment made voice heard. We are therefore encouraging every student who believes that
be deemed newsworthy by the Jewish by Congress in the Jerusalem Embassy Act the president’s decision was correct to contact the White House with words
Standard. Let alone the Jewish wire ser- of 1995. President Trump, you have dis- of support. It will take approximately 2 minutes of your time.
vice JTA. Let alone Haaretz. Let alone played leadership and strength among the
Newsweek. nations by formally recognizing Jerusalem Step 1: Follow the link
They forgot one thing: In the era of as the eternal capital of the State of Israel.”
Trump, everything is different. Even, or The model letter continued, “We appre-
perhaps especially, support for Israel. ciate your commitment to follow the wishes Step 2: Fill out the information on the form. Feel free to use your Frisch
Israel advocacy often involves flatter- of the American people and your faithful email address and the Frisch street address of
ing politicians. But given America’s sharp service as our nation’s leader. We are grate- 120 West Century Road
political polarization, is it still unquestion- ful for your unwavering support of Israel, Paramus, NJ 07652
ably bipartisan to send an email thank- America’s greatest ally.”
ing the president for his “faithful service For Norpac’s president, Dr. Ben Chouake, Step 3: Write a message. If you’d like, please feel free to copy the message
as our nation’s leader”? Can pro-Israel the letter-writing campaign simply was below. Just remember to sign your name on the bottom.
engagement with a partisan politician be a thank you to a politician who had sup- Dear Mr. President,
nonpartisan in this environment? ported Israel and a policy that the Jewish
So how did a request to send a prewrit- community and Congress had advocated Thank you for the courageous leadership you demonstrated by formally
ten emailing thanking Mr. Trump for his for more than 20 years. Norpac is nonparti- proclaiming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and initiating steps to move the
announcement recognizing Jerusalem san; Dr. Chouake noted that Norpac leaders US Embassy. This action fulfills the commitment made by Congress in the
make headlines around the world? serve as finance chairs for both Democratic Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. President Trump, you have displayed lead-
The answer tells much about the ten- and Republican politicians. ership and strength among the nations by formally recognizing Jerusalem
sions roiling beneath the surface of the “I’m not worked up,” said one Frisch as the eternal capital of the State of Israel. We appreciate your commitment
area’s modern Orthodox community — and parent who is opposed to Trump but did to follow the wishes of the American people and your faithful service as
perhaps the particular perils of being the not want his name used. “In all honesty, our nation’s leader. We are grateful for your unwavering support of Israel,
Frisch School in this particular moment. schools do this stuff all the time. I remem- America’s greatest ally.
The Paramus high school, after all, is ber being asked to write letters when I was
Respectfully yours,
famous now in the world beyond Bergen in high school.”
County as the high school of Jared Kush- Frisch’s principal, Rabbi Eli Ciner,
ner, the president’s son-in-law, who has emphasized in a statement to JTA that such
been tasked with solving problems as var- advocacy on behalf of a policy affecting
ied as Middle East peace and the Ameri- Israel was standard operating procedure at
can opioid epidemic. The other Orthodox the school. (Rabbi Ciner did not reply to the
Jew close to the White House, Jason Green- Standard’s efforts to contact him. Frisch Students at the Frisch School received this email from Rabbi David Sher,
blatt of Teaneck, who heads Trump’s team was closed this week for winter vacation. ) the school’s director of Israel education, promoting a NORPAC campaign to
negotiating for Israeli-Palestinian peace, “As a religious Zionist school, we congratulate President Trump on his Jerusalem decision.
was a board member at Frisch until he encourage our students as civic-minded
took this post. American citizens to write to the admin- voluntary and should be done only if you proclaiming: “Critics
But there is a minority of parents who istration when they agree or disagree with agree with President Trump.” say Jared Kushner’s Paramus alma mater
are, often privately, not on Team Trump. the government’s policies regarding the That might have been the end of the story ‘unfairly targeted’”
And to many of them, Frisch crossed the State of Israel,” Rabbi Ciner said in the had the anger been shared in emails and The paper quoted Jason Shames, CEO of
line from pro-Israel to pro-Trump last week statement. “In this particular case, many private conversations. But Judy Maltz, who the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jer-
when Rabbi David Sher, Frisch’s director of our students strongly supported the is a reporter for Haaretz and also was one sey, as saying Frisch “was unfairly targeted.
of Israel education and advocacy, emailed president’s decision recognizing Jerusalem of the nearly 2,000 members of the secret The reports in the media were political.”
students about a campaign launched by as Israel’s capital.” Facebook group, published a story about But one parent who opposed the origi-
NORPAC, the Englewood-based pro-Israel But for some Frisch parents, this the local controversy, headlined, “Kids at nal email insisted that there was no effort
political action committee, asking them crossed the line into pro-Trump behavior. Kushner’s Old High School Were Urged to to target the school.
“to personally thank President Trump for One of them posted her upset on a secret Write Letters Sucking Up to Trump — and “Nobody wanted to hurt the school,” she
his decision to declare Jerusalem the cap- Facebook for Orthodox Trump oppo- Parents Are Fuming.” said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
ital of Israel and to begin the process of nents. Other parents joined in. Some made From there, the story jumped to News- “That is why we were having the discussion
moving the embassy there. their displeasure known to the Frisch’s week, which beneath the headline “Jared in the secret group. People in the group
“This move was heavily criticized and it is administration. Kushner’s High School Is Making Chil- were having a principled discussion about
therefore important that each person who Ninety minutes after the email from dren Write Letters Of Support To Don- what to do. That is why we were so upset
believes that the president made the right Rabbi Sher, a second one went out, this ald Trump” referred to the coed, modern the journalist didn’t tell us she was basically
decision have their voice heard,” he contin- one from Rabbi Ciner, emphasizing that Orthodox high school as “ultra-Orthodox.” lurking in the discussion, taking our com-
ued. “We are therefore encouraging every writing to the White House was “entirely The next day came the backlash, with ments without asking us.”


Experience Shabbat as

Jason Greenblatt,
right, at the Nahal
Oz military base
near the Gaza
border on August
30, 2017.

This parent said the outrage at the Obama years was people speaking out
something to stir your soul.
letter-writing-request, which she said about the Iran deal, criticizing Obama.
extended beyond the people who directly “And these are unusual circumstances.
contacted the school, reflected dismay at This is not just any president. This is the Join us to celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat and
two other recent incidents. president who a week ago made these
The first was a talk Mr. Greenblatt gave horrific comments” about immigrants
rejuvenate your spirit as we welcome
at Frisch last month, after the Jerusalem from other countries. guest Rabbi Adina Lewittes and
declaration. “It was supposed to be apo- “Schools can’t say we’re apolitical so
litical, but it’s hard for that not to look like we’re not going to address the presi- members of Sha’ar Communities,
Trump support,” she said. dent’s bullying and lying and racism, with live music, and a warm, inviting,
She was particularly offended by Mr. and at the same time ask the kids in your
Greenblatt telling the Frisch students school to write emails of gratitude for innovative approach to Jewish worship.
that “they couldn’t believe everything faithful service to the country. Some-
they read in the media.” She said that he thing’s wrong with that. The message ~~~~~~~~~~
repeated the mantra of “fake news” with to the kids is that all those things don’t
which the president has brushed aside really matter because all we care about is Enjoy time with friends at our
allegations and investigation. that Jerusalem is the capital. If that’s all
“That really bothered me,” she said. Judaism is supposed to be about for our wine bar & small bites buffet.
“He’s just feeding the distrust of the kids, we’re really making a mistake. It
media that’s part of the president’s pro-
paganda thing.”
has the potential to turn off a lot of kids
from Judaism totally. And a lot of adults,” FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 AT 7 PM TH

And it came, she said, in the “disturb- she said.

ing” context of “the president needing his
ego stroked.”
That context had been set by Rabbi
Rabbi Ozer Glickman of Teaneck agrees
that the original Frisch email was a mis-
take, and he told Rabbi Ciner so. Rabbi
Yosef Adler of Congregation Rinat Yisrael
in Teaneck. “I did ask my congregants
Glickman, a former vice president of the
Frisch board of trustees, is the father of
to thank the president for his Jerusalem five Frisch graduates and the grandfather
announcement,” Rabbi Adler wrote in an of a Frisch student. He is a rosh yeshiva, For more information: 201.947.1735 visit us at
email. “I believe that despite someone’s teaching Talmud at Yeshiva University.
shortcomings, if that individual did some- “Many Jews argue that it is simply a
thing beneficial for you personally (such matter of hakarat hatov, acknowledg-
as Rubashkin) or Am Yisrael he deserves ing when someone has done something
a thank you. good,” Rabbi Glickman said. “I concur
“I heard (though I can’t verify it) that that the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem
Jason Greenblatt reported that while Jew- as Israel’s declared capital is long over-
ish communal organizations were forth- due. I believe, however, that the timing
coming with letters of appreciation, the of the letter-writing campaign was unfor-
president was surprised that individuals tunate. It coincided with commemo-
weren’t as forthcoming . ration of Martin Luther King Jr. during
A version of what Rabbi Adler told his an episode in which the president was
congregation on the subject, posted by reported to have used racist speech.
a Trump supporter, said that Mr. Green- Soliciting students to write letters on
blatt indicated that it is “important to behalf of Israel when many American
this president in particular” that people citizens are troubled by apparent rac-
in the community show gratitude for his ism betrays a certain tone-deafness that
actions. sometimes afflicts the Orthodox com-
“It was disturbing, the president need- munity. It says that we don’t care what
ing his ego stroked,” the Frisch parent someone says or does as long as they
said. “What do we have to do, kiss the look out for our interests. That’s a ter-
czar’s ring?” rible message.
Rabbi Adina Lewittes is a leading teacher, speaker, writer, and
But why is it such a big deal to thank “In conversation, Rabbi Ciner under- creative voice in the reimagination and revitalization of Jewish
the president for doing something right? stood this point. It wasn’t the school’s life, and founder of Sha’ar Communities.
“My question really is, was there a let- intention. I believe him and remain
ter-writing campaign to thank President a supporter of the school. I do think,
Obama for the Iron Dome?” the Frisch though, that the school needs to exercise
mother said. “All I remember from the better judgment in the future.”


Briefly Local

MLK Day of Service emphasizes diverse togetherness

On January 15, “We the People,” a non-
profit organization started by Bergen
County Freeholder Tracy Silna Zur,
hosted a multicultural interfaith day of
service at the VFW in Saddle Brook. The
chance to help others brought together
more than 200 students representing
many of Bergen County’s diverse reli-
gious and cultural groups to work on
community service projects and cel-
ebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther
King by giving back to their communities.
Donations for the day of service came
from Inserra Supermarkets, the Jew-
ish Federation of Northern New Jersey,
Learning Express of Ridgewood, Wal- Ezra Shafron, Akmal Pasha, Abdul-
Mart, Costco, Target, and Market Basket. lah Hasan, Ahmar Sagheer, Daniella
“For students and our young people, Atiya and Linda Chiappetta work
this shouldn’t be just another day off,” Middle school students followed volunteer Myah Wolfer’s lead and made on a mosaic project the Glen Rock
Ms. Zur said. “This is a day to reflect hundreds of cat toys for the Bergen County Animal Shelter. Arboretum.
upon the lessons and the legacy of Dr.
children that our diversity is our strength,
King by performing community service projects. We
and that we should be moving past tolerance
wanted to send a message to our young people that
towards understanding each other,” she said.
helping others is something that all faiths and all com-
“That is what I hope these young people were
munities should be doing, and that we are stronger
able to take away from this day — that despite
when we do these things together. “
our different beliefs and traditions, that we
The students worked on a number of projects; they
are all Americans and it’s up to all of us to not
created hygiene kits for the homeless, activity bags for
only build bridges with each other, but to reach
patients at the Hackensack Meridian Health Joseph M.
out a helping hand to help improve the lives
Sanzari Children’s Hospital, cat toys for the Bergen
of others, together, as a community. Dr. King
County Animal Shelter, wrote letters to active duty sol-
said that ‘love is the only force capable of trans-
diers, and packed blankets for seniors at the nursing
forming an enemy into a friend’ and that ‘we
home at New Bridge Medical Center. They also created
may have all come on different ships, but we’re
glass murals to adorn benches to be donated to Spring
in the same boat now,’ and I hope that’s the
House for Women and the Glen Rock Arboretum. The Ahmar Sagheer, Sammy Atyyat, Avi Schneck, Ezra Win-
message that these students were able to walk
students also participated in a “conversation station,” slow and Lilly Harris of Lodi, Teaneck, and Fair Lawn,
away with today.”
where they exchanged stories about their heritage, holi- assembled packets for cancer patients at Hackensack
Ms. Zur said that her favorite part of the
days, and hobbies, and learned about differing tradi- Meridian Health Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital.
day was when the students, some of whom at
tions and shared values. Photos By AMy souKAs
first were reluctant to join groups with strang-
Ms. Zur organized the first day of service last year, as a
ers, exchanged contact information with
response to increasingly divisive rhetoric in the nation.
their newfound friends by the end of the day. “That’s understanding and building friendships, we can only
“This is a time when we should be teaching our
what this day is all about,” she said. “By fostering strengthen our community.”

Family caregivers group to convene ‘Am Yisrael Why?’ Demographer

for initial meeting at Temple Beth Or will explore changing Jewish world
In his Rosh Hashanah sermon, Temple Beth Or’s rabbi, The community is invited to the concluding program of
Noah Fabricant, spoke about the challenges and blessings this weekend’s Shabbaton at Congregation Beth Sholom
of caring for an aging or ill parent, spouse, or other family in Teaneck, set for Saturday, January 27, at 5 p.m. Profes-
member, and he announced the creation of a new fam- sor Steven M. Cohen will explore “Am Yisrael Why? How
ily caregivers group. The first meeting, which will bring Mitzvot Became Meaningful, and Jews Became Optional.”
together caregivers in the community to share experi- Professor Cohen is a demographer, a professor of Jew-
ences and support each other, will be on Thursday, Febru- ish social policy at HUC-JIR, and the director of the Ber-
ary 1, at 7 p.m., at the shul, 56 Ridgewood Road in Wash- man Jewish Policy Archive at Stanford University. For
ington Township. more information, call (201) 833-2620 or go to www.
Rabbi Fabricant will lead the new group along with
guest professionals, including physicians, social workers,
tax attorneys, and insurance and other specialists. Rabbi Noah Fabricant Steven M. Cohen
For more information, call Rabbi Fabricant at (201) 664-
7422 or email him at [email protected].

More than 412,000 likes.

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14 Jewish standard JanUarY 26, 2018
Dr. Arnold Gold


He made the world D


a better place.
We will miss him. A
With love and sadness t

from the staff of the c

Jewish Standard w



Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 15

Briefly Local

Super Sunday: All the details

Jewish Federation of Northern New Jer- Super Sunday is co-chaired by Judy
sey holds its annual Super Sunday fund- Taub Gold and Dr. Bram Alster. For more
raising day on Sunday, January 28. You information, call Laurie Siegel, (201) 820-
can make a donation online or by phone, 3956, email her at [email protected], or
and sign up to make calls. go to

Photo courtesy Ahavath Torah

Fair Lawn Hadassah installing officers
Gail Black, president of Hadassah of co-programming vice presidents Varda
Northern New Jersey, will install new Grinspan and Liz Gelstein, education
officers of the Fair Lawn chapter of coordinator Tova Miller, book review
Hadassah at the Fair Lawn Jewish coordinator Karen Sapherstein, study
Center/CBI on Monday, January 29, at group coordinator Gladys Kaplan,
1 p.m. recording secretary Gerry Stein, social
Officers include co-presidents Leslie secretary Jean Cooper, and correspond-
Englewood shul sponsors shelter dinner R. Felner and Esther Rubinstein, trea-
surer Harriet Premselaar, membership
ing secretary Sima Zilberg.
Light refreshments will be served. For
Congregation Ahavath Torah in Engle- shul kitchen. Volunteers Emma, Saman- coordinator Joan Rimberg-Goldfarb, information, go to
wood sponsored its first annual walk- tha, Leslie and Harry Kanner; Gila and
in-dinner for Family Promise of Bergen Jon Comet, Shelli and Annabel Kermeir,
County on January 7. The Kanner family Debra and Jerry Lewkowitz, Aimee Gard-
organized the dinner. ner, and Rabbi Daniel Goldberg delivered,
Two shifts of volunteers helped make set up, and served the food to more than
the dinner happen. Debbie Billig, Sheri
and Nikki Friedman, Yvonne and Reuben
130 people at the Bergen County homeless
shelter in Hackensack. Butterflake Bakery
Service organizations to convene
Kuzniecky, Ezra Mahpour, Nancy Rose, and Kosher by the Case were among the The Network of Jewish Human Service “To best serve our communities in
Daniella Moadab, and Emma, Samantha, vendors who donated to the meal. Agencies, the leading voice for Jew- these tumultuous times, human ser-
Leslie, and Harry Kanner cooked in the ish human service organizations in the vice agencies must innovate, collabo-
United States, Canada, and Israel, has rate, and advocate to provide the high-
opened registration for a conference, est level of service,” the network’s CEO,
called NJHSA 2018: Unifying the Human Reuben Rotman, said. “We are proud
Service Voice. More than 400 leaders that during our first conference our
Solo art exhibit examines racism of the Jewish human service sector are
expected to attend this, the network’s
speakers and hands-on sessions will
focus on these important skills.” To reg-
Artist Linda Friedman Schmidt first conference, from April 29 to May 1, ister, go to
displays her work in “Identity, at the Sheraton Grand in Chicago.
Textured,” a solo exhibition at
the Pascal Gallery in the Berrie
Center Art Galleries at Ramapo
College of New Jersey in Mah-
wah. A reception is planned
Wednesday, January 31, from 5
Sharsheret Pink Day is global
to 7 p.m., and the exhibit runs Sharsheret’s worldwide Pink Day, set for organization, is encouraged to wear pink
through March 2. Wednesday, February 7, is a day to make as a way to generate conversation, and to
Ms. Schmidt was born in a DP a difference by raising awareness about mark the day with a range of educational
camp in Germany; her parents breast and ovarian cancer and cancer and fundraising events.
were traumatized Holocaust genetics. It is also an opportunity to Feel free to contact Sharsheret for
survivors. Discarded clothing, honor, recognize, or celebrate a special information on how you can pro-
her medium, conjures thoughts person in your life. vide support or go to
of discarded humanity in the Everyone, both individually and as a sharsheret-pink-day.
viewer, and her process of cut- member of a school, company, or other
ting or tearing it evokes mourn-
ing, the Jewish funeral custom
called k’riah.
“Becoming White” will
be featured at the Berrie
Center exhibit. The rise of
white nationalists question-
Keep us informed
ing whether Jews are white “Becoming White,” 2018, uses discarded cloth- We welcome photos of commu-
prompted the creation of ing and remnants.  Courtesy of the artist nity events. Photos must be high
[email protected]
Schmidt’s most recent piece, a resolution jpg files. Please include
a detailed caption and a daytime NJ Jewish Media Group
work about race created from the “second into white, the greenness exchanged for 1086 Teaneck Road
telephone. Mailed photos will only
skin.” She remembers her refugee parents whiteness. The baby in the artwork is the be returned with a self-addressed Teaneck, NJ 07666
and their friends being called “griner,” or artist, once a greener too. stamped envelope. Not every photo (201) 837-8818 x 110
“greeners.” After years of peeling off their For more information about the exhibit, will be published.
foreignness they finally were transformed call (201) 684-7147.

5 16 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018

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Fourth-generation rabbi
Joshua Finkelstein comes to the Montebello Jewish Center with history and hope

here is a stained-glass window at the top of the
wall behind the bima at the Montebello Jewish
Center in Suffern.
It’s round and set deeply into the white of
the wall; there is a foot or so of white surrounding it,
providing it with depth and space, and room for the light
from outside to play.
It’s new, but doesn’t look particularly modern, or par-
ticularly dated, for that matter. Its colors are delicate but
not muted.
It’s lovely.
When you look at it from the back of sanctuary, you see
the whole thing; when you get closer, the view changes.
Joshua Finkelstein, the synagogue’s new rabbi, says that
he understands that people prefer to sit toward the back of
the sanctuary so they can see it in full, but he prefers the
view from up close, and hopes that the congregation will
come closer to it as well. It is in the interplay of the light and
the space, the colors and the light, the permanence of the
window and the shifting of the light, that he can most easily
find God, he says.
That’s another striking thing about Rabbi Finkelstein.
Unlike many rabbis, he talks about
God. He’s comfortable with his faith,
and he wants to inspire others to
explore their own, and in the context Three generations of Finkelstein — Rabbi Louis, not-yet-rabbi Joshua, and Rabbi Ezra —
of the Conservative movement, into sit together.
which he was born, in which he has
generations-deep roots, with whose At first, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein It isn’t as if Joshua Finkelstein didn’t have Jewish connec-
principles he resonates. “served at a congregation in the Bronx, tions. At Columbia, he studied with the talmudist Rabbi
So who is he? off the Grand Concourse,” Rabbi Fin- David Weiss Halivni. And he had his grandfather, who
Joshua Finkelstein is a fourth-gen- kelstein said. “Kehillat Israel. It no lon- had retired by then but still lived in the neighborhood. “I
eration rabbi; he has major yichus ger exists, but it’s sort of funny; coinci- spent every Shabbes at my grandfather’s table for 10 years,
in the Conservative movement and dentally, my wife’s grandfather used to through college and rabbinical school,” except for the year
a 16-year history in northern Bergen daven there.” he spent in Israel, Rabbi Finkelstein said.
County, right over the state line from Joshua Finkelstein’s grandfather was He has many stories from that time of his life. Asked to find
Montebello. not just any Louis Finkelstein, though; just one, he talked about how, on Shmini Atzeret, he would
To begin with his background, “my he was the Rabbi Louis Finkelstein have the talmudist Rabbi Saul Lieberman “come over to cel-
great-grandfather, Simon Finkelstein, Rabbi Joshua Finkelstein who became first an academic and ebrate his coming to America. Every Friday night my grandfa-
came to this country in 1885, from then, for more than 30 years, JTS’s ther would ask me to lead the Birkat haMazon,” the grace after
Kovno, in Lithuania,” he said. “He studied at the Slabodka chancellor. “When he was leaving the pulpit to work full meals, “but he always had Elie Wiesel also on Shmini Atzeret,
Yeshiva,” a prominent and important institution, “and he time at the seminary, his father said to him, ‘What is a rabbi and he would ask Elie Wiesel to lead it that day.
got his smicha from Yitzhak Elchanan Spektor,” the major without a pulpit?’” Rabbi Finkelstein reported. “Elie Wiesel had a beautiful, soulful voice, and when he got
figure who is the namesake of Yeshiva University’s rabbini- Louis Finkelstein’s son, Ezra, perhaps unsurprisingly, to the part of harachaman about Shabbat, he would sing a
cal school, the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, also became a Conservative rabbi. His son, Joshua, was wonderful niggun from Sighet,” the Hungarian town he came
perhaps better known as RIETS. “He didn’t get smicha from born in Brooklyn, grew up in Whitestone, Queens, from. “It was a very soulful melody, and it would go on and
the place, he got it from the person,” Rabbi Finkelstein said. where his father was the rabbi of the Whitestone Hebrew on. He would sing it for a long time.” Rabbi Finkelstein sang it;
“He served congregations in Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Syr- Center, and then, when Joshua was going into his junior it’s beautiful and haunting.
acuse, and then, for the last 30 years of his life, in Brownsville.” year in high school, moved to Syosset, on Long Island, “So my grandfather said, ‘You know, I asked Elie Wiesel to
Simon Finkelstein’s son, Louis, who grew up in Brooklyn, to become the rabbi of the Midway Jewish Center. Joshua sing it for you, because it is from Sighet, and I don’t want it to
earned his undergraduate degree at CCNY and a doctorate had graduated from middle school at the Schechter in be forgotten. I know you will be a rabbi, and you will teach it.’
at Columbia University. Those were fairly easy choices, but Queens and was in high school at Bronx Science — a “And I felt the awesome weight of the Holocaust on my
he had to decide where to get smicha — RIETS or the Jew- challenging subway ride from Queens, although he did shoulders. I knew that I would be a rabbi, not a chazzan, but
ish Theological Seminary. “My great-grandfather said to go not make the commute alone, he reported — when he I would go on to teach it, but I always felt that I was failing.”
to JTS,” Rabbi Finkelstein reported -- “because JTS required transferred to Syosset High School. And then Rabbi Finkelstein heard someone else — a
a bachelor’s degree, and at the time YU did not. My great Joshua Finkelstein went to Columbia for his under- song leader in the Reform movement — sing that melody.
grandfather, the Orthodox rabbi, thought it was more aca- graduate degree. He decided not to go to the joint pro- He learned that it’s a standard among Reform Jews. Later,
demically rigorous. He respected that.” gram between Columbia and JTS; “my father said that I after Mr. Wiesel died, a CD of his talking and singing at the
Although the borders were more porous then, JTS was then should be sure what I wanted, because with our back- 92nd Street Y included the melody. It was no longer just
as it is today the flagship institution of the Conservative move- ground, it would be too easy to fall into the rabbinate.” Rabbi Finkelstein’s responsibility to pass it on, and that
ment, as YU is of American modern Orthodoxy. It should be a conscious choice, Ezra Finkelstein said. was a huge relief to him, but it remains his responsibility



to continue to teach it, he said. In fact, he’s already Emanuel of North Jersey during that time; in fact, he was at As for the Conservative movement, “I know that people are
talked about it at Montebello, at Selichot services. Emanuel when it moved from Paterson to Franklin Lakes. wringing their hands about the future of Judaism, and about
It all goes back to the first time he heard it, at his Their three children, Sarah, now a doctoral student in biol- the movement, but I also see how other movements are emu-
grandfather’s Shabbat table. ogy at Columbia, Elie, a rabbinical student at Chovevei lating what we do,” he said. “Federations have Havdalah pro-
While his father’s family taught him about Jewish Torah, and Rebecca, a freshman at Wellesley, grew up there. grams, and Chabad is opening Jewish centers.

L ’ Shana
life, his mother taught him about how to teach and The family moved to central Jersey for some time, but now “People are looking for Jewish connections, for meaningful

L ’ Shana
treat and love children, and how to notice and encour- Joshua and Elana are in Rockland, and it feels like home. Judaism, for a sense of the greater good, and for a sense of God
age their individuality. “My mother, Elaine Samuels The Conservative movement also feels like home for in the world. If we can create a mindful, meaningful Judaism,
Finkelstein, was a teacher in the New York City pub- Rabbi Finkelstein, both for its history and for its promise, where people are reflective about their lives, where they can

lic school system for many years. She taught special he said. It’s not only family history but personal history as create meaning in their lives, and if we can help shape that

education in PS 48 in Hunts Point, in the Bronx, in a well; he practically grew up at Camp Ramah in the Berk- meaning, then this is a vehicle to help them transform their
special state-funded preschool. She used to make sure shires, where his parents worked for many summers. His lives — and transform the world.
that she’d bring us to visit the classroom at least once wife also was a lifelong Ramahnik — but she grew up in “And that brings me back to the Montebello Jewish Center,”
a year. She was very much into early intervention. She Princeton, so she went to Ramah in the Poconos. Her par- he said. “I have come to a place where people are committed
said that we could always make a difference, and that ents were deeply committed to their shul, and thinking and loving. It is a wonderful place.
carried through to all of us and to our children.” about them led Rabbi Finkelstein to talk about how impor- “I believe the focus of the rabbinate is to work with the com-
Rabbi Finkelstein’s father’s father’s family was the
one most people know about, but his father’s moth-
Wishing you a sweetyou
newa sweet
tant lay leadership is. “I have a great appreciation for what
they can do to make this world a better place,” he said.
year. new year.
munity, to build the community, and to bring people closer to
God,” he said.
er’s family is notable as well. They were the Bent- Jamie and Steven Dranow • Larry A. Model • Harvey Schwartz
Gregg Brunwasser Jamie and Steven
• Michael Dranow •General
L. Rosenthal, Larry A.Manager
Model • Harvey Schwartz
wiches; Herbert Bentwich, his great grandfather,
Gregg Brunwasser • Michael L. Rosenthal, General Manager
was a very successful British barrister and a fervent As your local Dignity Memorial® providers, we wish you the best this Rosh Hashanah.
Zionist who made aliyah to Palestine in 1929. “I am Candlelighting
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We reaffirm our local Dignity
commitment Memorial
of service
to the we wish you the best this Rosh Hashanah.
Jewish community.
We reaffirm our commitment of service to the Jewish community.
told that Herzl went to his house,” Rabbi Finkelstein
January 26 ...........................................
Hellman-Garlick Memorial 4:47 Chapel
said. He was the progenitor of a large, mainly Israeli Hellman MemorialHellmanChapels Memorial Chapels Hellman-Garlick Memorial Chapel
family; as Ari Shavit told us in “My Promised Land,” February 2NY............................................
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he also was the journalist’s great-grandfather. (That, February 845-356-8600 914-762-5501 5:05
845-356-8600 9 ............................................ 914-762-5501
for the non-genealogists among us, makes Rabbi Fin- February 16 .......................................... 5:13
Our affiliate Jewish Memorials of Rockland a complete full service monument and inscription provider.
Our affiliate Jewish Memorials of Rockland a complete full service monument and inscription provider.
kelstein and Mr. Shavit fourth cousins.) Large display on premises. 845-425-2256
Large display on premises. 845-425-2256
Rabbi Finkelstein and his wife, Elana Gershen, lived
in Bergen County for 16 years; he was the rabbi of Hellman Memorial Chapels
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Shul Israel trip open to community

The Nanuet Hebrew Center is going to Jerusalem and the Hilton Hotel on the
Israel from October 17 to 24. The 2018 beach in Tel Aviv. For information, call
Israel Journey includes stays at five- Gary Siepser at (845) 362-4200, ext. 133.
star hotels, including the Inbal Hotel in

Even Gisele would be Ben and Susan Gutmann at Lotem’s ecological gardens.

proud to throw a Chocolate Shabbat will mark awareness

Chocolate Chip Football Challah! of Jewish disabilities efforts
Have the Challah Fairy make
The Orangetown Jewish Center will
you something special for mark Jewish Disabilities Awareness
your Superbowl Party! Shabbat, working with the Jewish
Dairy heroes! Potato knishes! National Fund, on Saturday, February
Oversized Paninis! 3, with services that begin at 9 a.m. The
morning features guest speaker Avnet
Tray of Babka French Toast!
Kleiner, JNF’s U.S. director of develop-
So much more..... ment for ALEH Negev, a rehabilitation
170 N. Main St., New City, New York village that provides medical and thera-
(845) 323-4582 · [email protected] peutic care for people with severe dis- is JNF’s major gifts chair and was JNF
Open Sun 9-2:30 · Mon-Thurs 7-5 · Fri 7-3 abilities. On their yearly mitzvah mis- 2017 national conference co-chair.
Under the supervision of Rabbi Aron Lankry · Cholov Yisroel sions, OCJ members have worked on Lotem — Making Nature Accessible is
JNF projects in Israel. the leading organization in Israel that
One of JNF’s newest projects was the offers accessible hikes and educational
WELCOME CENTER NOW OPEN biblical gardens at Lotem’s ecological nature activities around the country to
farm in Emek HaShalom, dedicated in children and adults with special needs.
December 2017 as a gift by Susan and The OJC is at 8 Independence Ave.
Ben Gutmann of Norwood in mem- For more information, call (845) 359-
ory of their parents. Ben Gutmann 5920, or go to

CPR course on Sunday in New City

The Most Exciting
New Retirement Community The Nanuet Hebrew Center offers an Amer-
ican Heart Association’s Family and Friends
The shul is at 411 South Little Tor Road
(just off exit 10 of the Palisades Parkway)
Is Coming to Rockland County. CPR course, coordinated by the NHC Men’s in New City. For more information, call
Club, on Sunday, January 28, from 10 a.m. the shul office at (845) 708-9181 or email
to 1 p.m., for anyone 10 and older. [email protected].

Brightview is bringing
Call Cindy to
carefree, resort-style living
schedule your visit.
Adult Jewish learning scheduled
– with no large entrance fee –
to Rockland County. 845.203.2338 Registration is open for spring courses,
beginning on February 7, sponsored
Hackell will teach “Science vs. Religion:
Do We Have to Choose?” Other enrich-
Brightview Lake Tappan by the Jewish Federation & Founda- ing classes will be offered, including an
tion of Rockland County. “The United evening class on Jewish art led by Rabbi
offers access to tri-state
States and the Holocaust,” led by Sha- David Berkman, beginning on March 8.
shopping, culture, and ron Halper, will explore America’s role For information, call Rebecca at (845)
entertainment, and endless in World War II through interesting 362-4200, ext. 121, or Roberta at ext. 130,
on-site opportunities for a primary-source materials. Rabbi Jill or go to
rewarding retirement.

Reserve your apartment

Reducing stress and anxiety
Join Rockland Jewish Family Service the Meditative practices have been deeply
now to enjoy exceptional 31 Hunt Road • Orangeburg, NY 10962 first Wednesday of the month for mind- rooted in Judaism for thousands of years.
savings. fulness and meditation, as well as other The next class is February 7 at 11 a.m. RJFS
techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. is at 450 West Nyack Road in West Nyack.
Experience deep relaxation and peace with All proceeds support RJFS’ mission. Call
music, mindfulness, and other simple tools (845) 354-2121, ext.142.
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22 Cover Story

Cover Story
‘I might be its last reader’
In Hoboken, a talk about how Vilna Ghetto intellectuals risked lives, saved books
Joanne Palmer

he Nazis seemed to revel in acts
of immense cruelty, even sav-
agery. They did not only want
to exterminate the Jews, along
with other peoples and groups they con-
sidered inferior; it seems that they also
wanted to extract every last drop of extra
physical and emotional pain they could
out of those murders.
Much as they loved their dispassionate
lists of the dead, it seems that they loved
the act of killing them even more.
Some of what they did, though, was a
little more subtle, though not less cruel.
Sometimes, instead of inflicting physical
pain — or before inflicting physical pain —
they demanded soul-wrenching work.
But sometimes the Jews were able to
fight back, and sometimes in the end they
Take, for example, what happened to
a small group of intellectuals who were
herded into the Vilna Ghetto.
Dr. David Fishman, who teaches history
at the Jewish Theological Seminary, special-
izes in eastern European Jewish history.
His latest book, “The Book Smugglers: Par-
tisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jewish Slave laborers sort through Jewish books for the Nazis. YIVO Institute

Treasures from the Nazis,” published last

year, tells the genuinely thrilling story of
those intellectuals, who were tasked with works of Jewish culture, but also some in — had to work through these vast piles of
sorting through pillaged Jewish textual and Polish and Russian — to YIVO, the Yidisher precious material. They had to trash most
artistic treasures, consigning most of them Visnshaftlekher Institut, which was dedi- of it, and send some of it to the Nazis’
to destruction, and saving some of them for cated to the study of Jewish life in Europe. never-created museum. But they saved
the Nazis’ museum, where it would show In one of many twisted ironies, that build- some of it by secreting it in their cloth-
relics of the peoples they had destroyed. ing was home to the attempted ruin of Jew- ing, walking off with it wrapped around
“This is a real story,” Dr. Fishman said. ish culture — and also to its preservation. their bodies, going past the guards who
(It also is a story that he will tell in Hobo- The Nazis used slave labor; it was cheap would have had them executed had they
ken next week; there’s more information — no, it was free — and most of the time it known what was going on literally in front
in the box.) “It’s not a novel, though it very was entirely replaceable. But the intellec- of them. They brought their rescued rem-
well could be. tuals — a group of 40, mostly men but also nants back to the ghetto and buried them.
“It’s the story of how ghetto inmates in some women, including poets Shmerke They did that every workday for 18
Vilna rescued Jewish cultural treasures Kaczerginski and Abraham Sutzkever, and months.
from the Nazis, and then again, after the Rachele Krinsky Melezin — were a more The emotional strain of that work
war, from the Soviets.” select group, with the skills the Nazis must have been overwhelming. “They
That’s the story in his book, which needed. “The Nazis realized that these were forced to destroy their own culture,
traces how the precious reclaimed objects Jewish slave laborers were very smart and and they resisted and hid whatever they
eventually found their way to two places, Dr. David Fishman capable,” Dr. Fishman said. could, because of their belief in the Jew-
YIVO in Manhattan and in Israel. After the “The Nazis believed that they were the ish future,” Dr. Fishman said. “There are
book came out — just last fall! — another The Nazis amassed a huge amount of master race, and that everything should descriptions of the workers in tears. You
trove was unearthed, this one in some Judaica. It included material that dated belong to them, and that’s why they looted can imagine the bulldozers coming in and
Lithuanian church basement that had dis- back to the 1700s and contained manu- it. But they realized that they needed destroying much of this rare and special
gorged a smaller one 25 years ago. scripts by famous rabbis, the original ver- people with the right knowledge to sort material. They felt a lot of guilt. They felt a
The story starts in Vilna, which then was sions of their insights into Jewish tradition. through it.” lot of emotions.”
in Poland, in 1942. They brought their booty — mainly So the slave laborers — the Paper Brigade Still, the workers continued with their

22 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018

23 Cover Story

tasks. Of course, to be realistic, they had from the Soviet Union to Poland, and then
little choice but to show up to the destruc- eventually it reached the United States
tion, but they continued with the very and Israel, so this really is a story about
dangerous work of saving whatever they two rescues.
could. They did it, Dr. Fishman said, “The materials that survived are signifi-
because “they believed that there would cant in two ways,” Dr. Fishman said. “They
continue to be a Jewish people, and that are important in their own right. And then
they would need these Jewish treasures. the fact that these materials exist at all is
testimony to the amazing heroism of the
ghetto inmates who risked their lives so
that it would reach future generations.”

They believed They didn’t get to future generations

particularly quickly, though.
that there would Once it was retrieved, the material was

continue to be a divided fairly randomly and sent on to

Israel or New York, in a way that echoed to
Jewish people, some extent the prewar division between

and that they Hebraicists and Yiddishists. “One of the

people involved in retrieving the mate-
would need rial was Abba Kovner, another poet, who The literary group Young Vilna; the poets Shmerke Kaczerginski and Abraham

these Jewish was one of the leaders of the resistance,”

Dr. Fishman said. “When he came back
Sutzkever, members of the Paper Brigade, are in the middle. YIVO INSTITUTE

treasures. after the Holocaust, he was very active in

retrieving material. should end up in Israel, so he took what- new state with some of this Jewish cultural
“As a Zionist, he felt that all the material ever he could there, as part of building the treasure.”
“They were doing it for the future. For
the idea that someday someone would
find it.”
In the end, although far more Jewish
work was destroyed than saved, quite a bit
did survive. “If 20 people smuggle, and if,
say, each of them brings out three items on
their bodies, that is 60 items smuggled out
a day,” Dr. Fishman said. “And they did it
for a year and a half, say that’s 400 work-
days. That’s 60 times 400, which is 2,400.”
It took foresight, steadiness, and pure
courage. And it paid off.
The ghetto was liquidated in 1943, and
most of the people who had been caged
inside it were murdered. Most of the intel-
lectual slave laborers were killed, just like
their families and friends and the rest of
the community.
But some survived, and after the war
they came back and dug up the work they
had saved.
It should have been safe then — but his-
tory continued.
“Vilna — Vilnius as it became — was
under the Soviet Union, and these cultural
treasures were endangered for a second
time,” Dr. Fishman said. “For a second
time, nobody would be allowed to read
them or even to see them. The Soviets did
Po sledamlitovskogo ierusalima

not have a much better view of Jewish cul-

ture and Jewish life than the Nazis did.
“So there was an operation to smuggle
as much of it as they could over the border

Jews, Lithuanians and

Germans guarded the
entance to the Vilna Ghetto.

Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 23

24 Cover Story

Sandi M. Malkin, LL C Cover Story

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originally had come from YIVO, it should

a National Jewish Book Award, in the

new Holocaust category, took six years

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go back there. YIVO had relocated to
Manhattan, so that’s where the saved
of researching and writing. “Some of
my heroes kept diaries in the ghetto,
at Bergen County’s Premier Compassionate professionals work belonged, they believed. and though they perished, their diaries
deliver our highly specialized Abraham Sutzkever, although he made were discovered,” he said; the memoir-
Senior Living Community dementia care program aliyah after the war and lived the rest of ists saved their own work alongside the
in a state-of-the-art his life in Israel, “was of two minds,” Dr. other buried treasures. “They knew that
Fishman said. “He sent some of it to New this was an enormous historical event,”
York, and brought some of it to Israel.” Dr. Fishman said.
Once the work was divided, it pretty His book tells the story of some of
much was forgotten, even though it these Paper Brigade members.
Call Mary or Marianne to offered much to scholars; some of it, left “One of my heroes — a central one —
schedule your personal visit. behind in the Soviet Union, was redis- is Rachele Krinsky Melezin, who lived
201.479.9437 covered when that behemoth fell in the in Teaneck from 1970 to the late 1990s.”
396 Forest Avenue • Paramus, NJ 07652 1980s, and YIVO rediscovered its own In fact, Ms. Melezin was the grand- cache during that same decade. mother of Alix Wall, who was a manag-
“This is one of the great stories of Jew- ing editor of the Jewish Standard in the
ish spiritual resistance in the Holocaust, 1990s, and whose own work about the
and it is largely unknown,” Dr. Fishman Holocaust Larry Yudelson wrote about
said. “There was armed resistance, and in our June 1 issue, in a story called

SHUL page 11

JANUARY 19, 2018

VOL. LXXXVII NO. 18 $1.00 86 7
Sign up for the there was spiritual resistance.” We know
more about the armed resistance — the
“The Song Plays On.”
“She was a very refined woman, who
Vilna Ghetto uprising, for example — had a master’s in history,” Dr. Fishman
Jewish Standard

than we do about the spiritual kind, said. “She was 32 when she was forced
Po sledamlitovskogo ierusalima

because closer to the war’s end there into the ghetto. She was a great lover of
daily newsletter! was a greater need to concentrate on
those stories. Now, though, he sug-
poetry; when the Germans would leave
the worksite for lunch, she would read.
gested, we can be more sophisticated She’d mainly read poetry.”
Visit in our understanding of what resistance There is a poignant passage in her
and looks like, and we can understand that memoir, Dr. Fishman said, where she
click on
SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY it can encompass a wide range of activi- says that the one thing that still gave her
A ‘Fiddler’
Sholem Aleichem
could understand ties, some visibly soul-stirring, others satisfaction was reading. “She says, ‘This


more quietly so. might be the last book that I read in my

Folksbiene to present Yiddish translation
of Broadway classic this summer page 20

Teaneck, NJ 07666
1086 Teaneck Road
Jewish Standard

Dr. Fishman’s book, which just won life, so I want to savor it.

3 24 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018

25 Cover Story

Cover Story TU B’SHEVAT





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This manuscript page, newly discovered in Lithuania, is from a 1751
work on astronomy from northern France. DAVID FISHMAN

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“Rachele was the only one of
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and were killed there.
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the death march. But she was
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that was something she thought
she could never do again. Rahkele Melezin, a Paper Brigade member
“She said she could never lis- who lived in Tenafly for years, at right, is
ten to people talking about love — with her husband, Abraham, their daughter,
she said, ‘I don’t know what they Sarah, and their granddaughter, Alix Wall.
are talking about, I could never COURTESY ALIX WALL
182 West Englewood Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666
feel that again’ — but by the end
of her life, she is writing to Sutz- “That’s amazing. That is an amazing
kever, and she says, ‘We are the fortunate story of fortitude and rebuilding.” E mail: [email protected]
ones. We have had such a long and rich The material Dr. Fishman examined ORDER ONLINE
and happy life.’ for his book “was very voluminous,” he under supervision of RCBC

Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 25

26Jewish World

Cover Story

said. Despite all the years he devoted to the project, there in front of your eyes, period after period, region after they can have services. The yeshiva will give them
was not enough time to read them in depth. “There were region, theme after theme, every topic, every aspect is in rent-free room to pray, and in return the water carri-
things that were emotionally powerful, like poems by Sutz- this material. ers will donate a set of the Talmud to the yeshiva.
kever,” he said. “And there is political material, Zionist material. And “That gives you insight into daily life in the 19th cen-
And then that big new trove came to light, too late for the there are hundreds and hundreds of photographs, in good tury. There are shared values and bonds between the
book, but certainly not too late for Dr. Fishman. He went to shape, in good condition. yeshiva — the top elite — and the water carriers, who
Lithuania to look at it — as if anyone or anything could have “And there are autobiographies, especially by young are the poorest of the poor.
kept him away — and “I saw so many things,” he said. people, teenagers and children. YIVO had asked them to “It is very poignant, and very beautiful,” Dr. Fish-
“We found a couple of letters by Sholem Aleichem, one write them. When you ask a child to write an autobiog- man said.
handwritten, one typed but signed by hand. We found raphy, it’s going to be mainly about their parents, their Much of what the Paper Brigade saved is emotional,
rabbinic manuscripts. One is from an offshoot of Chabad teachers, their school, their family. So they give a lot of and their story is very evocative. It is also emotional
Lubavitch” — that is, from one of the three rival sons of the insight into daily life.” and evocative for Dr. Fishman. “I became part of the
reigning Chabad rabbi at the time — “and other Chabad- One of his happiest discoveries was “a contract from 1853 story, in a sense,” he said. “I became part of the chain
related manuscripts. We found a manuscript by the rosh of between the main yeshiva in Vilna and the Association of of the people who hid it, the people who found it. I
the Telz Yeshiva in Lithuania. Jewish Water Carriers there,” he said. “There was no run- can be part of it by making it known.
“We found a script from the Yiddish theater. We found tes- ning water, so you had to have professional water carriers. “This story is a metaphor of Jewish life,” Dr. Fish-
timonies from survivors of the 1919 pogroms. The list goes on. “The water carriers were too poor to have their own syna- man said. “We have to preserve our heritage. We have
“You see all of eastern European Jewish history come gogue, so in the contract, they ask for some place where to retrieve it. We have to dig into it, we have to get it up
from under ground, and we have to pass it on.
“That’s what they did.
“So it’s not only a great story, it also symbolizes
something about Judaism — preserve, retrieve, and
then transmit. That’s why it talks to us. It is a great
story, and anyone who is committed to Judaism imme-
diately identifies with it.
“It is a story of Jewish spiritual resistance — and we
all should know about it.”

This Yiddish theater script of “The Brothers

Karamazov,” written about 1922, was rediscov-
ered in Lithuania last year. DAVID FISHMAN

Who: Dr. David Fishman

What: Will talk about his book, “The Book Smug-
glers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jew-
ish Treasures from the Nazis,” and the new discov-
ery that followed its publication, at a book brunch
Where: At the United Synagogue of Hoboken, 115
Park Ave.
When: On Sunday, February 4, from 10:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
How much: Members pay $18; nonmembers pay
For more information or reservations: Email of-
[email protected] or call (201) 659-

5 26 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018

Jewish World

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Stephen Miller, the White House senior adviser for policy, at the White House on December 15, 2017.
 Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images

A Jewish journalist confronts

Trump immigration advisers
with their own histories
Ben Sales Mendelsohn has performed similar searches for the
immigrant forbears of a handful of President Donald
During a combative news conference in early August, Trump’s advisers and supporters, seeking hard data to
White House adviser Stephen Miller told reporters that support the idea that America is a nation of immigrants.
the United States should give priority to immigrants who She’s found out about Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s
speak English. great-great-grandfather, conservative pundit Tomi
“Does the applicant speak English?” Miller asked, Lahren’s great-great-grandfather, and U.S. Representa-
describing a bill to reduce the overall number of immi- tive Steve King’s grandmother, who arrived in the United
grants and reform immigration States from Germany when she
requirements. “Can they sup- was 4. (“We can’t restore our
port themselves and their fami- civilization with somebody else’s
lies financially? Do they have babies,” the Iowa Republican
a skill that will add to the U.S. tweeted in March.)
economy?” On January 9, Dan Scavino,
Courtesy Jennifer Mendelsohn

But if English proficiency had the White House director of

been an immigration requirement social media, called for an end to
a century ago, Miller’s own great- “chain migration,” which refers
grandmother may not have been to immigrants bringing their rel-
allowed into the country. atives to live in the United States.
That’s what journalist Jenni- But Mendelsohn discovered that
fer Mendelsohn discovered that the practice had brought Scavi-
same day while working on a new no’s great-grandfather, Gildo, to
project she calls Resistance Gene- the country.
alogy. Using public records and Jennifer Mendelsohn is a writer; she’s “So Dan. Let’s say Victor Sca-
genealogical websites like Ances- also an amateur genealogist who has vino arrives from Canelli, Italy,, Mendelsohn wants to been researching President Trump’s in 1904, then brother Hector in
show immigration hard-liners advisers and supporters. 1905, brother Gildo in 1912, sis-
their own immigrant family trees. ter Esther in 1913, & sister Clo-
“When you do genealogy, you’re constantly con- tilde and their father Giuseppe in 1916, and they live
fronted with the reality of our immigrant past,” Men- together in NY,” Mendelsohn tweeted, listing his fam-
delsohn said. “It appears from some of the attitudes ily members. “Do you think that would count as chain
and stances that people are taking publicly that they’re migration?”
forgetting that.” In recent days, with Congress and the White House
In Miller’s case, Mendelsohn tracked down his great- locked in a bitter battle over a federal funding bill
grandmother’s line item in the 1910 census. The entry and the children of undocumented immigrants, Men-
noted that four years after arriving in the United States, delsohn published her research in Politico, was inter-
she spoke only Yiddish, not English. viewed on MSNBC, and was cited in Breitbart News.

28 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018

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August news conference. public census data from 1940 and earlier. Censuses
Mendelsohn, a freelance journalist from Baltimore, before that year contain personal data on nearly every
has been an amateur genealogist for years, mostly person in the country.
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ing their biological parents. She calls her own family’s Hyman Cohen and they lived in Milwaukee, it will pop
genealogy a “classic Eastern European Jewish immi- up and it will show you their addresses, their ages,
grant story,” and disputes the idea that people must their places of birth,” she said.
have skills in order to be welcomed into the United Mendelsohn hasn’t heard back from any of the
Only one of her grandparents was born in Amer- INITIAL EXAM
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But she’s still tracing their lineages. On Sunday, she

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ica, and the others came as unskilled immigrants. posted a revelation from one of the genealogical sites
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Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 29

Jewish World

more than 412,000 likes. Pence’s faith drives
Like us on Facebook. his love of Israel,
SUPER BOWL PARTIES but does it drive
U.S. Mideast policy?
469 S. Washington Ave. • Bergenfield, N.J. roN KAmPeAS
Corner Washington Ave. & New Bridge Rd. WAShiNGtoN — When Mike and Karen Pence moved
201-384-7100 • Fax: 201-384-0303
to Washington earlier this year, they took with them
a framed phrase that had hung over the fireplace in
their Indiana home for years, and then had hung over
the fireplace in the governor’s mansion in that state.
Now it hangs over the mantle at the vice president’s
residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington D.C.
The words, from the Book of Jeremiah, read: “For I
know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you,
and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope, and
a future.”
The “you” is the people of Israel, and Pence, an
evangelical Christian, makes that clear when he
addresses pro-Israel audiences. “They’re words to
which my family has repaired to as generations of
Americans have done so throughout our history, and
the people of Israel through all their storied history
have clung,” Pence said last August at the annual con-
ference of Christians United for Israel.
Pence took that message to Israel this week, on a
trip ostensibly aimed in part at reviving the prospects
for Israeli-Palestinian peace. He is seen as a key Trump
administration figure when it comes to Israel policy
and reportedly helped nudge the president to recog-
nize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
Pence’s first visit to Israel as vice president led some
to ask to what degree his views — and the administra-
tion’s policies — are shaped by the brand of evangelical
Christianity that invests his faith.
Pence, a convert to evangelical Christianity from
Roman Catholicism, has spooked some liberals with
his insistence on rooting his pro-Israel bona fides
in faith as much as realpolitik considerations of the
United States’ national security. Their fear is that a
messianic outlook might run riot over one of the most
delicate dilemmas facing successive U.S. governments,
namely stability in the Middle East.
“Trump has handed Israel policy to Evangelicals,”
the Forward’s Jane Eisner wrote last week in an edito-
rial as Pence headed to Israel. “That’s terrifying.” Like
many liberals, she worries that policy will be driven by
evangelical beliefs that certain conditions — like Jewish
control over the West Bank and sovereignty in Jerusa-
lem — fulfill biblical prophecies.
Republicans and conservatives say that it is reduc-
tive to believe that Pence shapes his views solely
according to the tenets of his faith.
“They always highlight the fact that he’s an evan-
gelical, as if that’s a pejorative when in fact [Pence and
other evangelicals] are motivated first and foremost by
shared values with Israel,” said Matt Brooks, the direc-
tor of the Republican Jewish Coalition, who has known
Pence for years. “And not just by the shared values,
but the important efforts of collectively standing up
to threats of Iran, pushing back on Isis, and on radical
Islam, or whether it’s being a critical democratic foun-
dation in a very dangerous place. There are so many
places where U.S. and Israel’s interests intersect.”
Pence began his speech to the Knesset by outlining
the shared values Brooks described.
“We stand with Israel because your cause is our
cause, your values are our values, and your fight is

30 Jewish standard JanUarY 26, 2018

Jewish World

our fight,” he said. “We stand with Israel because we Seidemann said. “Jerusalem has been witnessing over the “The United States decided to go through these hollow
believe in right over wrong, in good over evil, and in last 20 years the ascendancy of faith communities that wea- gestures on Jerusalem rather than advancing its own inter-
liberty over tyranny.” ponize religion.” ests and the interests of Israel and the Palestinians by engag-
But he quickly pivoted to depict support of Israel Pence proudly stood with Trump in the White House ing in a sober attempt to resolve the issue,” Seidemann said.
as both biblical (Deuteronomy 30:4, to be exact) and when the president announced the recognition of Jerusalem Pence’s trip, by including only Jewish sites and skipping
rooted in an American strain of Christianity. as Israel’s capital, and he appears to have accelerated the meetings with other faith leaders, was contributing to the
“Down through the generations, the American peo- planned move of the U.S. embassy. Last week, Trump said weaponization, Seidemann said.
ple became fierce advocates of the Jewish people’s that it would take at least three years to move the embassy, Christian faith leaders declined to meet with Pence during
aspiration to return to the land of your forefathers, to but in Israel this week, Pence said that it would be in place his visits to Egypt and Israel; various reports framed their
claim your own new birth of freedom in your beloved before 2019 is out. See faith page 32
homeland,” he said to applause. “The Jewish people
held fast to a promise through all the ages, written so
long ago, that ‘even if you have been banished to the
most distant land under the heavens,’ from there He
would gather and bring you back to the land which
your fathers possessed.”
Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United
for Israel, described a natural trajectory for evangeli-
cal supporters of Israel from biblical belief to the more
practical modern reasons for supporting the state.
“The promises of the Hebrew Bible are the founda-
tion of Christian Zionism, but our motivations for sup-
porting Israel do not end there,” he wrote in an email.
“We see in Israel a democracy that shares Western val-
ues and is a force for stability in the Middle East. While
standing with Israel is a Biblical mandate, it is also a
moral imperative and in the national security interests
of the U.S. I am confident that all three of these consid-
erations inform the Vice President’s approach to the
Middle East and I believe that is perfectly appropriate.”
Since the outset of his political career, Pence has
made it clear that his support for Israel is grounded
first in biblical precepts. “My support for Israel stems
largely from my personal faith,” he told Congressio-
nal Quarterly in 2002, a year after he was first elected
to Congress. “God promises Abraham, ‘those who
bless you, I will bless, and those who curse you, I
will curse.’”
Sarah Posner, a journalist who has tracked evangeli-
cals for years, said that Pence’s faith seemed to be pre-
eminent in his consideration of Israel. “I don’t think he
is thinking about that in terms of shared democracy or
not shared democracy, he’s thinking about it in provi-
dential terms, that these missions are God’s plans for
Israel,” said Posner, a reporting fellow at the Nation
Institute’s Investigative Fund.
It’s hard not to see Pence’s belief as an impetus
driving Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem, said Daniel
Seidemann, an Israeli expert on Jerusalem who advo-
cates for including all the city’s sects and groupings in
considering its permanent status.
“It would be fine for him to have those beliefs, if
he weren’t the vice president and shaping policy,”

Vice President Mike Pence speaks to the Israeli

parliament in Jerusalem on January 22, 2018.
 Ariel Schalit/AFP/Getty Images

Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 31

RCBC Jewish World



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PICKLE ON A STICK Bank, said that local Christians were wary of how Pence


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32 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018
Jewish World

French official warns

Iran is violating
ballistic missiles limits
French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned
that Iran is not respecting international calls to freeze
its ballistic missile development program.
Le Drian called on the Islamic Republic to halt the
development of all ballistic missiles capable of carry-
ing a nuclear payload.
“We will also have the opportunity of underlining
our firmness on Iran’s compliance with United Nations
Resolution 2231, which limits access to ballistic capac-
ity and which Iran does not respect,” Le Drian said SPRING SCHEDULE 2018 Register at
during a meeting of 28 European foreign ministers in Parshanut HaMikra, Sefer Bereishit Feb. 5, 12, 26,
Brussels. MONDAY Explore the stories of our nation’s mothers & fathers through the lens of Midrash, as well as medieval, & March 5, 12, 19,
10:15 AM - 12:30 PM modern commentaries. Includes chavruta, shiur, & interactive discussion. Apr. 16, 23, 30,
The French foreign minister’s comments came after May 7, 14
Dean Rachel Friedman, Open to women only, Tuition: $260. New students welcome.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres
Rabbi Hayyim Angel, Open to men and women
warned in mid-December that Iran is defying the U.N.’s
Sefer Divrei HaYamim (the Book of Chronicles):
calls to halt its development of ballistic missiles. Explore the relationship of Shemuel & Melakhim to Divrei HaYamim. How does each sefer
Feb. 5, 12, 26,
In a report issued by Guterres to the U.N. Security
MONDAY shape source material to convey eternal messages?
March 5, 12, 19
1:00 - 2:15 PM Tuition: $135
Council, the U.N. chief detailed the world body’s inves-
tigation of Iran’s illicit weapons transfers to Houthi Ruth: A Woman of Valor in a Sea of Ambiguity Apr. 23, 30, May 7
Tuition: $65
terror groups in Yemen. The Houthis launched Ira-
nian-supplied missiles at Saudi Arabia on July 22 and The Purim Story: A Case Study in Diaspora Jewry Feb. 6, 13
Examine Megillat Esther’s historical setting and the theme of diaspora in Tanakh & beyond.
November 4, 2017.
TUESDAY Rabbi Ezra Frazer, Open to men and women, Tuition $45
Security Council members France, Germany, the
10:30 - 11:45 AM Reliving Purim & Pesach
U.K., and the U.S. sent a letter to Guterres warning that March 13, 20
How did Medieval Jews in Christian Europe see redemption in their own lives?
Iran’s Simorgh Space Launch Vehicle, launched July Dr. Chaviva Levin, Open to men and women, Tuition: $45
27, could be configured as a ballistic missile “capable
Talmud: Masekhet Kiddushin, Perek Aleph Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13,
of delivering nuclear weapons.” TUESDAY 20, 27, March 6, 13,
Some Talmud experience necessary. New students welcome.
Last September, Israel condemned an Iranian bal- 12:00 - 2:00 PM 20, Apr. 10, 17, 24,
Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Open to women only, Tuition: $295 May 1, 8
listic missile test as a “provocation” amid growing con-
cerns over the Islamic Republic’s behavior. Iran said LEARNING FOR SHAVUOT: ROSH CHODESH SIVAN BOKER IYUN May 15
the new ballistic missile launched in that test success- TUESDAY On God, Humanity and Torah: Between R. Akiva and R. Yishmael
What role does the Torah play in our relationship with God? Consider the differing views of R.
fully achieved a range of 1,200 miles and could carry 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Akiva & R. Yishmael on this cosmic question.
several warheads. JNS.ORG Dr. Elana Stein Hain, Tuition: $25
Rabbi Dr. Yitzhak Berger, Open to men & women
The Hidden Face of God in Megillat Esther
Israel completes $1.17 billion Tuition: $65
Feb 7, 14, 21

defense deal with Italy WEDNESDAY My Beloved is Knocking: The Path to Gan Eden in Shir HaShirim March 7
Tuition: $25
Israel and Italy finalized a $1.17 billion reciprocal pro- 10:15 - 11:30 AM
curement deal Sunday, with the Jewish state delivering Dean Rachel Friedman, Open to men & women, Tuition: $45:
How Can We Come to Know God? From Creation to the Seder March 14
a second advanced reconnaissance jet to the Italian
Air Force. Adoption & Birth in the Passover Story March 21
The deal, originally written in 2012, saw the Israeli
THURSDAY Curious Halakhot of Pesach and Shavuot Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22,
Air Force buy 30 Leonardo M-346 Lavi training jets. Explore halakhot with odd origins and unusual applications, like the definition of matzah & mekhirat chametz. March 8, 15, 22,
In return, Italy acquired two G550 Conformal Air- 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Rabbi Gedalyah Berger, Open to men and women, Tuition: $240 Apr. 12, 26, May 3, 10
borne Early Warning and Control surveillance planes,
THURSDAY Learning on Yom HaShoah: Holocaust & Remembrance April 12
amounting to the equivalent value of the Israeli
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Rabbi Gedalyah Berger & Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Details TBA.
“The system reflects the deep and fruitful coopera- THURSDAY Parashah & Haftarah Pointers Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22
Thoughts to prepare for Shabbat. March 8, 15, 22,
tion between the Italian and Israeli defense ministries, 12:30 - 1:30 PM Apr. 12, 26, May 3, 10
Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Open to men and women, Tuition: $240
including the understanding on each side of the needs
Yom Ha'Atzmaut Celebration for Women Thurs. April 19, 9am -2pm. Mark your calendars.
and challenges facing the other,” said Dr. Danny Gold,
head of Israel’s Administration for the Development of Lamdeinu at Congregation Beth Aaron 950 Queen Anne Road Teaneck, NJ | Dean, Rachel Friedman | Program Director, Ruth Hartstein
Weapons and Technological Infrastructure.
The reconnaissance planes, developed by the Elta
division of Israel Aerospace Industries, are equipped
with the CAEW system, which provides a full aerial
and maritime awareness to crews. JNS.ORG

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Jewish World

From jail, Holocaust historian indicts Austria

for handling of looted Jewish property
Cnaan Liphshiz

VIENNA — If Stephan Templ’s trial and imprisonment in Austria of expertise. Wiesenthal Center, said about the case: “It looks like
were meant to silence his criticism of the country’s Holocaust The result is a new book that for the first time chron- revenge, like they wanted to get back at him for his criti-
restitution system, then his prosecution clearly was a failure. icles how modern-day Austria gave its seal of approval cism. I’m not a jurist but it looks like an injustice.” Templ
Templ is an Austrian-Jewish historian of the Holocaust who for flawed restitution practices that were overseen by now is facing a civil libel suit by Claire Fritsch, a legal
has written critically about his country since 1995. former Nazis. Those practices, Templ shows, in essence adviser to the restitution authority who served as the
In 2015, he was sent to jail for nearly a year on controversial validated Nazi-era policies that were used to rob Austrian main witness in his criminal court case. She claims she
fraud charges tied to his family’s own claim for compensation. Jews of what little compensation they sought to receive was libeled by his defense team’s attempts to undermine
He spent his time in prison diving even deeper into his area for vast assets that they had been forced to sell to Aryans. her testimony.
“The wrongly imprisoned experience a special kind of In Templ’s English-language book — which is titled
frustration: Your thoughts get into a cycle about where “Austria’s Living Ghost” and is scheduled for publication
you are and who put you there,” Templ, 57, said. His sen- online before International Holocaust Remembrance
tence was decried as a miscarriage of justice by dozens Day on January 27 — he examines the work of Austria’s
WE RCBC of leading Holocaust historians. Arbitration Panel for In Rem Restitution, a body set up
DELIVER Templ was convicted of fraud for not listing an aunt on in 2002 to review the restitution work done immediately
his survivor mother’s restitution claim, which he filled after World War II on properties that were in the state’s
out for her. Neither Templ nor his mother wrote that they possession in 2001.
were the only claimants to the property. Austria has no Until the 1990s, Austria had claimed that it was princi-
law requiring restitution applicants to list other relatives. pally a victim, not a perpetrator, of Nazism. No one has
In previous official correspondence about the claim, been convicted of Nazi war crimes in Austria for more
Templ did list his aunt, which he argues means he had than 35 years, according to the Simon Wiesenthal Cen-
indeed informed the Republic of Austria of her existence. ter. And whereas people with a Nazi past were removed
The 75 historians, including Americans Deborah Lip- from positions of influence in neighboring Germany,
stadt and Michael Berenbaum, suggested in a joint state- in Austria they were allowed to serve as judges, teach-
ment that Templ’s prosecution looked like a vendetta by ers, and even restitution officials. (Walther Kastner, for
the Austrian judiciary, which the Freedom Barometer example, was a former Nazi official who was entrusted
index of 2016 ranked as the least independent in West- with advising on restitution issues in the 1940s.)
ern Europe. Austria even had a former Nazi, Kurt Waldheim, as its
The Anti-Defamation League also protested Templ’s president until 1992 — the year when Austrian officials
sentence, as did the human rights lawyer Robert Amster- began to drop the victim attitude, which now is described
dam and Stuart Eizenstat, a former U.S. deputy secre- as a myth on official Austrian government websites.
tary of the Treasury who helped set up Austria’s restitu- But that myth has had far-reaching implications for
tion system. Austria, said Templ, who led groups around Vienna on
Efraim Zuroff, Eastern Europe director for the Simon tours of stolen Jewish property in 2001. He pointed out


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Sun-Thur 12-10pm / Sat. Night 6:15-11pm Stephan Templ stands outside a building in Vienna that he claimed from the Austrian state on October 27, 2014. Cnaan Liphshiz

34 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018

Jewish World

jailed, my criticism of Austria will be seen as — Templ served time in a medium-security

a vendetta,” Templ said. “And I guess I have facility that allowed some inmates brief day
an agenda — but the numbers and the facts passes — he “suddenly became very aggres-
do not, and they tell a story that is much big- sive” toward a friend who came to visit him.
ger and more important than my own.” “When you see that life goes on while
Queried on these cases, Josef Aicher, you’re stuck there, it releases some anger in
chairman of the Arbitration Panel for In you,” he said.
Rem Restitution, stood by his organization’s On one of his first days in prison, a long-
findings. time prisoner showed him around the place,

Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

“To assess ‘extreme injustice’ the Arbi- he recalled. “When we reached the showers,
tration Panel has developed a complex he told me: These showers aren’t for you
case law,” he wrote, based on “restrictions because they have water coming out” — a
on freedom of contract and discrepancy remark Templ believes was an anti-Semitic
in value: The more the two criteria are reference to Nazi gas chambers. Another
pronounced, the more likely it is that an prisoner harassed him with reference to
extreme injustice exists.” Israel, he said.
He added that the arbitration panel so far But the troubles stopped when Muslim
has issued 138 recommendations for resti- Chechen inmates, who are known for their
tution, with an estimated total value of $59 ruthlessness and mob connections, dis-
million. According to Templ, all these rec- covered he could speak Russian and could
ommendations pertain to only seven assets. therefore help them with German-language
Kurt Waldheim in 1971. Citing independent appraisals, Aicher correspondence, he said. “As soon as the
said that “virtually all real estate that had other inmates saw me hanging out with the
building after building, using a loud- “So in prison, I set out to review for been confiscated by the state was restituted Chechens, suddenly the behavior toward me
speaker to name the families whose myself the claims that the Arbitration in its entirety after the war” as well as 60 changed.”
ancestors bought the assets for a fraction Panel had reviewed before me,” Templ, percent of the properties sold under duress. Asked whether he considers himself a vic-
of their true worth from Jews fleeing for a bespectacled intellectual with a wry Crunching these numbers allowed Templ tim, Templ said: “Judge for yourself. Victim
their lives. sense of humor and a passion for car- to find purpose and calm his nerves in prison, is a word with considerable resonance in
“The lack of de-Nazification is the rea- pentry, said during a rare visit to Vienna. he said. But it wasn’t easy. modern-day Austria. And a little bit of irony,
son Austria now has in government, for (After he was released from prison in On a rare afternoon off from prison too.” JTA Wire Service

the second time already, a party that was 2015, Templ has spent most of his time
founded by an SS officer,” he said of the in his Prague home, in what he terms
far-right Freedom Party, which joined self-exile.)
the coalition last month. The findings, he said, surprised even
Austria’s victim myth also tainted how him.
the Austrian state handled the return of One case deemed fair by the arbitra-
Jews from concentration camps, pros- tion panel involved an apartment build-
ecuted Nazi war criminals, and settled ing in Vienna’s Alserbach Street that had Adjustment to
restitution issues. Concerns about this been owned by the Stianssy family. The Chronic Illness
process led to a 2002 review by the Aryan buyers paid only 38 percent of
Arbitration Panel, as part of a restitu- its real worth in 1939. Of that sum, the Stress Management
tion treaty that Austria signed with the Nazi state stole 80 percent through rac- Anxiety
United States in 2001. ist “emigration taxes” devised to defund
Thanks to the treaty, Austria has paid Jewish sellers. The other 20 percent went
at least $670 million in compensation. to a frozen account and from there to the Life Transitions
But even that may have been the tip of coffers of the Third Reich, his research Relationship Issues
the iceberg in a country that had at least shows. In 1951, Austrian restitution offi-
200,000 Jews before the Holocaust, cials declined to return the “emigration Conflict Resolution
many of them wealthy. taxes” to the Stianssy family, essentially Grief & Loss
Templ’s research shows that out of validating their extraction. Temima Danzig, LCSW Work/Career Issues
nearly 2,000 restitution cases handled Yet in its 2014 review the arbitration
in the 1940s and 1950s, the Arbitration panel said that it “cannot conclude that Psychotherapist Social Challenges
Panel reopened and declared unjust a the settlement reached in 1951 repre- LGBT Issues
total of only nine cases. It intervened in sents an extreme injustice.” In so doing,
another 18 cases that had not been the Templ writes, “the Panel confirms the
subject of a claim, he said. injustice.”
“This seemed to me like an astonish- Leopold Stiassny died in Prague on
ingly low number, considering the preva- Nov. 20, 1939. His wife, Martha Stiassny,
lence of injustice that went on in 1940s was murdered in Auschwitz. Three of
and 1950s restitution,” Templ said. their close relatives were murdered by
Take, for instance, the case of Anna 1945.
Freud, the daughter of the famed Vien- Among the dozens of reviews flagged
nese psychoanalyst. Following her claim by Templ is a 2012 case concerning the
for restitution for a handsome estate that sale of a forest 45 miles southwest of
the Nazis stole from her family in 1938, in Vienna by the Hartenstein family. It
the 1950s she received a sum equivalent too was not found to be “an extreme 121 Cedar Lane, Suite 2B
to $80, Templ’s research shows. How- injustice,” even though by 1957 the fam-
ever, that property was not reviewed in ily received less than half of the land’s Teaneck, NJ 07666
2002, because the estate was privately
owned and therefore not in the purview
value, according to the panel. Templ’s
research suggests that they only got 10
of the Arbitration Panel on state-held
percent of the property’s real value.
“I expect that now that I’ve been 201.357.5796
Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 35
Jewish World

At this Holocaust museum in Illinois,

you can talk to holograms of the survivors

SKOKIE, ILL. — In an otherwise darkened

theater, viewers gasped when they saw
what appeared to be a 83-year-old man,
sitting down, wearing a light green but-
ton-down shirt and khaki pants.
Aaron Elster of Chicago seemed to be
answering questions about his unbeliev-


able escape from the Sokolov ghetto in
Poland as a 10-year-old. Elster was forced
to hide in a dark, filthy attic for two years
during World War II.
“Why didn’t your sisters run away from
the ghetto with you?” asked Suri John-
son, 11, of Wisconsin. A docent repeated
the question into a microphone.
“It was an impossibilit y,” Elster
responded. “There were hundreds of peo-

ple guarded by Ukrainian soldiers with
rifles.… There was no way they could have A holographic image of Sam Harris is on
run. I crawled behind the people on my display at the Illinois Holocaust Museum
stomach. They didn’t see me.” Aaron Elster is filmed on a set in Los Angeles. COURTESY OF THE USC SHOAH FOUNDATION and Education Center in Skokie, Ill.
The testimony was remarkable. It was
moving. But Elster wasn’t in the room. Maio, who is married Smith said. “But the point to which they
Instead the audience was interacting to Stephen Smith, the say, ‘So tell me about the psychological
with a holographic image of the Holo- executive director of the consequences of slave labor,’ or some-
caust survivor that had been created two USC Shoah Foundation, thing like that, then you have a more
years before. thought that an exhibit nuanced question, for which [the holo-
The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Edu- that allowed people to graphic display] has an answer.”
cation Center, in this suburb about 15 miles casually walk up to Holo- Elster, now 85, is pleased with the final
north of Chicago, is the first to showcase caust survivors and ask product, and he is confident that his tes-
the New Dimensions in Testimony oral his- them questions could cre- timony will resonate with younger gen-
tory project permanently. The project has ate a powerful experience. erations. On its own, the Illinois Holo-
created holographic images from exten- “This kind of visual caust museum, the third largest in the
sive interviews of 15 Holocaust survivors. imagery and interactiv- world and created partly in response to
They are shown on rotation. Seven of the ity will be the norm for an attempt by neo-Nazis to march in this
survivors are from Chicago. the next generation, and heavily Jewish suburb in the late 1970s,
The images are produced by the Uni- that’s what we’re prepar- welcomes 60,000 students and educa-
versity of Southern California’s Institute ing for,” Smith said. tors annually.
for Creative Technologies, along with the The project took a toll on “As survivors, we’re concerned and
USC Shoah Foundation — a nonprofit that Elster, an insurance agency afraid that our pain, our loss, our surviv-
famed director Steven Spielberg founded owner who has lived in ing will be forgotten or homogenized,” he
in 1994 to preserve Holocaust and other Chicago since 1947. He said. “They’ve created something that’s

genocide survivor testimonies. The had to fly to Los Angeles going to live on much after we’re gone.”
museum’s new $5 million center, called two years ago for a gruel- A New York Times documentary about
Take A Stand, opened in October. ing week of interviews, in the project, called “116 Cameras” and
(The images now on display techni- Aaron Elster stands in front of his hologram. which he wore the same making the rounds of film festivals, shows
cally are not true holograms — they are clothes every day and sat the space-age contraption in which they
the product of two-dimensional technol- to audience questions by picking up on still in a chair for hours at a time under film the survivors.
ogy and a ghost-illusion technique — but key words. bright lights and cameras, answering diffi- The Museum of Jewish Heritage in
they still are vivid.) After asking her question, Suri Johnson cult questions — two thousand in all — that Manhattan began piloting the project in
At the Illinois museum, visitors can said that she found the experience very brought up a painful past. July. Its two holograms will be on display
find the holographic displays in a theater “cool,” partly because she had no idea “It was very emotional. I cried initially, for the public through April.
dedicated to the exhibit. Before any con- how it worked. and I don’t take to crying,” Elster said of Additional pilots, open to the public,
versation happens, viewers are shown a “It enables the most lifelike conversa- the first time he saw his testimony played are being tested at the Sarah and Chaim
five-minute introductory video narrated tional opportunity that you can possi- back for him. Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre
by the featured survivor. After the video, bly imagine,” the museum’s CEO, Susan Smith said the project could have been in Toronto and the Holocaust Museum
which tells the survivor’s individual story, Abrams, said. successful even if each survivor were in Houston. The U.S. Holocaust Memo-
the image leans forward and says, “But I The project was envisioned by Heather asked fewer questions. But the compre- rial Museum in Washington, D.C.,
have so much more to tell you. Now I’d Maio, the managing director of Con- hensiveness gave each testimony extra ended its pilot on Labor Day after sev-
like you to ask me questions.” Then it science Display, which specializes in character depth. eral months. The Candles Holocaust
switches to interactive mode. exhibition design and interactive story- “If you were just going to ask the ques- Museum and Education Center in Terre
The hologram of each survivor con- telling. Her company typically creates tion, ‘where were you born?’ or ‘what Haute, Indiana, also has piloted the
ceivably can answer thousands of ques- realistic combat scenes, complete with camps were you in,’ or ‘what did you feel project and plans to install a permanent
tions. Much like Apple’s Siri technology, visuals and dialogue, for military person- like when you were liberated,’ we could display that will open this fall.
the voice-recognition system responds nel to drill with. do that quite easily in 200 questions,”  JTA WIRE SERVICE


Jewish World

Americans seem more likely than Europeans

to take a stand against anti-Semitism
Ron Kampeas 51 percent of respondents in Europe said
that wearing Jewish symbols in public
WASHINGTON — It’s better here. made them feel unsafe. In North Amer-
That was the message of a panel of ica, the figure was 22 percent.
experts considering the rise of the The panelists at the event, which was
extreme right and of anti-Semitism in the held at the National Press Club, noted
United States and Europe. that there has been an intensification of
That was the good news at the forum anti-Semitic rhetoric in the United States.
last week sponsored by Georgetown Uni- Beirich said she did not anticipate the
versity’s Center for Jewish Civilization. virulence of the anti-Jewish rhetoric at
No one, however, could quite pin down last year’s “Unite the Right” march in
why Americans were more resistant to Charlottesville, Virginia.
anti-Semitism than Europeans. “The organizations here in the States
“It’s far from perfect,” said Ira For- are becoming much more Hitleresque,”
man, who until January was the State she said. These organizations used to
Department’s international anti-Sem- focus more on preserving vestiges From left, Ira Forman, Michael Whine, Heidi Beirich, and Rabbi David Saperstein
itism monitor. “We do it now better of white privilege. “They’re becom- participate in a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., on January 22 about the rise
than we did 50 years ago, there’s no ing much more focused about ethnic of the far right and anti-Semitism.  Ron Kampeas

guarantee we will continue to do it, and cleansing and the Jews, they’re chant-
frankly, we do it better with anti-Semi- ing ‘Jews will not replace us.’ That is not Forman noted the violence of the Golden Rabbi David Saperstein, the former
tism than with anti-Muslim rhetoric and something commonly heard at previ- Dawn, a Greek fascist group, which has tar- ambassador-at-large for international reli-
with racism.” ous events.’” geted mostly Roma. “It has a street mili- gious freedom under the Obama administra-
Forman cited American communities Beirich added that social media and tia,” he said. “Jews haven’t got hit,” despite tion and the director emeritus of the Reform
that rallied spontaneously to counter the internet made it easier to dissemi- Golden Dawn’s anti-Semitic rhetoric. “The movement’s Religious Action Center, moder-
anti-Semitism in their midst, notably the nate hate. Extremists may be based in Roma have.” ated the panel. JTA Wire Service

citizens of Whitefish, Montana, who a Europe, but their messages are getting
year ago demonstrated before a planned through to Americans. “We now have
neo-Nazi march targeting the town’s tiny certain websites that have 750,000 views
Jewish community, and Oklahoma civic a month among Americans,” she said.
leaders who called on a state lawmaker The panelists agreed that social media
to apologize for using the phrase “jew giants like Facebook and Google had
down” in 2013 become more receptive to keeping hate
In those cases and in many others, off their networks, in part because of
he said, the drive to counter anti-Jewish laws in some European countries that
rhetoric came in communities with few hold them accountable for incitement.
Jews and seemed driven by non-Jews “Both France and Germany have prom-
who were repelled by the rhetoric. ised to prosecute Facebook and Google if
Heidi Beirich, the director of the Intel- they don’t act,” Whine said.
ligence Project at the Southern Poverty Beirich noted that expressions of anti-
Law Center, added to that list the nation- Semitism had spiked during Donald
wide drive among Muslims last year to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and
raise funds to pay for vandalized Jew- since he was elected.
ish cemeteries. Forman, a Democrat who helmed
Michael Whine, the government and the National Jewish Democratic Council
international affairs director for the Brit- for decades, cautioned against making
ish Jewish community’s Community anti-Semitism a partisan issue. He noted
Security Trust, said leaders on his con- Trump’s equivocation after the Charlot-
tinent were doing the necessary work tesville march, which included a deadly
in speaking out against bias crimes, but attack by an alleged white suprema-
he agreed with Forman that the mes- cist on counterprotesters. But he also
sage was not trickling down to the aver- stressed that calls on Trump to speak out
age European. more forcefully came from both sides of
“There are a lot of European states the aisle.
where civil society is not at all devel- “I don’t want to make it about ideol-
oped,” he said. This was in part because ogy, I don’t want to make it about parti-
in countries that emerged from autoc- sanship — that’s a very, very bad path to
racy just in recent decades, suspicions go down,” he said in response to a ques-
of government lingered, and they ham- tion about Trump’s role in the increase
pered efforts to join civilians and author- of biased rhetoric.
ities in countering hate crime. It is critical, panelists said, not to treat
“Often, civil society is reluctant to deal anti-Jewish bias in isolation. Whereas
with the government,” Whine said. Jews in Europe faced an intensification
On Friday, the World Zionist Orga- of anti-Semitic rhetoric and hate speech,
nization released a survey compar- other minorities in Europe, including
ing perceptions of anti-Semitism in the Muslims, Roma, and the LGBTQ commu-
United States and Europe showing that nities, all were facing spikes in violence,

Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 37

Remembering Dr. Arnold Gold

W Frisch, and
e all want a doctor who is very smart — scary both their own humanity and the humanity of their patients.
smart — and absolutely up-to-date on the latest To remember that each patient is a human being, and there-
science, diagnostics, and medications. Good,
in the objective sense.
fore each patient is a world, entire and complete, and also a
bridge to other people, other worlds. Jewish law

We also all want a doctor who is kind, warm, open, decent, The students are taught that they will learn awesome
and non-judgmental. Good, in the subjective sense. skills and techniques, but that they must never mistake n mid-November 1967, I was features edi-
Today, we mourn the death of Dr. Arnold Gold of Engle- themselves for gods. Like their patients, they are human tor of a weekly newspaper, the Jewish Press.
wood, who was good in both those senses, and who under- beings. When they remember that, they, their patients, The United Nations Security Council was
stood the importance of both. and the world not only will begin to be cured, they, their debating Resolution 242 (the post-Six-Day
Dr. Gold, a pediatric neurologist (and just think of the tough- patients and the world will be ennobled by the effort. War resolution designed to achieve “a just and
ness and dedication and stomach and love such a career Dr. Gold also was a founding member of much of what we lasting peace in the Middle East”), and I was asked
choice demands) was an extremely well respected physician. now take for granted in the local community in northern New to write an analysis of the prospects for peace pre-
With his wife, Dr. Sandra Gold, another absolute power- Jersey. He and Sandra were in at the founding of just about sented by the resolution. My analysis concluded
house, he was the founder of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, everything, Sandra in her big hat and flowing scarves, Arnold that peace never would be achieved between
which spearheaded what the Golds call humanistic medicine. at her side, smiling. And unlike the other community found- Israelis and Palestinians because one key issue
Together, they developed the White Coat ceremony, which ers, who often hid their goodness under gruffness — and at would remain insolvable: the status of Jerusalem.
now is practiced in medical schools throughout the country. times hid it extremely well — Dr. Gold let it shine. That conclusion
In that ceremony, brand new medical students are given not Next week, we’ll write a proper obituary. But we wanted to was true then, and it
only their white coats, a physical reminder of the role they are write about him as soon as we heard about his death. remains true today.
undertaking, but they also are given a charge, to remember We will miss him. — JOANNE PALMER Usually, however,
the Jerusalem issue is
shoved off to the side

Can I get dessert? when the media and

politicians focus on the

Middle East. The likely
o there we are, dining at the Garden State Plaza some reason is that they
time ago with Arnold and Sandra, when the manager adhere to the belief Shammai
approaches our table. that if all other issues Engelmayer
“There is a report of a shooter in the mall and we are resolved, a solu-
are waiting for further instructions from the police.” tion to Jerusalem will
Suddenly there are police responding everywhere and the present itself.
shades on the restaurant’s windows are closed. The issue is front and center at the moment,
We all look at each other like there is some kind of protocol however, because of a cynical political decision in
for this event. early December on the part of President Trump.
Arnold to the rescue. That decision has sparked a myriad of reactions,
“Can we at least get dessert?” he says to the manager. “If this everything from a controversial request of stu-
has to be my last meal, what better way to go then to be with dents at Frisch High School, to a disruptive Knes-
my dear friends.” set meeting earlier this week during a speech by
Arnold could even make a highly stressed manager crack Vice President Mike Pence.
a smile. Dr. Arnold Gold and Jamie Janoff share one of their There are halachic issues embedded here, but
That was Arnold’s power. The world was a better place many meals together. before discussing them, I need to clarify three
when you were in his company. You looked into his eyes points.
and you would see his beautiful smile. He might even have and no doubt these talks helped shape me into the person First, Jerusalem is, was, and always will be the
grabbed your hand — and you felt at peace. I am today. eternal capital of the Jewish people, and thus the
Sandra often reminded me of how much Arnold loved me Arnold was a giant. We all know that. A gentle giant. He capital of the Jewish state. That was true even
and how much he valued the work we do on these very pages. received countless awards, but he would be the first to tell when the United States did not formally recognize
He would just call me out of the blue and ask how I was doing. you that kind of stuff was part of the package. What was Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. If anything, President
I would remind him that he was the one in great demand and most important to him was to see the faces of the children he
that he had better things to do then to check on me. “At this helped live a better life and to know that doctors were a bit
moment, there is nothing more important than to know how kinder because of his initiatives for humanism in medicine. Shammai Engelmayer is rabbi of Temple Israel
you’re doing,” he would say. But nothing was more important to him than to know that Community Center | Congregation Heichal
I never forgot that. he had Sandra by his side. “Jamie, she’s my greatest blessing,” Yisrael in Cliffside Park and Temple Beth El of
There was always a lesson I learned from our con­versations, he would tell me. — JAMIE JANOFF North Bergen.

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Rutgers student exemplifies

Trump’s December pronouncement ceding portions of East Jerusalem courage and charisma

brought the world’s powers to their to the Palestinians for their capital)
feet in protest of that truth. His deci- would be worth the price, too, if the e should all be very proud Young activists like Miriam Waghalter are
sion also completely derailed any peace offered is a true peace. Any and grateful to Miriam living proof that standing up for your rights
prospect for a peace process going agreement would have to battle ter- Waghalter. and dignity, that not becoming invisible is
forward. Almost certainly, his deci- rorism with vigor, it would have to Here’s why. the best way for Jewish students to defend
sion will cause the various terrorist include all the states now opposed Miriam is a student at Rutgers University, themselves.
entities in the region to rev up their to Israel, and it must provide ways to home to Dr. Michael Chikindas, a professor There are other young leaders worth
efforts to take Jewish lives (especially put peace into practice through such of microbiology who recently and belatedly knowing about. Isabelle DeBrabanter and
of young Jews, the Palestinian terror- means as trade and tourism. was demoted for his anti-Semitic social media Justin Feldman both were participants in
ist’s favorite target). Much of this seems unlikely for postings. It also is home to an adjunct pro- the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Government
Second, what happened at Frisch — now. Nevertheless, Jewish law looks fessor of international law, Dr. Mazen Adi, a Advocacy Internship Program last summer.
teachers instructing students to write warily at actions taken that could Syrian who had been a spokesman for Bashar While Justin wrote many editorials relating
letters to the White House supporting endanger even so tenuous a peace Assad when he accused Israeli officials of traf- to anti-Semitism both at home and on cam-
Trump’s action, without their parents’ process — including actions regard- ficking children’s organs. It also is pus, Isabelle led the charge
knowledge or consent — is indefensi- ing the status of Jerusalem. home to Professor Jasbir Puar, to present an anti-BDS reso-
ble on a number of grounds. No school Entering into this consideration are whose latest book accuses the lution from the center at
has a right to impose political views on two sins often discussed in this space: Israeli Defense Forces of strategi- her hometown, Caldwell; it
its students, which is why a number of pikuach nefesh (threat to life) and cally maiming Palestinians. passed there this fall. I lis-
parents who oppose Trump on moral sh’fichut damim (causing the need- Miriam, a 19-year-old sopho- tened to Isabelle’s testimony
and ethical grounds loudly objected to less spilling of blood). Pikuach nefesh more, was not intimidated as before the governing body as
what had been done. is considered to be pre-eminent in swastikas appeared on campus. she said that knowing that
The parents had every right to religious Judaism. Almost nothing Instead, she stood up to those peo- her own town is on her side
object. Consider the terrible sub- — not even Shabbat or the laws of ple who were targeting the Jewish in voicing public opposition
liminal message that was sent to kashrut — takes precedence when life student body — a targeting that we Michael to BDS and to the anti-Israel
the Frisch teenagers in that request. is threatened. Sh’fichut damim runs a have seen happen time and again Cohen and anti-Semitic rhetoric
They were told (albeit obliquely) to close second. on college campuses across the leveled against her and her
ignore as irrelevant Trump’s behav- Putting people’s lives in danger country. This brave young woman, peers on college campuses,
ior toward women, his repeated violates pikuach nefesh. Almost cer- along with a small group of her peers whom allows her to feel proud and empowered to
lapses into blatant racism, his often tainly, violence will erupt and blood she recruited, started a petition to have Chi- do even more.
disgraceful tweets denigrating those almost certainly will be spilled on kindas suspended pending an investigation. To help empower the younger generation,
who disagree with him (including his both sides because of the Jerusalem She looked reporters in the eye and spoke we must support and educate them. My col-
chief of staff and several cabinet sec- pronouncement. This is sh’fichut directly to the camera, asking what the leagues tell me about the reactions on uni-
retaries), and his role as dispenser-in- damim. Thus, both sins are hala- response would be from anyone in New Jer- versity campuses that have hosted the Simon
chief of fake news and false facts. The chic factors that must be taken into sey if such vitriol were spewed against their Wiesenthal exhibit, “Book, People, Land
students also were told that the only account. own communities. — the 3,500 Year Connection Between the
issue that ever matters is Israel. No Even if halacha would seem not to Miriam’s name should be known to us all, Jewish People and the Land of Israel.” The
matter how wrong a politician is on support trading land for peace, how- because she has sent a message to Jewish stu- exhibit ignites a sense of pride in our his-
everything else, if he or she supports ever, sometimes the law needs to dents, telling them not to be cowed in the tory and values and in all of the incredible
Israel, he or she must be supported. be set aside in order to protect the face of the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rheto- feats accomplished in our ancestral home-
Third, halacha is not monolithic, national interest. The consequences ric on their campuses. land in the modern day State of Israel. I hear
and it is not closed to interpretation. of an action always must be consid- Just last year Hillel asked me to be the key- how such demonstrations of Jewish activism
Different people may see a particular ered. (See Rabbi Yochanan’s state- note speaker at the Yom Hashoah program at and pride in those very locations where our
law in contrasting ways. What fol- ment about the destruction of the a major university. As is my custom, I arrived next generation is facing daily harassment is
lows is my view of the laws relating Temple in BT Gittin 55b-56a.) early to speak to both students and the direc- exactly what is needed to encourage students
to the peace process. Not everyone A s Samson Raphael Hirsch tor, so I could garner a better feel for the local on campus to stand strong.
will agree with me. I accept that, but explained in his commentary to Jewish student atmosphere. At this particular If we are to build such leadership, if we are
I would hope they would stop and several verses in Leviticus 18, if the institution I was told that the campus, as far as to ask young Jews on campus to be proud of
consider the points I make before people of Israel act in ways that are they knew, had between 800 and 900 Jewish their heritage in public, we must embolden
dismissing them. neither moral nor ethical, “the land students, yet only 400 to 500 of them would them not only by recognizing the intimida-
I begin by discussing one law that will vomit out that society.” admit that they were Jewish in any meaning- tion they face but also by being there to push
is not open to interpretation: We “The land is meant to be the bearer ful way. And half of those students were com- back alongside them.
are commanded to settle the Land of a national life that is exemplary in fortable being seen publicly as active in Jewish So the next time we hear of another chal-
of Israel — all of it, not just a piece of moral purity…,” Hirsch explained. student life. lenge or attack on our nation’s campuses,
it, meaning every inch of it, from the “Hence, a population that is socially From colleges with historically signifi- remember Miriam Waghalter, and encourage
Mediterranean to the Jordan. and morally corrupt has no future on cant Jewish student populations — within our kids to emulate her example. It will make
There is biblical evidence, however, this land.” the CUNY system, that includes Brooklyn, them — and us — proud.
to suggest that giving up land is not so We, as a people, are supposed to and Queens colleges, as well as others both
great a sin, or may not be a sin at all, adhere to Jewish law. As we will read within and beyond that system — we see far Michael Cohen of Englewood is the eastern
if the price is right. Solomon gave 20 on Shabbat next week, our task is to too many Jewish students unprepared for the regional director of the Simon Wiesenthal
cities in the Galilee to Hiram, king of be God’s “kingdom of priests and ferocity of such attacks, too often preferring Center. He represents his city’s Second Ward
Tyre, yet neither the biblical text nor holy nation,” the advocates through to hide in the shadows when faced with the on Englewood’s City Council, and he belongs
the Sages of Blessed Memory offered how we live our lives of God’s moral likes of Students for Justice for Palestine. to Congregation Ahavath Torah there.
any comment, much less condem- and ethical code, God’s blueprint for
nation. This probably is because of how all people should live their lives.
what Solomon received in return: the Ignoring the ramifications of The opinions expressed in this section are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the
building materials for God’s House pikuach nefesh and sh’fichut damim newspaper’s editors, publishers, or other staffers. We welcome letters to the editor. Send
and his own. (See 1 Kings 9:11.) is immoral and unethical. We should them to [email protected].
Trading land for peace (including teach that to our children.



Remembering menschlichkeit

his week, my family will commemorate the 10th with news that can be disruptive and frustrating, we need set a long-lasting example. By empowering college-aged
yarhrzeit of my father, Albert R. Fingerman z”l. to rise to the challenge to remain on task, maintain our counselors with responsibilities, camps help these young
His was a life well-lived. He was a World War values, and do our part to build a better world. adults refine their leadership and communication skills.
II veteran, an accomplished and admired attor- Through our example, we model the world for which By using FJC’s Making Mensches Periodic Table, camps
ney, a volunteer communal leader, and a loving husband, we aspire. across North America are incorporating much-needed
father, and grandfather. He worked hard, but he also Those of us involved in the Jewish and secular educa- values into daily life at camp.
enjoyed life immensely, and he did so with a boundless tional enterprise continue to create new and innovative It is up to each of us to model menschlichkeit in order
energy, a cheerful countenance, a calm demeanor, and ways to help inculcate these values of menschlichkeit in to truly make a difference in our rapidly changing world.
contagious enthusiasm. He had a natural curiosity about young people. Ultimately these are life skills they will need Among many things, my father was a prolific letter
life and learned from every experience. He to succeed in this ever-changing world. writer. As I reflect back, I find it incredible that he made
tried new things and persevered to overcome In my day-to-day life — in meetings and time every day — years before email, Facebook, or What’s
challenges. He exhibited humility at his own gatherings at work and in my community — App — to take “typewriter in hand” and send news,
achievements and pride at all of ours. everyone seems to be focused on this very encouragement, and love. Whether I was away at sum-
He taught us everything by his actions, not challenge. We all are searching for opportu- mer camp, in college, and even at business school, I had
through his words. Through the daily exam- nities to provide for our young people that the joy of a letter from Dad seemingly every day.
ple he set, he taught us about fulfilling famil- will build their sense of curiosity and discov- In December, I was given a wonderful tool to help make
ial, social, and professional responsibilities. ery, of community and confidence. We seek each day in 2018 count. A Jewish desk calendar called “A
He taught us to be involved in the commu- to aid the development of their self-esteem, Kindness a Day” — a project of the Teaneck-based non-
nity, to have empathy, and to give back. He empathy, authentic caring relationships, and profit Areyvut, whose mission is to infuse the lives of Jew-
served on boards, commissions, and groups Jeremy J. a sense of purpose and meaning. According ish children and teens with the values of chesed (kind-
throughout his life. He didn’t tell us to volun- Fingerman to research conducted by KnowledgeWorks, ness), tzedakah (charity), and tikkun olam (social action)
teer; he just quietly did his service in a col- the competencies required for the future of — highlights a Jewish text for every day a the year. It’s a
laborative, cooperative way. learning readiness and of workforce readi- text that inspires a recommended gesture of kindness for
He greeted and treated everyone with respect, empa- ness will be these very same skills. that day.
thy, dignity, and always with a smile, as he made his way More and more, everyone agrees on the need for devel- These daily lessons remind me of the way my dad lived
through the courthouse, the JCC, or the streets of down- oping mensches. his life. And they remind me of the difference each of us,
town Cincinnati. Jewish camps are uniquely positioned as a trusted vehi- behaving like mensches, can make.
In a word, he was a mensch. And we are living in a time cle for making mensches. My work at Foundation for Jew-
where we need many more like him. ish Camp inspires me because we are helping camps bring Jeremy J. Fingerman is the CEO of the Foundation for Jewish
As we navigate our ways through these very turbulent even more intentionality, meaning, and relevance to each Camp. He lives in Englewood with his family; he is vice
times, we each need to be positive role models for the experience. By creating welcoming, inclusive, and diverse president of Congregation Ahavath Torah there. Write to
world we want. Even as we are confronted each morning communities — not by words but by actions — these camps him at [email protected].

Frum kids belong in day schools

t was quite distressing reading the article about frum toward the parents, not the yeshivas. alone and depressed as I figured I must be the only frum
families having to make the decision to send their chil- I write this response under my real name. I am not hid- person in Bergen County without a rich relative.
dren to the local Teaneck public schools (“Frum times ing under the cloak of a pseudonym, although it would It was frustrating and often demeaning to sit in front
in Teaneck High,” January 12). It was distressing on so have been much easier to do so. This response requires of smug scholarship heads having to explain that I really
many levels it is hard to know where exactly to begin. credibility to be effective and the topic is important didn’t have money or access to money. One of my chil-
Let me emphasize at the outset three crucial points. enough so I believe it is worth the price of sacrificing my
First, as will be established below, I am privacy.
uniquely qualified to weigh in on this topic. I have been on both sides of the pro-
Second, this is a judgment-free response. verbial tracks. When financial times were
In no way should anything in this article abundant, I sat on the board of a local It was frustrating and
be construed as passing judgment on deci-
sions families need to make regarding what
yeshiva day school and often was tapped
for significant donations to scholarship
often demeaning to sit
has become an all-too-common phenom- funds and other needed projects. I don’t in front of smug
enon in both Teaneck and other Orthodox
communities. This is an extremely difficult
recall ever saying no when asked to give,
and I gave with great joy, as I was aware of
scholarship heads
and often gut-wrenching decision — as it those who were struggling. I was extremely having to explain that
should be — and I envy no one who has had
to make such a decision, or who currently is
thankful for my financial success
Unfortunately, the financial tide took
I really didn’t have
struggling with this decision. Last, I am not a 180-degree turn, and then I became the money or access
weighing in on decisions made to send frum
children to public schools because of special education
recipient of massive scholarship funds
(I have five children) as opposed to the donor of these
to money.
needs that are not, or cannot, be addressed adequately funds. I was no longer the guy in the back of limo but
by the yeshiva system. That is a stand-alone topic that rather the guy behind the wheel, lugging suitcases just to dren was not allowed to return for his senior year of high
also must be addressed, but this response today is geared put some money in my pocket. I remember, with some school because I owed the yeshiva $5,000 from the pre-
lingering bitterness, the scholarship interrogation, mak- vious year and had no means of coming up with the past
Michael Rappaport, who now lives in Highland Park, lived ing me feel as if I was trying to game the system, all the due balance; nor did I have additional funds for his cur-
in Teaneck for nearly 30 years. An attorney by profession, while my house was in foreclosure and my cars were rent year. So he was forced to get his GED (as I was not
he now is a general entrepreneur, motivational speaker, being repossessed. Didn’t I have some rich relative who going to send him to public school) and took his SATs
and mediator. can pay for the kids’ tuition, they wondered. I felt so SEE DAY SCHOOLS PAGE 43



What I want to offer God

ew York Times op-ed writer favored school integration; by 1996, that
Charles Blow tweeted fairly number had increased to 35 percent. In the
recently that if it weren’t so early 70s, 86 percent of whites opposed
awful, you’d have to laugh at busing; by 1996, two-thirds opposed it. At
racism: the notion that we think less of the same time, the majority of black Amer-
people based on skin color is ridiculous. icans favored busing in nearly every year,
Except that its effects are all too real, and only 39 percent opposed it in 1996.
and pernicious. Even in 2018. Even after The biggest discrepancy between blacks
America has had its first black president. and whites can be seen in the way they
Remember that there were discussions view employment opportunities. Accord-
about whether we were living in a post- ing to Gallup polls from 1978 to 2011 that
racial world, because Barack Obama had asked respondents whether blacks have
been elected? Those discussions seem as good a chance as whites in a commu-
laughable now. I recently had nity to get any job for which
a conversation with a Cana- they are qualified, about 25
dian, who shook his head to 30 percent of whites felt
and told me, “We just don’t blacks didn’t have the same
understand you Americans chances; 50 to 65 percent
and racism. It doesn’t make of blacks felt they did not.
any sense.” These statistics show that
Last week, Rabbi Daniel bending the moral arc of
Fridman shared the talk he the universe toward justice
gave for Martin Luther King hasn’t been easy, and more
Jr. Day with the readers of the Tikvah work still needs to be done.
Jewish Standard (“Bending Wiener The literature that black
toward justice,” January 19). and white authors are writ-
His congregation, the Jewish ing today tells the same tale.
Center of Teaneck, hosted civil rights activ- In last week’s Book Review section of the
ist Ms. Theodora Lacey, who was intro- New York Times, author Jonathan Miles
duced by Teaneck’s mayor, Mohammed reviews Sam Graham-Felsen’s debut novel,
Hameeduddin. Rabbi Fridman said that “Green.” The book begins with 12-year-old
after the tumultuous week we had had, David Alexander Greenfield, nicknamed
“[T]oday let it be said that I am not only an Green, introducing himself as the “white
Orthodox rabbi and a Jew and an Ameri- boy” at Martin Luther King Middle, a Bos-
can, but on this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, ton public school. He’s one of two white
I am a Haitian and an African as well.” He boys there, thanks to Green’s progressive
cited Dr. King, who famously wrote in his parents, but the other can pass for Puerto
Letter from Birmingham Jail, “I am cogni- Rican. Green is the only blond-haired,
zant of the interrelatedness of all commu- blue-eyed student, and the book interro-
nities and states and cannot sit idly by in gates race, imperfectly as the reviewer sug-
Atlanta and not be concerned about what gests, but nevertheless in a way that leaves A collage from the projects done at the Idea School’s MLK Jr. program for
happens in Birmingham. Injustice any- the reader with an understanding of how prospective students.
where is a threat to justice everywhere.” “the force,” as the main character comes
In light of Reverend King’s extraordinary to describe it, works. • Gaza handed over an entire population from My presence, and let Me not hear the
legacy, it might be surprising to remem- In one scene, Green and Marlon, his trying to escape and delivered them back music of your harps. But let Justice well up
ber that the passage of the Civil Rights Act black best friend, decide they will shovel to their country of origin (1:6) like water, Righteousness, like an unfailing
of 1964 wasn’t without its skeptics. Cor- their neighbors’ yards, but Green under- • Tyre engaged in the same behavior as stream.” (Amos 5:15-24)
nell University’s Roper Center for Public takes knocking on people’s doors alone, the Gazans, but also ignored the covenant Wow. God here eschews — condemns,
Research shows statistics on contempo- since when Marlon accompanies him, they of brotherhood (1:9) actually — ritual practice in favor of the
d rary public opinion of the act. They show tend to get turned down more. Unequal • Edom pursued his brother with the natural welling of justice and righteous-
t that about one third of Americans opposed
the bill in the months leading up to its pas-
employment opportunities, indeed.
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Idea
sword and repressed all pity (1:11)
• Ammon ripped open the pregnant
ness. How natural is that welling, though?
Rabbi Koslowe shared the interpretation of
g sage; a month after it was passed, a little School hosted a program for prospective women of Gilead in order to expand its the 19th-century rabbi and biblical exegete,
s more than 50 percent supported it.
Americans now generally have a favor-
students. We first examined the text of
King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, paying
own borders (1:13)
We can see that God abhors excessive
the Malbim, on the famous verse. The Mal-
bim remarks that humans inherently seek
able view of the act, though progress in particular attention to the allusion from cruelty and despises when people repress justice; it is part of our nature and an essen-
e race relations has been slow. A poll from
the National Opinion Research Center,
Amos 5:24: “Let justice well up as waters,
and righteousness, like a mighty stream.”
their tendency towards mercy and behave
in pitiless and ruthless ways. It seems that
tial ingredient of each society. It therefore
can be compared to a well of water, which
s 1972-1996, also from the Cornell University Rabbi Tavi Koslowe, the Idea School’s God wants us to treat our fellow human springs naturally from its internal source to
. site, tells that story: As debate over school
integration through busing raged in the
Judaic studies principal, pointed out that
the book of Amos begins with God’s stating
beings, well, like human beings.
As if that lesson isn’t clear from these
impact its surroundings profoundly.
Righteousness, in contrast, isn’t
1970s to the 1990s, the number of those that He is able to tolerate three sins, but opening verses of Amos, as we get closer ingrained in us, but is something we
in favor of integration slowly increased. not a fourth. As He chastises the different to the one that King quotes in his speech, have to nurture and develop through our
In 1972, 19 percent of white Americans nations who have sinned, He details what God states, through the prophet: experiences and encounters with God.
those fourth sins are: “I hate and detest your festivals, I will The source of righteousness is external,
Tikvah Wiener is head of school of the Idea • Damascus crushed the Jewish people not delight over [the sacrifices] . . . . If and that’s why it’s compared to a stream,
School, a coed Orthodox high school opening of Gilead with metal threshing tools [par- you offer up burnt offerings — or your which gathers in mountains and other
in Bergen County in September 2018. Learn ticularly barbaric physical punishment] meal offerings — I will not accept them natural areas.
more at (Amos 1:3) . . . . Spare Me the sound of your hymns SEE OFFER PAGE 44



Teaching our children to fish

read the article about Orthodox parents sending whatever success they may have achieved to the day- First, articles of this nature dealing with a highly sensi-
their children to public schools, “Frum Times in school movement. tive subject should be balanced. Unfortunately, this one
Teaneck High” ( January 12), on the Friday night it 3. Day schools are far from perfect; there are serious was not. It was certainly very important that the parents
first appeared. To be frank, I didn’t like it, so I reread problems with their financial structure and the burden quoted had an opportunity to speak publically about this
it after Shabbat, hoping that I would feel dif- that places on families, as well as with certain issue, and I commend the Standard for giving them a plat-
ferently. Unfortunately, it did not improve educational areas. form to do so. But other voices, perhaps of day school par-
with age. 4. Although there are many different types ents but certainly those of yeshiva educators who are highly
Before I explain, let me first, in the inter- of day schools, they are not able to meet the qualified to speak and most likely have other perspectives,
est of transparency, lay out some relevant needs of all members of the community. also should have been heard. Discussing only one side was
personal biography, biases, and beliefs. 5. Deciding what type of education to pro- not only unfair to the side being ignored but also left read-
1. I am the proud product of the modern vide for your children is a primary parental ers with a skewed understanding of the issue’s complexity.
Orthodox day school system, from kinder- obligation, and it should be based on what is Moreover, the entire tone of the article was unbalanced;
garten through my graduation from Yeshiva best for the particular child, not what is best “public schools good, day schools not so much.” We were
College 17 years later. My four children like- for the community. And since parents know told that public schools have more academic support and a
wise are products of that system, from nurs- Joseph C. their children better than others do, no par- higher caliber of education, allow students to have a finer
ery school through their post-high school Kaplan ent should be criticized or judged by others appreciation of what it means to be a Jew in the real world,
gap year in Israel. My two oldest grandchil- or by the community for the educational have more professional teachers and a better standard of
dren have begun their day school studies in choices they make. what they’re doing, are fairer in the manner in which they
Toronto, and their younger sister soon will follow them. 6. It should go without saying that no child ever should treat all children and parents, have better support and tac-
2. The current vibrant modern Orthodox commu- be ostracized by others in the community based upon tics for dealing with kids who have issues, take more respon-
nity and its laity, highly literate in both Jewish and where they go to school. sibility in their dealings with parents, have more respect-
secular fields, in large part owe their existence and With that said, I turn to my reaction to the article. ful students and less bullying, accommodate students’

Islam’s Jewish dilemma revisited

n his important book, “Anti-Judaism: then unearthed by the Middle East Media
The Western Tradition,” the scholar Research Institute. What these sermons
David Nirenberg makes the persua- have in common is that they all were deliv-
sive case that Islam has faced similar ered on Friday, December 8, 2017 — the
theological challenges to Christianity in same week that President Donald Trump
assessing its relationship to Judaism. recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. All
On the one hand, Nirenberg argues, of them drew on similar images, themes,
Islam regards the Jews as enemies of and quotations. All of them used language
Muhammad’s prophecy; on the other, and sentiments that would be regarded by
Islam realizes only too well that without any rational calculation as unambiguously
the existence of the Jews and threatening toward Jews.
their practices to begin with, The worst example was
there would have been no the sermon delivered at the
subsequent prophetic tradi- Islamic Center of Jersey City
tion and faith to follow. by Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby,
“How to appropriate the who told those gathered
prophetic claims of Jewish for prayers that the Al-Aqsa
communities without ‘Judaiz- mosque in Jerusalem was
ing’ Islam?” Nirenberg writes, “under the feet of the apes
summarizing the core of the and pigs”—a commonly Sheikh Raed Saleh Al-Rousan delivers an anti-Semitic sermon in Houston on
Muslim dilemma. “How to Ben Cohen expressed derogatory term December 8, 2017. MIDDLE EAST MEDIA RESEARCH INSTITUTE

contain or exclude them for Jews, that is based upon

without severing Islam from a sura (chapter) in the Quran quoted a popular hadith (saying) of the trees will speak: ‘Oh Muslim, this is a Jew
its Abrahamic foundations?” that claims that in his anger toward the Prophet Muhammad concerning the Jews. behind me.’”
I’ve mused a great deal on this passage Jews, God “made some as apes and swine.” “The Muslims will kill the Jews,” he In the aftermath of all three sermons, I
in recent weeks, as I’ve reported on three “So long as the Al-Aqsa mosque remains recited, “and the Jews will hide behind the want to stress, I came across some reas-
separate occasions about anti-Semitic a humiliated prisoner under the oppres- stones and the trees, and the stones and suring signs that in America, we deal with
sermons of varying ferocity at three dif- sion of the Jews, this nation will never the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant these issues with an honesty that is absent
ferent mosques in the United States, all prevail…Allah, wreak vengeance upon of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me, in much of Europe and certainly the Mid-
posted on social media platforms and the plundering oppressors!” the sheikh come and kill him, except for the Gharqad dle East. In the New Jersey case, Senator
continued. “Count them one by one, and tree, which is one of their trees.” Cory Booker quickly issued a thundering
Ben Cohen writes a weekly column kill them down to the very last one. Do not A version of that hadith also turned denunciation of Elkasaby’s anti-Semitism,
on Jewish affairs and Middle Eastern leave a single one on the face of the Earth.” up in the sermon about alleged Ameri- at the same time telling his friend, Islamic
politics. His work has been published in On the same day, in Houston, Sheikh can and Israeli iniquities given by Imam Center President Ahmed Shedeed, to
Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, Raed Saleh Al-Rousan asserted that Judg- Abdullah Khadra of Raleigh, N.C. “At the “publicly and unconditionally denounce
the Wall Street Journal, and many other ment Day “will not start until Muslims fight End of Time,” as Khadra rendered it, “we Imam Elkasaby’s hateful rhetoric, which
publications. the Jews…in Palestine.” Al-Rousan then will fight those Jews until the rocks and the was delivered at your house of worship



particular needs more sensitively, react faster to aggressive their classmates were for the sophisticated and high-level reasons exist and sometimes the need to send some chil-
situations, and have better extracurricular activities. education they were exposed to, both in their gap years dren to public schools overrides the difficulty, and often
Really? I’m sure some of that is true, but all of it?? as well as in college and graduate school programs. While the impossibility, of those students learning Torah on a
Really? Day schools come in second to public schools many factors went into this, the excellent foundation laid high level. And I therefore do not, God forbid, judge par-
in all of these categories? Really? When I practiced as in their day school years was an important element in ents who make that decision. But at the very least, sacrific-
a litigator, one aspect of my preparation of prospective their success. Thus, the article presented an at best incom- ing an intensive and meaningful Torah education should
witnesses was to advise them to neither gild the lily nor plete picture of what actually takes place in day schools. be a significant factor in the decision-making calculus. If
close their eyes to problems with their testimony. Since And you needn’t take only my word for it. Read a it was, no serious mention of it was made in the article.
every case has weaknesses, I would explain, overstate- masterful essay by Erica Brown, who attended a “fancy And finally, I believe that all members of our modern
ments and refusing to confront problems damage cred- prep school” until she was 16, called “The Case for Day Orthodox community, whether or not they personally use
ibility. Had I been asked, I would have given this same Schools,” which recently appeared in the Jewish Week and the day school system, need to express hakarat hatov, their
advice to the parents quoted in the article. the Times of Israel. It makes the case for the excellence of gratitude, for all that these schools have done in making
My sense of day schools is quite different from the one day schools much better than I. our community the success it has become.
presented in the article, based on decades of personal But perhaps the most critical substantive problem was So I say to the parents quoted in the article, I appreciate
experience, both as a student and as a parent, in dealing the article’s almost complete silence regarding the main your explanations about why you send your children to
with yeshiva teachers and administrators (I never missed raison d’etre of day schools — teaching Torah and Torah public schools. But don’t belittle the day schools by impli-
a single parent-child conference) and being exposed to the values to help our children develop into knowledgeable cation after implication that they are second rate as com-
schools’ curriculum and modes of education. That experi- adults committed to our tradition and community. Public pared to the public schools. True hakarat hatov as well as
ence taught me that our day schools are overflowing with schools, no matter what their virtues, cannot do this, and a commitment to emet — to truth — demand better.
many superb educators and provide a simply first-rate if their students want this knowledge they must go else-
education in many areas. It also taught me about the care where to obtain it. While that’s not impossible, it’s very Joseph C. Kaplan, a regular columnist, is a long-time
they give and sensitivity they show to both their students difficult to learn Torah rigorously while attending public resident of Teaneck. His work also has appeared in various
and parent bodies. And I was not a macher or big donor school. As Ms. Brown wrote, the best case for day schools publications including Sh’ma magazine, the New York
by any standard. is “the life it delivers long after graduation.” Jewish Week, the Baltimore Jewish Times, and, as letters to
I also know how well prepared my children and many of Again, let me be clear. I understand that legitimate the editor, the New York Times.

Day schools into something dangerous — which brings me to

FROM PAGE 40 the second reason for my distress.
and did just fine. The high school refused to In halacha ( Jewish law) there are concepts
before your congregants.” In the is, as Nirenberg says in his book, release his transcripts to the college to which he called “b’da’avad” and “l’chatchila.” B’da’avad
case of Al-Rousan, the Islamic a strong message in the Quran applied, but ultimately, after the college presi- is doing something in a lesser desirable fash-
Society of Greater Houston con- and in other key Muslim texts that dent read his personal statement, the college ion, while l’chatchila is doing something in the
demned him for making “inflam- “Islam, like Christianity, staked its accepted him, understanding the situation as preferred way. So while someone absolutely
matory remarks about our Jewish claims in the name of Jewish truth, a whole. could fulfill a religious requirement b’da’avad,
community in a deeply disturb- but guaranteed those claims with I can write a book on my experiences, but we strive to the best of our abilities to fulfill that
ing tone.” In the case of Khadra Jewish falsity.” Hence the temp- hopefully with this brief anecdotal evidence same requirement l’chatchila.
in Raleigh, an email exchange tation for Muslim preachers to I’ve established my credibility to weigh in on That is all well and good. The problem
I had with him revealed some address contemporary issues like this difficult topic. results when one begins to believe that the
awareness on his part of the neg- Jerusalem through the filter of I wrote at the outset that I was distressed b’da’avad is actually the l’chatchila. This is
ative impact of his remark, and a Jewish deceit and Jewish disobedi- reading the article. I was distressed for two what I gleaned from many of the comments
desire to meet with local Jews to ence — ”they believed, then disbe- main reasons. Although I suspected it was the from those parents who chose to ditch the
mend fences and restate the non- lieved, therefore a seal was set on case just by reading the headline, my suspicion yeshiva in favor of public school for financial
discriminatory principles of inter- their hearts so they do not under- was confirmed — and then some. This article reasons. I am in no position, nor do I have any
faith dialogue. stand,” the Quran says — that per- was written “b’simcha” ( joyfully) and with a right, to judge the ultimate decision frum par-
In each of these cases, I spoke meated the depiction of the Jews “gotcha” attitude toward the yeshiva system as ents make to send their child to public school.
to Muslim leaders who expressed in the early world of Islam. a whole. I am the first to acknowledge that the Sometimes there truly might be no choice. I
some degree of remorse or con- Nobody can pretend that yeshiva system has its share of problems. What strongly caution any parent who has made
demnation, and did not deny — as these anti-Jewish texts, beliefs, system doesn’t? Are there problems with the that decision, however, or currently is con-
often would be the case in Europe and traditions do not exist. But modern Orthodox system? Of course. Are there sidering making that decision, to understand
— that such rhetoric is judged in the experience of Jews with the problems with the charedi (yeshivish) system? that this is a b’da’avad, not a l’chatchila.
the American context as an actual Catholic Church during the last Of course. The chassidish system? Of course. I think one of the great survival skills we, the
threat to the Jews living here, and half-century — in which fun- There is a massive divide within the Orthodox Jewish people, have is our ability to make lem-
therefore a potential threat to damental doctrines about the communities between the haves and the have- onade out of lemons. From time immemorial
most precious norms and conven- demonic nature of the Jews dat- nots. As such, there is a growing bitterness and we have had the ability to make the best out of
tions of the nation at large. ing to the time of St. Paul have resentment towards that singular institution bad situations and even to back into a certain
That this recognition exists been dispensed with — suggests — the yeshiva — that highlights this difference, mindset that tells us that whatever is happen-
strikes me as a decent enough that there is very little in this more than anything else, with the crushing ing really is what we would have wanted any-
foundation for a more transpar- world that is immovable. Cer- yeshiva tuition needs. Of course, house size, way. It’s a great coping mechanism, but if it is
ent dialogue between Judaism tainly, those of us who believe type of cars, vacations, etc. often demonstrate not sprinkled with a dose of reality could be
and Islam in America. As a coun- that Jewish-Muslim coexistence these differences as well, but none of those are dangerous.
try with no official religion, whose can be achieved only on the anywhere as meaningful as yeshiva education. I respectfully suggest to these wonderful
citizens nonetheless embrace basis of mutual respect, as well There is no doubt this is a serious problem parents who have had to make the decision of
different faiths in vast numbers, as mutual commitment to civic, within the Orthodox communities and has left a foregoing yeshiva education in favor of pub-
America is the ideal location for secular government and society, lot of genuine and committed families rightfully lic schools that they should not for a second
such a conversation. And it needs should aim for nothing less. jaded. When these feelings turn into an anti- believe that this really is the best thing for their
to begin by recognizing that there JNS.ORG yeshiva attitude, however, it has then morphed SEE DAY SCHOOLS PAGE 44



Perpetuating the stigma school administration orchestrated a stu- who have been beneficiaries of the protec- the North Koreans veered away from the
While Ms. Frolich seemed to take a very dent letter-writing campaign to President tion of the American Bill of Rights for the NPT framework and started to ramp up
negative view of the article “Frum Times in Trump in response to his decision to move past 240 years, we do not have a responsi- their clandestine development activities.
Teaneck High” (Letters, “How dare you?,” the American Embassy to Jerusalem. (See bility, in the spirit of Jewish law, to insure Meanwhile, there is a well-established
January 19, responding to “Frum times in this week’s paper, page 12). As most read- that our communal institutions, be they nuclear industry in the South. Twenty-four
Teaneck High,” January 12), it was also an ers of the Standard know full well, I have synagogues or particularly our schools, power reactors there produce one third of
unrealistic one, and as a self-described been a longtime advocate of American rec- build a fence around this sacred principal the country’s electricity. Nuclear medicine
educator, she should know better. ognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and of American life, so that even the appear- is in widespread use at public and univer-
She should know that not every Jewish the relocating of our embassy to Jerusa- ance of stepping over the line is protected. sity hospitals. The only thing the South
child fits the mold of a Jewish day school lem. I personally wrote a public statement Rabbi Neal I. Borovitz lacks is a nuclear weapons program.
student. She also should know that the Jew- applauding this action last month. Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Avodat Shalom Russia, China, India, and Pakistan have
ish day school system obviously has flaws However, I am also a passionate advo- River Edge nukes. Is it so far fetched to imagine a
that make it impossible for some children cate for church/state separation. I believe united nuclear Korea? It is possible that
to flourish as well as impossible for some that religious institutions should refrain Imagine a unified the games being played in Korea next
parents to afford. The Jewish day school from overt political activity. Moreover, I nuclear Korea month are all about reconciliation of a
system may work for most frum children, am deeply concerned that when a school I was gratified to find an article about Dr. people united for the past 4,000 years, and
but not all, and we should applaud the par- administration “suggests” that students Tom Grunfeld, an expert on East Asian divided only for the past 73 years. A mere
ents interviewed in the article for doing take a political action, going to the extent studies who has spent time in North Korea speck in time. The Koreans want to send a
what was best for their children. of disseminating a draft of a letter, that the (“Know your enemy,” January 19). Hear- signal to China, Japan, and the rest of the
Ms. Frolich should apologize to these students’ ability to exercise their free will ing a firsthand account of conditions there world. When you see a Kia or Hyundai on
children for perpetuating the stigma is severely limited. contributes to a better understanding of the road here, think about Korea on a par
placed upon them for simply not fitting The Haaretz article mentioned that the people and culture north of the 38th with France and England. When Korea uni-
the mold. the students were encouraged, but not parallel and south of the Yalu River. fies, Japan will go nuclear in response.
Beatrice Baum required, to write letters to President Dr. Grunfeld’s account of the North This genie is not new. America uncorked
Bergenfield Trump. The unstated implication is that Korean nuclear program jibes with my the bottle 73 years ago. And we won’t be
the school did not overstep the boundar- experience. I did business with South able to bully the genie back into the bot-
Frisch oversteps ies of church/state separation. For me, the Koreans in the nuclear field for many tle. The only rational way out is talking,
its boundaries issue is not merely a question of whether years, as well as the IAEA in Vienna. The with a renewed focus on global nuclear
I write today to express my shock at the the Frisch School’s action was within the latter was doing a credible regulatory job nonproliferation.
actions of the Frisch School as described in letter of the law, but rather to raise the up to the time that President George Bush Eric Weis
a January 17 article in Haaretz, wherein the question of whether as American Jews Jr. destabilized nonproliferation. In 1992, Wayne

Offer “Being a Jew with a black father, living in Crown Day schools
Heights is a strange experience,” he wrote. “There
The Malbim adds that the waters of a stream is always a strong undercurrent of racism. You’ll be children’s continued growth as Orthodox Jews. I respectfully
don’t provide a source for other bodies of water moving along just fine and then the ‘S-bomb’ will suggest that while clearly so many Orthodox Jewish values are
but are focused internally, showing that the come along and just ruin your day, or at the very indeed learned from the home, the home needs to be a rein-
stream, as a metaphor linked with righteousness, least your hour and minute. It’s never nice when it’s forcing environment for these values. The home is not a detox
is about developing your own personal relation- said. No one ever says ‘I had a man do my taxes. He’s unit for the secular values their child is exposed to for at least
ship with God and embarking on a personal jour- shvartze.’ Nor do they say ‘my son is playing with the eight hours a day, five days a week, week in and week out.
ney with the Divine. In this interpretation, the Mal- boys next door, they’re shvartze.’ It’s always ‘a shvar- Will there be exceptions to the rule? Of course there will be.
bim says, the desired and true purpose of a festival tze stole my bike;’ or ‘if the shvartzes [take] welfare Nevertheless, parents need to understand that there is no educa-
pilgrimage is not the offerings, the sacrifices, but why shouldn’t we.’” tional equivalent to, nor substitute for, a yeshiva environment. I
the development of justice and righteousness. When Rabbi Koslowe, Ms. Nancy Edelman, the don’t care if it’s a left-wing, centrist, or right-wing yeshiva. While
It’s not hard to see, even without the Malbim’s Idea School’s head of humanities, and I reflected certainly there may be merit in being exposed to other cultures
interpretation, the reason that Amos spoke to with the students at the end of the program, we and beliefs, there is a time and a place. Elementary school and/or
Reverend King, and it’s easy to extrapolate as asked them what had resonated so deeply with high school is not — l’chatchila — that time or place.
well the book’s implications for today’s world. In them about Faulding’s story that they had all used The 11th mishna in the second perek (chapter) of Bava Metzia —
fact, we asked the students during our MLK pro- it in their projects. They told us that the act of buy- as well as other places within the Talmud — is remarkably instruc-
gram to continue Dr. King’s work, and we had ing conditioner was such a simple one, something tive about the importance of yeshiva education as it tells us that
them do so, first by providing different sources they did all the time. They couldn’t get over the fact there are certain situations where someone’s rebbi (main teacher
for them to research about racism in America that it had turned so dangerous for someone simply of Torah) actually takes precedence over his own father.
today. Though we had about six sources the stu- because he was black. The value of a Torah environment and education can not
dents could examine, most gravitated to a JTA Rabbi Koslowe remarked that the image of justice be stressed enough. It is the duty of yeshiva administrators
article written about a Jew of color, Ben Fauld- welling up like water and righteousness like a stream and the powers that be within the yeshivas to do everything
ing, who goes by the Twitter and Instagram name was a powerful one, making him wonder what it humanly and financially possible — with tremendous sensitiv-
@TheHipsterRebbe. would be like to live in a world where we’re literally ity — to ensure that parents are not placed in a position where
Faulding was wearing noise-canceling head- stepping in kindness, awash in it, unable to move they must make these difficult decisions. Parents, on the other
phones in a convenience store as he shopped for without giving it and receiving it. hand, need to bite their collective tongues, grit their collec-
conditioner and didn’t hear a cashier address him. I wonder, too. It’s time to end the nonsense that tive teeth, and hold their collective noses at what often is a
Next thing he knew, two policemen were point- is racism, to link hands with Dr. King and continue demeaning scholarship process. The pain to the ego will be
ing their guns at him. He stayed calm, knowing his work, to continue to honor civil rights activists well worth it.
that one wrong move might get him killed, and such as Ms. Theodora Lacey, and to understand that Parents need to know, at least in their hearts, that all avenues
he shouted for the officers to remove his head- it’s not just the job of political and communal lead- have been exhausted before they forego a yeshiva education
phones. Though this incident obviously was the ers such as Mayor Hameeduddin and Rabbi Fridman in favor of public schools. At the very least, parents need to
most potentially deadly form of racism Faulding to speak and act out against racism. It’s the duty of recognize that while they might have no other choice, this is
encountered, according to the article, he also each and every one of us toward our fellow human a b’da’avad, and such recognition should be conveyed to their
blogged in 2014 about living in Crown Heights: beings — and it is our offering to God. children as often as possible.


Jewish World

Foreign or domestic? The bigger terror threat

ADL and Trump administration reports differ markedly in findings
RON KAMPEAS Domestic terrorists often are
right-wing lone wolves who oper-
WASHINGTON — Two reports on ter- ate outside the structures of a
rorism, 10 pages each and released terrorist organization. Tracking
within a day of each other, reach them requires community-based
markedly different conclusions. policing, conveying to parties who
Over a decade, the Anti-Defamation might know a potential attacker —
League reports, domestic right-wing family, friends, colleagues — what
extremists carried out 71 percent of the warning signs may be.
extremist-related murders. Over 15 International terrorists often
years, according to the Department answer to groups based overseas,
of Homeland Security, foreign-born requiring coordination with the
culprits committed 73 percent of ter- array of bodies that deal with for-
rorism-related offenses. eign policy and national security.
What’s behind the startlingly dif- Law enforcement is mind-
ferent conclusions in the reports ful of the differing prosecution
released this week? There’s an apples strategies in pursuing domestic
and oranges factor of course — start- as opposed to international ter-
ing with the differing time spans — but rorists. Last week, Thomas Brzo-
the Trump administration also is try- zowski, the Justice Department’s
ing to shape the conversation on ter- counsel for domestic terrorism,
rorism to comport with its national outlined for the Huffington Post
security and immigration objectives. the difference in strategies in each
A protester in Chicago holds a sign commemorating Heather Heyer, who was killed during case. A tweet supporting a State
Apples and oranges the Charlottesville protests in July. SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES Department-designated foreign
The ADL report, “Murder and terrorist group can count as mate-
Extremism in the United States in 2017,” covers a decade’s Also, the ADL is counting victims, while Homeland Secu- rial support and trigger a prosecution. Backing a U.S.-
worth of extremist violence, from 2007 to 2017, and says rity is counting convicted perpetrators. Those are two dif- based extremist organization on social media likely falls
that of the 387 deaths in that period, 71 percent came in ferent groups. under First Amendment free speech protections.
attacks carried out by right-wing extremists. Homeland Most salient, however, is the terminology: The ADL
Security’s report, “Protecting the Nation From Foreign report refers to “extremist-related killings.” Homeland Since Trump:
Terrorist Entry Into the United States,” encompasses the Security refers to “international terrorism-related charges.” The Trump administration perceives the most immediate
period from 2001 to 2016 and counts 549 people convicted Why is the Trump administration making this about threat to Americans as being from abroad.
of “international terrorism-related charges” in U.S. federal international terrorists and not including domestic The Homeland Security report fulfills a requirement in
courts between September 11, 2001, and December 31, terrorists? an executive order issued by Trump on March 6. It was the
2016. Of those, 402 were foreign-born. There are two answers to this question, with a key second order by Trump seeking to ban travelers from Mus-
Including the first six years after the 9/11 attacks would divider: The election of President Donald Trump. lim-majority countries and was issued to withstand the
presumably weight the count toward the foreign-born, as court challenges that felled his original order, on January
the Bush administration intensified efforts to track down Before Trump: 27. Deep in the March 6 order are instructions to Home-
bad actors connected to al-Qaida, the terrorist group Law enforcement long has resisted lumping together land Security essentially to back up with data, after the
behind the attacks. (We don’t know for sure because domestic and international terrorism because of the differ- fact, the rationale for barring travelers from six Muslim-
Homeland Security does not break down its numbers into ent tools each phenomenon requires, so confining a report majority countries.
incidents or nationalities.) to “international terrorists” would not be unprecedented. The instructions suggest a preordained conclusion that
foreign nationals are the principal terrorist threat. The
report, according to the order, omits any mention of a need
to identify U.S.-born terrorists (although the report ulti-
mately included these). It requires “information regarding
the number of foreign nationals in the United States who
have been charged with terrorism-related offenses while in
the United States; convicted of terrorism-related offenses
while in the United States; or removed from the United
States based on terrorism-related activity, affiliation with or
provision of material support to a terrorism-related organi-
zation, or any other national-security-related reasons.”
The order also appears to favor identifying not only
actions but a motive identified among some on the right
with the Muslim world: honor killings. It seeks “information
regarding the number and types of acts of gender-based
violence against women, including so-called ‘honor kill-
ings,’ in the United States by foreign nationals.” Research-
ers see “honor killings” as a cultural rather than a religious
phenomenon, and have identified non-Muslim cultures
where it is practiced. In any case, the final report noted
that there is no data breaking down gender-based violence
This chart from the Anti-Defamation League report shows that 71 percent of extremist-related deaths from according to whether perpetrators are foreign born or not.
2007 to 2017 were committed by far rightists. ADL SEE TERRORIST THREAT PAGE 56


Jewish World

This Russian Jewish liberal just became

the opposition’s best hope of hurting Putin
CNAAN LIPHSHIZ Chechnya and even traveled to that pre-

dominantly Muslim area of Russia to nego-
he fact that Russia’s main oppo- tiate a truce in the 1990s — offering him-
sition leader has been barred self to rebels as a hostage in exchange for
from the presidential race there the release of others. “And he’s not char-
may be bad for democracy. But ismatic; he has none of the energies that
it’s a boon for Grigory Yavlinsky, a Jew- Navalny has going for him.”
ish liberal politician who now is emerg- Like Nemtsov, Yavlinsky has been a con-


ing as the main challenger against Vladi- sistent opponent of Russia’s 2014 annexa-
mir Putin. tion of Crimea. That’s a position that has
Yavlinsky is an economist and former earned him death threats from nationalists
deputy prime minister whose mother, who revile him as a traitor. It also makes
Vera Naumovna, was Jewish. Last week, it hard for a nationalist like Navalny to
he took the 100,000 signatures he and his endorse Yavlinsky.
team had collected — those signatures are Navalny has shown no intention of back-
necessary for candidates to amass in order ing Yavlinsky. In fact, the disqualified oppo-
to enter the presidential race in March — sition leader is calling for a protest boycott
and he submitted them to the central elec- of the election — a move that is unlikely to
tions board shake Putin’s absolute
That makes him the only widely rec- hold on power but has
ognized opposition figure in the race, a very real potential of
because last month challenger Alexei crippling the Yavlin-
Navalny was disqualified over his 2014 sky bid. Above, Russian politician Grigory
fraud conviction — a conviction that the The boycott call is Yavlinsky at a ceremony for slain
top human rights court in Europe said dividing the opposi- opposition leader Boris Nemtsov


was trumped up by the Russian judiciary tion, according to at the Saharovsky Center in Mos-
under Putin. Andrey Kalikh, a Rus- cow on March 3, 2015. Left, Boris
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Yav- sian p o l itic al an d Nemtsov, shown in 2014, was anoth-
linsky, a co-founder of the Yabloko party, human rights activist er Jewish opposition leader. He was
actually has a shot at becoming president. and journalist. killed near the Kremlin in 2015 after
Elections are widely considered to be “On one side of the saying he would run against Vladi-
rigged in Russia, a country that was ranked barricades, there’s mir Putin in 2018.
more restrictive than Iran and Yemen in the forces who unite
the Freedom House “Freedom in the a r o u n d N av a l n y ’s At one election rally — Yavlinsky ran
World 2017” index. call” for a boycott, he wrote in an op-ed Bronfman said. for president in 1996 and 2000, and
But Navalny’s elimination does mean published last week on the website Open That may explain why Yavlinsky is attempted to run in 2012 but was rejected
that Yavlinsky, 65, whose best electoral Democracy. On the other side, “there’s among many Jewish politicians in Russia over alleged irregularities in his list of
result was 7.4 percent of the vote in the the ruling party as well as the liberal party — figures like Yevgeny Roizman, Nemtsov, 100,000 signatures — a heckler asked him:
1996 presidential elections, now has a Yabloko and Ksenia Sobchak,” an indepen- and Sobchak — who speak openly of their “How does a Jew dare to even think about
chance of rallying the fractious opposition dent candidate and television presenter Jewish roots. becoming the president of Russia?”
behind him. And that may allow Yavlinsky who also has Jewish roots. “I never concealed the fact that my A reference to persistent anti-Semitic
at least to put a dent in Putin’s near-certain Sobchak is among the dozens of people mother is a Jew,” Yavlinsky said in an inter- sentiments centered on the outsized role
victory, according to Roman Bronfman, who have announced their intention to view 2001. “How can anyone renounce of Jews in the communist revolution and
a prominent Russia analyst from Israel run for president but have yet to submit their mother?” regimes that followed. It prompted a
who, like Yavlinsky, grew up in what today the required 100,000 signatures. They Openness is a trademark of Yavlinsky, response from Yavlinsky that he said was
is Ukraine. have until January 31 to do so. who unusually for a Russian politician intended as an attempt at humor.
“If Navalny endorses Yavlinsky, he may All of the registered candidates chal- speaks candidly about his childhood and “‘Jews have done so much harm in
well reach an important achievement lenging Putin in the elections — including other aspects of his life. Russia that it is they who are obliged to
in the elections because opposition to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who has inveighed He is unapologetic about the fact that take an active role in correcting the con-
Putin is strong, albeit suppressed,” Bron- frequently against Jews — have said they both of his sons live in the United Kingdom sequences,’” Yavlinsky recalled telling
fman said. have Jewish roots. — a fact that opponents sometimes cite as a the heckler in the 2001 interview. “Of
Navalny reached such an achievement If Yavlinsky’s participation in the vote is sign that he lacks patriotism. course, it was a joke, and the audience
in the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections, approved, he will become the third regis- In a 2016 interview, Yavlinsky said that laughed and the atmosphere immediately
finishing second to the ruling party’s can- tered candidate in the March election after his sons left for security reasons after became lighter.”
didate with 27 percent of the vote. It may the Communist Party’s Pavel Grudinin — the older one was abducted in 1994. The Despite this exchange, Yavlinsky insists
well have been the reason he was marked an unlikely choice for many Russians with abductors cut off part of the son’s finger that Russian society is not anti-Semitic
for political elimination. bitter memories of communism — and and mailed it to Yavlinsky with a note read- and that his popularity among some vot-
Boris Nemtsov, another Jewish opposi- Zhirinovsky, an ultranationalist provoca- ing “Unless you leave politics we’ll cut off ers proves it.
tion leader who used to be deputy prime teur who is equally unlikely to appeal to your son’s head.” But they released the “After the destruction of the Bolshe-
minister, was killed near the Kremlin in freedom-seeking voters fed up with Putin. captive, who had the severed part of his vik system, it becomes clear that anti-
2015 after saying he would run against Which is part of the reason that Bron- finger reattached. Semitism in Russia was mainly of a state
Putin in 2018. fman believes that Yavlinsky’s origins Yavlinsky also likes to talk about boxing, nature” and not part of society, he said
But without Navalny, Yavlinsky is not won’t hurt him electorally. a sport he excelled in as a youth, when he in a 1999 interview with CNN. And to the
likely to attract many votes, according “Although he’s of Ukrainian descent, was a junior champion of Ukraine in 1968. degree that it does exist, “the creation of
to Bronfman. although he’s of Jewish origins, so are Still, Yavlinsky’s Jewish origins have a new strong democratic state will stop
“He’s too liberal,” Bronfman said of many others, on the opposition and on been used against him in the course of his anti-Semitism.”
Yavlinsky, who opposed Russia’s war in Putin’s side, so it’s not really a factor,” long political career.  JTA WIRE SERVICE


The Frazzled Housewife Crossword
BY YONI GLATT, [email protected]

TB Tonya and the

magical airplane

irplanes are miraculous standing up and screaming, “Hey lady,
objects. stop coughing everywhere. You are
They fly. How do they do going to kill all of us with your germs!!!!!”
that? And with all of those Please tell me that some of you feel this
people who aren’t weighed before- way too! It cannot just be me. My kids
hand…. And when there were laughing at me, but
is turbulence, what is hap- that is par for the course,
pening exactly if you are in and husband #1 was look-
the sky? Invisible potholes? ing at me with that “What
Things you just don’t want would you like me to do?”
to think about when you face. I would like you to
are flying. I still remember get up and switch your
when my grandparents were seat even though Tuber-
invited to a wedding in Paris culosis Tonya’s germs
and the hosts of the wed- already were being recy-
ding flew them on the Con- Banji cled through the air of the
cord, which was an extra Ganchrow entire plane, because even
fast airplane. How did those though airplanes are awe-
aircraft work? Apparently some, they still haven’t
not too well, because I don’t think there figured out a way to open the windows
are Concords anymore. I wonder what to get fresh air without sucking people
became of those planes. through those said open windows. Or
In any event, as wonderful as airplane how to make a bigger bathroom — appar-
travel is, if you are a germ freak, planes ently either I have gotten bigger since my
are not for you. At all. Especially during last time on a plane or the bathrooms
Across 4. Many a San Fran worker
flu season. Or any season, for that mat- have gotten smaller. How is a woman
1. It’s the truth 5. Drake (not the Jewish man)
ter. If you turn on the news, you hear 5. What many often do in Eilat 6. Vikings family
how this year’s flu season is the deadliest 10. Treif meats 7. “East of Eden” director Kazan
it has been in over a decade. Thank you 14. Like Haman 8. Zuckerman from “90210”
for letting me know. What am I supposed 15. Pooh’s author 9. ___ off
to do? I got the flu shot, I wash my hands In any event, as 16. It won’t fly on Shabbat?
17. A brother-in-law of Jared
10. It doesn’t exist in Judaism, essentially
11. Bad Bashar
as often as humanly possible without
receiving a diagnosis of obsessive-com-
wonderful as 18. Pass over
19. Ayelet (Zurer) played her in “Man of
12. Leaves high and dry
13. Barbecue sides
pulsive disorder and I do my best not airplane travel is, Steel” 21. Handy to have
to touch any door handles with my bare
hands. I even have a few prescriptions
if you are a 20. “Moana” song for Tu b’Shvat?
23. Recurring theme for Berlin
22. Joke response, nowadays
23. 1-Down, e.g.

of Tamiflu in the house from a few years germ freak, 26. Brian of music, who is a big 35-Across
24. Blood, in a series
25. Chan. that might air Billy Wilder films
ago when we went on a cruise during flu
season and I was being a crazy mother.
planes are not 27. Help palindrome
28. “Sleeping Beauty” (or “Maleficent”)
29. Honey or flower
30. Former Giant star Umenyiora
(Some things never change — now, I just for you. At all. song for Tu b’Shvat?
33. Its value is 40
31. “ shall be blocked from you for

Especially during
three years, ___ be eaten” (Lev. 19:23)
am crazier.).
34. “Kacha-kacha” 32. “Charlotte’s Web” initials
But then came winter vacation. We
decided to go visit my in-laws in Boynton flu season. Or 35. Letters by those who dislike Israel
36. “Frozen” song for Tu b’Shvat?
36. Michele of ABC’s short lived “The
Beach (yes, you read correctly, I went to
visit my in-laws) and in order to get there,
any season, for 40. Kiryat Moshe to Rehavia dir.
42. “Rabbi, is there a blessing for the
37. Casspi’s team, on the scoreboard
38. One emanating from the face of
we had to go on a plane. The place where that matter. ___?’ (“Fiddler” line)
43. Caesar known for his strength and
39. “...who practices witchcraft, ___ who
colds, coughs, and lord knows what else humor interprets omens...” (Deut. 18:10)
come to breed. So you do what you can. of my size supposed to maneuver a toi- 46. “Enchanted” song for Tu b’Shvat? 40. Creator of many gods and monsters
I had my Purell, and aside from wearing let seat cover and turning around to sit 51. Cherubs, on the scoreboard 41. It’s very important in 40-Down’s work
a face mask, that was it. down without having to grease the walls 52. Huge Ming 43. Like a diffident maidel
53. Band created and managed by Lou 44. Particle studied by Bohr
We get on the plane, three of us in of the lavatory with butter??????
Pearlman 45. Mo. that sees a lot of 61-Across, in
one row and husband #1 on the aisle Stuck on a plane with TB Tonya, and 54. “The Little Mermaid” song for Judaism
across from us. The two seats next to several Sneezing Sams (again, not their Tu b’Shvat? 47. Norse war-god
him were empty. And then came Tuber- real names) I just tried not to breathe. 59. Opening for a shekel 48. Sect with a schism in 2006
culosis Tonya (not her real name). She That doesn’t work. Husband #1 finally 60. “Bambi”, e.g. 49. Greeting from a definitively non-Jew-
61. It proved Elijah to be legit ish character
was coughing on her hand. DOESN’T moved to the row in front of TB Tonya,
65. A sukkah is symbolic of one 50. Worthwhile
SHE WATCH THE NEWS?? You are so hopefully, no damage was done. 66. “___ Day’s Night” 51. Disobeys the Tenth Commandment
supposed to cough into your armpit, Wait, how long is the incubation 67. Del Boca Vista condo, e.g. 55. Bluesy James
because if you cough on your hand and period for colds, coughs, and lord knows 68. Creator of Genesis 56. Green and Gabor
your hand touches the seat and then what else? 69. Guns N’ ___, band that rocked Tel 57. What Caleb didn’t do, even in his old
Aviv in 2017 age
someone else touches the seat, they To be continued……..
70. Einstein locales 58. Baseball team with a previous owner
will then get sick. No wonder so many who had positive words about Hitler
people suffer from anxiety. Does every- Banji Ganchrow just watched son #1’s Down 62. “Barefoot” Garten
one think the way I do? Vikings get demolished by the Eagles. 1. Creation in Genesis 63. 1-Down, once
Then Tuberculosis Tonya just started Football season is officially over for 2. What Aaron might have called his big 64. Some Asimov characters; Abbr.
coughing everywhere. Sons #1 and #3 the Ganchrows. How many weeks until The solution to last week’s puzzle
3. Judge for 40 years
had to physically hold me back from pitchers and catchers? Let’s Go Mets!! is on page 54.


Arts & Culture
‘The Number on Great-Grandpa’s Arm’

or the record, it is A17606.
That literally is “The Num-
ber on Great-Grandpa’s Arm,”
the title and subject of the mov-
ing documentary short that airs on HBO
on January 27, International Holocaust
Remembrance Day.
It is a simple conversation between a
90-year-old camp survivor, Srulek Feld-
man, and his adoring 10-year-old great-
grandson, Elliott, about experiences
Srulek had before and during the war. It
is heartwarming, intelligent, and told in
a way that evokes the suffering without
frightening its intended family audience.
Feldman was born in Sosnowiec,
Poland, in what appears to be a financially
comfortable, Shabbos-observant family.
His father was a milliner who had his own
store, and life was good — until it wasn’t.
He was 14 years old when he and a group
of friends were grabbed up and (although
it’s not entirely clear) sent to a series of
work camps. He never saw his family again. Srulek Feldman, 90, engages in intimate conversation with his grandson, Elliott, 10.
Eventually he ended up in Auschwitz. After
a forced march alongside fleeing German fish market. youngster is a real find, smart, inquisitive, fish store. “If you’re hungry he will feed
troops on a Jewish Trail of Tears, he was The film has a number of really glorious and as much as a 10-year-old can be, a real [you] whether you’ve got money or not.”
liberated by Russian soldiers. elements. First, there is the obvious love history buff. What is particularly unique, though, is
He returned to Sosnowiec after the that young Elliott has for Jack (and vice Another important and fortunate take- the film’s back story. It started with Sheila
war, but knew no one there; all friends versa, of course), which is especially note- away is how willingly Jack responds to Nevins, 78, a long-time HBO executive and
and acquaintances were gone. He ended worthy in a time when older people often Elliott’s questions. Many survivors bur- president of HBO documentaries and fam-
up in a German DP camp, where he met are disrespected. ied memories and were forever changed ily programming since 2004. In that time,
his wife; the two ultimately emigrated to A second is the fascinating way the story by them. Not Jack. He remembers all. He the shows and films she has worked on
the United States, and Feldman, who now is told. It’s not a lecture, but Jack answer- “knows what it means to be hungry,” says have earned her a record 32 individual
called himself Jack, started a successful ing Elliott’s intelligent questions. The an African American man in Feldman’s Primetime Emmy Awards, 42 Peabodys,

The Tribe at the Grammys: 2018 edition

NATE BLOOM PINK, 38 (aka Alecia Moore) is nominated for best BOB DYLAN, 76, is nominated for best traditional
solo pop performance (“What About Us”). Pink’s pop vocal album (“Triplicate”) and the late LEON-
The Grammy awards will be presented on Sunday, mother is Jewish, and for the first time I know of ARD COHEN is nominated for best rock perfor-
January 28, at 4:30 p.m. James Corden will host. 2018 she referred to herself this past year as “a Jewish mance (“You Want it Darker”). Cohen also is nomi-
is the 100th anniversary of LEONARD BERNSTEIN’S woman” (following the marches and murder in Char- nated for best American Roots performance (“Steer
birth, and Andrew Lloyd-Webber will turn 70 this lottesville last summer). Your Way”).
year. Patti Lupone will honor Lloyd-Webber’s music MICHAEL SHUMAN, 32, is the bass player and some- Its fitting that Cohen and Dylan are paired, for one
by singing “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” from “Evita.” time keyboardist and drummer for the band Queens of last time, at the Grammys. They were contemporaries
Then 2017 Tony winner BEN PLATT, 24 (“Dear the Stone Age. The band’s “Villains” is nominated for who had the air of biblical prophets, and of course
Evan Hansen”) will join Lupone onstage and they best rock album. Known as “Mickey Shoes,” Shuman they often were called poets who also were song-
will honor Bernstein by singing a song from “West grew up in the Los Angeles area, where he went to He- writers. Cohen began as a poet, and judging by their
Side Story” together. brew school. He had a small part as a bar mitzvah boy respective work on the printed page, he probably
The vast majority of Grammys are not given on in “The Wedding Singer,” a hit ADAM SANDLER film. deserved that title more than Dylan. Nonetheless,
TV. Here are the verified Jewish nominees for the “Queens” was founded in 1996 and Schuman joined in Cohen was very gracious when Dylan won the Nobel
awards I believe will be presented on TV. 2007. He replaced Alan Johannes, who left when his Prize for literature shortly before Cohen died in 2016.
JACK ANTONOFF, 33, co-wrote and co-produced wife, NATASHA SHNEIDER, another “Queens” member, Cohen didn’t became big public famous until his
“Melodrama,” an album by singer Lorde that is nomi- became ill with terminal cancer; she died in 2008, at 1984 song “Hallelujah” became a huge hit following
nated for album of the year. Antonoff is a rock star in 52. Shneider, her brother, and her parents (who were the 2004 release of Jeff Buckley’s version. But Dylan
his own right, and he also was known as the boyfriend Soviet-era musical stars) were allowed to leave the heard Cohen sing the tune in Paris in 1988, and the
of actress and writer LENA DUNHAM, 31 (“Girls”). Sadly, Soviet Union in 1976. An amazingly multitalented musi- next day he told Cohen that he loved it. Reports say
the couple recently broke up after being together for cian, Natasha Shneider remains one of the few women they met up every few years and that they truly ad-
five years. It appears to be an amicable split. in a major hard rock band. mired each other’s work and weren’t hesitant to tell
BENJAMIN LEVIN, 29 (aka Benny Blanco), pro- The band the National is nominated for best alter- each other that.
duced “Issues,” a song of the year nominee. A top native music album for “Sleep Well Beast.” The five- Finally, GREG KURSTIN, 48, is nominated for an
producer and songwriter, Levin already has won member group includes twin brothers BRYCE and award he won in 2017: Producer of the Year, non-
three Grammys. AARON DESSNER, 41. classical. Last year he won mostly for his work


Arts & Culture

and 26 Oscars. friends. That didn’t seem like sufficient

She happened to be at the Museum of reason for the ceremony, so Nevins and
Jewish Heritage in lower Manhattan — “I her husband, Sidney Koch, took the boy
was introducing something,” she says — and to U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washing-
went into the museum’s deserted library ton, D.C. David apparently was so moved
beforehand to prepare when she saw a by what he saw that he wanted to buy a
copy of a book on display. It was called Magen David to wear. While father and son
“The Number on My Grandfather’s Arm.” headed off to the gift shop, Sheila contin-
“I read it, borrowed it, and thought this ued to tour the exhibits, and came upon a
would make a good film,” she said. “I real- film of Gerda Weissman Klein talking about
ized that the book was old, so today, it her six years as a victim of Nazi cruelty.
would have to be a great-grandfather, and That led to “One Survivor Remembers,” a
I also realized that there were not going to film that won both best short Oscar and a
be many survivors who fit that category.” Primetime Emmy.
Still, she went to the cocktail party, It started her on the road to recover-
made her remarks, and went on a hunt for ing her Jewish identity that culminated
women between the ages of 35 and 50 who with her visits to the Museum of the Jew-
might have a grandfather who survived the ish Heritage. “I get tearful there,” she said.
war and a son between 9 and 12. “There’s something about looking at the
Unbelievably, the first woman she Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island [from
approached, Stacy Saiontz, fit the bill the museum] that reminds you how hard
perfectly. Though the filmmakers inter- it is for so many, and about all those who
viewed others, it was Stacy’s son Elliott didn’t survive.
who was selected. “So for many reasons, I became very Artist Jeff Scher
Told the project seems bashert, she says, Jewish. I feel very proud and I feel com- painted over
“I was going to say that, but I was afraid I mitted to telling these stories.” photos of Jewish
couldn’t pronounce it right.” She solicited filmmaker Amy Schatz, a ghetto children,
Repeated for her, she agrees. “It truly frequent collaborator and multiple award above, and Nazis
is bashert,” she says. “One minute I’m sit- winner herself (eight Emmys, five Direc- unfurling flags,
ting in a library and my eye catches a book tor Guild Awards, and three Peabodys) to left, in a process
and the next thing I know I’m looking for bring the concept to fruition. called rotoscope
someone to be in my movie.” “When Sheila came to me with the animation used for
Nevins’ lack of familiarity with Jew- book, I was worried,” Schatz admits. “She “The Number on
ish words easily can be explained by her always asks for children’s shows that are Great-Grandpa’s
upbringing: “I was raised by communists,” deep and sophisticated and explore some Arm.”
she said. “I didn’t identify strongly as being of our most challenging issues.
Jewish, partly because I wasn’t allowed to.” “This was a difficult subject and I had was so horrifying.” “Do you know the significance of the
But that has changed, with a jour- to figure out how we could do something So she hired artist Jeff Scher, who used number 18?” Yes, I do.
ney that can only be described as, well, gentle and yet be real honest.” rotoscope animation — that is, he painted It wasn’t planned that way. Nevins con-
bashert. It began when her son David She came up with an ingenious solu- over photos — to provide drawings so tinues. “A man in his 60s came over to me
approached age 13 and announced that he tion. She filmed Elliott and Jack of course, beautiful that the Heritage Museum is [after an early screening and said] ‘Only
wanted to become a bar mitzvah. used home movies of the two on vaca- exhibiting through April. you would have known to make this film
When Sheila asked why, he claimed tion, and also looked at archival footage “Do you know the film is 18 minutes 18 minutes.’ It wasn’t planned that way. It
that he wanted a Las Vegas night like his of the Nazis and camps. “But that footage long?” Nevins asks. Yes, I did watch it. was bashert.”

producing Adele. This year it is mostly for his work ANE WARREN, 61; and, as noted above, “Never Give improvised jazz solo (“Whisper Not”). He’s been
producing Beck, the Foo Fighters, and Sia. He also is Up” was produced by GREG KURSTIN. Grammy-nominated six times before and the Jazz
nominated for producing the best song for a visual JORGE DREXLER, 53, is nominated for best Latin Journalists Association named him “pianist of the
media — ”Never Give Up” from “Lion” (sung by Sia). Rock, Urban or Alternative Album (“Salvavidas de year” in 2011. He was diagnosed HIV positive in the
The following is a list of Jews nominated for Gram- Hielo”). Drexler became the first Uruguayan to win 1980s, and had a health crisis in 2008 that put him
mys that probably won’t be given on TV. It isn’t a an Oscar when he won the best song Oscar in 2004. in a two-month coma and rendered him unable to
complete list, but it covers some biggies and also is A medical doctor, he has been Grammy nominated play for several years. He wrote about his life and
meant to highlight a few Jews in musical genres not four times before. ANAT COHEN, 38, a clarinetist, that crisis in his 2017 memoir, “Good Things Hap-
normally associated with Jewish folks. saxophone player, and bandleader, is nominated for pen Slowly.” (Google him for a great interview with
JERRY SEINFELD, 63, (“Jerry Before Seinfeld”) best Latin jazz album (“The Music of Moacir Santos”) TERRY GROSS of NPR.)
and SARAH SILVERMAN, 47 (“A Speck of Dust”) are and for best world music album (“Rosa Dos Ventos”). Finally, two very famous Jewish conductors, who
nominated for best comedy album. All three albums Born and raised in Tel Aviv, she lives in New York. were born within three months of each other in Los
nominated for best musical theater album have NOAM PIKELNY, 36, is nominated for best blue- Angeles, go head to head. LEONARD SLATKIN, 73,
Jewish nominees—-”Come from Away,” composed grass album for “Universal Favorite.” He’s considered the conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
by DAVID HEIN, 35ish, and IRENE SANKOFF, 35ish; one of the best living banjo players. He has won is nominated for conducting the orchestra’s perfor-
“Dear Evan Hansen,” composed by BENJ PASEK, many major bluegrass awards, including the “Steve mance of AARON COPLAND’s “Symphony No. 3;
32, and Justin Paul, and featuring the voices of BEN Martin Prize” (he played “Dueling Banjos” with Mar- Three Latin American Sketches.” Slatkin comes from
PLATT and RACHEL BAY JONES, 48; and “Hello tin on David Letterman’s show) and 2010 “player of a famously musical family. His father, FELIX, was the
Dolly”, composed by JERRY HERMAN, 86, and fea- the year” by the International Bluegrass Music As- violinist, conductor, and founder of the Hollywood
turing the voice of BETTE MIDLER, 72. sociation. He’s frequently asked how he, a Jewish kid String Quartet, and his mother, ELEANOR ALLER,
Likewise, all the songs nominated for best song from Skokie, Illinois, who went to the modern Ortho- was the quartet’s cellist. He competes in this cate-
written for a visual media include Jewish nominees: dox Ida Crown Jewish Academy, got into bluegrass. gory with MICHAEL TILSON-THOMAS, 73, who con-
“City of Stars,” from “La La Land,” was composed He rightly points out that Jews, for whatever reason, ducted the San Francisco Symphony’s recording of
by JUSTIN HURWITZ, 32, Pasek, and Paul; “I Don’t have had an affinity for bluegrass, and there have Debussy’s “Images; Jeux & La Plus Que Lente.” Like
Want to Live Forever,” from “Fifty Shades Darker,” been many prominent Jews in the genre (including Slatkin, Tilson-Thomas comes from a famous Jew-
was co-produced by JACK ANTONOFF; “Stand up ERIC WEISSBERG, 78, who wrote “Dueling Banjos”). ish family: he’s the grandson of BORIS and BESSIE
for Something,” from “Marshall,” was written by DI- FRED HERSCH, 62, a pianist, is nominated for best THOMASHEFKY, famous stars of the Yiddish theater.


Calendar Emanu-El, 2 p.m. In 1994,
Symphony music in
Saturday Fort Lee: The Bergen
his 23-year-old daughter,
Alisa, was murdered by
JANUARY 27 Symphony Orchestra Palestinian terrorists.
presents “A Winter To get justice from Iran,
Shabbat in Closter: Promise,”with works which financed the
Dr. Rachel Korazim is from Salieri, Beethoven, attack, Flatow fought
scholar-in-residence at and Mendelssohn, at the the State and Justice
Temple Emanu-El, during Fort Lee High School departments, the courts,
services that begin at auditorium, 7:30 p.m. and some of Europe’s
9 a.m. She is a freelance 3000 Lemoine Ave. largest banks — and he
Jewish education Snow date, Feb. 3, same won. Light refreshments.
consultant specializing in time. (201) 704-7584 or 756 E. Broad St. Conrad
curriculum development www.bergensymphony. Nadell, (908) 531-8228.
for Israel and Holocaust org.
education. 180 Piermont Music in Teaneck: The
Road. (201) 750-9997 or
Sunday Teaneck Community
Chorus presents its
JANUARY 28 winter concert, “Music
Shabbat in Wyckoff: Lessons — Broadway’s
Temple Beth Rishon Super Sunday: The Words of Wisdom,”
offers services led by Jewish Federation of 3 p.m., at Teaneck
Rabbi Ziona Zelazo, Northern New Jersey High School. www.
including meditations holds its annual Super teaneckcommunitychorus.
with music and self- Sunday fundraising day. org.
reflection, 10-11 a.m. Bring Make a donation online
a mat and water; no or by phone. Sign up to
meditation experience make calls. Laurie Siegel,
necessary. 585 Russell (201) 820-3956, lauries@ Sweet Tastes of Torah, a community night
Ave. (201) 891-4466 or, or www. FEB.
of study and breakout sessions with local
rabbis, will focus this year on the “Ethics-
Tu b’Shvat in New City:
The Nanuet Hebrew Driven Life.” The evening will concentrate
Center has Mincha, on what the prophets said about repentance, wisdom,
4:15 p.m.; Tu b’Shvat
seder, 4:45; Ma’ariv and
righteousness, civil disobedience, forgiveness, and
Havdalah, 5:30; screening Larry Shafier protest. It’s at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/CBI; doors
of “Sing” movie and Retirement solutions: open at 6:30 p.m. and Havdalah is at 7. Rabbi Barry
karaoke at 6:30, with Larry Shafier discusses L. Schwartz, author of “Path of the Prophets — the
pizza, popcorn, and ice
cream. 411 South Little
“Solutions for Retirement Ethics-Driven Life” and rabbi of Congregation Adas
Planning: Five
Tor Road. (845) 708-9181 Retirement Derailers,” at Emumo in Leonia, the keynote speaker, will discuss
or Book club in Paramus: Congregation Beth Aaron “Truth to Power: Prophetic Ethics in Troubled Times.”
Dr. Raisy Weiss discusses in Teaneck, 7:30 p.m. He Israeli folk dancing and refreshments follow. Presented
Ayelet Gundar- has been a chartered
Goshen’s “Walking financial consultant, by the North Jersey Board of Rabbis with support from
Lions” at the JCC of mutual fund counselor, local synagogues, 10-10 Norma Ave. (201) 652-1687,
Paramus/Congregation and life underwriter for
Beth Tikvah, 10 a.m. more than 30 years.
[email protected], or sweettastesoftorah.
Refreshments. East 950 Queen Anne Road.
304 Midland Ave. (201) 836-6210 or www.
(201) 262-7691.
of Fort Lee/Congregation leader of Bergen
Monday Gesher Shalom presents
Zen master Eran Junryu
Tuesday County’s Ethical Culture
Society and a professor
Floyd Vivino JANUARY 29 Vardi Roshi, who will talk JANUARY 30 of human rights at
about Zen Buddhism. Columbia University, will
Comedy in Ridgewood: He is the founder and lead a study group, “The
Temple Israel & JCC in spiritual director of Global Refugee Crisis:
Ridgewood’s Brandeis Eiryu-ji Zen Center in Why People Leave,”
Men’s Club presents an Wyckoff . Refreshments for the Bergen County
adults-only comedy night at 12:30 p.m., lecture at 1. section of the National
starring comedians Uncle 1449 Anderson Ave., Fort Council of Jewish
Floyd, Steve Marshall, Lee. (201) 947 1735. Women at the Shops at
and Inna Swinton, Stephen Flatow
Riverside Conference
7:30 p.m. Admission Stephen Flatow in Center, lower level, in
includes spaghetti dinner. Westfield: Stephen Riverside Square Mall,
475 Grove St. www. Hackensack, 1 p.m.
Flatow tells his story Eran Vardi Dr. Joseph Chuman to the Israel Support Light refreshments.
Committee of Central Zen Buddhism: The CSI Global refugee crises: (201) 385-4847 or www.
New Jersey at Temple Scholar Fund of the JCC Dr. Joseph Chuman,


talk by artist Sheryl Yeshurun presents Day perform “The Soap partnership with the
Wednesday Intrator Urman, brunch,
and transportation
“Stayin’ Alive: An
Israeli Comedy Show,” In New York Myth” at the Museum
of Jewish Heritage-A
YIVO Foundation. Also
February 1. Beth Kaplan,
JANUARY 31 and admission to the in English, by Gady Living Memorial to the great-granddaughter of
Jewish Museum for a Weissbart and Noam Tuesday Holocaust, 7 p.m. 36 Jacob Gordin and author
docent-led tour of the Jacobson, 8:30 p.m. 641 Battery Place. www. of “Finding the Jewish
exhibition of Amedeo West Englewood Ave.
JANUARY 30 or Shakespeare — The Life
Modigliani “Modigliani Sponsored by Carole (646) 437-4202. and Legacy of Jacob
Unmasked.” Meet at and Jack Forgash. Gordin,” will be attending
the shul at 10:30 a.m. (201) 836-8916 or www. Yiddish King Lear: both performances
You can go to just the bnaiyeshurun. org/ The famous Yiddish and will be talking
lecture and brunch. 240 events. play, “The Yiddish King afterward. 172 Norfolk
Broad Ave. Reservations, Lear” by Jacob Gordin, St. (800) 838-3006 or
starring opera star/actor
(201) 568-1315.
Sunday David Serero, is at the

FEBRUARY 4 Orensanz Foundation

on the Lower East Side,
Jewish delis: Dumont JNF breakfast in 8 p.m. Staged reading
Ed Asner performed in English,
historian Dick Burnon Paramus: Gil Hoffman,
gives a lecture, “The Rise Jerusalem Post’s political Theater in NYC: Ed featuring classic Yiddish
and Fall of American correspondent and Asner and Johanna songs. Production in
Jewish Delis” and shows author of its Frontlines
excerpts from the film column, is the guest
“Deli Man” at a meeting speaker for the Jewish
of the Senior Activity National Fund’s Paramus
Center at the Kaplen Janet DiNardo
YU community beit midrash
community breakfast
JCC on the Palisades Slavery in America: for Israel at the JCC
in Tenafly, 11:15 a.m. The CSI Scholar Fund Paramus/Congregation
411 East Clinton Ave. of the JCC of Fort Lee/ Beth Tikvah. Breakfast, Yeshiva University’s Center for the
(201) 569-7900, ext. 235. 9:30 a.m.; program at
Congregation Gesher
10. 304 East Midland
Jewish Future will present its commu-
Tu b’Shvat in Fort Lee: Shalom presents Janet nity beit midrash at YU’s Israel Henry
DiNardo; she begins Ave. (973) 593-0095,
Congregation Gesher ext. 823, or Beren Campus at 215 Lexington Ave.
Shalom/JCC of Fort Lee a series, “Slavery in
America.” Refreshments ParamusBreakfast. in Manhattan. It meets on six Wednes-
celebrates in the Hebrew
school, 5 p.m. 1449 at 12:30 p.m.; lecture, Baseball talk in days — January 31; February 7, 14, and
Anderson Ave., Fort Lee. “Slavery Comes to Teaneck: Bob Klapisch, 21; and March 7 and 14 — with Rabbis
Reservations, (201) 947 America,” at 1. Series formerly of the Record,
continues February 8 and Allen Schwartz and Lawrence Hajioff.
1735. gives a preview of
15. 1449 Anderson Ave., 2018 baseball season, Rabbi Schwartz, the Raymond J.
Fort Lee. (201) 947 1735. discusses the Astros Greenwald Chair in Jewish Studies at
winning the World Series, Yeshiva College, will teach “The Art of Rabbi Lawrence Rabbi Allen
the Hall of Fame voting Biblical Narrative,” and Rabbi Hajioff, Hajioff Schwartz
results, the future of
sports coverage in print a faculty member at Stern College for
media, and then answers Women, will teach “Building Blocks provide us with an extraordinary oppor-
questions for the Men’s of Successful Relationships.” Rabbi tunity to enrich our experience and
Club of Congregation Schwartz will present from 10:30 to 11:30 learning in these two very important
Beth Aaron, 9:30 a.m.
Light breakfast. 950 a.m., and Rabbi Hajioff will present from aspects of our lives: the stories we tell
Nili Couzens Queen Anne Road. 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. ourselves about ourselves and the stories
(201) 836-6210 or www. Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, the CJF’s dean, we tell to one another.”
Key to happiness: Nili Book discussion
says that “we can once again bring Torah The beit midrash is open to men and
Couzens talks about “The in Wyckoff: Gail
Key to Unlocking the Lowenstein moderates Saving rare books in and scholarship to the broader YU com- women. Registration is at
Happiness You Crave is a discussion of “The WWII Lithuania: The munity through the community beit sternlearn. For information, email Rabbi
Right in Front of You” at Women in the Castle” United Synagogue of midrash. The erudition and scholarship Menachem Lewin at [email protected]
Temple Sinai of Bergen by Jessica Shattuck Hoboken hosts a book
brunch about “The of Rabbi Schwartz and Rabbi Hajioff will or call (212) 960-5400, ext. 6171.
County in Tenafly. It’s for a meeting of the
sponsored by the Jewish Reader’s Circle at Book Smugglers” with
Federation of Northern Temple Beth Rishon, its author, Dr. David E.
New Jersey’s Women’s 7:30 p.m. Refreshments. Fishman of the Jewish
Philanthropy and also 585 Russelll Ave. Theological Seminary,
unites local participants 10:30 a.m. It is the story
Art in Riverdale
(201) 891-4466.
of a November trip to of how ghetto residents
Israel by the Jewish and partisans in WWII-
Women’s Renaissance Friday era Vilna, Lithuania,
The Derfner Judaica Museum at the
Project. 1 Engle St. FEBRUARY 2 hid, smuggled, and
(201) 820-3906 or saved thousands of rare Hebrew Home at Riverdale/River-
[email protected]. Shabbat in Jersey City: books from destruction spring Health presents “Jerusalem
Congregation B’nai during and after the war. Between Heaven and Earth.” The
Brunch. 115 Park Ave.
Thursday Jacob holds a Tu b’Shvat
celebration with music, (201) 659-4000 or office@ group exhibit for Jewish Art Salon
FEBRUARY 1 members opened in Jerusalem for the
wine, cheese, fruits,
nuts, and other snacks, Jerusalem Biennale last year. An open-
at Hamilton House, ing reception is scheduled Sunday,
7–8:30 p.m. Supported
by the Shuster family.
Singles January 28, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.; the
exhibit runs through May 27.
255 Brunswick St.;
building entrance on 10th Sunday The Derfner Judaica Museum at
Street where free parking FEBRUARY 4 the Hebrew Home at Riverdale/River-
is available. Rabbi Aaron spring Health, is located at 5901 Pali-
Katz, (305) 607-9062, or Senior singles meet in
[email protected].
sade Ave., Riverdale, N.Y. For informa-
West Nyack: Singles
tion, call (718) 581-1596, email art@
65+ meet for a social Photo ID required
Sheryl Intrator Urman Saturday get-together with
refreshments, at the JCC for entry.
Jewish Museum trip: Dor FEBRUARY 3 Rockland, 11 a.m. 450
L’Dor at Congregation West Nyack Road. Gene,
Ahavath Torah in Comedy in Teaneck: (845) 356-5525.
“Crusader Bible” by Miriam Stern.
Englewood offers a Congregation Bnai


Jewish World

Doctors, pilots and Extending our heartfelt condolences to board member

Holocaust survivors try to Dr. Sandra Gold on the passing of her husband
thwart Israel’s deportation plan Dr. Arnold Gold
Marcy Oster Earlier this week, several Holocaust sur-
vivors told the Israeli Hebrew daily news- An extraordinary man who was committed to
JERUSALEM — Holocaust survivors and paper Yediot Acharonot that they would the humanism of health care provision
rabbis, as well as doctors and some airline be willing to hide African migrants in their and to his family.
pilots, are among the Israelis who say they own homes to prevent their deportation.
will try to thwart Israel’s plan to deport Some, however, rejected the Anne Frank
thousands of African migrants, even if it comparison, saying the Israelis who shel-
May his memory be a blessing. Our hearts are with you.
means taking them into their own homes. ter the migrants do not face being put to
The latest group to come forward are death, as the family who sheltered the Elaine Adler, Founder
hospital doctors and medical staff, who, in Franks did. Charles Berkowitz, Chairman
a letter they sent to the director general of According to the government plan, Shelby Klein, President/CEO
the Population and Immigration Authority migrants who choose to leave by March 31 The Board of Directors and Staff
last Sunday, asked the government to halt will receive a payment of $3,500 as well as
Members, Families, and Volunteers
the planned expulsions. free airfare and other incentives, accord-
As those who are “charged with the com- ing to reports. Security in their home Adler Aphasia Center
mand to ‘save him from all evil and injus- country or a third country has already
tice,’ we are horrified by the thought that been guaranteed through diplomatic chan-
instead of absorbing those victims who nels, Israeli officials have said. The third
came to us fleeing genocide, torture, vio- country has not officially been identified,
lence and rape, we are discussing condemn- though most reports have identified it as
ing them to further harm,” the letter reads. either Rwanda or Uganda.
About 300 of the 400 medical person- Advocates for the African migrants have
nel who signed the letter are doctors. said that those who have been deported
At the beginning of the month, Israel’s have faced robbery, kidnapping and worse
Cabinet approved a plan and the budget after their arrival.
to deport thousands of migrants from The Population and Immigration
Sudan and Eritrea. Before that, the Popu- Authority reported that no infiltrators
lation and Immigration Authority notified entered Israel in 2017 and a small number
migrants from Sudan and Eritrea that as in 2016 following the construction of a bar-
of Jan. 1, they must return to their own rier wall on Israel’s southern border. Israel
countries or to a third nation — reportedly already has deported 20,000 of the some
either Rwanda or Uganda — or be sent to 60,000 African migrants who entered
Holot Prison until they are deported. Israel before the barrier was built.
The Officers, Board, and Staff of
Activists working against the deporta- In a tweet on Monday, the government
tion have appealed to airline pilots who of Rwanda said that “in reference to the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey
fly out of Israel to refuse to transport the rumors that have been recently spread in
deported migrants. In response, it was the media, the Government of Rwanda is saddened by the loss of
widely reported on Monday that three wishes to inform that it has never signed
pilots for El Al, Israel’s national airline, any secret deal with Israel regarding the

Dr. Arnold Gold z”l

announced on Facebook that they would relocation of African migrants.”
refuse a request to fly the migrants out of A second tweet added that “Rwanda’s
Israel. El Al does not fly directly to Rwanda policy vis-à-vis Africans in need of a home,
or Uganda, however. temporary or permanent, within our
Last week, a group of Israeli rabbis led country’s means, remains ‘open doors.’”
in part by author and activist Rabbi Susan Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Our thoughts and prayers are with
Silverman called on all Israelis to hide defended the expulsions. “We are not act-
African asylum seekers in their homes to ing against refugees,” he said at the start of Dr. Sandra Gold and the entire family.
prevent their deportation. The effort for- the weekly Cabinet meeting. “We are act-
mally is called Miklat Israel — Miklat means ing against illegal migrants who come here
sanctuary in Hebrew — and informally it is not as refugees but for work needs. Israel
know as the Anne Frank Home Sanctuary will continue to offer asylum for genuine
May the Gold family be comforted
movement. refugees and will remove illegal migrants
Some 130 rabbis met in Jerusalem under from its midst.” among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
the auspices of Rabbis for Human Rights to Israel has granted asylum to fewer than
discuss the initiative being overseen by the 1 percent of the migrants.
organization. In recent weeks, major American Jewish
“Anne Frank is the most well-known hid- groups have called on Netanyahu not to
den person, and she was hidden so she carry out his plan to deport or jail the tens Jewish Federation
would not be sent to her death — and we of thousands of migrants. Human rights
have documentation that these people are groups and Israeli NGOs have also spoken
facing possible death,” Silverman, the sister out against the plan.
of comedian Susan Silverman, told Haaretz. On Monday, more than 1,000 African asy- Stephanie Goldman Jason M. Shames
A sign-up sheet on Google Docs collecting lum seekers, mostly from Eritrea, and about President Chief Executive Officer
names, hometowns and phone numbers of 100 Israeli supporters protested outside the
Miklat Israel supporters asks how many Rwanda Embassy in Herzliya against the 50 Eisenhower Drive, Paramus, NJ 07652 | 201.820.3900
asylum seekers the person can shelter. planned deportations. JTA Wire Service

52 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018


Leonard Adler Lewis Tiech; a sister, Rita and Ronald (Donna); and and sons, Brett Chassen of
Leonard Adler, 86, of Aronowitz (Marvin); six nieces and nephews, California and Evan Chas-
Sarasota, Fla., formerly grandchildren, and two Katie, Emily, Sara, Rachel, sen of Florida.
of Washington Township, great- grandchildren. Daniel, Jonathan, and Arrangements were by
died January 22. Arrangements were by Josh. Eden Memorial Chapel, Established 1902
An Army veteran of the Louis Suburban Chapel, Donations can be sent Fort Lee. Headstones, Duplicate Markers and Cemetery Lettering
Korean War, he was a law- Fair Lawn. to the American Founda- With Personalized and Top Quality Service
yer in Englewood for over tion for Suicide Preven-
Please call 1-800-675-5624
50 years and the lawyer Shanon Pasternak tion. Arrangements were
for Washington Township Shanon Pasternak, 21, by Robert Schoem’s Meno-
for many years. He was of Clifton, formerly of rah Chapel, Paramus. are prepared
76 Johnson Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601
a member of the Bay- Hillsdale and the New York
with information
onne Hebrew Benevolent Catskills, died January Ralph Shoiock
provided by
Association. 21. A Pascack Valley High Ralph Shoiock, 89, of Boca
funeral homes. Robert Schoem’s Menorah Chapel, Inc
He is survived by his School graduate, he was Raton, Fla., and Fort Lee
wife, Beatrice, née Fried- attending S.U.N.Y. New died January 18. Correcting errors Jewish Funeral Directors
man, daughters, Heidi Paltz. Before retiring, he was a is the Family Owned & managed
Generations of Lasting Service to the Jewish Community
Kanevsky of Manalapan, He is survived by his CPA in New York City and responsibility
• Serving NJ, NY, FL & • Our Facilities Will Accommodate
and Alicia Goodman mother, Beda; siblings, Rockland County. of the Throughout USA Your Family’s Needs
of Westwood, and four Vanessa, Vivian ( John), He is survived by his funeral home. • Prepaid & Preneed Planning • Handicap Accessibility From
• Graveside Services Large Parking Area
grandchildren. Robert, Kenny (Dorothy), wife, Rosalie, née Zaven,
Gary Schoem – Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
Arrangements were by
Jordan E. Schoem – Funeral Director - NJ Lic. 5146
Eden Memorial Chapel,
Conveniently Located
Fort Lee. W-150 Route 4 East • Paramus, NJ 07652
Wishing our deepest condolences 201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
Margaret to our honorary board member
Hirshfeld Dr. Sandra Gold on the passing of her husband
Margaret Hirshfeld, 98, of
Paramus died January 20.
The Christopher Family
Born in Romania, she Dr. Arnold Gold. serving the Jewish community
grew up in Vienna and
settled in New York City in
since 1900
Beloved by all who met him, he was a
1938. She was a longtime
member of the Ethical Cul- true gentleman in every sense of the word. Paterson Monument Co.
ture Society in Teaneck. We each aspire to make the kind of impact MAIN
Paterson, NJ 07502
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444
Predeceased by her
he has made on this world, and to help 317 Totowa Ave. 681 Rt. 23 S.
husband, Egon, she is 973-942-0727 Fax 973-942-2537 973-835-0394 Fax 973-835-0395

survived by sons, Stephen the number of people he has helped. TOLL FREE 800-675-0727
(Stephanie), and Alan
(Alexandra); five grand- May his memory be a blessing.
children; great-grandchil-
201-791-0015 800-525-3834
dren, and caregivers. The Board of Directors and Professional Staff
Arrangements were by LOUIS SUBURBAN CHAPEL, INC.
Louis Suburban Chapel,
Jewish Family & Children’s Services Exclusive Jewish Funeral Chapel
Fair Lawn. Of Northern New Jersey Sensitive to Needs of the Jewish Community for Over 50 Years
• Serving NJ, NY, FL & Israel
Shlomo Imbar • Graveside services at all NJ & NY cemeteries
Shlomo Imbar, 73, of Fair • Prepaid funerals and all medicaid funeral benefits honored
Lawn died January 19. “Always within a family’s financial means”
Born in Iraq, he is 13-01 Broadway (Route 4 West) · Fair Lawn, NJ
survived by his wife, Richard Louis - Manager George Louis - Founder
Carmela, née Katzar, and NJ Lic. No. 3088 1924-1996
daughters, Shani Ambar
and Sharin Ambar, both of
Fair Lawn.
Arrangements were by We continue to be Jewish family managed,
Eden Memorial Chapel,
Fort Lee.
A Traditional Jewish Experience knowing that caring people provide caring service.

Pre-Planning Specialists • Graveside and Chapel Services GUTTERMAN AND MUSICANT

Beatrice Y. Korn, 95, of 800-522-0588
Hackensack, formerly of Barry Wien - NJ Lic. No. 2885 WIEN & WIEN, INC. MEMORIAL CHAPELS
Fair Lawn, died January 17.
Before retiring, she was
Frank Patti, Jr. - NJ Lic. No. 4169 800-322-0533
an assistant librarian at Arthur Musicant - NJ Lic. No. 2544 402 Park Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Fair Lawn High School. Frank Patti, Sr. Director - NJ Lic. No. 2693 ALAN L. MUSICANT, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 2890
Predeceased by her
husband, Joseph, she MARTIN D. KASDAN, N.J. Lic. No. 4482
is survived by children, 327 Main St, Fort Lee, NJ Advance Planning Conferences Conveniently Arranged
Mitchell Korn ( Jennifer),
Jesse Korn, Linda Schul-
201-947-3336 · 888-700-EDEN at the Funeral Home or in Your Own Home
man ( Jonathan), and

Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 53

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Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2017 55


Refugees ambassadors of goodwill from the Jewish Joe Taub child, who now lives in Fort Lee, also is grate-
FROM PAGE 8 community to refugees of other faiths. That FROM PAGE 11 ful to the JCC, for similar reasons.
While the fact that the assistance is being can only be a good thing.” “But my friend said that maybe I could “I never got any help from my son’s
offered by a Jewish group may not be terri- Rabbi Paskind said people looking to help apply for financial aid.” father, because he moved out of the coun-
bly important to the new refugees, he said, must proceed on two levels. “For many peo- She did. She submitted the documents try when my son was about 3 1/2, so I was
“For us, all our volunteers, I think it has been ple on our committee, it was the one-on-one, requested of her, the request went to the on my own,” she said. “I try to give my son
central,” though, he admitted, he may simply hands-on helping of a refugee family that scholarship committee — and her sons ends everything he deserves, and the JCC has
be extrapolating from his own feelings. “We stood out as what they wanted to do. I believe up in camp at the JCC. been very supportive and very helpful, and
know the Torah’s repeated command to care that while we can do something really good “They love it,” she said. “We also are mem- without making me feel bad.
for the orphan, widow, and stranger. We have for one family, while our country is turning its bers here. This will be our third summer. It is “At first, it was very hard to ask for help,”
studied Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ remarkable back and closing its doors as it did when the a very good program, with great counselors. she said. “It was new for me, having to ask.
teaching that ‘Love your fellow as yourself’ ship St. Louis was forced to turn around and They spend a lot of energy with the kids. But they didn’t make me feel small. They
turns out to be relatively simple, for she or he sail back to Europe, the local mitzvah is only “My boys are very grateful that they can be just understood my situation and they were
is usually rather like oneself. But the Torah part of the story. part of the JCC, and enjoy the summer. This very helpful.”
commands us to ‘Love the stranger, for you “I feel called to work to turn around the year my older son will be in a specialty camp, Her son started summer camp when he
were strangers in the land of Egypt.’ So we xenophobic response that has increasingly the sports one — he is passionate about bas- was 6 years old; now he’s 12, “and even now,
are to love those who are not like ourselves! become official policy. If we want to be true ketball — and there will be some science too. when he doesn’t have anywhere else to go, he
“I think we are all finding this an important to our history as immigrants, I think we need “There is a great sense of community,” will just go to the JCC and play a sport there,”
and moving experience. to lobby Congress and the White House to she concluded. “It is a very happy place. I go she said. “It is a home away from home.
“I hope it is also important for the fam- accept more, not fewer, refugees. We need there and feel like my boys are part of a big “It’s just such a special place,” she con-
ily we help,” he added. “They know we are to support the Dreamers and make them feel family. And there are always kids and elderly cluded. “The energy when you walk in is
Jewish. Some of our conversations touch welcome again, not criminalize them and people there. It is very family-centered, and so very welcoming and warm. And it’s not
on differences and similarities. I think some [chase] them from their homes. it is a crucial place for the community.” just for my son — even for me, when I walk
of us may hope that we can be unofficial “There’s a lot more we need to do.” A Moroccan-born single mother of an only in I can relax.”

Terrorist threat Islamic extremism in advancing terrorism. details of only eight of the 402 foreign- What does this all mean
FROM PAGE 45 born cases. Officials briefing reporters on for the Jews?
The Trump administration’s emphasis Whose numbers add up? the report said more information would be Be alert. Michael Masters, the director of
on foreign acts of terrorism is consistent The ADL is painstaking about making available in the future. the Secure Community network, the secu-
with its de-emphasis of domestic terror- sure that a murder was directly related However, even among the eight there rity arm for national Jewish groups, said
ism. Under Trump, Homeland Security has to extremism. It omits from its count the seemed to be anomalies, at least when community protections against either phe-
considered (but ultimately decided against) murder of a black student at the University judged against Trump’s original order. nomenon — international or domestic ter-
renaming its Countering Violent Extrem- of Maryland in May, noting in the report It includes people who planned to travel rorists — were essentially the same.
ism program Countering Islamic Extrem- that while the alleged assailant, who was abroad to join terrorist groups like the “Recent reports outline the dangers
ism. It defunded an Obama-era program, white, belonged to a Facebook group that Islamic State. Nothing, at least in the posed by violent extremists — Islamists,
Life After Hate, that helped right-wing attracted racists, not all of its members report, suggested that these people white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups,
extremists detach from radical groups. are racists. It also provides an addendum planned attacks on U.S. soil. as well as individuals — all of whom
A former senior national security detailing 34 extremist-related murders Ed O’Callaghan, a deputy assistant attor- continue to pose a threat to the United
adviser to Trump, Sebastian Gorka, has in 2017, explaining why in each case the ney general, briefing reporters on the States,” he said. “The Jewish community
said repeatedly that there is “no such attack was deemed extremist-related. report, said that those people eventually must remain vigilant. Our safety and secu-
thing” as a lone-wolf attacker, suggesting (Breakdowns of previous years appear in might return to the United States to carry rity depends on our ability to share infor-
it was an Obama administration construct previous annual reports.) out attacks. mation, undertake training, develop an
designed to cover up the role of organized The Homeland Security report includes “I think that that makes the American acute awareness of our surroundings at
people safer and I know the Trump admin- all times and to report any and all suspi-
istration does,” he said. cious activity.
Additionally, several of those people are “These efforts, when undertaken, allow
not from the six Muslim-majority countries us to better prepare for and address the

Coming in February designated in the Trump order. Instead,

the selections appear designed to bolster
threats that our community may encoun-
ter, regardless of the ideology that drives
changes in immigration policy that Trump those threats.”
9 - Finance/Charitable Giving embraced following the March executive
order. Several arrived in the United States
The ADL seemed to want to remind the
Trump administration that containing
through the visa lottery system, and sev- foreign terrorism should not come at the
16 - Healthy Living eral were here because they were spon- expense of combating extremists at home
sored by family. Trump wants to put an and what its national director calls a “new
end to the visa lottery system as well as willingness by racist groups to put them-
23 - Events & Celebrations what he calls “chain migration.” selves front and center on the American
A reporter at the briefing said he had heard public stage.”
that among the 402 were terrorists who had “In recent years, much of the public
23 - About Our Children been captured abroad and were brought to discussion and the federal government’s
the United States for trial — in other words, focus have been on the violent threat
23 - Rockland Section whose “immigration” was entirely a function
of their being brought to justice.
posed by extremists inspired by ISIS, while
less attention has been paid to the reality
Callaghan acknowledged as much. of right-wing violence,” Jonathan Green-
“There is undoubtedly, because I’ve blatt, its director, wrote in an op-ed for the
To advertise call 201-837-8818 x 121 been involved in a lot of the cases, a cer- Atlantic on Wednesday. “There’s no doubt
tain number of those foreign-born indi- that Islamic extremism is a significant
[email protected] viduals who have been brought into the threat, but we shouldn’t ignore any forms
United States by extradition or otherwise of extremism — we must tackle them all.”
to face charges,” he said.  JTA WIRE SERVICE


Real Estate & Business

Check it out ‘Peer Gynt’ in Teaneck After wooing and sub-

sequently crushing the
The Black Box Performing Arts Center in Teaneck heart of not one but
presents a production of “Peer Gynt” by Henrik Ibsen three eager admirers,
(author of classic domestic dramas such as “A Doll’s Peer decides that it’s
House” and “Hedda Gabler”). time to “quit this soil”
This new production — presented in special arrange- and pursue a life beyond
ment with Samuel French, Inc. — is directed by BBPAC all that is familiar. An
artistic director Matt Okin, produced by Black Box unprecedented experi-
Studios, and features a cast of BBPAC mainstays and mental rendition of the
newcomers: Brennen Dopwell, Allison Falkenstern, most widely performed
Michael Gardiner, Bishon Prushankin, Joseph Ramon- of all Norwegian plays,
dino, Jake Geary, Savannah Lloyd, Danielle MacMath, which — according to
Ellen Revesz, and Laurence Wallace, with assistant Klaus Van Den Berg —
director/production stage manager Savannah Lloyd. features a “cinematic script [that] blends poetry with social sat-
Investors Bank’s Englewood branch manager “Peer Gynt” will continue to play over the next ire and realistic scenes with surreal ones.” “Peer Gynt” has been
Stacey Goldberg recently hosted a check presen- two weekends through February 4, Thursday described as the story of a life based on procrastination and
tation with pro football and sports broadcasting through Sundays at 7:30 p.m., at Teaneck’s Black avoidance. When all is said and done, will Peer discover “the
star Phil Simms. Investors Bank and the Investors Box Performing Arts Center (200 Walraven Drive, victory only dread can give?”
Foundation presented $25,000 in grants to three just off Palisade Avenue). Tickets are $25 ($20 for students/seniors) available at www.
nonprofits on behalf of Phil Simms. The Simms In Ibsen’s infamous epic, a reckless and egotisti- or at at the venue. Call (201) 357-2221 for
Family has assisted each of the nonprofits since cal Peer seeks a life full of adventure and success, but group rates of 10 or more and for box office hours.
he first joined the New York Giants football team without all the not-so-glamorous agony and dread.
as their quarterback in 1979. The grants were
provided to the Matthew Larson Foundation for
Pediatric Brain Tumors (also known the IronMatt TeaneckShuls
Foundation), Wyckoff Family YMCA, and the Dr.
Theodore Atlas Foundation. Front row, from left, leaves YahooGroups
Stacey Goldberg, Wyckoff Y executive director
Joy Vottero, and the Y’s special events director
After 17 years, the more than 14,000 members of the
TeaneckShuls mailing list are no longer exchanging
Nancy Addis. Back row, from left, Investors Bank messages using Yahoo. Following what moderators SUNDAY, JANUARY 28
assistant branch manager Angelos Kouzinas and reported as the rapid degradation of YahooGroups, t TEANECK t
CEO Kevin Cummings, Teddy Atlas of the Dr. T. the mailing list migrated Tuesday to a relatively new
Atlas Foundation, Simms, IronMatt Foundation service, GroupsIO.
founder Kelly Larson and board member Kirsten The one change required from subscribers, according
Kincade, who is also a Wyckoff Y volunteer, and to the list moderators: When sending a new message for
Investors’ Selena Sustache.  posting, please send it to: [email protected]
 Photo by Danielle Richards TeaneckShuls subscribers are urged to go into their
email contacts list, delete the yahoogroups email
address, and insert [email protected].
Valley Hospital expert
will focus on hand pain
The Valley Hospital will host a free community health
program, Wave Goodbye to Hand Pain, on Tuesday,
Let Us Finance Your
February 6, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at The Dorothy B.
Kraft Center, 15 Essex Road, Paramus.
House Purchase
You may not realize how much you use your hands • Direct lender 1238 Sussex Rd $389,900 1 PM – 3 PM
until symptoms of arthritis start making daily activities • 2 to 3 day approval Prime W Eglwd. Charm Dutch Col. Liv Rm/Fplc, Form Din Rm, Lg
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challenging or even impossible. More than two dozen
joints in our hands and wrists enable a wide range of • Closings within 30 days 1115 Belle Ave. $399,900 1 PM – 3 PM
precise movements, but arthritis can cause inflamma- • Northern NJ Appraisers Picture Perfect. Beaut Decorated Stone & Brick Tudor. Liv Rm/Fplc,
Form Din Rm, Den, Brkfst Rm. 3 Lg Bdrms, 2.5 Bths. Game Rm
tion of these joints, resulting in pain, swelling, stiff-
ness and loss of strength. Fortunately, there are sev- • FHA loans w/55% debt ratio Bsmt/Stained Glass Windows. Patio. Gar.
eral treatment options available to provide pain relief • Credit scores as low as 580 147 Degraw Ave. $489,000 1 PM – 3 PM
First Time Offered! Beaut Updated In & Out. Open Floor Plan/Ent
and improve hand function. Home therapies, such as
hand exercises can also help strengthen the hands and Hall. Sunlit LR open to DR. Gorgeous Grnte Kit/Brkfst Cntr/SS Appl.
Sliders to Party Deck. 3 BRs, 2.5 New Bths. Ceramic Tiled Bsmt.
restore range of motion. 5 Car Drvwy. New HVAC.
Join orthopedic and hand surgeon Dr. Steven B.
Shamash to learn about what causes arthritis and the
latest treatment options to relieve hand pain and get
back to doing the things you love. t TEANECK t
Dr. Shamash is a graduate of the Chicago College Exclusive. Quiet Setting. Lov Cul-de-Sac. Spac Col. Deep 124'
of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his orthope- Larry DeNike Daniel M. Shlufman Prop. LR/Stone Fplc. FDR leads to Screen Prch + Patio. Lg Kit/Brkfst
President Managing Director Rm. 4 (2nd Flr) Bdrms. Huge Hi Ceil Bsmt. C/A/C. Gar. $460’s
dic surgery residency at the Philadelphia College of
MLO #58058 MLO #6706
Osteopathic Medicine. He also completed a residency
[email protected] [email protected] ALL CLOSE TO NY BUS / HOUSES OF WORSHIP /
at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia Univer- HIGHWAYS / SHOPS / SCHOOLS
sity Medical Center. Classic Mortgage, LLC For Our Full Inventory including
There is no fee to attend this program but registra- Serving NY, NJ & CT Details & Pictures, Visit our Website
tion is required. To register, call 1 (877)-283-2276 or 25 E. Spring Valley Ave., Ste 100, Maywood, NJ
visit 201-368-3140
(201) 837-8800
Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018 57
Real Estate & Business

Hampton Inn & Suites and Homewood Suites by Hilton open in Teaneck soon
Two new Hilton hotels will open under amenities as a year-round swimming the Bergen County and northern New developing this property to accommo-
one roof at 1 Glenwood Ave. in Teaneck pool, a 24-hour fitness room and busi- Jersey area. It is also a great choice for date their needs. With complimentary
this spring, offering leisure and busi- ness center, free Wi-Fi, and a compli- leisure travelers who want to visit area internet access, a daily hot breakfast buf-
ness travelers modern new accommoda- mentary daily hot breakfast that includes attractions including MetLife Stadium, fet, a dual modern lobby, and access to
tions in a relaxing environment with easy eggs, oatmeal, waffles, and fresh coffee. the Meadowlands Complex, and the all that northern New Jersey has to offer,
access to local businesses and attrac- Homewood Suites by Hilton Teaneck/ future American Dream development we will provide the perfect mix of ame-
tions, and a short ride to New York City. Glenpointe will offer all-suite accom- just 10 minutes away — as well as New nities that make for a comfortable stay,”
Hampton Inn & Suites Teaneck/Glen- modations, featuring fully-equipped York City’s Times Square and Midtown said Mitchell Heymann, director of sales
pointe and Homewood Suites by Hilton kitchens and separate living and sleep- Manhattan nearby. These two brands and marketing for the development.
Teaneck/Glenpointe will provide 1,230 ing areas. Guests will also receive com- under one roof eliminate the hassle and Alfred Sanzari Enterprises is develop-
square feet of meeting space that can plimentary daily hot breakfast, evening prices of New York City, while providing ing both properties while White Lodging
accommodate up to 100 people, and 350 socials Monday to Thursday, Wi-Fi and a guests easy access to the Big Apple. will manage the property. Model rooms
sleeping rooms for groups or individual grocery shopping service. “We are excited to create a bright are available for tour now by calling
travelers. The dual-build hotel is ideal for busi- new dual-hotel for travelers to Teaneck. (201) 928-2696.
Guests staying at Hampton Inn & Suites ness travelers with its proximity to local Whether our guests stay for fun or busi-
Teaneck/Glenpointe will enjoy such corporate offices of major companies in ness, or a night or a few months, we are

Learn about fall prevention

SELLING YOUR HOME? at Mahwah Library program
The Valley Hospital will host a free A fall can be scary for someone of any
community health program, Heads Up age, but for seniors, they are especially
Seniors! on Tuesday, February 13, from worrisome and potentially dangerous.
1 to 2:30 p.m. at The Mahwah Public In fact, among older Americans, falls are
Library, 100 Ridge Road, Mahwah. the leading cause of injuries and hospital
If you’re a senior or you’re concerned visits due to head trauma, broken hips,
about the safety of a loved one, you and more. The risk of falling and fall-
won’t want to miss this interactive pro- related injuries also increases as we get
gram on how to prevent and avoid falls. older, as about one out of four seniors
Join exercise physiologist Eileen Emman- ages 65 and older fall every year.
uel to learn about why falls happen, how There is no fee to attend this program
to recognize and reduce falling risks and but registration is required. To register,
which prevention strategies are right for call (800) 825-5391 or visit www.Valley-
you or your loved one.

Lester Senior Housing Community

in Whippany to host workshop
Call Susan Laskin Today for dementia caregivers
To Make Your Next Move A Successful One!
The Lester Senior Housing Community in chance to tour the community’s home- Cell: 201-615-5353
Whippany will host a free caregiver work- like Memory Care Suite and learn more
©2018 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.
An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. shop on dementia care titled, “Hope for about the activities and services there
People with Dementia: Why Comfort Mat- that promote comfort while also foster-

ters” on Thursday, February 15 from 4 to ing opportunities for socialization and

immy im
6 p.m. The presenter will be Tena Alonzo, engagement. To reserve a seat at the
director of education and research at workshop, contact David Rozen at (973)
Beatitudes Campus in Arizona and a 929-2725 or [email protected].
noted leader in dementia care. The Lester Senior Housing Commu-

the Junk Man the

Attendees will learn about the Com-
fort Matters approach to memory care,
nity is located at 903-905 Route 10 East
in Whippany, on the Alex Aidekman

RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RESIDEN which emphasizes a highly personal-

ized, holistic perspective that puts each
Family Jewish Community Campus. For
more information about the Memory
WE CLEAN OUT: individual’s needs and well-being first. WE
Care Suite, respite stays, or the com-
Basements •Basements Attics • Garages • Fire Damage As part of her talk, Alonzo will share munity’s• independent andAtt assisted liv-
Construction Debris Constructionor visit De
• Hoarding Specialists helpful tips and valuable resources for ing options, contact David Rozen
those caring for loved ones with cogni-
CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY tive impairments. There will also be a

201-661-4940 - 4940 2 0 1 - 6
We do not transport solid or hazardous waste
We do not trans

58 Jewish Standard JANUARY 26, 2018



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