University of Gujrat: A Movie Rental Store
University of Gujrat: A Movie Rental Store
University of Gujrat: A Movie Rental Store
Narowal Sub-campus
For simplicity's sake (assuming that the rental store is relatively small and the computer memory is
relatively large), the application loads the database of customers and rental items into computer
memory at the beginning of the execution. The rental item data includes the item title, quantity on
hand, and the item id. The customer data includes the customer name and phone number (with the
phone number used as the customer id), the number of movies the customer has borrowed, and
their ids.
To make it more interesting from the point of view of using inheritance, I will add the following
detail: The movie data is stored in a file with a letter indicating the movie category ("f" for feature,
"c" for comedy, "h" for horror). When the data is read into memory, the information about the
category is stored in numeric form (1 for feature, 2 for comedy, 3 for horror). When the movie
information is displayed on the screen, the category is displayed as a word ("feature" for feature,
"comedy" for comedy, "horror" for horror). When the data is stored back to the file, the movie
category is stored as a letter again.
When a customer brings a movie to the register to check it out, the store clerk enters the customer's
phone number for the search of the database. If the customer is not found, a message is displayed. If
the customer is found, the customer name and phone number are displayed along with the data
about the movies that the customer has on loan. After verifying the customer name, the clerk enters
the movie id. The quantity on hand for this movie is decremented by one and the movie id is added
to the list of ids of the movies borrowed by this customer.
If a barcode reader is used to enter the movie id, then the movie will definitely be found in the
database. In this prototype, when the movie id is entered manually, an error message is displayed if
the movie is not found.
When the customer brings a movie to the register to return it, the store clerk again enters the
customer phone number. When the customer record is displayed, the clerk enters the movie id. If
the id is found in the list of movies borrowed by the customer, it is deleted from the list, and the
quantity on hand for that movie is incremented by one. If the movie id is entered incorrectly, an
error message is displayed.
For its reliability, we included the monetary aspect of the program (charging rental fees and late
fees), the performance part of the program (accumulating the indicators of demand for each movie),
and the management part of the program (adding, deleting, and editing customer and movie data).
University of Gujrat
Narowal Sub-campus
Sample input file with customer data. (Shows a sample input file with customer data. Each customer
is allocated two lines. The first line contains the customer name and the customer phone number.
The second line contains the number of movies the customer has on loan and the list of movie
access numbers.)
Sample output file with customer data. (Shows the contents of the customer file after the program
run. It indicates that customer returned the movie with the id number 101 and checked out the
movie with the id number 103.)
University of Gujrat
Narowal Sub-campus
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