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Blog Updated FGI Guidelines for 2014

July 29, 2014  |  Maria Ramos & Tina Schweizer, Mechanical Engineers

The current FGI guidelines will be updated in 2014.  These guidelines are
used in conjunction with ASHRAE 170 for specific healthcare-related MEP
and other design concerns.  They are not building codes, but rather
guidelines used by the Joint Commission; and it is, therefore important that
engineers adhere to them in the design of systems for healthcare facilities. 
The following changes in the Guidelines and other insights were highlighted
By Email in a seminar recently attended by Fosdick & Hilmer healthcare project

Categories 1. The Guidelines were previously referred to as AIA Guidelines until 2006.

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Air Handling Unit
Arc Flash
Chiller Plant
Clean Steam Generator
Cogeneration Plant
Combined Heat & Power
EON In 2010, they became the FGI Guidelines (Facility Guidelines Institute).
Healthcare 2. There are now two books, one for Hospitals and one for Residential
Humidity Facilities.
HVAC 3. Some items do not apply directly to MEP design, but engineers must
pay attention so that we can effectively collaborate with the other
Operating Room
professionals and the Owner.
4. Many states do not recognize the FGI Guidelines as an enforceable
code, but Joint Commission (JC) surveys according to FGI Guidelines
and, therefore, engineering design needs to abide by it. The FGI
Guidelines is the standard of care for healthcare design. If it is not met,
there has to be a good engineering reason and a reference made to
other industry resources like ASHRAE.
5. The definition of Operating Rooms has changed. There is no longer
Class A, B, or C Operating Rooms. Everything will fall into one of two
categories: Procedure Room or Operating Room.
6. The definition of “Invasive Procedure” has been modified. If a space is
designed for invasive procedures it will affect how HVAC diffusers are

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selected and whether low exhausts are required.

7. No “Open” water features are allowed. The old ones do not have to be
taken out, but new ones cannot be installed. “Closed” features are still
8. The list of systems requiring Commissioning has expanded.
9. Patient privacy curtains should not interfere with sinks. This becomes
an infection control issue. Engineers should weigh in on sink locations
and curtain locations with the architect and users.
10. Swivettes are no longer permitted in ICU rooms.
11. The cooling for IT rooms must be on emergency power. This is due to
the changing nature of business with so many things being electronic.
12. Emergency Medical Record (EMR) devices need to be on UPS. This is
now considered a “critical” system.
13. Plumbing sinks have a minimum size requirement of 144 sq. in.
14. Endoscopy is not considered an invasive procedure. In the air change
requirement chart it has a pressure requirement of “N/R” which stands
for “No Requirement”. This is not the same as “Neutral”. Where “N/R” is
listed, the room can be positive, negative, or neutral. So if the hospital
wants this room to double as a bronchoscopy room, which requires
negative pressure, the room can be set to negative pressure and be
used for both procedures. (Side note: historically people would site
odor issues as a reason to keep the Endo room negative or invasive
procedure as a reason to keep the room positive. It is not classified as
an invasive procedure, and the majority of the odors come from the
scope sterilizer. The scope room should be negative pressure.)
15. Return air plenums are not permitted in patient care areas – inpatient or
outpatient. If your spaces require a specific pressure relationship, there
cannot be a plenum.
16. The minimum number of air changes per hour in patient rooms has
been reduced to 4, but with restrictions. Since most of the time there is

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a large window in patient rooms, the minimum for heating and cooling
is often well above 4 air changes per hour, so this will not come into
play very often.
17. In a negative isolation room we assume that the transfer air into the
room comes from under the door. In reality some of it comes from
leakage around the windows. If there is construction going on
outdoors, debris could be pulled into the space. Measures should be
taken to alleviate this condition.
18. ICU rooms in the FGI Guidelines have no pressure requirement, but it is
recommended that they be positive pressure. This can be slight positive
pressure and it does not have to be monitored.

Categories ASHRAE Codes HVAC Operating Room

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