MIT8 044S14 Exam4 04

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Physics Department

8.044 Statistical Physics I Spring Term 2004

Exam #4

Problem 1 (35 points) Flatland

FLATLAND, Edwin A. Abbot, 1884

Consider world, perhaps Abbot’s Flatland, where electromagnetic waves can only
propagate in two dimensions, call them x and y. The electric field E must also be
in the plane, but the magnetic field B is perpendicular to both the plane and the

wavevector k. The normal modes of the radiation field in a square box of side L with
conducting walls are given by
 kx ,ky = |E |ˆ

E 1 sin(kx x) sin(ky y) sin(ωt + φ)

kx and ky are determined by the need
where ˆ1 is a unit vector in the direction of E,
 to go to zero at the walls, and ω = c|k|.
for E

a) What are the allowed values of k in the box?

b) Find D(ω), the density of normal modes at frequency ω.
c) Find an expression for u(ω, T ), the temperature dependent energy density (per
unit area, per unit frequency interval) of thermal radiation in this world. Do
not include contributions from the zero point energy in the field.
d) How is the Stefan-Boltzmann law changed in this world?

Problem 2 (35 points) Two-Dimensional Metal

ε ?��J�KH



We have studied electrons moving in a box in which the potential energy was zero.
Alternatively one could consider electrons moving in a box containing a periodic
potential – a simple model for the conduction electrons in a metal with a crystalline
lattice. Under these conditions the single particle states can still be indexed by a
wavevector k; however, the energy of each state (k) need not be quadratic in k nor
even isotropic in space.

The figure at the left above shows an approximation to the dispersion relation, (k),
in a particular two-dimensional metal∗ . The energy has the form of an inverted square
pyramid. It has four fold rotational symmetry. Along the kx direction the energy is
given by (kx ) = γkx . The figure on the right shows a contour of constant energy on
the kx , ky plane.

a) If one imposes periodic boundary conditions on the electron wavefunctions in a

square sample of side L, what are the allowed values of the wavevector k?
b) Find D(k), the density of allowed wavevectors as a function of k.
c) Find D(), the density of single particle states for the electrons as a function of
their energy . Make a carefully labeled sketch of your result.
d) The metal contains N conduction electrons. Find the Fermi energy F , the
energy of the last single particle state occupied at T = 0.
e) Find the total energy of the electrons at T = 0 in terms of N and F .
f) Without doing any calculations, indicate how the electronic heat capacity de-
pends on the temperature for temperatures T << F /kB .
g) What is the surface tension S/ (the negative of the spreading pressure) of the
electron gas at T = 0?

Two dimensional planes of conduction electrons are not a fiction. They play an important role
in semiconductor electronics and in high temperature superconductivity.

Problem 3 (30 points) Paramagnetic Ions

 ε�µ00 µ��−µ0
ε� µ��
 ε�−µ00 µ��µ0

Certain impurity ions in a crystalline lattice interact with the neighboring atoms to
create 4 states, 2 of which remain degenerate when a magnetic field H is applied
along the z direction. The three resulting energy levels are shown above, along with
their degeneracies, energies and magnetic moments.

a) Find the partition function for a single ion, Z1 (T, H). You may wish to simplify
the resulting expression using hyperbolic functions; see the information sheet
for the properties of the hyperbolic functions.

b) Find the total energy E(T, H) ≡ N <  > of N non-interacting ions in thermal
equilibrium at temperature T .

c) Find the total magnetic moment (in the z direction) due to the N ions, M (T, H).

You can check your answers to b) and c) by determining if they have the expected
asymptotic behavior at low and high temperature.

Work in simple systems

Hydrostatic system −P dV

Surface film S/dA

Linear system FdL

Dielectric material
Magnetic material HdM

Thermodynamic Potentials when work done on the system is dW = Xdx

Energy E dE = T dS + Xdx
Helmholtz free energy F = E − TS dF = −SdT + Xdx
Gibbs free energy G = E − T S − Xx dG = −SdT − xdX
Enthalpy H = E − Xx dH = T dS − xdX

Results from hyperbolic trigonometry

sinh(u) = (eu − e−u )/2 cosh(u) = (eu + e−u )/2

tanh(u) = sinh(u)/ cosh(u) coth(u) = 1/ tanh(u)
d du d du
(sinh u) = (cosh u) (cosh u) = (sinh u)
dx dx dx dx

Limiting behavior of as u → 0 as u → ∞
sinh(u) u eu /2
cosh(u) 1 + u2 /2 eu /2
tanh(u) u 1
coth(u) 1/u + 13 u 1

Statistical Mechanics of a Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

(n) = (n + 12 )h̄ω n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
−(n+ 12 )h̄ω/kT
p(n) = e /Z(T )
− 12 ¯
Z(T ) = e hω/kT
(1 − e−¯hω/kT )−1
< (n) >= 12 hω
¯ + hω(e
¯ h̄ω/kT
− 1)−1
Radiation laws

Kirchoff’s law: e(ω, T )/α(ω, T ) = 14 c u(ω, T ) for all materials where e(ω, T ) is the
emissive power and α(ω, T ) the absorptivity of the material and u(ω, T ) is the uni-
versal blackbody energy density function.

Stefan-Boltzmann law: e(T ) = σT 4 for a blackbody where e(T ) is the emissive power
integrated over all frequencies. (σ = 56.9 × 10−9 watt-m−2 K−4 )

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8.044 Statistical Physics I

Spring 2013

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