MIT8 044S14 Exam4 04
MIT8 044S14 Exam4 04
MIT8 044S14 Exam4 04
Physics Department
Exam #4
Consider world, perhaps Abbot’s Flatland, where electromagnetic waves can only
propagate in two dimensions, call them x and y. The electric field E must also be
in the plane, but the magnetic field B is perpendicular to both the plane and the
wavevector k. The normal modes of the radiation field in a square box of side L with
conducting walls are given by
kx ,ky = |E |ˆ
Problem 2 (35 points) Two-Dimensional Metal
ε ?��J�KH
We have studied electrons moving in a box in which the potential energy was zero.
Alternatively one could consider electrons moving in a box containing a periodic
potential – a simple model for the conduction electrons in a metal with a crystalline
lattice. Under these conditions the single particle states can still be indexed by a
wavevector k; however, the energy of each state (k) need not be quadratic in k nor
even isotropic in space.
The figure at the left above shows an approximation to the dispersion relation, (k),
in a particular two-dimensional metal∗ . The energy has the form of an inverted square
pyramid. It has four fold rotational symmetry. Along the kx direction the energy is
given by (kx ) = γkx . The figure on the right shows a contour of constant energy on
the kx , ky plane.
Problem 3 (30 points) Paramagnetic Ions
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ε� µ��
ε�−µ00 µ��µ0
Certain impurity ions in a crystalline lattice interact with the neighboring atoms to
create 4 states, 2 of which remain degenerate when a magnetic field H is applied
along the z direction. The three resulting energy levels are shown above, along with
their degeneracies, energies and magnetic moments.
a) Find the partition function for a single ion, Z1 (T, H). You may wish to simplify
the resulting expression using hyperbolic functions; see the information sheet
for the properties of the hyperbolic functions.
b) Find the total energy E(T, H) ≡ N < > of N non-interacting ions in thermal
equilibrium at temperature T .
c) Find the total magnetic moment (in the z direction) due to the N ions, M (T, H).
You can check your answers to b) and c) by determining if they have the expected
asymptotic behavior at low and high temperature.
Hydrostatic system −P dV
Dielectric material
Magnetic material HdM
Limiting behavior of as u → 0 as u → ∞
sinh(u) u eu /2
cosh(u) 1 + u2 /2 eu /2
tanh(u) u 1
coth(u) 1/u + 13 u 1
(n) = (n + 12 )h̄ω n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
−(n+ 12 )h̄ω/kT
p(n) = e /Z(T )
− 12 ¯
Z(T ) = e hω/kT
(1 − e−¯hω/kT )−1
< (n) >= 12 hω
¯ + hω(e
¯ h̄ω/kT
− 1)−1
Radiation laws
Kirchoff’s law: e(ω, T )/α(ω, T ) = 14 c u(ω, T ) for all materials where e(ω, T ) is the
emissive power and α(ω, T ) the absorptivity of the material and u(ω, T ) is the uni-
versal blackbody energy density function.
Stefan-Boltzmann law: e(T ) = σT 4 for a blackbody where e(T ) is the emissive power
integrated over all frequencies. (σ = 56.9 × 10−9 watt-m−2 K−4 )
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