Most Assuredly, I Say To You, Unless A Grain of Wheat Falls Into The Ground and Dies, It Remains Alone But If It Dies, It Produces Much Grain

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  November 2008    P.O.

 Box 190 Grants Pass, OR 97528      541‐476‐0082   Volume 11 Number  7 

Christ ■
Care ■

2. Changed Lives
3. Some Thoughts
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless
3. Great Article
4. Prayer Reminder
5. Commemorative Gifts
a grain of wheat falls into the
5. We have a Problem!
6. Statistics
ground and dies, it remains alone;
6. Foundation Corner
but if it dies, it produces much grain
John 12:24
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

Each of these dear souls has known the Truth of being created New Creatures in Jesus
Christ! They have been taken from being users of all around them to being producers of good.

Tony knows th
e pleasure of
living each day
for His glory in
spite of the dis

ther of 4
Karie is a mo
and what an
she can
for His glory
now make.

A m be r an d Angela can now
Mothe rs eir
pl at e w ha t it means to love th
to contem ent with
n and to be cont
precious childre
Jesus Christ.

e understand
Scott can now us
g for others.
the joy of cookin

Manny truly unders
the depth of Christ
cleanings grace!

p. 2
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

This is a great read by a wonderful writer in a

Some Thoughts
great magazine! We’ve used this with permis-
sion. A gracious reminder for all of us.

Keith & Carol Heck

Carol and I have so very much for

which to be thankful. We have been
married now for 45 years. We have
traveled in our ministry to Thailand
and in much of the USA. Truly, we do
believe that this work at the Mission is
the pinnacle of His mercies to us. The
lows are gut wrenching and the highs
are most exhilarating. But to know
that He is the One who blesses our fee-
ble efforts is humbling and encourag-
ing. Thank you for making it possible.

In spite of these fiscally uncertain times

we rejoice in our Father of mercies as
He remains ever faithful. His tools of
blessings to us are dear ones just like
you. Thank you for your prayers and
faithful financial gifts.

Let me remind you about spreading

the word about the Mission and our
needs. Ask your friends if they would
like to receive a sample of our News-
letter and we’ll happily send them just
one! If they would like to ask to be on
our mailing list, great. If not, they

Our eyes are all focused on December

1st to see what the providence of God is
regarding Wagner Hall. I cannot even
imagine a scenario different than the
one that has us receiving the grant.

Continue to pray for our folks as this is

a hard 7 weeks ahead. Pray for perse-
verance and for realistic thinking as
the memories that oftentimes appear
have developed great holes. What
does not appear is the misery and
heartache so often faced. May the
Lord reveal Himself as the One who is
always there as their Friend who is al-
ways faithful. Amen!
p. 3
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

continue to pray for the Lord’s good wisdom to rest upon those people
involved in making the decision as to granting us the Affordable Housing
Program grant. The announcement will be made on December 1st.

This grant would allow us to

begin construction on Wagner
Hall, the men’s residence, that
is so badly needed for our

This 24,000 sq ft facility will al-

low for 78 men to safely and
soberly live. We will also have
the Mission’s Administrative
Offices here as well.

May the Lord be gracious to



RESIDENCES 45% to 75% of Phase II need met
Needed Food Items

Salad Dressing—Lunch Meat
Kool-Aid— Potatoes— BBQ
Paper/Plastic Products

18” wide aluminum foil—18” wide $1,400,000

saran wrap—Dryer Sheets.
Other Items
Shampoo—Laundry Soap
If you can help us out with the
purchase of $600,000
that would be greatly appreciated. $400,000
We are averaging 87 men, women
and children each day.
Any help that you can provide is
greatly appreciated by our folks.
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

We have the best tasting coffee in Josephine County!

Our Problem?
We need a distributor to find retail locations and to pro-
vide follow-up for restocking. Our coffee comes in ground
regular and decaffeinated as well as whole bean.

Our preference would be for a dedicated volunteer for

whom we could cover minimal expenses.

Right now this great coffee is being sold at the Second

Chance Thrift Store, 6th & J, as well as at The Tool Box,
1661 NE 6th St.

We must have someone who sees this as a ministry to

help support the Mission. Are you interested? Please, call
Keith at 541-476-0082 and we can sit down for a cup of
coffee and talk.

Commemorative Gifts
In Memory of: "Thus Paul's way of defending
Frank Brown God's justice is to proclaim
By: Johanna Brown his mercy.... because the basis
Myrtle Phipps on which God deals savingly
Susan Hanscom By: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bunton with sinners is not justice but
By: Charles L. Bailey Gene Phipps mercy.... If therefore anybody
Charles W. Baley is lost, the blame is theirs, but
Nolan Potts if anybody is saved, the credit
Anna Marie Johnson By: Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gross is God's" (John R.W. Stott,
By: Mr. & Mrs. J.N. Coughlin Helen Potts Romans [Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 1994], pp.
Thank you for remembering others and blessing us in this wonderful way 268-270).

"Thus it was made unto me: `I loved you while you

were committing this sin. I loved you before, I love
you still, and I will love you forever.' Yet I saw my sin
"It is far better to go to God with our sins than with
most barbarous and a filthy crime, and could not but
our righteousness, for God is merciful"
conclude, with great shame and astonishment, that I
(Jonathan Edwards).
had horribly abused the holy Son of God. Therefore I
felt my heart greatly love and pity Him and my soul
yearn for Him, because I saw He was still my friend
and did reward me good for evil" (John Bunyan, Grace
Abounding [Springdale, PA: Whitaker House, n.d.],

p. 5
Gospel Rescue Mission Foundation Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

Be a Foundation Donor Today!

Donor gives to charity a remainder interest in a personal residence or farm.

Donor gets an immediate federal income tax deduction, subject to limitations, for
the present value of the charity's remainder interest.

Donor (and/or a surviving beneficiary) may continue to occupy the residence or farm for life.
At the passing of the donor (and/or beneficiary), the charity succeeds to full ownership of the

Call Terall Blalock at 479-2415 to be a donor!

Facts & Figures
October 2008
Men’s Residence Ray Allen Center
244 NE E Street 243 NE D Street
Phone: 479-8869 Phone: 476-3399 • Meals served … 5,372
For Men wanting drug
and alcohol recovery
• Beds Used [Daily Average].....…………… 83
• Chapel Attendance [Daily Average]..…… 76
Fikso Family Center 2nd Chance Thrift Store
530 SW Foundry Street 6th & J Streets
Phone: 474-7774 Phone: 479-9748
For Women & Children M-F 9:30 - 4:30
Your active participation through prayer and finances has
Sat 9:30 - 4:00
accomplished much for many needy and hurting people.

On behalf of each resident, thank you so much!

Community Recycling Center
1010 SW Foundry
Phone: 955-1091
M-F 9:30—4:00 p. 6
Sat 9:30—3:00

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