A Link Between Plant Traits and Abundance: Evidence From Coastal California Woody Plants
A Link Between Plant Traits and Abundance: Evidence From Coastal California Woody Plants
A Link Between Plant Traits and Abundance: Evidence From Coastal California Woody Plants
1. A number of recent studies have demonstrated that plant traits play a crucial role in determining
the success or failure of species in a given environment. However, whether traits play a role in deter-
mining species’ abundance and rarity among the co-occurring species within a community remains
an unresolved question.
2. To address this, we analysed the abundance of California coastal woody plant species at land-
scape and local scales in relation to 11 leaf, wood and seed traits.
3. At the landscape scale, we found no significant relationship between traits and abundance. In
contrast, at the local scale we found significant relationships between abundance and four traits:
specific leaf area (SLA), height, lumen fraction and wood density. For SLA and height, the relation-
ship was linear; for lumen fraction, it was quadratic. For wood density, the direction of the trait–
abundance relationship was dependant on the abiotic context, that is, it shifted across a gradient in
soil water content.
4. Synthesis. Understanding the connections between traits and abundance is important for two
reasons. First, there is an ongoing debate about the degree to which commonness and rarity are the
result of drift among ecologically equivalent species or niche processes. These results suggest that
there are non-random, trait-based processes affecting abundance and rarity. Secondly, species’
traits have been shown to have a strong effect on photosynthesis and decomposition rates, mediated
by the abundance of the species. The connections between traits and abundance presented here are
crucial for scaling from measurements of species’ traits to ecosystem-level processes.
Key-words: abundance, California, chaparral, community assembly, photosynthesis, plant
traits, specific leaf area, wood density
Cornwell & Ackerly 2009). However, the observation that in the sampled plots (Cornwell, Schwilk & Ackerly 2006; Cornwell &
traits affect the presence ⁄ absence of species does not neces- Ackerly 2009).
sarily imply that among the suite of co-occurring species, Abundance can be measured as number of individuals, biomass
traits determine which species are abundant and which are or resource use (Morlon et al. 2009). In this analysis, we focus on
biomass (Species Biomass Distribution sensu Morlon et al. 2009),
which is of special interest because it is the appropriate measure for
It is plausible that a species’ presence in a community could
scaling from plant traits to ecosystem processes (Lavorel & Garnier
be influenced by its traits, while its dominance or rarity could 2002; Cortez et al. 2007). Like many grasslands, shrublands and
be the result of a series of solely stochastic events. For example, riparian forests world-wide, the woody plant communities at Jasper
a species must be tolerant of highly negative water potentials Ridge are dominated by plant species that include genetic individu-
to grow in the chaparral, but the identity of dominant species als with multiple above-ground stems – clonal species. At Jasper
in the chaparral could be the result of apparently stochastic Ridge, clonal species include both understorey woody species, e.g.
events. If this is the case, there will be no correlation between Symphoricarpos spp., and canopy dominants, e.g. Sequoia sempervi-
abundance and traits within communities. (There may still be rens. In these communities, the prevalence of large clonal individu-
a trait–abundance relationship if absent species are considered als makes measuring the size of genets intractable and precludes
in the analysis (e.g. Shipley, Vile & Garnier 2006).) Alternately, directly comparing our results to a genetic-individual-based mea-
sure of abundance.
the processes that affect abundance and rarity could be trait-
In this data set, abundance was estimated visually using six
based, similar to the assembly processes that affect pres-
abundance classes of percentage cover. We also measured the diam-
ence ⁄ absence. If this is true, traits and abundance will be linked eter at breast height (d.b.h.) for all individuals in each plot with a
within communities, and the particular pattern will depend on single stem at breast height and number of shoots per plot. In this
the spatial and temporal frequency distribution of microenvi- analysis, we focus on percentage cover as the preferred measure of
ronments (see Grime 2006) as well as the connection between abundance for these systems, as it provides a common metric for
traits and those microenvironments. It is important to note abundance of shrubs and trees that correlates well with biomass
that any connection between traits and abundance does not (Murray et al. 2005). For quantitative analyses, we use the mid-
preclude an effect of demographic stochasticity on abundance point of each abundance class as our measure of the cover of a spe-
(see McGill et al. 2007). However, ecological equivalence and cies in each plot. Biomass is likely to be less evenly distributed
drift (sensu Hubbell 2001) do not predict any trait–abundance among species compared to individuals (see meta-analysis by Mor-
lon et al. 2009).
In woody vegetation of coastal California, we have previ-
ously demonstrated that plant functional traits, including FUNCTIONAL TRAIT DATA
specific leaf area (SLA), wood density and vessel traits, Eleven traits (see Table 1) were selected to represent major axes of
exhibit non-random distributions among communities plant functional variation. We quantified the carbon and nitrogen
arrayed along a gradient of soil moisture availability (Corn- economy of leaves by measuring SLA (leaf fresh area per dry mass)
well & Ackerly 2009). Here, we seek to use current under- and nitrogen per leaf mass (Nmass), which can be thought of as part of
standing of plant functional variation to explain patterns in the leaf economic spectrum, ranging from slow to fast return on car-
plant relative abundance. We consider abundance and rarity bon invested in leaves (Reich, Walters & Ellsworth 1997; Wright et al.
on two scales – local abundance and landscape abundance, 2004). Although nitrogen per leaf area (Narea) is mathematically
asking the following questions: (i) Among co-occurring related to Nmass and SLA, it behaves differently in a statistical sense
(Wright et al. 2004) and has important implications for water use effi-
taxa, do species’ traits correlate with abundance and rarity?
ciency (Wright, Reich & Westoby 2003); we treat Narea as a separate
(ii) Does the relationship between traits and abundance
change at different spatial scales or in different abiotic We quantified light capture strategy via maximum plant height and
contexts? leaf area. We measured traits that relate to the transport and use of
water (leaf area : sapwood area, wood density, vessel density, vessel
area and percentage of stem as lumen) and regeneration (seed mass).
Materials and methods Note that in this system because of the prevalence of clonality and dif-
ferential investment in below-ground biomass (Davis & Mooney
1986; Ackerly 2004), maximum height is not a proxy for the size of
Using a stratified-random design, we sampled forty-four 20 · 20 m genetic individuals for this set of species.
located across the woody plant communities at Jasper Ridge Biologi- Two traits, SLA and leaf size, were measured for each species in
cal Preserve, a 581-ha preserve located in the eastern foothills of the each plot allowing us to incorporate intraspecific variation into the
Santa Cruz Mountains, California, USA (Cornwell & Ackerly 2009). analysis for those two traits. A few traits could not be measured
Sampling was stratified to sample a minimum number of plots within for all species. For example, we did not include the maximum
chaparral, oak woodland, riparian woodland and closed-canopy height of woody vines, which are not self-supporting, or vessel
evergreen forest vegetation types. At Jasper Ridge, timber trees were traits for gymnosperms, which lack vessels. In those cases, the spe-
removed prior to 1880, and fire was thought to be frequent prior to cies without trait values were excluded from the analysis for that
the arrival of Europeans. Since 1880, large-scale disturbance is trait.
thought to have been absent (for historical detail, see Cornwell & For detailed discussion of the methods and functional significance
Ackerly 2009). Fifty-four native woody species (52 angiosperms and of the traits, see Cornwell, Schwilk & Ackerly (2006), Preston, Corn-
two gymnosperms), which ranged from sub-shrub to trees, occurred well & DeNoyer (2006) and Cornwell & Ackerly (2009).
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816 W. K. Cornwell & D. D. Ackerly
Table 1. The relationship between 11 functional traits and abundance on two scales. The trait abbreviations are specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen
per leaf mass (Nmass), and nitrogen per leaf area (Narea). The significant relationships that were robust relative to the choice of null models are in
bold. r is the Pearson product–moment correlation coefficient
Plot scale
Landscape-scale abundance and rarity However, there is an important difference compared to the
typical quadratic regression case. In the typical case, there is also
To estimate abundance at the landscape scale, we performed two
a linear term in the model, which allows the maximum of the
analyses. First, we summed the cover values for each species in all
function to vary (even outside the range of the data). In our anal-
plots to produce a measure of the abundance of each of 54 species at
ysis, we directly tested whether the abundant species are close to
the scale of the entire 481-ha Jasper Ridge. We compared these values
the unweighted mean. Because the maximum of the function is
to the trait mean values for the 54 species. Secondly, we counted the
specified a priori, in all cases, the regression fit will be weaker,
number of plots in which a species was observed and compared the
and the significance test will be conservative compared to the
frequency of observation to the trait values for that species.
common implementations of quadratic regression.
We then calculated the correlation of this test statistic with abun-
Plot-scale abundance and rarity dance. If abundant species are located close to the unweighted mean,
we would expect a negative relationship between the test statistic and
To test for non-random associations at the plot scale, we separately
abundance. We tested for a negative deviation from zero as above,
correlated percentage cover with trait values in each plot for each
using a one-sample Wilcoxon test.
trait. This process was repeated for each plot in the study, generating
44 r-values, one for each plot, for each trait. We were then able to test
whether the mean of the distribution of r-values was statistically dif- Significance testing
ferent than zero. If the null hypothesis is correct, and there is no rela-
Different null models for significance testing rely on different assump-
tionship between the trait value of a species and abundance, then the
tions, and no single null approach can be seen as ‘correct’ (Gotelli &
mean of this distribution is statistically indistinguishable from zero. A
Graves 1996). Here, we present three methods that allow for signifi-
repeated and consistent within-plot relationship between the traits
cance testing. First, we used nonparametric statistics with each plot
and abundance leads to, on average, a non-zero median value of
as a replicate, testing whether the mean of the 44 r-values collectively
within-plot r. We performed separate significance tests for each of the
differs from zero. We tested the null hypothesis that the traits and
11 traits.
abundance are uncorrelated.
In the cases where there was no significant relationship between
We also used two null-model approaches: first, a null model in
relative trait value and abundance, we tested whether there was a
which for each plot we randomize abundances relative to species
non-random tendency for trait values to be located close to the
(‘abundance shuffle’ in Table 1). This approach maintained the
unweighted trait mean value for species in the plot. To do this, we
observed distribution of abundance and trait values within each plot.
squared the standardized deviates:
This null model does not include any trait-based process affecting
ai ¼ ððti tmean Þ=tSD Þ2 eqn 1 within-plot abundance.
Secondly, for an alternate null model, we randomized the species’
whereti equals the trait value of the ith species. The term tmean is trait vector, while maintaining the species–plot and species–abun-
the unweighted community mean, tSD is the standard deviation of dance relationships (‘trait shuffle’ in Table 1). In each randomization,
the trait values for the species in a plot, and ai is the ith value of each species’ abundance distribution is maintained, both within plots
the test statistic vector. Note that this is similar to standard qua- and on the landscape scale, but is assigned a random trait value. This
dratic regression, and we will refer to this hereafter as ‘quadratic’. approach does not maintain the presence ⁄ absence ‘filter’ and as such,
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Abundance, rarity and plant traits 817
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818 W. K. Cornwell & D. D. Ackerly
(a) (b)
20.0 20.0
Landscape-scale cover
(percentage of total)
5.0 5.0
2.0 2.0
0.5 0.5
0.1 0.1
10 20 30 40 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 20.0 50.0
(c) (d)
50 50
(percentage of total)
Plot-scale cover
20 20
10 10
5 5
Fig. 2. Panels (a) and (b) show the lack of correlation between landscape-scale abundance and either specific leaf area (SLA; fresh leaf area per
dry mass) or plant maximum height. Panels (c) and (d) show the within-plot trait–abundance relationship for two example plots: one from a hyd-
ric (blue triangles) and one from a xeric (red diamonds) position in the landscape. Note the shift in plot mean SLA between the two plots and also
that roughly the same SLA values are abundant in the wet plot and yet rare in the dry plot. Within plot-correlation between SLA and the shift in
plot means leads to the lack of correlation between SLA and landscape-scale abundance. Note also the shift in the range and variance in maxi-
mum-height values moving from wet to dry soils, which is discussed in detail in Cornwell & Ackerly (2009).
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Abundance, rarity and plant traits 819
periods of time (Reich, Walters & Ellsworth 1997). The combi- dependent on the environmental context. There is a shift
nation of sequestering resources and the potential to reach a from a positive correlation coefficient at dry sites to a nega-
taller maximum height can be thought of as late-successional tive correlation coefficient at wet sites (see Fig. 3). In other
strategy (Bazzaz 1979) – a strategy that is successful in the words, species with high wood densities are abundant in dry
absence of large-scale disturbance. Early successional species sites while those with low wood densities are abundant at
(e.g. Lotus scoparius) are found at Jasper Ridge and are depen- wet sites. This result is not surprising given the role of wood
dent on local disturbance for regeneration microsites (Ackerly density in hydraulic strategies – higher wood density is asso-
2004). While Jasper Ridge has not had a documented large- ciated with greater hydraulic safety but reduced conductive
scale disturbance in the last century, small-scale disturbances efficiency (Hacke et al. 2001; Pratt et al. 2007). This physio-
caused by animals, flooding near watercourses, small landslips, logical trade-off apparently explains why species with higher
natural mortality and human activity (trails and roads) are wood densities – those capable of tolerating lower water
common. However, in the absence of large-scale disturbance – potentials – are found in dry sites (Preston, Cornwell & De-
especially, catastrophic fire – the gaps in the canopy are usually Noyer 2006). The relationship between wood density and
very small and at low frequency across the landscape. abundance is a variation on the result described above for
Interestingly, although in other systems there is often a posi- percentage lumen area. Wood density and percentage lumen
tive relationship between seed size and local abundance (Mur- area are moderately correlated (r = )0.56). However, the
ray et al. 2005), we found only very weak evidence for it at moderate degree of decoupling between the traits appears to
Jasper Ridge (Table 1). In fact, the most abundant species in have important implication for abundance and rarity, sug-
the xeric sites (Adenostoma fasciculatum) has very low SLA gesting an important role for the non-vessel parts (i.e. fibres
(indicative of a slow carbon capture strategy) and yet very and parenchyma) of stems. For example, the abundant spe-
small seeds. In the more mesic sites, Juglans californica is rela- cies in dry sites have intermediate percentage lumen area but
tively uncommon and has very high SLA and very large seeds. high wood density.
Overall, there was no correlation between SLA and seed mass The shift in the relationship between abundance and wood
for these 54 species (r = )0.06). For these taxa, regeneration density is coincident with a shift in plot mean wood density
ecology and carbon capture strategy appear to be decoupled (r = 0.70, Cornwell & Ackerly 2009). This pattern is driven by
(Ackerly 2004), and at least for the conditions currently found community assembly processes leading to the absence of spe-
at Jasper Ridge after the long-term absence of large-scale dis- cies with very light wood at dry sites and the absence of species
turbance, plot-scale abundance is more tightly linked to car- with very dense wood at wet sites (Cornwell & Ackerly 2009).
bon capture strategy than to regeneration strategy. The abundance–wood density relationship could be thought of
as the same process that creates the presence ⁄ absence pattern.
For example, on dry soils species with wood density slightly
lower than the mean are present at low abundance, and species
We found a strong negative quadratic relationship for abun- with even less dense wood are excluded completely.
dance relative to percentage lumen area, with peak abundance
close to the plot mean. The size of the area in a stem that is
lumen (i.e. the space inside vessels) represents a trade-off
between high structural strength and resistance to embolism This work has three important implications: first, the leaf eco-
(at low percentage lumen area) versus the ability to transport a nomic spectrum is a well-documented pattern of leaf physio-
large amount of water per carbon invested in sapwood (Pres- logical diversity that occurs within ecosystems across the globe
ton, Cornwell & DeNoyer 2006; Chave et al. 2009). The (Reich et al. 1999; Wright et al. 2004). Here, we have shown
woody species with the highest percentage lumen area at Jasper that in the absence of large-scale disturbance, this variation
Ridge are vines, which are not self-supporting and are often correlates with abundance and rarity. Further investigating the
present at low abundance. Species with low percentage lumen relationship between disturbance, the leaf economics spec-
area are relatively rare and differ among the habitats. In the trum, and abundance and rarity within communities is an
chaparral, these species are highly drought-tolerant shrubs important next step connecting physiological trait measure-
(e.g. Ceanothus cuneatus). In more mesic habitats, this func- ments to community structure.
tional strategy is associated with relatively uncommon under- Secondly, these data will inform the effort to scale from
storey species (Preston, Cornwell & DeNoyer 2006). Note that plant traits to ecosystem processes (Cortez et al. 2007; Corn-
this result is driven by a largely different set of species from the well et al. 2008; Suding et al. 2008). Current vegetation models
carbon capture pattern described above – while there are only utilize trait data including SLA and plant maximum height in
a few abundant species, there are a larger number of rare spe- ecosystem models (Sitch et al. 2003). SLA and other traits can
cies at any given site. be estimated from the climate-adjusted mean of global species-
based data sets (see Wright et al. 2005). This is a useful step
forward. However, the data presented here demonstrate that
for SLA in Californian woody vegetation, abundant species
At Jasper Ridge, the wood density of a given species is a are not an unbiased sample of the species pool. Instead,
strong predictor of its abundance, and this relationship is species with low SLA are more abundant than co-occurring
2010 The Authors. Journal compilation 2010 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 98, 814–821
820 W. K. Cornwell & D. D. Ackerly
species with high SLA in each vegetation type. If this pattern is Grime, P.J. (2006) Trait convergence and trait divergence in herbaceous plant
communities: mechanisms and consequences. Journal of Vegetation Science,
widespread across biomes, it should be incorporated into the
17, 255–260.
important effort to scale vegetation traits up to ecosystem and Hacke, U.G., Sperry, J.S., Pockman, W.T., Davis, S.D. & McCulloch, K.A.
global models. (2001) Trends in wood density and structure are linked to prevention of
xylem implosion by negative pressure. Oecologia, 126, 457–461.
Lastly, the data presented here inform the ongoing debate
Hubbell, S.P. (2001) The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and
about whether commonness and rarity are exclusively struc- Biogeography. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
tured by stochastic processes (McGill et al. 2006, 2007; Ship- Keddy, P.A. (1992) Assembly and response rules – 2 goals for predictive com-
munity ecology. Journal of Vegetation Science, 3, 157–164.
ley, Vile & Garnier 2006). Previous work has shown that rare
Kraft, N.J.B., Valencia, R. & Ackerly, D.D. (2008) Functional traits and niche-
and common species stay common through time (McGill, based tree community assembly in an amazonian forest. Science, 322,
Hadly & Maurer 2005) and that common species are common 580–582.
Lavorel, S. & Garnier, E. (2002) Predicting changes in community composition
in more places than expected by chance (Pitman et al. 2001).
and ecosystem functioning from plant traits: revisiting the Holy Grail. Func-
In this study, we have documented for the first time the connec- tional Ecology, 16, 545–556.
tion between hydraulic traits and species’ abundance at the Levine, J.M. & HilleRisLambers, J. (2009) The importance of niches for the
maintenance of species diversity. Nature, 461, 254–257.
plot scale, as well as shifts in the trait–abundance relationship
McGill, B.J. (2008) Exploring predictions of abundance from body mass
across an ecological gradient. This supports the idea that non- using hierarchical comparative approaches. The American Naturalist,
neutral, trait-based processes play an important role in deter- 172, 88–101.
McGill, B.J., Hadly, E.A. & Maurer, B.A. (2005) Community inertia of quater-
mining abundance within local communities. Continuing to
nary small mammal assemblages in North America. Proceedings of the
consider the connections between the physiology of individual National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102,
species and community-level organization offers a promising 16701–16706.
McGill, B.J., Enquist, B.J., Weiher, E. & Westoby, M. (2006) Rebuilding com-
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munity ecology from functional traits. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 21,
McGill, B.J., Etienne, R.S., Gray, J.S., Alonso, D., Anderson, M.J., Benecha,
Acknowledgements H.K. et al. (2007) Species abundance distributions: moving beyond single
prediction theories to integration within an ecological framework. Ecology
Rachel Freund, Thea Carlson and the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve staff Letters, 10, 995–1015.
helped collect the data for this study. Mark Vellend, Brook Moyers, Nathan Morlon, H., White, E.P., Etienne, R.S., Green, J.L., Ostling, A., Alonso, D.
Kraft, Travis Ingram, Aaron Ramirez and Elizabeth Hadly provided valuable et al. (2009) Taking species abundance distributions beyond individuals.
comments on earlier drafts. Funding was provided by a NSF DDIG to W.K.C. Ecology Letters, 12, 488–501.
and NSF grant 0078301 to D.D.A. Mouillot, D., Mason, N.W.H. & Wilson, J.B. (2007) Is the abundance of spe-
cies determined by their functional traits? A new method with a test using
plant communities. Oecologia, 152, 729–737.
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