Installation and Maintenance: February 00

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REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev.

C ABB Power Automation Ltd

February 00


7.1. Summary..................................................................................7-3

7.2. Installation ................................................................................7-4

7.2.1. Checking the shipment.............................................................7-4
7.2.2. Place of installation and ambient conditions ............................7-4 Guidelines for RF grounding ....................................................7-5 Guidelines for wiring rack assemblies ......................................7-7
7.2.3. Checking the c.t. connections ................................................7-10
7.2.4. Checking the v.t. connections ................................................7-11
7.2.5. Checking the auxiliary supply connections.............................7-11
7.2.6. Checking the duty of the tripping and signalling contacts.......7-12
7.2.7. Checking the opto-coupler inputs...........................................7-12

7.3. Commissioning.......................................................................7-13
7.3.1. Connecting the setting and control PC...................................7-13 Minimum PC requirements.....................................................7-13 Serial interface parameters ....................................................7-13 PC connecting cable ..............................................................7-13
7.3.2. Connecting the equipment to the auxiliary d.c. supply ...........7-14
7.3.3. Connecting the binary inputs and outputs ..............................7-14
7.3.4. Connecting v.t. and c.t. circuits ..............................................7-15
7.3.5. Connecting optical fibre cables for the
longitudinal differential protection...........................................7-16
7.3.6. Commissioning tests ..............................................................7-16

7.4. Maintenance...........................................................................7-18
7.4.1. Fault-finding ...........................................................................7-18 Stand-by LED on the frontplate..............................................7-18 Man/machine interface...........................................................7-19 Restarting...............................................................................7-20

7.5. Software updates ...................................................................7-22

7.5.1. Settings ..................................................................................7-22
7.5.2. Deleting the settings and the program and
downloading a new program ..................................................7-22
7.5.3. Problems transferring the new software.................................7-24

7.6. Replacing hardware units.......................................................7-26

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.7. Testing the protection functions .............................................7-29

7.7.1. MODURES test set XS92b.....................................................7-29 Test socket case XX93 and test connector YX91-4 ...............7-29 Test socket casing 316 TSS 01, test plug RTXH 24
and test cable YX 91-7 ...........................................................7-30 Switching to the test mode .....................................................7-31
7.7.2. Testing the distance protection function.................................7-32
7.7.3. Checking the direction of measurement.................................7-32
7.7.4. Testing the directional E/F function ........................................7-34 Injecting power system voltages and currents........................7-34 Real power measurement ......................................................7-34 Apparent power measurement ...............................................7-36 Testing using a test set ..........................................................7-38

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd


7.1. Summary
The place of installation and the ambient conditions must con-
form to the data given in the data sheet. Sufficient room must be
left in front and behind the equipment to allow access for main-
tenance or adding to the system. Air must be allowed to circulate
freely around the unit.
During the course of commissioning, all the wiring to the unit
must be checked and the auxiliary supply voltage and the volt-
age for the opto-coupler inputs must be measured.
Functional testing can be carried out with the aid of the test set
Type XS92b.
All the essential functions of the protection are subject to con-
tinuous self-testing and monitoring and therefore periodic main-
tenance and testing are not normally necessary.
It is recommended, however, to check the values of the voltages
and currents of the external circuits from time to time using the
on the input channel display on the HMI. The tripping circuits
should be tested at the same time.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.2. Installation

7.2.1. Checking the shipment

Check that the consignment is complete upon receipt. The near-
est ABB agent must be notified immediately should there be any
discrepancies in relation to the delivery note, shipping papers or
the order.
Visually check the state of all items when unpacking them.
Should any damage be found, the last carrier must be informed
immediately followed by a claim in writing pointing out his re-
sponsibility for the damage. Also inform your nearest ABB office
or agent and ABB Power Automation Ltd, Department NAP,
CH-5401 Baden, Switzerland.
If the equipment is not going to be installed immediately, it must
be stored in a suitable room in its original packing.

7.2.2. Place of installation and ambient conditions

When choosing the place of installation, ensure that there is suf-
ficient space in front of the equipment, i.e. that the serial inter-
face connector and the local control and display unit are easily
In the case of semi-flush mounting or installation in 19" equip-
ment racks, space behind the equipment must be provided for
adding ancillary units (e.g. 316DB61 and 316DB62), replacing
units and changing electronic components (firmware).
Since every piece of technical equipment can be damaged or
destroyed by inadmissible ambient conditions,
• the relay location should not be exposed to excessive air
pollution (dust, aggressive substances)
• severe vibration, extreme changes of temperature, high lev-
els of humidity, surge voltages of high amplitude and short
rise time and strong induced magnetic fields should be
avoided as far as possible
• air should be allowed to circulate freely around the equip-
The equipment may be mounted in any attitude, but is normally
mounted vertically (for reading the display and frontplate mark-

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd Guidelines for RF grounding

Grounding the casing in a cubicle
Connect the rear of the casing (individual unit or rack) to the
hinged frame in the cubicle by a braided copper strip (at least
2 cm wide) which should be as short as possible. To prevent
corrosion, a Cupal disc (copper-plated aluminium) must be in-
serted between aluminium and copper parts.

Connect the ground rail in the cubicle to the plant ground.

The interconnecting cable must have at least the same gauge as
the ground rail in the cubicle.


HEST 965 021 FL

 non-insulated connection

* ground rail

** plant ground

Fig. 7.1 RF grounding in a cubicle

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

Grounding a casing in a rack

The equipment is fitted with a grounding screw ( ) to which a
flexible copper braiding (at least 2 cm wide) must be connected.
A suitable tinned copper braided connection of the correct length
and fitted with lugs is available from ABB Power Automation Ltd
(Order No. 1MRB 400047).
Choose the shortest possible route to the nearest grounding
point on the cubicle frame or mounting plate, which must have a
direct connection to the station ground.
All metal surfaces used for the ground connections must be
protected against corrosion and be good electrical conductors,
i.e. no paint or non-conducting agents.

Electrically Electrically
conducting conducting


* * * *
** **

HEST 965 022 FL

 non-insulated connection

* braided copper (at least 3 cm wide)

** plant ground

Fig. 7.2 RF grounding for Fig. 7.3 RF grounding for

semi-flush mounting surface mounting

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd Guidelines for wiring rack assemblies

Where digital protection devices (individual units) or protec-
tion systems are supplied in a rack, it is essential that the bi-
nary inputs and outputs (BIO’s) and the auxiliary supply which
have to be wired from the rack to the cubicle terminals be run
separately from the c.t. and v.t. cables (not in the same duct or
This precaution reduces the parallel coupling of conducted
Should this not be possible along the whole route, parallel cou-
pling can be reduced by crossing at right angles. Complete
separation, however, is to be preferred.

RE. 316*4


Aux. supply

Aux. supply




Fig. 7.4 Separation of rack wiring in a cubicle

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

Screened leads must be used for the c.t. and v.t. wiring from
the terminals to the equipment.

It is also recommended to use screened leads for the binary in-
puts and outputs (BIO’s) and the auxiliary supply.
The following applies if the equipment is not installed in a
The terminals should be as close as possible to the equipment
terminals so that the unscreened lengths of cables are very
Screened c.t., v.t., binary input and output and auxiliary supply
cables can be secured in one of the following ways:
Assemblies fitted into panels:
C.t. and v.t. leads to the terminals can be secured, for example,
to a surface (steel rail) using cable clamps. The surface must be
in direct contact with the plant ground and the cable screens
must make good contact with the cable clamps all the way
This, however, is not always the case and the screen is fre-
quently not in contact at the sides which impairs the screening
effect. To overcome this drawback, a special ** copper braid
tape can be wound on top of the cable screen in the region of
the clamps. This then ensures maximum screening efficiency.
** Suitable tinned copper braid tape is available from 3M under
the designation:
"Scotch No. 24"
(Fitting instructions should also be requested.)

Assemblies fitted into cubicles:

(2 alternatives)
a) The c.t. and v.t. cables going to the terminals can pass
through cable glands. Again the cable screens must be in
good contact with the gland all the way round and the gland
with the plant ground (e.g. via the panel or strip material in
which the gland is fitted).

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

C.t. and v.t. leads to the terminals can be secured, for ex-
ample, to a surface (steel or copper) using conduit clamps.
The surface (e.g. floor plate) must be in direct contact with
the plant ground and the cable screens must make good
contact with the conduit clamps all the way round.
b) This, however, is not always the case and the screen is fre-
quently not in contact at the sides which impairs the screen-
ing effect. To overcome this drawback, a special ** copper
braid tape can be wound on top of the cable screen in the
region of the clamps. This then ensures maximum screening
To prevent corrosion, a Cupal disc (copper-plated aluminium)
must be inserted between aluminium and copper parts.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.2.3. Checking the c.t. connections

The c.t’s must be connected in strict accordance with diagram
supplied with the equipment.
The following checks must be carried out to check the c.t’s and
c.t. circuits:
• polarity check
• primary injection test
• plot the excitation curve
• c.t. circuit grounding.
The polarity check (as close as possible to the protection equip-
ment) not only checks the current input circuit as a whole, it also
checks the phase-angle of the c.t.
Primary injection checks for a ratio error and the wiring to the
protection equipment. Each phase-to-neutral and phase-to-
phase circuit should be injected. In each case, the phase cur-
rents and the neutral current should be measured.
The relative polarities of the c.t’s and their ratios can also be
checked using load current.
Plotting the excitation curve verifies that the protection is con-
nected to a protection core and not a metering core.
Each electrically independent current circuit may only be earthed
in one place, in order to avoid balancing currents created by
potential differences.

Core-balance c.t’s
If the residual current is obtained from a core-balance c.t., the
ground for the cable screen must first be taken back through the
core-balance c.t. before connecting it to ground. The purpose of
this is to ensure that any spurious E/F current flowing along the
screen of the cable cancels itself and is not measured falsely as
an E/F on the relay’s own feeder.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

7.2.4. Checking the v.t. connections

The v.t’s must be connected in strict accordance with diagram
supplied with the equipment.
The following checks must be carried out to check the v.t. cir-
• polarity check
• wiring check
• v.t. circuit grounding.
The rated voltage of an E/F protection scheme is defined as the
voltage which occurs between the terminals “e” and “n” for a
solid phase-to-ground fault. An E/F of this kind, e.g. on T phase
(see Fig. 7.5), causes the voltages of R and S phases to in-
crease from phase-to-neutral to phase-to-phase potential and
these add vectorially to produce a voltage between terminals “e”
and “n", which is three times the phase-to-neutral voltage.




HEST 945 002 C

a) normal load condition b) E/F on T phase

Fig. 7.5 Voltages in an ungrounded three-phase power system

7.2.5. Checking the auxiliary supply connections

Check that the supply is connected with the correct polarity. The
d.c. supply voltage must lie within the permissible operating
range of the power supply unit installed under all operating con-
ditions (see Technical Data for the respective power supply unit).
The power supply unit, type 316NG65 is protected by a fuse,
type T 3.15 A.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.2.6. Checking the duty of the tripping and signalling contacts

Check that the loads connected to all the contacts are within the
specified ratings given in the “Contact ratings” section of the
data sheet.

7.2.7. Checking the opto-coupler inputs

Check the polarity and supply voltage of all opto-coupler inputs
in relation to the ordering code (also given on the rating plate at
the rear of the equipment).

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

7.3. Commissioning
Before commencing commissioning, i.e. before the station is en-
ergised, carry out the checks given in Section 7.2.

7.3.1. Connecting the setting and control PC

Connect the serial interface of the PC to the interface connector
on the front of the equipment. Details of the communication pa-
rameters and the connector pins are given in the following Sec-
tions. Minimum PC requirements

The minimum requirements to be fulfilled by the HMI PC are:
• MS Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 or Windows NT4.0 operating
system or higher
• 16 MByte RAM
• 1 floppy drive (3½"; 1.44 MByte) and a hard disc with at least
12 MByte of free space
• 1 serial interface (RS-232C)
• 1 parallel interface (Centronics). Serial interface parameters

The HMI initialises the serial interface and automatically sets the
corresponding parameters. PC connecting cable

The connecting cable between the serial interface connectors on
the frontplate of the protection equipment (optical connector on
the front of the local control and display unit) and on the PC (9-
pin SUB-D plug) is an optical fibre cable with the order No.
1MKC950001-001 (see Data Sheet).

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.3.2. Connecting the equipment to the auxiliary d.c. supply

The plug for the auxiliary supply is inserted upon delivery in the
connector at the rear of the power supply unit. This plug must be
fitted to the power supply cable as shown in Fig. 7.6.


N.C. N.C.

HEST 935 055 C

Fig. 7.6 Auxiliary supply plug

7.3.3. Connecting the binary inputs and outputs

In the case of the narrow casing (N1), the binary inputs and out-
puts have to be wired to connectors C and D at the rear for the
first unit and to connectors A and B for the second unit.
In the case of the wide casing (N2), the binary inputs and out-
puts have to be wired to connectors G and H at the rear for the
first unit, to connectors E and F for the second, to connectors C
and D for the third unit and to connectors A and B for the fourth

All external auxiliary relays or other inductances controlled

by signals from the protection must be fitted with free-wheel
diodes across their coils.

Instructions for wiring the terminals

• Type and gauge of wire:
The signal connections to the terminals are made with
1.5 mm2 stranded wire. Do not use crimped sleeves or other
terminations; the flexible cores are protected by the design of
the terminals.
• Terminating the wires:
Do not strip more than 10 mm of insulation from the ends of

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

the wires. Insert the stripped ends of the cores perpendicu-

larly to the rear of the device into the terminals and secure
them by tightening the screw next to each one. As the chan-
nel for the wire in the terminals is slightly curved, twisting the
wires slightly when inserting them is a help. Only insert one
stranded wire into each terminal.
Take care that no strands protrude that may cause arcing or
• Bridging terminals:
Where it is necessary to bridge terminals, do so at external
terminals on the cubicle.

7.3.4. Connecting v.t. and c.t. circuits

Instructions for wiring the terminals

• Type and gauge of wire:
The v.t. and c.t. connections to the terminals are made with
2.5 mm2 stranded wire (e.g. H07V-K). The ends of the wires
in this case must be fitted with crimped sleeves.
V.t. and c.t. connections may be made alternatively by 4 mm
solid wire.
• Terminating the wires:
Insert the ends of the wires perpendicularly to the rear of the
device into the terminals and secure them by tightening the
screw next to each one.
Take care that no strands protrude that may cause arcing or
• Bridging terminals:
Where it is necessary to bridge neighbouring terminals, do so
directly at the protective device using standard links (e.g. as
manufactured by PHOENIX). The terminals are designed to
accommodate these in addition to a 2.5 mm2 gauge lead. Al-
ternatively, circuits have to be bridged at external terminals on
the cubicle.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.3.5. Connecting optical fibre cables for the longitudinal differen-

tial protection
Optical fibre cables are connected using Type FC connectors.

Take care when inserting the connectors that only to tighten the
screw fitting after checking that the nose on the plug is properly
seated in the groove of the base.

To exclude any risk of false tripping when connecting or discon-

necting a cable in operation, only do so after the auxiliary supply
to at least one of the terminal units has been switched off.
In cases where the terminal units are connected via communica-
tions devices such as FOX-U, ensure that the communication in
both directions is via the same route (equal lengths).

7.3.6. Commissioning tests

For the protection scheme as a whole to operate correctly, it is
not enough for just the protection equipment itself to be in order,
the reliable operation of the other items of plant in the protection
chain such as circuit-breakers, c.t’s and v.t’s (e.g. protection and
metering core leads exchanged), station battery (earth fault),
alarm and signalling circuits etc. and all the cabling is equally
The correct operation of the equipment itself is determined by
the following tests:
• secondary injection of every current and voltage input
• activating and deactivating every binary input (opto-coupler)
• energising and de-energising every auxiliary tripping and sig-
nalling relay
• checking the settings (printed by the HMI).
These tests confirm that none of the protection hardware is de-
fective. The actual protection functions are contained in the
software and are continuously monitored. They do not therefore
need to be especially tested during commissioning.
The following is a list of some of the tests and the faults they are
intended to disclose.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

Test Faults disclosed

Injection of rated value at all c.t. and v.t. Hardware defective

inputs (e.g. using test set Type XS 92b) Wrong rated current
Wrong rated voltage
Wrong reference value
Activation/deactivation of all binary in- Hardware defective
puts (opto-couplers) Incorrect setting
(not inverted)
Incorrect assignment
Energisation of all auxiliary tripping re- Hardware defect
lays (using the test function) Incorrect assignment
Energisation/de-energisation of all aux- Hardware defect
iliary signalling relays (using the test Incorrect assignment

A further useful facility is provided by the “Display analogue val-

ues” menu which enables the currents and voltages applied to
the protection to be viewed. It can thus be seen whether the
amplitude and phase of the currents and voltages are correct.
The Appendix in Section 12 includes a test report.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.4. Maintenance
Because of the self-testing and monitoring features included, the
equipment requires neither special maintenance nor periodic
Where testing is considered necessary, the following procedure
is recommended:
• Measure the currents and voltages in the secondaries of the
main c.t’s and v.t’s and compare the results with the values
displayed by the HMI.
• Test the external circuits using the test functions provided by
the HMI (see Section 5.9.).
The life of the wet electrolytic condensers is about 20 years.
This assumes a mean ambient temperature outside the casing
of 40 °C. An increase of 10 °C shortens the life by half and a de-
crease of 10 °C extends it by half.

7.4.1. Fault-finding Stand-by LED on the frontplate

The following may be possible causes, should the green stand-
by LED not light continuously, but be extinguished or flash al-
though the auxiliary supply is switched on:

Stand-by LED extinguished

• The auxiliary supply unit Type 316N65 is not properly in-
serted or is defective. Insert properly or replace the unit.
• The input/output unit Type 316DB6. is not properly inserted
or defective. Insert properly or replace the unit.
• The logic processor Type 316VC61a or 316VC61b is defec-
tive. Replace either the main processor unit or the complete

Green stand-by LED flashes

• The equipment does not have a valid set of parameter set-
• The active set of parameters and the ‘software key’ do not

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

• A hardware fault has been discovered by the diagnostic

function on either the Type 316VC61a/316VC61b or
316EA62 unit.
To determine whether a set of settings has been downloaded to
the equipment, connect it to a PC and start the HMI. Check via
the menus ‘Editor’ and ‘Edit function parameters’ and ‘Edit hard-
ware functions’ whether functions have settings and whether the
hardware has been configured.
If the settings appear in order, check whether parameters or
functions have been entered which are not permitted by the
‘software key’.
Should it appear that there is a disagreement with the ‘software
key’, proceed as follows:
• Connect the equipment to a PC and start the HMI.
• Download a slightly changed set of settings to the equipment.
The HMI then compares the ‘software key’ with the pro-
grammed functions before it actually downloads the settings
and reports and error if they do not agree (EPLD error). Man/machine interface

If communication between the protection equipment and the PC
this is not possible in spite of the fact that the stand-by LED is lit,
first check the serial interface connectors and connecting cable.
Where the connection appears to be in order, reboot the PC by
switching it off and on and then restart the HMI.
Should this also prove unsuccessful, restart the device either by
selecting the menu item ‘Warm start’ in the RESET menu on the
local control and display unit (see Section or by hold-
ing the reset button depressed until the stand-by LED (green)
starts to flash (about 10 seconds). This is a software restart,
which is equivalent to switching the auxiliary supply off and on.

In the event of a defect, send the diagnostic information ob-

tained via ‘List DiagInfo’ and ‘Get Hex Dump’ together with
the device settings to your local support centre.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

The following example is of a ROM defect in the main processor

List DiagInfo:



Get Hex Dump:

1000:0000 0004 Error code = stopped
1000:0002 0000 Code segment = 00D8H
1000:0004 06D9 Module name = RUNPROT TEXT
1000:0006 00D8 Program counter = 06D9H
1000:0008 0004
1000:000A 0052
1000:000C 01F1
1000:000E 0178 EEPROM: 00000000000000101
1000:0010 0199
1000:0012 00A0
1000:0014 00E1
1000:0016 0730
1000:0018 0000
1000:001A 0000
1000:001C 0000
1000:001E 0005. Restarting
The detection of an error or defect by the self-testing and moni-
toring functions during normal operation initiates the following:
• Processing by the protection functions is stopped and their
operation blocked.
• The binary outputs are reset and further operation blocked.
This includes resetting the ‘Relay ready’ signal, if it was acti-
• The stand-by signal (green LED on the frontplate) flashes.
Communication between the PC and the protection equipment
remains intact, however, and provides facility for localising the
cause of the problem.
Blocking of the protection is maintained until an attempt is made
to restart it by pressing the reset button on the frontplate. Should
restarting be successful, but the original defect still exists, the
same sequence is repeated and the protection is blocked once

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

Either the 316VC61a or 316VC61b unit or the complete equip-

ment has to be replaced in the case of error messages con-
cerning the main or logic processors.
Should the diagnostic function report an error in the A/D proces-
sor (type 316EA62) although none is fitted, the message can be
ignored. If one is fitted, however, it must be replaced.
An entry is made in the event list every time the protection is re-

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.5. Software updates

Updating the software with the latest version and where neces-
sary also the hardware can add new functions or new features to
the device.
The software version can be is given in the bottom right-hand
corner of the HMI screen when it is operating on-line (the first
number is the version of the HMI and the second number the
version of the software in the equipment).
The HMI is compatible with the equipment software when the
first digit after the point is the same in both numbers.
The equipment software can be updated without opening the
equipment, because it is stored in a read/write memory (flash
Generally the software must be updated by ABB personnel.
Nevertheless, the procedure is described below so that it can be
performed by correspondingly qualified personnel (PC experi-
ence essential) if necessary.

7.5.1. Settings
Make a backup copy of the settings using the HMI (menu items
‘Enter function parameters’ and ‘Save in file’). Then close the

7.5.2. Deleting the settings and the program and downloading a

new program
The following additional files which are necessary to update the
firmware are in the HMI directory after installation:

• spa316a.h26, lon316a.h26, Software for the processor unit

vdew316a.h26: 316VC61a, depends on com-
munications protocol.

• spa316b.h26, lon316b.h26, Software for the processor unit

vdew316b.h26: 316VC61b, depends on com-
munications protocol.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

• spa316a.bat, lon316a.bat, Batch file for loading the soft-

vdew316a.bat: ware into the processor unit
316VC61a, depends on com-
munications protocol.

• spa316b.bat, lon316b.bat, Batch file for loading the soft-

vdew316b.bat: ware into the processor unit
316VC61b, depends on com-
munications protocol.

The type of processor board can be determined using the HMI

diagnostic function. Upon selecting ‘Show diagnostic data’, one
of the lines displayed is ‘HW No.’, which in the case of
316VC61a includes the code ‘0434’:
HW-No.: xxxx/0434/xx
or for 316VC61b the code ‘04Ax’:
HW-No.: xxxx/04Ax/xx
The new software is loaded into devices with the existing soft-
ware version V5.0 is accomplished by running the corresponding
batch file. For this purpose, make the active directory the HMI di-
rectory via the File Manager (Windows 3.1 or 3.11) or Explorer
(Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0) and execute the appropriate batch
file. The version, type of processor board (316VC61a or
316VC61b) and the desired communication protocols are then
displayed again. Click on N (no) to abort or on Y (yes) to con-
The HMI proper does not then start, but simply a window ap-
pears with the question ‘Are you sure? <Y>/<N>’ as a safety
precaution. If you enter ‘N’ the normal HMI starts; if you enter ‘Y’
the settings and the program are instantly deleted. The deleting
procedure takes about twenty seconds. During this time ‘Saving
restart relay’ flashes on the screen.
At the end of this operation, the file ‘*.h26’ is transferred to the
equipment. This takes about 5 minutes. During this time the pro-
gress is indicated by numbered lines and dots:

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

After transfer has been completed, the new program starts

automatically and the time stamp of the *.h26 file is saved in the
During the whole of this operation do not make any entries at the
keyboard of the PC, as this interrupts the automatic procedure.

7.5.3. Problems transferring the new software

Problems and errors can never be excluded when transferring
and saving new software (e.g. supply failure during transfer).
Should something of this kind occur, an attempt can be made to
repeat the transfer by executing the batch file again. If the
equipment responds neither to the call by the batch file nor the
HMI, try to reinitialise the equipment by switching the auxiliary
supply off and back again and then repeat the transfer of the
program file.
Should this also prove unsuccessful, the following procedure
must be executed to delete the contents of the program memory
in the main processor unit:
Devices with the main processor unit 316VC61a have to be
opened and the main processor unit removed from them. Fit the
two jumpers X601 and X602 and reinsert the main processor
unit. Switch on the auxiliary supply and wait for thirty seconds.
Switch off the auxiliary supply and withdraw the main processor
again. The program is now deleted. Remove the two jumpers,
plug the main processor in again, reassemble the equipment
and repeat the program transfer procedure.
Switch of the auxiliary supply to devices equipped with main
processor 316VC61b and then insert the pin supplied into the
socket below the SPA or VDEW6 communication interface.
Switch on the auxiliary supply for about thirty seconds, switch it
off again and withdraw the pin. This procedure deletes the pro-
gram and the new program can be loaded after switching on the
auxiliary supply again.
Should the pin not be available, the same procedure can be
used as described in the previous paragraph for the 316VC61a
with the exception that the jumper marked ‘TEST’ has to be in-
serted instead of X601 and X602.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

Fig. 7.7 Main processor unit 316VC61a

showing the jumpers X601 and X602
(derived from HESG 324 502)

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.6. Replacing hardware units

Hardware units may only be replaced by suitably qualified
personnel. Above all it is essential for the basic precautions
concerning protection against electrostatic discharge be ob-
It may be necessary to transfer existing settings from the relay or
download new ones to the relay, procedures which assume fa-
miliarity with the HMI.
Note that incorrect handling of the devices and their component
parts can cause damage (to the devices or the plant) such as:
• false tripping of items of plant in operation
• destruction of main c.t’s and v.t’s etc.

The following are basic precautions which have to be taken to

guard against electrostatic discharge:
• Before handling units, discharge the body by touching the
station ground (cubicle).
• Hold units only at the edges, do not touch contacts or com-
• Only store and transport units in or on the original packing.

Tools required
Relays can be opened at the rear. The backplates are secured
either Philips screws or Torx screws. Accordingly one of the fol-
lowing is required:
• Philips screwdrivers No. 1 and No. 2
• Torx screwdrivers No. 10 and No. 20.
Terminal screws are always of the normal slotted type. No other
tools are required.

Follow the check list in the Appendix of Section 12 when replac-
ing hardware units.
The check list is primarily intended for replacing defective units
by ones of the same type (same code). If a different relay con-
figuration is desired or necessary, units may be have to be re-

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

placed. A change of software may also be involved. At least the

codes in the relay and on the rating place will have to be cor-
rected. Where problems arise, consult ABB Power Automation
In order to keep records of the PCB’s installed up-to-date, the
corresponding data should be forwarded to ABB Power Automa-
tion Ltd, when PCB’s are changed (see Appendix).

When replacing a processor board Type 316VC61a, the po-
sitions of the jumpers must be checked in relation to Fig. 7.8.

Devices with LDU Devices without LDU

Fig. 7.8 Jumper positions on the processor board 316CV61a

for devices with and without the local control and dis-
play unit (LDU)

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

If a processor board, type 316VC61b is replaced in a unit,
check the jumpers according to Fig. 7.9. These jumpers are
located between the two connectors.

Including LDU: X2200 – X2201

X2203 – X2204
X2206 – X2207

Excluding LDU: X2201 – X2202

X2204 – X2205
X2207 – X2208

Fig. 7.9 Jumper positions on the 316VC61b processor board

for devices including and excluding a local control
and display unit (LDU) on the front
(derived from HESG 324 526)

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

7.7. Testing the protection functions

The current data, settings and protection configuration can be
selected, viewed and also printed, providing a printer is con-
nected to the PC, via the HMI menu “LIST RELAY SETTINGS”
(see Section 5.5.7.).

7.7.1. MODURES test set XS92b

The REL 316*4 protection functions can be tested using a nor-
mal protection relay test set, e.g. MODURES XS92b. This is
most conveniently achieve in the plant by inserting the
REL 316*4 into the test socket case XX93 or 316 TSS 01 which
is wired to the test set.
A detailed description of the test set XS92b is to be found in
data sheet 1MDB520006-Ben and in the Instructions for Installa-
tion and Operation 1MRB520014-Uen. Test socket case XX93 and test connector YX91-4

Upon inserting the test plug YX91-4 (see Appendices in Section 12):
• the secondaries of the main c.t’s are short-circuited
• the protection equipment is isolated from the primary system
c.t’s and v.t’s
• the tripping circuits are interrupted
• the protection’s current and voltage inputs are connected to
the test set
• the opto-coupler input OC101 is interrupted which auto-
matically switches the protection to the test mode
• the signalling relay S 102 is connected to the test set.

Every tripping relay has two contacts in parallel. Test plug
YX91-4 can interrupt up to four DC tripping circuits. This
must be taken into account when connecting the tripping

If necessary, the DC circuits, which have been interrupted, can

be closed on the test set XS92b. For this purpose, twelve 2 mm
diameter sockets marked 1 to 12 are provided on the front of the

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

AC93 unit in the test set (AX91/92 in the case of XS92a). They
are connected in parallel with test plug contacts B1 to B12 which
correspond to sockets A1 to A12 on the test socket case XX93.
The connections can thus be made again by inserting jumpers in
sockets 1 to 12.

Take care when inserting jumpers into the 2 mm sockets,
because they are directly connected to the DC battery sup-
ply for the tripping circuits!

The surface mounting, semi-flush mounting and 19" rack ver-

sions can all be tested using the test socket case XX93. The
corresponding dimensioned drawings and the wiring diagram for
the connections between the REL 316*4 and the XX93 are in-
cluded in the Appendices (Section 12).
The connections to the test set Type XS92b are established us-
ing the cable and test connector YX91-4. This enables testing
with four currents and three voltages. An ancillary test plug Type
YX93 is optionally available for testing REL 316*4 units equipped
with a fifth c.t. and a fourth or fifth v.t. The ancillary plug is in-
serted into the XX93 casing and connected by banana plugs and
cables to the test set.
The connections between the XS92b test set and the XX93
casing via the YX91-4 test plug are shown in the Appendices
(Section 12). Test socket casing 316 TSS 01, test plug RTXH 24
and test cable YX 91-7
The test socket casing 316 TSS 01 consists of a casing into
which a block of RTXP 24 test sockets has been installed.
It is suitable for testing the surface mounting, semi-flush mount-
ing and 19” rack versions of the REL 316. The corresponding
dimensioned drawings and the wiring diagram for the connec-
tions between the REL 316*4 and the 316 TSS 01 are included
in the Appendices (Section 12).
The connections to the test set Type XS92b are established us-
ing the test connector RTXH 24 and test cable YX91-7. This en-
ables testing with four currents and three voltages. Banana
plugs and cables are used for connecting REL 316*4 units
equipped with a fifth c.t. and a fourth v.t. to the test set.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

The connections between the XS92b test set and the RTXH 24
test plug and the 316 TSS 01 casing via the YX91-7 cable are
shown in the Appendices (Section 12).
Inserting the test plug RTXH 24 and test cable YX91-7:
• short-circuits the secondaries of the main c.t’s
• isolates the protection device from the primary system c.t’s
and v.t’s
• interrupts two auxiliary DC supplies to the tripping relays
• connects the current and voltage inputs of the protection de-
vice to the test set
• activates the opto-coupler input OC101 to switch the protec-
tion device automatically to the test mode
• connects the signalling relay S102 to the test set.
The unused contacts A8-B8 and A9-B9 are available for either
interrupting the two other DC circuits or for connecting a fifth v.t.
(for the synchrocheck function). Switching to the test mode

The protection switches automatically to the injection test mode
when a logical “1” is applied to the binary I/P ‘InjTstEnable’
(normally opto-coupler OC 101). In the test mode:
• the distance protection signal ‘Trip CB’ is assigned to the
output signal ‘InjTstOutput’
• all tripping and signalling relays (including ‘Relay ready’) are
blocked excluding the signalling relay assigned to ‘InjTstOut-
• the distance protection function is waiting to receive control
data from the test set XS92b for assigning signals to the out-
put ‘InjTstOutput’
• the baud rate of the interface at the front is reduced to 9600
if not already at it, because the test set XS92b cannot com-
municate at a higher baud rate.
The binary input ‘InjTstEnable’ has to be inverted when using
the test socket casing XX93.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.7.2. Testing the distance protection function

General instructions for testing the distance protection function
are given in Section 8 of publication 1MRB520014-Uen and for
the use of test programs in publications CH-ES 86-11.52 E and
CH-ES 86-11.54 E.

7.7.3. Checking the direction of measurement

There are two HMI menus for checking the direction of meas-
Normally the menu “DISPLAY LOAD VALUES” and sub-menu
“Distance” should be used. The following is an example of the
display in this case in Ω/phase:
---------- [RefLength]
---------- + j ------ Z (RE)
---------- + j ------ Z (SE)
---------- + j ------ Z (TE)
50.00 + j 1.50 Z (RS)
50.00 + j 1.50 Z (ST)
50.00 + j 1.50 Z (TR)
This display indicates that the relay is measuring in the forwards
direction, because the real component of the phase-to-phase
impedance is positive, i.e. providing the scheme is wired ac-
cording to the standard ABB diagram in the Appendices (Section
12), the c.t’s are grounded on the line side and power flows from
the busbars into the line. If the real component is negative,
power is flowing from the line towards the busbars.
The settings ‘CT Neutral’ on line and busbar sides and the bi-
nary input ‘ChgMeasDir’ on the distance protection function in-
fluence this display.
The first four lines (fault distance and phase-to-ground loop im-
pedances) do not influence the direction of measurement.
The last three lines (phase-to-phase loop impedances) are dis-
played providing the load current exceeds
Uph − 0 é V ù
0 .5 ⋅ êΩ and 0.5 Imin.
XA ë
XA reactance in the tripping direction (see Section
Imin pick-up setting of the low-current enabling function.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

If no impedances are displayed at the normal settings, increase

the setting of the impedance parameter Xi (e.g. XBACK) until the
first condition is fulfilled.
A second possibility for checking the direction of measurement
or for obtaining a ‘second opinion’ is to use the menu “DISPLAY
ANALOGUE CHANNELS” (see Section 5.7.1.). This method
works for load currents down to about 5% of rating.
Since this menu is not restricted to a single protection function, it
is not dependent on the settings of the various functions (ex-
cepting the reference for analogue channels) and especially not
on the ‘Bus side/Line side’ setting of the ‘CT neutral’ parameter
and the binary input ‘ChgMeasDir’ on the distance protection

For a purely resistive load with power flowing from the busbar
into the line and the c.t. neutral on the line side, the angle be-
tween R phase voltage and current (or US-IS, UT-IT) is zero de-
This method of checking the direction of measurement, how-
ever, does not disclose whether the setting of the parameter
‘CT neutral’ (‘Bus side/Line side’) is correct.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C

7.7.4. Testing the directional E/F function

(for ungrounded systems) Injecting power system voltages and currents

Where it is not possible to test the protection by installing an E/F
on the primary system, it can be tested using load current.
The test circuits of Fig. 7.12 to Fig. 7.15 differ only in the wiring
of the v.t’s. Version a) is used in all cases in which the terminals
of all the secondaries are accessible, e.g. three single-phase
v.t’s. Version b) is used in all other cases, but it must be noted
that the residual voltage can only be measured, if the power
system neutral has a defined potential.

The following changes to the c.t. and v.t. circuits may only
be carried out when no current is flowing, respectively when
the voltage is switched off. Real power measurement

a) Testing with the residual current of a Holmgren circuit

(three c.t’s in parallel)
If a staged E/F cannot be installed on the system, the protection
function can be tested using load current. To this end, the con-
nections to the c.t’s and v.t’s must be temporarily changed (see
Fig. 7.12a and b). No changes have to be made to the wiring of
the protection.:
• Short-circuit the R and S phase c.t’s and disconnect them
from the Holmgren circuit with the T phase such that only the
T phase c.t. supplies current to the relay.
• Interrupt the v.t. secondary of the same phase (T phase in
the above example) or isolate (by opening the corresponding
single-phase isolator or removing the fuse) and short-circuit
its primary.
Providing load energy is flowing into the line, the red LED on the
front of the protection must now light up.

Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion
of the test!

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

b) Injecting residual current from a core-balance c.t.

In the case of a core-balance c.t., the load currents flowing in the
three phases cancel each other. Therefore for purposes of the
test, an additional conductor supplied from an auxiliary a.c.
source is passed through the core. No changes have to be
made to the wiring of the protection.:
• Carry out the changes to the v.t. circuit as described under a)
above (see Fig. 7.13a and b).
• The voltage between v.t. terminals e and n is used as the
auxiliary a.c. source for the test current through the core-
balance c.t. The test current circuit includes a switch and a
series resistor. The series resistor limits the current to a per-
missible level for the v.t’s and the switch limits the duration of
the load on the v.t’s to a minimum. It may be necessary to
reduce the setting of the parameter (P-Setting) at low in-
jection currents.
The value of the resistor is determined as follows:
10 x UH x Urel
R≤ [ Ω]

UH voltage across the v.t. secondary terminals n and e
Urel voltage across the I/P terminals of the protection
P pick-up power setting
K ratio of the core-balance c.t.
The ‘Pick-up’ and ‘Trip’ signals must operate, if the conductor
passing through the c.t. is connected to terminal n on the busbar
side and terminal e on the line side.

Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion
of the test!

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C Apparent power measurement

The phase sequence of the power system must be R-S-T for this

a) Testing with the residual current of a Holmgren circuit

(three c.t’s in parallel)
If a staged E/F cannot be installed on the system, the protection
function can be tested using load current. To this end, the con-
nections to the c.t’s and v.t’s must be temporarily changed (see
Fig. 7.14a and b). No changes have to be made to the wiring of
the protection.:
• Short-circuit the R and S phase c.t’s and disconnect them
from the Holmgren circuit with the T phase such that only the
T phase c.t. supplies current to the relay.
• Interrupt the secondary circuit of the R phase v.t. or isolate
and short-circuit its primary.
Providing load energy is flowing into the line, the signals ‘Pick-
up’ and ‘Trip’ must operate.

Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion
of the test!

b) Injecting residual current from a core-balance c.t.

For purposes of the test, an additional conductor supplied from
an auxiliary a.c. source is passed through the core. No changes
have to be made to the wiring of the protection (see Fig. 7.15a
and b):
• Interrupt the secondary circuit of the T phase v.t. or isolate
and short-circuit its primary. The phase-to-phase voltage of
the two other phases (R and S) is used as the auxiliary a.c.
source for the test current through the core-balance c.t. The
test current circuit includes a switch and a series resistor.
The series resistor limits the current to a permissible level for
the v.t’s and the switch limits the duration of the load on the
v.t’s to a minimum. It may be necessary to reduce the setting
of the parameter (P set) at low injection currents.

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

The value of the resistor is determined as follows:

10 x UH x Urel
R≤ [ Ω]

UH voltage across the v.t. secondary terminals n and e
Urel voltage across the I/P terminals of the protection
P pick-up power setting
K ratio of the core-balance c.t.

The ‘Pick-up’ and ‘Trip’ signals must operate, if the conductor

passing through the c.t. is connected to terminal v on the busbar
side and terminal u on the line side.

Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion
of the test!

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C Testing using a test set

The MODURES test set XS92b injects the corresponding vari-
able a.c. signals and enables the accuracy of the pick-up and
time delay settings to be determined.

a) Three single-phase v.t’s or a five-limb R

three-phase v.t.: T
Residual voltage across the broken U V W
delta secondary circuit (also applies
to a normal three-phase v.t. with an
interposing Y/delta connected v.t’s)
broken delta
U0 = UR + US

e n
metering wind-
ings where
u v w

HEST 945017 C

R, S, T = three-phase primary system
U, V, W = v.t. primary terminals
u, v, w = v.t. metering terminals
n, e = broken delta terminals for E/F protection


u v w u v w

e n
e n
U0 HEST 945019 FL
HEST 945018 FL

b) Five-limb v.t. c) Three-phase v.t. plus star-point v.t.

(must have delta-connected balancing

Fig. 7.10 Methods of measuring residual voltage

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd

All these test schemes only apply when the protection is
wired according to the ABB wiring diagram.



k k k

l l l


HEST 945020 FL
HEST 945021 FL

a) Holmgren c.t. connection b) Core-balance c.t.




HEST 945022 FL

c) Special c.t. arrangement for sensitive E/F protection

Fig. 7.11 Methods of measuring residual current

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C


6 4 6 4

1 1

3 3

n e n e

2 k k k 5 2 k k k 5

l l l l l l


HEST 945023 FL HEST 945024 FL

a) Changes to v.t. secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to v.t. primary circuit for

C.t’s (2): C.t’s (2):

T phase separated from R and S phases and T phase separated from R and S phases
supplying protection and supplying protection
R and S phases short-circuited R and S phases short-circuited

V.t’s (3): V.t’s (3):

T phase removed from broken delta T phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited

The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!

1 circuit-breaker 4 fuse
2 c.t’s 5 REL 316*4
3 v.t’s 6 load direction

Fig. 7.12 Test circuit (for ϕ = 0) with Holmgren connected c.t’s

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd


8 4 8 4

1 1

3 3

6 7 n e 6 7 n e

2 k 5 2 k 5

l I

HEST 945025 FL HEST 945026 FL

a) Changes to v.t. secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to v.t. primary circuit for

C.t’s (2): C.t’s (2):

Test current passed through core-balance c.t. with Test current passed through core-
v.t. terminal e (3) supplying the line side and n the balance c.t. with v.t. terminal e (3) sup-
busbar side plying the line side and n the busbar side

V.t’s (3): V.t’s (3):

T phase removed from broken delta T phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited
The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!
1 circuit-breaker 5 REL 316*4
2 c.t’s 6 test switch
3 v.t’s 7 test resistor (see b) in Section
4 fuse for calculation)
8 load direction

Fig. 7.13 Test circuit (for ϕ = 0) with core-balance c.t.

ABB Power Automation Ltd REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C


6 4 6 4

1 1

3 3

n e n e

2 k k k 5 2 k k k 5

l l l l l l


HEST 945027 FL HEST 945028 FL

a) Changes to v.t. secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to v.t. primary circuit for

C.t’s (2): C.t’s (2):

T phase separated from R and S phases and T phase separated from R and S phases
supplying protection and supplying protection
R and S phases short-circuited R and S phases short-circuited

V.t’s (3): V.t’s (3):

R phase removed from broken delta R phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited
The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!
1 circuit-breaker 4 fuse
2 c.t’s 5 REL 316*4
3 v.t’s 6 load direction

Fig. 7.14 Test circuit (for ϕ = -90° capacitive) with Holmgren

connected c.t’s

REL 316*4 1MRB520050-Uen / Rev. C ABB Power Automation Ltd


8 4 8 4

1 1

3 3

u v w u v w
6 7 6 7

n e n e

2 2

k 5 k 5

l l

HEST 945029 FL HEST 945030 FL

a) Changes to v.t. secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to v.t. primary circuit for

C.t’s (2): C.t’s (2):

Test current passed through core-balance c.t. with Test current passed through core-
v.t. terminal e (3) supplying the line side and u the balance c.t. with v.t. terminal e (3) sup-
busbar side plying the line side and u the busbar side

V.t’s (3): V.t’s (3):

T phase removed from broken delta T phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited
The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!
1 circuit-breaker 5 REL 316*4
2 c.t’s 6 test switch
3 v.t’s 7 test resistor (see b) in Section
4 fuse for calculation)
8 load direction

Fig. 7.15 Test circuit (for ϕ = -90° capacitive) with core-

balance c.t.


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