EE Langlit IB
EE Langlit IB
EE Langlit IB
IB Diploma Program
' t
WordCount: 3997
Session: November
Candidate Name: SchoolCode:
Candidate Number:
IB Subject of Essay: English A Category 1
· EECoordinator:
Extended essay 1
Studies in language and literature sample A
Main Body 4
Conclusion 13
Appendices 15
Works Cited 20
Extended essay 2
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 3
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 4
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 5
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 6
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 7
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 8
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 9
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 10
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 11
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 12
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 13
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 14
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 15
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 16
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 17
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 18
Studies in language and literature sample A
Extended essay 19
Studies in language and literature sample A
Works Cited
Bak, John S. Tennessee Williams: A Literary Life. New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. Print.
);'. The New York Times. N.p., 7 Jan. 2014. Web. 17 Aug. 2014.
<http:/Igraphics8.nytimes.corn/images/2014/01/07/theater/07glass/07 glass
blog480 .jpg>.
Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. New York: New Directions, 1999. xix.
Extended essay 20