Syllabus Cas213 PCC
Syllabus Cas213 PCC
Syllabus Cas213 PCC
Note: All of my course content is posted using Blackboard, a course management tool for the
Internet. If this is your first Blackboard class, I highly recommend that you complete the
Blackboard Orientation at: . If you are taking
a Distance Learning section and you want to know how the Distance Learning format works, go
to the Distance Learning web site: .
Office Address: Sylvania Campus TCB 312, Portland Community College, 12000 SW 49th
Ave., Portland
Mailing Address: Ron Bekey, CIS/CAS, Sylvania TCB 312, Portland Community College, PO
Box 19000, Portland, OR 97280-0990
Use the special e-mail address assigned to this class beginning the first day of class.
You will find it on the "Instructor E-mail" icon on the Home Page of the class web site,
which will be available the first day of class. Before the class begins, please use:
[email protected]
* This is NOT the best way to contact me. I am not on campus every day, but I check my e-mail
several times a day. If you leave a message on my phone, I may not get it for 2 or 3 days.
COURSE OUTCOMES: After completion of this course, students will be able to:
Required TEXT:
No book is required for this class. I will provide all of the written information you need online or
as links on other web sites.
Optional TEXT:
Any reference book you can find on JavaScript will be helpful. One suggestion is: JavaScript and
AJAX for the Web, 6th Edition (Visual Quickstart series)
Required SOFTWARE:
You can use either a PC or a Mac for this class. JavaScript runs equally well on either platform,
and the exercises will work equally well on both types of computers. The only problem for Mac
users is that your instructor does not have a Mac, so he will not be able to trouble-shoot Mac-
related problems. However, there are almost always other Mac users in the class who can help if
something like that should arise.
We will use two main programs in this class: Firefox (or Netscape if you have an older Mac),
and an HTML editor. If you have Dreamweaver, I will recommend that you use it, using only
CODE VIEW. If you do not have Dreamweaver and you have a PC, I recommend CSE
Validator Lite (an excellent free HTML text editor and validator). Instructions for installing and
configuring CSE Validator Lite are in the first assignment. If you do not have Dreamweaver and
you have a Mac, you can use the free program Text Wrangler from Barebones Software, or you
can purchase Dreamweaver or a text-only HTML editor such as BBEdit.
Note: Do not use any other HTML-creating program except Dreamweaver for this class! Most
other programs will create "extra" code, and it will cause major problems getting your code to
run! If you turn in work that has "generated" code, I will refuse to grade it because it wastes my
time trying to find the code you actually wrote. Dreamweaver in CODE VIEW does not have this
Required Materials (available at PCC Sylvania bookstore and local office supply or computer
Distance classes: Hard Drive or Flash (USB) Drive (sometimes called a thumb drive)
for storing data*
Campus classes:
o CAS 225 and CAS 213 only: A set of headphones or earbuds are required, for
listening to videos in the classroom.
o Bring a Flash (USB) Drive and all required textbook(s) (and headphones if
required) to every class
* I do NOT recommend using read-write CD-ROM or DVD disks for the class. These media are
much better for long-term storage and are not designed for applications that must write
frequently to the disk.
Many of my classes are taught in a "Distance*" or "Hybrid**" format. Some classes have
sections in more than one format during the same term. If your class has a "Hybrid" section, you
are encouraged to come to the class sessions when you can, even if you signed up for a
"Distance" section.
All of my classes use Blackboard (formerly WebCT), a course management system for the web.
The main login page is at: . If you have never used a program
like this before, I strongly recommend that you complete the PCC Orientation to Online
Learning: . If you are in a "Distance" section, you
are expected to log in on the first day of the term. If you are in a "Hybrid" or campus section,
you can login anytime during the first week, but I will go over the process in detail in the first
All handouts and class materials will be posted on the web, using Blackboard. All assignments
will be turned in from the web also; further information on this will be presented as part of the
first week's assignment.
*Distance: These classes are taught entirely over the Web. Interaction with other students and
the instructor takes place by posting messages on a Bulletin Board (Discussion Board) and e-
mail. I also use a number of my own components using the ColdFusion scripting language. Some
sections share a web site with an on-campus class. If you are in one of those classes, I will give
you information on campus meetings so that you can attend them if you wish.
**Hybrid: These classes are a "combination" of Distance and regular classroom format. They
usually meet once a week on campus, instead of the usual twice a week. You are expected to
come to the session on campus each week, where I will present a "lecture" on that week's
information and answer any questions you may have about the assignments. The class session is
also a good time for me to work with you in person if you want extra help on anything. Most of
your work for the class will be done on your own time, at home or in a computer lab.
1. Instructor-written assignments: There will be an assignment each week* telling you what is
expected; in most cases, the assignment will be due one week later. All assignments will be
posted on the web, using Blackboard.
2. Bulletin Board (Discussion Board): In order to get the most from this class, students must
interact frequently with each other and with the instructor. To encourage this, you will be
required to post messages every week as a part of your grade for each assignment. This is true for
all of my classes, including those that meet only on campus. Detailed instructions on what I
expect will be found with each assignment.
DO NOT delete assignments after you turn them in to your instructor! I often need to go
back to your files to clarify what you turned in, or to have you send some parts again.
CAS 111D, CAS 213, CAS 214, CAS 215, and CIS 243: You will upload each
assignment directly to a web server using FTP. All assignments must be functional on the
web for credit.
There will be a "Grading Form" for each assignment. You are expected to use this
form to confirm that you have completed everything that was assigned.
There will be a Midterm and a Final (both will be on-line) that will assess your understanding
of the concepts taught in the class. These will consist of multiple choice, matching, or true-false
Your class grade will be based on your total performance. A standard grading scale (90-
100%=A, 80-90%=B, 65-80%=C, 50-65%=D) will be used. I do not grade specifically on
attendance, but those who attend regularly* will get the next-higher grade if their grade comes
out close to the next grade up at the end of the class (79%, 89%, etc.).
Assignments: 80%
Midterm: 10%
Final Exam: 10%
Total 100%
If you wish to AUDIT the class, you must let me know by the end of the 3rd week of the term.
Auditing students will still need to attend class*, but will not be expected to turn in assignments.
* "Attendance" in Distance sections means that you are logging in, reading bulletin board
messages, and posting bulletin board messages regularly.
You are encouraged to work with other students on assignments. However, what you turn in
must be a product of your own efforts*. Programming and writing assignments are creative
processes, and each student will be expected to come up with his/her own solution to each
problem. If identical or nearly identical work is turned in by more than one student, all students
involved will receive ONE WARNING. If it happens again, those students will receive a "0" for
the assignment(s) and will be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.
*Some students have "copied" work from other students that was posted on the Web server. Do
not be tempted to do this. I have a lot of skill in identifying work that has been copied and
modified. Please, if you have trouble with an assignment, contact me or other students in
the class and ask for help. You will not learn anything by copying.
In some classes I post answers for class assignments in a format that is available only to those
who have completed the assignment. You are NOT permitted to share those with students who
are still working on the assignment--that is considered cheating and will be treated the same way
as described above.
Distance Learning Classes: I do not recommend trying to complete a Distance Learning class
entirely in one of the PCC computer labs. They have SOME of the software you will need, but
NOT ALL! Also, there are some activities that we will do that will be difficult or impossible to
do from a computer lab, due to security restrictions in the PCC labs. If you need to do the class
entirely in a computer lab, please take one of the campus-based or "hybrid" sections instead.
a. Sylvania: This lab is open 7 days a week. Before you can use it, you will need to complete the
orientation at the Sylvania CRC. The sign-up is no longer available online--see this page for
information: . The Sylvania CRC should
have most of the software you will need for my classes.
b. Other campuses: Go to this page: . Warning:
The CSE Validator software I use for CAS 111D, CAS 213, CAS 214 and CAS 215 and the
TopStyle software I used for CAS 215 is not installed in any of the CRC's, as far as I know. This
software is available in the CAS computer lab at Sylvania (see below), or you can use
Dreamweaver in Code View. If you plan to use a lab at another campus, be sure to call first and
be sure they have the software you need before you drive over there.
a. CAS Lab*: The CAS Lab (SS 202 at PCC Sylvania) is available to all CAS students,
including those in both "hybrid" and "distance" sections of CAS 111D, CAS 213, CAS 214 and
CAS 215. Hours should be posted on the door by the second week of the term; it is usually open
several hours each day from Monday - Friday. Note that SS 202 is ONLY for the use of students
in CAS classes.
3. Tutors:
Tutors are available for many CIS classes and a few CAS classes. Be sure to check the schedule
and go when the tutor you are wanting will be available. The schedule changes every term, so
this schedule will probably be for the previous term until it is updated: .
1. If you have questions about the assignments, corrections, or suggestions to help other
students, please post them to the Bulletin Board (Discussions) area. You are required to
post or reply to at least one message in this area every week. You will find a link to this
on the class Home Page.
2. If you have questions that are personal, such as about your grade on an assignment,
how you are doing in the class, or if you want to make a personal appointment with me
for more help, please email me by clicking the Instructor E-mail icon on the class
Home Page.
4. E-mail:
Use the special e-mail address assigned to this class beginning the first day of class.
You will find it on the Instructor E-Mail icon on the Home Page of the class web site,
which will be available the first day of class. Before the class begins, please use:
[email protected]
Subject, First Name and Last Name: A short description of the purpose of your
message is REQUIRED. If you use the Instructor E-mail icon, your full name will be
sent to me automatically, along with your message. If you use regular email and it does
not show your full name, you MUST include it in the subject of your message or I will
return it unread. I receive hundreds of email messages, and it is not fun deciphering who
"[email protected]" is.
On weekdays, you can expect a response from me within 24 hours, and often sooner.
Although I will often answer e-mails on weekends, I cannot promise this as I have a
personal life also. Please do not expect answers on weekends. It is best if you contact me
by noon on Friday (and preferably earlier) if you want an answer before Monday
morning. If you have a question over the weekend, post it on the Bulletin Board so it can
be answered by another student.
5. (Telephone: 503-977-4084). I put this in parentheses, because it is NOT the best way to
contact me. I am not on campus every day, but I check my e-mail several times a day. If
you leave a message on my phone, I may not get it for 2 or 3 days.
Distance Students: I will try to solve your problem by e-mail first, then telephone, then in
person. Note that I do not normally work evenings as I put in a lot of hours during the day, but I
will make exceptions if that is the only time you can meet me.
6. Office Hours: I do not have regular "office hours" for this class, as I answer questions
continually through the Bulletin Board and e-mail (see above). If you want more help
with an assignment than you can get through the Bulletin Board or e-mail, please e-mail
me and request a telephone or in-person appointment. I am usually available to meet with
students from Monday-Friday during normal working hours. If you work full-time, I will
try to find a time that works for both of us as early as possible in the evening. You may
also find a tutor helpful. See: .
1. Bulletin (Discussion) Board: The Bulletin Board will be your main method of
communication with other students in the class. I will post messages there occasionally,
but I will use it primarily as a place for students to help each other. I strongly encourage
you to use the Bulletin Board frequently, to ask questions, help other students, or simply
to "chat" with other students in the class. To encourage use of the Bulletin Board, you are
required to post or reply to at least one message every week as part of your assignments.
ALWAYS SELECT A TOPIC before you compose (create) a message for the Bulletin Board.
This will help to keep the hundreds of messages organized and make it easier to follow. Also, I
can only give you credit for a Bulletin Board posting if it is in the correct Topic.
You are required to check in to your e-mail and Bulletin Board at least every other day during
the course. This will make it much easier to keep up with the course, as other students and I are
continually posting information as issues come up with the assignments. It is also much easier to
keep up with the Bulletin Board when you look at it frequently, instead of having to go through
dozens of messages at once.
NETIQUETTE: "Netiquette" is a term that is used for "etiquette" on the Internet. I expect all
messages posted on the Bulletin Board or sent as emails to me or other students to be respectful
and courteous. If there is something you don't like about the course or you find mistakes in the
assignments, you are welcome to e-mail me about it, but I expect your messages to be respectful
and courteous. If I notice that you are posting or sending messages that do not meet this standard,
you will receive one warning. If it happens again, I will refer you to one of the Deans at PCC, I
may cut off your ability to post or send messages and your grade in the class may be reduced. I
also reserve the right to delete any messages on the Bulletin Board that do not seem appropriate
or respectful. For examples of good and bad techniques in e-mail and Bulletin Board or
Newsgroup postings, try these links:,, .
On-campus or "Hybrid" sections: I will be passing a roll sheet each class to keep track
of your attendance. You are expected to attend every class session unless you have
made special arrangements with me at the beginning of the term. I do not grade
specifically on attendance, but at the end of the class, those of you who have "borderline"
grades (79%, 89%, etc.) will receive the higher grade if you have been attending class
regularly*. The class will move quickly, and it is next to impossible to catch up if you
fall behind. Also, I do not consider it acceptable to work like a "Distance" student and
skip class when you are signed up for the on-campus section. Your interaction with your
classmates and my "lectures" are an important part of the class. If you prefer to work on
your own, you should take the "distance" version of the class instead. Please contact me
well in advance if you expect to miss a class, and arrange to make up the time on your
* in Distance sections, "attendance" means that you are checking into the class and reading and
posting Bulletin Board messages regularly.
a. Campus sections only: If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility
to obtain any handouts you missed, notes taken by other students during class,
and/or any announcements that I made regarding labs, exams or other issues. You
should be able to find most of these materials on the web site, but do not count
on that only. Be sure to check in with other students to be sure you didn't miss
any handouts, announcements or other class activities. Do not ask me for
handouts if you miss class; it is your responsibility to get them from the web site
or other students.
b. Campus sections only: Missing a class is not an acceptable excuse for handing
in work late. Late penalties and cut-off dates will still apply.
Distance and Hybrid sections: The Blackboard program tells me when you have
"logged on" to the program and which pages you have "visited". You are expected to
"log in" to the class at least every other day, and check both your email and the
Bulletin Board (Discussion Board) at least every other day, while the class is in
session. This is important because I post frequent notes regarding the class and you are
expected to be reading and posting Bulletin Board messages on a regular basis. At the
end of the class, those of you who have "borderline" grades will receive the higher
grade if you have been logging in to the class regularly. The class will move quickly,
and it is next to impossible to catch up if you fall behind.
Vacations: Please do not plan to take a vacation of more than a few days during the
class, unless you will have web access and the software you need for the class where you
are going. It is not possible to skip in a week in these short, fast-paced classes and
pass the class.
1. There is a STRICT DEADLINE for every assignment. This is for your own
Students who fall behind in this class almost never catch up, and rarely
complete the course.
In some classes I post answer keys after the due date, or I provide
completed work from the previous assignment so that everyone can start at
the same place each week. I cannot do this and let people turn in work
2. You will have one more week after the deadline to submit your work with a
50% reduction in credit. This policy applies only to assignments, not quizzes or
exams, which have strict deadlines and cannot be turned in late.
3. After the "late" deadline, you will not receive any credit for the
Every assignment will clearly indicate the due dates for full credit and
50% credit. If you complete only part of the assignment before the first
deadline, turn in the part you have completed for full credit. You can
turn in the rest before the second deadline for 50% credit. I give partial
credit whenever possible.
If you turn in an assignment after the first deadline, you must email
me to let me know it is ready to grade. I do not "hunt" for late
If you have a good reason why you will be late on an assignment, such as
a business trip, a death in your family, or an opportunity to star in the
latest Harry Potter movie, e-mail me before the first deadline and I will
do my best to work with you. Note that vacations during the term are not
considered a valid reason to be late on an assignment.
If you have a disability and need an accommodation, please make arrangements to meet with me
outside of class to discuss your accommodations. If it is a Distance class, please email me and I
will call you if we need additional clarification. PCC Students requesting accommodations must
provide documentation of disability and work with The Office for Students with Disabilities
(OSD) at 977-4341 or .
1. Time Commitment: If you were taking this course in the classroom, as a 3 or 4 credit
course in CAS or CIS you would have about 6 hours of class time per week with the
instructor, not including homework. This also does not include time to do the reading, to
complete homework started in class, or additional study time to read the material and
understand the concepts, which may easily take 2 to 6 additional hours each week.
Therefore you should expect to spend 8-12 hours per week on this class. Those of you
taking "hybrid" sections of my classes that meet once per week will probably be able to
reduce the amount of work at home by 2 hours or so. Some weeks you may complete the
assignments in less time; other weeks it may take considerably longer. Be sure to budget
your time accordingly, and do not wait until the last minute to start an assignment!
2. Login requirements: You are expected to "log in" to the class (the course WebCT site)
and check your regular email AT LEAST every other day (every 2 days) while the
course is in session. This includes doing all of the following:
a. Read any Announcements I have posted on the Home Page (these may be at the
top of the page, in pop-ups, or in links)
b. Read any new messages on the Bulletin (Discussion) Board, and respond to any
that you can help with*
c. Read any email that has been sent to you by me. When I have something
particularly important to tell the class, I will send an email to the entire class using
the email address(es) you entered on the Update Personal Information form (you
will fill this out in the first assignment). I may also send you messages if I have
questions about your performance in the class or about an assignment.
* If you do this frequently, it will be easy to keep up with the messages and you
will get "hints" on how to complete your assignments when they are most useful
to you. If you wait too long, the number of messages can be overwhelming and
you will not receive the benefit of this information.
3. When to Start an Assignment: I highly recommend that you read and/or print out the
current assignment as soon as possible after it is posted. Then begin reading through the
chapter(s) and working through the assignments early in the week. If you do a little bit
each day, or every other day, it should not be difficult to keep up with the course, but you
will not be able to complete my assignments in one evening. Also, if you start early in
the week you won't have problems meeting the deadlines if you run into problems with
your computer or the assignment, or if you need to wait to have your questions answered.
a. Remember, do not wait until the last minute to start an assignment! If you run
into problems, post a message on the Bulletin Board or e-mail your instructor to
get some help well in advance of the due date. Your instructor is a busy person
too, and does not have much sympathy for desperate e-mails the night that the
assignment is due :-)
o Computer Problems: If your computer stops working correctly during the
course, or you cannot connect to the Internet, please do not wait to fix your
computer before you start on an assignment! Instead, go to one of the
computer labs at the nearest PCC campus to you (Computer Resource Center,
CAS Lab or CIS Lab) to complete the assignment, well ahead of the time it is due.
a. Having a computer that does not work, or problems with your connection to
the Internet, is not a valid excuse for turning in work late. Many students have
failed to complete courses or obtained unsatisfactory grades because they fell
behind while attempting to solve a computer problem. Please don't let this happen
to you.
My classes are not "easy", but you will learn a lot (and have a lot more fun!) if you put a lot of
work into them. Like most other things in life, the amount you get out of it will depend on how
much you put into it.