Great Central Insurance Company System Interfaces:: SIMPRO To GCIS Premium
Great Central Insurance Company System Interfaces:: SIMPRO To GCIS Premium
Great Central Insurance Company System Interfaces:: SIMPRO To GCIS Premium
We also have an automated renewal policy that will “download” policies that are nearing
their expiration data into GCIS and notify the user that it is ready for renewal processing.
The automated renewal process will create a new policy in SIMPRO, inflate the
exposures and re-rate the policy. If the policy is flagged as needing no intervention it will
automatically upload the policy into GCIS Premium.
CI to GCIS Premium
When a policy is issued in CI a “pass two file” is created by the system. A batch process
utilizes the “pass two file” to create a policy in GCIS Premium with a status of pending.
The user must go into GCIS to verify and complete the policy. The process of
completing a policy is referred to as “The Big T”.
At month end we create snap-shots of our data in both GCIS Premium and Claims. The
snap-shot for Premium contains a row for each Policy in the system. The row contains
the policy key, important reporting elements such as state, line of business, industry,
underwriter and agent as well as exposures and premiums. The claims snap-shots contain
a row for each claim and occurrence. Again these records contain important reporting
elements as well as reserve, payments, recoverables, expenses, etc.
The previous month’s snap-shots are subtracted from the current month’s snap-shot to at
a summary level to create a set of records that represent the activity for the month. These
records are then added to summary tables that contain a row for each month and
combination of key reporting fields such as state, line of business, industry, etc.
Trident to GCIS
At month end Trident provides a file in the same format as our snap-shots and we merge
their data into our snap shots for month end processing and subsequent reporting.
At month end we extract premium, accounts receivables, claims payments and reserves.
The extract summarizes the data to the GL account level and is sent to San Antonio for
import into Oracle Financials.
External Reporting
We have several file extracts that send data directly to states or third party intermediaries
to comply with statutory reporting requirements: These include:
NISS for statistical reporting
NCCI and PEEPS for W/C coverage reporting
Various state department’s of Motor Vehicles for vehicle coverage
OFAC Clearance
We also run a monthly extract for Hartford Steam Boiler.