CRIMINAL LAW 2 - Elements and Penalties
CRIMINAL LAW 2 - Elements and Penalties
CRIMINAL LAW 2 - Elements and Penalties
pg. 1
Article Number Elements Penalties
1. Offender is a Filipino or
resident alien;
2. there is a war in which the
Philippines is involved;
Filipino Citizen -Reclusion
3. Offender either –
temporal to death
a. levies war against
Art. 114 Treason the government; or
Alien residing in the
b. adheres to the
Philippines – reclusion
enemies, giving
temporal to death
them aid or comfort
within the
pg. 2
governor or fiscal of the
province in which he resides, or
the mayor or fiscal of the city in
which he resides.
Paragraph 1
pg. 3
which the Philippines is if the correspondence
involved; has been prohibited
2. Offender makes by the Government
correspondence with an
enemy country or Prision Mayor - if the
territory occupied by correspondence be
enemy troops; carried on in ciphers
3. The correspondence is or conventional signs;
either – and
pg. 4
pg. 5
Article Number Elements Penalties
1. Offender is a public
officer or employee;
b. 18 hours for
penalties; and
c. 36 hours for
afflictive or
capital penalties.
1. Offender is a public
officer or employee;
2. There is a judicial or
executive order for the
release of a prisoner or
detention prisoner, or
Article 126. Delaying
that there is a proceeding
upon a petition for the
liberation of such
3. Offender without good
reason delays –
pg. 6
b. the performance
of such judicial
or executive
order for the
release of the
prisoner; or
c. the proceedings
upon a petition
for the release of
such person.
1. Offender is a public
officer or employee;
2. He either –
a. expels any
person from the
Article 127. Expulsion Philippines; or Prision correccional
b. compels a person
to change
3. Offender is not
authorized to do so by
1. Offender is a public
officer or employee;
2. He is not authorized by
Prision correccional in its
Article 128. Violation of judicial order to enter
minimum period
Domicile the dwelling or to make
a search therein for
papers or other effects.
1. Procuring a search
warrant without just
1. Offender is a public
Article 129. Search Warrants
officer or employee; Arresto mayor in its maximum
Maliciously Obtained, and
2. He procures a search period to prision correccional
Abuse in the Service of
warrant; in its minimum period
Those Legally Obtained
3. There is no just cause.
pg. 7
1. Offender is a public
officer or employee;
2. He has legally procured a
search warrant;
3. He exceeds his authority
or uses unnecessary
severity in executing the
1. Offender is a public
officer or employee;
2. He is armed with search
warrant legally procured;
3. He searches the
Article 130. Searching domicile, papers or other
Arresto mayor in its minimum
Domicile without Witnesses belongings of any
and maximum period
4. The owner, or any
members of his family,
or two witnesses residing
in the same locality are
not present.
c. prohibiting or
hindering any
person from
addressing, either
alone or together
with others, any
petition to the
authorities for
the correction of
pg. 8
abuses or redress
of grievances.
2. Religious ceremonies or
Public officer or employee –
manifestations of any
prision correccional in its
religious are about to
Article 132. Interruption of minimum period
take place or are going
Religious Worship
Commited w/ violence or
threat- prision correccional in
3. Offender prevents or
its medium and maximum
disturbs the same.
Qualified if committed by
violence or threat.
pg. 9
Persons liable for rebellion, insurrection or coup d' etat under Article 135
1. The leaders –
2. The participants –
pg. 10
Officers or means in their power;
Employees 2. By continuing to discharge the duties
of their offices under the control of the
rebels; or
3. By accepting appointment to office
under them.
pg. 11
1. Offender does not take direct part in
the crime of sedition;
2. He incites others to the
accomplishment of any of the acts
Article 142.
which constitute sedition; and Prision correccional in its
Inciting to Sedition 3. Inciting is done by means of speeches, maximum period
proclamations, writings, emblems,
cartoons, banners, or other
representations tending towards the
same end.
pg. 12
2. The purpose of the offender is
to prevent any member of
Congress from –
pg. 13
assault upon person in authority or his
Illegal associations
1. Offender employs force or
Article 148. Direct 2. The aim of the offender is to Prision correccional in its
Assault attain any of the purposes of medium and maximum
the crime of rebellion or any of period
the objects of the crime of
There is no public uprising.
pg. 14
occasion of such performance.
Acts punished
pg. 15
possession, when required by them to
do so in the exercise of their functions;
4. By restraining another from attending
as a witness in such legislative or
constitutional body;
5. By inducing disobedience to a
summons or refusal to be sworn by any
such body or official.
pg. 16
Unlawful by means of printing, lithography or
Utterances any other means of publication, as
news any false news which may
endanger the public order; or cause
damage to the interest or credit of the
2. Encouraging disobedience to the law
or to the constituted authorities or
praising, justifying or extolling any act
punished by law, by the same means or
by words, utterances or speeches;
3. Maliciously publishing or causing to be
published any official resolution or
document without proper authority, or
before they have been published
4. Printing, publishing or distributing (or
causing the same) books, pamphlets,
periodicals, or leaflets which do not
bear the real printer’s name, or which
are classified as anonymous.
pg. 17
escape of the prisoner
shall take place outside of
said establishments by
taking the guards by
pg. 18
ART.161 Counterfeiting the great 1. Forging the Great Seal of the Government of the
seal of the Government of the Philippines
Reclusion Temporal
Philippines, forging the signature or 2. Forging the signature of the President
stamp of the Chief Executive 3. Forging the stamp of the President
1. That the Great Seal of the Republic was
counterfeited or the signature or stamp of the
Chief Executive was forged by another person
ART.162 Using forged signature or
counterfeit seal or stamp 2. That the offender knew of the counterfeiting or Prision Mayor
3. That he used the counterfeit seal or forged
signature or stamp
Prision Mayor in its minimum
and medium periods and a fine
not to exceed 10, 000 pesos, if
the counterfeied coin be silver
coin of the Philippines or coin
of th Central Bnak of the
Philippines of ten-centavo
denomination or above.
1. That there be false or counterfeited coins
Prision correccional in its
2. That the offender either made, imported or
minimum and medium periods
ART.163 Making and importing and uttered such coins
and a fine not to exceed 2, 000
uttering false coins 3. That in case of uttering such false or
pesos if the counterfeited coins
counterfeited coins, he connived with the
be any of the minor coinage of
counterfeiters or importers.
the Philippines or of the Central
Bank of the Philippines below
ten-centavo denomination.
pg. 19
period and a fine not to exceed
5, 000 pesos, if the falsified or
altered document is a circulating
note issued by any banking
asssociation duly authorized by
law to issue the same
pg. 20
i. That the offender caused it to appear in a document
that a person or persons participated in an act or a
proceeding; and
ii. That such person or persons did not in fact so
participate in the act or proceeding.
pg. 21
2. Falsification of private document by any person
a. Offender committed any of the acts of falsification
except Art. 171 (7), that is, issuing in an authenticated
form a document purporting to be a copy of an
original document when no such original exists, or
including in such a copy a statement contrary to, or
different from that of the genuine original
b. Falsification was committed in any private
c. Falsification caused damage to a third party or at
least the falsification was committed with intent to
cause such damage
pg. 22
1. A physician or surgeon had issued a false medical
certificate, or public officer issued a false certificate
of merit or service, good conduct, or similar
ART. 175 Using false certificates circumstance, or a private person had falsified any of Arresto menor
said certificates
2. Offender knew that the certificate was false
3. He used the same
1. Making or introducing into the Philippines any
stamps, dies, marks, or other instruments or Prision correccional in its
ART. 176 Manufacturing and
implements for counterfeiting or falsification medium and maximum periods
possession of instruments or
2. Possessing with intent to use the instrument or and a fine not to exceed 10, 000
implements for falsifications
implements for counterfeiting or falsification made in pesos
or introduced into the Philippines by another person.
1. Usurpation of Authority – by knowingly and
falsely representing oneself to be an officer, agent or
representative of any department or agency of the
Philippine Government or any foreign government.
ART. 177 Usurpation of authority or 2. Usurpation of Official Functions – by performing Prision correccional in its
official function any act pertaining to any person in authority or public minimum and medium periods
officer of the Philippine Government or of a foreign
government or any agency thereof, under pretense of
official position, and without being lawfully entitled
to do so.
1. Using fictitious name
a. Offender uses a name other than his real name
b. He uses the fictitious name publicly
c. Purpose of use is to conceal a crime, to evade the
ART. 178 Using fictitious name and execution of a judgment or to cause damage (to Arresto Mayor and a fine not to
concealing true name public interest) exceed 500 pesos
2. Concealing true name
a. Offender conceals his true name and other personal
b. Purpose is only to conceal his identity
1. Offender makes use of insignia, uniform or dress
2. The insignia, uniform or dress pertains to an office
ART. 179 Illegal use of uniforms or not held by the offender or to a class of persons of
Arresto Mayor
insignia which he is not a member
3. Said insignia, uniform, or dress is used publicly
and improperly
Reclusion Temporal if the
defendant sentenced to death
pg. 23
affirmation an affidavit upon a material matter its minimum period
2. Statement or affidavit was made before a
competent officer, authorized to receive and
administer oath
3. In that statement or affidavit, the accused made a
willful and deliberate assertion of a falsehood
4. Sworn statement or affidavit containing the falsity
is required by law
a. Manufacturer, producer, processor or importer of
any merchandise or object of commerce
b. Combines, conspires, or agrees with any person
pg. 24
c. Purpose is to make transactions prejudicial to
lawful commerce or to increase the market price of
any merchandise or object of commerce
manufactured, produced, processed, assembled or
imported into the Philippines
1. Offender imports, sells, or disposes of any of those
articles or merchandise.
ART. 187 Importation and
2. Stamps, brands, or marks of those articles of
disposition of falsely marked articles Prision Correccional or a fine
merchandise fail to indicate the actual fineness or
or merchandise made of gold, silver ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos
quality of said metals or alloys.
or other precious metals or their or both
3. Offender knows that the stamps, brands or marks
fail to indicate the actual fineness or the quality of the
metals or alloys .
1. By (a) substituting the tradename or trademark of
some other manufacture or dealer, or a colorable
imitation thereof, for the trade name or trademark
of the real manufacturer or delaeer upon any
article of commerce (b) selling the same
2. By selling or by offering for sale such articles of
commerce, knowing that the tradename or
Prision Correccional in its
ART. 188 Substituting and altering trademark has been fraudulently used
minimum period or a fine
trademarks, tradenames or service 3. By using or substituting the service mark of some
ranging from 500 to 2,000 pesos
marks other person, or a colorable imitation of such
or both
mark, in the sale or advertising of his services
4. By printing, lithographing or reproducing
tradenmae, trademark or service mark of one
person, or a colorable imitation thereof, to enable
another person to fraudulently use the same,
knowing the fraudulent purpose for which it is to
be used.
1. By selling of hid goods, giving them the general
appearance of the goods of another manufacturer
or dealer
ART. 189 Unfair competition,
2. By (a) affixing to his goods or using in connection
fraudulent registration of trade nmae,
with his services a false designation of origin, or
trademark, or service mark,
any false description or representation, and (b)
fraudulent designation of origin and
selling such goods or services
false description
3. By procuring fraudulently from the patent office
the registration of trade name, trademark or service
Life to death & fine of 500,000
Any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall to 10 million regardless of the
import or bring into the Philippines any dangerous Quantity and purity involved
SEC. 4 Importation of Dangerous
drug, regardless of the quantity and purity involved,
Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors
including any and all species of opium poppy or any MAXIMUM PENALTY :
and Essential Chemicals
part thereof or substances derived there from even for 1.Use of diplomatic Passport
floral, decorative and culinary purposes. 2.Financier
Life to death & fine of 500,000
to 10 million regardless of the
SEC. 5 Sale, Trading, Quantity and purity involved
Administration, Dispensation, Selling of Illegal Drugs: ( includes BROKER )
Delivery, Distribution and a) The identity of the buyer and seller,
Transportation of Dangerous Drugs b) the object and consideration; and Qualifying Circumstances –
and/or Controlled Precursors and c) the delivery of the thing sold and payment thereof 1) if the victim of the offense
Essential Chemicals is a minor or should a
prohibited/regulated drug
involve in any offense under
this section be the proximate
cause of the death of a victim
thereof, the maximum penalty
herein shall be imposed.
pg. 25
2) Financier
3) Sale made within 100m from
Who are liable?
50 gms. Shabu
500 gms. Marijuana
pg. 26
of P400,000.00-P500,000.00
A person apprehended or
arrested, who is found to be
positive for use of any
dangerous drug, after a
confirmatory test, shall be
imposed a penalty of a
minimum of six (6) months
rehabilitation in a government
1. The accused was apprehended for the use of center for the first offense,
dangerous drugs subject to the provisions of
2. He was found to be positive for use of any
Article VIII of this Act.
SEC. 15 Use of Dangerous Drugs dangerous drugs
3. No other dangerous drug was found in his
possession. If apprehended using any
dangerous drug act for the
second time, he/she shall suffer
the penalty of imprisonment
ranging from six (6) years and
one (1) day to twelve(12) years
and a fine ranging from Fifty
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to
Two hundred thousand pesos
Life to death and a fine of
P500,000.00 to P10 Million
Qualifying Circumstance
Cultivation is any act of knowingly planting, 1. If the land involved is part of
SEC. 16 Cultivation or Culture of
growing, raising, or permitting the planting, growing the public domain, the
Plants Classified as Dangerous Drugs
or raising of any plant which is the source of a maximum of the penalty herein
or are Sources Thereof
dangerous drug. provided shall be imposed.
pg. 27
Any practitioner, manufacturer, wholesaler, importer,
SEC. 17 Maintenance and Keeping of
distributor, dealer or retailer who violates or fails to
Original Records of Transactions on
comply with the maintenance and keeping of the
Dangerous Drugs and/or
original records of transactions on any dangerous
Controlled Precursors and Essential
drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
chemical in accordance with Sec. 40 of this Act.
Any practitioner, who shall prescribe any dangerous
drug to any person whose physical or physiological
condition does not require the use or in the dosage
12 to 20 years and fine of
SEC. 18 Unnecessary Prescription of prescribed therein, as determined by the Board in
P100,000 to P500,000 plus
Dangerous Drugs consultation with recognized competent experts who
revocation of license
are authorized representatives of professional
organizations of practitioners, particularly those who
are involved in the care of persons with severe pain.
Any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall
SEC. 19 Unlawful Prescription of make or issue a prescription or any other writing Life to death and a fine of
Dangerous Drugs purporting to be a prescription for any dangerous P500,000 to P10 Million
1. Offender performs an act or acts;
2. Such act or acts be highly scandalous as offending
against decency or good customs;
ART. 200 Grave Scandal 3. Highly scandalous conduct is not expressly falling Arresto Mayor
within any other article of this Code;
4. Act or acts complained of be committed in a public
place or within the public knowledge or view.
Who are Vagrants?
1. Any person having no apparent means of
subsistence, who has the physical ability to work and
who neglects to apply himself or herself to some
lawful calling;
2. Any person found loitering about public or semi- Arresto menor or a fine not
public buildings or places, or tramping or wandering exceeding P200
about the country or the streets without visible means
of support; If recidivist, arresto mayor in
ART. 202 Vagrants and Prostitutes
ints medium period to prision
3. Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses correccional in its minimum
of ill-fame; ruffians or pimps and those who period or a fine ranging from
habitually associate with prostitutes; P200 to P2000, or both.
pg. 28
pg. 29
the following acts:
a. Knowingly renders
unjust interlocutory
order or decree; or
b. Renders a manifestly
unjust interlocutory
order or decree
through inexcusable
negligence or
Malicious delay in the 1. That the offender is a The penalty of prision
administration of justice judge; correctional in its minimum
2. That there is a proceeding period shall be imposed upon
in his court; any judge guilty of malicious
3. That he delays the delay in the administration of
administration of justice; justice.
4. That the delay is
malicious, that is, the
delay is cause by the
judge with deliberate
intent to inflict damage
on either party in the
Prosecution of offenses; ACTS PUNISHABLE: The penalty of prision
negligence and tolerance correctional in its minimum
1. By maliciously refraining from period and suspension shall
instituting prosecution against be imposed upon any public
violators of the law. officers or officer of the law,
2. By maliciously tolerating the who, in dereliction of the
commission of the offenses. duties of his office, shall
maliciously refrain from
ELEMENTS OR DERELICTION OF DUTY instituting prosecution for the
IN THE PROSECUTION OF OFFENSES: punishment of violators of the
1. That the offender is a public law, or shall tolerate the
officer or officer of the law commission of the offenses.
who has a duty to cause the
prosecution of, or to
prosecute, offenses
2. That there is dereliction of the
duties of his office; that is,
knowing the commission of
the crime, he does not cause
the prosecution of the
criminal or knowing that a
crime is about to be
committed, he tolerates its
3. That the offender acts with
malice and deliberate intent
to favor the violator of the
Betrayal of trust by an ACTS PUNISHED AS BETRAYAL OF In addition to the proper
attorney of solicitor-- TRUST BY ATTORNEY administration action, the
revelation of secrets penalty of prision correctional
1. By causing damage to his in its minimum period, or a
pg. 30
client, either (1) by any fine ranging from 200 to 1,000
malicious breach of pesos, or both shall be
professional duty, (2) by imposed upon any attorney-
inexcusable negligence or at-law or solicitor who, by any
ignorance malicious breach of
professional duty or of
Note: When the attorney acts (1) with inexcusable negligence or
malicious abuse of his employment or ignorance, shall prejudice his
(2) inexcusable negligence or client, or reveal any of the
ignorance, there just be damage to his secrets of the latter learned
client. by him in his professional
2. By revealing any of the
secrets of his client learned by The same penalty shall be
him in his professional imposed upon any attorney-
capacity. at-law or solicitor who, having
undertaken the defense of a
Note: Damage is not necessary. client or having received
confidential information from
3. By undertaking the defense of said client in a case, shall
the opposing party in the undertake the defense of the
same case, without the opposing party in the same
consent of his first client, case, without the consent of
after having undertaken the his first client.
defense of said first client or
after having received
confidential information from
said client.
pg. 31
official duty not constitute a crime, and the
officer executed said act, he shall
suffer the same penalty provided
3. By agreeing to refrain, or in the preceding paragraph; and
by refraining, from doing if said act shall not have been
something which it is his accomplished, the officer shall
official duty to do, in suffer the penalties of prision
consideration of gift or correctional in its medium
promise. period and a fine not less than
twice the value of such gift.
If the object for which the gift
a. That the offender be a was received or promised was to
public officer within the make the public officer refrain
scope of Article 203. from doing something which it
b. That the offender accepts was his official duty to do, he
an offer or a promise be shall suffer the penalties of
accepted, or gift or present prision correctional in its
received by the public maximum period to prision
officer— mayor in its minimum period
c. That such offer or promise and a fine of not less than three
be accepted, or gift or times the value of such gift.
present received by the
public officer- In addition to the penalties
provided in the preceding
(1) With a view to paragraphs, the culprit shall
committing some crime; suffer the penalty of special
or temporary disqualification.
(2) In consideration of the
execution of an act The provisions contained in the
which does not preceding paragraphs shall be
constitute a crime, but made applicable to assessors,
the act must be unjust; arbitrators, appraisal and claim
or commissioners, experts or any
(3) To refrain from doing other persons performing public
something which it is his duties.
official duty to do.
pg. 32
public officer entrusted with law enforcement and he
with law enforcement; refrains from arresting or
prosecuting an offender who has
2. That the offender committed a crime punishable
refrains from arresting by reclusion perpetua and/or
or prosecuting an death in consideration of any
offender who has offer, promise, gift or present,
committed a crime he shall suffer the penalty for
punishable by reclusion the offense which was not
perpetua and/or death; prosecuted.
Frauds against the public ACTS PUNISHABLE AS FRAUDS The penalty of prision
treasury and similar offenses AGAINST PUBLIC TREASURY correctional in its medium
AND ILLEGAL EXACTIONS: period to prision mayor in its
minimum period, or a fine
1. By entering into an ranging from 200 to 10,000
agreement with any pesos, or both, shall be imposed
interested party or upon any public officer;
speculator or making use
of any other scheme, to
defraud the government,
in dealing with nay
person with regard to
furnishing supplies, the
making of contracts, or
the adjustment or
settlement of accounts
relating to public
property or funds.
pg. 33
2. By demanding, directly
or indirectly, the
payment of sums
different from or larger
than those authorized by
law, in the collection of
taxes, licenses, fees, and
other imposts.
3. By failing voluntarily to
issue a receipt, as
provided by law, for any
sum of money collected
by him officially, in the
collection of taxes,
licenses, fees, and other
4. By collecting or
receiving, directly or
indirectly, by way of
payment or otherwise,
things or objects of a
nature different from
that provided by law, in
the collection of taxes,
licenses, fees, and other
pg. 34
a. The offender is a
public officer
entrusted with the
collection of taxes,
licenses, fees and
other imposts.
b. He is guilty of any of
the following acts or
pg. 35
4. That he becomes
interested in the
transaction during his
Possession of prohibited Who are liable for possession of The penalty of arresto mayor in
interest by a public officer prohibited articles? its medium period to prision
correctional in its minimum
1. Public officer who, period, or a fine ranging from
directly or indirectly, 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both, shall
became interested in be imposed upon a public officer
any contract or business who, directly or indirectly, shall
in which it was his become interested in any
official duty to contract or business in which it is
intervene. his official duty to intervene.
2. Experts, arbitrators, and
private accountants This provision is applicable to
who, in like manner took experts, arbitrators and private
part in any contract or accountants who, in like manner,
transaction connected shall take part in any contract or
with the estate or transaction connected with the
property in the estate or property in appraisal,
appraisal, distribution or distribution, or adjudication of
adjudication of which which they shall have acted, and
they had acted. to the guardians and executors
3. Guardians and executors with respect to the property
with respect to the belonging to their wards or
property belonging to estate.
their wards or the
Malversation of public funds or ACTS PUNISHABLE IN 1. The penalty of prision
property—Presumption of MALVERSATION correctional in its
malversation medium and maximum
1. By appropriating public periods, if the amount
funds or property. involved in the
2. By taking or misappropriation or
misappropriating the malversation does not
same. exceed two hundred
3. By consenting, or pesos.
through abandonment
or negligence, permitting 2. The penalty of prision
any other person to take mayor in its minimum
such public funds or and medium periods, if
property. the amount involved is
4. By being otherwise guilty more than two hundred
of the misappropriation pesos but does not
or malversation of such exceed six thousand
funds or property. pesos.
pg. 36
public officer period, if the amount
(b) That he had the custody involved is more than six
or control of funds or thousand pesos but is
property by reason of less than twelve
the duties of his office. thousand pesos.
(c) That those funds or
property were public 4. The penalty of reclusion
funds or property for temporal in its medium
which he was and maximum periods, if
accountable. the amount involved is
(d) That he appropriated, more than twelve
took, misappropriated or thousand pesos but is
consented or, through less than twenty-two
abandonment or thousand pesos. If the
negligence, permitted amount exceeds the
another person to take latter, the penalty shall
them. be reclusion temporal in
its maximum period to
*The failure of a public officer to reclusion perpetua.
have duly forthcoming any public
funds or property with which he In all cases, persons guilty of
is chargeable, upon demand by malversation shall also suffer the
any duly authorized officer, shall penalty of perpetual special
be prima facie evidence that he disqualification and a fine equal
has out such missing funds or to the amount of the funds
property to personal uses. (As malversed or equal to the total
amended by RA 1060) value of the property embezzled.
Failure of accountable officer to 1. That the offender is a Shall be punished by prision
render accounts public officer, whether in correctional in its minimum
the service or separated period, or by a fine ranging from
therefrom. 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both.
2. That he must be an
accountable officer for
public funds or property.
3. That he is required by
law or regulation to
render accounts to the
Commission on Audit, or
to a provincial auditor.
4. That he fails to do so for
a period of two months
after such accounts
should be rendered.
Failure of a responsible public (a) That the offender is a Shall be punished by arresto
officer to render accounts public officer mayor, or a fine ranging from
before leaving the country (b) That he must be an 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both.
accountable officer for
public funds or property
(c) That he must have
unlawfully left (or be on
the point of leaving) the
Philippines without
securing from the
Commission on Audit a
certificate showing that
pg. 37
his accounts have been
finally settled.
Illegal use of public funds or 1. That the offender is Shall suffer the penalty of prision
property a public officer. correctional in its minimum
2. That there is a public period or a fine ranging from
fund or property one-half to the total value of the
under his sum misapplied, if by reason of
administration. such misapplication, any
3. That such public damages or embarrassment shall
fund or property has have resulted to the public
been appropriated service. In either case, the
by law or ordinance. offender shall also suffer the
4. That he applies the penalty or temporary special
same to a public use disqualification.
other than that for
which such fund or If no damage or embarrassment
property has been to the public service has
appropriated by law resulted, the penalty shall be a
or ordinance. fine from 5 to 50 percent of the
sum misapplied.
Failure to make delivery of ACTS PUNISHABLE UNDER Shall be punished by arresto
public funds or property ARTICLE 221 mayor and a fine of from 5 to 25
percent of the sum which he
1. By failing to make failed to pay.
payment by a public
officer who is under The fine shall be graduated in
obligation to make such such case by the value of the
payment from thing, provided that it shall not
Government funds in his be less than 50 pesos.
2. By refusing to make
delivery by a public
officer who has been
ordered by competent
authority to deliver any
property in his custody
or under his
pg. 38
in any capacity
whatever, have charge
of any national,
provincial or municipal
funds, revenue, or
2. Administrator or
depository of funds or
property attached,
seized or deposited by
public authority, even if
such property belongs to
a private individual.
pg. 39
person under arrest is
confided to him.
3. That the prisoner or
person under arrest
4. That the offender
consents to the escape
of the prisoner or person
under arrest, or that the
escape takes place
through his negligence.
Removal, concealment or 1. That the offender is a 1. The penalty of prision
destruction of documents public officer. mayor and a fine not
2. The he abstracts, exceeding 1,000 pesos,
destroys or conceals whenever serious
documents or papers. damage shall have been
3. That the said documents caused thereby to a third
or papers should have party or to the public
been entrusted to such interest.
pubic officers by reason 2. That the penalty of
of his office. prision correctional in its
4. That the damage, minimum and medium
whether serious or not, period and a fine not
to a third party or to the exceeding 1,000 pesos,
public interest should whenever the damage
have been caused. caused to a third party
or to the public interests
shall not have been
pg. 40
4. That he does not have
proper authority.
Revelation of secrets by an ACTS PUNISHABLE AS Any public officer who shall
officer REVELATION OF SECRETS BY AN reveal any secret known to him
OFFICER by reason of his official capacity,
or shall wrongfully deliver papers
1. By revealing any secrets or copies of papers of which he
known to the offending may have charge and which
public officer by reason should not be published, shall
of his official capacity. suffer the penalties of prision
2. By delivering wrongfully correctional in its medium and
papers or copies of maximum periods, perpetual
papers of which he may special disqualification, and a
have charge and which fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos if
should not be published. the revelation of such secrets or
the delivery of such papers shall
ELEMENTS OF NO. 1 have caused serious damage to
the public interest; otherwise,
a. That the offender is a the penalties of prision
public officer. correctional in its minimum
b. That he knows of a period, temporary special
secret by reason of his disqualification, and a fine not
official capacity. exceeding 500 pesos shall be
c. That he reveals such imposed.
secret without authority
or justifiable reasons.
d. That damage, great or
small, be caused to the
public interest.
Public officer revealing secrets 1. That the offender is a
of private individual public officer.
2. That he knows of the
secrets of a private
individual by reason of
his office.
3. That he reveals such
secrets without
authority or justifiable
pg. 41
Open disobedience 1. That the offender is a Shall suffer the penalties od
judicial or executive arresto mayor in its medium
officer. period to prision correctional in
2. That there is a judgment, its minimum period, temporary
decision or order of a special disqualification in its
superior authority. maximum period, and a fine not
3. That such judgment, exceeding 1,000 pesos.
decision or order was
made within the scope
of the jurisdiction of the
superior authority and
issued with all the legal
4. That the offender
without any legal
justification openly
refuses to execute the
said judgment, decision,
decision or order, which
he is duty bound to
Disobedience to order of 1. That the offender is a Shall suffer the penalties of
superior officer, when said public officer. prision correctional in its
order was suspended by inferior 2. That an order is issued minimum and medium periods
officer by his superior for and perpetual special
execution. disqualification.
3. That he has for any
reason suspended the
execution of such order.
4. That his superior
disapproves the
suspension of the
execution of the order.
5. That the offender
disobeys his superior
despite the disapproved
of the suspension.
Refusal of assistance 1. That the offender is a The penalties of arresto mayor in
pubic officer. its medium period to prision
2. That a competent correctional in its minimum
authority demands from period, perpetual special
the offender that he disqualification and a fine not
lend his cooperation exceeding 1, 000 pesos, shall be
towards the imposed upon a public officer
administration of justice who, upon demand from
or other public service. competent authority, shall fauil
3. That the offender fails to to lend his cooperation towards
do so maliciously. the administration of justice or
pg. 42
other public service, is such
failure shall result in serious
damage to the public interest, or
to a third party; otherwise,
arresto mayor in its medium and
maximum periods and a fine not
exceeding 500 pesos shall be
Refusal to discharge elective 1. That the offender is The penalty of arresto mayor or
office elected by popular a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos,
election to a public or both, shall be imposed upon
office. any person who, having been
2. That he refuses to be elected by popular election to a
sworn in or to discharge public office, shall refuse without
the duties of said office. legal motive to be sworn in or to
3. That there is no legal discharge the duties of said
motive for such refusal office.
to be sworn in or to
discharge the duties of
said office.
Maltreatment of prisoners 1. That the offender is a The penalty of prision
public officer or correctional in its medium
employee. period to prision mayor in its
2. That he has under his minimum period, in addition to
charge a prisoner or his liability for the physical
detention prisoner. injuries or damage caused, shall
3. That he maltreats such be imposed upon any public
prisoner in either of the officer or employee who shall
following manners: overdo himself in the correction
a.) Be overdoing himself or handling of a prisoner or
in the correction or detention prisoner under his
handling of a charge by the imposition of
prisoner or punishments not authorized by
detention prisoner the regulations, or by inflicting
under his charge such punishments in a cruel and
either— humiliating manner.
(1) By the
imposition of If the purpose of the
punishments not maltreatment is to extort a
authorized by confession, or to obtain some
the regulations, information from the prisoner,
or the offender shall be punished
(2) By inflicting such by prision mayor in its minimum
punishments period, temporary special
(those disqualification and a fine not
authorized) in a exceeding six thousand (P6,000)
cruel and pesos, in addition to his liability
humiliating for the physical injuries or
manner; or damage caused (as amended by
b.) By maltreating such EO 62)
prisoner to extort a
confession or to
obtain some
information from
the prisoner.
pg. 43
SECTION TWO--- Anticipation, prolongation, and abandonment of the duties and powers of public
Anticipation of duties of a public 1. That the offender is Any person who shall assume
office entitled to hold a public the performance of the duties
office or employment, and powers of any public office
either by election or or employment without first
appointment. being sworn in or having given
2. That the law requires the bond required by law, shall
that he should first be be suspended from such office
sworn in and/or should or employment until he shall
first give a bond. have complied with the
3. That he assumes the respective formalities and shall
performance of the be fined from 200 to 500 pesos.
duties and powers of
such office.
4. That he has not taken his
oath of office and/or
given the bond required
by law.
Prolonging performance of 1. That the offender is Shall suffer the penalties of
duties and powers holding public office. prision correctional in its
2. That the period provided minimum period, special
by law, regulations or temporary disqualification in its
special provisions for minimum period and a fine not
holding such office, has exceeding 500 pesos.
already expired.
3. That he continues to
exercise the duties and
powers of such office.
Abandonment of office or 1. That the offender is a Any public officer who, before
position public officer. the acceptance of his
2. That he formally resigns resignation, shall abandon his
from his position. office to the detriment of the
3. That his resignation has public service, shall suffer the
not yet been accepted. penalty of arresto mayor.
4. That he abandons his
office to the detriment If such office shall have been
of the public service. abandoned in order to evade the
discharge of the duties of
preventing, prosecuting, or
punishing any of the crimes
falling within Title One, and
Chapter One of Title Three of
Book Two of this Code, the
offender shall be punished by
prision correctional in its
minimum and medium periods,
and by arresto mayor if the
purpose of such abandonment is
to evade the duty of preventing,
prosecuting, or punishing any
other crime.
pg. 44
SECTION THREE--- Usurpation of powers and unlawful appointments
pg. 45
3. That the order or
suggestion relates to any
case or business coming
within the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts
of justice.
Unlawful appointments 1. That the offender is a Shall suffer the penalty of
public officer. arresto mayor and a fine not
2. That he nominates or exceeding 1,000 pesos.
appoints a person to a
public office.
3. That such person lacks
the legal qualifications
4. That the offender knows
that his nominee or
appointee lacks the
qualifications at the time
he made the nomination
or appointment.
Abuses against chastity WAYS OF COMMTTING ABUSES The penalties of prison
AGAINST CHASTITY correctional in its medium and
maximum periods and
1. By soliciting or making temporary special
immoral or indecent disqualification shall be imposed.
advances against a
woman interested in If the person solicited be the
matters pending before wife, daughter, sister, or relative
the offending officer for within the same degree by
decision, or with respect affinity of any person in the
to which he is required custody of such warden or
to submit a report to or officer, the penalties shall be
consult with a superior prision correctional in its
officer. minimum and medium periods
2. By soliciting or making and temporary special
immoral or indecent disqualification.
advances to a woman
under the offender’s
3. By soliciting or making
immoral or indecent
advances to the wife,
daughter, sister or
relative within the same
degree by affinity of any
person in the custody of
the offending warden or
pg. 46
a public officer.
b. That he solicits or
makes immoral or
indecent advances
to a woman.
c. That such woman
must be –
pg. 47
the act of committing thereafter, or shall inflict upon
sexual intercourse with them any serious physical injury,
another person. shall suffer the penalty of
2. That he or she kills any destierro.
or both, of them or
inflicts upon any or both If he shall inflict upon them
of them any serious physical injuries of any other
physical injury in the act kind, he shall be exempt from
or immediately punishment.
3. That he has not
promoted or facilitated
the prostitution of his
wife or daughter, or that
he or she has not
consented to the
infidelity of the other
Murder 1. That a person is killed. Any person who, not falling
2. That the accused killed within the provisions of Article
him. 246, shall kill another, shall be
3. That the killing was guilty of murder and shall be
attended by any of the punished by reclusion perpetua
qualifying circumstances to death
mentioned in Article
4. The killing is not
parricide or infanticide.
Homicide 1. That a person was killed. Any person who, not falling
2. That the accused killed within the provisions of Article
him without any 246, shall kill another, without
justifying circumstance; the attendance of any of the
3. That the accused had the circumstances enumerated in
intention to kill, which is the next preceding article, shall
presumed; be deemed guilty of homicide
4. That the killing was not and be punished by reclusion
attended by any of the temporal.
qualifying circumstances
of murder, or by that of
parricide or infanticide.
Penalty for frustrated parricide, The courts, in view of the facts of the case, may impose upon the
murder, or homicide person guilty of the frustrated crime or parricide, murder, or
homicide, defined and penalized in the preceding articles, a penalty
lower by one degree than that which should be imposed under the
provisions of Article 50.
The courts, considering the facts of the case, may likewise reduce by
one degree the penalty which under Article 51 should be imposed
for an attempt to commit any such crimes.
Death caused in a tumultuous 1. That there be several The penalty of prision
affray persons. correctional in its medium and
2. That they did not maximum periods shall be
compose groups imposed upon all those who
organized for the shall have used violence upon
pg. 48
common purpose of the person of the victim.
assaulting and attacking
each other reciprocally.
3. That these several
persons quarreled and
assaulted one another in
a confused and
tumultuous manner.
4. That someone was killed
in the course of the
5. That it cannot be
ascertained who actually
killed the deceased.
6. That the person or
persons who inflicted
serious physical injuries
or who used violence
can be identified.
Physical injuries inflicted in a 1. That there is a When in a tumultuous affray as
tumultuous affray tumultuous affray as referred to in the preceding
referred to in the article, only serious physical
preceding article. injuries are inflicted upon the
2. That a participant or participants therefor cannot be
some participants identified, all those who appear
thereof suffer serious to have used violence upon the
physical injuries or person of the offended party
physical injuries of a less shall suffer the penalty next
serious nature only. lower in degree than that
3. That the person provided for the physical injuries
responsible therefor so inflicted.
cannot be identified.
4. That all those who When the physical injuries
appear to have used inflicted are of a less serious
violence upon the nature and the person
person of the offended responsible therefor cannot be
party are known. identified, all those who appear
to have used any violence upon
the person of the offended party
shall be punished by arreto
mayor from five to fifteen days.
Giving assistance to suicide ACTS PUNISHABLE AS GIVING Any person who shall assist
ASSISTANCE TO SUICIDE another to commit suicide shall
suffer the penalty of prision
1. By assisting another to mayor, if such person lends his
commit suicide, whether assistance to another to the
the suicide is extent of doing the killing
consummated or not. himself, he shall suffer the
2. By lending his assistance penalty of reclusion temporal.
to another to cmiit However, if the suicide is not
suicide to the extent of consummated, the penalty of
doing the killing himself. arresto mayor in its medium and
maximum periods shall be
Discharge of firearms 1. That the offender Any person who shall shoot at
pg. 49
discharges a firearm another with any firearm shall
against or at another suffer the penalty of prision
person. correctional in its minimum and
2. That the offender has no medium periods, unless the facts
intention to kill that of the case are such that the act
person. can be held to constitute
frustrated or attempted
parricide, murder, homicide, or
any other crime for which a
higher penalty is prescribed by
any of the articles of this Code.
Infanticide 1. That a child was killed. The penalty provided for
2. That the deceased child parricide in Article 246 and for
was less than three days murder in Article 248 shall be
(72hours) of age. imposed upon any person who
3. That the deceased killed shall kill any child less than three
the said child. days of age.
pg. 50
or drugs or beverages
administered, or that the
accused otherwise acts
upon such pregnant
c. That as a result of the
use of violence or drugs
or beverages upon her,
or nay other act of the
accused, the foetus dies,
either in the womb or
after having been
expelled therefrom;
d. That the abortion is
Unintentional abortion 1. That there is a pregnant The penalty of prision
woman. correctional in its minimum and
2. That violence is used medium periods shall be
upon such pregnant imposed upon any person who
woman without shall cause an abortion by
intending an abortion. violence, but unintentionally.
3. That the violence is
intentionally exerted.
4. That as a result if the
violence the foetus dies,
either in the womb or
after having been
expelled therefrom.
Abortion practiced by the 1. That there is a pregnant The penalty of prision
woman herself or by her woman who has correctional in its medium and
parents suffered an abortion. maximum periods, shall be
2. That the abortion is imposed upon a woman who
intended. shall practice an abortion upon
3. That the abortion is herself or shall consent that any
caused by--- other person should do so.
a. The pregnant
woman herself; Any woman who shall commit
b. Any other person, this offense to conceal her
with her consent; or dishonor shall suffer the penalty
c. Any of her parents, of prision correctional in its
with her consent for minimum and medium periods.
the purpose of
concealing her If this crime be committed by the
dishonor. parents if the pregnant woman
or either of them, and they act
with the consent of said woman
for the purpose of concealing
her dishonor, the offenders shall
suffer the penalty of prision
correctional in its medium and
maximum periods.
Abortion practiced by a 1. That there is pregnant The penalties provided in Article
physician or midwife and woman who has 256 shall be imposed in their
dispensing of abortion suffered an abortion. maximum period, respectively,
2. That the abortion is upon any physician or midwife
pg. 51
intended. who, taking advantage of their
3. That the offender, who scientific knowledge or skill, shall
must be a physician or cause an abortion or assist in
midwife, causes, or causing the same.
assists in causing, the
abortion. Any physician who, without the
4. That said physician or proper prescription from a
midwife takes advantage physician, shall dispense any
of his or her scientific abortive shall suffer arresto
knowledge or skill. mayor and a fine not exceeding
1,000 pesos.
Responsibility of participants in ACTS PUNISHED IN DUEL The penalty of reclusion
a duel temporal shall be imposed upon
1. By killing one’s adversary any person who shall kill his
in a duel. adversary in a duel.
2. By inflicting upon such
adversary physical If he shall inflict upon the latter
injuries. physical injuries only, he shall
3. By making a combat suffer the penalty provided
although no physical therefor, according to their
injuries have been nature.
In any other case, the
WHO ARE LIABLE IN A DUEL? combatants shall suffer the
penalty of arresto mayor,
1. The person who killed or although no physical injuries
inflicted physical injuries have been inflicted.
upon his adversary, or
both combatants in any The seconds shall in all events be
other case, as principals. punished as accomplices.
2. The seconds, as
Challenging to a duel ACTS PUNISHED UNDER ARTICLE The penalty of prision
261: correctional in its minimum
period shall be imposed upon
1. By challenging another any person who shall challenge
to a duel. another, or incite another to give
2. By inciting another to or accept a challenge to a duel,
give or accept a or shall scoff at or decry another
challenge to a duel. publicly for having refused to
3. By scoffing at or decrying accept a challenge to fight a
another publicly for duel.
having refused to accept
a challenge to fight a
pg. 52
1. By intentionally shall be imposed upon any
mutilating another by person who shall intentionally
depriving him, either mutilate another by depriving
totally or partially, of him, either totally or partially, of
some essential organ for some essential organ for
reproduction. reproduction.
2. By intentionally making
other mutilation, that is, Any other intentional mutilation
by lopping or clipping off shell be punished by prision
any part of the body of mayor in its medium and
the offended party, maximum periods.
other than the essential
organ for reproduction,
to deprive him of that
part of his body.
1. That there be a
castration, that is,
mutilation of organs
necessary for
generation, such as the
penis or ovarium.
2. That the mutilation is
caused purposely and
deliberately, that is, to
deprive the offended
party of some essential
organ for reproduction.
Serious physical injuries HOW IS THE CRIME OF SERIOUS 1. The penalty of prision
PHYSICAL INJURIES mayor, if in consequence
COMMITTED? of the physical inkuries
inflicted, the injured
It is committed--- person shall become
(1) By wounding; insane, imbecile,
(2) By beating; or impotent, or blind;
(3) By assaulting (art. 263);
or 2. The penalty of prision
(4) By administering correctional in its
injurious substance. (art. medium and maximum
264) periods, if in
WHAT ARE SERIOUS PHYSICAL consequence of the
INJURIES? physical injuries inflicted,
the person injured shall
They are: have lost the use of
1. When the injured person speech or the power to
becomes insane, hear or to smell, or shall
imbecile, impotent or have lost an eye, a hand,
blind in consequence of a foot, an arm, or a leg,
the physical injuries or shall have lost the use
inflicted. of any such member, or
shall have become
2. When the injured person incapacitated for the
(a) loses the use of work in which he was
speech or the power to therefore habitually
hear or to smell, or loses engaged.
pg. 53
an eye, a hand, a foot,
an arm, or a leg, or (b) 3. The penalty of prision
loses the use of any such correctional in its
member, or (c) becomes minimum and medium
incapacitated for the periods, if in
work in which he was consequence of the
theretofore habitually physical injuries inflicted,
engaged, in the person injured shall
consequences of the have become deformed,
physical injuries inflicted. or shall have lost any
other part of his body, or
shall have lost the use
3. When the person injured threof, or shall have
(a) become deformed, or been ill or incapacitated
(b) loses any other for the performance of
member of his body, or the work in which he
(c) loses the use thereof, was habitually engaged
or (d) becomes ill or for a period of more
incapacitated for the than ninety days;
performance of the work
in which he was 4. The penalty of arresto
habitually engaged for mayor in its maximum
more than 90 days, in period to prision
consequence of the correctional in its
physical injuries inflicted. minimum period, if the
physical injuries inflicted
4. When the injured person shall have caused illness
becomes ill or or incapacity for labor of
incapacitated for labor the injured person for
for more than 30 days more than thirty days.
(but must not be more
than 90 days)m, as a If the offense shall have been
result of the physical committed against any of the
injuries inflicted. persons enumerated in Article
246, or with attendance of any
of the circumstances mentioned
in Article 248, the case covered
by subdivision number `1 of this
article shall be punished by
reclusion temporal in its medium
and maximum periods, the case
covered by subdivision number 2
by prision correctional in its
maximum period to prision
mayor in its minimum period the
case covered by subdivision
number 3 by prision correctional
in its medium and maximum
periods and the case covered by
subdivision number 4 by prision
correctional in its minimum and
medium periods.
Administering injurious 1. That the offender The penalties established by the
substances or beverages inflicted upon another next preceding article shall be
any serious physical applicable in the respective case
injury. to any person who, without
intent to kill, shall inflict upon
pg. 54
2. That it was done by another any serious physical
knowingly administering injury, by knowingly
to him any injurious administering to him any
substances or beverages injurious substances or
or by taking advantage beverages or by taking
of his weakness of mind advantage of his weakness of
or credulity. mind or credulity.
pg. 55
person, or
(b) There are
adding ignominy to
the offense.
Committed PARAGRAPH 1:
Rape under paragraph 1 of the
1. That the offender is a next preceding article shall be
man; punished by reclusion perpetua.
2. That the offender had
carnal knowledge of a
woman; "Whenever the rape is
3. That such act is committed with the use of a
deadly weapon or by two or
pg. 56
accomplished under any more persons, the penalty shall
of the following be reclusion perpetua to death.
"When by reason or on the
(a) by using force or
intimidation; or occasion of the rape, the victim
(b) when the woman is has become insane, the penalty
deprived of reason or shall become reclusion perpetua
otherwise unconscious; to death.
(c) by means of fraudulent "When the rape is attempted
machination or grave and a homicide is committed by
abuse of authority; or reason or on the occasion
(d) when the woman is
thereof, the penalty shall be
under 12 years of age or
demented. reclusion perpetua to death.
pg. 57
the offender before or at the
time of the commission of the
pg. 58
"In case it is the legal husband who is the offender, the subsequent
forgiveness by the wife as the offended party shall extinguish the
criminal action or the penalty: Provided, That the crime shall not
be extinguished or the penalty shall not be abated if the marriage
is void ab initio.
Presumptions Any physical overt act manifesting resistance against the act of
rape in any degree from the offended party, or where the offended
party is so situated as to render her/him incapable of giving valid
consent, may be accepted as evidence in the prosecution of the
acts punished under Article 266-A."
pg. 59
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
1. That the offender is a private
2. The he kidnaps or detains
another, or in any manner
deprives the latter of his liberty;
3. That the act of detention or
kidnapping must be illegal; Reclusion perpetua to death (Article 63;
4. That in the commission of the ISLAW not applicable)
offense, any of the following
circumstances is present; Maximum penalty (DEATH):
a) That the kidnapping or
Article 267. detention lasts for - If the kidnapping or detention was
Kidnapping and more than 3 days; committed for the purpose of
Serious Illegal b) That it is committed extorting ransom from the victim or
Detention simulating public any other person;
policy; - If the victim is killed or dies as a
c) That any serious consequence of the detention;
physical injuries are - If raped;
inflicted upon the - If subjected to torture or
person kidnapped or dehumanizing acts
detained or threats to
kill him are made; or
d) That the person
kidnapped or detained
is a minor, female, or a
public officer.
pg. 60
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
Prision correccional (6 months and 1 day to
6 years) No. 10 Table of Penalties and a fine not
exceeding Php 700.00
1. That the minor is living in the
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6
home of his parents or
Article 271. Inducing months) No. 1 Table of Penalties or a fine not
guardians or the person
a minor to abandon his exceeding Php 300.00, or both.
entrusted with his custody;
2. That the offender induces said
- If the person committing any of the
minor to abandon such home.
crimes covered by the two
preceding articles shall be the
father or the mother of the minor.
pg. 61
assistance to another whom the
offender has accidentally wounded
or injured.
3. By failing to deliver a child, under
seven years of age whom the
offender has found abandoned, to
the authorities or to his family, or
by failing to take him to a safe
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6
months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a fine
not exceeding Php 500.00
Acts punished:
pg. 62
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
Acts punished:
pg. 63
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
1. Offender enters the closed
premises or the fenced estate of
2. The entrance is made while either
Article 281. Other of them is uninhabited; Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding
forms of trespass 3. The prohibition to enter be Php 200.00, or both
4. The trespasser has not secured the
permission of the owner or the
caretaker thereof.
Section Three - Threats and Coercion
Acts punished:
pg. 64
4. Offender has attained his purpose
or, that he has not attained his
Acts punished:
pg. 65
4. The purpose of the offender is to
apply the same to the payment of
the debt.
pg. 66
1. Offender is a private individual or
even a public officer not in the
Prision correccional in its minimum
exercise of his official function;
and medium periods (6 months and 1
day to 4 years and 2 months) No. 14 Table
2. He seizes the papers or letters of
Article 290. of Penalties and a Fine not exceeding
Discovering secrets Php 500.00
through seizure of
3. The purpose is to discover the
correspondence Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to
secrets of such another person;
6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a
fine not exceeding Php 500.00 – if the
4. Offender is informed of the
offender shall not reveal such secrets
contents of the papers or letters
pg. 67
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
1. There is personal property belonging
to another;
pg. 68
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
Robbery with violence against or intimidation
of person is qualified if it is committed:
1. In an uninhabited place;
2. By a band;
Article 295. Robbery
3. By attacking a moving train, street
with physical injuries,
car, motor vehicle, or airship;
committed in an The offender shall be punished by the
4. By entering the passengers’
uninhabited place and maximum periods of the proper
compartments in a train, or in any
by a band, or with the penalties prescribed in Article 294
manner taking the passengers thereof
use of firearm on a
by surprise in the respective
street, road or alley
conveyances; or
5. On a street, road, highway or alley,
and the intimidation is made with the
use of firearms.
Requisites for liability for the acts of the Maximum period of the
members of the band: corresponding penalty prescribed by
law – if in the commission of the
Article 296. 1. He was a member of the band; offense, unlicensed firearm is used.
Definition of a band 2. He was present at the commission of (without prejudice to the criminal
and penalty incurred a robbery by that band; liability for illegal possession of
by the members 3. The other members of the band unlicensed firearm)
thereof committed an assault;
4. He did not attempt to prevent the Shall be punished as principal – if the
assault. members of the band are present at the
commission of the robbery by a band
Article 297.
Reclusion temporal in its maximum
Attempted and
period to reclusion perpetua (17
frustrated robbery
years 4 months and 1 day to reclusion
committed under
perpetua) No. 34 Table of Penalties
certain circumstances
1. Offender has intent to defraud
Article 298. 2. Offender compels him to sign,
Execution of deeds
execute, or deliver any public
by means of violence
instrument or document.
or intimidation
3. The compulsion is by means of
violence or intimidation.
Robbery by the use of force upon things
Subdivision (a): Reclusion temporal ((12 years and 1
1. Offender entered an inhabited house, day to 20 years) No. 28 Table of Penalties –
public building; if ARMED and the value of the
2. The entrance was effected by any of property taken exceeds Php 250.00 and
the following means: if committed as specified in subdivision
a) Through an opening not (a)
intended for entrance or
egress; Prision Mayor (6 years and 1 day to
b) By breaking any wall, roof 12 years) No. 19 Table of Penalties – if
or floor, or breaking any UNARMED and the value of the
door or window; property taken exceeds Php 250.00
Article 299. Robbery c) By using false keys,
in an inhabited house picklocks or similar tools; Prision Mayor ( 6 years and 1 day to
or public building or or 12 years) No. 19 Table of Penalties – if
edifice devoted to d) By using any fictitious ARMED and the value of the property
worship name or pretending the taken does not exceeds Php 250.00
exercise of public authority.
3. Once inside the building, offender Prision Mayor in its minimum period
took personal property belonging to (6 years and 1 day to 8 years) No. 20
another with intent to gain. Table of Penalties – if UNARMED and the
value of the property taken does not
Subdivision (b): exceeds Php 250.00
pg. 69
entered it; religious worship
Article 301. What is Public building – Includes every building owned by the government or belonging to a
an inhabited house, private person but used or rented by the government, although temporarily unoccupied
public building, or by the same.
building dedicated to
religious worship and Dependencies of an inhabited house, public building, or building dedicated to
their dependencies religious worship – All interior courts, corrals, warehouses, granaries, barns, coach
houses, stables, or other departments, or enclosed interior entrance connected therewith
and which form part of the whole. Orchards and other lands used for cultivation or
production are not included, even if closed, contiguous to the building, and having direct
connection therewith.
1. Offender entered an uninhabited
place or a building which was not a
dwelling house, not a public
building, or not an edifice devoted to
religious worship;
pg. 70
Crime Elements Penalty/ies
Article 303. Robbery
of cereals, fruits, or
If the robbery under Article 299 and 302 consists in the taking of cereals, fruits, or
firewood in an
firewood, the penalty imposable is lower.
uninhabited place or
private building
Prision Correccional in its medium
and maximum periods (2 years, 4
1. Offender has in his possession months and 1 day to 6 years) No. 15 Table
picklocks or similar tools; of Penalties - if the offender is a
Article 304.
2. Such picklock or similar tools are
Possession of
especially adopted to the Arresto mayor in its maximum
picklocks or similar
commission of robbery; period to prision correctional in its
minimum period (4 months and 1 day
3. Offender does not have lawful cause to 2 years and 4 months) No. 8 Table of
for such possession. Penalties – if the offender is a mere
It includes:
1. There are least four armed persons;
2. They formed a band of robbers; Prision Mayor in its medium period
3. The purpose is any of the following: to reclusion temporal in its minimum
a) To commit robbery in the period (8 years and 1 day to 14 years
highway; and 8 months) No. 25 Table of Penalties - if
Article 306. Who are
b) To kidnap persons for the the acts committed are not punishable
purpose of extortion or to by higher penalties
obtain ransom; or
c) To attain by means of force Maximum period - if any of the arms
and violence any other carried be an unlicensed firearm
1. There is a band of brigands;
2. Offender knows the band to be of
3. Offender does any of the following
a) He in any manner aids,
abets or protects such band Prision Correccional in its medium
Article 307. Aiding period to prision mayor in its
of brigands;
and abetting a band of minimum period (2 years, 4 months
b) He gives them information
brigands and 1 day to 8 years) No. 16 Table of
of the movements of the
police or other peace
officers of the government;
c) He acquires or receives the
property taken by such
Persons Liable: There is no crime of Frustrated Theft
1. Those who with intent to gain, but Theft is not a continuing offense
without violence against or
Fencing under Presidential Decree No. 1612 is a
intimidation of persons nor force distinct crime from theft and robbery. If the
Article 308. Who are upon things, take personal property participant who profited is being prosecuted with
liable for theft of another without the latter’s person who robbed, the person is prosecuted as
consent; an accessory. If he is being prosecuted separately,
the person who partook of the proceeds is liable
2. Those who having found lost for fencing.
property, fails to deliver the same to
the local authorities or to its owner; Elements:
3. Those who, after having maliciously
pg. 71
damaged the property of another, 1. The crime of robbery or theft has been
remove or make use of the fruits or
2. The accused, who is not a principal or
objects of the damage caused by accomplice in the commission of the
them; crime of robbery or theft, buys,
4. Those who enter an enclosed estate receives, possesses, keeps, acquires,
conceals, sells or disposes, or buys
or a field where trespass is forbidden
and sells, or in any manner deals in
or which belongs to another and, any article, item, object or anything of
without the consent of its owner, value, which has been derived from
hunt or fish upon the same or gather the proceeds of the said crime;
3. The accused knows or should have
fruits, cereals or other forest or farm
known that the said article, item or
products. object or anything of value has been
derived from the proceeds of the
Elements of Theft: crime of robbery or theft;
4. There is, on the part of the accused,
intent to gain from himself or another.
1. There is taking of personal property;
2. The property taken belongs to The crime of cattle-rustling is defined and
another; punished under Presidential Decree No. 533, the
Anti-Cattle Rustling law of 1974, as the taking by
3. The taking was done with intent to
any means, method or scheme, of any large cattle,
gain; with or without intent to gain and whether
4. The taking was done without the committed with or without violence against or
consent of the owner; intimidation of person or force upon things, so
long as the taking is without the consent of the
5. The taking is accomplished without
owner/breed thereof. The crime includes the
the use of violence against or killing or taking the meat or hide of large cattle
intimidation of persons of force upon without the consent of the owner.
The Presidential Decree, however, does not
supersede the crime of qualified theft of large
Elements (Par. 3, Art. 308) cattle under Article 310 of the Revised Penal
1. That there is an enclosed estate or a Code, but merely modified the penalties provided
field where trespass is forbidden or for theft of large cattle and, to that extent,
amended Articles 309 and 310. Note that the
which belongs to another;
overt act that gives rise to the crime of cattle-
2. That the offender enters the same; rustling is the taking or killing of large cattle.
3. That the offender hunts or fishes Where the large cattle was not taken, but received
upon the same or gathers fruits, by the offender from the owner/overseer thereof,
the crime is not cattle-rustling; it is qualified theft
cereals or other forest or farm
of large cattle.
products in the estate or field
4. That the hunting or fishing or How to prove theft (Par.1 Art 308)
gathering of products is without the 1. The time of the seizure of the thing
consent of the owner 2. That it was lost property belonging to
3. That the accused having had the
opportunity to return or deliver the
lost property to its owner or to the
local authorities, refrained from doing
See also:
Presidential Decree No. 534
Presidential Decree No. 581
Prision Mayor in its minimum and medium periods (6 years and 1 day to 10 years) No. 23 Table of
Penalties - if the value of the thing stolen is more than Php 12,000.00 but does not exceed 22,000.00; if it
exceeds Php 22,000.00, the penalty imposed is the maximum period and one year of each additional ten
thousand pesos but the total penalty shall not exceed twenty (20) years
Prision Correccional in its medium and maximum periods (2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 6 years) No. 15
Table of Penalties – if the value of the property stolen is more than Php 6,000.00 but does not exceed
Prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods (6 months and 1 day to 4 years and 2 months)
No. 14 Table of Penalties – if the value of the property stolen is more than Php 200.00 but does not exceed
Article 309. Penalties Arresto Mayor in its medium to prision correccional in its minimum period (2 months and 1 day to 2
years and 4 months) No. 7 Table of Penalties - if the value of the property stolen is over Php 50.00 but does
not exceed 200.00
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties - if the value of the property stolen
is over Php 5.00 but does not exceed 50.00
Arresto Mayor in its minimum and medium periods (1 month and 1 day to 4 months) No. 5 Table of
Penalties - if the value of the property stolen does not exceed Php 5.00
Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Php 200.00 - if the theft is committed under the ccircumstances
enumerated under par. 3 of the next preceding article and the value of the property stolen does not exceed Php
5.00; if such value exceeds Php 5.00, the provisions of any of the five preceding subdivision shall be made
pg. 72
Arresto menor in its minimum period (From 1 day to 10 days) or a fine not exceeding Php 50.00 – if the
value of the property stolen is not over Php 5.00 and the offender have acted under the impulse of hunger,
poverty or difficulty of earning a livelihood for the support of himself or his family
Acts punished:
pg. 73
Fraudulent Insolvency obligations due and payable; years) No. 19 Table of Penalties - if he be a
2. He absconds with his property; merchant
3. There is prejudice to his creditors.
Prision correccional in its maximum
period to prision mayor in its
medium period (4 years, 2 months and
1 day to 10 years) No. 18 Table of Penalties
– if he be not a merchant
pg. 74
influence, qualifications, property, credit,
agency, business or imaginary transactions; or
3. By means of other similar deceits.
1. There is an immovable, such as a parcel of
land or a building; Arresto Mayor in its minimum and
2. Offender who is not the owner represents medium periods (1 month and 1 day to
himself as the owner thereof;
Article 316. Other 4 months) No. 5 Table of Penalties and a
3. Offender executes an act of ownership such as
forms of swindling selling, leasing, encumbering or mortgaging fine not less than the value of the
the real property; damage caused and not more than three
4. The act is made to the prejudice to the owner times such value
or a third person.
pg. 75
1. The thing disposed is a real property:
2. Offender knew that the real property was
encumbered, whether the encumbrance is
recorded or not;
3. There must be express representation by
offender that the real property is free from
4. The act of disposing of the real property is
made to the damage of another.
1. Offender is the owner of personal property;
2. Said personal property is in the lawful
possession of another;
3. Offender wrongfully takes it from its lawful
4. Prejudice is thereby caused to the possessor or
third person.
1. Offender is a surety in a bond given in a
criminal or civil action;
2. He guaranteed the fulfilment of such
obligation with his real property or properties;
3. He sells, mortgages, or in any manner
encumbers said real property;
4. Such sale, mortgage or encumbrance is
without express authority from the court, or
made before the cancellation of his bond, or
before being relieved from the obligation
contracted by him.
1. Offender takes advantage of the
inexperience or emotions or feelings
of a minor;
2. He induces such minor to assume an
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to
obligation or to give release or to
6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a
Article 317. execute a transfer of any property
fine of a sum ranging from 10 to 50
Swindling a minor right;
percent of the value of the obligation
3. The consideration is some loan of
contracted by the minor
money, credit or other personal
4. The transaction is to the detriment of
such minor
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to
6 months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a
Acts punished:
fine of not less than the amount of the
damaged caused and not more than
1. Defrauding or damaging another by
twice such amount – shall be imposed
any other deceit not mentioned in the
upon any person who shall defraud or
Article 318. Other preceding articles;
damage another by any other deceit
deceits 2. Interpreting dreams, by making
forecasts, by telling fortunes, or by
Arresto menor or a fine not
taking advantage or the credulity of
exceeding Php 200.00 - if any person
the public in any other similar
who, for profit or gain, shall interpret
manner, for profit or gain.
dreams, make forecasts, or take
advantage of the credulity of the public
Acts punished:
Arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6
Article 319. Removal, 1. Knowingly removing any personal
months) No. 1 Table of Penalties and a fine
sale or pledge of property mortgaged under the Chattel
amounting to twice the value of the
mortgaged property Mortgage law to any province or city
other than the one in which it was
pg. 76
located at the time of execution of the
mortgage, without the written consent of
the mortgagee or his executors,
administrators or assigns;
a. Personal property is mortgaged
under the Chattel Mortgage Law;
b. Offender knows that such property
is so mortgaged;
c. Offender removes such mortgaged
personal property to any province
or city other than the one in which
it was located at the time of the
execution of the mortgage;
d. The removal is permanent;
e. There is no written consent of the
mortgagee or his executors,
administrators or assigns to such
a. Personal property is already
pledged under the terms of the
Chattel Mortgage Law;
b. Offender, who is the mortgagor of
such property, sells or pledges the
same or any part thereof;
c. There is no consent of the
mortgagee written on the back of
the mortgage and noted on the
record thereof in the office of the
register of deeds.
(PD 1613 repealed Articles 320 to 326-B)
Kinds of arson
1. Simple Arson / Arson, under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1613;
2. Destructive arson, under Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659;
3. Other cases of arson, under Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1613.
Arson, under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1613
- When a person sets fire to his own property under the circumstances which
expose to danger the life or property of another
Prision mayor (6 years and 1 day to 12
Destructive arson, under Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by years) No. 19 Table of Penalties – if the
Republic Act No. 7659 crime committed is simple arson
If the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives,
Reclusion temporal in its maximum
inflammable or combustible materials are stored period to reclusion perpetua (17
2. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edifice devoted to years 4 months and 1 day to reclusion
culture, education or social services perpetua) No. 34 Table of Penalties - if
3. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually
destructive arson
4. Any train, airplane or any aircraft, vessel or watercraft, or conveyance for
transportation of persons or property Reclusion temporal to reclusion
5. Any building where the evidence is kept for use in any legislative, judicial, perpetua (12 years and 1 day to
administrative or other official proceeding reclusion perpetua) No. 32 Table of
6. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping Penalties
center, public or private market, theatre or movie house or any similar place
or building
7. Any building, whether used as a dwelling or not, situated in a populated or
Reclusion perpetua to death (ISLAW
congested area not applicable) No. 37 Table of Penalties – if
death results by reason of or on
Other cases of arson, under Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1613 occasion of arson
If the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any building used as offices of the government or any of its agencies Prision Mayor in its minimum period
2. Any inhabited house or dwelling (6 years and 1 day to 8 years) No. 20
3. Any industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well or mine shaft, platform or Table of Penalties – if there is conspiracy
4. Any plantation, farm, pasture land, growing crop, grain field, orchard,
to commit arson
bamboo grove or forest
5. Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill, or mill central
pg. 77
6. Any railway or bus station, airport, wharf or warehouse
pg. 78
other accident
Article 331. Arresto Mayor in its medium to prision correccional in its minimum period (2
Destroying or months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months) No. 7 Table of Penalties
damaging statutes,
public monuments or Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Php 200.00, or both - id any useful or
paintings ornamental painting of a public nature is destroyed or damaged
Crimes involved in the exemption
1. Theft;
2. Estafa; and
3. Malicious mischief.
Article 332. Persons
exempt from criminal Persons exempted from criminal liability
liability 1. Spouse, ascendants and descendants, or relatives by affinity in the same line;
2. Widowed spouse with respect to the property which belonged to the deceased spouse
before the same passed into the possession of another
3. Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, if living together.
pg. 79
Chapter One- Adultery and Concubinage
333. Adultery 1. That the woman is married; Prision
2. That she has sexual intercourse with a man not correccional-
her husband; Medium and
3. That as regards the man with whom she has Maximum periods
sexual intercourse, he must know her to be
334. Concubinage 1. That the man must be married. Prision
2. That he committed any of the following acts: correccional-
a. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal Minimum and
dwelling, Medium periods
b. Having sexual intercourse under
scandalous circumstances with a Concubine-
woman who is not his wife, Destierro
c. Cohabiting with her in any other place.
3. 3. That as regards the woman, she must know
him to be married.
Chapter Two- Rape and Acts of Lasciviousness
335. Rape Repealed by R.A. No. 8353
(see chapter three)
336. Acts of 1. That the offender commits any act of Prision correccional
lasciviousness lasciviousness of lewdness;
2. That the act of lasciviousness is committed
against a person of either sex;
3. That it is done under any of the following
a. By using force or intimidation; or
b. When the offended party is deprived of
reason or otherwise unconscious;
c. By means of fraudulent machination or
grave abuse of authority;
d. When the offended party is under 12
years of age or is demented.
Chapter Three- Seduction, Corruption of Minors, and White Slave Trade
337. Qualified Of a virgin: Prision
Seduction 1. That the offended party is a virgin, which is correccional-
presumed if she is unmarried and of good Minimum and
reputation. Medium periods
2. That she must be over 12 and under 18 years of
3. That the offended has sexual intercourse with
4. That there is abuse of authority, confidence or
relationship on the part of the offender.
pg. 80
339. Acts of 1. That the offender commits acts of Arresto Mayor
lasciviousness with the lasciviousness or lewdness;
consent of the 2. That the acts are committed upon a woman One degree higher
offended party who is virgin or single or widow of good if less than 12 years
reputation, under 18 years of age but over 12 old (sec. 10 RA no.
years, or a sister or descendant regardless of 7610)
her reputation or age.
3. That the offender, accomplishes the acts by
abuse of authority, confidence, relationship, or
340. Corruption of - Promote or facilitate the prostitution or Prision Mayor
Minors corruption of persons under age to satisfy the
lust of another.
- (If public officer or employee, including those in Temporary
GOCCs) absolute
341. White slave trade Acts penalized: Prision
1. Engaging in business of prostitution. correccional-
2. Profiting by prostitution. Medium and
3. Enlisting the services of women for the purpose Maximum periods
of prostitution.
342. Forcible abduction 1. That the person abducted is any woman, Reclusion temporal
regardless of her age, civil status, or reputation.
2. That the abduction is against her will.
3. That the abduction is with lewd designs.
Chapter Four- Abduction
343. Consented 1. That the offended party must be a virgin. Prision
abduction 2. That she must be over 12 and under 18 years of correccional-
age. Minimum and
3. That the taking away of the offended party Medium periods
must be with her consent, after solicitation or
cajolery from the offender.
4. That the taking away of the offended party
must be with lewd designs.
pg. 81
authority or confidential relationship
348. Usurpation of civil 1. A person usurp the civil status of another; Prision
status. 2. For the purpose of defrauding the offended correccional-
party or his heirs. Medium and
Maximum periods
Chapter Two- Illegal Marriages
349. Bigamy. 1. That the offender has been legally married. Prision mayor
2. That the marriage has not been legally
dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is absent,
the absent spouse could not yet be presumed
dead according to the Civil Code.
3. That he contracts a second or subsequent
4. That the second or subsequent marriage has all
the essential requisites for validity.
350. Marriage 1. That the offender contracted marriage. Prison correccional-
contracted against 2. That he knew at the time that- Medium and
provisions of laws. a. the requirements of the law were not Maximum periods
complied with; or
b. the marriage was in disregard of a legal Maximum- If
impediment. consent is obtained
by means of
intimidation, or
351. Premature Persons liable Arresto mayor and
marriages. - A widow who married within 301 days from the a fine not
date of the death of her husband, or before exceeding 500
having delivered if she is pregnant at the time pesos
of his death.
- A woman who, her marriage having been
annulled or dissolved, married before her
delivery or before the expiration of the period
of 301 days after the date of the legal
352. Performance of 1. That the person is a priest or minister or civil Imprisonment for
illegal marriage authority is authorized to solemnize marriages. not less than one
ceremony 2. That he perform or authorize any illegal month nor more
pg. 82
marriage ceremony than two years, or
a fine not less than
P200 nor more
than P2,000 (Sec.
39, Act no. 3613,
Marriage Law)
354. Requirement for Malice is presumed from every defamatory imputation, except in the
publicity. following cases:
1. A private communication made by any person to another in the
performance of any legal, moral or social duty.
2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any comments or
remarks, of any judicial, legislative, or other official proceedings which
are not of confidential nature, or of any statement, report or speech
delivered in said proceedings, or of any other act performed by public
officers in the exercise their functions.
355. Libel by means of A libel may be committed by means of: Prison correccional-
writings or similar 1. Writing, Minimum and
means. 2. Printing, Medium periods or
3. Lithography, a fine ranging from
4. Engraving, 200 to 6,000 pesos,
5. Radio, or both, in addition
6. Phonograph, to the civil action
7. Painting, which may be
8. Theatrical exhibition, brought.
9. Cinematographic exhibition,
10. Or any similar means.
356. Threatening to Acts punished: Arresto mayor or a
publish and offer to 1. By threatening another to publish a libel fine of from 200 to
prevent such concerning him, or his parents, spouse, child, or 2,000 pesos, or
publication for a other members of his family. both
compensation. 2. By offering to prevent the publication of such
libel for compensation, or money
357. Prohibited 1. That the offender is a reporter, editor or Arresto mayor or a
publication of acts manager of a newspaper daily or magazine. fine of from 200 to
referred to in the 2. That he publishes facts connected with the 2,000 pesos, or
pg. 83
course of official private life of another. both
proceedings 3. That such facts are offensive to the honor,
virtue and reputation of said person.
358. Slander Slander is libel committed by oral means, instead of in Arresto Menor or a
written. fine not exceeding
200 pesos (simple)
Two kinds of oral defamation:
- Simple Arresto Mayor in its
- Grave Maximum to
Prision correccional
in its Minimum
359. Slander by deed 1. That the offender performs any act not Arresto Menor or a
included in any other crime against honor. fine not exceeding
2. That such act is performed in the presence of 200 pesos (simple)
other person or persons.
3. That such act casts dishonor, discredit or Arresto Mayor in its
contempt upon the offended party. Maximum to
Prision correccional
Two kinds of slander by deed in its Minimum
- Simple (grave)
- Grave
Section Two- General Provisions
360. Persons liable The persons responsible for libel are:
1. The person who publishes, exhibits or causes the publication or
exhibition of any defamation in writing or similar means.
2. The author or editor of a book or pamphlet.
3. The editor or business manager of a daily newspaper magazine or
serial publication.
4. The owner of the printing plant which publishes a libelous article with
his consent and all other persons who in any way participate in or
have connection with its publication.
361. Proof of truth Requisites of defense in defamation:
1. If it appears that the matter charged as libelous is true.
2. It was published with good motives.
3. It was for justifiable ends.
pg. 84
or reputation of another person. 200 pesos.
- Simple Prudence Fine not exceeding
1. That there is lack of precaution on the part of P200 and censure
the offender. (light felony)
2. That the damage impending to be caused is not
immediate or the danger is not clearly Arresto Mayor-
manifest. Minimum period
(less serious felony)
Arresto Mayor-
Medium and
Maximum periods
(grave felony)
- Imprudence resulted only in damage to the Fine ranging from
property of another. an amount equal to
the value of said
damages to three
times such value
but which shall in
no case be less
than P25.
- offender who fails to lend on the spot to the Penalty next higher
parties such help as may be in his hands to give. in degree.
pg. 85
first two paragraphs of this article (Art. 365) which should be
imposed, in the
period which they
may deem proper
to apply.
2. When, by imprudence or negligence and with Prison
violation of the Automobile Law, the death of a correcctional-
person shall be caused. Medium and
Maximum periods.
pg. 86