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Platform Design Toolkit Whitepaper ENG

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Launched in 2009, Innotribe was created to identify the emerging technologies and innovative trends 
surrounding the nancial services industry and generate discussions on their potential impact moving 
forward. Bene tting from SWIFT’s central position, Innotribe provides a platform to the global 
nancial community to understand the dynamics behind technology changes and to help focus on the 
opportunities for transformation rather than the threats to current market practices. 
In  the  last  couple  of  years,  the  impact  of  “platforms”  has  been  vastly  discussed  from  many  angles  as 
businesses  realise  they  will  succeed  based  on their ability to captivate third parties and connect them 
to each other through creative interactions. 
There  is  a  real  appetite  from  the  industry  to  explore  how  platform  companies  create  radical 
adjacencies  and  new  horizontal  markets,  and  how  they  t  in  the  overall  digital  frame.  What  are  the 
different  types  of  players?  What  are  the  market  drivers?  What  are  the  evolutionary  forces  that 
operate?  How  are  platforms  evolving?  What  is  the  next  generation  of  platforms?  Who  are  the  new 
entities  in  this  ecosystem:  peer  producers,  peer  consumers,  partners,  platform  owners,  bricks  &  APIs 
There  is  also  a  need  to  understand  the  difference  between  a  product  value  creation  and  a  platform 
value  creation.  Whereas  the  Business  Model  Canvas  is  a  great  tool  for  businesses  to  articulate  their 
value  proposition,  more  is  needed  in  terms  of  platform  value  articulation. Businesses need assistance 
with  the  de nition  of their platform vision, enabling services to the  nancial ecosystem at large where 
everyone  and  everything  is  interconnected.  Whilst  de ning  the  core  and  ancillary  value  proposition, 
its  infrastructure  and  core components, businesses have to determine their P2P dynamics to facilitate 
exchange of value among their peers and partners. 
Over  the  last  few  years,  Innotribe  has  investigated  a  range  of  FinTech-related  topics,  connecting 
innovative  and  established  FinTech  enterprises  with  academics  and  industry  professionals  through 
the  publication  of  timely  research  papers.  One  topic  of  particular  interest  and  focus  is  the  world  of 
platforms.  We  believe  The  Platform  Design  Toolkit  is  a  great  set  of  tools  to help businesses map their 
requirements  in  terms  of  platform  capabilities,  and  Simone  Cicero’s  research  is  a  compelling  read  for 
anyone involved in the nancial industry. 



What’s causing the rise of platform models 
The new possible and the new desirable are interlaced 
Key differences between infrastructures and platforms 
The effects of unbundling 
Protocols and Dapps 
From implementing linear business models to design for interaction in ecosystems 
Entities, motivations and incentives 
Performance pressure and learning: the secret of platforms 
What transactions and experience should you design in a platform? 
Introducing the Platform Design Canvas 
Exchanges enabled by support services 
Channels & contexts for Transactions 
Industrialized services for the Peer Consumer 
Mapping services and exchanges to the value propositions 
Choosing a role when innovating: when is a platform (or infrastructure) move worth 
Innovating beyond the core market by leveraging on core assets/resources 
Exploring new innovation landscapes 
Enabling responsiveness and exploration 
Credits and acknowledgments 
Icon credits 


“We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us” 
Marshall McLuhan 
(attributed by Father John Culkin) 
In  the  last  couple  of  years  the  impact  of  the  so  called  “platforms”  has  been  vastly  discussed 
from  many  angles.  Platforms  have  been  accused to marginalize workers , negatively impact on 
cities  and  nations  by  stressing  existing  regulations ,  behave  just  as  new middlemen, displacing 
the old ones. 
Platforms  have  been  diversely  de ned.  Sangeet  Choudary   de nes  platforms  as  “business 
models  that  allow  multiple  sides  (producers  and  consumers)  to  interact  [...]  by  providing  an 
infrastructure  that  connects  them”  while  John  Hagel   states  that  platforms  are  made  of:  “a 
governance  structure  [...]  that  determines  who  can  participate,  what  roles  they  might  play,  how  they 
might  interact  and  how  disputes  get  resolved”  and  “an  additional  set  of  protocols  or  standards [...] to 
facilitate  connection,  coordination,  and  collaboration”.  The  recent  Global  Survey  on  The  Rise  of 
the Platform Enterprise de nes platform business as a “medium which lets others connect to it” .  

Understanding  how  to  de ne  a  platform  is  certainly  key  but,  on  the  other  hand,  is not enough 
to  completely  grasp the current state of post-industrial, digitally enabled economy. In particular, 
despite  knowing  the  attributes  and  dynamics  of  platforms  inner  workings  is  crucial  -  and  we 
will  look  into  this  later  -  is  certainly  key  to  understand  also  how  platforms  t  in  the  overall 
digitally  transformed  market  and  societal  frame.  What  are  the  types  of  players?  What  are  the 
market  drivers?  What  are  the  evolutionary  forces  that  operate  in  the  context?  What  comes 
after  platforms  as  we  know  them  today?  How  are  platforms  evolving eventually? These are all 
key questions. 
Beyond  tentative  de nitions,  what  we  are  really  seeing  -  sometimes  failing  to  understand  the 
picture  completely  -  is  the  combination  of  different,  converging,  trends.  Most  of  these  trends 

Workers on tap. (2015). [online] The Economist. Available at: 
http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21637393-rise-demand-economy-poses-dif cult-questions-
The Dark Side of the Sharing Economy: Could Airbnb Accelerate Gentri cation?. (2016). [online] 
Shareable. Available at: 
Platform Thinking Blog - The New Rules of Business in a Networked World. (2016). 
The power of platforms: Part of the “Business ecosystems come of age” report. (2016). [online] Deloitte 
University Press. Available at: http://dupress.com/articles/platform-strategy-new-level-business-trends   
The Rise of the Platform Enterprise: A Global Survey (2016). [online] Thecge.net. Available at: 

page 1 

can  be  related  to  two  major  self-reinforcing  shifts  that,  as McLuhan explained in his work of a 
lifetime,  cannot  be  properly  isolated  (since  they  recursively  shape  each  other).  The  rst  shift 
lies  in  what  we  expect  as  customers  and  users  from  platforms,  the  second  lies  in  the  ever 
growing potential of the technologies that we use to build the very same platforms.  
The  shift  in  customer’s  expectations  relates  with  us,  as  citizens  and  users,  and  it’s  a  narrative 
shift:  it  speaks  about  our  growing  expectations  towards  brands  to offer superior delight and 
“We’ve all been seduced by the deep discounts, the monthly automatic diaper delivery, the 
free Prime movies, the gift wrapping, the free two-day shipping, the ability to buy shoes or 
books or pinto beans or a toilet all from the same place. But it has gone beyond seduction, 
really. We expect these kinds of conveniences now, as if they were birthrights. They’ve become 
baked into our ideas about how consumers should be treated.”  
Franklin Foer 
“Customer experience is an essential dimension of how a company competes”7 
Joseph Pine 
Our  idea  of  modern  services  revolves  around  four  major  traits.  We  want  services  to  be  fast 
and  in  fast  control  like  a  Uber  ride  can  be;  we  want  them  to  be  personalized  like  the  latest 
model  of  Nike  sneakers  we  can  self-con gure  up  to  the  colour  of the swoosh; we want them to 
be  relevant  as  Amazon’s  suggestions  and human like the chatbots with whom you can relate by 
natural  language  or,  better,  like  the  Airbnb  host  you  can  talk  to  via  WhatsApp,  feeling  like 
you’re really going to sleep at a friend’s place. 
FAST : instantly searchable, identi able and  PERSONALIZED : enabling us to directly 
accessible  intervene in creating custom solutions, perfect 
  for our needs 

RELEVANT : ful lling our needs contextually  HUMAN : relating with us in a friendly, 
when they occur, in a relevant and precise  interpretable, understandable, accessible, 
manner without needing our intervention  sensible manner, interacting with us as human 

[Table 1 - The four key attributes of modern product-services ] 

Foer, F. (2014). Amazon Must Be Stopped. [online] New Republic. Available at: 
ADVANCING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (2015) - Harvard Business Review analytics report. 
http://www.disneyinstitutecollateral.com/ les/Disney_Institute_HBR_AS_Final_Paper.pdf 
The four attributes have been de ned in the Product Fitness Canvas - more details available at “That’s 
Cognitive Capitalism, baby”. (2015). Available at: 

page 2 

The second shift of this evolutionary path is, as said, all technology driven and it’s an effect of the 
strongest  force  that  always  drives  market  evolution  since  the  beginning:  relentless 
In  a  self-reinforcing  effect  competition  drives  technology  towards  componentization . 
Market  leaders  in  search  of  cost  ef ciencies  typically  demand  standardization  of  supplies 
(components)  so  to  generate  more  competition  among  suppliers:  this  in  turns  enables  more 
competitors  to  join  the  market  and  compete  with  leaders  themselves.  This  trend  eventually 
reduces  room  for  pro teering  and  pushes  leaders  up  in  the  value  chain  to  search  for  more 
value  and  revenues  (within  an Innovate - Leverage - Componentize cycle ). This phenomenon 
has  made  -  over  time  -  the three main technology components of the digital economy available 
as  ubiquitous  commodities:  bandwidth,  computing  power  and  storage  are  now  available  “as a 
service”.  In  parallel,  an  unprecedented  penetration  of  connected  devices,  from  phones  and 
tablets to IoT devices, just brought all human activities into a new “connected” context-state.  
The  evolution  of  this  set  of  technology  enablers  produced  in turn two major impacts: it moved 
most  of  the  new  digital  tools  of  production  back  in  the  hand  and  ownership  of  the  users  - 
outside  of  the  industrial  factories  -  and  reduced  the  transaction  cost of the digital economy to 
almost  zero,  in  a  world  where - according to Mark Zuckerberg’s dreams - “everyone is connected 
with everyone else”. 
The  two  major  shifts  abovementioned  are  in  a  strict  relationship  and reinforce each other: the 
new  possible (what is made possible by technological advancements) and the new desirable (from 
the  point  of  view  of  the  user)  are  producing  what  in  McLuhanian  terms  constitutes  a  “new 
environment”.  Platforms  are  the  Media  we  -  as  humans  -  are  using  to  create  this  new 
environment.  But  to  understand  what  happens  in  this  new  environment  and  how  is  this  new 
environment growing around these new tools is posing us unprecedented challenges. 
In  a  similar  way  as  we  built  roads  and  created  infrastructures  that  shaped  our  modern  world 
when  massive  automobile  adoption  created  the  city  environment  in  the  nineteenth  century, 
the  new  environment  created  by  rms  extending  themselves  by  means  of  platforms  is  not yet 
100%  known,  not  yet  mature  and  regulated .  This  new  environment is generating totally new 
circumstances  of  work  and  value  production,  for  example  by  involving  those  that we formerly 
considered  consuming  customers into the actual value production process as “peers” in peer to 
peer systems, work ows and business models. 
According  to  these  new  possibilities,  the  nature  of  the  rm  itself  is  changing  and  -  as  guru  of 
marketing  Geoffrey  Moore  pointed  out  in  his  article  “The  Nature of the Firm—75 Years Later”
  -  these  changes  are  “deeply  disruptive  to  the  hierarchical  management  structures”  and  are 
changing  the  inner  working  of the  rm itself. The taylorist, hierarchical, management structure 

Breaking down into interchangeable pieces 
Wardley, S. (2013). Bits or pieces? Ecosystems. [online] Blog.gardeviance.org. Available at: 
Wilson Miner - When We Build. (2011). [online] Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/34017777 
Moore, G. (2016) The Nature of the Firm—75 Years Later - OpenMind. [online] OpenMind. Available 
at: https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/article/the-nature-of-the- rm-75-years-later/ 

page 3 

that  most  of  the  larger  organizations  still  use  today  may  easily  be  overwhelmed  by  the 
challenges posed by the complex digital market.  
Industrial  rms  today  experience  dif culties  in  producing  exceptional  customer  delight  and 
unique  user  experiences:  creating  value  in  digitally  enabled  markets  is,  indeed,  less  about 
industrially  controlling  production  but  increasingly  means  to  encapsulate  and  embed  third 
parties  provided  components  in  greatly  designed,  narrated  and  branded  experiences  that  are 
siloed,  controlled  and  vertical.  The  bureaucratic  structure  of  most  incumbents  may  not  be 
ready to operate that way.  
Disruption  is  coming  from  the  transformation  of  Value  Chains  into  multidimensional  Value 
Networks.  In  the  past,  companies  used  to  compete  by  owning  the different enablers, modules 
and  components  of  a  business  process  entirely  (and  deriving  sustainable  competitive 
advantage  from  that  possession)  whilst,  nowadays,  if  they  can’t  compete with those who excel 
at  perfectly  integrating  components  into  excellent  experience  (owning the least possible parts 
in  the  process),  they  must  excel  at  providing  consumable  interfaces  and  infrastructures  to 
allow others doing so. 

[Figure 1 - Vertical integration of components into experiences, interfaces for combination] 
Most  of  the  times,  successful  companies  are  those  that  are  able  to  do  both  things  in  parallel: 
providing  unbundled  components to the ecosystem on one hand and bundled, customer facing, 
services  on  the  other.  Such  platform-infrastructure  organizations  serve  their  ecosystems  and 
monitor  how  ecosystem’s  entities  arrange  components  to provide services delighting end user 
customers.  By  keeping  an  eye  on  such  patterns,  these  organizations  understand  how  to 
re-packetize  and  consolidate  new  bundles  of  higher  level  services  (in  the  most  effective  way) 
and  move  upwards  in  the  value  chain,  pushing  their own ecosystem to innovate at even higher 
There  is  a very delicate equilibrium that any great platform-infrastructure faces in the process of 
evolving  their  componentized  products  and  services offering into new layers of infrastructural 

page 4 

utilities  and  commodities,  and  it’s  precisely  about  keeping  their  ecosystem’s  trust  during  the 
inevitable, evolutionary process of continuous disruption of the ecosystem’s business model. 

In the ILC (Innovate - Leverage -  Innovate  Leverage  Componentize 
Componentize) Cycle organizations 
monitor emerging novelty patterns from  In this phase the  The novelty gains  The novelty gets 
the ecosystem: within time they  ecosystem  traction and  optimized and 
componentize novelty and climb the  experiment  generate demands  transformed in a 
something novel  for lower value  component 
value chain up by offering it as a 

Case Studies   Componentize   Innovate   Leverage   Componentize 

How Amazon Web  Amazon Web  Brands from the  Growing demand  Amazon Web 
Services launched  Services (AWS)  AWS ecosystem  for fast scalable  Services creates a 
Elastic Map Reduce  makes on demand  experiment by  Big Data services  agship on demand 
big data offering on  Computing  instantiating  grows demand for  big data processing 
top of on demand  available at low  Hadoop big data  On Demand  service offering 
computing  price.  framework on the  Computing  called Elastic 
infrastructure    computing  Infrastructure  MapReduce and 
  infrastructure and  provided by  climbs the value 
creating big data  Amazon  chain 
processing services     

Facebook  Facebook  Brands from the  Facebook pro le  Facebook enables 
Social Graph  effectively  ecosystem start to  get widespread  Graph APIs to 
creates Social  refer to Facebook  adoption as  leverage on Social 
Identities  pro les to  de-facto identities  Identities and 
  characterize public  integrate more data 
user pro les 

[Deepening Box 1 - The ILC CYCLE ] 
A new service narrative:  The self-reinforcing effect of technology innovation and customer 
FAST, RELEVANT,  expectation changes is driving the demand for a new kind of services 

Firms in transformation  Firms need to transform deeply to be able to cope with the new 
  demands of the connected age 

Experiences or modules  In the post industrial age companies either provide delighting 
  experiences to a growing set of users or provide components that can 
be arranged and bundled into a delighting experience 

Embrace evolution  Successful companies are those that embrace evolution and always 
  look for higher value services, by listening to the ecosystem 

The reader might want to refer to the excellent explanation by Simon Wardley, in footnote 10 

page 5 


A  number  of  interesting  studies  recently  assessed  the  superior  nature  of  this  new  breed  of 
“networked  businesses”  that  we  sometimes  call  networks  or  platforms.  One  key  analysis  is  that 
from  Deloitte  and  Open  Matters,  The  Value  Shift  research .  This  research  categorised  the 
history  of  business  models  and  concluded  that  Network  Orchestrators (businesses that create a 
network  of  peers  in  which  the  participants  interact)  perform  better  -  in  terms  of  nancial 
results,  valuation  and  growth  -  than  other  business  models alternatives (namely Asset Builders, 
Service  Providers  and  Technology  Creators).  According  to  Barry  Libert,  one  of  the  curator  of  The 
Value  Shift  research  “Network  Orchestrators  receive  valuations two to four times higher, on average, 
than companies with the other business models“. 
Other  studies  such  as  Javier  Creus’s  Pentagrowth:  The  ve  levers  of  accelerated  growth   and 
Fabernovel’s  GAFAnomics:  New  Economy,  New  Rules”   substantially  reinforced  the 
understanding  that  such  network  orchestrators  models,  where  rms  and  organizations 
provide  a  set  of  tools  and  a  context  to  the  producers  of  value  and  leverage  on  organizing 
external  resources  instead  of  owning  them,  represents  a  truly  new way of organizing services. 
Platform  enabled  rms  lie  in  the  middle  between  the  industrial  mode  of  production  and  fully 
competitive  markets  and  represent  a  new  service  model,  apt  for  the  future  as  explained  by 
Albert Wenger in his essay called “Networks, Firms and Markets”.  
In  parallel  with  the  growing  awareness  on  the  potential  of  the  platform  approach,  we  are also 
understanding  better  how  such  an  approach  -  based  on  designing  for  interaction  and  leveraging 
on  external  resources  -  may  actually  work  also  on  smaller,  niche  markets.  These  markets  are 
characterized  by  smaller  size  but  also  typically  held  higher  value  exchanges  respect  to  purely 
transactional  markets such as urban transportation or short term travel booking. A particularly 
effective  description  of  this  shift  is  offered  by  James  Currier  with  his  Market  Networks  
concept.  Market  networks  combine  the  ef cacy  of social networks in managing relationships 
with  the  ef cacy  or  marketplaces  in  facilitating  transactions:  summing  it up with an effective 

The value shift: Why CFOs should lead the charge in the digital age - Deloitte United States. (2016). 
[online] Available at: 
http://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/ nance/articles/cfo-insights-digital-age-business-model-innov
Creus, J. (2015) Pentagrowth Report: The ve levers of accelerated growth. Available at: 
GAFAnomics: New Economy, New Rules. (2016). [online] Slideshare.net. Available at: 
Wenger, A. (2015) Networks, Firms and Markets. (2016). [online] Available at: 
http://continuations.com/post/126909987225/networks- rms-and-markets 
Currier, J. (2016). From Social Networks To Market Networks. [online] TechCrunch. Available at: 

page 6 

work ow  management  solution  the  potential  to  reinvent  every  single  existing  market - and to 
envision new ones - is practically endless. 

[Figure 2 - Industrial Firm, Open Markets and Platform/Networks in the middle] 
A  few  conceptual  frameworks  give  us  some  clear  snapshots  of  today’s  digital  markets.  One  of 
the  most  ef cient  and  clear  one  was  originally  proposed  in  “The  hero’s  journey  through  the 
landscape  of  the  future”   a  seminal  paper  from  Deloitte  University  Press.  The  framework 
introduced  on that paper, proposed to divide digitally enabled marketplaces in two macro parts: 
an  upper  part  (“up”  as  in  value  chain  terms)  characterized  by  a  niche,  fragmenting  long  tail 
market  -  driven  by  customer  preferences  and  extreme  personalization  -  and  a  lower  part:  a 
mixed  context of infrastructure providers, aggregation platforms and what Hagel calls, agents 
of “customer relationship”. 
One  might  be  familiar  with  the  concept  of  infrastructure  providers  (e.g.:  Amazon  Web 
Services): technology enabled players offering services as a commodity.  

“The hero’s journey through the landscape of the future. (2016). [online] Deloitte University Press. 

Available at: http://dupress.com/articles/heros-journey-landscape-future/ 

page 7 

Aggregation  platforms  might  be  less  known  as  those  reducing  barriers  to  entry,  creating 
shared storefronts and providing an overall “enabling” set of services to all sides of a market (all 
supply  and  all  demand).  The  concept  of  a  Customer  Relationship  agents,  on  the  other  side, 
might  be  less  familiar:  we  are  talking  about  that  kind  of  agent  who’s  responsible  to  connect 
peers  to opportunities, to curate information, to act as an intelligent broker, that is increasingly 
being  incorporated  into  aggregation  platforms  itself  (eventually  being  translated  into  an 
algorithmic feature). 
In  a  similar  picture  of  the  market  behaviour,  in  its  “Borges’  Map:  Navigating  a  World  of  Digital 
Disruption” Boston  Consulting  Group recently proposed to look at digital markets as “stacked” 
in  layers  made  of  “Infrastructure  Organizations”  empowering  communities  sometimes 
through the work of “Curatorial Platforms” that may evolve into marketplace monopolies. 
In  this  paper  we  want to provide a related but slightly different view, building on what’s shared 
by these models, but also adding a key aspect to the picture: that of evolution. 

[Figure 3 - Evolving stacks and the value chain subject to unbundling] 
In  Figure  3  above,  on  the  lower  part  of  the  value  chain  we  have  the  universe  of  tangible  and 
intangible  resources:  unorganized,  available  as  commodities  and  increasingly  de ned  by 
standardized  requirements  -  resources  are  subject  to  componentization.  As  an  example, here 
we  put  basic  hardware  and  computational  power,  open  source  software,  bandwidth,  storage 
but  even  real  estate  (as  in  Airbnb)  and  eventually  human  skills  and  time  (as  in  Uber  or  other 
Gig-Economy  platforms):  all  inventory  resources  that  are  ubiquitous  and  can  be  easily 

Borges’ Map: Navigating a World of Digital Disruption. (2016). [online] Bcgperspectives.com. Available 
at: http://digitaldisrupt.bcgperspectives.com/ 

page 8 

A  rst  interface  –  the  one  just  above  resources  –  is  often  made of standardized speci cations 
and  allows  the  development  of  Infrastructure  Services  to  be  built,  wrapping  unorganized 
resources  into  something  that  exposes  a  clearly  accessible  set  of  services,  usually  through 
open  interfaces  such  as  API’s.  By  de ning  a  common,  open  source  database  of  hardware 
designs  (as  an  interface)  Open  Compute  project  is  standardizing  large  scale  computing 
operations  . Similarly, by wrapping the resource of several large carriers from all over the world 
in  an  easy  to  use  API,  Twilio  wrapped  a  world  of  resources  in  an  actionable  an  accessible 
interface (see deepening boxes 2 and 3 for more information). 


  The Open Compute Project21 (OCP) is a “collaborative community 

What is Open Compute  focused on redesigning hardware technology to ef ciently support 
the growing demands on compute infrastructure.” 
The project promotes the collaboration around open source 
hardware designs that providers can adopt when creating hardware 
for computing infrastructures. 

Where does Open Compute  Open Compute creates a standardized interface between 
intervene  (hardware) resources and Computing Infrastructure demand from 
  platforms and rms.  

Effects  By componentizing hardware design makes it easier for providers to 

enter the resource market and cheaper for the one building 

[Deepening box 2 - How Open Compute is componentizing Hardware Designs accelerating the computing industry] 
An  interesting  consideration  to  make  is  that,  sometimes,  resources  building  up  an 
infrastructure  might  be  distributed  and  not  centralized  by  one  single  player:  think  about  the 
difference  between  Amazon  Web  Services  (owning  its  data  centres  entirely)  and  the  Bitcoin 
Bitcoin  Blockchain  or another DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) where the infrastructure is 
made by distributed facilities, owned by the universe of miners22. 
On top of the infrastructure interface we  nd what we usually call platforms. Platforms behave 
as  tools,  media  whose  primary  feature  is  to  empower  and  enable  independent  exchanges  to 
happen  in  ecosystems  and  to  enable  long  tail  market  economies:  platforms  are  designed  for 
customers' (users, peers, entities) delight, appreciation and use. 
While  components  and  services  at  the  infrastructure  layer  are  usually unbundled, available for 
third  parties  to  bundle  them  together  in  a  market  facing  proposition,  services  offered  at 
platform  level  are  typically  strongly  bundled  and  channelled:  service  bundles  (and  the 
customer  experiences  accessing  them)  often  represent  the  characteristic  of  the  brand 
Open Compute Project Home Page http://www.opencompute.org/ 
For an explanation of Blockchain and DLT see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain_(database) 
page 9 

differentiation .  Platforms  propose  well-formed  experiences  to  users  and  continuously 
operate  a  trade-off  between  a  design-led  vision  of  “what  the  experience  should  be”  and  a 
user-led validated feedback of “what customers want”. 


What is Twilio?  Twilio wraps global telecom services to expose a globally available 
cloud API that developers can use to build intelligent and complex 
communications systems and integrate communication functionalities 
in apps and platforms. 

Where does Twilio  Twilio wraps componentized offering provided by carriers worldwide 
intervene  (Text, Calls, etc...) into a set of building blocks providing easy to use 
communication services to platform builders.   

Effects  Twilio and similar infrastructures accelerate componentization of basic 

communication services (resources) provided by worldwide carriers by 
aggregating and overcoming national boundaries, essentially creating 
global access where fragmented access (different APIs, national 
boundaries) was available. 

[Deepening box 3 - How Twilio reorganized Telecom infrastructure for the startup world] 
The  interface  that  a  platform  exposes  towards  long  tail  markets  is  user  experience.  This 
interface  is,  typically,  closed  and  100%  owned  by  the  platform  itself: for example you won't be 
able  to  transport  your  reputation  on  Airbnb  or  your  success  history  and  investment  portfolio 
on  eToro online collaborative trading platform to another platform (albeit things may change in 
the future due to unbundling pressure and narrative shift ). 
Being  customer  facing,  platforms  are  usually  experience  led  while  infrastructure  are  typically 
cost  driven  and  de nitely  more  subject  to  competition.  By  channelling  the relationships across 
the  whole  ecosystems,  platforms  ensure  resilience:  it’s  dif cult  to  leave  the  platform  when 
critical  mass  is  present  and  reputation  is  not  portable;  whilst  churn  may  be  easier  for 
infrastructures,  the  investment  needed  to  create  them  usually  strongly  limits  the  number  of 
infrastructure  players  available.  Both  layers  may  achieve  quasi  monopoly  economics,  but  for 
different  reasons:  platforms  do  that  by  means  of  concentrating  supply  and  demand  while 
infrastructure  usually  do  that  in  a  more  classic  –  industrialized  –  way,  by  means  of  ef ciency 
and cost competitiveness. 

Belong Anywhere - Airbnb's new mark and identity. (2014). [online] The Airbnb Blog - Belong 
Anywhere. Available at: http://blog.airbnb.com/belong-anywhere/ 
Kastelein, R. (2016). Airbnb Co-Founder Eyes Blockchain Tech for User Reputation And Trust. [online] 
Blockchain News. Available at: 

page 10 


Media  expert David Pakman once de ned unbundling as “the great disruptor”  and that’s exactly 
what  it  is:  on  one  hand  competition  drives  interface consolidation and standardization and, on 
the  other,  fast  changing  narratives  push  platforms  towards  allowing  more  openness  of  the 
interface,  fairer  treatment  of  the  ecosystem  and,  in  general, push for more diversity of players 
and third party freedom. 
As  a  platform’s  audience  grows,  the  diversity  of  experiences  required  also  grows  as  a 
consequence,  and  it  requires  more  allowance  for  “personalization”,  beyond  the  experience  as 
originally  designed  by  the brand. As we will see later in the document, in order to provide more 
possibilities  for  personalization a platform may create more touch points for third parties to be 
able remix and re-bundle the components making up the offering over time. 
As  platforms  grow  they  nd  pressure for more inclusive and participative business models and 
for  more  openness  in  interfaces:  this  to  keep  the  necessary  trust  relationship  with  the  third 
parties  engaged  in  the  ecosystem.  Platforms  that  nd  an  evolutionary  balance  grant  the  right 
amount  of  freedom  and  get  ecosystem’s  trust  end  up  being  a  strong  resilient  context  for 
thriving economies, both on the owners’ and users’ side of the table.  
In  parallel  with  all  this,  the  evolutionary  pressure  of  technological  unbundling  continuously 
pushes  layers  of  the  stack  down  in  the  value  chain.  Innovating  upwards  in  the  value  chain  is 
typically  much  more  dif cult  for  players  than  innovating  downwards:  going  against  the 
evolutionary  forces  of  unbundling  might  be  a  daunting  process.  Brands  usually  fall  in  the  trap 
known as the “stack fallacy” : companies know pretty well what are the innovations they would 
like  to  see  from  suppliers  (lower  in  the  stack)  -  as  this  relates  with  their  own  changing 
requirements  -  but  they  usually  fail  to understand what their customers and users are building 
and how to build these higher value services. 
As  a  result  of  these  forces  the  digital  market  usually  ends  up  with  layered,  quasi-monopolies. 
On  top  of  the  value  chain,  value  propositions  are  strongly  bundled  and  control  is  highly 
concentrated  at  interface-experience   level,  while  in  lower  parts of the stacks (infrastructures), 
monopolies  or  oligopolies  are  often  grounded  in  the  control,  ownership  and  organization  of 
complex  tangible  resources  sets.  Resources  and  resource  organizing  ties  are  typically  hard  to 
displace,  replicate  or  disrupt,  requiring  signi cant  CapEx29.  In  few  words,  despite  much  more 
standardized  at  the  interface,  it  may  be  even  harder  to  displace  Amazon  Web  Services  or  the 
Bitcoin Blockchain ecosystem than Airbnb. 

Pakman, D. (2016). The Unbundling of Media Disruption. [online] Disruption. Available at: 
Winning on trust | Nick Grossman's Slow Hunch. (2013). Available at: 
Sharma, A. (2016). Why Big Companies Keep Failing: The Stack Fallacy. [online] TechCrunch. Available 
at: http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/18/why-big-companies-keep-failing-the-stack-fallacy/  
The interface with the long tail market, the delightful experience provided from a platform brand 
Capital expenditure or capital expense ("CapEx") is an expense where the bene t continues over a 
long period, rather than being exhausted in a short period. Such expenditure is of a non-recurring nature 
and results in acquisition of permanent assets. (Wikipedia). 
page 11 

It's  is  important  to  clarify  that  the  picture  we  just  provided  is  not a monolith and we may have 
several different situations. Sometimes, infrastructures and platform might be embedded into 
each  other,  in  a  single  layer.  In  many  markets,  layers  might  abound  or  the  situation  might  be 
more  nuanced.  Telco  industry,  for  example,  is  essentially  made  of  fragmented  resources 
(offered  by  national  carriers),  on  top  of  which  you  have  wrapping  infrastructures  (e.g.:  Twilio 
providing  API/building  blocks  for  startups  to  leverage  on  carrier  resources),  or  even  mixed 
platform-infrastructures  such  as  Google  Android’s  software  stack.  Google’s  agship  mobile 
platform  embeds  both  the  propositions:  the  channel  centricity  of  platforms  (Google  Play 
marketplace,  Open  Handset  Alliance)  and  the  component  centricity  of  infrastructures  (open 
source software codebase, Google Cloud Platform and other back-end services, etc...). 
The  already  cited  report  “The  Rise  of  the  Platform  Enterprise”  states  that platforms create value 
in two principal ways: 
● “Facilitating  transactions  between  different  types of individuals and organizations that 
would otherwise have dif culty nding each other.” [Transaction Platforms] 
● Providing  “technological  building blocks that are used as a foundation on top of which a 
large  number  of  innovators  can  develop  complementary  services  or  products.” 
[Innovation Platforms] 
In  this  way  talking  about both platforms and infrastructures de nes them in a slightly different 
way but substantially attributing them the same features set. 
As  a  general rule we can eventually say that infrastructures and platforms are similar concepts 
and,  most  of  the  time,  partially  overlapped  but  while  infrastructures  often  look  at  what’s 
below,  platform  de nitely  look  to  reach  the  top  of  the  value  chain  and  directly  talk  with  end 

What do they offer?  Mostly unbundled modules  Bundled experiences that are 
made of white labelled building  strongly linked to the brand 
blocks  image and presence 

Key elements of value  The building blocks making up  The channels and contexts 
the value proposition that  making it easier to perform 
adopters can recon gure  transactions and build 
relationships inside the 

Key value creation process  Supporting the creation of  Give space and empower peer 
more value propositions by  to peer relationships and 
combining blocks  transactions to happen 

Main Competitive Advantage  Economic Ef ciency  User (peer) Experience 

[Table 2 – key differences between infrastructures and platforms] 

page 12 

Resonating  with  John  Hagel’s  insights30  identifying  governance  structures  and  protocols  as 
essential  to  a  platform’s  de nition,  protocols are emerging as powerful ways to coordinate the 
birth  of  infrastructures,  platforms  and  ecosystems,  especially  in  the  case  of  “open  platforms” 
(i.e.:  those  allowing  everyone  to  participate).  Being the Blockchain one of the  rst case studies, 
the  role  of  the  protocol  in  that  context  has  been  overwhelming  important.  In  2009,  the  still 
unidenti ed  father  of  DLTs,  Satoshi  Nakamoto  published  a  seminal  paper .  The  paper 
contained  the  description  of  the  blockchain  protocol  -  disclosed  for  the  rst  time  -  and  the 
essential  incentive  structure  for  entities  to  join  the  envisioned  nancial  ecosystem:  that 
protocol  and  related  open  source  software  release  generated  the  huge  industry  shifts  we’ve 
witnessed in the following years.  
In  this  case  the  protocol  itself  acted  as  a  governance  tool,  with  decisions  as  important  as  the 
dimension  of  the  block  (a  variant  capable  of  impacting  the  very  shape  of  the  blockchain 
ecosystem) being currently taken (or not taken) in the most radically democratic way: by opting 
in or opting out of a protocol update in a “hard fork” . 
Governing  infrastructures  and  platforms  by  means  of  a  protocol  is  emerging  as  a  powerful 
mean  to  facilitate  the  transition  towards  decentralized  systems.  While  the  decentralization 
pattern  might  be  clear  at  infrastructure  level,  thanks  to  the  experience  made  by  public 
blockchain  projects  such  as  Bitcoin  or  Ethereum (a  similar  platform  but  designed  to  host 
decentralized  applications),  this  is  now  increasingly happening also at platform level, with case 
34 35
studies  like  OpenBazaar   (a  platform  for  decentralized  e-commerce  trading)  or  LaZooz (a, 
struggling,  platform  for  decentralized  ride  sharing  services).  By  setting  open  protocols  these 
platforms  provide  open  opt-in  rules  and  prepare  for  seamless  and fast exponential growth with 
no  company  bureaucracy  that  act  as  a  growth  bottleneck.  Decentralized  Applications  (aka 
Dapps)  like  these are growing in numbers, enabled by resilient public blockchains and, when we 
better  learn  how  to  use  them,  may  represent  forces  able  to  disrupt  disruptors  (centralized, 
monolithic platforms) at the platform layer, as public blockchain did at infrastructure layer. 

The power of platforms: Part of the “Business ecosystems come of age” report. (2016). [online] 
Deloitte University Press. Available at: 
S. Nakamoto: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf   

page 13 

  Centralized Systems  Decentralized Systems 

Long Tail Layer  Users (Peers in a marketplace 

Platform Layer  Web/App Platforms  Dapps 


Infrastructure Layer  As a Service / “Cloud”  Public blockchains / 

  infrastructures  Distributed infrastructures 

Resources Layer  Owned and centralized  Distributed and leveraged 


[Table 3 - Key Differences in Centralized and Decentralized Systems across the layers] 
Interaction centric design  The platform model is about designing for interactions that can happen 
in the Ecosystem  

Platform model goes  The platform approach doesn't only apply to global monopolies but can 
beyond global monopolies  also apply to higher value, niche market-networks  

A layered market  The digital market is more or less made of four macro-layers: 
  resources, infrastructures, platforms and long tail markets - all 
separated by interfaces 

Platforms provide  Despite being often interlaced, Infrastructures provide unbundled 

bundled experiences  building blocks while platforms provide bundled user experiences 

Open Platform-protocols   Open platforms with public opt-in rules that can grow fast and 
quasi-exponentially, may be the future disruptors of brand controlled, 
centralized platforms 


page 14 

Understanding  platforms  as  a  rm  natural  extension  (beyond  of  the  rm  boundaries)  to 
mobilize  and  conquer  markets  is  the  rst  step for really understanding their potential as tools. 
Brands  can  use these tools to shape their reference markets. Implementing a platform strategy 
is  the  only  way that  rms have to achieve (exponential) high-growth up to a quasi-monopolistic 
position:  platform  enabled  rms  can  thus become “enabling monopolies” without falling in the 
pitfalls of large scale bureaucratization.  

[Figure 4 - Platforms as tools to expand a Firm’s reach into the Market-Ecosystem] 

page 15 

In  traditional  organizations,  large  scale  growth  usually  leads  to  bureaucratization  and  cost 
implosion,  especially  when  trying  to  face  long  tail markets. In a traditional industrial approach, 
long  tail  customers  may  indeed  provide  too  small  revenues  in  face  of  non-negligible  marginal 
cost  of  product  personalization,  intended  as  the  cost  related  to  provide  a 
customized/customizable product/service to every user.  
Long  tail  markets  are  characterized  by  the  need  of  mass  market personalization with loads of 
customers,  everyone  with  a  potentially  different  need:  for  an  industrial  brand,  providing  fully 
organized  centralized  services  to  cope  with  in nitely  different  expectations,  would  be  an 
unsustainable  cost burden. In this context, platforms offer brands the opportunity to behave as 
“enabling”  hubs  for  entities in the ecosystem (often individuals, sometimes  rms, big and small) 
to  allow  them  to  self-organize  and  create  the  bulk  of  the  value  by  interacting,  creating 
relationships  and  “transacting”  value  among  them  thus  reducing  the  marginal  cost  radically. 
Marginal cost of enablement is smaller than marginal cost of personalization. 
Furthermore,  platforms  embody  and  update  MIT  Von  Hippel’s  vision  of  User  Toolkits  for 
Innovation ,  tools  with  which  the  brand  empowers  users  to  self  customize  their  products, 
bringing  it  to  a  higher  level.  Effectively  relieving  the  brand  from  the  need  to  innovate  on  its 
own,  platforms  (and  platform/infrastructures)  “mobilize  third-party  producers to invest in and 
deploy  the  latest  functionality”   or  just  to  impersonate  it.  To  achieve  this,  platform  owners 
must  be  open  not  only  at  the  “long  tail”  level,  but  also  produce ways for third parties to access 
the  lower  infrastructure  and  platform’s  core  components  (e.g.  with  APIs)  and  reshuf e  and 
remix it. 
The  rst  radical  mindset  switch  needed  then,  when  facing  platform  design,  is  to  leave  behind 
the  idea  of organizing production linearly. Linear business models, with a service provider and 
a  service  recipient,  or  customer  -  as  dictated  by  traditional  business  design  tools  such  as  the 
Business Model Canvas - is now marking time. 
The  Platform  Design  Toolkit   was  indeed  originally  created  in  2013  exactly  to  overcome  the 
limitations  of  the  linear  thinking  implied  by  the  Business  Model  Canvas  (BMC):  a  magni cent 
tool,  that  created  by  Alex  Osterwalder,  BMC  is great to model linear aspects of businesses but 
fails  in  modelling  emerging,  multi-sided,  ecosystem  based,  platform  models  where  different 
players  -  all  with  their  different  motivations  to join - co-participate in the whole value creation 

Eric von Hippel, User Toolkits for Innovation, Journal of Product Innovation Management, July, 2001 
http://web.mit.edu/people/evhippel/papers/Toolkits%20JPIM%20 nal.pdf  
Turn products into product platforms: Providing a foundation for others to build upon. (2016). [online] 
Deloitte University Press. Available at: 
See: http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com/ 
See: www.platformdesigntoolkit.com for reference 

page 16 

What  we  are  effectively  trying  to  design  by  leveraging  on  platform  design  is  not  (just)  a 
business model but what John Hagel effectively calls a shaping strategy:  
“an  effort  to  broadly  rede ne  the  terms of competition for a market sector through a positive, 
galvanizing message that promises bene ts to all who adopt the new terms”40 
John Hagel III 

Entity  Motivation to Join 

End Users  Have access to cheaper smartphones  

Developers and Dev. Agencies  Have access to a uni ed mass device base 

System On Chip manufacturers  Easily certify hardware vs one single OS 

Handset manufacturers / Original Equipment  Concentrate effort on hardware concepts and 

Manufacturer (OEM)  branded high value services leaving OS 

[Table 4: Google Android’s shaping strategy] 
Exactly  with  the  aim  of  allowing  the platform designer to face the daunting task of considering 
multiple  perspectives  and  spot  all the players that may  nd interest in joining a market shaping 
strategy, one can use the rst two canvases making the Platform Design Toolkit. 
The  Ecosystem  Canvas  (Canvas  1)  can  help  designers  identify  and  position  all  the  players  - or 
better  player  archetypes  or “roles” - that are supposed to participate on the platform’s market 
shaping  strategy  and  to  classify  them  in  four  different  categories:  owners,  external 
stakeholders, peers and partners. 
Leaving  the  external  stakeholders  -  essentially  those  impacted  by  the  externalities  of  the 
platform  -  away  for  the  scope  of  this  white  paper,  when  mapping  the  entities  internal  to  the 
ecosystem  -  beyond  the  platform  owners  -  we  can  classify  them  in  two  macro  types.  First and 
foremost  we  have  peers.  Despite  the  trend  shift  is  largely  empowering  individuals, with peers 
we’re  not  just  talking  about  people:  in  general  we  talk  about  entities  (small  and  midsize 
businesses  for  example)  that  behave  as  a  single,  identi able  player  with  a  speci c  interest  and 
identi able objectives our platform’s value proposition should meet. 

J. Hagel III, J. Seely Brown, L Davison - Shaping Strategy in a World of Constant Disruption 
Harvard Business Review. (2008). Shaping Strategy in a World of Constant Disruption. [online] Available 
at: https://hbr.org/2008/10/shaping-strategy-in-a-world-of-constant-disruption 
page 17 

[Canvas 1 - The Ecosystem Canvas - source and download at www.platformdesigntoolkit.com] 
It’s  very  rare  if  not  impossible  to  see  a  large  organization  behave  as  a peer because of one key 
reason:  peers  operate  in  the  long  tail  -  the  part  of  the  market  which  is  fragmenting  -  and 
therefore  it’s  not  economically  viable  and  interesting,  for  a  large  company,  to  play  in  that 
context  of the digital marketplace; large companies usually go for the concentrating part of the 
market (infrastructures or customer relationship/platform business). That’s why we’re typically 
referring  to  individuals  and  small-medium  ventures  when  we  talk  about  peers. In higher value 
platforms, by the way, it’s not impossible to see large organizations acting as peers. 
Peers  can  be  usually  re-segmented  in  two types. The  rst type, the Consuming Peers (CP) that 
we  may  also  call  “users”,  are  entities  that  are  essentially  interested  in  consuming,  utilizing  or 
accessing  the  value  that  the  is  created through the platform in the ecosystem. As in traditional 
business  models, users can therefore be companies (think of “users” of an accounting software) 
and not just, individuals.   
The  second  type  is  what  we  call  Producing  Peers  (PP),  we  could  also  call  producers, prosumers, 
providers:  these  are  entities  interested  in  providing  value  on  the  supply  side  of  the ecosystem. 
Typically,  these  players  can  produce  value  occasionally  and not systematically. Often the same 
peer  may  behave as both consumer and producer in different phases of its relationship with the 
brand-platform.  Like  in  the  case  of  a  traveller  that  also  rents  his  house  when he’s not at home, 
such  a user may sometimes contribute value and other times consume it, depending on lifetime 
phases, contexts and more. Producing peer can as well be SMBs or individuals. 

page 18 


With the upcoming revolution in smart contracts, soon we may have to consider the de nition of 
"peers" to go beyond humans and SME's. This "peer entity" operating on the open marketplace could 
become some sort of "node": a human, a legal entity, a group, a software agent, an algorithm or, just, a 
thing41. Our de nition of a peer as an entity carrying a speci c interest/objective is suf ciently future 
proof to accommodate for the future evolutions: 
“Imagine in the future —summoning a taxi that not only has no driver, but that belongs to a 
computer network, not to a human being. The network has raised funds, signed contracts, and taken 
delivery of vehicles, even though its headquarters is distributed all over the net.42” 
Matt Ridley 

[Deepening Box 4: a future proof de nition of peers] 



Control  Impacted  Producing / Supply side  Demand Side 

players who own  entities that have  professional  entities  entities 

the vision  a speci c  entities that  interested in  interested in 
behind the  interest in  seek to create  providing value  consuming, 
realization of the  platform success  additional value  on the supply  utilizing, 
market and  or failure, in  and to  side of the  accessing the 
ensure that the  controlling  collaborate with  ecosystem/mark value that the is 
platform exists  platform  platform owners  etplace, seeking  created through 
externalities and  with a stronger  for a better  and on the 
  outcomes  relationship  performance  platform 

[Table 5 - The roles around platforms, according to the Platform Design Toolkit model]  
On  the  same  side  of  the  spectrum  (the  producing  one)  we  also  nd  Partners.  Partners  are 
essentially  professional  entities  -  again,  also  individuals  -  that  seek  to  create  additional  value 
and  to  collaborate  with  platform  owners  at  a  stronger  level  of  relationship  that  we  may  even 
de ne  “strategic”  for  them.  Typically,  partners  are  businesses  or  professionals  that  tend  to 
become  specialized  in  a  niche,  provide  advanced  or  premium  services  and  that  -  in  general  - 
want  to  improve,  become  better  and  monetize  their  own  capabilities.  Partners  want  to  stand 
out  from  the  crowd  as  “the  best  ones”.  Partners  sometimes  also  take  other  key  roles  in  the 
ecosystem,  such as that of the facilitation of the value production process, by acting as brokers, 

In the Future, Ownerless Companies Will Live on the Blockchain - Singularity HUB. (2016) [online]. 
Available at: 
http://singularityhub.com/2016/02/16/how-ownerless- rms-will-soon-live-on-the-blockchain/  
Matt Ridley - The Evolution of Everything: How New Ideas Emerge - Harper Collins Publisher 
page 19 

connectors  or  providers  of  collateral  elements  of  value.  Partners  often  embody  the  customer 
relationship role previously described as part of the platform scope. 
In  particularly  polarized  platforms,  where  the  market  substantially  has  two  sides  (supply  and 
demand)  the  partner  could  be  an  evolution  of  the producing peer into a more professionalized 
entity.  This  evolution  is  typically  well  received  from  the  platform  since  partners  drive  more 
value  than  peer  producers  and  are  able  to  pull  many  other  players  towards  better  overall 
platform  experience.  With  the  already  mentioned  evolution  towards  market  networks,  with 
more  differentiated  work ows  and  niche  market  shaping  strategies, the role of the partners is 
likely gaining even more importance. 
The  tendency  of  evolving  into  being  more  professionalized  (for  example  becoming  a  partner), 
re ects  another  key  aspect  that  is  driving  platform  success  in  the  world  of  business:  that  of 
being  a  powerful  context  for  learning and improving. In a particularly precious distinction that 
he  makes  while  introducing  the  concept  of  platforms  in  the  already  cited  “The  power  of 
platforms:  Part  of  the  ‘Business  ecosystems  come  of  age’  report,  John  Hagel  explains  that  we 
may have to do with four macro platform-types, as depicted in Table 6.  
AGGREGATION PLATFORMS  Focus on transactions, connecting users to resources 

SOCIAL PLATFORMS  Focus on social interactions, connecting individuals to 


MOBILIZATION PLATFORMS  Helping people to “act together” on a long term challenge 

LEARNING PLATFORMS  Aiming  to  facilitate  learning,  help  participants  realize  more 
together and hone their capabilities 

[Table 6 - John Hagel’s platform classi cation: Learning features are always present in successful platforms] 
Despite,  quite  often,  platforms  leverage  on  a  mix  of  these traits, an essential insight is that the 
most  successful  ones  are those fostering a learning process43. Many successful platforms work 
as  spaces  where  participants  can  nd  guidance,  support  services  (we’ll  explore  this  later)  and 
an  easier  way  to  confront  with  the  increasing  complexity  they  face  in  their  lives,  due  to  the 
increasing rate of disruption. 
As  an  example,  sharing  economy  and  “gig  economy”44  platforms  such  as  Airbnb  are  -  as 
collateral  consequence  of  their  business  -  helping  participants  having  hard  times  in  nding 
traditional  jobs  to  become  travel  hosts,  professionalize  and  create  a  stable  income  in 
hospitality  industry.  In  similar  ways, professionals now working on platforms (ranging from the 

S. Cicero - Why Platforms need to be Engines of Learning — Stories of Platform Design 
Available at: 
A. Sundararajan. - The ‘gig economy’ is coming. What will it mean for work? | [online] Available at: 
page 20 

interior  designer  promoting  her  work  on  the  Houzz45  platform  to  the  small  application 
development  studio  that  makes  apps  and  distributes  them  on  the  major  app  stores)  can  nd 
exceptional  opportunities  and  see  their  business  improve  in  unprecedented  ways,  often 
internationally,  thanks  to  the  attracting  nature  that  platforms  have  on  the  demand  side of the 
marketplace.  Being  able  to  advertise  their  speci c  value  to  a larger pool of recipients, the best 
professionals can nd astounding opportunities for business growth, stability and recognition. 

Airbnb Host → Airbnb Superhost 

AngelList Angel → AngelList Syndicate coordinator 

eToro Trader → eToro Popular Investor 

[Table 7 - Example of evolutions from Peers to Partners, most of these paths are learning centric] 
According  to  internet  guru  Tim  O’Reilly  one  of  the  key  duties  of platforms is indeed to reward 
these  best  performers  by  “investing  in  reputation  systems,  search  algorithms,  and  other 
mechanisms that help bring the best to the top.”  
Using  the  Ecosystems  Canvas  to  map  all  the  entities  involved  –  or  to  be  involved  –  is  a  great 
starting  point  to  approach  another  key  aspect  of  platform  design  thinking:  identifying  existing 
incentives  and  motivations  and  design  the  platform  along  these  lines.  For  this  key  task  the 
Platform Design Toolkit provides you with the Ecosystem’s Motivation Matrix (see Canvas 2). 
Entities  involved  in  an  ecosystem  may  nd  two  macro-types  of  incentives  in  joining  it  and 
starting  to  produce  value  through the platform: intrinsic motivation (advantages in joining the 
system  vs.  playing  independently  on the same market) and give-take opportunities (possibility 
to build relationship, transact and trade value with other players, through the platform). 
The  latter  can  be  identi ed  quite  easily  and  are  often  underestimated  in  importance:  as  we 
previously  explained,  platforms  have  the  key  role  of  helping  brands  complement  traditionally 
produced  industrial  services  that  are  costly  and  don't  cope  with  long  tail  low  volume 
customers.  Peer  to  peer  transactions,  effectively  leaving  players  in  the  ecosystem  to  service 
each  other  creating  value  independently,  imply  much lesser “production” cost for the platform 
owner:  think of the difference between building an hotel offering, and helping people rent each 
other's rooms as Airbnb is doing. 

O’Reilly, T. (2015). Networks and the Nature of the Firm — What’s The Future of Work?. [online] 
Medium. Available at: 
https://medium.com/the-wtf-economy/networks-and-the-nature-of-the- rm-28790b6afdcc#.pdxcyhl5
page 21 

[Canvas 2 - The Ecosystem’s Motivation Matrix - source and download at www.platformdesigntoolkit.com] 

[Figure 5 - an iconic tweet by Airbnb’s co-founder Brian Chesky explaining how platforms can better deal with the 
long tail, respect to traditional, industrial businesses and grow much faster] 
Building  platform’s  value  propositions  in  line  with  existing  strong  intrinsic  motivations  is 
instead  central  to  the  already  discussed  implementation  of  a  shaping  strategy:  convincing 
everyone  in  the  ecosystem  that  betting  on  the  platform-infrastructure  will  be  a winning move 
is  essential  to  the  platform’s  success.  Deepening  Box  5  shows  how  Bitcoin  shaping  strategy 
intercepted the ecosystem’s intrinsic motivations. 

page 22 



Entity  Motivation to Join  

Users (Peers)  Exchange money with low fees 

  Exchange money (pseudo)-anonymously 

Miners47 (Partners)  Make value out of computing power and real 


Higher Level Service Developers  Use a secure, distributed, transaction 

information layer without having to deal with 
infrastructure management 

[Deepening Box 5: Bitcoin & Blockchain Shaping strategy] 
As  brie y  explained  already,  we  can  therefore  identify  two  macro-types  of  transactions 
happening  in  a  platform  enabled  ecosystem:  services  and  transactions.  With  services  we 
consider  everything  that  is  organized  by  the  platform  (platform  provided)  towards  the  three 
classes of entities that collaborate with it: Peer Consumers, Peer Producers and Partners. 
A  particular  class  of  services,  that  we  call  Enabling  Services,  are  those targeted to helping the 
more  professionalized,  the  partners,  to  generate  more  value  from  their  professional 
capabilities:  get  more  visibility,  market  opportunities  and  eventually  improve  as  professionals 
or  commercial  entities.  In  a  similar  way  Empowering  Services  are  created  to  help  peer 
producers  to  hone  their  capabilities,  generate  more  opportunities  and  to  start  the 
evolutionary,  learning,  process  that  eventually  may  let  them  evolve  into  Partners.  Even  if  we 
call  these  set  of  services  differently  to  be  able  to  discriminate,  they are – most often – similar: 
empowering  services  are  typically proposed to all producers (partners and peers) and enabling 
services  are  often  additional,  premium  features  available  only  to  partners  (also  working  as  a 
motivators  for  peers  to  evolve  into  partners).  A  clear  example  of  distinction  between  peer 
producer  versus  partner  services  could  be  the  difference  between  giving  independent 
developers  the  ability  to  publish  apps on a marketplace (empowering service for all producers) 
versus  the  ability  for  the  most  advanced  to  advertise  the  app  by  buying  special  advertising 
spots in the marketplace storefront (enabling). 
The ultimate motivation for a platform to provide enabling and empowering services is to allow 
more  value  creation.  The  bulk  of  value  in  platform  economics  typically  comes  from  what  we 
call  “transactions”  or  “exchanges”  (transactions  happening  in  peer  to  peer)  more  than  with 
complementary  industrialized  services  that the platform may provide to consumers. Platforms 

Also platform/infrastructure owners 
page 23 

and  ecosystems  grow  and  stay  competitive  by  leveraging  on  economies  of  scope:  peer  to  peer 
economics  are  a  powerful  tool  to  ensure  that  the  brand  can  provide  an  in nite  number  of 
different  experiences,  starting  from  a  common  technology  infrastructure.  By  involving 
individuals  and  small  entities  in  co-creating  and  impersonating  the  value  proposition,  the 
brand-platform  can  generate  something  unique  and  diversi ed  that  can  t the expectations we 
brie y depicted in the introduction chapter (fast – relevant – personal - human). 

[Canvas 3 - The Platform Design Canvas - source and download at www.platformdesigntoolkit.com] 
In  a  great  analysis,  Accenture’s  Mark  Mc  Donald  explains  that  while  “expanding  a  company’s 
product  and  service  options  is  an  industrial  response  [...]  such  mass  customization  strategies  are 
fundamentally  self-defeating” .  Substantially,  while  big  data  and  analytics  may  give  marketers 
the  illusion  of  being  able  to  push  every  possible  offer  to the user, what’s more important is the 
capability  to  provide  her  with  information  that  she  can  humanly  understand,  which  feels 
natural  and  therefore  meaningful  and  well  received.  Human  (peers)  mediated systems such as 
platform  enabled  ecosystems  provide  a  powerful  mean  to generate mass personalization that 
is  human,  contextual  and  tailored  through  peer-to-peer  conversations.  When  a  user  books  a 
room  on  Airbnb:  besides  being  able  to  target  almost  every  city  angle  -  according  to its needs - 
he  can  also  freely  interact  with  the  host  and  accommodate  for  its  peculiar  needs  to  the  detail 
(arrival time, special needs, etc...) and feel welcome. 

Mc Donald, M. (2016). Precision and Diversity—Hallmarks of the Digital Future. [online] 
Accenture.com. Available at: 
page 24 


The  role  of  channels  and  contexts  for  exchange  is  crucial  in  platforms  to  let exchanges  ow as 
much  as  possible.  In  virtue  of  the  motivations  for  giving  and  taking  (identi ed  thanks  to  the 
motivation matrix) entities in the ecosystem will set up for transactions. 
Transactions  are  characterized  by  one  giver,  one  taker  and  an  element  of  value.  As  much  as 
those  transactions  are  eminently  mapped  in  available  channels  and  combined  -  by  means  of  a 
design  sensibility  -  in  full  platform experiences, as much the participants to the ecosystem will 
be  incentivised  to  make  these  transactions  happen  inside  the  platform,  and  not  around  it  by 
nding workarounds, and the platform will be successful. 
Platforms  live  on  the  promise  to  capture  an  amount  of  value  that  is  smaller  than  the  value 
generated.  Being  ef cient  in  capturing this value is essential for platform survival. If a platform 
doesn’t  offer  any  long  term  experience  booster  respect  to  an  episodic  relationship  that  may 
well  happen  outside  of  it,  it  will  probably  be  shortcutted.  As  an  example,  Airbnb  hosts  are 
incentivised  to  make  transactions  happen  inside  the  platform  thanks  to  the  powerful 
reinforcing  effect  that  reputation  capital gives them in attracting the next booking and emerge 
from  the  anonymity  of  the  crowd.  Similarly  the  fact  that  the  Airbnb  platform  offers  free  1M$ 
cover insurance to hosts gives them a powerful incentive to stay inside. 
Beyond  exchanges  happening  between  Peers  and  Partners  and  beyond  the  services  that  the 
platforms  provides  targeted  to  the  productive  forces  in  the  ecosystem  (enabling  and 
empowering),  the  platform  might  also  provide  top  down,  industrialized  services  to  peer 
consumers  as  complementary parts of the experiences provided by the ecosystem by means of 
the peer to peer and partner to peer transactions. 
As  an  example,  beyond  providing  the  typical  application  marketplace,  all  major  smartphone 
operating  system  brands  such  as  Google  and  Apple,  provide  and  monetize  a  bulk  of,  platform 
provided,  consumer  services  such  as  email,  storage  and  more,  around  which  the  experience  is 
complemented by means of independently developed applications. 
While  providing  complimentary  mass  consumer  services  might  be  a  challenging  task  for 
platform  builders,  these  are  often  powerful  attractors  in  early  stages  as  they  provide  the  so 
called  “single  user  utility”:  features  that  users may  nd useful even if there’s not yet a relevant 
ecosystem  provided  supply  available  on  the  platform .  This  single  user  utility  can  steadily 
attract  users  to  the  platform/ecosystem  before  the  necessary  network  effects  kick  in.  These 
services may also sometimes be used as experience boosters for premium users that may pay a 
premium fee to receive a better service with the direct intervention of the brand. 
Despite  being  different  from  industrial  businesses  and  not  being  properly  modelable  with the 
Business  Model  concept  (and  canvas),  platform  business  cannot  escape  the  need  to  have  a 

Wilson, F. (2016). Single User Utility In A Social System – AVC. [online] Avc.com. Available at: 

page 25 

clear  value  proposition.  This  proposition  shouldn’t  be  necessarily  targeted  to  a  peer  consumer 
(or  “customer”  to  be  serviced)  and  can  be  more  generally  targeted  towards  a  peer  (also  a 
producing one) or partner. We can easily talk about peer segments. 
Typically  platforms  don’t  hold  just  one  value  proposition:  that’s  typical  of  industrial  business 
that  organize  production  keeping  just  one  “target”  in  mind.  That’s  why  the  Platform  Design 
Canvas  explicitly  identi es  a  primary,  Core  Value  Proposition  and  leaves  room  for  ancillary 
ones.  The  Core  Value  Proposition  is  usually  targeting  consumer  peers,  if  not  because  they’re 
typically  the  larger  set  of  players  in  the  system,  because  they are often the ones paying fees in 
exchange  of  value.  In  some  cases  by  the  way,  especially  in  market-networks  and  more  niche 
oriented  contexts,  where  the  volume  of  transaction  is  lower  and  value  of  transaction  is 
greater  partners  might  be  the  primary  targets  of  the Core Value Proposition. A good example 
is  Honeybook ,  the  event  planning  platform,  whose  value  proposition is de nitely targeted to 
partners,  even  if  end  user/customer  might  still  interact  with  it  through  targeted  platform 
Note  that  both  services  and  transactions  (exchanges)  can  make  the  platform’s  core  value 
proposition  or  even  the  ancillary  one:  most  of  the  time  is  an  -  opportunely  designed  - 
combination of them that makes the complex value proposition. 


page 26 

[Figure 6 - the two sides of platform design] 

[Figure 7 - the three types of platform provided services] 

page 27 


Privatequity.biz  Platform for accessing to  Pre-IPO Shareholders  Pre-IPO Shareholders 

pre-IPO securities and - in  (peer consumers)  (monetize) 
the same time - creating     
channels for exchange and  Investors  Investors 
trading  (peer producers/partners)  (diversify investments with 
higher risk assets) 

Market Invoice  Platform for accessing  Invoice holding company  Invoice holding company 
unpaid invoices and - at the  (peer consumers)  (ensure cash ow) 
same time - creating     
channels for trading (the  Investors  Investors 
Arena)  (peer producers/partners)  (make up short term 
investing fees) 

Lendinvest  Platform connecting lenders  Real Estate Lenders /  Real Estate Lenders / 
with investors that are  developers  developers 
interested in the speci c  (peer consumers)  (access to short term 
real estate development    exible loans for real estate 
market  Investors   development, Buy-to-Let, 
(peer producers/partners)  etc...) 
(make short term investing 
fees on a low risk market) 

EToro  Platform offering bundled  Investors  Investors 

access to Stocks,  (peer consumers)  ( nd information about the 
  Currencies, Indices and    best investing strategies) 
Commodities and channels  Popular Investors   
for helping investor  (partners)  Popular Investors 
connect, develop and mimic    (monetize investment 
strategies by trading  In eToro the object of the  market knowledge and time 
information  trade is information  spent on curating strategies) 

Hyperledger  Interface (blockchain code)  NA  NA 

or Infrastructure (shared 

Kantox  A platform offering  Peer producer/consumer  Peer producer/consumer 

channels for managing and  (companies selling and  (sell foreign currency at 
exchanging foreign currency  buying currency)  advantageous rate) 
among companies 

Angel List  A platform offering  Startups  Startups 

channels for early stage  (Peer consumer )  (raise money easily) 
investors and startups to     
connect for deals and  Investors  Investors 
funding  (Peer producers)  (invest easily and control 
Syndicate coordinators   
(Partners)  Syndicate coordinators 
(monetize investing 
knowledge and time spent 
on curating strategies ) 

[Table 8- Comparative table of exemplary case studies of platforms and infrastructures in nancial markets] 

page 28 

Long tail customer can be  Platforms help brands serve long tail customers: peer to peer 
pro table with peer to  transactions complement centralized services and help create 
peer  customized peer experiences in ways that are impossible for brands to 

Humanize services with  Peer to peer is the best way to humanize service personalization 
peer to peer  achieving mass market personalization (beyond marketing options 

Shaping strategies  A market galvanizing shaping strategy is essential to conquer and 

transform markets: designing incentives matters more than building 

Enabling a learning  Learning is an essential trait of platform shaped markets: in times of 
process is key   performance pressure, a learning process becomes the key product 
you're offering on a platform 

Centrally provided  On platforms is the combination of centrally organized services and 

services can complement  peer to peer transactions that makes the value proposition 
peer to peer interactions 


page 29 


But  when  is  the  right  time  to  “become  a  platform”  or,  more  properly,  experiment  platform 
dynamics?  As  we’ve seen in this paper, platforms are tools that organizations can use to expand 
their  reach,  shape  markets  and  gain  market  dominance:  is  this  something  all  companies  and 
organization shall pursue? 
A  number  of  studies  we  already  cited  demonstrate  that  the  “networked  business”  and  the 
platform  approach  is  desirable  from  a  business  performance  standpoint.  Furthermore,  this 
approach  helps  companies  explore  more  possibilities  in  the  market:  creating  a  new  value 
proposition  using  a  platform  approach  is  mainly  done  by means of a design empowered vision 
and  by  leveraging  available  inventory, market forces and capabilities in the ecosystem. Shaping 
a  strategy  that  “pulls”  everything  and  everyone  in,  is  a  more  performing  alternative  to 
industrially  organizing  production  by  looking at all the detail and taking charge of coordinating 
everyone in the business process. 
Market  incumbents  need  to  cope  with  the  evolutionary  path  that  every  business  process  -  as 
every  human  activity  -  ends  up  with:  value  propositions  evolve  from  novelty  to  ubiquitous 
utilities  and  -  as  seen  in  chapter  one  - a key differentiator of the winning organization of today 
is  recognizing  when  a  value  proposition  is  approaching  commoditization  and  reimagining 
higher value services, on top of it, in a continuous Innovate - Leverage – Componentize cycle. 
It’s  also  important  for  brands  to  carefully  understand  market  dynamics  when making a leap to 
higher  value  services:  brands  must  learn  to  understand  the  data  they  get  from their user base 
and  carefully  observe  what  happens  in  the  market they’re empowering. As a result, companies 
playing  the  infrastructure  role  may  be  better  at  climbing  the  value  chain  by “infrastructurising” 
upper  layers  continuing  to  innovate  horizontally  instead  of  vertically  (with  a  true  “platform 
As  platform  researcher  S.  Choudary  says,  platforms  are  capable  of  “bringing  order  to  existing 
disordered  markets”51:  this  vision  of  platforms  as  powerful  “market  shapers”  is  not  new  –  it  has 
been  central  in all the explanation - but explains really well when a platform-marketplace move 
is  worth  trying.  Generally,  a  platform  strategic  move  is  worth  trying  on  markets  that  show 
weak points the reader can see in Table 9. 

S. Choudary - The future of competition - Platform Strategy Blog. Available at: 
page 30 


When access to supply side of a market is  By offering a common storefront, enabling 
prevented by signi cant barriers in marketing,  services and tools 
technology or process complexity 

When relevant inventory of assets, resources,  By offering easy onboarding services to join the 
talent is dormant  marketplace 

When access to demand side of a market is  By lowering transaction cost and by providing 
pricey  support to new (larger) set of providers  

When services are fragmented, managed by  Facilitating common practices on multiple 
different gatekeepers on a geographical (cities,  context by offering common tools 
national) or industry speci c context  

Have obsolete pricing schemes  By letting providers experiment with price 

instead of centrally regulating 

Have a low consumer-producer trust and give  By creating mechanisms to let the best emerge, 
no means to incentivise quality and leverage on  on top of their reputation 

[Table 9 - How platforms solve issues and when a platform move is worth] 
Since  a  while  now,  a  common  understanding  of  the  theory  of  business  innovation  -  and 
innovation  portfolio  management -  classi es  innovation  strategies  in  three  macro-groups: 
core  innovation  (serving  better  your  existing  customers  or  improving  your  existing  offering), 
adjacent  innovation  (exploring  markets  that  are  adjacent  to  yours  where  you  can  easily 
leverage on your leading position in core market) and transformative innovation (exploring the 
new - products and customer segments). 
In  an  extended  view  -  made  possible  by  the  radically  transformative  times  we  are  living  -  we 
can  even  consider  the  transformative  innovation  to  be de ned as evolving into “systemic”. In a 
concept  popularised  by  Peter  Diamandis  and  the  Singularity  University  of  Massively 
Transformative  Purpose:  transformative  ideas  that  can  bring  positive,  systemic,  bene cial 
change  in  the  long  term  and  motivate  large  number  of  players  inside  and  outside  the 
The  gure  8  explains  how  when  you  innovate  in  core  and  adjacent  markets  you’re  essentially 
doing  marketing  strategy  (i.e.:  short-  to  mid-term  increase  of  revenues)  while  when  you  move 

Nagji, B. and Tuff, G. (2012). Managing Your Innovation Portfolio. [online] Harvard Business Review. 
Available at: https://hbr.org/2012/05/managing-your-innovation-portfolio 
page 31 

onto  transformational/systemic  innovation  you  move  in  the  eld  of  the  so  called  business 

[Figure 8 - Fields of innovation: evolving a business strategy is now easier due to platform model, less CapEx, more potential] 
Transformative innovations can help brands nd new extendable cores that may help achieve 
long term perspectives by providing the organization a new route to resilience : a business line 
that can generate an exponentially growing revenue base that, in the longer term, can 
essentially integrate and substitute the core business. 
Exploring  new  business  strategies  it’s  easier  if  adopting  a  platform  approach  that  is  able  to 
control  CapEx  while  still  opening  possibilities  for  market  shaping  strategies.  Companies  also 
55 56
need  to  refer  to  their  existing  assets  when  doing  so.  Resource  Based  View     or  other 
“unbundling”  techniques  are  generally  useful  to  identify  essential  resources  that  may 
constitute  an  -  at  least  transient  -  competitive  advantage  and  may  represent  resources  to 
leverage in envisioning how to intervene in a market. 
Wessel, M. and Christensen, C. M. (2012). Surviving Disruption. [online]  Harvard Business Review. 
Available at: https://hbr.org/2012/12/surviving-disruption  
Gilbert, C., Eyring, M. and Foster, R. N. (2012) Two Routes to Resilience. [online] Harvard Business 
Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2012/12/two-routes-to-resilience  
Resource-based view. (2016). [online] Wikipedia. Available at: 
Wernerfelt, B. "A resource‐based view of the rm." Strategic management journal 5.2 (1984): 171-180. 
page 32 

To  successfully  achieve  the  dual  strategy  that  allows  them  to  componentize  industrialized 
parts  of  their  business  process,  while  seeking  for  higher  level  innovations  in  new  and 
potentially  unrelated  markets,  brands  should  develop  the  capability  to  be  ambidextrous  and 
be able to pursue “exploration and exploitation techniques” at the same time.  
While  exploitation  might  be  a  consolidated  practice  in  the  corporate  and  incumbent  world, 
exploration  is  a  much  rarer  capability.  In  a  very  clear  explanation  of  the  core  capabilities  that 
make  a  company  able  to  explore,  a  number  of  innovation  practitioners  recently  coined  the 
concept  of  responsive  organizations  and  their  effort  even  converged  in  the  responsive.org 
community  of  practice .  Responsive  organizations “are built to learn and respond rapidly through 
the  open  ow  of  information;  encouraging  experimentation  and  learning  on  rapid  cycles;  and 
organizing as a network of employees, customers, and partners motivated by shared purpose”. 
Beyond  the  responsive  organization  concept,  this  description  identi es  few  key  traits  of 
organizations  that  are  empowered  to  reach  new  objectives  in  markets  that  are  ripe  for 
transformation. These traits are brie y resumed in Table 10. 
EXPERIMENTAL  Are  driven  by  maximization  of  learning  and  not  necessarily 
maximization of size or revenues  

ENTREPRENEURIAL  Depend  on  the  potential  of  the  employee  to  self-manage  and 

CUSTOMER DRIVEN  Are obsessional about ful lling customer expectations & desires 

PLATFORM CAPABLE  See  the  boundaries  of  the  organization  as  blended  in  terms  of 
workforce, resources, skills 

[Table 10 - key traits of innovation capable organizations in digital markets] 
To  enable  responsiveness  and exploration organizations should stand on three enabling pillars. 
First  among  these  pillars  is  solid  and  elastic  technology  infrastructure  that  -  according  to 
Accenture’s  Mark  McDonald  ”represent  the  ability  to  generate  multiple  revenue  streams  over  the 
same  set  of  assets” .  Organizations  must  therefore  learn  the  mastery  of  adopting  computing 
60 61
utilities   “ exible  service  infrastructures”   as  author  and  strategic  consultant  Haydn 

McDonald, M. (2015). Precision and Diversity—Hallmarks of the Digital Future. [online] Accenture.com. 
Available at: 
Such as Amazon Web Services. An interesting case study read might be that of Airbnb building and 
scaling its platform on top of AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/it/solutions/case-studies/airbnb/ 
Haydn Shaughnessy, in association with Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work, (2016).The Fluid 
Core [online] Cognizant.com. Available at: 
page 33 

Shaughnessy  calls  them.  In  this  framework,  incumbent  players  must  carefully  consider  that 
strangling  contracts  with  technology  and  business  process  outsourcer  may  end  up  being  a 
bottleneck in the use of technology in support of new business strategies.  
Furthermore,  responsive  organizations  must  rely  on  post  hierarchical  and  networked 
organization  designs  -  and  business  architectures  -  that  allow  for  self-organization.  These 
organizations  rely  on  rituals  for  real-time  strategy-making,  toolkits  for  collective  decision 
making,  self-directed  teams  and  individuals  that  are  keen  to  self-management.  Tools,  ranging 
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from  monolithic  and  encompassing  Holacracy®   to  simpler  and  more  adaptable  LiquidOTM , 
have  been  experimented  widely  and  are  collecting  failures  and  success  stories  to  confront 
with, when developing a own way to company transformation.  
But  beyond  tools  and  processes,  the  most  powerful  leverages  to  eventually  generate  new 
capabilities  for  platform  thinking  and  exponential  innovation,  are  company  culture  and 
competences .  Design  literacy  (Service  Design  Thinking,  Human  Centered  Design)  coupled 
with  customer  driven  culture  (UX  research,  Customer  Driven  Development)  can  help  brands 
maximize  value  creation  on  the  user  side;  a  culture  of  leanness  and  waste  avoidance  coupled 
with  an  agile  mindset  (attached  to  the  basic  agile  manifesto   principles)  can  help  them 
ef ciently iterate towards their real time identi ed objectives. 
No more core business  In the modern digitalized market there's no more core business: 
business strategy must look at every industry and have transformative 

Ambidextrous  Companies must nurture the capability to be ambidextrous: being able 

organizations  to consolidate and optimize existing business lines while exploring new 

A cultural leap is needed  Developing the exploration mindset needs three essential enablers 
  cultural and capabilities leap, organizational change and an elastic 
access to technology 

Platforms reduce CapEx  Platform moves are an essential tool to explore new markets: incentive 
design can help companies leverage on ecosystem potential and 
strongly reduce CapEx needed to shape markets 

Holacracy is a new way of running an organization that removes power from a management hierarchy 
and distributes it across clear roles that are impersonated by employees contextually. The work can then 
be executed autonomously, without micromanagement. http://www.holacracy.org/ 
LiquidO™ is an original “liquid organisation” model for governance - born from the experience within 
Cocoon Projects - which is responding to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration 
needs within modern company structures. http://liquido.cocoonprojects.com/ 
Verzera, S. (2016). [online] The Huf ngton Post. Available at: 
http://www.huf ngtonpost.com/great-work-cultures/the-future-of-work-people_b_8457018.html 
[Accessed 10 Mar. 2016]. 
Manifesto for Agile Software Development. (2016). [online] Agilemanifesto.org. Available at: 
page 34 

Embracing  platform  design  and  the  ecosystemic  way  of  thinking  is  not  a  small challenge but is 
de nitely a challenge that every organization should be interested in taking: it promises to help 
organizations in building new sources of long term business resilience. 
Despite  investments  might  be  an  enabling  factor  in  the  process,  it’s  likely  that  CapEx  are  not 
going  to  be  the  lacking  ingredient  in  digital  transformation  strategies:  a  much  stronger 
restraint  to  building  thriving  organization  for  the  connected  age  is,  more  frequently,  lack  of  a 
company  culture  of  curiosity,  systemic  bureaucracy  and  most  often,  lack  of  leadership  in  the 
An  effort  in  building  the  right  set  of  innovation  capabilities  and  a  constructive  culture  of 
collaboration  will  be essential: the creation of smaller units that can be free to experiment with 
new  ways  -  to  be  later  scaled  to  the  rest  of  the  organization  -  is  also  a  proven  strategy.  The 
latter,  represents  also  a  familiar  approach  to  incumbents:  banks,  for  example,  once  faced  the 
new  opportunities  in  the  emergence  of  the  web  channel  by  creating  new,  dedicated,  units  or 
subsidiaries that have been later reabsorbed in the company structure entirely. 
Lastly,  brands  need  to  understand  that  new  market  opportunities  are  available  across  the 
whole  spectrum  of  industries,  some  of  them  we  don’t  know  yet  but  we can create: any market 
can  be  shaped  or  reshaped  by  the right vision and a powerful set of incentives. As Hagel said in 
the  seminal  book  The  Power  of  Pull,  “small  moves,  smartly  made,  can set big things in motion.” 

The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, C., Hagel III, J., Davison, L. and Brown, J. (2016). The Power of 
Pull. [online] Goodreads. Available at: 
page 35 


This White Paper is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 
International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). View a copy of this license here. 

I  sincerely  want  to  thank  John  Hagel  III,  Ezio  Manzini,  Simon  Wardley,  Javier  Creus,  Haydn 
Shaughnessy,  and  Sangeet  P.  Choudary for their work on design thinking, business analysis and 
platform  modeling,  for  having  inspired  much  of  my  work  and  exchanged  ideas  and  feedback 
with  me  directly  in  many  cases.  Special  thanks  also  goes  to  Stelio  Verzera  from whom I stole a 
lot  of  key  ideas  and  to  Eugenio  Battaglia,  Chiara  Agamennone  and  Jocelyn  Ibarra  from  the 
Platform Design Toolkit team for the precious research work done together. A key contribution 
to  the  realization  of  this  paper  was  also  the  one  from  OLAB,  our  technical  partner,  and 
especially Sara De Franceschi for the amazing work on graphics. 
Furthermore  I  want  to  say  thanks  to  Javier  Celaya  and  Angus  Scott  for  having  given  early 
feedback that’s been very useful for the structuring of this piece of work.  
Finally,  huge  thanks  go  to  Peter  Vander  Auwera  (Co-Founder  Innotribe)  and  Fabian 
Vandenreydt  (Global  Head  of  Securities  Markets,  Innotribe,  and  the  SWIFT  Institute)  from 
SWIFT  for  having  supported,  sponsored  and  helped  structure  this piece of work from the very 
Networking by Ricardo Ruíz from the Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/term/networking/362134/  
Tiles by Jakob Vogel from the Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/term/tiles/47579/  
Honeycomb by Alexis Boudal from the Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/term/honeycomb/61239/  
Network by Rob Armes from the Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/term/network/160209/  
The  Platform  Design  Toolkit  has  been  developed  by  Simone 
Cicero  and  the  Platform  Design  Toolkit  team  and  is  originally 
inspired  by  the  Business  Model  Generation  Canvas  by  Alex 
Osterwalder (http://www.businessmodelgeneration.com). 
The  Platform  Design  Toolkit  is  licensed  under  the  Creative 
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.  
All les are available in PDF for download at www.platformdesigntoolkit.com  

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