Rheans Final Research 123
Rheans Final Research 123
Rheans Final Research 123
A Research Proposal
Ranoco, Rheans
September 2017
competencies, Work ethics and values, relevant to pursuing further education and / or
joining the world of work. To achieve their greater congruence between basic education
and the nations develop targets, Work Immersion, a required subject has been
incorporated in the curriculum. Work Immersion provides them with an avenue to test
them and apply what they have learned in a non-school scenario. In Work Immersion,
learners are not only able to apply their previous training but are also be able to
experience the social interactions in a work environment. Their experiences during Work
Immersion will develop many skills and values that would help them as they transition
Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum,
which involves hands on experience or work simulation in which learners applies their
competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track. Work Immersion help to
develop among the learners life and career skills, and prepares them to make decision
the partner Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, work
Southville 1 Integrated National High School S.Y 2017-2018 regarding the immersion
training of the students during vacation days and during academic year. This study
wants to know the comparison of performance in work immersion during vacation and
during academic year. The concern of this study is to know the effect of work immersion
to the student performance during academic year, especially now that there are some
activities school work that they are now facing.This study explored the relationship
between performance of the students in work immersion during vacation days and
during academic year at the Southville 1 Integrated National High school these
requirement could cause more students that participate in work immersion have higher
These are greater need to truly understand what is the impact for the students to
(J.Horine.1993) to support this study by theory generally states that the success in any
system requires more than best effort and hard work from the administrator. The most
belong to the system and the responsibility of the management while workers are just
trying to do the best job that they can deliver within the constants of the system.
Each of the three materials will be reviewed in chronological order and then
compared and contrasted with each other to see what the disparate perspectives can
yield when Brought together. The author of this paper was trained in the second
documents methods in the early 2000s and is writing this paper to place his education
and experience in context of the greater field of the study. By reviewing the materials
can be placed in an appropriate context and there evaluated to see where current theory
can be used to approve or amend it to be more effective .Purpose determine the trust
and direction of a system input on the other hand is characterized as the primary
element that motivate an action of a system. Meanwhile processes are the sequences of
work stage that transform input to outputs and output is what the system produces.
The Conceptual Framework shows the flow of the study. It started with identifying the
Performance in Work
Immersion during
Academic Year
Ability to do Survey
Experience Data analysis
Have focus in
time Comparative
Work Immersion
during Academic Data Gathering
es in school
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Shows the clear structed paradigm of the study the conceptual model serves as
the guides of the Researcher in attaining objectives of the study. The conceptual model
consist of three frame the input, process and output. The Input includes the ability to do
job, experience, have focus on time and the work immersion during academic year such
second box show the process involve in information gathering through of survey, data
analysis, comparative, interview and data gathering which involves data collection and
organization. Lastly the third box consists of the output of the study.
1.1 Age
1.2 Religion
1.3 Sex
1.4 Section
2.) What is the level of performance in work immersion during vacation in terms of
2.2 Experience
3.) What is the level of students in work immersion during academic year
5.) Is there a significant relationship between the performance in work immersion during
thesis is limited for selected students taking the course of Home Economic Cookery in
Southville 1 Integrated National High School in Cabuyao City of Laguna. The study also
focuses to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their age,
religion, sex and section. The Respondents of the study include student with the
population and sample size of Ninety (90) randomly selected students from Grade 12
TVL-HE Students.
vacation and during academic year. It was also bound to be of immense benefits to
students, parents, teachers, school administrator, future researcher and all the people
who might be interested to head or use this study by educational research reference.
•Students- to know what could affect their performance in work immersion and why
•Parents- to help their children to improve or enhance their skills in work immersion and
to lessen the nervous in their surroundings by helping them through time management.
•Teacher- to more information and new ways of teaching to create a new strategies of
forms of enhancing and encouraging the students with more advance techniques and
•School administrator- the result of this study may lead the school administrator to
become aware on the performance in work immersion during vacation and during
academic year.
Ability to do job- the ability to do job by am lenders to help support your positive
Interest – Qualities that attract your attention and make you want to learn more about
Demographic Profile- In this study it refers to the graduate personal in terms of age,
performance expectation to employees and then providing coaching and feed back to
Time management- that analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization
review of the related literature and studies from books, journal and thesis and discussed
Freitas S. (2014) Shanti brings experience from working with study abroad
students and volunteers for three years in Ecuador, as well as leading students on
globalization of the economy has created an urgent need for business schools to better
prepare graduates with the knowledge, skills and perspective they need in their working
lives for a broad understanding of international business practices. In orderto fulfill this
demand, researchers have been focusing among others on how curriculum could be
structed and by whom students should be instructed. Instead, how the programs should
be taught has attracted less attention. Vaughn C.M. (2015) significant health care
disparities exist in the United States. Nurses can play an important role eliminating,
the-job training. In addition, OJT can also be categorized according to the content as
and economic well-being of a nation. This need for training pervades all levels of
industry, for a national level where a country’s well being in enhanced by training, to
each company where productivity is improved, down to the individual whose skills are
Willow Valley Communities (2014) The Willow Valley Work Immersion Program
(WIP) focuses on helping young adults with disabilities make a successful transition from
school to productive adult life. This unique one year immersion program serves students
with disabilities who are in their last year of high school. With the goal of competitive
through internship in has as many as three departments with the willow valley
employability, social, and independent living skills. Work Immersion Program at Willow
Valley Communities (2015)The students, between the ages of 17 and 21, are
participating in a unique yearlong Work Immersion Program for young adults with
empowering students with valuable on the job experiences. Finding viable employment
upon graduation from high school is easier because of skills and experiences obtained
The key to immersion learning rather than poring over textbooks and memorizing
vocabulary words is being in an environment where you are exposed to the new
language in everyday scenarios, because “you’re forced to learn.” She said. “It works
because that’s the way you learn own language”. Research suggests immersion
learning may be more effective than only learning with more traditional classroom
methods because of how our brains process grammar. Sudesh Sharma (2011) on her
the On-the-Job Training, students can apply the learning’s from academics in the real
world. Through this they would be learning in a practical way and hence would be
enhancing their skill sets which are needed for employability. Through OJT’s students
would be getting Exposure (of the real world), Confidence (of facing real situations) and
they would be doing Networking (making contacts) for themselves. OJT’s would also
help them understand what are their real strengths and weaknesses. Heathfield S.M
(2016 ) On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is teaching the skills, knowledge, and
competencies that are needed for employees to perform a specific job within the
workplace and work environment. Employees learn in an environment in which they will
need to practice the knowledge and skills taught in the on-the-job training.On-the-job
training uses the regular or existing workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment,
knowledge, and skills necessary for an employee to learn to effectively perform his or
her job.It occurs within the normal working environment that an employee experiences
on the job. It may occur as the employee performs actual work, or it may occur
elsewhere within the workplace using training rooms, training workstations, or training
Jaymalin .M. (2017)The TWG will coordinate with the Department of Education
developing a policy that ensure the protection and safety of SHS students in
implementing the K to 12 work immersion program. Cruz .I. (2015) The key to
is studying the curriculum Guides posted on the website of the Department of Education
(DepEd). If you click Home Economics you will get figures such as Caregiving (640
hours), Cookery (320 hours) and front office Services (160 hours) Cruz .I.
meaningful and useful, we need to get the companies and not just the schools aware of
the educational objectives and processes of K to 12. Cruz .I. (2015) Work Immersion
refers to the part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of
hands- on experience or work simulation which the Grades 11 and 12 students will
undergo to expose them to the actual work place setting and to enrich the competencies
provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and the designated
personnel of the Partner “Immersion is done outside the school campus in a “Workplace
Immersion Venue” defined as the place where work immersion of students is done.
usually done after schooling. A graduate in any field of studies needs to show every
skills learned and acquired in school. To be able to put into practice every single learning
acquired, one needs to be performing actual jobs. Various principles are to be observed
According to Mary Grace T. Delelis (March 2016 ) she said, Students who go through
on-the-job training are fortunate because they usually take pleasure in learning and
adopting new skills and knowledge. Accountancy students of CSU are given a chance to
apply the theories and computations that they have learned inside the classroom
through industry immersion. The training helps them to acquire appropriate knowledge
through the actual methodologies of an accounting job using the real tools, documents
and the needed equipments. In effect, various cooperating agencies and industry
partners who are providing opportunities and shared openhandedly their resources to
the accountancy students to have their hands-on training will become a development
place for them to learn more about their future professional endeavors and perform what
they have learned in the school. According to Dr. Romel L. Verecio (March 2014) The
on-the-job training program is an immersion program wherein the students will have the
chance and opportunity to be with the IT industry. This program is important because the
students will have the chance to apply the skills, knowledge and attitude learned in the
school and at the same time the opportunity to experience the corporate environment.
Learning expectations in the IT related field should be established between the HEI and
program with a minimum of 486 internship hours. Students are eligible to enroll the
internship program after completing the 80% of the total number of units in the
curriculum. (CHED Memorandum Order 53. S. 2006).Chavez, KJ.V et. Al. (Nov, 2016)
This study determined the level of student’s academic performance General Education
subjects like English and Mathematics along with the professional subjects. This also
determined their on-the-job training (OJT) performances in relation to their attitudes and
perception towards the job, their job performances, obedience to the policies of company
and their working standards as assessed by their superiors. This serves as a tool to
determine the attitudes and characteristics that graduating students must possess as
they get employed after graduating. Their performance inside the school in terms of their
Final Grades in both General and Professional Education courses served as reference
with regards to their knowledge, understanding and performance during their college
studies at the university. The analysis between their academic performances and their
OJT performances indicate how well and how valuable the knowledge, theories and
skills taught, developed, and inculcated while taking the course which are to be applied
curriculum developers and educators to strengthen the program of study and to meet the
demands of the industries in providing qualified workforce. On the Job Training (OJT) is
competencies of its graduates. Its goals and objectives served as a guide in developing
the needed competencies for a particular job, and translating the training into a gainful
The study of literature points out that work immersion has been evidence as the
preparation to the students to their OJT “on the job training” as an outcome of work
immersion the students with the intent, to learn, gain, practicing, experience, enhance
their knowledge. On the other hand the instructor’s Teacher, holders get involved in such
activities, publicize, the situation. The work immersion program of the DepEd focuses on
helping the students with make a successful transition from school to productive
student’s life. This curriculum is only for the senior high school, work immersion refers to
the pattern after most of the OJT experiences currently being undertaken by college
students. In order to make immersion meaningful & useful, work immersion it is refer to
the part of the Senior High School curriculum that are consisting of 80 hours that are
required to all of the senior high school students (Grade 11 & 12) the student will some
expose to the actual working places. This work immersion is needed the permission of
the guardian or the parents to allowed their child to go and attend the work immersion
Research Methodology
This chapter discusses the method of research design used in this study.
Specifically it focuses on the method of research the respondents of the study the
instrument to be used, the data gathering procedure and the statistical tools necessary
and during academic year in Grade 12 students. Descriptive research design was use as
determine or give some information to describe the what exist with respect to variable.
The population of the study was conducted among the Grade 12 TVL- HE Students
12 HE-A 49 38
12 HE-B 41 32
Total 90 70
Southville 1 Integrated National High School in Cabuyao City of Laguna and 70 or 78%
Sampling Technique
To determine the sample size, the Slovin’s Formula as started below was used.
1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
Where: 𝑛 = sample
𝑁= Population
selected out of the 90 students in Grade 12 TVL-HE. This leads to the sample proportion
The sample includes the 78% Grade 12 HE Students during the S.Y 2017-2018
that are Randomly Selected to express their perception on the new curriculum. Some of
the students have undergone the work immersion during vacation and during academic
year. They are conducted for the implementation of the K-12 Program in Work
Immersion, they are taken from two (2) section from Grade 12 HE-A and HE-B Students
The gather data for the study a research made a questionnaire on the
year was utilized. This is a self-rating questionnaire divided into. Three parts, Part 1 “Is
the demographic profile”, Part 2 is the students level of performance in work immersion
during vacation, Part 3 student level in work immersion during academic year. The
student level of performance in work immersion during vacation was rated to determine
the student perception about on Work Immersion. These were answered with a 5-point
scale (5. Always, 4. Often 3. Sometimes 2.Rarely 1. Never) that show the respondent’s
of level of Work Immersion the students level of during vacation and during academic
Southville 1 Integrated National High School to check the clarity and objectivity of the
questions thus ensuring the effectiveness of the instrument and alignment with the
objectives of the study. These suggestions were heeded and led to the revision of the
The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire the survey
was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual
questions formed by the Researcher. The survey was comprised of 15 question which
questionnaires; likert scale was used to determine if the respondents of always, often,
sometimes. Rarely, and never in statement the researcher assured confidentiality of their
survey sheet since identifier or not important the research understood that people’s
The researcher used the statistical tool and techniques for the specific purpose of
the study as follows the percentage was used to determine the profile of the Grade 12
TVL- HE Students in terms of demographic Variable (Sex, Age, Religion and Section)
% = × 100
Where: %= Percentage
𝑓 = frequency
∑ 𝑓𝑥
Where :
𝑓 = Frequency
Agustin, M. Bautista, O. Cruz, J. et al. (2003) Practical Technology and Home Economic,
Home Economics III. Adriana Publishing Co, Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Heathfield, S.M (2016) How on the job training brings you value
Paralegal studies.
The researcher utilized this questionnaire to conduct a study about the relationship
between the“Comparison of performance in Work Immersion During Vacation and During
Academic Year”. Please be participating to answer the following questions with fairness,
honesty, impartiality and objectiveness.
Please put a check mark / on the box that corresponds to your response.
1. Age
18 to 19 years old
2. Religion
Christian Non-Christian
3. Sex
Male feFemale
4. Section
Please put a Check Mark ⁄ on the box that corresponds to your perspective of the
given statement using the following scale:
5- (A) Always
4- (O) Often
3- (S) Sometimes
2- (R) Rarely
1-(N) Never
1.Performance In Work Immersion During Vacation (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1.1 Ability to focus on the work place.
1.3 The mind is free from thinking anything that are not
2.4 Work Immersion during Academic year might effect of failing grades
2.5 Net capable to give your 100% focus on the work place
2.6 Work Immersion during Vacation and academic year are relating
connected to each other, why or why not ?