Abaqus Tutorial PDF
Abaqus Tutorial PDF
Abaqus Tutorial PDF
Abaqus files……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Viewing results………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22
Plotting data………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…23-25
Abaqus Module List and the basic skeleton of running an analysis
Define Part
Define Material
Define property
Assign property to part
Instance part
Create step
Define load
Define boundary conditions
Seed part
Mesh part
Create job
Run job
View results
Sketch isn’t necessary for an analysis
Interaction is only for when you have parts that aren’t attached rigidly
Menu Bar – Yellow/Orange – Very top
Toolbar – Light Blue – Under menu bar
Model Tree – Purple – Left
Module drop down menu – Green – Top middle
Viewport – Red – Right
Message Area – Black – Bottom
Abaqus HAS NO UNITS. If you put something in inches, make sure EVERYTHING is in terms of inches
(pounds per inch squared, cubic inches, fluid drachm per grain in^2, etc.) it will seem weird, but be
careful and it works just fine
The double click is currently fidgety in Abaqus on the school computers, so you may want to right click
and select “Create” if the double click isn’t working for you.
When you do anything in Abaqus, you almost always need to click something to tell it you are done with
the action. You will forget sometimes. If you do something else, it will cancel what you just did (usually
after warning you). When you’re finished with something, hit enter to quickly accept what you made
Under the “Module:” drop down menu (top left just below the view toolbar) are pretty much all your
options as clickable little pictures. The left ones are generally to create something, and to their right is
that option’s manager.
Ex. Click the Module drop down menu and click Part. The first little picture button on the left is to
create a new part and to its right is the “Part Manager”. Most of the managers have the same layout
and allow you to create new items, edit, copy, rename or delete them. Not all the managers have all
these options, but this is the general layout.
To find view options that are useful, click View -> Toolbars -> Views
This will open up your default XY, YZ, XZ, and basic 3D view in a toolbar
To rotate/pan the viewport, click the icon on the toolbar
To change where your files are saved, go to File -> Set Work Directory (5 option)
A “Dialogue Box” is a pop-up box. It pops up so you can enter values and click buttons in here for various
things. They also do a number of other things.
Poisson’s Ratio is less than 0.5.
Common Error messages and Warnings:
Your Boundary Conditions are messed up if it says:
Warnings about singularities – this comes from telling something to stay put and at the same time
putting a force on the same spot [trying to move it]). It can’t stay still and move at the same time.
If you look at the results and lots of nodes are missing, you probably didn’t instance one of your parts. Go
back and look at the Assembly to make sure you instanced them all.
Basic Analysis Tutorial
To run any analysis, you must have done all of the following:
(each of these is basically its own module, to get to them, double click on it in the Model Tree, or
most of them are drop down options from the ‘Module drop down menu’)
Click Done
Define extrusion depth etc. in the pop-up box (for 3D parts)
This extrusion is 80 units long
Create part
Draw part
. ->
Fill in next
box if 3D
part --->
Defined your Material(s)
Double click “Materials” in the Model Tree
A basic material is elastic. The elastic property can be found in the material dialog box under
Mechanical –> Elasticity –> Elastic
Type in your Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio in the boxes towards the bottom
You can shorthand powers of 10 as 1eX where X is your power of 10
Ex. 30 Giga-units is inputted as 30e9
Click OK
Note: When you double click “Material” Abaqus shifts you into the Property Module automatically
The menu bar will change as well. You have different options now since you are in a different Module.
Defined a section(s) AND ASSIGNED them to your materials
Double click sections
Choose your section type (Solid & Homogeneous)
Hit continue
Choose the material that will be associated with that section
Click OK
Click “Assign Section” (3 graphical button)
Click your part in the viewport and press enter
In the Edit Section dialogue box, choose the section to assign to the part and click OK
The part will turn green if you’ve assigned a section to your part properly
Note: If your parts are 2D beams, they must have orientations and profiles defined (under Sections)
Instanced your parts into the Assembly
You do this by expanding the Assembly portion of your Model Tree, then double clicking Instances
Dependent, OK
The Assembly is where you DO everything with your parts
An instance is a representation of the part which you act on (all the analysis stuff)
There are buttons to rotate and translate your instances here (noted in Red)
Again, you are automatically moved into the Assembly Module (noted in Green)
Made a step (Static, General is the basic option)
To do this, double-click “Steps” in the Model Tree, In the “Create Step” dialogue box, determine your
run type (usually static, general), Click Continue.
Initial is the default step where you define initial conditions such as starting temperature and
boundary conditions, no forces or displacements in this step
Step-1,2… etc. is where the fun stuff happens (forces, etc.)
Static, General will be a load in which at time=0 of the analysis, there is no load, and at time=1,
the end of the analysis, the load is fully applied.
(at time 0.5, half the load has been applied, etc.)
In the Incrementation section of the “Edit Step” dialogue box, you define how many increments you
want Abaqus to break the analysis into. If you just want to view the end result of the analysis, don’t
mess with this tab.
However, for instance, if you want to load the material with 500 but you want to view it
when it’s loaded with 50, or 100, etc. define your increment size as 0.1; the first “frame” will
be 500*0.1=50, the second 500*0.2=100, etc.
(Load * Time/TotalTime) where TotalTime=1
To break the analysis into pieces, edit the minimum Increment size. (the default increment size is
out of 1, and you need to have a maximum number of increments that is greater than
1/[maximum increment size])
If you just want the end result of the analysis, just click OK.
If you have multiple parts that interact: Interactions (we won’t cover this)
I will note that basic touch contact between two instances will usually be defined by just a tie
constraint [“Constraint” is in the Model Tree])
Then click the points/surface(s) where you want to place the load
I clicked the top
Click Done at the bottom of the screen
The “Edit Load” dialogue box comes up
Side note: If you want a varying distribution, click “Create…” next to “Distribution”
This brings up the “Create Expression Field” dialogue box. You define your loading
function here.
If you wanted a linearly varying load, of say, 5z (0 at origin, 400 at end) along the beam,
you type 5*Z in the expression field in the center and click OK
Then go to “Distribution:” and select your field you just defined (AnalyticField-1 by
Next to “Traction:” it will say shear. We want General, so click “Shear” and select “General”
from the drop down menu.
Now we need to define which way the force is pointed, so click “Edit…” next to “Vector:”
You define your vector by any 2 points in space (beginning and end)
We want a vector down, so start with 0,0,0; hit enter, and end with 0,1,0; hit enter
(gives a vector along the –y direction
Type the total magnitude of the force into the “Magnitude:” box
Click OK
Defined your Boundary Conditions (usually displacement/rotation)
We will end up making 3 Boundary Conditions to fully define our problem
Boundary Conditions define what parts of the Instance you want to fix in space(otherwise it’s free to
float around)
This example will be a 2 point bend with a distributed top load
It has the bottom front edge (bottom left of the screen) fixed in U2 and U3 (y and z-
directions), the back bottom end fixed in U2 (y) corresponding to a roller condition, and a
point at the bottom front corner fixed in U1 so it doesn’t slide in the x direction at the fixed
For each spot on the beam you want to constrain, you will have to create a new boundary
condition (3 total here)
To define a Boundary Condition…double click “BCs” in the Model Tree
The boundary conditions (BCs) you almost always use will be Displacement/Rotation, so…
Click Displacement/Rotation
Click continue
Select the bottom front edge (this will be a hinge BC)
Click Done
The “Edit Boundary Condition” dialogue box will come up (see next page)
Click the check-box next to U2 and U3 (they default to 0 displacement condition)
Click OK
Repeat iii) twice more, defining the back bottom end to have U2 as 0 and some point on the front
face with U1 as 0
If you try to fix either end face in the y-direction (U2) you will get an error
This is because you are trying to force the top corner down with the load, but also
telling it not to move. This is not possible, so make sure you think through your
boundary conditions before you place them.
This is the only time you will hear me say this, but remember your Free Body Diagrams,
especially your pins and rollers and when to use them. They will come in handy when you
are thinking about Boundary Conditions
And Finally, Seeded and Meshed your Part
To mesh a part, you must first “Seed” the part
Seeding a part tells the program where the nodal coordinates will be for the mesh
Click the Module drop down menu -> Mesh (Mesh is not part of the Model Tree for some ungodly
Make sure the “Object:” radio button is set to “Part” or you will get this error message
Mesh the Instance(s) by clicking “Mesh Part” (Green Circle in image) then clicking OK at the bottom
Note: if you want to delete a mesh, click and hold the “Mesh Part” button.
This will bring up sub-options for that action (for “Mesh Part” you will find “Delete Part
Mesh” among others. If you are wondering where an option is and you can’t find it in the
Model Tree or Module Drop Down Menu, it’s probably hidden behind as one of these
If you haven’t done all of these (correctly) the analysis will not be correct or may not run at all.
Running an Analysis
You are now ready (hopefully) to run an analysis
Go to the Job Module
Click Create Job (top left picture option)
Name the job and click continue
The “Edit Job” dialogue box is mainly just fluff unless you’re running an intense analysis (you’re not, so
ignore it)
Click OK
Expand the Job tree towards the bottom of the Model Tree so that it displays the job you just created,
right click the job, and click “Submit”
An error message will pop up making sure you want to overwrite your job, you do, so click OK
Note: If you change something in the model and want to try running the analysis again just
submit it again
If you want to see how the analysis is doing, right-click your job and click “Monitor”
This box will have all the information about the status of the Analysis (it shows you the details of
most of the files it creates during the analysis)
Log is the basic status of the analysis, did it start, finish, etc.
Errors show you any errors it encountered during the analysis
An error is basically a fatal warning
An analysis cannot run with any errors
Warnings shows you general warnings about the analysis
These may or may not matter
Output gives you the status of the odb file which houses the output data (Visualizer)
Data File and Message File give details about the analysis setup and run
Data File has details like total elements, total nodes, etc.
Message File tells about convergence problems and most of the numerical issues that come
up such as singularities
Status File tells you what increment the solver is on and the details of individual increments
The jobs you will be creating shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes or so to solve. You are using the
“Student Version” of Abaqus which limits the number of nodes and therefore the runtime. If it is
taking a long time, you probably did something wrong
Viewing Your Results
To view the results of your analysis, right-click your job and click “Results” (or go the Module drop down
menu and click “Visualization”)
To look at the results, click the “Plot Contours on Deformed Shape” button (the rainbow colored one)
This defaults to Mises Stress
To change what you want to view, go to the drop down menu on the toolbar strip at the top (3
boxes that should read: Primary S Mises up at the top right usually)
The third box will be types of your second box so for example, types of stresses (default
S are your stresses, U are displacements, and E are strains
Your “Common Options” button (1 picture button) holds most of the options to change how the final result is
viewed, and the “Contour Options” button (Red) is where you edit how the colors are displayed
Plotting Data
We are going to take the approach of defining a path, then plotting the data along the path
This allows us to plot many things using a path we only have to define once
For the following example we are going to plot the different stresses as you change y position at the
front of the beam
Make sure you are in the visualization module
Select Tools -> Path -> Create
Click continue
Name your path and make sure it is set as node list (the default)
Now that we defined what area we want to look at, we need to tell Abaqus what variable we want to see
In the menu bar, click Tools -> XY Data -> Create
Select “Path” and click Continue
This brings up the “XY Data From Path” dialogue box
We want to look at the values based on the undeformed shape, so click the “Undeformed” radio
If you have multiple time increments, you can choose which increment you want to look at by clicking
the “Step/Frame” button next to “Frame:”
We want to look at the vertical stresses. Currently it is set to Mises, so click the “Field Output…”
button which pulls up the “Field Output” dialogue box.
To look at our vertical stresses, we select S22 (Y stress in the y direction)
We can also look at other normal stress components (S11, S33), as well as shear (S12, S23, etc.)
and principle stress, etc.
Click OK
Click Plot to view the stresses
Once you are done click cancel, this will keep the plot up on the screen until you tell it to go
somewhere else
Exporting Data to text files
In the “XY Data From Path” dialogue box click Save As
Choose a name and click OK
Click Cancel to get out of the “XY Data From Path” dialogue box
On the menu bar click Report -> XY…
Defining a Partition (cutting up a part)
Partitions allow you to define different materials, meshes, etc. for each partition.
In the Part Module, select “Create Datum Plane: Offset From Principal Plane”
At the bottom select the plane you want to offset from (generally the XY plane)
Type in how far from the origin you want it (Offset)
Hit enter
Click the red X to get back to the main screen
select “Partition Cell: Use Datum Plane”
Importing a Part
Save the part in the other program as one of the formats shown below
Go to Abaqus, File -> Import -> and import the part
Abaqus can import the following file types as parts:
As this is not basic Abaqus usage, I will not go any further down this path