Full Thesis
Full Thesis
Full Thesis
Student No. 100609003P
Registration No. 100609003P, Session: October-2006
Department of Mathematics
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
December, 2010
Student No. 100609003P
Registration No. 100609003P, Session: October-2006
The thesis titled
Submitted by
Student No. 100609003P, Registration No. 100609003P, Session: October-2006
a part-time student of M. Phil. (Mathematics) has been accepted as satisfactory in partial
fulfillment for the degree of
Master of Philosophy in Mathematics
on December 11, 2010
1. ______________________________________
Dr. Md. Abdul Alim Chairman
Associate Professor (Supervisor)
Department of Mathematics, BUET, Dhaka
2. ______________________________________
Head Member
Department of Mathematics, BUET, Dhaka (Ex-Officio)
3. ______________________________________
Dr. Md. Mustafa Kamal Chowdhury Member
Department of Mathematics, BUET, Dhaka
4. ______________________________________
Dr. Md. Elias Member
Department of Mathematics, BUET, Dhaka
5. ______________________________________
Dr. Mohammad Babul Hasan Member
Assistant Professor (External)
Department of Mathematics, Dhaka University, Dhaka.
My Parents
Author’s Declaration
This is to certify that the work presented in this thesis is the outcome of the investigation
carried out by the author under the supervision of Dr. Md. Abdul Alim, Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(BUET), Dhaka-1000 and that it has not been submitted anywhere for the award of any
degree or diploma.
Monjur Morshed
The author would like to mention with gratitude Almighty ALLAH’S continual
kindness without which no work would reach its goal.
The author is highly grateful and obliged to his honorable supervisor Dr. Md. Abdul
Alim, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, BUET, Dhaka for his continuous
guidance, constant support, supervision, valuable suggestions, inspiration, infinite patience,
friendship and enthusiastic encouragement throughout this work.
The author express his deep regards to his honorable teacher, Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim
Khan, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology for providing help, advice and necessary research facilities.
The author is also grateful to Prof. Dr. Md. Mustafa Kamal Chowdhury, the former
Head of the Department of Mathematics and Prof. Dr. Md. Elias, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul
Maleque, Prof. Dr. Monirul Alam Sarkar, Prof. Dr. Nilufar Farhat Hossain, Department of
Mathematics, BUET, Dhaka for their wise and liberal co-operation in providing me all
necessary help from the department during my course of M. Phil. Program. The author
would also like to extend his thanks to all respectable teachers, Department of Mathematics,
BUET, Dhaka for their constant encouragement.
The author thanks the members of the Board of Examination namely Prof. Dr. Md.
Abdul Hakim Khan, Prof. Dr. Md. Mustafa Kamal Chowdhury, Prof. Dr. Md. Elias, and Dr.
Mohammad Babul Hasan for their contributions and for their flexibility and understanding
in helping his meet such an ambitious schedule.
The foundation for his education and success started at home. The author credits his
parents, Muhammed Sirajul Islam and Maleka Begum for shaping him into the person he is
today. Their unwavering love and support throughout his life has given him the confidence
and ability to pursue his academic and personal interests. The author expresses his heartfelt
gratitude and thanks to his beloved wife, sisters, family members and friends for their
constant encouragement during this work.
Finally, the author acknowledges the help, co-operation of all office staff of this
Abstract ...............................................................................................................v
Author’s Declaration ....................................................................................... vi
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... vii
NOMENCLATURE......................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction: ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Mathematical Model: ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Mathematical Programming: .............................................................................................. 4
1.4 Mathematical Programming problem or Mathematical Program (MP): ............................ 4
1.5 General Mathematical form of Linear Programming (LP): ............................................... 6
1.6 Formulation of Linear Programming Problem:.................................................................. 8
1.7 Standard Linear Programming: ........................................................................................ 10
1.7.1 Reduction to Standard Form: ................................................................................... 12
1.7.2 Feasible Canonical Form:......................................................................................... 13
1.7.3 Relative Profit Factors:............................................................................................. 14
1.7.4 Some Important Theorems of Standard Linear Program: ........................................ 15
1.8 A Real Life Production Problem of a Garment Industry (Standard Group): ................... 15
1.9 A Real Life Problem of a Textile Mill: ............................................................... 20
1.9.1 Introduction: ....................................................................................................... 20
1.9.2 Textile Mill Scheduling problem: ................................................................ 20
1.9.3 Formulation of the Textile Mill Scheduling problem: ............................................. 21
Chapter 2 ..........................................................................................................25
Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods ......................................... 25
2.1 Steps in Developing a Linear Programming (LP) Model: ............................................... 25
2.1.1 Properties of Linear Programming Models: ............................................................. 25
2.1.2 Mathematical Formulation of Linear Programming problem: ................................. 25
2.2 Graphical Method: ........................................................................................................... 26
2.2.1 Real Life Example of Model Formulation (Otobi Furniture Co.): ........................... 26
2.2.2 Graphical Solution: .................................................................................................. 28
2.3 LP Characteristics: ........................................................................................................... 30
2.3.1 Special Situation in LP: ............................................................................................ 30
2.4 Numerical Example-1: ..................................................................................................... 32
2.5 Mathematica Codes for Graphical Representation of Feasible Region: .......................... 33
2.5.1 Numerical Example- 2: ............................................................................................ 33
2.5.2 Numerical Example- 3: ............................................................................................ 35
2.6 Conclusion: ...................................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 3 ..........................................................................................................38
LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS............................................................................ 38
3.1 Introduction: ..................................................................................................................... 38
3.2 Simplex Method: .............................................................................................................. 38
3.2.1 Computational steps for solving (LP) in simplex method: ...................................... 40
3.2.2 Properties of the Simplex Method:........................................................................... 41
3.2.3 The standard form of (LP) is in canonical form: ...................................................... 42
3.2.4 The Standard Form of (LP) is Not in a Canonical Form:......................................... 43
3.3 Artificial Variable Technique: ......................................................................................... 43
3.3.1 The Big-M Simplex Method: ................................................................................... 43
3.3.2 The Two-Phase Simplex Method: ............................................................................ 44
Chapter 4 ..........................................................................................................46
FOR SOLVING LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS ................................................ 46
4.1 Paranjape’s Two-Basic Variables Replacement Method for Solving (LP): .................... 46
4.1.1 Algorithm: ................................................................................................................ 46
4.1.2 New Optimizing Value: ........................................................................................... 48
4.1.3 Optimality Condition: .............................................................................................. 49
4.1.4 Criterion-1: (Choices of the entering variables into the basis):................................ 50
4.1.5 Criterion-2: (Choices of the out going variables form the basis): ............................ 50
4.2 Agrawal and Verma’s Three Basic Variables Replacement Method for Solving (LP): .. 51
4.2.1 Algorithm: ................................................................................................................ 51
4.2.2 New Optimizing Value: ........................................................................................... 54
4.2.3 Optimality Condition: .............................................................................................. 55
4.2.4 Criterion-1: (Choices of the entering variables into the basis):................................ 55
4.2.5 Criterion-2: (Choices of the out going variables form the basis): ............................ 56
4.3 Numerical example: ......................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 5 ..........................................................................................................60
PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS ........................................................................................... 60
5.1 P-Basic Variables Replacement Method for Solving (LP): ............................................. 60
5.1.1 Algorithm: ................................................................................................................ 60
5.1.2 New Optimizing Value: ........................................................................................... 65
5.1.3 Optimality Condition: .............................................................................................. 66
5.1.4 Criterion-1: (Choices of the entering variables into the basis):................................ 66
5.1.5 Criterion-2: (Choices of the out going variables form the basis): ............................ 67
5.2 The Combined Algorithm: ............................................................................................... 67
5.3 Mathematica Codes: ......................................................................................................... 68
5.3.1 The combined program in Mathematica (Eugere, Wolfram): .................................. 69
5.3.2 Numerical Examples and Comparison: .................................................................... 74
5.4 Solution of LP on a production problem of a garment industry (Standard Group) using
combined program: ................................................................................................................ 76
5.5 Solution of LP on Textile Mill Scheduling problem using combined program: ... 78
5.6 Conclusion: ...................................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 6 ..........................................................................................................81
AT EACH ITERATION OF SIMPLEX METHOD .............................................................. 81
6.1 Introduction: ..................................................................................................................... 81
6.1.1 Numerical Example 1: .............................................................................................. 81
6.1.2 Numerical Example 2: .............................................................................................. 86
6.2 Conclution: ....................................................................................................................... 91
Chapter 7 ..........................................................................................................92
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 92
References .............................................................................................................................. 94
OR Operation Research
LP Linear Programming
MP Mathematical Program
1.1 Introduction:
Mathematical programming or linear programming is one of the most widely
used techniques in operations research. Many practical problems in operations research
can be expressed as linear programming (LP) problems. Certain special cases of linear
programming, such as network flow problems and multicommodity flow problems are
considered important enough to have generated much research on specialized algorithms
for their solution. In many cases its application has been so successful that its use has
become an accepted routine planning tool. It is therefore rather surprising that
comparatively little attention has been paid to the problems of formulating and building
mathematical programming models as well as developing computer technique for
solving linear programming problems.
For the sake of self-containness of the thesis we first briefly discuss the linear
programming models as well as graphical and computers methods in Chapter 2. In this
chapter we have developed a computational technique using mathematica codes to show
the feasible region of two-dimensional linear programming problems and which also
give the optimal solution.
In Chapter 6, we illustrate some counter example to highlight the more than one
basic variables replacement at each iteration of simplex method as well as graphically,
numerically and by using our combined program in programming language mathematica.
• The actual exercise of building a model often reveals relationships, which were
not apparent to many people. As a result a greater understanding is achieved of
the object being modeled.
• Having built a model it is usually possibly to analysis it mathematically to help
suggest courses of action, which might not otherwise be apparent.
• Experimentation is possible with a model whereas it is often not possible or
desirable to experiment with the object being modeled. It would clearly be
politically difficult as well as undesirable to experiment with unconventional
economic measures in a country if there was a high probability of disastrous
failure. The pursuit of such courageous experiments would be more (though not
perhaps totally) acceptable on a mathematical model.
The common feature which mathematical programming models have is they all
involve Optimization. We want to maximize something. The quantity by which we want
to maximize or minimize is known as an objective function. Unfortunately the realization
that Mathematical Programming is concerned with optimizing an objective often leads
people to summarily dismiss Mathematical programming as being inapplicable in
practical situation where there is no clear objective or there are a multiplicity of
We have started the MP as maximization one. This has been done without any
loss of generality, since a minimization problem can always be converted into a
maximization problem using the identity
min f(x)=max(-f(x))
MP . If the constraint set X is empty (i.e. X=φ ) , then there is no feasible solution ; in
this case the program MP is inconsistent .
A feasible point x0∈X is known as a global optimal solution to the program MP if
f ( x) ≤ f ( x 0 ) , x ∈ X 1.5
If both the objective function and the constraint set are linear, then MP is called a
linear programming problem (LPP) or a linear program (LP)
On the other hand, non-linearity of the objective function or constraints gives rise
to non-linear programming problem or a non-linear program (NLP). Several
algorithms have been developed to solve certain NLP.
Subject to
Z = ∑cjxj
j =1
Where one and only one of the signs ≤ , = , ≥ holds for each constraint in (1.6)
and the sign may vary from one constraint to another.
Here c j (j = 1,2, …...,n ) are called profit (or cost) coefficients, x j (j = 1,2,………,n ) are
called decision variables. The set of feasible solution to (LP) is
The set S is called the constraints set, feasible set or feasible region of (LP).
Subject to Ax (≤ , = , ≥ ) b
Convex Set :
A set SεRn is called a convex set if x1,x2 εS => λ x1 +(1-λ) x2εS for all (0≤ λ ≤1).
The empty and singleton sets are treated as convex sets. A set S is clearly convex if the
line segment joining any two points of S lies in S. It should be noted that the number of points in
a convex set is zero, one or infinite.
Extreme Point :
Let S⊆Rn be a convex set. A point xεS is called an extreme point or vertex of S if there
exist no two distinct points x1 and x2 in S such that
Step 1:
Identify the unknown variables to be determined (decision variables) and represent them
in terms of a algebraic symbols.
Step 2:
Formulate the other conditions of the problem such as resource limitations, market
constraints and inter-relation between variables etc. as linear equations or enequations in
terms of decision variables.
Step 3:
Identify the objective or criterion and represent it as linear function of the decision
variables, which is to be maximized or minimized.
Step 4:
Add the ‘Non-negativity’ constraint from the consideration that negative values of the
decision variables do not have any valid physical interpretation.
The objective function, the set of constraints and the non-negative constraints together
from a linear programming problem.
We now recall the following are basic results of a linear programming problem (LP)
from Kambo [1984] and Gass [1984].
Theorem 1.1
The constraint or feasible set of a linear programming problem is a convex set.
Consider the linear programming problem
Subject to
x∈ S = {x :∑ aij x j {≤, =, ≥}bi ; i = 1,2,.............m
j =1
We have to prove that S is a convex set. The definition tells us that S is a intersection
of H, H + and H - . By theorem we know that the sets H, H + , H - , H + 0 and H - 0 are all convex sets.
So H, H + , and H - are convex sets. Also by theorem we know that the intersection of any
collection of convex set is a convex set. So S is a convex set. Hence the theorem is proved.
Theorem 1.2
The set of optimal solutions to the linear programming(L.P) is convex.
Let x0 = (x 1 0,x 2 0,………,x n 0)T and y0 = (y 1 0, y 2 0, …….y n 0)T be two optimal solutions to
program (LP). Then cTx0 = cTy0 = min z
where c = (c 1 ,c 2 ,……,c n )T. Since x0 and y0 are feasible for (LP) and the feasible set S is
Also cT (λ x0 + (1- λ) y0 )
= min z
Hence λ x0+(1- λ)y0 is also an optimal solution for all 0≤ λ ≤1. This means that the set of all
optimal solutions to the linear programming Problem is a convex set.
Let the constraint set T be non-empty closed and bounded. Then an optimal solution to
the Linear Problem (LP) exists and it is attained at a vertex of the constraint set T.
Since the is non-empty and compact and Z = cT x is continuous and an optimal solution
exists. The number of the vertices of the convex polyhedron T is finite. Let the vertices of T be
x1,x2,........,xk (xi ∈Rn for all i). Then the set T is equal to the convex hull of the points x1, x2,
............., xk. Thus any feasible point x ∈ T can be written as
X= ∑λ X
i =1
Where λ i ≥ 0 (i=1,...........,k) and ∑λ
i =1
Z = cT x
i =1
λc i
= λ1 c T x 1 + λ 2 c T x 2 + ........... + λ k c T x k
≥ z0 (λ1 + λ2 + ........... + λk )
= z0
Subject to:
Ax = b 1.7
x >0 1.8
is known as a linear program in standard form. The characteristics of this form are:
All the constraints are expressed in the form of equations, except for the non-negative
Feasible Solution:
Basic Solution:
A basic feasible solution is a basic solution, which also satisfies (1.8) that is, all
basic variables are non-negative.
Degenerate Solution:
A basic feasible solution to (1.7) is called degenerate if one or more the basic
variables are zero.
A non -degenerate basic feasible solution is a basic feasible solution with exactly
m positive x i , that is, all basic variables arc positive.
Optimal Solution:
Slack Variable:
∑ a ij x j + x n +1 = bi (i = 1,2,......., m)
j =1
Surplus Variable :
j =1
ij x j ≥ bj (i = 1,2,......, m ; bi ≥ 0)
∑ a ij x j − x n +1 = bi (i = 1,2,......., m)
j =1
All variables in the equivalent linear program can be made non-negative as follows:
The minimization of f (x) over F is equivalent to the maximization of -f (x) over F.This
enables us to convert a minimization problem into the equivalent maximization problem
(if necessary).
Consider the constraints (1.7) i.e. Ax = b, are consistent and rank (A) = m (< n).
Let B be any non singular m × m submatrix made up of the columns of A and R is the
remainder portion of A. Further, suppose that X B is the vector of variables associated
with columns of B. Then (1.2) can be written as
[B, R]
=b [
x NB
or, B x B + Rx NB = b
where the (n -m) variables x NB can be assigned arbitrary values. The form (1.9) of
constraint is called the canonical form in the variables x B . The particular solution of
(1.7) given by
x B =B-1b , x NB = 0 1.10
is called the basic solution to the system Ax = b with respect to the basic matrix B. The
variables x NB are known as the non basic variables and the variables x B are said to be
the basic variables. It should be noted that the column of A associated with the basic
matrix B is linearly independent and that all non-basic variables are zero in a basic
solution. The basic solution given by (1.9) is feasible if x B > 0.
z = cT B
= c B Tx B + c NB Tx NB 1.11
z = c B T B-1b – c B TB-1 R x NB + c NB T x NB
= z - (c B T B-1R - c NB T ) x NB
= z - c B Tx B - c NB Tx NB
= z - c Tx
Where ,
c = ( c B , c NB )T,
c B = 0.
c NB T = c B T B-1 R- c NB T
z = c B T B-1 b
Here c is the vector of relative profit factors corresponding to, the basis matrix B
and z is the value of the objective function at the basic solution given by (1.10). Observe
that the components of c corresponding to the basic variables are zero, which ought to be
as is evident from the definition of c .
Theorem 1.4: If standard linear program with the constraints Ax = b and x > 0,
where A is an m × n matrix of rank m, has a feasible solution, then it also has a basic
feasible solution.
The above theorem ensures that every basic feasible solution to a (LP) is an extreme
point of the convex set of feasible solutions to the problem and that every extreme point
is a basic feasible solution corresponding to one and only one extreme point of the
convex set of feasible solution and vice versa.
S/ Name of
Accessories cost ($)
N Garment items
Return ($)
cost ($)
1 Men’s long 2.90 .25 .18 .18 .90 .18 4.59 7.09
sleeve shirt
2 Men’s short 2.20 .22 .25 .20 1.0 .25 4.12 6.32
sleeve shirt
3 Men’s long pant 3.50 .30 .20 .17 .85 .22 5.24 8.24
4 Men’s shorts 3.0 .25 .22 .19 1.0 .23 4.89 7.59
5 Ladies long 3.20 .30 .18 .18 .90 .20 4.96 7.76
6 Ladies shorts 2.75 .06 .20 .18 .90 .18 4.27 6.57
7 Boys long pant 2.70 .25 .17 .18 .80 .16 4.26 7.46
8 Boys shorts 2.20 .15 .05 .10 .25 .05 2.80 4.90
9 Men’s boxer 1.0 .30 .15 .20 .80 .20 2.65 3.65
10 Men’s fleece 3.20 .75 .40 .45 2.0 .50 7.30 10.80
11 Men’s jacket 5.20 .60 .35 .40 1.80 .40 8.75 13.75
12 Ladies jacket 4.40 .50 .30 .35 1.50 .30 7.35 12.85
13 Boys jacket 3.70 .20 .20 1.0 .20 .25 5.55 11.55
And the industry has a fixed expenditure for each day is $ 4300
Determine how many of each garment items should be produce for maximum daily
3. Since the company has Maximum investment for Accessories is $ 1200 so we have
4. Since the company has Maximum investment for washing is $ 800, so we have
5. Since the company has Maximum investment for packaging is $ 720, so we have
.18 x1 + .20 x 2 + .17 x3 + .19 x 4 + .18 x5 + .18 x6 + .18 x7 + .10 x8 + .20 x9
+ .45 x10 + .40 x11 + .35 x12 + .10 x13 ≤ 720
6. Since the company has Maximum investment for labor/CM is $ 2200, so we have
Now, we have expressed our problem as a mathematical model. Since the objective
function is to maximize the profit by different RMG items and all of the constraints
functions are linear , the problem can be modeled as the following LP model:
Subject to
x1 + x 2 + x3 + x 4 + x5 + x 6 + x 7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x13 ≤ 1500
2.90 x1 + 2.20 x 2 + 3.50 x3 + 3.00 x 4 + 3.20 x5 + 2.75 x 6 + 2.70 x 7 + 2.20 x8 + x9 + 3.20 x10
+ 5.20 x11 + 4.40 x12 + 3.70 x13 ≤ 4050
Thus the given problem has been formulated as a LP. We will solve this formulated
problem by using our developed computer program.
Table 1
The mill has two types of looms: dobbie and regular. The dobbie looms are more
versatile and can be used for all five fabrics. The regular looms can produce only three of
the fabrics.
The mill has a total of 38 looms, 8 are dobbie and 30 are regular. The rate of
production for each fabric on each type of loom is given in Table 2. The time required to
change over from producing one fabric to another is negligible and does not have to be
Table- 2
Loom Production Rates (yards/hour)
Fabric Dobbie Regular
1 4.63 -----
2 4.63 -----
3 5.23 5.23
4 5.23 5.23
5 4.17 4.17
The Scottsville Textile mill satisfies all demand with either its own
fabric or purchased from another mill. That is fabric that cannot be woven
at the Scottsville mill because of limited loom capacity will be purchased
from another mill.
Determine how many of each fabric should be woven and how many
should be purchased for maximum monthly profit.
The market demand of fabric-1 is 16,500 yards and the textile mill
satisfies all demand with either its own fabric or fabric purchased from
another mill thus the demand constraint for Fabric –1 is
x 11 + x 12 = 16,500
The others demand constraints for fabric-2, 3, 4, 5, are
x 21 + x 22 = 22,000
x 31 + x 32 + x 33 = 62,000
x 41 + x 42 + x 43 = 75,00
x 51 + x 52 + x 53 = 62,000
There are 8 dobbie looms and every loom works 24 hours a day and 30 days in a month.
Thus The total dobbie loom time = 8 × 24 × 30 = 5760 hour.
All Fabrics are woven by dobbie looms.
Loom Production rates of Fabric –1 is = 4.63 yards/ hour.
Thus 4.63 yards of Fabric-1 will produce at 1 hour
∴ x 11 yards of Fabric-1 will produce hours
Hence time requirement for Fabric-1 will be 0.22 x 11 hours
Similarly Fabric-2, Fabric-3 Fabric-4, Fabric-5 will need 0.22 x 22 hours,
0.20x 31 hours, 0.20 x 41 hours and 0.24 x 51 hours successively.
Thus the total requirement of time will be
0.22x 11 +0.22x 21 +0.20x 31 +0.20x 41 +0.24x 51 which should not exceed the
available dobbie loom time 5760 hours. So the constraint becomes.
Again, 30 regular loom have 30 × 24 × 30 = 21600 hours. Regular loom can make
Fabric-3 Fabric-4 and Fabric-5. Similarly Fabric-3, Fabric-4, fabric-5 require 0.20x 32
hours, 0.20x 42 hours and 0.24 x 52 hours.
Thus the time constraint becomes
The Objective function is to maximize the total profit from sales. The selling
price of fabric-1 is = 0.99 $ / yard, thus profit after manufacturing Fabric-1 is = 0.99 -
0.66 = 0.33 $/yard. Profit from x 11 yard is = 0.33 x 11 $
Again purchasing cost is = 0.80 $/yard, thus profit after purchasing fabric-1 is =
0.99 - 0.80 = 0.19 $/yard. Profit from x 12 yard is = 0.19 x 12 $.
Similarly the other profit from rest of the decision variables are
0.31x 21 , 0.16x 22 , 0.61x 31 , 0.61x 32 , 0.50x 33 , 0.73x 41 , 0.73x 42 , 0.54x 43 , 0.20x 51 , 0.20x 52 ,
0.0 x 53 .
Hence the linear programming model for our Textile mill Scheduling problem becomes
Subject to
x 11 + x 12 = 16500
x 21 + x 22 = 22000
x 31 + x 32 + x 33 = 62000
x 41 + x 42 + x 43 = 7500
x 51 + x 52 + x 53 = 62000
Thus the given problem has been formulated as a LP. We will solve this formulated
problem by using our developed computer program.
Chapter 2
1) Formulation
2) Solution
(i) Graphical Method
(ii) Numerical Method
3) Interpretation and Sensitivity Analysis
2.1.1 Properties of Linear Programming Models:
1) Seek to minimize or maximize
2) Include “constraints” or limitations
3) There must be alternatives available
4) All equations are linear
2.1.2 Mathematical Formulation of Linear Programming problem:
Linear programming deals with the optimization of a function of variables known
as objective function, subject to set of linear equalities/inequalities known as constraints.
The objective function may be profit, loss, cost, production capacity or any other measure
of effectiveness which is to be obtained in the best possible or optimal manner. The
constraints may be imposed by different sources such as market demand, production
processes and equipment, storage capacity, raw material availability, etc. by linearity is
meant a mathematical expression in which the variables have unit power only.
Linear programming is used for optimization problems that satisfy the following
Step-1. Represent the given problem in mathematical form, i.e. , formulate an L.P.
model for the given problem.
Step-4. Find the vertices of the convex region and also the value of the objective function
at each vertex. The vertex that gives the optimum value of the objective function gives the
optimal solution to the problem.
Tables Chairs
(per table) (per chair) Hours Available
Profit Contribution $7 $5
Other Limitations:
• Make no more than 450 chairs
• Make at least 100 tables
Determine how many of each furniture item should be produce for maximum daily
Decision Variables:
T = Num. of tables to make
C = Num. of chairs to make
Objective Function: Maximize Profit
Maximize $7 T + $5 C
• Have 2400 hours of carpentry time available
3 T + 4 C < 2400 (hours)
• Have 1000 hours of painting time available
2 T + 1 C < 1000 (hours)
More Constraints:
• Make no more than 450 chairs
C < 450 (num. chairs)
• Make at least 100 tables
T > 100 (num. tables)
Cannot make a negative number of chairs or tables
Model Summary:
Max 7T + 5C (profit)
Subject to the constraints:
3T + 4C < 2400 (carpentry hrs)
2T + 1C < 1000 (painting hrs)
C < 450 (max. chairs)
T > 100 (min. tables)
T, C > 0 (non-negativity)
• While this can only be done in two dimensions, the same properties apply to all LP
models and solutions.
Constraint Line
3T + 4C = 2400
600 > 2400 hrs
(T = 0, C = 600)
(T = 800, C = 0)
< 2400 hrs
0 0 800 T
Constraint Line
2T + 1C = 1000
(T = 0, C = 1000)
(T = 500, C = 0)
0 500 800 T
Max Chair Line
C = 450
0 100 500 800 T
Function Line 500
7T + 5C = Profit
Optimal Point
(T = 320, C =
2.3 LP Characteristics:
2. Infeasibility – when no feasible solution exists (there is no feasible region)
Example: x < 10
x > 15
3. Alternate Optimal Solutions – when there is more than one optimal solution
Max 2T + 2C C
Subject to: All points on
T + C < 10 Red segment
T < 5 are optimal
C< 6
T, C > 0 6
0 0 5 10 T
Max 2T + 2C of solution
Subject to: 2
2T + 3C > 6
T, C > 0
0 1 2 3 T
2.4 Numerical Example-1:
Maximize Z =5x 1 + 8x 2
Subject to 3x 1 + 2x 2 ≤ 36
x 1 + 2x 2 ≤ 20
3x 1 + 4x 2 ≤ 42
x1, x2 ≥ 0
Feasible region for example - 1
The vertices of the convex feasible region OABCD are O(0,0), A(12,0), B(10,3), C(2,9) and D(0,10).
The value of the objective function at these points are:
Z(O)=0 , Z(A)=60, Z(B)=74, Z(C)=82, and Z(D)=80 .
Since the maximum value of the objective function is 82 and it occurs at C(2,9), the optimal
solution to the given problem is x 1 =2, x 2 =9 with
Z max =82 .
2.5 Mathematica Codes for Graphical Representation of
Feasible Region:
In this section we have developed a computational technique using mathematica codes to
show the feasible region of two-dimensional linear programming problems. This method also gives
the optimal solution. We have illustrated two numerical examples (maximization & Minimization) to
demonstrate our method.
2.5.1 Numerical Example-2:
Maximize Z = 2x 1 + 3x 2
Subject to x 1 + x 2 ≤ 30
x2 ≥ 3
x 2 ≤ 12
x 1 -x 2 ≥ 0
0 ≤ x 1 ≤ 20.
The solution space satisfying the given constraints and meeting the non-negativity restrictions
x 1 ≥ 0 and x 2 ≥ 0 is shown shaded in Fig. 8. Any point in this shaded region is a feasible solution to
the given problem.
Mathematica Codes for Graphical Representation:
<<Graphics `ImplicitPlot`
<<GraPhics `Colors`
<<Graphics `Arrow`
11 = ImplicitPlot [{ x1+x2 == 30 , x2 ==3 ,x2 == 12 , x1-x2 == 0 , x1 == 20 },
{x1, 0 ,25} , {x2, 0 ,25} , PlotStyle -> {Blue , Maroon , Green , Brown , Purple} ,
DisplayFunction -> Identity] ;
p1 = Graphics [{Maroon , Polygon[{{3,3} , {12,12} , {18,12} , {20,10} , {20,3}}]}] ;
t1 = Graphics [{Text [“A(3,3)”, {3.5 , 2.5}] , Text [“B(12,12)”, {12.5 , 12.5}],
Text [“C(18,12)”, {18.6 , 12.5}] , Text [“D(20,10)”, {22.5, 10.5}] ,
Text [“E(20,3)”, {22.2 , 2.5}]}] ;
t2 = Graphics [{Text [“x2• 3”,{23 , 3.5}] , Text [“x2≤ 12”, {23, 12.5}] ,
Text [“x1-x2• 0”, {5.2, 8}] , Text[“x1+x2≤ 30”, {13, 20}] ,
Text [“x1≤ 20”, {21.5, 6}]}] ;
a1 = Graphics [{Arrow [{5, 25}, {4, 24}, HeadScaling -> Relative] ,
Arrow [{25, 25} , {26, 24}, HeadScaling -> Relative] ,
Arrow [{25, 12} , {25, 11}, HeadScaling -> Relative] ,
Arrow [{25, 3} , {25, 4}, HeadScaling -> Relative] ,
Arrow [{20, 25} , {19, 25}, HeadScaling -> Relative]}] ;
Show [{l1 , p1 , t1 ,t2 , a1} , AxesLabel -> {“x1” , “x2”} ,
Ticks -> {{3 ,6 , 9 , 12 ,15 , 18 , 21} , {3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18 , 21}} ,
DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction]
Feasible region for example 2
The co-ordinates of the five vertices of the convex region ABCDE are A(3,3),
z [ x1_, x2_] : = 2 x1 + 3 x2 ;
v = { z[ 3 , 3] , z[ 12 , 12 ] , z[ 18 , 12] , z[ 20 , 10 ] , z[ 20 , 3]}
optimal = Max [v]
{ 15 , 60 , 72 , 70 , 49 }
Since the maximum value of Z is 72, which occurs at the point C(18,12), the solution to the
given problem is x 1 = 18, x 2 = 12 with
Z max = 72.
Remark-1: If we solve this problem by usual simplex method we need to use artificial
variables and to apply 2 phase simplex method or Big-M simplex method, which needs 7
iterations. But it is time consuming and clumsy method.
Feasible region for example 3
The coordinates of the vertices of the convex polygon OABCD are O(0,0), A(0,10/3), B(2,4),
C(4,2), and D(2,0)
z [ x1_, x2_] : = -x1 + 2 x2 ;
v = { z[ 0 , 0] , z[ 0 , 10/3 ] , z[ 2 , 4] , z[ 4 , 2 ] , z[ 2 , 0]}
optimal = Min [v]
{ 0 , 20/3 , 6 , 0 , –2 }
Since the minimum value of Z is – 2, which occurs at the vertex D(2,0), The
solution to the given problem is x 1 = 2 , x 2 = 0 with
Z max = - 2.
2.6 Conclusion:
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction:
Maximize z = ∑ c j x j
j =1
Subject to : ∑a
j =1
ij x j (>, =, <)bi , bi > 0, i = 1, 2, ........, m
all x j > 0
Maximize z = ∑ c j x j
j =1
Subject to : ∑a
j =1
ij x j = bi i = 1, 2, ........, m
all x j > 0
which includes slack variables that have been added to the left side of each less
than or equal to constraint, surplus variables that have been subtracted from the left side of
each greater than or equal to constraint, and artificial variables that have been added to the
left side of than greater than or equal to constraint and each equality. It is assumed that the
profit coefficients for the slack and surplus variables are zero while the profit coefficients
for the artificial variables are arbitrarily small negative numbers (algebraically), say -M.
The equivalent model necessarily assures us that each equation contains a variable with a
coefficient of 1 in that equation and a coefficient of zero in each of the other equations. If
the original constraint was a less than or equal to constraint, the slack variable in the
corresponding equation will satisfy the condition just stated. Likewise, the artificial
variables added to the greater than or equal to constraints and equalities satisfy the
condition for each of the remaining equations in the equivalent model. These slack and
artificial variables are the basic variables in the initial basic feasible solution of the
equivalent problem.
Maximize : z
Subject to:
z − ∑cjxj = 0
j =1
j =1
ij x j = bi , i = 1, 2, ........, m 3.2
all x j > 0
Subject to : z − ∑ c j x j = b0 3.3
j =1
j =1
ij x j = bi , i = 1, 2, ........, m 3.4
all x j > 0
This assures us that each equation in (3.4) contains a slack or artificial variable that
has a coefficient of 1 in that equation and a coefficient of zero in each of the other
equations in (3.4) as well as in equation (3.3). Equation (3.3) will be refereed to as the
objective function equation. We will now present the general simplex method.
The computational steps of the simplex method for solving an (LP) which is in
canonical form are as follows: (for maximization problem).
Step 2 : Start with an initial basic feasible solution in canonical form and set up the Initial
Step 3 : Use the innerproduct rule to find the relative profit factors (∩ j )as follows, ∩ j = c j
c j - z j =c j (innerproduct of c B and the column corresponding to x j in the canonical
is set to ∞ . The constraint with the lowest limit determined, the corresponding row is
called the pivot row, the basic variable in that constraint will be replaced by the non-basic
variable. The element which is at the intersection of the pivot row and pivot column is
called the pivot element.
Since the determination of the variable to leave the basis involves the calculation
of ratios and selection of the minimum ratio, this rule is generally called the minimum
ratio rule.
Step 6 : Perform the pivot operation to get the new table and the basic feasible solution.
That is,
(1) Divide all elements of the pivot row by the pivot element.
(2) Then, in order to obtain zeros in the other places of the pivot column, add
suitable multiples of the transformed pivot row to the remaining rows.
Step 7 :Compute the relative profit factors by using inner–product rule.Return to step-4.
Remark 2.2.1 : each sequence of step–4 to step–7 is called an iteration to the simplex
method. Thus each iteration gives a new table and an improved basic feasible solution.
Remark 2.2.2 : An alternative optimal solution is indicated whenever there exists a non-
basic variable whose relative profit factor ∩ j is zero in the optimal table. Otherwise the
solution is unique.
Remark 2.2.3 : If all the elements in the pivot column are non-positive then this indicates
that the problem has an unbounded solution.
3.2.2 Properties of the Simplex Method:
The important properties of the simplex method are summarized here for convenient ready
ii) If an artificial variable is an optimal solution of the equivalent model at a
non-zero level, then no feasible solution for the original model exists. On
the contrary, if the optimal solution of equivalent model does not contain
an artificial variable at a non-zero level, the solution is also optimal for
the original model.
iii) If all of the slack, surplus, and artificial variables are zero when an
optimal solution of the equivalent model is reached, then all of the
constraints in the original model are strict "equalities" for the values of the
variables that optimize the objective function.
iv) If a non-basic variable has a zero coefficient in the objective function
equation when an optimal solution is reached, there are multiple optimal
solutions. In fact, there is an infinity of optimal solutions. The simplex
method finds only one optimal solutions and stops.
v) Once an artificial variable leaves the set of basic variables (the basis), it
will never enter the basis again. So all calculations for that variable can be
ignored in future steps.
vi) When selecting the variable to leave the current basis:
a) If two or more ratios are smallest, choose one arbitrarily.
b) If a positive ratio does not exist, the objective function in the original
model is not bounded by the constraints. Thus, a finite optimal solution for
the original model does not exist.
vii) If a basis has a variable at the zero level, it is called a degenerate basis.
viii) Although cycling is possible, there have never been any practical
problems for which the simplex method failed to converge.
1) in canonical form
or 2) not in canonical form .
(LP1) Maximize Z = cx
Subject to Im x B + N XN = b
Where Im is m × m identity matrix, x B = (x 1 ,x 2 , ………, x m )is the vector of basic
variables. N=(a ij )is an m× (n-m) submatrix formed by the remaining Column of
If all of the constraints are of “≤ ” type or can be converted to “ • ” type and all
R.H.S constants bi (I=1,2,……..,m) are non-negative,the canonical form Can easily be
obtained. Then we can form the initial basic feasible simplex table.
step-2 : Add the artificial variables “w i ” to the left hand side of all the constraints of “=”
and “≥” type in the original problem. Therefore we would lick to get rid of these variables
and would not allow them to appear in the final solution. To do so, these artificial
variables are assigned the letter M as the cost in a minimization problem and-M as the
profit in a maximization problem with the assumption that M is a very large positive
Step-3: continue with the regular steps of simplex method of subsection 2.2.1
While making iterations, using simplex method, one of the following cases may
arises :
Case-I : If no artificial variable remains in the in positive level and the optimality
condition is satisfied, then the solution is optimal.
Case-II : When the Big-M simplex method terminates with an optimal table, it is
sometimes possible for one or more artificial variables to remain as basic variables at
positive level. This implies that the original problem is infeasible.
Remark 2.2.4 : Remark 2.1.2 and Remark 2.1.3 are also applicable here.
Case-1 : If max y= -∑w i = 0 and no artificial variables appears in the basis, then a basic
feasible solution to the original problems is obtained. We then move to the Phase II.
Case-2: If max y= -∑w i ≥ 0 and at least one of the artificial variables appears in the basis
at a positive level, then the original problem has no feasible solution and the procedure
Remark 2.2.5 : The artificial objective function can always be minimized whatever be the
objective function of original problem and thus one can avoid the negative sign in artificial
objective function.
Phase II : In this phase, the basic feasible solution found at the end of phase I is
optimized with respect to the original objective function. The simplex method is once
again applied to determine the optimal solution as in subsection 2.2.1
Remark 2.2.6 : Remark 2.2.2 and Remark 2.2.3 are also applicable here.
Chapter 4
4.1.1 Algorithm:
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Let xB be another basic feasible solution to the (LP), where B = ( b1 , b2 ,......., bm ) in the
basis in which br1 and br2 are replaced by bu1 and bu 2 respectively of A but not in B.
The columns of B are given by
bi = bi for i ≠ r1 , r2
br1 = au1
br 2 = au 2
Then the new basic variables can be expressed in terms of the original ones and yiu1 and
i.e. au1 = ∑Y
i =1
iu1 i
=> y r1u1br1 + y r2u1 br2 = au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r1, r2
iu1 i 4.1
Similarly, y r1u 2br1 + yr2u 2 br2 = au 2 − ∑y
i ≠ r1, r2
iu 2 i 4.2
Multiplying equation (4.1) by yr2u2 and (4.2) by yr2u1 and Subtracting we have,
( )
br1 = 1 (au1 yr2 u 2 − au 2 yr2 u1 ) + 1 ∑ bi yiu 2 yr2 u1 − yiu1 yr2 u 2
k k i≠r r
1, 2
au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r1 , r2
iu1 i yr2u1
= 1k m
au2 − ∑y
i ≠ r1 , r2
iu 2 i yr2u2
yr1u1 au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r1 , r2
iu1 ib
br2 = 1
k m
yr1u 2 au 2 − ∑y
i ≠ r1 , r2
iu 2 i
y r1u1 y r1u2
Where K =
y r2u1 y r2u2
Now x B = B −1b
=> b=Bx B
= ∑ bi x Bi
i =1
= ∑b x
i ≠ r1 , r2
i B1 + br1 x Br 1 + br2 x B2
m m
m x Br
au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r1 , r2
b yr2u1
iu1 i
X Br
yr1u1 au1 − ∑y b
iu1 i
∑b x
i ≠ r1 , r2
1 2
= i Bi
+ k
i ≠ r1 , r2
au2 − ∑y
i ≠ r1 , r2
b yr2u2
iu 2 i yr1u2 au2 − ∑y b
iu 2 i
i ≠ r1 , r2
X Br
m yiu xB r1 yr1u 2 yiu yr1u1 1
∑b { x − }+
1 2
= i Bi
- k
X Br
i ≠ r1 , r2 xB r2 yr2 u 2 yr2 u1 2
X Br yr1u2 Yr1u1 X Br
1 1
au 1 + au 2
k X Br 2 yr2u2 k Yr2 u1 X Br
m ∧ ∧ ∧
=> b = ∑ bi x Bi + au1 x Br1 + au 2 x Br2
i ≠ r1 , r2
∧ ∧
Where, x Bi = xBi - yiu1 x Br1 + yiu2 x Br2 4.4
∧ X Br y r1u2
X Br1 = 1 = θ u1 ( say )
k X y
Br r2u 2 2
∧ y r1u1 x Br1
X Br2 = 1 = θ u2 ( say )
k yr x Br
2 1 2
∧ ∧
X Br = yr1u1 x Br1 + yr1u2 x Br2
Also ∧ ∧
X Br2 = yr2u1 x Br1 + yr2u2 x Br2
∧ m ∧ ∧
Z = ∑ c Bi xBi
i =1
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= ∑ c Bi x Bi + c Br1 x Br1 + cBr2 x Br2
i ≠ r1, r2
∧ ∧
∧ ∧
= ∑c Bi x B i − yiu1 x Br1 + yiu 2 x Br2
+ cu1 x Br1 + cu 2 x Br2
i ≠ r1, r2
∧ ∧ ∧
Where c B i = cBi , c Br1 = cu1 , c Br2 = cu2
∧ m m ∧
Z = ∑ cBi xBi − cBr1 xBr1 − cBr2 xBr2 − ∑c Bi yiu1 x Br1 −
i =1 i ≠ r1 , r2
m ∧ ∧ ∧
∑ cBi yiu 2 x Br2 + cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br 2
i ≠ r1 , r2
∧ ∧
∧ ∧
= Z − cBr yr1u1 x Br1 + yr1u 2 x Br2 - cB r2 yr2 u1 x Br1 + yr2 u 2 x Br2
m ∧ m ∧ ∧ ∧
− ∑ c Bi yi u1 x Br1 −
i ≠ r1 , r2
i ≠ r1 , r2
Bi y iu2 x Br2 + cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2
m ∧ m ∧ ∧ ∧
= Z − ∑ cBi yi u1 x Br1 −∑ cBi yiu 2 x Br2 + cu1 x Br1 + cu 2 x Br2
i =1 i =1
( ) ( )
∧ ∧ ∧
∴ Z = Z + cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2
( ) ( )
∧ ∧
=> z + cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 > z
( ) ( )
∧ ∧
=> cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu2 − zu2 x Br2 > 0
Therefore we get
∧ ∧ ∧
(a) z = z when x Br1 and x Br2 both are separately equal to zero.
(b) z > z if
(i) cu1 − zu1 > 0 )
(ii) cu 2 − zu 2 > 0 )
In general c j -z j >0
4.1.4 Criterion-1: (Choices of the entering variables into the basis):
(i) Choose the u 1 th column of A for which cu1 − zu1 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,....,n.
(ii) Choose the u 2 th column of A for which cu2 − zu2 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,....,n. , j ≠ u 1
4.1.5 Criterion-2: (Choices of the out going variables form the basis):
(ii) x Br1 ≥ 0
(iii) x Br 2 ≥ 0
The above inequalities lead to the conditions for the selection of X BR and
X BR respectively as
xBr xB
(i) Choose X Br for which 1
= min i , yiu1 > 0
yr1u1 yiu
xBr2 xB
(ii) Choose X Br for which = min i , yiu 2 > 0
yr2 u 2 yiu
After choosing u 1 th the and u 2 th column and forming K, if one see that all the
elements of K are not non-negative then choose the v′th column of A in lieu of u 2 th
column by the alternative criterion such as choose the column of A as the v′ th for which
c v′ -z v′ is the greatest positive c j -z j ; j=1,2,..........,n ;j≠u 1 , u 2 .
Remark : 4.1.2 :
If the two non-basic variables happen to replace the same basic variable i.e.
x Bi x Bi
> and > occur for the same value of 'i' then one can
min yiu
, yiu 1
min yiu
, yiu 2
i 1 i 2
overcome this difficulty by the same procedure as in Remark 3.1.1.
Remark 4.1.3:
In this section we present the work of Agrawal and Verma in which they studied
the replacement of three basic variables by three non basic variables at each iteration of
Simplex method for solving (LP).
4.2.1 Algorithm:
∧ ∧
∧ ∧ ∧
Let x B be another basic feasible solution, where B = b1 , b 2 ......b m is the basis in
which br1 , br2 and br3 are replaced by au1 , au 2 and au3 respectively of A but not in B.
The columns of B are given by
b i = bi , for i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
b r1 = au1
b r2 = au 2
b r3 = au3
Then the new basic variables can be expressed in terms of the original ones and
yiu1 , yiu 2 , and yiu3
i.e. au1 = ∑ yiu1 bi
i =1
=> yr1u1 br1 + y r2 u1 b r2 + y r3u1 b r3 = au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu1 i 4.7
Similarly, y r1u2 br1 + y r2u2 br2 + y r3u2 br3 =au2 − ∑y
i ≠ r1, r2 , r3
iu 2 i 4.8
and, yr1u3 br1 + yr2 u3 br2 + yr3u3 br3 = au3 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu 3 i 4.9
Solving the above three equations for br1 , br2 and br3 we have,
au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu1 i b y r2u1 y r3u1
br1 = au2 − ∑ y iu2 bi y r2u2 y r3u2
k i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
a u3 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu3 bi y r2u3 y r3u3
y r1u1 au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu1 i y r3u1
Similarly br2 = yr u
k 12
au2 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu 2 bi y r3u2
y r1u 3 a u3 _ ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu3 bi y r3u3
y r1u1 y r2u1 au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu1 i
and br3 = yr u
k 12
y r2u2 au2 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu 2 bi
y r1u3 y r2u3 a u3 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3
iu3 bi
Now X B =B-1b
=> b = Bx B
= ∑ bi x Bi
i =1
= ∑b x
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
i Bi + br1 x Br1 + br2 x Br2 + br3 x Br3
au1 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
yiu1 bi yr2 u1 yr3u1
m xBr1 m
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
bi xBi +
au 2 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
yiu 2 bi yr2 u 2 yr3u 2 +
au 3 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
yiu 3 bi yr2 u 3 yr3u 3
yr1u1 au1 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
yiu1 bi yr3u1
xBr2 m
yr1u 2 au 2 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
yiu 2 bi yr3u 2 +
yr1u 3 au 3 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
yiu 3 bi yr3u 3
yr1u1 yr2 u1 au1 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3
iu1 i
xBr3 m
yr1u 2 yr2 u 2 au 2 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3
iu 2 i
yr1u 3 yr2 u 3 au 3 − ∑y
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3
iu 3 i
{ yiu1 yiu 2
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
bi xBi −
xBr yr2 u 2 yr2 u 3 −
yr2 u1 xBr yr2 u 3
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
=> b = ∑b x i
i ≠ r1, r2 , r3
Bi + au1 x Br1 + au2 x Br2 + au3 x Br3
∧ ∧ ∧
Where x Bi = xBi − yiu1 x Br1 + yiu 2 x Br2 + yiu 3 x Br3 4.10
∧ ∧ ∧
x Br1 = y r1u1 x Br1 + y r1u2 x Br2 + y r1u3 x Br3
∧ ∧ ∧
x Br2 = y r2u1 x Br1 + y r2u2 x Br2 + y r2u3 x Br3 4.12
∧ ∧ ∧
x Br3 = y r3u1 x Br1 + y r3u2 x Br2 + y r3u3 x Br3
∧ m ∧ ∧
z = ∑ c Bi x Bi
i =1
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
c Bi x Bi + c Br1 x Br1 + c Br 2 x Br2 + c Br 3 x Br3
∧ ∧ ∧
∧ ∧ ∧
= ∑
i ≠ r1 ,r2 ,r3
c Bi xBi − yiu1 x Br1 + yiu2 x Br2 + yiu3 x Br3 + cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Where c Bi = cBi , c Br 1 = cu1 , c Br 2 = cu 2 , c Br 3 = cu 3
∧ m m ∧ m ∧ m ∧
z = ∑ c Bi x Bi − c Br x Br − c Br x Br − c Br x Br − ∑ c Bi yiu1 x Br1 − ∑ c Bi yiu2 x Br2 − ∑c Bi y iu3 x Br3 +
1 1 2 2 3 3
i =1 i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
∧ ∧ ^
cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3
∧ ∧
∧ ∧ ∧
= z − c Br1 y r1u1 x Br1 + y r1u2 x Br2 + y r1u3 x Br3 − c Br2 y r2u1 x Br1 + y r2u2 x Br2 + y r2u3 x Br3 − x Br3
∧ ∧ ∧
m ∧ m ∧ m ∧
y r3u1 x Br1 + y r3u2 x Br2 + y r3u3 x Br3 − ∑ c Bi y iu1 x Br1 − ∑ c Bi y iu2 x Br2 − ∑ c Bi y iu3 x Br3 +
i ≠ r1 ,r2 ,r3 i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
∧ ∧ ∧
cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3
m ∧ m ∧ m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= z − ∑ cBi yiu1 x Br1 − ∑ cBi yiu2 x Br2 − ∑ cBi yiu3 x Br3 + cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3
i =1 i =1 i =1
( ) ( ) ( )
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
z = z + cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 + cu3 − zu3 x Br3
( ) ( ) ( )
∧ ∧ ∧
=> z + cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 + cu3 − zu3 x Br3 > z
( ) ( ) ( )
∧ ∧ ∧
=> cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 + cu3 − zu3 x Br3 > 0
∧ ∧ ∧
But for non-degenerate case x Br1 , x Br2 , x Br3 > 0 . Hence we must have
(i) cu1 − zu1 > 0 ( )
(ii) cu2 − zu2 > 0 )
(iii) cu3 − zu3 > 0 )
In general c j -z j >0
(ii) Choose the u 2 th column of A for which cu2 − zu2 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,...,n. , , j≠u 1
(iii) Choose the u 3 th column of A for which cu3 − zu3 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,...,n. , j≠u 1 , u 2
4.2.5 Criterion-2: (Choices of the out going variables form the basis):
xBr xB
(i) Choose xBr for which 1
= min i , yiu1 〉 0
yr1u1 i y
xBr2 xB
(ii) Choose xBr for which = min i , yiu 2 〉 0
yr1u 2 i y
iu 2
xBr3 xB
(iii) Choose xBr for which = min i , yiu 3 〉 0
yr1u 3 i y
iu 3
Numerical example:
Subject to x 1 +3x 2 ≤ 8
2x 2 +5x 3 ≤ 10
3x 1 +2x 2 +4x 3 ≤ 15
x1, x2, x3 • 0
Adding slack variables to the constraints we get the initial table as follows:
cB Cj → 3 5 4 0 0 0 Constant
↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
X B↓
5 X4 1 3 0 1 0 0 8
4 X5 0 2 5 0 1 0 10
3 X6 3 2 4 0 0 1 15
− 3 5 4 0 0 0 Z=0
c j = cj − zj
u3 u1 u2
Table-2 (Qptimal Table)
cB Cj → 3 5 4 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
15 4
5 X2 0 1 0 / 43 / 43 -5/ 43 85
/ 43
6 7 2 52
4 X3 0 0 1 - / 43 / 43 / 43 / 43
3 X1 1 0 0 -2/ 43 -12/ 43 15
/ 43 89
/ 43
cj=cj-zj 0 0 0 -45/ 43 -12/ 43 -28/ 43 Z=900/ 43
Since in Table-2 call c j = c j − z j ≤ 0 , this table gives the optimal solution to the
given linear programming problem. Therefore the optimal solution is,
Considering the minimum ratio rule (as in criterion2) we see that x 4 , x 5 , x 6 are going
to leave to leave the basis. Also x 1 replaces x 6 , x 2 replaces x 4 and x 3 replaces x 5 . The
entries (y ij ) at the intersection of the entering and leaving variables are called pivot
elements. Here the pivot elements are shown circled in the table.
Step 3: (Formulation of K)
We first calculate the new basic variables i.e. the components of constant vector b.
xB r yr1u 2 yr1u 3 8 0 1
∧ 1 1 85
x Br = x2 = xBr yr2 u 2 yr2 u 3 = 10 5 0 =
k 2 43 43
xB r yr3u 2 yr3u 3 15 4 3
yr1u1 xB r 1 yr1u 3 3 8 1
∧ 1 1 52
x Br = x3 = yr2 u1 xB r yr2 u 3 = 2 10 0 =
k 2
43 43
yr3u1 xB r yr3u 3 2 15 3
yr1u1 yr1u 2 xB r 3 8 8
∧ 1 1 89
x Br = x1 = yr2 u1 yr2 u 2 xB r = 2 5 10 =
k 2
43 43
yr3u1 yr3u 2 xBr3 2 4 15
x2 x3 x1
3 0 1 1
2 5 0 0
2 4 3 3
Note : Since y11 =1 corresponds to the pivot element 3 which is in the first column of K we
replace the first column of K by 0
y r1u1 y r1u 2 y11 3 0 1
∧ 1 1
y 31 = y r2u1 y r2u 2 y12 = 2 5 0 =1
k 43
y r3u1 y r3u 2 y13 2 4 3
are used. Since m=3 in the above example, these relations are not used here.
Similarly Remark 3.1.1 and Remark 3.1.2 are not necessary for the above example.
Chapter 5
5.1.1 Algorithm:
∧ ∧
∧ ∧ ∧
Let x B be another basic feasible solution, where B = b1 , b 2 ......b m is the basis in
which br1 , br2 ….. brP are replaced by au1 , au 2 ….. au P respectively of A but not in B.
The columns of B are given by
b i = bi , for i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
b r1 = au1
b r2 = au 2
b r3 = au3
b rP = au P
Then the new basic variables can be expressed in terms of the original ones and
yiu1 , yiu 2 ,..... yiu P
i.e. au1 = ∑ yiu1 bi
i =1
=> yr1u1 br1 + y r2 u1 b r2 +.......... + y rP u1 b rP = au1 − ∑y b
iu1 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
Similarly, yr1u 2 br1 + yr2 u 2 br2 + .......... + yr p u 2 br p = au −
∑y b
iu 2 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
and, yr1u 3 br1 + yr2 u 3 br2 + .......... + yr p u 3 br p = au3 − ∑y b
iu 3 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr1u p br1 + yr2 u p br2 + .......... + yr p u p br p = au p − ∑y b
iu p i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
Solving the above three equations for br1 , br2 .....br p we have,
a u1 − ∑y b
iu1 i
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
y r2u1 y r3u1 y rp u1
au2 − ∑y iu 2
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
bi y r2u2 y r3u2 y rp u2
br1 = a u3 − ∑ y iu3 bi y r2u3 y r3u3 Yrp u3
k i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
au p − ∑y iu p
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
bi y r2u p y r3u p Yrp u p
yr1u1 au1 − ∑y iu1 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
b yr3u1 yr p u1
yr1u 2 au 2 − ∑y iu 2 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
b yr3u 2 yr p u 2
and br2 = yr u
k 13
au 3 − ∑y iu 3 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
b yr3u 3 Yr p u 3
yr1u p au p − ∑y iu p i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
b yr3u p Yr p u p
y r1u1 y r2u1 y r3u1 au1 − ∑y iu1 i
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
y r1u2 y r2u2 y r3u2 au2 − ∑y iu 2
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
Similarly brp = yr u
k 13
y r2u3 y r3u3 a u3 − ∑y iu3
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
y r1u p y r2u p y r3u p au p − ∑y iu p
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
yr1u1 yr1u 2 yr1u 3 ..... yr1u p
yr2 u1 yr2 u 2 yr2 u 3 ..... yr2 u p
Where k = yr3u1 yr3u 2 yr3u 3 ..... yr3u p
yr p u1 yr p u 2 yr p u 3 ..... yr p u p
Now X B =B-1b
=> b = Bx B
= ∑ bi x Bi
i =1
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
bi xBi + br1 xBr + br2 xBr + br3 xBr + + br p xBrp
1 2 3
au1 − ∑y b
iu1 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr2 u1 yr3u1 yr p u1
au 2 − ∑y b
iu 2 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr2 u 2 yr3u 2 yr p u 2
m xB r m
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3
bi xBi +
au 3 − ∑y b
iu 3 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr2 u 3 yr3u 3 Yr p u 3 +
au p − ∑y b
iu p i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr2 u p yr3u p Yr p u p
y r1u1 au1 − ∑y b
iu1 i
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
y r3u1 y rpu1
y r1u2 au2 − ∑y iu 2
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
bi y r3u2 y rpu2
x Br2 m
y r1u3 a u3 − ∑y iu3
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
bi y r3u3 Yrpu3 +
y r1u p au p − ∑y iu p
i ≠ r 1, r2 , r3 ...rp
bi y r3u p Yrpu p
yr1u1 yr2 u1 yr3u1 au1 − ∑y b
iu1 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr1u 2 yr2 u 2 yr3u 2 au 2 − ∑y b
iu 2 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
xB r m
yr1u 3 yr2 u 3 yr3u 3 au 3 − ∑y b
iu 3 i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr1u p yr2 u p yr3u p au p − ∑y b
iu p i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
yr p u1 yr p u 2 yr p u 3 xBr xBr p yr p u 2 yr p u 3 yr p u p
yr p u1 xBr yr p u 3 yr p u p yr p u1 yr p u 2 yr p u 3 xB r
p p
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
=> b = ∑b i
i ≠ r 1 , r2 , r3 ...r p
x Bi + au1 x Br1 + au 2 x Br2 + au 3 x Br3 + + au p x Brp
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Where x Bi = xBi − yiu1 x Br1 + yiu 2 x Br2 + yiu 3 x Br3 + + yiu p x Brp 5.5
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
xBr = yr1u1 x Br1 + yr1u 2 x Br2 + yr1u 3 x Br3 + + yr1u p x Brp
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
xBr = yr2 u1 x Br1 + yr2 u 2 x Br2 + yr2 u 3 x Br3 + + yr2 u p x Brp
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
xBr3 = yr3u1 x Br1 + yr3u 2 x Br2 + yr3u 3 x Br3 + + yr3u p x Brp 5.7
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
xBrp = yr p u1 x Br1 + yr p u 2 x Br2 + yr p u 3 x Br3 + + yr p u p x Brp
5.1.2 New Optimizing Value:
Substituting the new value of the variables in the objective function we get the new
objective function as follows :
∧ m ∧ ∧
z = ∑ c Bi x Bi
i =1
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...r p
c Bi x Bi + c Br 1 x Br1 + c Br 2 x Br2 + c Br 3 x Br3 + + c Br p x Brp
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
c Bi x Bi − y iu1 x Br1 + y iu2 x Br2 + y iu3 x Br3 + + y iu p x Br p
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
+ cu 1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3 + + cu p x Br p
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Where c Bi = cBi , c Br 1 = cu1 , c Br 2 = cu 2 , c Br 3 = cu 3 , c Br p = cu p
∧ m m ∧
z = ∑ c Bi x Bi − c Br1 x Br1 − c Br2 x Br2 − c Br3 x Br3 − − c Br x Br − ∑ c Bi yiu1 x Br1
p p
i =1 i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
m ∧ m ∧ m ∧
− ∑c Bi
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
y iu2 x Br2 − ∑c Bi
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
y iu3 x Br3 − − ∑c Bi
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
y iu p x Br p
∧ ∧ ^ ^
+ cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3
+ + cu p x Br p
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
= z − c Br1 y r1u1 x Br1 + y r1u2 x Br2 + y r1u3 x Br3 + + y r1u p x Br p
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
− c Br2 y r2u1 x Br1 + y r2u2 x Br2 + y r2u3 x Br3 + + y r2u p x Br p
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
− x Br3 y r3u1 x Br1 + y r3u2 x Br2 + y r3u3 x Br3 + + y r3u p x Br p
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
− − c Br p y rpu1 x Br1 + y rpu2 x Br2 + y rpu3 x Br3 + + y rpu p x Br p
m ∧ m ∧ m ∧
− ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,... rp
c Bi y iu1 x Br1 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
c Bi y iu2 x Br2 − ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
c Bi y iu3 x Br3 −
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
− ∑
i ≠ r1 , r2 , r3 ,...rp
c Bi y iu p x Br p + cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3 + + cu p x Br p
m ∧ m ∧ m ∧
= z − ∑ c Bi y iu1 x Br1 − ∑ c Bi y iu2 x Br2 − ∑ c Bi y iu3 x Br3
i =1 i =1 i =1
m ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
− − ∑ c Bi y iu p x Br p + cu1 x Br1 + cu2 x Br2 + cu3 x Br3 + + cu p x Br p
i =1
( )
( )
z = z + cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 + cu 3 − zu 3 x Br3 + + cu p − zu p x Brp )
( ) ∧
The value of the objective function will improve if z > z
( )
( )
=> z + cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 + cu 3 − zu 3 x Br3 + + cu p − zu p x Brp > z )
( ) ∧
( )
( )
=> cu1 − zu1 x Br1 + cu 2 − zu 2 x Br2 + cu 3 − zu 3 x Br3 + + cu p − zu p x Brp > 0 )
( ) ∧
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
But for non-degenerate case x Br1 , x Br2 , x Br3 , , x Brp > 0 . Hence we must have
(i) cu1 − zu1 > 0 )
(ii) cu2 − zu2 > 0 )
(iii) cu3 − zu3 > 0 )
Similarly (iv) cu p − zu p > 0 ( )
In general c j -z j >0
(i) Choose the u 1 th column of A for which cu1 − zu1 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,...,n.
(ii) Choose the u 2 th column of A for which cu2 − zu2 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,...,n. , j≠u 1
(iii) Choose the u 3 th column of A for which cu3 − zu3 is the greatest positive of
c j -z j , j=1,2,...,n. , j≠u 1 , u 2
5.1.5 Criterion-2: (Choices of the out going variables form the basis):
xBr xB
(i) Choose xBr for which 1
= min i , yiu1 〉 0
yr1u1 i y
xBr2 xB
(ii) Choose xBr for which = min i , yiu 2 〉 0
yr1u 2 i y
iu 2
xBr3 xB
(iii) Choose xBr for which = min i , yiu 3 〉 0
yr1u 3 i y
iu 3
xBr p xB
(iv) Choose xBr for which = min i , yiu p 〉 0
yr1u p i y
iu p
Step 1: Define the types of the constraints and express the problem in its standard
Step 2: Start with an initial feasible solution in canonical form and set up initial table.
Step 3: Use the inner product rule to find the relative profit factors c j as follows
canonical system).
Step 4: If all c j ≤ 0 (maximization), the current basic feasible solution is optimal and
to Step 5.
Step 5:
Substep 1: Select the non basic variable with most and second most positive c j
Substep 2: Choose P out going variables from the basis by minimum ratio test.
If selected columns give more than one same minimum ratio, then choose
distinct rows.
Substep 4: Go to Step 4.
Substep 1: Choose the out going variable from the basis by minimum ratio test.
Substep 2: Perform the pivot operation to get the table and basic feasible solution.
Substep 3: Go to Step 4.
Step 7: If any c j corresponding to non basic variable is zero, take this column as pivot
vinpt[m_,n_]. The function vinpt[m_,n_] has been used for taking inputs. This function will
ask the user to input number of rows, number of columns, number of greater than type
constraints, input row by row, right hand side constants, cost vector and type of each
constraint e.g. ‘l’ for less than type, ‘g’ for greater than type and ‘e’ for equality type
constraints respectively. Our program is case sensitive and minimizes the tedious work of
input data by generating slack or artificial variables. The function maketble[t_] is for
making tables and the function rowoperation[t_] performs all necessary calculations for
single variable replacement. The module function morebasic[t_]has been used for more
than one basic variable replacements in a single iteration. If the case arises that a simplex
table ends with only one positive c j , then to incorporate the problem with single variable
replacement we have introduced the function onebsop[t_] and this function controls all
necessary operations for single variable replacement. The function alter[t_] identifies
alternative (if any) solutions in either single basic or more than one basic variable
replacements. The module function morebsop[t_]does the primary works for using the
function morebasic[t_]. Finally the function main[morebasic_] calls all the functions
discussed above and controls the program.
For[i=1;str={},i• m,i++,
str=Append[str,InputString["Input type of constraints"]] ];
t=Table[ Input["Enter row elements"],{i,1,m},{j,1,n}];
tb=Transpose[t];rhs=Table[ Input["Right hand Constant"], {i,1,m}];
ceff=Table[ Input["Cost Vector"],{i,1,n}];tbcef=ceff;
For[ i=1;cstr={};bindx={},i• m,i++,
If[ StringMatchQ[ str[[i]],"l"]=True,
cstr=Append[cstr,Subscript[S,i ]];For[k=1;s={},k• m,k++,
If[i=k, s=Append[s,1],s=Append[s,0]] ];
tb=Append[tb,s];bindx=Append[bindx,Length[tb]] ;
If[ StringMatchQ[ str[[i]],"g"]=True,
cstr=Append[cstr,Subscript[S,i ]];
cstr=Append[cstr,Subscript[A,i ]];For[k=1;s={};a={},k• m,k++,
If[ i==k,s=Append[s,-1];
a=Append[a,1],s=Append[s,0];a=Append[a,0] ] ];
bindx=Append[bindx,Length[tb] ];
cstr=Append[cstr,Subscript[A,i ]];
For[k=1;a={},k• m,k++,If[ i==k,a=Append[a,1],
a=Append[a,0] ]];tb=Append[tb,a];
ceff=Append[ceff,-10^10];tbcef=Append[tbcef,-M] ];
] ];
For[j=n,j≥ 1,j--,cstr=Prepend[cstr,Subscript[X,j]] ];
For[j=1;coount={},j• m+n+pp,j++,
fb "Cj","Basis","CjZj" ; fcj "","CB","Cj" ;
For[i=1;cb={};tcbf={};cbv={};B={},i• m,i++,
For[j=1,j• m+n+pp,j++,
If[bindx[[i]]== coount[[j]],cb= Append[cb,cstr[[j]] ];
cbv=Append[cbv, ceff[[j]] ];
tcbf=Append[tcbf, tbcef[[j]] ]; B=Append[B,tb[[j]] ], ];
];fb= Insert[ fb,cb[[i]], i+2];
fcj=Insert[fcj,tcbf[[i]],i+2];fr=Insert[fr,rhs[[i]], i+2]; ];
fr=ReplacePart[fr,tcbf.rhs,-1]; B=Transpose[B];
For[ i=1;fbcjr={};cjbar={},i• m+n+pp,i++,
cjbar=Append[ cjbar, ceff[[i]]-cbv.Inverse[B].tb[[i]] ];
fbcjr=Append[ fbcjr, ( tbcef[[i]]-tcbf.Inverse[B].tb[[i]])
//Simplify ]; ];
tbfom=Prepend[ tble,cstr];
tbfom=Prepend[tbfom, tbcef];tbfom= Append[ tbfom, fbcjr];
Print[" Table ",hed," "];
Print[TableForm [ Transpose[tbfom2],
TableAlignments→ Center,TableSpacing->{1,3}]];
For[i=1;nofe=0,i• m,i++, If[tcbf[[i]]==-M,nofe=1]];
If[ Max[cjbar]>0,Print["Feasible Solution = ", tcbf.rhs],
Print["Solution Point"];
For[i=1;k=0,i• m+n+pp,i++,For[j=1,j• m,j++,
Print[ cb[[j]], " = ", rhs[[j]]," (Basic Variable)" ];k=1 ] ];
Print[cstr[[i]], " = 0
(Non Basic Variable )" ] ];k=0];
If nofe0, Print "All C j 0 & Optimal Value ",tcbf.rhs ,
Print "Though all Cj 0, but no feasible solution" ;
If[ Max[cjbar]>0 ,p=u[1];For[j=1,j• 2,j++,
For[j=1,j• 2,j++,
rhs r j Det kop ;
Det k
For[i=1,i• m,i++,If[i≠ r[1]&&i≠ r[2],rhs[[i]]=rhs[[i]]-
(y[[i,u[1] ]]*rhs[[ r[1] ]]+y[[i,u[2] ]]*rhs[[ r[2] ]]) ] ];
For[ i=1,i• m+n+pp,i++,yrep={y[[ r[1],i ]],y[[ r[2],i ]]};
For[j=1,j• 2,j++,kop=Transpose[ReplacePart[k,yrep,j]];
yy j
Det k
Det kop ; ;
If[ Max[cjbar]>0 ,
For[i=1;teta={},i• m,i++,If[ tble[[i,pcol]]>0,
tetaAppend teta,
teta=Append[teta, 10^6] ];
rhs i
tble i, pcol
rhs pro
pro=Position[teta, Min[teta]][[1,1]];
rhs pro
tble pro, pcol
tble pro tble pro
; For i1,im,i,
tble pro, pcol
tble[[i]]=tble[[i]]-tble[[i,pcol]]*tble[[pro]]; ] ], ];
onebsop[t_]:=Module[{},Print["One basic var replacement"];Print[];While[
Max[cjbar]> 0,
pcol=Position[cjbar, Max[cjbar]][[1,1]];rowoperation[tble];
If[st≠ 1,bindx=ReplacePart[bindx, coount[[pcol]],pro];
maketble[tble], Return[] ] ];
alter[t_]:=Module[{},For[i=1;nofe=0,i• m,i++, If[bindx[[i]]==10^10,nofe=1]];
nbindx=Complement[coount,bindx]; For[i=1;alt=0,i• Length[nbindx],i++,
If[ cjbar[[nbindx[[i]]]]==0,alt=1;
Print["Alternative Solution"]; pcol=nbindx[[i]];
cjbar=ReplacePart[cjbar, 10^6, pcol];rowoperation[tble];
If[st≠ 1,bindx=ReplacePart[bindx, coount[[pcol]],pro];
maketble[tble], Goto["lst"] ], ];Label["lst"]; ];
If[alt==0,Print["No Alternative Solution"]];
Print["More than one basic var replacement"];Print[];
u1=Max[cjbar];u[1]=Position[cjbar, Max[cjbar]][[1,1]];
u[2]=Position[cjbar, Max[cjbar]][[1,1]];
cjbar=ReplacePart[cjbar,ceff[[ u[1] ]],u[1]];y=tble;morebasic[y];
If[st≠ 1&&s=0,For[i=1,i• 2,i++,
bindx=ReplacePart[bindx,coount[[ u[i] ]],r[i] ]]; maketble[tble],
Print["More than one basic var replacement not possible"];Return[]],
Print["After that more than one basic var replacement not possible"];
cjbar=ReplacePart[cjbar,0,u[1]];tr=1 ] ];
m=Input["No of Rows"];n=Input["No of Columns"];
pp=Input["No of >= constraints"];hed=0;st=0;
d=Input["Choose method \n'1' for one basic var \n '2' for more basic var"];
5.3.2 Numerical Examples and Comparison:
In this section, we will compare the results obtained by our method with that of
Dantzig’s methods. And also show the differences between these methods with illustrative
numerical examples. Our method takes less iteration than Dantzig’s one basic variable
replacement method. The main short coming of Paranjape’s method is that if a simplex
table ends with one positive c j , then this method fails. Our method over comes this
problem easily.
Example 1:
Max Z = − 15 x + 25 x + 15 x − 30 x + 10 x5 − 40 x7 − 10 x
1 2 3 4 9
1 1 1
− x1 + x 2 + x3 ≤ 0 ,
2 2 2
1 3 1
− x1 + x 2 − x3 ≤ 0
4 4 4
3 1 1
− x 4 + x5 + x 6 ≤ 0
4 4 4
1 1 1
− x 4 + x5 − x6 ≤ 0
2 2 2
x1 + x 4 + x 7 ≤ 100
x 2 + x5 + x8 ≤ 100
x3 + x 6 + x9 ≤ 60
xi ≥ 0
The above LP takes four iterations (excluding initial table) in Dantizig’s method
whereas it takes only two (excluding initial table) iterations in our method. Using our
program, we have to input 7, 9, 0 respectively to indicate the LP has 7 constraints with 9
variables and no greater than type constraints. If there exists any greater than type
constraints then input the number of those constraints. We have to input ‘l’ seven times to
indicate all constraints are less than type with ‘A’, the coefficient matrix, right hand side
constants ‘b’ and cost coefficient ‘C’. The program will generate required number on slack
We obtained the optimal solution of the above problem after four iterations
(excluding initial table) by Dantzig’s single variable replacement method. We solve the
same problem by our method and obtained the optimal solution after two iterations
(excluding initial table). We see our method reduces the number of iterations by 50%. The
optimal tables of one basic variable replacement method and our method are as follows.
Example 2:
We shall show the failure of Paranjape’s method. For the following LP, we see that
Paranjape’s method fails after one iteration because there exists only one positive c j at
that time as shown in Table 2. Whereas our method solves the same problem effectively
and the result is shown in Table 4.
Max Z = 2 x1 + 3 x 2 + 4 x3
s / t x1 + x 2 + x3 ≥ 5
x1 + 2 x 2 = 7
5 x1 − 2 x 2 + 3 x3 ≤ 9
x1 , x 2 , x3 ≥ 0
Now, applying the above program to solve the production problem of the
garment industry (Standard Group) formed in section 1.8 of Chapter-1, we may
rearrange the computer solution in the following way:
Z= 5837.68
x 1 =0.0 x 2 =0.0
x 3 =0.0 x 4 =0.0
Illustrated Answer:
Should not be produced the RMG items- Men’s long sleeve shirt
Should not be produced the RMG items- Men’s short sleeve shirt
Men’s shorts:
Ladies shorts:
Boys shorts:
Men’s boxer:
Men’s jacket:
Ladies jacket:
Boys jacket:
Maximum Profit
Note: If we solve the problem by Dantzis’s one variable replacement method it takes
10,636 iterations, which is very time consuming to solve by hand calculation. But by
applying our combined program we can easily solve these types of large scale real life
Now, applying the above program to solve the Textile Mill Scheduling
problem formed in section 1.9 of Chapter-1, we may rearrange the computer solution in
the following way:
Z= 62286.45
x 11 =4181.82 x 12 =12318.18
x 21 =22000.00 x 22 =0.0
Illustrated Answer:
Maximum Profit
Note: If we solve the problem by Dantzis’s one variable replacement method it takes
10,835 iterations, which is not possible to solve by hand calculation. But by applying our
combined program we can easily solve these types of large scale real life problem
5.6 Conclusion:
In this chapter, we compared the results obtained by our method with that of
Dantzig’s methods. And also show the differences between these methods with
illustrative numerical examples. Our method takes less iteration than Dantzig’s one basic
variable replacement method. The main short coming of Paranjape’s method is that if a
simplex table ends with one positive c j , then this method fails. Our method over comes
this problem easily. We obtained the optimal solution of example1 after four iterations
(excluding initial table) by Dantzig’s single variable replacement method. We solved the
same problem by our method and obtained the optimal solution after two iterations
(excluding initial table). We have seen that our method reduces the number of iterations by
50%. Moreover in example2 we have shown the failure of Paranjape’s method. In example
2 we have also shown that Paranjape’s method fails after one iteration because there exists
only one positive c j at that time as shown in Table 2. Whereas our method solves the
same problem effectively. That is why, we can easily say that our method is more effective
than any other methods.
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction:
We discussed the two and three basic variables replacement method of Paranjape and
Agrawal and Verma’s for solving linear programming problem (LP) in Chapter 4.
In this chapter we illustrate some numerical examples to compare the different method for
solving all kinds of linear programming problem replacing more than one basic variable at
each simplex iteration. For clarity we first solve the same example in graphical method
and also in usual simplex method of Dantzig. We also generalize the claim to more than
one basic variables replacement methods for solving (LP).
cB Cj → -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
0 x3 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 8
0 x4 2 2 -3 0 1 0 0 7
0 x5 1 -3 0 0 0 1 0 2
0 x7 4 1 3 0 0 0 1 4
− -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Z=0
c j = cj − zj
cB Cj → -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
Table-3(Optimal Table)
cB Cj → -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
Since in Table – 3 all cj-zj≤ 0, this table gives the optimal solution to the given
problem. Therefore the optimal solution to the given problem is
x 1= 0 , x 2 = 28/13 , x 3 = 8/13 , with Zmax =164/13.
We now want to solve the above problem by Paranjape’s method. The initial table of the
problem is as follows:
cB Cj → -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Constant
↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
X B↓
0 x4 2 4 -1 1 0 0 0 8
0 x5 2 2 -3 0 1 0 0 7
0 x6 1 -3 0 0 0 1 0 2
0 x7 4 1 3 0 0 0 1 4
− -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Z=0
c j = cj − zj
Optimal Table
cB Cj → -2 5 3 0 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7
Since in the above table all cj-zj≤ 0, this table gives the optimal solution. Therefore
the optimal solution to the given problem is x 1 =0, x 2 =28/13, x 3 =8/13 with Zmax=164/13.
4 −1
K= = 13
1 3
∧ X Br yr1u 2 1 8 −1 28
X Br1 = x2 = 1 1
= =
kX yr2 u 2 13 4 3 13
Br 2
∧ yr1u1 X Br 1 4 8 8
X Br 2 = x3 = 1 1
= =
k y X Br 13 1 4 13
r2 u1 2
∧ ∧
x B2 = x5 = xB2 − y2u1 x Br1 + y2u 2 x Br2
28 8 59
= 7 − 2. − 3. =
13 13 13
28 110
x B3 = x6 = 2 − − 3. + 0 =
13 13
∧ 1 2 −1 10
y11 = =
13 4 3 13
Note: since y11 = 2 corresponds to the pivot element 4 which is in the first column of K
we replace the first column of K by
∧ 1 4 2 14
y 41 = =
13 1 4 13
10 14 48
y 21 = 2 − 2. − 3. =
13 13 13
10 43
y 31 = 1 − − 3. + 0 =
13 13
Solution of example 6.1.1 in more than one Basic Variable Replacement Method by
using combined program in programming language Mathematica:
Solution Point
X1 0 Non Basic Variable
X2 Basic Variable
X3 Basic Variable
S1 0 Non Basic Variable
S2 Basic Variable
S3 Basic Variable
S4 0 Non Basic Variable
All Cj 0 & Optimal Value
No Alternative Solution
6.1.2 Numerical Example 2:
Maximize Z= 3x 1 +2x 2
Subject to 2x 1 +x 2 ≤ 4
-3x 1 +5x 2 ≤ 15
3x 1 -x 2 ≤ 3
x1, x2• 0
Solution of the above problem in Graphical Method:
The solution space satisfying the given constraints and meeting the non negativity
restrictions x 1 , x 2 • 0 is shown shaded in figure below. Any point in this shaded region is
a feasible solution to the given problem.
Feasible region for example 6.1.1
The vertices of the convex feasible region OABCD are O(0,0), A(1,0),
B(7/ 5 , 6/ 5 ), C (5/ 13 , 42/ 13 ) and D(0,3).
The value of the objective function at these points are:
Z(0)= 0
Z(A) = 3.1+0 = 3
Z(B) = 3. 7/ 5+ , 2.6/ 5 = 33/ 5.
Since the maximum value of the objective function is 99/13 and it occurs at
C(5/13,42/13), the optimal solution to the given problem is x 1= 5/ 13 , X 2 =42/ 13 with
Zmax = 99/ 13
Inserting the slack variables x 3, x 4, x 5 • 0 to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd constraints of
example 6.1.2 we first transform the example to standard form as follows:
Maximize Z= 3x 1 +2x 2
Subject to 2x 1 +x 2 +x 3 = 4
-3x 1 +5x 2+ x 4 = 15
3x 1 -x 2 + x 5 = 3
x 1 , x 2, x 3, x 4, x 5 • 0
cB Cj → 3 2 0 0 0 Constant
↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
X B↓
0 x3 2 1 1 0 0 4
0 x4 -3 5 0 1 0 15
0 x5 33 -1 0 0 1 3
− 3 2 0 0 0 Z=0
c j = cj − zj
cB Cj → 3 2 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
0 x3 0 5/3 1 - 2/ 3 2
1 18
0 x4 0 4 0 1
3 x1 1 - 1/ 3 0 0 1
/3 1
cj=cj-zj 0 3 0 0 -1 Z= 3
cB Cj → 3 2 0 0 0 Constant
↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
X B↓
2 x2 0 1 3/5 0 -2/5 6/5
0 x4 0 0 -12/5 1 13/5 66/5
3 x1 1 0 1/5 0 1/5 7/5
− 0 0 -9/5 0 1/5 Z=33/5
c j = cj − zj
cB Cj → 3 2 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
2 0 42
2 x2 0 1 1/5 / 13 / 13
1 66
0 x5 0 0 -12/13 5/ 13 / 13
3 x1 1 0 5/13 -1/ 13 0 5
/ 13
cj=cj-zj 0 0 -101/65 -1/ 13 0 Z=99/ 13
Since in Table – 4 all the relative profit factors are non positive i.e all cj≤ 0, this
table give the optimal solution to the given problem. Hence the optimal solution is
x 1 = 5/13, x 2 = 43/13 With Zmax = 99/13.
Solution of example 6.1.2 in Paranjape [9]’s Two- Basic Variabls Replacement
We now attempt to solve the above problem following the two basic variables
replacement method of Paranjape.
The initial table of the problem is as follows:
cB Cj → 3 2 0 0 0 Constant
↓ X B↓ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
0 x3 2 1 1 0 0 4
0 x4 -3 5 0 1 0 15
0 x5 3 -1 0 0 1 3
− 3 2 0 0 0 Z=0
c j = cj − zj
u1 u2
There are two positive cj=cj- zj, viz c1- z1 and c2- z2 in the above table. The first
one being numerically larger between the two. We choose the 1st column of A as the u1th
column and the 2nd column as the u2th column. Then by minimum ratio rule (also as in
criterion 2) we see that x 2 replaces x 4 and x 1 replaces x 5 .
y r1u1 y r1u2 3 −1
Then K = = = 12
y r2u1 y r2u2 −3 5
Here we see that all the elements in the expression of K are not non-negative. But
according to the Paranjape’s method all the elements in the expression of K are to be non
negative. Paranjape also describe a way to overcome this difficulty. In this regard he
suggested to choose the v’th column of A by the alternative criterion such as choose the
column of A as the v’th for which cv’-zv’ is the greatest positive cj-zj;
j-1,2,1….n; j ≠ u1,u2.
But in the above example there is no such v’th column. So one can not move any
where to solve the above problem by replacing two basic variables at iteration. Paranjape
did not give any instruction to overcome this kind of difficulty.
So one cannot solve the above problem applying Paranjape’s method. But the usual
simplex method and the graphical method show that the above problem has an optimal
solution. Therefore Paranjape’s method fails here.
But we can solve the example 6.1.2 by using our combined program in
programming language Mathematica. This is our method is a combined method which
incorporates Dantzig and Paranjape.
Cj 3 2 0 0 0 RHS
CB Basis X1 X2 S1 S2 S3
0 S1 2 1 1 0 0 4
0 S2 3 5 0 1 0 15
0 S3 3 1 0 0 1 3
Cj CjZj 3 2 0 0 0 0
Feasible Solution = 0
Table 2
Cj 3 2 0 0 0 RHS
CB Basis X1 X2 S1 S2 S3
0 S1 0 5 1 0 2 2
3 3
0 S2 0 4 0 1 1 18
3 X1 1 1 0 0 1 1
3 3
Cj CjZj 0 3 1
0 0
Feasible Solution = 3
Table 3
Cj 3 2 0 0 0 RHS
CB Basis X1 X2 S1 S2 S3
2 X2 0 1 3 0 2 6
5 5 5
0 S2 0 0 12 1 13 66
5 5 5
3 X1 1 0 1 0 1 7
5 5 5
Cj CjZj 0 0 9 0 1 33
5 5 5
Feasible Solution
Table 4
Cj 3 2 0 0 0 RHS
CB Basis X1 X2 S1 S2 S3
2 X2 0 1 3 2 0 42
13 13 13
0 S3 0 0 12 5 1 66
13 13 13
3 X1 1 0 5 1 0 5
13 13 13
Cj CjZj 0 0 21 1 0 99
13 13 13
Solution Point
X1 Basic Variable
X2 Basic Variable
S1 0
S2 0
All Cj 0
Basic Variable
No Alternative Solution
6.2 Conclution:
In this chapter we illustrated some numerical examples to compare the different
method for solving all kinds of linear programming problem replacing more than one basic
variable at each simplex iteration. For clarity we first solve the same example in graphical
method and also in usual simplex method of Dantzig. We also generalize the claim to
more than one basic variables replacement methods for solving (LP). But in the above
numerical example1 there is no such v’th column. So one can not move any where to solve
the above problem by replacing two basic variables at iteration. Paranjape did not give any
instruction to overcome this kind of difficulty. So one cannot solve the above problem
applying Paranjape’s method. But the usual simplex method and the graphical method
show that the problem has an optimal solution. Therefore Paranjape’s method fails here.
But we can solve the example 6.1.2 by using our combined program in programming
language Mathematica. This is our method is a combined method which incorporates
Dantzig and Paranjape. That is why; we can say that our method can solve any difficulties
for solving LP.
Chapter 7
In this research, we have generalized the simplex method of one basic variable
replacement by non basic variables to simplex method of more than one (P, where •P 1)
basic variables replacement by non basic variables, which has already been discussed in
chapter-5. We also developed a computer technique for solving LP problems of replacing
more than one basic variable by non-basic variables at each simplex iteration. It is also
applicable in the case where the Paranjape’s method stops in a table having only one basic
variable to be replaced. Our method incorporates with the usual simplex method to
overcome that problem. We compared the results obtained by our method with that of
Dantzig’s methods and also show the differences between these methods with illustrative
numerical examples that our method takes less iteration than Dantzig’s one basic variable
replacement method, which reduce the iteration time, labor as well as computational cost.
Our computer techniques can solve any types of LP problems of any dimension
where the set of constraints is not in a conical form. Because simplex method is only
applicable when the set of constraints in a conical form (i.e., Ax ≤ b, ∀ x ∈ X). In that case
another method is necessary for solving the problem but our technique will be applicable
in both types of problem.
Our computer techniques also introduce a decision making rule that defines the
different variables and types of variable or a system such that an objective defined by the
decision maker is optimized. It also reduce the activities for expressing LP problem in
standard form by introducing slack or surplus or artificial variables where it was necessary
for solving LP problem.
Finally, we may conclude that the linear programming method along with our
computer program is a mighty method for large-scale real life optimization problem,
where it can be applied. To do this, one has to build the required mathematical
programming model of the problem and required computer program. Hence our computer
oriented solution procedure saves time & labor and it can solve the problem of any