The Influence of The Regent Leadership Style On The Employee Performance in The Bandung Local Government
The Influence of The Regent Leadership Style On The Employee Performance in The Bandung Local Government
The Influence of The Regent Leadership Style On The Employee Performance in The Bandung Local Government
Lecturer of Fisip, Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, West Java Indonesia,
AH Nasution Cipadung, Cibiru, Bandung
The purpose of this study was, to determine the influence of leadership style on employee performance in the
Bandung local government.
The methodology in this research used the associative method, which aims to determine the relationship
between two or more variables, with this method will be built a theory that can serve to explain, predict and control a
The result of research proves that the leadership style of Regent has taken effect on to Performance of Civil
Servant in the Bandung Local Government. There is a significant influence between the leadership styles of Regent on
Original Article
Employee Performance in Local Government of the Bandung Regency.
KEYWORDS: Leadership Style, The Regent, Civil Servant Performance & The Local Government
Received: Sep 21, 2017; Accepted: Nov 10, 2017; Published: Dec 01, 2017; Paper Id.: IJHRMRDEC20172
Organizations are consciously coordinated social units with a reactive boundary that can be identified,
work continuously to achieve goals (Robbins, S. P, 2006: 55). Then, according to Euis Sholeha and Suzy argued
the organization is the union of people, whose efforts should be coordinated, composed of a number of interrelated
and interdependent sub-systems, working together on the basis of division of labour, roles and authority, and have
certain goals to be achieved (Sholeha, 1996: 45-46).
Organizations contain people who have a series of clear and ongoing activities to achieve organizational
goals. All actions taken in every activity are initiated, and determined by the human being who is a member of the
organization, where human beings are the main supporters of any organization of any kind of organization
(Mulyadi, 2009: 21).
To achieve organizational goals, every organization needs resources to achieve them. Resources are a
source of energy, energy, power needed to create activities or activities. These resources include natural resources,
financial resources, science and technology resources, and human resources (Wirawan, 2009: 107). Among these
resources, the most important resource is human resources. Human resources are considered important because
they can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization, as well as the main expenditure of the
organization in carrying out its activities (Simamora, Henry, 2006: 11).
Human resources are used to mobilize, and synergize other resources to achieve organizational goals. [email protected]
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Simamora concludes that, human resources are the most important organizational asset, and make other organizational
resources work (Ibid). Thus, without human resources other resources will be unemployed and less useful in achieving
organizational goals. For those human resources, as asset organization needs the management (management) to be done
well. According to Stoner, management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising the efforts of
members of the organization, as well as the use of human resources, and other resources in order to achieve the
organizational goals that have been set (Ibid).
Human Resource Management is a series of management functions (planning, organizing, actuating, and
controlling) that serve as the basis for the implementation of HRM function (procurement, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance and dismissal of employees), with the aim of realizing the goals of the organization, individual
employees, and society (Flippo, Edwin B, 1993: 41). The task of Human Resource Management, according to Gibson, et al
(1995) is about the effort to manage the human element with its potential so that, it can be obtained satisfied and
satisfactory for the organization (Gibson, James L, 1995: 24). Gibson, et al (1995) explains that organizational
performance depends on the performance of employees, or in other words the performance of employees will contribute to
organizational performance (Ibid). What Gibson said can be interpreted that, the behaviour of members of the organization
either individually or in groups can give strength or influence over the performance of the organization. Employee
performance is an important thing for the organization to consider, because it can affect the achievement of organizational
goals and progress to survive in a global competition that is often changing or unstable. The performance is the work of a
person or group of people within an organization in accordance with authority, and responsibility (Rivai, Veithzal, 2004:
77). Then Seymour explains that, performance is the actions or execution-tasks that can be measured or assessed
(Cahyono, Budhi, 2006: 181-195). Thus, the performance of employees in an organization, needs to be measured or
assessed, in order to know whether the employee's performance is good or bad.
Good performance is optimal performance, which is performance which is in accordance with organizational standard
and supports the achievement of organizational goals, and is said to be bad if on the contrary (Masrukhindan Waridin,
2006, 2004: 197-209). Employee performance is closely related to performance appraisal; therefore employee performance
appraisal needs to be done by an organization. Performance evaluation is a process to measure or evaluate the work
performed by a person or group of people within the organization (Rivai, Op. Cit). Therefore, performance appraisal is
determined by the results of human resource activities (HR), with performance standards established by the previous
organization. In its development, performing employee performance appraisal is not simple. Because in the performance
appraisal require conditions, indicators, and there are elements or variables that influence it. As for some variables that can
affect the performance of employees according to (Wirawan, Op. Cit), they are:
• Leadership style, leadership style commonly applied to subordinates or employees in the framework of his
leadership process.
• Job motivation, work motivation commonly given leaders or organizations to subordinates or employees
In the organization there are two parties that are interdependent and are the main elements in the organization of
leaders as superiors, and employees as subordinates (Mulyadi and Rivai, Loc. Cit). Leadership of leaders in an organization
is considered very important, because leaders have a strategic role in achieving organizational goals commonly contained
in the vision and mission of the organization (Suranta, Sri, 2002: 116-138). Leadership is the ability and skills of a person
or individual who occupy the position as head of the work unit, to influence the behaviour of others, especially
subordinates, to think and act in such a way, so that through positive behaviour can contribute significantly, to the
achievement of organizational goals (Siagian, Sondang. P. 2002: 41). Then, Basuki and Susilowati stated that, the leader is
a central point in management, while management is the central point of the organization (Basuki, and Indah Susilowati,
2005: 31-47).
Mulyadi and Rivai explained that, leaders in leadership need to think and show leadership style that will be
applied to employees (Mulyadi, Op. Cit). Leadership style is the norm of behaviour used by a person when the person is
trying to influence the behaviour of others. Supervisor's leadership style can influence the success of employees in
achievement. In other words, leadership style superiors can affect the performance of employees in an organization.
Several studies on the influence of leadership style on employee performance have been done, by showing different results.
As the research conducted by some experts above shows the results that the leadership style has a positive and significant
impact on employee performance. Then there is also research with result indicate that leadership style have negative and
insignificant effect to employee performance.
In this development, the leadership style is not only considered by private organizations, but also government
organizations in improving employee performance. Civil Servants (Indonesian: Pegawai Negeri Sipil /PNS) shall be every
citizen of the Republic of Indonesia who has met the prescribed requirements, appointed by an authorized official and
assigned a duty in a public office, or assigned to other state duties, and is paid under applicable laws and regulations
(Source: Constitution Number 43 Year 1999 Concerning "Principles of Personnel"). Civil Servants domiciled as an
element of the State apparatus in charge of providing services to the community professionally, honestly, fairly and
equitably in the administration of state duties, government and development (Source: Constitution Number 43 Year 1999
on "Civil Service Principles". Thus it can be said that civil servants have a very decisive role in achieving success goals,
and is the key in determining the success of the Government in exercising authority. Based on this, then the performance of
employees should be assessed and improved on an ongoing basis.
In assessing the performance of civil servants, it is better if this activity does not stop at the existence of the civil
servants themselves. This should also be linked to a broader performance evaluation system and mechanism that involves a
process of evaluating the quality of work motivation, and evaluating the leadership qualities of the leaders of the
institutions in which they work. In other words, the process of performance appraisal of civil servants cannot be separated
from the motivation of work, along with the roles and responsibilities of the leaders of these agencies. Improving the
performance of employees is always done in order to achieve the goal of excellent service for the community, namely the
creation of services presented by the government apparatus in accordance with the standards, and can create a positive
Based on this, it shows the gap of what should or what the organization expects (every employee should always
have a good understanding of what has become his task, to support the implementation of each task) with what actually
happens in the field (still low understanding of the main tasks of employees in supporting the implementation of the task),
which indicates that the performance of employees has not been achieved optimally. By looking at and paying attention to
the above descriptions, then conducted a research titled Influence of Leadership Style Regent on Employee Performance in
Bandung Regional. [email protected]
10 Asephidayat
In essence, the associative method tries to be used to find out how the influence of variable X to variable Y. Thus,
the associative method is a research method that studies and observes a problem by collecting facts data to be calculated
the influence of the independent Variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). To facilitate in this study, the researchers used
a research method in accordance with this research. The method of administrative research is a scientific way of obtaining
valid data with the purpose of discovering, proving and developing certain knowledge so that in turn can be used to
understand, solve and anticipate problems. The researchers used the associative method, which aims to determine the
relationship between two or more variables, with this method will be built a theory that can serve to explain, predict and
control a symptom (Siagian, 2008: 11). In essence the method of associative methods tried to be used to find how far the
influences of variable X to variable Y. So method of associative method is a research method that studies and observes a
problem by collecting data facts to then calculate the extent of the influence of the independent Variable (X) on the
dependent variable (Y). In essence method of associative method tried to be used to find how far the influences of variable
X to variable Y. So method of associative method is research method that study and observe a problem by collecting data
facts then counted how influence of variable independent (X) to dependent variable (Y).
Test of research hypothesis, used to answer the problem of research comprehensively, that is influence of
leadership style, and how big influence influences of the regent leadership style to performance of civil servant in Bandung
local government environment determined by sub variable of situational leadership style that is character, vision,
motivation, direction, and evaluation, and apparatus performance variable that is productivity, service quality,
responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability.
• Ho = There is no influence of regent leadership style on the performance of Civil Servants in the Bandung
Regional Government.
• Ha = There is influence of regent leadership style on the performance of Civil Servants in the Bandung Regional
The Leadership Style
Definition of the Leadership Style
Leadership is indispensable for an organization in determining the progress and decline of the organization and
there is no organization can advance without good leadership. Without leadership, the organization is just a collection of
irregular and chaotic people. Leadership will turn something potential into reality. Thus the existence of leadership in the
organization is very important in achieving the goals and progress of the organization.
Leadership is the central point and policy maker of the activities to be carried out within the organization.
The terms leader, leadership and leadership originally came from the basic word lead. However, they are used in different
contexts. Leader is a role in a particular system therefore a person in a formal role does not necessarily have leadership
skills and may not be able to lead. The term Leadership is fundamentally related to the skills, abilities, and levels of
influence one has
Leadership is an important part of management, because leadership is one's ability to influence others to work
toward goals and goals (Sholeha, Op. Cit). Leadership is one's ability to influence others to work toward goals and goals.
While (Robbins, Op. Cit) defines leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals.
(Mulyadi, Op. Cit) explains that, leadership is the process of influencing in determining organizational goals,
motivating follower behaviour to achieve goals, influencing to improve the culture of followers, and the process of
directing into positive activities related to work within the organization. (MiftahToha, 2008: 123) in his book Leadership in
management defines leadership as follows. Activities affecting others or the arts affect the behaviour of others or the art of
affecting human behaviour, both individual and groups, leadership can occur anywhere, provided that someone shows his
ability, to influence the behaviour of others towards the achievement of a particular goal (MiftahToha 1998: 11).
A leader must be able to influence subordinates so that, every subordinate or apparatus he leads can work harder
so that the goals of an organization can be achieved, in accordance with the desired by the leader. Kartini Kartono's book
Leadership and Leadership, defines leadership as follows. "The leader is a person who has technical skills, especially in a
field, so that he is able to influence others to jointly perform activities, for the achievement of one or several purposes"
(Ibid). Leaders must possess more ability than others or subordinates so that the process of influencing other people or
subordinates can run as expected so that there will be harmony in work and certain goals will be achieved. Gibson in
Harbani Pasolong argues that, what is meant by leadership is "One effort to use a style of influence and not force to
motivate individuals in achieving goals." (Ibid) The above opinion shows that to motivate the apparatus to be better in
carrying out its functions and duties, a leader is required to use a style that suits the circumstances of his situation.
According to Harbani Pasolong in his book entitled Bureaucratic Leadership suggests that, good leadership as
follows. "The expected behaviour of bureaucratic leadership is the behaviour that adapts to the situation in the bureaucratic
environment. If the bureaucratic environment is not honest, then the bureaucratic leader must set an example to his
subordinates by behaving honestly. If the subordinates are found to be undisciplined, then the leader gives an example to
his subordinates by behaving in discipline. If in the bureaucracy found many corrupt, then the bureaucratic leader must
dare to give sanctions based on existing rules and legislation, bureaucracy leader gives an example that he is indeed clean
is not free from corrupt behaviour. "(Pasolong, 2013: 80)
The above opinion reflects that as a good leader must be able to provide a good example for the underlying, then
if in an organization there is a violation of existing rules then the leader must dare to act decisively to impose sanctions
against subordinates who violate the rules.
Based on the above definition of leadership can be concluded that leadership is a part that is considered important
in organizational management, which is inherent in a leader in the form of ability and or process to influence other people
or subordinates of individuals or groups, so that individual subordinates or groups want to behave as the leader wants, and
improve his culture, and motivate subordinate behaviour and lead into positive activities, that have to do with work, in
order to achieve organizational goals.
According to (Mulyadi, Op. Cit) the leader in an organization in giving influence to subordinates is more formal, [email protected]
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that is based on positions owned by leaders in the organization. Thus the leader in an organization is determined by its
status, i.e. as a formal leader. The formal leader himself is a person appointed as a leader, on the basis of an official
decision and appointment to assume office in the organizational structure, with all the rights and obligations inherent in
relation to his position.
Therefore, for Civil Servants need to pay attention to the principle of new public service comprehensively
(Dendardt, J. V. and RB Denhardt, 2003: 42-43) they are:
• Serve citizens not customers; the public interest is the result of a dialogue about shared values rather than the
aggregation on individual self-interests. Therefore, public servants do not merely respond to the demand of
“customers” but rather focus with and relationship of trust and collaboration with and among citizen.
• Seek the public interest: public administrators must contribute to building a collective, shared nation of the public
interest. The goal is not to find quick solutions driven by individual choices. Rather, it is the creation of shared
interest and shared responsibility.
• Value citizenship over entrepreneurship: the public interest is better advanced by public servants and citizen
committed to making meaningful contributions to society than by entrepreneurial managers acting as if public
money where their own.
• Think strategically, act domestically; policies and programs meeting public needs can be most effectively and
responsibly achieved through collective efforts and collaborative processes.
• Recognized that accountability is not simple; public servants should be attentive to more than the market; they
should also attend to statutory and constitutional law, community values, political norms professional standards,
and citizen interest.
• Serve rather than steer; it is increasingly important for public servants to use shared, value-based leadership in
helping citizens articulate and meet their shared interests rather than attempting to control or steer society in new
• Value people, not just productivity; public organizations and the networks in which they participate are more
likely to be successful in the long run if they are operated through processes of collaboration and shared
leadership based on respect for all people.
The principle of a new public service comprehensively concerning performance issues, in the Big Indonesian
Dictionary is 1) something achieved, 2) the achievements shown, 3) the ability of work (MONE 1988). So performance is a
work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on: skills, experience and sincerity and time.
Civil Servants in carrying out their duties, bureaucratic behaviour are one of the important parts in realizing the
implementation of good governance system. This matter is important considering, bureaucratic behaviour is very inherent
with the behaviour of government apparatus, in performing their duties as public service. In other words, the behaviour of a
good apparatus will eventually be reflected, through a quality service product. That is why; true bureaucratic behaviour is
placed as the focus of attention for the government in carrying out its vision and mission, namely public service
(IwanSatibi, 2012: 205).
Leadership Theory
In the book (Mulyadi, Op. Cit) put forward some leadership theories, namely: this theory views leadership as a
combination of visible traits of leaders. The basic assumption of this theory is that the success of the leader is due to the
nature or characteristics, and the extraordinary abilities that a leader possesses, and hence a person is worthy to lead. As for
the nature or characteristics, and the extraordinary abilities that a leader possesses, among others.
A leader has intelligence above his subordinates. Leaders with intelligence that can solve problems arising in the
organization, quickly find out what issues arise in the organization, analyze each problem, and can provide effective
solutions, and acceptable to all parties.
A leader has a prominent personality that can be seen and felt by his subordinates, such as:
• Brave and firm in carrying out its main duty, and in taking a stand, and making decisions for the interests of the
organization and its employees;
Physical Characteristics
A leader is said to be a leader by looking at his physical characteristics, namely: age, height, weight, and
appearance. In this theory leader behaviour is something that can be learned. So, someone who is trained with the right
leadership will achieve effectiveness in leading. This theory focuses on two aspects of leadership behaviour, namely:
leadership function, and leadership style. There are two functions of leadership, they are:
• Task-oriented functions.
• The role of the inner interpersonal. Is a leader in the organization is a symbol will acquire the organization,
responsible for motivating and directing his subordinates.
• The role that is being informational. The point is that a leader in an organization has a role as a giver, receiver,
and information analyser. [email protected]
14 Asephidayat
• The role of decision-making. The point is to become a leader who has a policy-making role to be taken start
strategy-strategy to develop innovation, take opportunities or opportunities, and negotiate.
It is an approach to leadership that states that the leader understands his behaviour, the characteristics of his
subordinates, and the situation before using a particular style of leadership. This approach or theory requires leaders to
have diagnostic skills in human behaviour. (Sholeha, Op. Cit) argues that, in this theory leadership is influenced by various
factors of the situation in the organization, and factors outside the organization situation, among others:
• Factors outside the organization: social and cultural situation that develops, changes in globalization, and
economic conditions.
• Situational factors in the organization: the personality and background of the leader, the expectations and
behaviours of the superior, the level of organization and the size of the group, the expectations and behaviours of
In the success of leadership within the organization, leaders need to think about and demonstrate leadership styles
that will be applied to their employees (Mulyadi, Op. Cit). Supervisor's leadership style can influence the success of
employees in memprsetasi, and will lead to the success of the organization in achieving its objectives (Suranta, 2002).
Leaders need to think about the most appropriate leadership style, where the most appropriate leadership style is a
leadership style that maximizes performance, and is easy to adapt to any situation within the organization (Ibid).
Leadership style is a behavioural pattern designed in such a way, as to integrate organizational goals with
individual goals, to achieve a particular goal (Sholeha and Suzy, 1996). While, Mulyadi and VeithzalRivai (2009)
explained that the style of leadership is a pattern of behaviour and strategy that is liked and often applied by a leader in
order to achieve organizational goals. Thus it can be concluded that the style of leadership is a pattern of behaviour and
strategy that is liked and often applied leader, by uniting organizational goals with the goals of individuals or employees, in
order to achieve goals or targets that have become a shared commitment.
Leadership styles are flexible or flexible, meaning that the leadership style commonly employed by leaders can
change with other styles of leadership as the organization's internal situation and conditions change. So as, to achieve the
effectiveness of leadership style and the achievement of organizational goals.
According to Veithzal Rivai, in his book Leadership and Organizational Behaviour explains that: "Leadership
style is a pattern of behaviour and strategy that is liked and often applied by a leader, in order to achieve organizational
goals. Thus it can be concluded that the style of leadership is the pattern of behaviour and strategy that is liked and often
applied leader, by uniting organizational goals with the goals of individuals or employees, in order to achieve goals or
goals that have become a commitment together. (Rivai, Op. Cit: 107) Based on VeithzalRivai's opinion above, the
researcher can conclude that the style of leadership that is often used to achieve goals or targets of mutual agreement is a
leadership style based on the behavioural patterns and strategies that a leader likes.
The above opinion shows that the style of a leader is an amalgamation of what the leader wants individually and
what is the goal of the organization, and the style of leadership will be seen from the pattern and behaviour of the leader.
Still in his book VeithzalRivai Organizational Leadership and Behaviour divides leadership styles into several indicators,
• Character
• Vision
• Ability
• Giving Motivation
• Providing Referrals
• Evaluate
Character is considered very important in influencing others or subordinates because of the inner nature of human
beings that affect all the thoughts and behaviour, character, character or nature of a person. Vision is a distant view of the
purpose and what must be done to achieve a certain goal clearly explain the picture of the system to be achieved in
accordance with the mutually agreed. A leader's ability is a sys- thematic undertaking to change circumstances to a more
perfect level. Giving motivation should be able to create a system that can monitor the dynamics among subordinates or
employees and the emotional state within a career. Providing direction of official orders of a corporate leader to his
subordinates in the form of instructions to implement something and if not implemented will get sanction. Evaluate is
process of measurement or assessment of the effectiveness of strategies used for in an effort to achieve the goals of a
According to Harbani Pasolong, in his book entitled Bureaucratic Leadership defines leadership as follows:
"Leadership is the style that leaders use in influencing followers or subordinates, in working together to achieve goals that
have been determined". (Pasolong, Op. Cit:: 5) The above opinion shows that in the achievement of a goal it is necessary
for the leadership style, used in accordance with the situation and conditions it faces, in order to direct and influence each
subordinate. Successful development of a village does not escape from one's leadership style in leading the village.
Here are the various styles of leadership according to (Siagian, 1988: 27) in the book Theory and Practice Leadership.
• Autocratic
• Paternalistic
• Charismatic
• Laissez Faire
• Democratic
The autocratic style of leadership is the style of one's lead with a very egotistic, enormous egoism will encourage
twisting the actual reality to fit what he or she subtly interpreted as reality. The paternalistic style of leadership exists in the
traditional society; one of the main characteristics of traditional societies is the high respect that the members of the
community bring to the elderly or the elder. These people are respected primarily because such people usually project traits
and lifestyles that deserve role models or role models by members of the community, and are usually accompanied by the
expectations of their followers. [email protected]
16 Asephidayat
Charismatic leaders usually have a fascinating appeal of being able to gain an enormous amount of followers,
charismatic leaders as well as a person who is admired by many followers although the followers are not always able to
express concretely why a particular person is admired. A laissez faire leader tends to choose a passive role and let the
organization run according to its own tempo without much interference with how the organization should be run and
mobilized. This is because leaders have the perception that their subordinates are mature so they know about their work
and responsibilities. Hence, in the view of a laissez faire leader, the proper value in superiors-subordinate relationships is a
value based on mutual trust in the great.
Democratic leaders usually view their role as coordinator and integrator of various organizational elements and
components so as to move as a totality. A democratic leader usually realizes that inevitably the organization must be
structured in such a way as to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The achievement of the development of
a village does not escape from one's leadership style in leading the village. The following situational leadership styles
according Siagian in the book Theory and Practice Leadership is Condition, Time and Space. (Ibid) The three indicators,
according to Siagian, above is an important thing that must be possessed by a situational-style leader, in leading an
organization, as well as the Village Head Weragati in leading the Village Weragati, by paying attention and maximize
these three things, the Village Head Weragati, it will obtain a work programs that will run optimally, concerning
performance apparatus in PNPM independently.
Conditions outside the organization absolutely need to be recognized appropriately. For example the atmosphere
of competition faced by a village. Suppose a village is led by a leader with a laissez faire style e.g. in the case of
competition between villages receiving government grants. Relaxed attitudes, behaviours and styles that are one of the
main characteristics of a laissez faire leader, will be fatal if maintained on the side of the village in which he faces a fierce
and perhaps even unhealthy competition. The consistency of leadership style in this case is not only self-defeating, but also
harm the village as a whole. Another aspect of leadership that needs attention is that which is related to time factor, this is
what is meant by the temporal factor. There will be certain moments in organizational life where innovation and creativity
are the critical elements of success. For example, in the face of pressure to change the structure and workings of the
organization as a result of technological developments that inevitably have to be applied.
The Other factors that need attention are spatial or spatial factors. The leadership style required to move one
organization in one area may be another of the leadership styles needed when one leads the organization elsewhere. That is,
strong and tough attitudes and behaviours may be appropriate in one area, where the inhabitants tend to be harsh as well.
Such attitudes and behaviour would be unsuitable if applied in an area, where the population is the opposite of the previous
According to (Robbins, Op. Cit) there are four kinds of leadership style that is as follows:
It is a leadership style that triggers his followers by demonstrating heroic or extraordinary abilities when they
observe their leader's particular behaviour.
It is a leadership style that guides or motivates followers to a defined goal by clarifying the requirements of roles
and tasks.
Is a leadership style that inspires followers to transcend their personal interests and is able to bring profound and
extraordinary impact on the personalities of the followers.
It is a leadership style that is able to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and exciting vision of the growing
mass of an organization or organizational unit that is growing and improving.
The leaders have the connotation of a position in the hierarchy of the organization, in which it contains tasks,
authority and responsibilities that have been formally determined. Headship is concerned with legitimate authority under
formal provisions, to supervise and give orders to certain "subordinate" people groups and in certain areas of the matter as
well. A unit head may not be a leader. Similarly, a leader does not necessarily have a position as head.
A person who has no influence can be a head of an agency, and he or she becomes a leader if he is able to
influence others. Therefore, the head of an organization or one of its units must realize that the formal position does not
necessarily alter the behaviour of its subordinates, in accordance with the expected to facilitate and smooth the
achievement of organizational goals, or able to create good cooperation between subordinates.
Based on the notion of leadership mentioned above, it is clear that leadership does not necessarily relate to formal
boundaries and provisions. Then someone who exercises headship may not yet be called a leader. He can at once be called
a leader, if he is also able to influence subordinates so that they with full understanding, consciousness and happy willing
to follow and obey his will or commandments.
According to Government Regulation No. 72/2005 concerning village government referred to as a village is a
legal community entity that has the authority to organize and manage the interests of local communities based on local
origins and customs that are recognized in the national government system and located in the districts. Rural areas are areas
that have the main agricultural activities, including natural resource management, with the arrangement of the function of
the region as a place of rural settlements, government services, social services, and economic activities.
The typology of the village community is seen from the main activities of the community to meet the needs of
daily living, besides the typology of the village can be seen from the aspect of settlement and from the level of
development of the village community itself, in terms of basic livelihoods done. A village head is someone who has
leadership skills, has the ability to influence the opinion / opinion of a person or group of people without asking the
The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government, Article 65: [email protected]
18 Asephidayat
• To lead the implementation of Government Affairs which is the authority of the Regions based on the provisions
of the laws and regulations established by the Regional People Representative (RPR);
• Drafting and submitting a draft the Regional Law on Long Term Development Plan of the Region and draft local
regulation to RPR to be discussed with RPR, and formulating and establishing the Regional Development Plan;
• Drafting and drafting regional regulations on Regional Budget, draft local regulations on Regional Budget
changes, and draft local regulations on accountability of Regional Budget implementation to RPR to be discussed
• Represent its territory within and outside the court, and may appoint a legal representative to represent it in
accordance with the provisions of the law; and
In performing the duties as referred to in paragraph (1) the regional head is authorized:
• Take certain actions in urgent circumstances that are urgently needed by the Regions and / or the community;
A regent (Indonesian: bupati) is someone who actively makes plans, coordinates, conducts experiments and leads
the work to achieve goals together, the regent is a leader who is able to influence his subordinates in fulfilling their
functions and obligations. The regent in the context of Regional Autonomy in Indonesia is the title for district heads.
A regent is parallel to the mayor, the head of the county for the municipality. Basically, the regent has the duty and
authority to lead regional administration based on the policy set with the district council. The regent was elected in one
couple directly by the people in the local district. The regent is a political position (because it is carried by a political
party), and not a Civil Servant The regent is a leader who organizes a region to become more advanced. Being a leader is
not easy; many people have difficulty in carrying out their responsibilities to govern the governance system. But, on the
other hand, many people are competing to be leaders, they assume as easily as a boss who implements a system of work
against his subordinates, simply by giving orders to be done. The regent is prohibited from being a party official (but may
be a member of a political party), concurrently serving as Chairman or Member of BadanPermusyawaratan Daerah, and a
public institution, concurrently as a Member of the RPR, engaging in election campaigns,
Performance Apparatus
Definition of Performance
Every employee in the organization is required to contribute positively through good performance, given the
performance of the organization depends on the performance of its employees (Gibson, et all, Op. Cit). Performance is the
level to which employees achieve job requirements efficiently and effectively (Simamora, Op. Cit). Performance of
employees is the performance of work, namely the comparison between the works that can be seen significantly with the
work standards set by the organization. Then (Robbins, Op. Cit) defines the performance that is an outcome achieved by
employees in their work according to certain criteria that apply to a job. Then (Mangkunegara (2013: 117) performance is
the result of work both in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in performing tasks in accordance with the
responsibilities given to him. While, Rivai (2003) performance defined the willingness of a person or group of people, to
perform an activity and refine them according to their responsibilities, with the expected results.
Based on the performance definition of the above, it can be concluded that the performance is the result of both
the quality and quantity work that has been achieved by employees, in carrying out its duties in accordance with the
responsibilities given by the organization, and the results of its work is tailored to the work expected organization, through
the criteria or standards of employee performance applicable within the organization. The success or failure of the
performance achieved by the organization is influenced by the level of performance of employees individually or in
groups. Assuming the better performance of employees the better the performance of the organization. Thus the
organization needs to set employee performance goals. The performance objectives of employees according to (Rivai, Op.
• Provide new knowledge which will assist the employee in solving complex problems, with a series of restricted
and regular activities, through tasks appropriate to the responsibilities of the organization.
• Improving relationships among employees in the work activities within the organization.
• Employee performance is influenced by various factors (Gibson, et all, Op. Cit), among others:
• Individual factors, i.e. abilities and skills (mental and physical), background (experience, family, etc.), and
demographics (age, origin, etc.).
• Organizational factors are resources, leadership, rewards (compensation), organizational structure, and job
description (job description).
• Psychological factors, is the perception, attitude, personality, learning patterns, and motivation.
In an employee organization is required to be able to show a productive performance, for those employees must
have the characteristics of a productive individual. This characteristic must be grown in the employee to improve its
performance. The characteristics or characteristics of a productive individual include:
• Confidence
• Responsibility
• Love of work
• Foresight [email protected]
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Performance Assessment
Employees want and need feedback regarding their accomplishments, and assessment provides an opportunity to
provide feedback to them. If performance does not conform to standards, then assessment provides an opportunity to
review staff progress, and to develop performance improvement plans. According to Simamora (Op.Cit), performance
appraisal feedback lets employees know how well they work when compared to organizational standards. The benefits of
performance appraisal alone can be seen through two benefits:
• A tool to encourage leaders to observe the behavior of each of their subordinates, to recognize their training
• Tool to show the past shortcomings and increase the strength of employees in the future.
In conducting an employee performance appraisal steps are required, following the performance appraisal steps:
• Defines work, which means ensuring that your boss and subordinates agree on their duties and job standards.
• Assessing performance means comparing the actual performance of subordinates to predefined standards and this
includes some type of assessment level.
• Feedback sessions, meaning the performance and progress of subordinates are discussed and plans are made for
the development of what is required.
The rate at which the results of activities are done is near perfect, in the sense of adjusting some ideal way of
performing the activity or meeting the expected objectives of an activity.
The level of an activity is completed at the desired initial time, viewed from the point of coordination with the
output and maximizing the time available for other activities.
The level of use of an organization's human resources is maximized for the purpose of raising profits or reducing
the losses of each unit in resource use.
The degrees to which an employee can perform his or her job function without seeking guidance from the
supervisor or requesting the intervention of the supervisor to avoid adverse outcomes.
The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Performance in the Bandung Local Government
Leadership leaders are shown and applied into a leadership style is one factor in improving employee
performance, because basically as the backbone of organizational development in encouraging, and affecting good morale
to subordinates. For that the leader needs to think and show the right leadership style in its application.
Leadership style is a pattern of behaviour and strategy that is liked and often applied leaders, by uniting
organizational goals with the goals of individuals or employees, in order to achieve goals or objectives that have become a
shared commitment. (Suranta, Op.Cit) leadership style on employee performance, then states that leadership style has a
positive and significant influence on employee performance. Based on the above description, it is strongly suspected [email protected]
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The framework above can be seen in the model of research framework as follows:
The research hypothesis test is used to answer the problem of research comprehensively, that isthe Influence of
Leadership Style, and How Much The Influence of Leadership Style of Regent to Performance of Civil Servant in Bandung
Local Government is determined by sub variable of situational leadership style that is character, vision, ability, giving
motivation, giving direction, and doing evaluation, and apparatus performance variable namely productivity, service
quality, responsiveness, responsiveness, and accountability.
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