02 ServiceRobots
02 ServiceRobots
02 ServiceRobots
Service robotics
Robotics 1 1
Some application domains
! medical robotics
! automatic refueling
! assistive
! museum guide
! rehabilitative
! surgical ! fire fighting
Robotics 1 2
Service robots on the market!
Robotics 1 4
Space robotics
video video
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Robots on ISS
video video
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Underwater robotics
• Odyssey-IV (MIT)
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Underwater robotics
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Outdoor exploration
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video video
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Medical robotics
patient aid
video video
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Medical Robotics
• robotic arm with shoulder and elbow having full mobility and with a
gripper hand (Pittsburgh University)
• in tests on monkeys (with immobilized upper limbs), motion commands
sent to the arm by the central nervous system (brain) are measured by
a set of electrodes and used to command the robotic arm
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Medical robotics
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Medical robotics
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Medical robotics
hospital and nursing
command station
(haptic) interface
• da Vinci© system (Intuitive Surgical Inc.)
[see the course “Medical Robotics”]
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Surgical robotics
• Skywash cleans civil airplane bodies • a robot prototype for cleaning large
and is “the largest robot worldwide” glass windows of civil buildings
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Lawn mowers
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Food industry
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Inspection and surveillance
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Inspection and surveillance
• Hilare 2bis mobile robot (LAAS), with trailer and manipulator arm,
and its localization on a indoor map
sensors: encoders (on wheels and arm joints),
ultrasound, SICK laser, and camera on end-effector gripper
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Inspection and surveillance
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Mine exploration
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RoboCup and RoboRescue
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DARPA Grand Challenge
Robotics 1 37
DARPA Grand Challenge
video interview video
• the robotic ball boy (RWI and Carnegie Mellon Univ, USA) that won
in 1996 the “Clean up the tennis court!” competition of the AAAI
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Robots filling a glass of beer
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Museum guidance
Robotics 1 43
Human-Robot Interaction
Robotics 1 44
Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
video video
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Human-robot collaboration
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Robot hands
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Anthropomorphic UBHand IV
data glove
for motion
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New robot hand for the iCub
• iCub robot is like a 3.5y old child, developed by IIT Genova in 2005
in the RobotCub EU Project (platform distributed openly, with open-source SW)
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Integration of robot hand + arm
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... “minimalistic” solutions
• 5D manipulation of objects
• 1 motor only for the Soft Hand,
having arbitrary form, using
only two linear actuators and an articulated and compliant robotic hand
sensorized contact surfaces of human size and synergy
(Univ Pisa, about 15 years ago) (Centro “E. Piaggio”, Univ Pisa – IIT, 2014)
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Biomorphic robots
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Four-legged locomotion
Robotics 1 53
Anthropomorphic upper limbs
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Humanoid robots
Robotics 1 56
Humanoid robots
Robotics 1 57
ASIMO in action
video video
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Humanoid robots
• Sony SDR-3X
(about 60 cm)
• HRP-2 • humanoid robot
(58 kg, 150 cm, 30 dofs) (Q. Huang, PR China)
2002 Tokyo Univ
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Sony Q-RIO
• Sony Q-RIO
the first robot able to balance on a surf and stand up from the floor
(dead in 2006…)
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Humanoid robots
height = 57 cm kinematic
weight = 4.5 kg description
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NAO playtime
Aldebaran Robotics
commercial video
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… what about dynamic stability?
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we could go on and on, forever...
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Diffusion of service robots
for professional use
AGV/mobile robots
in manufacturing
environments and outside
World Robotics
Report 2017
" main applications: logistic, defense (mostly, UAV), field robots (e.g., milking)
" almost 60,000 (+24%) service robots for professional use sold in 2016
" ~ 400,000 new service robots for professional use to be sold in 2018-20*
(+45% estimate over last period)
" > 50% of professional service robots are manufactured in the Americas
Robotics 1 65
Diffusion of service robots
for professional use
other applications: social (䚌), exoskeletons (䚌), medical systems (䚌), construction,
cleaning, inspection, agriculture, underwater, rescue...
Robotics 1 66
Diffusion of service robots
for personal/domestic use
Robotics 1 68
Web sites
• http://ieee-ras.org
The web site of IEEE-RAS (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -
Robotics & Automation Society) with access to conferences, publications,
technical committees, etc. – become a student member of the IEEE-RAS !!
• http://handbookofrobotics.org
Multimedia extension of the Springer Handbook of Robotics (2nd Ed, 2016),
with >700 free robotics videos of historical and state-of the-art value
• http://www.eu-robotics.net
The new European Robotics AIBSL, with euRobotics Forum & Week, etc.
• http://www.euron.org
EUropean RObotics research Network, with a gallery of robots, videos,
European robotics projects (no longer updated since 2012)
• http://www.youtube.com/user/RoboticsLabSapienza
YouTube channel of DIAG Robotics Lab, with videos of our latest research
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