Purification of DNA
Purification of DNA
Purification of DNA
Purification of DNA
Paul Towner
College of Health Science, University of Sharjah, PO Box 27272, UAE
1 Introduction
This chapter explains how to purify genomic DNA and the DNA of different types
of vectors. Genomic DNA can be obtained from any microorganism, plant or
animal at any time during development and provides DNA which contains a copy
of every gene from the organism. Vector DNA refers to plasmid and phage DNA.
The preparation of DNA from virtually every possible source has recently
become much simpler because of the introduction of methods using the chao-
tropic reagent guanidinium thiocyanate, which is able to dissolve tissues and
leave nucleic acids intact. After mixing this solution with a matrix such as diato-
maceous earth, or filtering through glass fibre micropore filters, the DNA binds
to the silica and can be recovered unsheared and in good yield. The basis of this
technique was described some time ago (1) and subsequently used in the puri-
fication of DNA from many sources, including the preparation of plasmids (2).
The DNA and RNA purification kits supplied by many commercial suppliers are
founded on the initial observations described in these publications. The DNA pre-
pared by this method can be used for PCR, Southern hybridization, construction of
gene libraries, transfections and sequencing. Consequently. the previous methods
used to prepare DNA have become obsolete and will not be described here.
isotonic saline and then mixed with the guanidinium solubilization buffer to
form a transparent solution. Adherent tissue culture cells can be dissolved
directly by pipetting on the solubilization buffer after aspiration of media. The
DNA from viral particles such as A and adenovirus can also be obtained very
easily although the viral samples should be very pure and prepared by CsCI
density gradient centrifugation (see Chapter 2, Protocol 13) to avoid the possibility
of contamination with host DNA. Blood samples should be processed to remove
contaminating erythrocytes. This can be achieved by layering the blood or bone
marrow sample onto a 5.7% (w/v) Ficoll solution and centrifuging the sample at
4000 g for 45 min, which causes the erythrocytes to migrate to the bottom of the
tube leaving the leucocytes at the interface. These can be removed with a Pasteur
pipette, diluted with isotonic buffer and collected by centrifugation. Alterna-
tively, the blood sample can be diluted with an equal volume of erythrocyte lysis
buffer (155 mM N~Cl, 0.1 mM EDTA. 10 mM NaHC0 3 ) and left at room tempera-
ture for 30 min: the leucocytes can be recovered by centrifugation at 3300 g for
20 min. Samples from plants and animal tissues are difficult to obtain in a con-
dition where they will readily dissolve in the guanidinium solubilization buffer.
It is preferable to process them by freezing the sample in liquid nitrogen and
grinding to a powder using a pre-cooled pestle and mortar. The frozen powder
can then be sprinkled onto the solubilization buffer in a Petri dish or other con-
tainer offering a large surface area. By dispersing the powder coagulation is avoided
and the sample dissolves, giving good yields of DNA even with partly insoluble
material such as bone and fibrous plant components. The purification of plasmid
DNA from bacterial cultures is also very straightforward, inexpensive and gives a
product which can be used for sequencing and transfections.
Several companies market proprietary kits for the isolation and recovery of
genomic and plasmid DNA, the costs of these are becoming quite favourable
because of the increased demand for molecular biological techniques in many
laboratories. Most kits are based on the chaotropic properties of guanidinium
thiocyanate which denatures and dissolves all components other than nucleic
acid. Under these conditions, the DNA has a high affinity to bind to silica deriva-
tives either in the form of diatomaceous earth suspended in the guanidinium
solution or as glass-fibre filters. The concentration of the guanidinium thiocyanate
for the process to be effective is not absolutely crucial. The stock solubilization
buffer contains 4 M guanidinium but becomes diluted by the addition of re-
suspended samples to as low as 2.5 M; the yield and quality of the resulting DNA
are apparently unaffected within this concentration range. The processing of
the DNA-silica matrix can be performed using centrifuge tubes but requires
extensive pipetting to remove supernatants between centrifugation steps. This
makes the procedure time-consuming and is not as effective as the use of flow-
through columns, which can be attached to a vacuum line. Columns of this type
can be crudely prepared by piercing the base of a 0.6 ml microfuge tube with a
22G syringe needle. The columns are only effective when used with glass-fibre
filter paper because diatomaceous earth frequently leaks out even when the
hole is well packed with siliconized glass wool. It is preferable to use commer-
cial systems which comprise a microfuge tube and a filter unit which fits inside
it. These units are designed for centrifugation but the filter unit can be fitted
directly into a rubber or polyethylene vacuum line attached to a water-jet
pump. The filter units can be recycled if properly cleaned. Two types are avail-
able. The first contains a thin membrane, supported by a nylon mesh, fixed into
the base of the tllb~ . These units are available from VVhatman and are also
supplied in Hybaid kits. If used with diatomaceous earth their pores eventually
become blocked, which makes them very difficult to clean without damaging
the membrane. However, if a disc of a glass microfibre filter is placed on the
membrane before use they are less prone to damage. A morc robust filter unit is
supplied with Qj.agen kits and is mmposed of a tube into which can be slid a
large-pore sintered disc, which is held in place by a nylon G-ring. These tubes
can be cleaned by sonication to dislodge particles in the sinter, soaked in 10%
nitric acid to oxidize any traces of nUcleic acid, and then washed extensively
before reassembly.
Glass microfibre filters can be prepared cost-effectively from large diameter
sheets of Whatman GF/C or GF/D filters by punching out 7 mm diameter discs
using a sharp cork borer. These discs, which are as useful as diatomaceous earth,
can be placed between the sinter disc and nylon retaining ring. If diatomaceollS
earth is used the glass-fibre filter is not absolutely required but its presence will
prevent the sinters from becoming blocked by small particles of silica. large-
scale preparations of DNA are most commonly used in plasmid preparations and
require larger filter units which are also available from Whatman (VectaSpin
columns) and can be fitted with glass microfibre filters of 22 mm diameter pre-
pared using an appropriate cork borer.
Protocol 1
Solubilization of cell and tissue samples
• Guanidiniurn thiocyanate (Sigma G9277)
Protocol 2
Purification of DNA using DNA-blndlng resin
Equipment and ..a, _
• Diatomaceous earth (Sigma 05384) • Ethanol wash solution (50 mM Tris-HCI. pH
• Solubilization buffer (see Protocol1A) 7.5, 10mM EDTA, pH 8.0, 0,2 MNaQ, 50%
Ivfvl ethanol)
• Filter units (Whannan, Hybaid or Qiagen)
B. Purtftcatlon 01 DNA
I Resuspend the DNA-binding resin and pipette 0.5 mI into the solubilized samples
from Protocol 1.
Protocol 2 contillued
2 Mix very gently by inversion to avoid shearing and allow the DNA to bind to the
3 Transfer the tube contents to a filter unit attached to a vacuum line and allow the
liquid to drain from the filter.
4 Pipette 0.5 m1 solubilization buffer into the filter unit to rinse the binding resin.
5 Pipette 2 m1 ethanol wash solution into the tube, ensuring that all traces of liquid
previously in the tube are displaced.
6 Transfer the filter unit into a microfuge tube and centrifuge for 2 min at 15000 g to
remove all traces of liquid.
7 Transfer the filter unit to a fresh microfuge tube then carefully pipette 20-50 flol
water onto the bed of resin and allow to soak in.
8 Centrifuge for 2 min at 15000 g to collect the liquid containing the DNA
(a) The initial steps of Protocol 2A are designed! to remove very small particles of silica which
would otherwise block the holes in membranes and sintered discs. Consequently, the
concentration of resin is actually less than 10 g/l, but the concentration is not critical Stocks
of up to 20 gfI can be prepared.
(b) The amount of DNA-binding resin required depends on the amount of DNA in the sample.
One millilitre of a 10 gfI solution can bind in excess of 5 I-Lg DNA. If there is a vast excess of
nucleic acid the resin tends to clump very quickly and has a crystalline appearance; if this
happens, then add more resin until the clumps disappear.
(c) The filter unit must be centrifuged to remove all traces of salt and ethanol because in most
cases the DNA will be eluted in a very small volume of water. Have all reagents to hand so that
air is not allowed to be sucked through the resin bed between the different wash steps. If
traces of resin have leaked through the sinter during centrifugation then it is important to
transfer the DNA solution to a fresh tube. avoiding any traces of resin. If filter units are not
employed. all of the steps can be performed using a microfuge tube and the supernatants
discarded by aspiration after brief centrifugation (10-20 s). Each of the solvent exchange steps
should be duplicated to ensure that there is no carry-over of unwanted solutes.
Protocol 3
Purification of DNA using glass-fibre filters
Equipment and reagents
• Glass fibre filter discs. 7 rom diameter • Solubilization buffer (see ProtocollA)
(Whatman) • Ethanol wash solution (see Protocol 2)
1 Prepare a filter column with five to ten 7-rom diameter glass-fibre filter discs. Attach
to a water-jet pump at a very low flow rate.
Protocol 3 continued
2 Pipette the solubilized sample (see Protocol 1) onto the filter column such that 1 ml
of the solution requires 1 min to flow through the column.
3 Pipette 0.5 ml solubilization buffer into the filter column to rinse the glass-fibre
filter discs.
4 Pipette 2 ml ethanol wash solution into the filter column to remove all traces of
solubilization buffer.
S Transfer the filter column to a microfuge tube and centrifuge at 15000 g for 2 min.
6 Place the filter column in a fresh microfuge tube and pipette 20-50 ILl water onto
the centre of the glass-fibre filter and allow it to soak in.
7 Centrifuge for 2 min at 15000 g to collect the liquid containing the DNA.
(a) Unlike the use of diatomaceous earth. the DNA only has the opportunity to bind to the
glass-fibre filter as it flows through the column. If the flow rate of the liquid is too high. sub-
stantial losses of DNA can result. After the initial binding step the water-jet flow rate can be
(b) In the absence of filter units, glass-fibre filters can be packed into the base of a O.6-ml
microfuge tube which has been pierced at its apex.
(3) The solution is mixed with a potassium acetate buffer to neutralize the alkali
and precipitate the detergent as potassium dodecyl sulphate, with which the
denatured genomic DNA coprecipitates
(4) The cleared supernatant containing the soluble plasmid DNA is recovered by
filtration or centrifugation
(5) The plasmid DNA sample is purified using a guanidinium-silica matrix
Protocol 4
Small-scale Isolation of plasmid DNA
• SB or TB media (for recipes see Appendix 2) • Potassium acetate solution. prepared by
• GTE buffer (25 IIlM Tris-HCl. pH 7.5. 10 mM adding glacial acetic acid to 5 Mpotassium
EDTA. 50 mM glucose) acetate until pH4.8 is obtained
• Lysis buffer (0.2 MNaOH. 1% [w/v) SDS; • DNA-binding resin (see Protocol2A) or
prepared fresh from stocks of 5 MNaOH solubilization buffer (see ProtocollA)
and 10% Iw/v1SDS)
1 Prepare a culture of E. coli containing the plasmid in 3 ml of SB or TB media with
sufficient aeration and the appropriate antibiotic. Colonies of bacteria on agar plates
from an overnight incubation at 37°C will have grown to a suitable density within
4-6 h if inoculated into pre-wanned media.
2 Transfer 1.5 ml of the culture to a microfuge tube and centrifuge at 15000 g for 20 s
to form a pellet.
3 Aspirate. discard the supernatant. and resuspend the cell pellet in 0.2 ml GTE buffer.
ensuring that a homogeneous suspension results. with no cell clumps.
4 Add 0.2 ml lysis buffer and invert the capped tube several times to mix the con-
tents. The solution should be translucent and viscous.
5 Add 0.2 ml potassium acetate solution and mix gently by inversion. The solution
will lose its viscosity and a coagulated white mass of potassium dodecyl sulphate
and bacterial genomic DNA will form.
6 Centrifuge at 15 OOOg for 5min to consolidate the precipitate which may either
produce a pellet. pellicle or both.
7 Transfer the supernatant, about 0.6 m1. to a microfuge tube. add 1 ml of DNA-bind-
ing resin and process as described in Protoco12B. or add 1 ml of solubilization buffer
and purify DNA using glass-fibre filters as described in Protocol 3.
(a) It is not necessary to restrict the processed culture volume to 1.5 ml: all of the sample up to
5 ml can be used.
(b) Occasionally. RNA might contaminate the plasmid preparation. To ensure its removal. 2 ",,1
of 10 mgJml RNase A (See Appendix 2) can be added to the GTE buffer. After lysis (step 4) the
solution is left at room temperature for 10 min to allow digestion of the RNA.
Protocol 5
Large-scale plasmid preparation
Equipment and reaeents
• LB, YI' or DYI' broth (see Appendix 2) • Glass fibre filter discs, 7 mm diameter
• GTE buffer (see Protocol 4)
• Lysis buffer (see Protocol 4) • VectaSpin column (Whatman)
• Potassium acetate solution (see Protocol 4) • Ethanol wash solution (see Protocol 2)
• DNA-binding resin (see ProtocollA) • 'IE buffer, pH 8.0 (10 IDM Tris.HCI, pH 8.0,
(optional) 1 IIlM EDTA, pH 8.0)
• Solubilization buffer (see ProtocollA)
1 Prepare a 11 culture of E. coU harbouring the plasmid in a nutrient medium such as
LB, Yf or DYf. using sufficient aeration and an appropriate antibiotic. Conical flasks
of 2.5 1 capacity should contain at most 0.41 of media. The media should be pre-
wanned and inoculated using 10 ml of a fresh culture of bacteria and incubated for
not more than 8 h.
2 Transfer the culture to large volume centrifuge buckets and centrifuge at 4000 g for
20 min.
3 Remove and discard the culture supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in
SO ml GTE buffer. ensuring that a homogeneous suspension results, with no cell
4 Pour SO mllysis buffer into the cell suspension and gently swirl the mixture until a
homogeneous translucent viscous gel is formed.
ProtocolS continued
Protocol 6
Preparation of phenol and chloroform solutions
• Water-equilibrated phenol • Isoamyl alcohol (the more correct name is
• 1 MTris-HCl, pH 8.0 3-methyl-l-butanol)
• 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.0 • TE buffer, pH 8.0 (see ProtocolS)
• Chloroform
A. Preparation of phenol
caution: Phenol is one of the most hazardous chemicals used in molecular biology (see
Chapter 1, Section 3_3) and should be obtained ready for use either as an aqueous solution
or buffered at pH 8.0. Aqueous phenol must be pretreated by buffering to pH 8.0
1 Remove and discard the upper aqueous layer from a 1-1 bottle of water-equilibrated
phenol. Replace the aqueous layer with 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and mix the liquid
phases by inverting the bottle several times.
2 Allow the layers to separate. If the lower layer is at pH 8.0 then remove and discard
the upper aqueous phase. Replace this with 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.0. Agitate the
mixture and aliquot 1-10ml samples in microfuge or Falcon tubes and store at
- 20 °C. If the lower layer is not at pH 8.0 then repeat step 1 until this pH is reached.
3 Thaw aliquots at 20°C prior to use. It is the dense lower organic layer which is used
for treatment of DNA. The phenol remains stable at 4 °C for about 1 month. but
storage at room temperature or exposure to light enhances oxidation and the
liquid becomes pink. Such samples must be discarded because they can lead to
the modification and cleavage of DNA in solution. Oxidation can be inhibited by
the addition of 8-hydroxyquinoline at 0_1% (wfv). This has the advantage of giving a
bright yellow colour which identifies the organic layer during phenol extractions.
Protocol 6 continued
c. 'Phenol-chloroform'
1 Thaw a 10 m1 aliquot of phenol and transfer 5 m1 of the lower phase to a universal
2 Mix in 5 m1 of 24:1 (vfv) chloroform- isoamyl alcohol and 10 m1 TE. pH 8.0. and store
at 4°C. Use the lower organic layer.
Protocol 7
Phenol extraction
• Phenol-chloroform (see Protocol6C) • 24:1 (v/v) chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (see
Protocol 6B)
1 Add 0.5 volume phenol-chloroform to 1.0 volume of aqueous DNA solution in a
microfuge tube and mix by inversion to form an emulsion.
2 Centrifuge the tube at 15000 g for 2 min to separate the sample into two phases.
Remove the upper aqueous phase to a dean tube immediately. being careful to avoid
the interface.
3 Add a half-volume of chloroform-isoamyl alcohol to the DNA sample. mix by
inversion. centrifuge at 15000 g for 2 min and remove the upper aqueous phase to
a clean tube.
(a) Oligonucleotides, plasmids and genomic DNA can all be treated with phenol.
(b) It is advisable with samples of genomic DNA to mix solutions carefully to avoid shearing.
Protocol 8
Precipitation of DNA with ethanol
• 3 M potassium acetate solution pH 5.6, • Absolute ethanol
prepared by adding glacial acetic acid to • 70% (v/v) ethanol
3 M potassium acetate until this pH is
• TE buffer pH 8.0 (see Protocol 5)
Protocol 8 cOl1tmued
1 Place a microfuge tube containing the DNA solution on ice and add a 0.1 volume of
3 Msodium acetate solution pH 5.6, and mix.
2 Add 2.5 volumes of cold absolute ethanol (- 20°C) and mix by inversion. Incubate at
- 20 °C for 30 min or -70°C for 10 min.
3 Centrifuge at 15 000 g for 30 min. Remove the supernatant and replace with 0.5 ml
70% (vfv) ethanol, mix by inversion and centrifuge at 15 000 g for 5 min.
4 Pour away the supernatant and dry the mouth of the inverted tube with tissue.
Place the tube in a horizontal position at room temperature and allow the traces of
ethanol to evaporate. Redissolve the DNA in water or TE, pH 8.0.
(a) Ethanol used for this procedure should be stored and used from the freezer. Ethanol at
room temperature will cause high-molecular-weight DNA to shear.
(h) If an oligonucleotide is being processed then it must be more than 12 nucleotides in length
and 3.0 volumes of ethanol must be used in step 2.
(c) If the amount of DNA exceeds 10 ""g then the precipitate may be visible after addition of
absolute ethanol. 10 this case the initial cennifugation in step 3 can be for 2 min.
3 Assessment of quality
The most straightforward procedure to assess the quantity and quality of plasmid
and genomic DNA is by electrophoresis in an agarose gel with known standards.
The guanidinium-silica purification method described here results in genomic
DNA larger than A (49 kb), as estimated in 0.3%(w/v) agarose gels (see Chapter 5),
and provides intact plasmids of up to 35 kb. The electrophoresed DNA should
appear as discrete bands with no discernib1e trail in the direction of migration,
which would indicate extensive shearing. For more precise quantification, a
sample of the DNA may be diluted and analysed by spectrophotometry (Protocol 9).
Protocol 9
Spectrophotometric determination of DNA
Equipment and reagents
• UV-visible scanning spectrophotometer • TE buffer, pH 7.S (10mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.5,
• Quartz cuvettes 1 DlM EDTA, pH 8.0)
1 Transfer 10- 100 ....1 of the DNA to 900-990 ....1TE, pH 7.5, in a 1 ml quartz cuvette.
2 Mix the contents thoroughly and record a spectrum from 250-320 nm. A smooth
Protocol 9 cnrltrrlueci
1 am indebted to Dr Nicholas Lea for suggesting the use of glass fibre filter discs
and demonstrating the effectiveness of these protocols.
1. Boom, R.. Sol. c.}. A.. Salimans. M. M. M.. Jansen, C. 1., Wertheim-van Dillen, P. M. E.,
and van der Noordaa,J. (1990).]. Gin. Microbial. 28,495.
2. Caner, M. J- and Milton, L D. (1993). Nucl. Acids Res. 21, 1044.
3. Birnboim. H. C. and Doly, J. (1979). Nud. Acids Res. 7, 1513.
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