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Siemens Power Technologies International

Digital real time simulator for

testing and training
Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS)

At a glance allows users to learn about the operating principles of

Increased demands on network availability, with simulta- different protection devices and to decide on their accepta-
neously increased complexity, result in high demands not bility.
only on protection devices, but also onthe reliability of the
In an existing protection system, the setting values deter-
setting values, which cannot be verified theoretically.
mine if and when the circuit breaker disconnects the fault-
Siemens Power Technologies International (Siemens PTI) ed grid element. Disconnections due to wrong protection
offers safety by a real time digital simulator (RTDS), and setting values can lead to unnecessary, often fairly high, simulation tests with the following benefits: expenses for the network operator. Such unnecessary costs
can be avoided by optimizing the setting values of the
■ setting values of different fault cases can be optimized,
installed protection devices. These values can be optimized
verified and discussed
and verified for different fault cases by means of digital
■ customers learn to operate the devices by means of simulation.
DIGSI and to evaluate the fault printouts by means of
■ transient processes in the network during short circuit
can be analyzed and thus better understood
■ the performance of the protection devices is demon-
strated by measuring (triggering) times
The challenge
When a new system is installed, the appropriate protection
devices need to be selected and the settings determined.
Depending on the size of the network this may be a com-
plex task, because the functionalities and the operation of
the different protection devices may vary substantially.
Therefore, it may be helpful to learn how to operate a cer- Figure 1: Technical equipment of the simulator (from left to right):
RTDS, amplifiers, signal distributor, protection devices
tain device to be able to decide whether it is suitable for
application in a certain system. Real time digital simulation
Our solution to 150 tests can be carried out for a period of several weeks
Technical details in a row.
Siemens PTI’s RTDS performs calculations for networks with
up to 100 single nodes with a sampling rate of around
Siemens Power Academy TD offers experts workshops with
20 kHz. Users can simulate generators, sources, multi-
an emphasis on exchange of experience and training; how-
circuit lines, transformers, loads, current transformers with
ever, fault simulation is also a topic that is covered.
saturation, capacitive voltage transformers, circuit break-
ers, etc. Real protection devices work with the simulator in Application example
a closed loop to carry out complex sequences like unsuc- Test results are documented in our data acquisition system.
cessful and single-pole re-closings or secondary faults. Figure 2 shows an example of a results page. Current
Voltage amplifiers and current amplifiers up to 40 amperes and/or voltage-wave forms as well as binary output con-
and a documentation system complete the simulator. tacts including trip times of the relays will be recorded. This
ensures an accurate storing of the simulated network faults
and shows the reaction of the protection device.
After a certain system disturbance has been simulated in
the RTDS, the protection alarms and messages are analyzed
and the fault recordings are evaluated. This step is crucial
to understanding the actual events and technical processes
in the system, and also the behavior of the protection de-
vices at both line ends. Unlike with disturbances in real
operation, in the simulation all information is available and
the events and processes are clearly known – so that cus-
tomers can train analyzing the protection responses.
DIGSI often compiles information on several individual
events into single protection alarms or messages, in order
to provide details on complex configurations or sequences.
The analysis via SIGRA in the impedance level helps to
understand the actual events and processes in the real
system, e.g. with respect to distance measuring.
Specification tests
Depending on whether the simulations are more concen-
trated on tests or on the training aspect, approximately 50 Figure 2: Example of a simulation results page

Siemens AG Siemens Industry, Inc.

Power Technologies International Power Technologies International
Freyeslebenstrasse 1 400 State Street
91058 Erlangen P.O. Box 1058
Germany Schenectady, NY 12301-1058 USA

© 11.2014, Siemens AG and Siemens Industry, Inc.

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