Schedule:: TODAY - January 21st
Schedule:: TODAY - January 21st
Schedule:: TODAY - January 21st
We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God TODAY - January 21st
would bless and direct our time together. Worship is an Worship Services: 8:30am and 10:50am
interactive, participatory experience and our prayer is that the Sunday School: 9:45am
service today would strengthen and encourage you on your Choir Practice: 4:45pm
Children’s Quizzing: 6:00pm
spiritual journey. Whether you are new to faith, just coming back Evening Worship: 6:00pm
to church, or a long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your
time with us engaging and meaningful. Wednesday, January 24th
Morning Bible Study: 11:00am
At 6:30pm:
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
Men’s Bible Study in the Men’s SS Room (McCormack Ctr.)
WH AT TO EXPE CT TOD AY Women’s Bible Study in the Fireside Room (McCormack Ctr.)
Youth Ministries in the Sanctuary
Worship: a time to connect with God through song and prayer.
Children’s Ministries in the Children’s Chapel
We invite you to stand and sing with us as we praise God
through song, but adopt whatever posture of worship is best for Sunday, January 28th
you. The song lyrics and scriptures are projected on screen so Worship Services: 8:30am and 10:50am
that you can follow along. A typical service lasts about 65 Sunday School: 9:45am
Choir Practice: 4:45pm
minutes. Children’s Quizzing: 6:00pm
Offering: We give tithes and offerings as a part of worship in Dessert Auction Fundraiser: 6:00pm
obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. It’s also just
our way of saying, “We love our church and we want to support
it!” If you are a guest, you are not expected or obligated to give.
Children: We have a fully-staffed Nursery for ages three and TODAY: January 21st
1st Service: Jacy Butlery, Tracy Butler, Lyndsey Reed
below. Kids ages 4-12 will be dismissed during the service to the 2nd Service: Sydnee & Angela Pendergraff, Wanda Marsh
children’s chapel to be taught by Pastor Linda and her staff. Choir Practice: Marcia Rouse
Evening Service: Kim Bishop
Message: The teaching time seeks to communicate biblical truth
NEXT SUNDAY: January 28th
in compelling, relevant ways. All of our messages are available 1st Service: Megan & Lori Ayres, Kim Pendergraff
as podcast on our website or through iTunes. 2nd Service: Laura Ezell, Garrett Klein, Jennifer Meeks
Choir Practice: Marcia Rouse
Response: When God is speaking, we take time to respond. Evening Service: Judy Jean, Haley Clemons
Many times this is after the message, but other times it may be in
the middle of the service. An invitation is never needed if you
want to pray at the altar. Listening and responding to God is one January 7, 2017 Estill Springs, TN 37330
of the most important things that we do in worship. Phone: 649-3867 Fax: 649-3410
Emails: [email protected]
Tithes & Offerings: [email protected]
Communion: We take time regularly to celebrate Communion Received: $7,,246.46
and welcome all followers of Jesus Christ to participate in this act
of worship and remembrance regardless of membership or Received: $210
denomination. WEF Paid: Office Hours:
$18,168.87 Monday - Thursday, Sunday, January 21, 2018
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Fiscal Year is 5/1/17 to 4/30/18 Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Jail Ministry Outreach - Sunday, January 21st Choir Practice tonight at 4:45pm
Come and learn about our Jail Ministry. Hear how God is using our
church to make a difference. Discover how you can be involved.