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Vitamin D Ebook

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“I believe vitamin D is the number one public health advance

in medicine in the last twenty years.”
Dr John Whitcomb,
Aurora Sinai Medical Centre

by Paul Clayton and Colin Rose

The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

The authors

Dr Paul Clayton graduated summa cum laude in Medical

Pharmacology from Edinburgh University, prior to obtaining his
He is a former Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government's
Committee on the Safety of Medicines and a past President of
the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine.
Dr Clayton frequently presents at and chairs international
conferences on nutrition and health. He is a Fellow of the
Institute of Food, Brain & Behaviour, Oxford, and a visiting
professor of Pharmaco-Nutrition at Pecs University, Hungary.

Colin Rose BSc is a writer on health and psychology, as well as

a publisher. His company, Accelerated Learning Systems,
published Dr Clayton’s first book Health Defence, which
became a best-seller.
He is also an educational consultant and principal contributor
to the EU funded programme EduScience, designed to improve
the teaching of science in schools.
A founder member of the UK Campaign for Learning, he is also
a member of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Fellow of The
Royal Society of Arts.

e-book first published 2016

by Accelerated Learning Systems Ltd
Aylesbury, Bucks, UK

All rights reserved

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

Why you should read this report

“Because vitamin D so clearly reduces all-cause mortality,

I can say this with great certainty: Vitamin D
represents the single most cost-effective
medical intervention”.

Dr Greg Plotnikoff, Medical Director,

Penny George Institute for Health and Healing

Scientific medical research shows that optimal levels of Vitamin D have the potential to:
• Reduce the risk of many cancers
• Lower the risk of dementia
• Reduce asthma symptoms
• Reduce the risk of bone fractures
• … and even increase life span
Yet, according to the leading vitamin D researchers, the majority of us have well below
optimum levels of vitamin D in the blood and a significant percentage fail to reach even the
Recommended Daily Allowance which experts are now labelling as inadequate.

The NHS recognised in July 2016 the importance of vitamin D and recommends:
“Adults and children over the age of one should consider taking a daily supplement
containing 10mcg of vitamin D, particularly during autumn and winter. Those with a
higher risk of vitamin D deficiency are being advised to take a supplement all year round.”

However, a huge weight of evidence shows that just avoiding deficiency with ‘adequate’ levels
of vitamin D is not enough – and that reaching optimum blood levels of vitamin D can confer
major health benefits.

Unfortunately there is a confusion of what constitutes ‘adequate’ and ‘optimum’ levels.

Indeed the UK is in the unhappy position of having an official Reference Nutrient
Intake/Recommended Daily Amount that is half the latest recommendation from Public
Health England and a third of the new US RDA levels!

This report aims to give you the evidence to make a considered decision on whether you need
to supplement with vitamin D – you almost certainly do – and how much is both safe and

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D



“We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common

medical condition in the world.”

Dr Michael F Holick, Professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics,

Boston University School of Medicine

As at mid-2016 there are over 35,000 published studies on the effects of vitamin D.
Specialists in the Vitamin D research field agree that you should supplement with vitamin
D – especially in the winter. The form should be vitamin D3 – cholecalciferol – the natural
form you make in response to sunlight, not the artificial form D2 which is less well utilised.
The reasons for supplementation are that:
 Low dietary intakes and sun-avoidance make D depletion very common indeed,
and the situation is even worse in older age groups, as the ability of the skin to
make vitamin D declines with age – which is why the US RDA for the over 70s is

 It’s very difficult to reach the level of vitamin D from food sources alone, as very
few foods contain vitamin D. Milk is fortified with some vitamin D, which is one
reason why rickets is now almost unknown, but main food sources include oily fish
like salmon, mackerel, sardines and to a lesser extent eggs.

 For most people, sunlight is the main source of vitamin D, but in the northern
hemisphere (UK, Europe, North America) in winter, very few occupations allow
enough exposure to produce levels that are optimally health protective. Even in
summer the risk of skin cancer through over-exposure causes many people to
either cover up or to use high factor sunscreens.

 Most people are below the optimum level in winter, and the risk of deficiency is
increased further for people with darker skin (for whom more exposure is needed
to make the same amount of vitamin D through sunlight), for people with whole
body covering and for the housebound. Obese people have lower blood levels of
vitamin D because more is stored in fat tissue and unavailable in circulating blood.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

This table shows how big a gap there is between even the current UK average dietary
intakes of vitamin D and the RDAs, let alone the vitamin D levels that experts in the field
The average intakes in USA are somewhat higher, but still well below their own RDAs.
We’ll explain how we have calculated the optimum vitamin D supplementation level

Note: Vitamin D in food or in supplements is measured as either International Units (IU) or micrograms
(mcg or μg). There are 40 IU in 1 mcg. RDA stands for Recommended Daily Amount, also referred to as
RNI (Reference Nutrient Intake).

Men Women
Average UK daily vitamin D intake from food 148 IU 3.7 mcg 112 IU 2.8 mcg

UK/EU Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) 200 IU 5 mcg

UK NHS recommendations July 2016 400 IU 10 mcg

USA Recommended Daily Amount up to 70 600 IU 15 mcg

(Food and Nutrition Board)
USA Recommended Daily Amount over 70 800 IU 20 mcg

Optimum Recommended Daily Supplement WINTER 2,500 IU 62.5 mcg

Level based on leading expert research
outlined in this report SUMMER 800 IU 20 mcg

The expert supplement recommendations recognise that vitamin D’s role in health goes
far beyond maintaining healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis.

But how much is enough? And how much is too much? Vitamin D is fat soluble, which
means it is mostly retained by the body rather than any excess being excreted as it the
case of vitamin C, so it is possible to take too much.

Unfortunately it’s not easy to follow the research without understanding some definitions.

We will then give you the highlights of many thousands of studies.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D


Vitamin D in food or in supplements is measured in either International Units (IU) or micrograms

(mcg or μg). There are 40 IU in 1 mcg.

The concentration of activated vitamin D (also known as calcidiol) in the blood is what really
matters, however, and is the best indicator of your vitamin D status. This is measured in
nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml) or nanomoles per litre (nmol/l) of blood.

The relationship between ng/ml of vitamin D-calcidiol in the blood and the IU of vitamin D
consumed in foods and supplements is not a simple one. However, it has been calculated by the
Vitamin D Council (a non-profit scientific advisory organisation in the USA) – see table.

There is a consensus amongst the experts we quote in this report that a vitamin D-calcidiol blood
level below 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l) means you are deficient.

On average they recommend you need to get to a blood level of 35 ng/ml – and to get to that
level (from an average starting point of 15 ng/ml or 37.5 nmol/l) indicates a supplement level of
2,500 IU in winter and somewhat less in summer.

NOTE: In the interest of readability, we will refer to the activated vitamin D in the blood as vitamin
D-calcidiol, as distinct from simply vitamin D for what is in food and supplements.

Blood levels of vitamin D-calcidiol related to supplementation levels

[assuming start level is 15 ng/ml (37.5 nmol/l)]
Vitamin D Council

To achieve this blood Take this level of vitamin D3 Equivalent in mcg

level … supplement per day …

20 ng/ml 50 nmol/l 500 IU 12.5 mcg

30 ng/ml 75 nmol/l 1,700 IU 42.5 mcg
40 ng/ml 100 nmol/l 3,200 IU 80.0 mcg
50 ng/ml 125 nmol/l 4,900 IU 122.5 mcg

so to reach 35 ng/ml or
suggests 2,500 IU 62.5 mcg
87.5 nmol/l

Blood tests
Having a blood test to measure the amount of vitamin D in your blood is the only certain way to
know if you’re getting enough vitamin D or not. The blood test you need, which measures the
25(OH)D or calcidiol is called a 25(OH)D blood test.

You can get a blood test at your doctor’s or go to a clinic. In-home testing kits are also available,
which are easy to use and involve pricking your finger to take a small blood sample and sending
this away to a laboratory.

More about the activation of vitamin D in the body

Vitamin D obtained from sun exposure, food, and supplements is initially biologically inert. It must
undergo two chemical processes in the body for activation. The first occurs in the liver and
converts vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], also known as calcidiol. That’s what the
blood test measures

The second occurs primarily in the kidney and forms the physiologically active 1,25-
dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D], also known as calcitriol.
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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D



“No other method to prevent cancer has been identified

that has such a powerful impact.”

Dr Cedric Garland, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine,

University of California Los Angeles

Of the over 35,000 published studies on the effects of vitamin D, more than 850
references show vitamin D's effectiveness against one threat alone – cancer.

For full references to the articles quoted, and others, please refer to the References
section at the end, cited by chapter and subject.


Research shows that Vitamin D deficiency:

 increases your risk of auto-immune disease, and hypertension and heart

problems (Dr Michael Holick, Boston University School of Medicine)

 is associated with more severe strokes (American Stroke Association) and poorer
outcomes in patients who have had a stroke.

 is associated with an increased risk for over a dozen different cancers, including
breast and colon cancer.

 is linked to an increase in risk of Type 1 diabetes in children whose mothers were

vitamin D deficient.

 is a predictor of hardening of the arteries in middle age for those who were low
in vitamin D during childhood.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D


On the positive side, people who have optimum levels of Vitamin D benefit from:

Improved DNA repair and positive gene expression

 Research by Dr Michael Holick and reported in his book The Vitamin D Solution
shows that supplementing with 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 4 months up-
regulated dozens of different genes that control important metabolic processes. This
included improved DNA repair, which has implications for slower ageing and
reduced cancer risk.

Increased brain health and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s

There are vitamin D receptors in many areas of the brain, especially in the hippocampus
and cortex, respectively critical for memory and higher order thinking. And neurons
respond positively when activated by vitamin D.

 A study at Exeter University found that severe vitamin D deficiency correlated with a
100% increase in Alzheimer’s risk [meaning that risk was doubled].

 Another US study produced similar findings and in 2014 a study in the journal
Neurology confirmed that “vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially
increased risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease”.

The mechanisms are not yet clear, but since vitamin D is a key nutrient for the immune
system, some of the beneficial effects on the brain may come from its role in enhancing
the immune system and in reducing inflammation – which is a known element in
Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Reduced cancer risk

 Dr Cedric Garland, of the University of California San Diego School of Medicine,

calculates that raising the minimum year-round blood levels of vitamin D-calcidiol
(to between 40 and 60 ng/ml) would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of
breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer in the USA and Canada
each year.

 The Canadian Cancer Society recommends vitamin D supplementation following a

study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showing that increasing
vitamin D intake could potentially halve cancer risk.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

 Research by Joan Lappe and Robert Heaney found that when menopausal women
were given enough vitamin D to raise blood levels of vitamin D-calcidiol to 40ng/ml
they had a 77% lower risk of all cancers after 4 years of supplementation.

 A report in Anticancer Research in 2011 found that a vitamin D-calcidiol level of

47ng/ml was associated with a 50% lower risk of breast cancer, although other
studies have not found such a clear connection.

 Perhaps the clearest evidence for the ability of vitamin D to lower the risk of cancer
is in colon and rectal cancers. The huge-scale Nurses’ Health and Health
Professionals studies found that those with an average blood level of vitamin D-
calcidiol of 40ng/ml had a 34% lower risk than those with the lowest average of

 Finally a report in Clinical Oncology noted that patients with colorectal cancer had a
median vitamin D-calcidiol level of 17ng/ml and concluded that anything below
20ng/ml can be considered a serious deficiency state.

Vitamin D is a hormone as well as a vitamin and is a powerful agent for regulating

normal cell growth, so its potential role in cancer prevention is logical. Indeed there are
many population studies that show that higher levels of vitamin D in the blood are
related to lower cancer levels.

Reduced asthma symptoms

Over 5.4 million people in the UK alone, including 1.5 million children, suffer asthma and
there are 1,400 asthma-related deaths every year.

 A report in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology shows that vitamin D can
significantly improve symptoms in asthma sufferers. Researchers from Kings
College, London found that vitamin D3 works better than steroids at reducing levels
of a chemical in the body (called IL-17A), which aggravates symptoms in asthma
sufferers. It appears as though asthma sufferers may be able to at least reduce their
steroid intakes.

 Professor Adrian Martineau is the lead researcher at the Asthma UK Centre for
Applied Research, Queen Mary University of London. Commenting on a double blind
study, when one group added 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D to their normal
medication while the second group took a placebo, he said: “We found that taking a
vitamin D supplement in addition to standard asthma treatment significantly
reduced the risk of severe asthma attacks without causing side effects.” It is not yet
clear whether the beneficial effects applied to all patients or just those with low
starting levels of vitamin D.

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Reduced hypertension (high blood pressure)

Since vitamin D is involved in the production of another hormone (renin) which in turn is
involved in regulating blood pressure, it could be expected that optimum levels of
vitamin D may help lower blood pressure.

 Results from the American National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) do indeed show that people with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D-
calcidiol (under 15ng/ml) have an increased risk of higher blood pressure.

 This might be expected to translate into lower levels of heart disease. A 2008 study
published in Circulation magazine showed that people with a vitamin D-calcidiol
blood level of 15ng/ml had a 60% extra risk of heart disease.

Other studies have failed to find such a clear correlation, which is not surprising as heart
disease has several causes – of which chronic sub-clinical inflammation in tissues is
almost certainly the key.

So dosing with a single vitamin is unlikely to be anywhere near as effective as

supplementing with a range of anti-inflammatory nutrients combined with a
Mediterranean style diet and activity levels.

Reduced health costs and increased life expectancy

 Dr William Grant, of the non-profit organisation Sunlight, Nutrition and Health

Research Center has been researching vitamin D for more than 25 years. He believes
– as most researchers in the field do – that the current RDA recommendations are
too low and that that high doses (3,000 to 4,000 IU a day) can reduce the economic
burden of disease in Western developed countries by about 10 percent. Applied to
the UK National Health Service, that would be an annual saving of £12 billion!

In the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, he estimated that doubling blood levels
of vitamin D around the world would increase life expectancy by two years on

Reduced risk of Type 1 diabetes

 A study conducted in Finland, where children in the 1960s received 2,000 IU of

vitamin D a day during the first year of life and were followed for 31 years, showed
that they reduced their risk of developing Type 1 diabetes by 88%.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

Bone Health

 Dr Robert Heaney of the Osteoporosis Research Center, Creighton University,

Omaha, concluded that a blood level of 30ng/ml vitamin D-calcidiol (which is
deemed acceptable by many doctors today) is actually at the bottom of the range
needed for skeletal health. The International Osteoporosis Foundation concurs and
states that people with limited sun exposure or absorption problems may need as
much as 2,000 IU a day.

Depression, Mood and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

 Research on Vitamin D and depression by the Vitamin D Council found a correlation

between low levels of vitamin D and depression, but was unable to say whether low
vitamin D status was a causal factor in depression or a result.

 However, one double-blind randomised trial – the gold standard in research –

published in the Journal of Internal Medicine in 2008 concluded that: “There appears
to be a relation between serum levels of 25(OH)D and symptoms of depression.
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin D seems to ameliorate these symptoms
indicating a possible causal relationship.”

 Vitamin D deficiency is certainly associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a

form of depression that usually begins in the autumn and continues throughout the
winter months. SAD affects almost 10% of the population, more women than men
and normally starts in early adulthood. Symptoms include feeling sad or anxious,
fatigue, concentration problems, and irritability.

A new study led by researchers from the University of Georgia does identify low
vitamin D levels with greater risk of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Co-author Michael
Kimlin points out that vitamin D plays a part in the production of both dopamine and
serotonin, noting that past research has associated low levels of these
neurotransmitters with depression.

“Therefore, it is logical that there may be a relationship between low levels of

vitamin D and depressive symptoms.”

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

Reduced infections

Vitamin D helps regulate the expression of genes that affect your immune system and its
ability to fight bacterial and viral pathogens. So it’s an important supplement in the flu

 Several studies, including a Yale study published in 2010, have found that
supplement levels varying from 600 IU to 1,200 IU to 2,000 IU a day reduce the risk
of colds and flu in the winter.

Faster recovery after muscular injury

 A recent report in the journal Nutrients showed faster recovery of muscle strength
after injury.

Reduced risk of falls in the elderly

Since skeletal muscle needs vitamin D, as well as calcium and magnesium, it’s logical
that deficiency can weaken muscles.

 Studies have indeed shown that supplementing with vitamin D can decrease the risk
of falls by an average of 50%. The minimum blood level to aim for appears to be at
least 30ng/ml vitamin D-calcidiol.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D



“I would challenge anyone to find a nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-
cancer benefits as vitamin D. The data are really quite remarkable.”

Dr Edward Giovannucci, Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology,

Harvard School of Public Health

To give a historical context, our hunter-gatherer ancestors spent a good deal of time
outdoors and during the summer months made, in their skin, up to 20,000 IU of vitamin D
a day.

So it is clear that our bodies adapted to far higher levels of vitamin D than most of us
experience today. We have limited our sun exposure, and cultural or religious factors can
make this limitation even more acute.

Ageing and obesity are also important, as they reduce the ability of the skin to make
vitamin D by up to 75%; and a number of drugs (including anticonvulsants, the anti-
inflammatory corticosteroids, and cholestyramine), are also linked to lower blood levels of
vitamin D-calcidiol.

There is a wide variety of advice on what vitamin D supplement levels prevent deficiency
or protect against disease – from a minimum of 400 IU to as much as 5,000 IU!

Here are some of the recommendations from health bodies and leading researchers:

The USA’s Endocrine Society, Vitamin D Council and Institute of Medicine

 A blood level of up to 20 ng/ml vitamin D-calcidiol indicates you are

deficient in vitamin D.

With vitamin D levels in this range you’re more likely to develop osteoporosis and
your bones may be affected because your body isn’t absorbing enough calcium.
You’re more likely to fracture or break bones and more likely to have a fall.

Consensus Statement from the UK’s Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK, Multiple
Sclerosis Society, National Heart Forum, National Osteoporosis Society, British
Association of Dermatologists and Primary Care Dermatology Society

 Those at risk of low sun exposure should take a 10 mcg / 400 IU

supplement of vitamin D a day (7 mcg a day for children aged 6 months to
5 years). However, this implies a blood level of vitamin D-calcidiol of
slightly below 20ng/ml.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D

Dr Walter Willett, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health

After analysing 20 clinical trials on vitamin D and the effect on preventing fractures
and falls, he concludes that blood levels of 30 to 44 ng/ml vitamin D-calcidiol
provide optimal benefits, without increasing health risks.

 “These levels can be best obtained with oral doses in the range of
1,800 to 4,000 IU vitamin D per day.”

Dr Cedric Garland, University of California San Diego School of Medicine

 Optimum level of 40-60 ng/ml vitamin D-calcidiol, implying

3,000 to 6,000 IU of vitamin D supplements.

Dr William Grant, Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center

 Suggests 3,000 to 4,000 IU a day.

Dr Robert Heaney, for the Osteoporosis Research Center

After researching Vitamin D for decades, he concluded that a blood level of at least
30 ng/ml of vitamin D-calcidiol is needed.

 Implies a supplement level of 1,700 IU of Vitamin D per day.

Dr Heaney has stated that the term “deficiency” for nutrients such as vitamin D
doesn’t necessarily mean a clinical disease state, but an increased risk for certain
diseases, such as osteoporosis, cancer, infections, diabetes, hypertension and
cardiovascular disease. People who are seemingly healthy may really be “deficient.”

University of California Berkeley

They produced an excellent report on Vitamin D, which concludes that: “Unless

you’ve been tested and know that your (blood) vitamin D level is adequate—at
least 20 ng/ml vitamin D-calcidiol, though we think 30 ng/ml is a better target—
consider taking a supplement.”

 They conclude that a supplement level of 1,000 IU may be enough for

many people, although ‘your healthcare provider may advise a higher
dose (usually 1,000 to 3,000 IU)’.

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Although there are significant variations in the expert advice above, it is possible to
summarise as follows:

WINTER SUMMER Higher levels

supplement level supplement level to recommended and
Deficient level Optimal level
to get to 35 ng/ml get to 35 ng/ml safe

30 – 40
Less than 20
2,500 IU 800 IU 4,000 IU
ng/ml (62.5 mcg) (20 mcg) (100 mcg)
say 35 ng/ml

What is the safe level?

At the heart of medicine is the advice to ‘Do no harm’, and we are very mindful of this
axiom. Too much vitamin D can cause an abnormally high blood calcium level, which could
result in confusion, abnormal heart rhythm, nausea, constipation, and even kidney stones.
A lot more is not necessarily better.

The American Heart Association issued a warning in 2012 that blood levels of vitamin D
over 100ng/ml could result in a risk of atrial fibrillation and palpitations. To get to those
levels, however, you would need to be taking almost 10,000IU or 250mcg of vitamin D a
day – 4 times our recommendation. The risk of atrial fibrillation is associated with a
deficiency in magnesium – which is a vital mineral for heart health.

The European Food Safety Authority have recently published new guidance on the upper
tolerable levels for vitamin D, which suggests that adults should not exceed 4,000 IU (100
mcg) per day as there is “no evidence for safety above this level”.

The UK NHS states: “Do not take more than 100 mcg (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day, as it
could be harmful. This applies to adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women and
the elderly, and children aged 11-17 years. Children aged 1-10 years should not have more
than 50 mcg a day (2,000 IU)”.

The US National Institutes of Health agrees with an Upper Safe Limit of: “4,000 IU/day for
children 9 years and older, and adults, including pregnant and lactating women.”

In the interest of balance, however, we should note that Doctors Heaney and Holick (see
above) carried out a study in 2002 and in Michael Holick’s words showed …
“… that you can take up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day for almost a half a
year and not worry about vitamin D intoxication”.

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First a caveat – vitamin D is not a magic bullet!

Before we reach our own conclusion on the optimum level, it’s important to note a serious
point about health research. Human lifestyles are very varied – which makes research on
isolated nutrients incredibly difficult to interpret.

Vitamin D on its own is not going to going to magically transform anyone’s health. And
despite clear evidence that low vitamin D levels are linked to a wide range of life-
threatening diseases, it’s quite probable that low vitamin D status is also a marker for a
generally unhealthy lifestyle – lack of physical activity, overweight and poor diet.


So finally – and bearing in mind the caveat above and some conflicting expert advice –
what level of vitamin D should you aim for?

Our recommendation for vitamin D supplementation, allowing for normal dietary and
sunshine sources, is as follows:

Recommended total daily D3 Recommended total daily D3

supplement level in WINTER supplement level in SUMMER

Children over 10 and

1,000 IU 25 mcg 400 IU 10 mcg
Young adults under 20

Adults with outdoor occupations 1,000 IU 25 mcg 800 IU 20 mcg

All other adults 2,500 IU 62.5 mcg 800 IU 20 mcg

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many people will already be taking an A-Z supplement. These will
normally include vitamin D at a level of between 200 and 400 IU. Other supplements like
NutriShield may contain up to 800 IU of vitamin D3.
Therefore an ADDITIONAL daily supplement of 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 is ideal and safe.
Children of over 10 years and young adults up to 20 could take a supplement of 1,000 IU
a day or 2,000 IU every other day.

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Cancer patients are at even greater risk of Vitamin D depletion as chemotherapeutic drugs
may cause photosensitivity reactions and malabsorption of many nutrients. The literature
supports a supplement level of at least 5,000 IU a day in this case, although ONLY under an
oncologist’s guidance.


However persuasive the case for vitamin D supplementation is, there are many other
nutrients with excellent substantiation for health support and disease prevention,
including curcumin and Omega 3; so it’s the combination of foods and supplements that
has the biggest impact on health. It would be a mistake to rely on Vitamin D alone.

For this reason, Dr Paul Clayton designed the comprehensive health supplement called
NutriShield, which contains not just vitamins and minerals, but Omega 3, curcumin, anti-
inflammatory polyphenols (derived from fruits and vegetables), lycopene, lutein, vitamin
K2 and more. It already contains 800 IU of vitamin D3.

As outlined above, an additional 2,000 IU a day in winter is safe and indicated by the
research for all adults, and is even more important for older people and those with darker

See www.nutrishield.com for over 50s

www.nutrishield.com/essentials for younger adults

Appendices 1 to 3 which follow give details of these comprehensive daily

supplements for all-year nutritional health support.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D


Dr Clayton’s recommended supplement formula for ages 20 to 50



Nutrient Level Function

Omega 3 650 mg Anti-inflammatory, heart health
Green tea extract 150 mg Anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant
Curcumin 250 mg Anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant
Grapeseed extract 100 mg Anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant
Vitamin C 500 mg Anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant
Natural Vitamin E 55 mg/83IU Anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant
Vitamin K1 50 mcg Anti-inflammatory at high doses. K2 is
the most potent form
Vitamin K2 25 mcg
Vitamin D3 20 mcg/800IU Important immune system support
Selenium 150 mcg Anti-inflammatory & immune support
Chromium 120 mcg Supports the action of insulin
Zinc 10mg Essential to build anti-oxidant
Magnesium 114mg Essential in many metabolic reactions
Iodine 100mcg Essential to produce thyroid hormones
Copper 1mg A co-factor for anti-oxidant enzymes
Calcium 177mg Important in bone formation
Manganese 2mg A co-factor for anti-oxidant enzymes
Molybdenum 40mcg A co-factor for several vital enzymes
Vitamin A 800mcg Important in immune function
Vitamin B1 7.5mg Helps convert food into energy
Vitamin B2 7.5 mg Essential to metabolise food for
Vitamin B3 15mg Helps boost protective HDL
Vitamin B5 11.25mg Helps convert food into energy
Vitamin B6 7.5 mg Essential to metabolise food for
Biotin (B7) 150mcg Helps convert food into energy
Folic Acid (B9) 200mcg Provides vital methyl groups
Vitamin B 12 6.75 mcg Anti-inflammatory

Note on IRON
Men, and women after the menopause, generally do not require
supplemental iron, as excess iron in the body is pro-inflammatory.
Women before their menopause do need iron in their supplement, and this
is supplied in addition to NutriShield on request.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D


People over about 50 – or with a particularly stressful lifestyle –

should consider NUTRISHIELD PREMIUM, which ADDS the
following nutrients to those in Essentials.


Nutrient Level Function

Co Enzyme 30 mg Anti-oxidant – mitochondrial health
Soy Isoflavones 40 mg Anti-inflammatory – may also help
normalise damaged cells
Betaine 450 mg Provides vital methyl groups; lowers
dangerous homocysteine levels
Beta carotene 7 mg Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory
Lutein 6 mg Anti-oxidant. Eye health
Glucosamine 415 mg Works to help build connective tissue,
working together with vitamins K and D
Zeaxanthin 42 mcg Anti-oxidant, eye health
Cryptoxanthin 49 mcg Anti-oxidant
Lycopene 5 mg Anti-oxidant. May protect prostate, brain
and gastro-intestinal tract

Note on IRON
Men, and women after the menopause, generally do not require
supplemental iron, as excess iron in the body is pro-inflammatory.
Women before their menopause do need iron in their supplement, and this
is supplied in addition to NutriShield on request.

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D



Test results on NutriShield can be seen at


The independent laboratory “Vivacell” in Germany used the industry standard

inflammatory biomarkers Interleukin 1 beta (IL1beta), Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF alpha),
Interleukin 6 (IL6), Interleukin 8 (IL8), Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and Isoprostane 8‐(Iso‐
PGF2‐alpha Isoprostan).

The report supports the conviction that only a combination of nutrients that mimics an
ideal diet can be truly effective.

The report concluded:

“Our data clearly provide evidence that NutriShield® creates potent anti‐inflammatory
and anti‐oxidant effects.

“NutriShield® is therefore a bioactive nutraceutical to be used to help prevent

inflammatory disease of any kind.

“Our data find a synergistic effect of the several ingredients of NutriShield® since the
combination was more effective than the summary of the single ingredients.”

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The Case for OPTIMUM Vitamin D


You can visit the NutriShield website at www.nutrishield.com

Dr Paul Clayton has written a very well-reviewed and highly recommended bestseller
called Health Defence, which you can buy from www.healthdefence.com, Amazon or
other booksellers.

About Health Defence

“Dr Paul Clayton has developed a multitude of creative and innovative solutions for
the promotion of human health and wellbeing.”
David Richardson
Visiting Professor, Food and Nutrition Science
University of Newcastle on Tyne

“This book is a must for everyone –

it will educate and inspire.”
What Medicine? Magazine

He also has a website at www.drpaulclayton.com.

Paul Clayton and Colin Rose have also written an e-book entitled Inflamm-ageing,
reviewing the research on chronic inflammation as an underlying factor in most
degenerative disease. You can download it at www.inflamm-ageing.com.

Colin Rose writes a health and nutrition blog on www.facebook.com/nutrishield and

he tweets regularly at www.twitter.com/colinrose40/

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