Sulphur Dioxide and Environmental Pollution

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1.Sulphur dioxide is one of the by-product of contact process. It is a colourless
and poisonous gas with a vary pungent smell.

2.Sulphur dioxide which escape into the air causes air pollution.

3.Sulphur dioxide is an acidic which dissolves in water to form sulphurous acidic,

H2SO3 .In the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide dissolve in water droplets to form
sulphurous acidic.SO2(g) + H2O(l)+H2SO3(aq)

4.Oxidation of sulphur acid by oxygen produce sulphuric acid, H2SO4 , which

falls to theearth as acid rain. Sulphur trioxide is also easily oxidised in the air to
form sulphur trioxide. Sulphur trioxide dissolve in rainwater to produce sulphuric
acid.SO3(g) + H2O(l)+H2SO4(aq)

5.Sulphur dioxide, is one of the by-products of the Contact Process. It can cause
environmental pollution. Almost all sulphur dioxide in the air comes from the
burning of fossil fuels containing sulphur.

6.Inhaling sulphur dioxide causes coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath,

bronchitis and lung diseases. Sulphur dioxide can cause acid rain. Natural
rainwater has a pH of about 5.4. Acid rain occurs when pH of the rain is between
2.4 and 5.0 .This is due to the reaction of sulphur dioxide with rainwater.

2SO2 +O2+2H2O 2H2SO4

Sulphur dioxide, SO2 is one of the by-products of the Contact Process. It is one of
the source of environmental pollution.

Acid Rain
1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is the pollutant primarily associated with acid rain.
2. Acid rain occurs when pH of the rain is between 2.4 and 5.0. This is due to the
reaction of sulphur dioxide, SO2 with rainwater.
SO 2 +H 2 O→H 2 SO 3 SO2+H2O→H2SO3

3. The negative effect of acid rains include

1. corrosion of concrete building and metal structure.
2. corrosion of monuments and statues made from marble
3. causes erosion of top soil.
4. killing aquatic life.

Health Effects

1. SO2 is an irritant when it is inhaled and at high concentrations may cause

severe problems in asthmatics such as narrowing of the airways, known as
2. Asthmatics are considerably more sensitive to the effects of SO2 than other

Sources of SO2

1. The principal source of SO2 is from the combustion of fossil fuels in domestic
premises and , more importantly, non-nuclear power stations.
2. Other industrial processes such as manufacturing of sulphuric acid also
contribute to the presence of SO2 in the air.

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