Protocols in Lichenology Culturing, Biochemistry, Ecophysiology and
Protocols in Lichenology Culturing, Biochemistry, Ecophysiology and
Protocols in Lichenology Culturing, Biochemistry, Ecophysiology and
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Ilse Kranner Richard Beckett Ajit Varma (Eds.)
Protocols in Lichenology
Culturing, Biochemistry, Ecophysiology
and Use in Biomonitoring
IP Springer
Dr. I L S E C. K R A N N E R Prof. Dr. A j I T K. V A R M A
Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie School of Life Sciences
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Jawaharlal Nehru University
Schubertstraße 5 1 110067 New Delhi, India
8010 Graz, Austria e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. R I C H A R D P. B E C K E T T
School of Botany and Zoology
University of Natal
PBag X 0 1
Pietermaritzburg 3209, Republic of South Africa
e-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 978-3-540-41139-0
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However, there is a reason for this book, an important one, one which has
to do with the recent history of lichenology.
The period between 1930 and 1950 marked the nadir of Lichenology
world-wide: there was only a handful persons still interested in lichens,
several of which found refuge in the lichenological fortress of Scandinavia.
However, after the War, and almost suddenly, lichenology experienced a
veritable boom. The first generation of post-war lichenologists were the
pupils of a few masters - mostly classical taxonomists - who knew each
other well and who had a common cultural background. Fortunately
for modern lichenology, they were good masters: they pushed many of their
pupils beyond the borders of taxonomy into all possible directions. The
third or fourth generation is showing up today, but the common roots,
and hence the common language, are still here. Many years ago, as a new-
comer in a meeting of the International Association of Lichenology, I ex-
perienced something which completely changed my scientific interests.
Coming from a different background, what I was familiar with were either
highly specialised meetings - where everybody is studying more or less the
same thing - or huge international congresses - which to me felt like an
indigestible arithmetic sum of specialised meetings. My late arrival in the
small Austrian village - just after dinner - directed me immediately, with a
glass of beer, to a table where several people were engaged in a discussion
on which characters could best distinguish Hypogymnia physodes from
crooked forms of related species. I proudly believed I had understood
at once what tribe of biologists was hosting me. After a few minutes, how-
ever, I started feeling confused: a man with a beard was explaining to us
how low the photosynthetic performance of Hypogymnia in polluted areas
is; a bold man replied that this could not be due only to sulphur dioxide, but
also to heavy metal contamination, while a lady with dark glasses main-
tained that her SEM and TEM data showed that most metals were concen-
trated outside the algal layer. My confusion became total when they all be-
gan a lively discussion on the evolution of this genus, its possible centres of
origin, and the main mechanisms of evolution with relation to reproductive
The present book is a mirror of my early experiences in the world of
lichenology: it puts together a bright and diversified palette of methods,
one that is unlikely to fit in any subdivision of modern biology. I am certain,
however, that most lichenologists - even those from the fourth generation -
will be able to appreciate it. Methods are subject to rapid change, this book
might have overlooked several important details and become outdated
soon, but here it is! It will not become a "bible" for lichenologists: it
only offers an important basis for discussion, criticism, and, hence, pro-
Foreword VII
gress. I don't know how many from the fourth generation are still aware of
their common historical roots, but I am certain that such roots provide an
enormous "added value" to their apparently outdated discipline. The
cross-fertilisation among different branches of biology is a rare event to-
day, which, however, lichenologists can still enjoy. Losing it will be their
fault, if - following fashion - they decide to follow other paths.
We have tried to cover most of the commonly used techniques, that are
appropriate to lichenology wherever we could find authors who had time
and expertise to write a chapter, but are aware that there are still several
topics which could have been included. In some cases we allowed overlap-
ping to occur between chapters so that each chapter can stand on its own;
for instance the same culture media are given in several chapters that deal
with culturing lichens.
The 32 chapters of this manual are arranged in seven sections. The first
section contains protocols for isolating and culturing lichen symbionts,
and how to re-combine them, as well as techniques for growing thalli in
tissue culture, and how to cultivate them in the field. A short section de-
scribes methods for studying lichen ultrastructure, and the following com-
prises techniques for investigating lichen physiology and ecophysiology,
including stress physiology. The next part includes protocols for determi-
nation of compounds that are often uniquely present in lichens, as well as
identification and quantification of compounds which also occur in other
organisms, but present particular problems when analysing lichens. The
following section on nucleic acids shows the application of some recent
developments in molecular biology to lichens. Thereafter protocols for
using lichens to monitor environmental pollution are outlined. We did
not include a chapter on lichen identification, because information on
identification techniques and excellent keys are already available, and
page restrictions prevented us from including chapters on identification
techniques. However, the last section of the book focuses on the documen-
tation oflichen biodiversity, including very recent protocols based on com-
puter aided information systems which make use of the internet to identify
We thank the many reviewers who took the time to make helpful sug-
gestions. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Ute Scardelli for helping to
check the literature citations, and to Dr. Martin Grube for stimulating dis-
cussions, and for always making himself available to help us in many mat-
ters. We very much appreciate the advice and encouragement given by
Dr. Dieter Czeschlik and Dr. Jutta Lindenborn from Springer-Verlag
throughout the editing process. We acknowledge that work on this
book was made possible only by grants from the Austrian Academy of
Sciences (APART 428) and the Austrian Science Foundation (P12690-
BIO) to Ilse Kranner, and in part by a grant from the South African National
Research Foundation (GUN 2039625) to Richard Beckett. Finally, we would
like to express sincere thank to all the authors who contributed to this book
for sharing their expertise with the reader.
Preface XI
The editors very much hope that the present volume conveys something
of their own and the authors' enthusiasm for lichens, and will encourage
more scientists to work on these fascinating organisms.
Chapter 7 Preparative Techniques for Transmission Electron
Microscopy and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
of Lichens .................................. 87
Chapter 8 Preparative Techniques for Low Temperature
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lichens . . . . . . . . .. 118
XIV List of Contents
Lichen Compounds
Chapter 17 Analysis of Phenolic Products in Lichens
for Identification and Taxonomy ................ 281
Chapter 18 Investigating the Production of Secondary
Compounds in Cultured Lichen Mycobionts . . . . . . .. 296
Chapter 19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing ... 307
List of Contents XV
Nucleic acids
Chapter 23 Isolation of Nucleic Acids from Lichens ........... 381
Chapter 24 PCR Techniques and Automated Sequencing
in Lichens .................................. 392
Chapter 25 RAPD-PCR of Lichens ......................... 412
Fresh lichens
Within a week
Lichens in a laboratory Can be stored for several years
in the freezer
+ Washing
I Apothecium
\'""'' "-
I Lichen thallus I
I Yamamoto method
Cortex removed
Photobiont layer Thallus fragments Spore group I Single spore
Culture Culture Germination
,,. selection
., r ., ,
Fragments of photobionts
Mycelia from .... Mycelia from
and mycobionts with other
multi-spore origin
... single-spore origin
Mycobiont and
... Photobiont
(single spore origin)
(single cell origin)
Fig. 1. Flow chart outlining the origin of mycobiont and photobiont cultures from lichen thalli.
Subprotocol 1
Mycobiont Culture
Note: You must carry out all treatments on a clean laminar flow bench
or under sterile conditions, except for the pre-washing stage. All equip-
ment should be autoclaved (15 - 20 min, 121 GC, 1 atm) or oven-dried
(30 min, 180°C) before use.
Sources of mycobionts
We recommend that lichens should be freshly collected from the field and
used within one week. However, lichens may be stored in the desiccated
state for a few weeks, or in a freezer for several years (Yoshimura et al.
Mycobionts can be isolated from ascospores, conidia, isidia, so redia,
and thallus fragments (Ahmadjian 1993). For laboratory cultures the most
usual method of isolating mycobionts is to start from discharged spores,
primarily ascospores. Another useful method for obtaining mycobionts
and photobionts is to dissect out thallus fragments. This may result in
large quantities of purified mycobiont. The use of thallus fragments for
isolation of mycobionts or photobionts is described in detail in Chapter 2.
Mycobiont cultures stored at Akita Prefectural University and Kochi
Gakuen College are listed in Table 1.
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 7
Table 1. Mycobiont cultures stored at Akita Prefectural University and Kochi Gakuen
Acarospora fuscata (Nyl.) Arnold
Alectoria lata Tayl.
Alectoria ochloreuca (Hoffm.) Massal.
Amygdalia panaeola (Ach.) Hertel & Brodo
Anaptychia palmurata (Michux) Vain.
Anzia colpota Vain.
Anzia gregoriana Muell. Arg.
Anzia hypoleucoides Muell. Arg.
Anzia japonica (Tuck.) Muell. Arg.
Anzia leucobatoides Zahlbr.
Anzia opuntiella Muell. Arg.
Arthonia tumidula (Ach.) Ach.
Asahinea chrysantha (Tuck.) Culb. & Culb.
Asahinea kurodakensis (Assah.) Culb. & Culb.
Baeomyces absolutes Tuck.
Baeomyces placophyllus (Lamb.) Ach.
Bryocaulon divergens (Ach.) Kaernef.
Bryoria furcellota (Fr.) Brodo & Hawksworth
Calicium japonicum Asah.
Caloplaca leptopisma Zahlbr.
Caloplaca scopularis (Nyl.) Lettau
Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Muell. Arg.
Cetraria delisei (Bory) Th. Fr.
Cetraria islandica (L.) Hoffm.
Cetraria islandica subsp. orientalis (Asah.) Koernef.
Cetraria nivalis (L.) Ach.
Cetraria ondontella (Ach.) Ach.
Cetrelia japonica (Zahlbr.) Culb. & Culb.
Cetrelia nuda (Hue) Culb. & Culb.
Chaenotheca brunnaola (Ach.) Muell. Arg.
Cladia aggregata (Sw.) Nyl.
Table 1. Continuous
Cladina arbuscula (Wallr.) Hale & Culb.
Cladina mitis (Sandst.) Hustich
Cladina portensoa (Dufour.) Follm.
Cladina rangiferina (1.) Nyl.
Cladina stellaris (Opiz.) Brodo
Cladonia bacilioformis (Nyl.) Glueck
Cladonia bellidijlora (Ach.) Schaerer
Cladonia boryi Tuck.
Cladonia cristatella Tuck.
Cladonia cyathomorpha Wats.
Cladonia graciliformis Zahlbr.
Cladonia humilis (Wirth) Laundon
Cladonia merochlorophaea Asah.
Cladonia pityrea (Floerke) Fr.
Cladonia poccillum (Ach.) O. Rich
Cladonia ramulosa (Wirth) Laundon
Cladonia subpityrea Sandst.
Cladonia vulcani Savicz.
Cornicularia aculeatum (Schreber) Link.
Cyphellium tigirare Ach.
Dactylina ramulosa (Hook.) Tay!.
Dermatocarpon miniatum (1.) Mann.
Dermatocarpon reticula tum Magnusson
Diploschistes scuruposus (Schreber) Norm.
Durietzia crenulata (Hook.) Yo shim.
Eriooderma velligerum Tuck.
Evernia divaricata (1.) Ach.
Evernia esosrediosa (Muel!. Arg.) Du Rietz
Evernia prunastri (1.) Ach.
Everniastrum cirrhatum (Fr.) Sipman
Faraminella ambigua (Wulf. In Jaeg.) Fricke Meyer
Flavoparmelia caperata (1.) Hale
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 9
Table 1. Continuous
Graphis cervina Muell. Arg.
Graphis connectans Zahlbr.
Graphis proserpens Vain.
Graphis scripta (L.) Ach.
Graphis tenella Ach.
Gymnoderma lineare Yoshim. & Sharp
Haematomma ochrophaeum (Tuck.) Massal.
Haematomma ventosum (L.) Massal.
Heterodermia diademata (Tayl.) Awasthi
Heterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trev.
Heterodermia pandurata (Kurok.)
Heterodermia pseudospeciosa (Kurok.) Culb.
Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl.
Icmadophila ericetorum (L.) Zahlbr.
Lasalia papulosa (Ach.) Llano
Lasallia asiae-orientalis Asah.
Lasallia papulosa (Ach.) Llano
Lasallia pensylvanica (Hoffm.) Llano
Lecanora argopholis (Ach.) Ach.
Lecanora expectans Darb.
Lecanora fuscata Nyl.
Lecanora muralis (Schreber) Rabenh.
Lecanora pulverulenta Muell. Arg.
Lecanora stenospora Stiz.
Lecidea confluens (Weber) Ach.
Lecidea inopsis Th. Fr.
Leprocaulon arbuscula (Nyl.) Nyl.
Letharia columbiana (Nutt.) Thomson
Letharia vulpina (L.) Hue
Lobaria adscripturiens (Nyl.) Hue
Lobaria linita (Ach.) Rabenh.
Lobaria spathulata (Inurn.) Yo shim.
Table 1. Continuous
Lopadium ferrugineum Muell. Arg.
Megalospora sulphurea Meyen
Melanelia stygia (L.) Esslinger
Menegazia terebrata (Hoffm.) Massal.
Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss.
Nephroma helveticum Ach.
Nephromopsis endocrocea Asah.
Nephromopsis ornata (Muell. Arg.) Hue
Niebla homalea (Ach.) Rundel & Bowler
Normandina pulchella (Borr.) Nyl.
Ochrolechia parellula MueH. Arg.
Ochrolechia trochophora (Vain.) Oshio
Ochrolechia yasudae Vain.
Parmotrema austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale
Parmotrema tinctorum (Delise ex Nyl.) Hale
Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd.
Peltigera canina (L.) Willd.
Peltigera neckelli Hepp ex MueH. Arg.
Peltigera polydactyla (Necker) Hoffm.
Peltigera ponijensis Gyelnik
Pertusaria corallina (L.) Am.
Pertusaria laeviganda Nyl.
Pertusaria ophthamaliza Nyl.
Phaeographina pseudomontagnei Nakanishi
Phaeophyscia endococcina (Koerber) Moberg
Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier
Physcia phaea (Tuck.) Thomson
Pilophorus clavatus Th. Fr.
Platismatia interrupta Culb. et Culb.
Platismatia lacunosa (Ach.) Culb. & Culb.
Porpidia albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel & Knoph
Porpidia macrocarpa (DC. In Lam. & DC.) Hertel & Schweb ..
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 11
Table 1. Continuous
Pseudevernia intensa (Nyl.) Hale & Culb.
Pseudocyphellaria aurata (Ach.) Vain.
Pseudoephebe pubescens (L.) M.
Pseudoevernia furfurcea (L.) Zopf
Pseudoevernia olivetorum Zopf.
Puncteria rudecta (Ach.) Krog.
Pyrenula japonica Kurok.
Ramalina exilis Asah.
Ramalina leiodea (Nyl.) Nyl.
Ramalina litoralis Asah.
Ramalina menziesii Tayl.
Ramalina pacifica Asah.
Ramalina roesleri (Hochst.) Nyl.
Ramalina subbreviuscula Asah.
Ramalina subfraxinea var. leiodea
Ramalina subgeniculata Nyl.
Rhizocarpon flavum Dodge & Baker
Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC.
Rimelea reticulata (Tayl.) Hale & Fletcher
Roccella fusiformis DC.
Solorina crocea (L.) Ach.
Solorina saccata (1.) Ach.
Sphaerophorus meiophorus (Nyl.) Vain.
Stereocaulon alpinum Laurer ex Funck
Stereocaulon azureum Yoshim. & Weber
Stereocaulon curta tum Nyl.
Stereocaulon dactylophyllum Floerke
Stereocaulon grande (Magn.) Magn.
Stereocaulon paschale (L.) Hoffm.
Stereocaulon sorediiferum Hue
Stereocaulon subcoralloides (Ny!.) Ny!.
Stereocaulon tomentosum Fr.
Table 1. Continuous
Stereocaulon vesuvianum Pers.
Sulcaria sulcata (Lev.) Bystr.
Teloschistes flavicans Norm.
Thamnolia subuliformis (Ehrh.) Lamb.
Thamnolia vermicularis (Swartz) Ach. Ex Schaerer
Thelotrema lepadium (Ach.) Ach.
Thelotrema subtile Tuck.
Trapeliopsis granulosa (Hoffm.) Lumbsch
Tremolechia atrata (Ach.) Ach.
Trypetheliopsis boninensis Asah.
Tuckermannopsis sepincola (Ehrh.) Hale
Umbilicaria aprina Nyl.
Umbilicaria caroliniana Tuck.
Umbilicaria cylindrica (1.) Delise ex Duby
Umbilicaria decusata (Vill.) Zahlbr.
Umbilicaria deusta (1.) Baumg.
Umbilicaria esculenta (Miyoshi) Mink.
Umbilicaria hyperborean (Ach.) Hoffm.
Umbilicaria kisovana Kurok.
Umbilicaria mammulata (Ach.) Tuck.
Umbilicaria muhlenbergii (Ach.) Tuck.
Umbilicaria polyphylla (1.) Baumg.
Umbilicaria proboscidea (1.) Schrader
Umbilicaria torrefacta (Lightf.) Schrader
Umbilicaria vellea (1.) Ach.
Umbilicaria virgin is Schaerer
Usnea arizonica Mot.
Usnea bismolliuscula Zahlbr.
Usnea diffracta Vain.
Usnea flexillis Stirt.
Usnea hirta (1.) Weber ex Wigg.
Usnea /ongissima Ach.
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 13
Table 1. Continuous
Usnea misamiensis (Vain.) Mont.
Usnea montis-fuji Mot.
Usnea roseola Vain.
Usnea rubescens Stirt.
Usnea strigosa (Ach.) A. Eaton
Usnea sulphurea (Koenig) Th. Fr.
Vermilacinia combeoides (Nyl.) Spjut & Hale
Vulpicida juniperinus (L.) J. E. Mattsson & M. J. Lai
Vulpicida pinastri (Scop.) J. E. Mattsson & M. J. Lai
Xanthoparmelia subpolyphyloides (Geyln.) Kurok.
Xanthoria elegans (Link.) Th. Fr.
Xanthoria mandsculica (Zah!br.) Asah.
Xanthoria mawsonii Dodge
Ahmadjan (1993) and Pyatt (1973) recommend that the culture media
used for spore collection and germination should have a low nutrient con-
tent (i.e. should be plain or mineral agar). We have obtained good results
using 4 % water agar media at 15 C in the dark. Media for culture of my-
LBG medium Lilly and Barnett's Gelrite medium (Yamamoto et al. 1998)
Lilly and Barnett's Medium containing 1% w/v Gelrite instead of agar.
Note: Autoclave all media before use and pour in Petri dishes (5 mm
thick) or test tubes (5 ml) in the laminar flow bench.
Spore discharge 1. Clean thalli collected from the field, then leave for a few days after
collection to equilibrate with the environment. Alternatively, clean
and freeze material, and before use allow a few hours for equilibration.
2. Remove the apothecia or perithecia from the thallus and place into
dishes containing distilled water and allow them to soak for about
4 h, or alternatively wash them in running water. Blot dry the spore
bearing structures to remove excess water.
3. Fix these structures to the bottom of a plastic petri dish using petro-
leum jelly and place 4 % water agar medium on the top cover of the
Petri dish (Fig. 2). Placing the media in the upper lid limits contam-
ination of the agar.
I I solation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 15
4. Ensure that the agar is within the discharge range of the spores (ca. 5 -
10 mm). Discharged spores attach to the agar surface either singly or in
groups. If you want to carry out single spore isolation, it may be ne-
cessary to reduce the discharge time or increase the distance between
the ascocarp and the water agar, because multiple spore discharge may
occur. Replace the top cover of the Petri dish with new covers contain-
ing fresh medium several times at the appropriate interval (according
to the discharge time, normally one day).
Alternatively, spores can be discharged onto glass slides or onto ster-
ilised Parafilm in a damp environment, and the spores washed off with
distilled water. Then, transfer the spores to a medium immediately.
5. Seal Petri dishes containing apothecia with Parafilm and store in an
incubator at 15 c C in the dark.
6. To monitor germination, observe spores discharged onto the water
agar medium under an inverted microscope. Remove discharged
spores onto a glass microscope "well slide" containing agar medium.
Keep the slides in a Petri dish in humid conditions and observe con-
tinuously. Monitor germination of spores and mycelial growth either
in water or stain using lactic-glycerol-cotton blue.
Top cover of a
4% Agar plastic Petri dish Spore germination
ca. 5 mm thick
.. -:.,
' .'
o ......... \
'~~I '"
Bottom of a
plastic Petri dish
Spore germination In some lichens, spores germinate within one day after dispersal.
and mycelial
• After germination, excise and transfer to culture tubes or Petri dishes
(containing nutrient culture media) small blocks of agar containing the
• Malt-Yeast Extract Medium (Ahmadjian 1967a) and Lilly and Barnett's
Medium (Lilly and Barnett 1951) are the culture media most frequently
Mycobionts can be stored for long periods (about one year). However, we
recommend that you subculture every 2 to 3 months as follows.
Cut cultured mycobiont colonies into several segments (usually about
5 mg) with a scalpel. Place segments on either MY or LB medium in petri
dishes and culture for 2 to 3 months at 15 C in the dark. Repeat this pro-
In most lichens, spore discharge can be observed within one day of placing Spore Discharge
an apothecium in the culture dish. However, in some lichens, spore dis-
charge may be observed only after 2-3 weeks (Table 2). The time after
which the first spores discharge after positioning apothecia in the petri
dish varies widely and depends on the species, the developmental and me-
tabolic condition of the apothecia at the time of collection, treatment of
the thalli after collection and the age of the individual ascocarps. Similarly,
the amount and duration of spore discharge also varies widely depending
on the above conditions. Maximum spore discharge occurs from asco-
carps that are soaked in water for 15 min to 24 h, blotted dry, and
then placed in a humid atmosphere (90% RH) where they will dry slowly
(Ahmadjian 1993).
In some lichens, e.g. Porpidia albocaulescens, Graphis cervina (Table
2), the spores separate rather easily after their discharge from the ascocarp,
and fall onto the agar surface. In such cases, single-spore culture can be
easily carried out. However, in Umbilicaria vellea and other species (Table
2), spores remain together in packets of eight (or less). In these species,
single-spore isolations are rather difficult. Ahmadjian (1993) recommends
further techniques for isolation (e.g. the micropipette method described
Yamamoto et al. (1998) found that spore discharge from the apothecia
of many lichens was influenced by collecting seasons, storage tempera-
tures and storage periods. Tested species had more or less an endogenous
rhythm of sporulation. Winter and spring were good seasons for spore
discharge in temperate lichens, although we have found that Umbilicaria
spores collected in Canada in summer germinated well at this time.
Pyatt (1968) reported that while some spores may germinate as quickly as Spore germination
2-4 h after discharge, others might take up to 4 or 5 days. In most lichens,
spores germinate a few days after their dispersal. In our experience, the
germination period varies from 1 to 21 days after dispersal (Table 2). Some
spores germinate at the same time as spore dispersal. Lawrey (1984) re-
Table 2. Time required after setting apothecia for spore discharge and germination to occur in a range oflichen
species. Culture: Lilly and Barnett's Gelrite Medium at 15 "C under dark conditions.
Lichen names Number of days Number of days for Number / condition
required for first spore germination of discharged spores
spore discharge after
setting apothecia
Anzia hypoleucoides 6 single spores
Anzia opuntiella 7 single spores
Caloplaca sp. 8 single spores
Graphis cervina single spores
Graphis cicatricosa 5 14 single or together
Heterodermia pandurata 7 single spores
Lasallia papulosa 1 or 2 6 single spores,
but muriform
Ochrolechia parerulla 18 18 single spores
Peltigera praetextata 4 single spores
Porpidia albocaulescens single spores
Ramalina boninensis 21 single spores
Sarcographa melanocarpa 4 ca. 3D? single spores
Trypethelium boninensis 3 7 8 spores together
Umbilicaria proboscidea 2 not germinated 8 spores together
Umbilicaria torefacta 2 ca.4? single or a few
spores together
Umbilicaria vellea 2 6 8 spores together
ported that spores of Cetraria ciliaris only germinate six weeks after their
dispersal. Rousssard (1969) and Mathey and Hoder (1978) reported that
some spores germinate in their ascus. In general, single-cell spores of crus-
tose lichens can germinate faster than two- or many-cells spores. Spores of
foliose and fruticose lichens require more time for germination than those
of crustose lichens. Muriform spores or single spores with many nuclei
may require more time before they germinate.
Spore germination is influenced by medium composition, initial med-
ium pH and culture temperature. Most spores of the species tested ger-
minated on plain agar medium at pH 6 at 15°C. Spores of Letharia species
could not germinate on agar-medium, but did on Gelrite-medium. Malt-
yeast extract medium prevented spore germination of a few species.
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 19
Studies on the utilisation of nitrogen, either as amino acids or other ni- Modifications
trogenous substances, have yielded such a diversity of results that no gen- of culture media
eral conclusions can be drawn. Addition of most amino acids permit good
growth. Only cysteine, cystine, phenylalanine, and tryptophane fail con-
sistently to sustain good growth. Most of the hexoses used as a carbohy-
drate source permit satisfactory growth. Mannitol, maltose and lactose
allow good growth, while citrate, acetate, erythritol and trisaccharides
are poor carbohydrate sources (Ahmadjian 1967b; Hale 1983). Both nitro-
gen and carbohydrate sources can change or modify the morphological
and physiological characteristics of the mycobiont. Mycobionts from a
variety of species have a requirement for both thiamine and biotin, while
some have a requirement for biotin or thiamine alone.
The mycobiont may be cultured directly on agar or supported on filters. Use of filters
Filters can be made from cellulose, esters of cellulose acetate and nitrate,
or glass fibre (Oliver et al. 1989, Honegger and Kutasi 1990). The advantage
of using filters is that they can be transferred to new media.
The effects of the pH of the medium and of light on the morphology or Effects of pH
physiology of the mycobionts have received little attention but are prob- and light
ably important. As heterotrophic organisms, lichen mycobionts would not
be expected to respond to differences in irradiance or duration of light.
However, in non-lichenized fungi light has a greater effect on reproduc-
tion than on vegetative growth.
I Subprotocol 2
Photobiont Culture
Early investigators placed thin slices of a lichen into an illuminated damp
chamber and waited for the moisture and light conditions to cause out-
growths of the algal symbiont and disintegration of the fungal tissue (Ah-
madjian 1967b).
The simplest method, in terms of equipment and time, for obtaining
photobiont culture was described by Ahmadjian (1967a,b). Nakano mod-
ified Ahmadjian's method and has described it in detail (Nakano 1987).
Nakano and his co-workers have obtained many photobionts from Japa-
nese lichens (Nakano 1988, Takeshita et al. 1989).
Note: You must carry out all treatments on a clean laminar flow bench
or under sterile conditions, except for the pre-washing stage. All equip-
ment should be autoclaved or oven-dried before use.
Equipment - Compound microscope
- Dissecting microscope
- Autoclave
- Incubator
- Sonicator
- Centrifuge
- Laminar flow bench or Clean box
- Capillary tube
- Micropipettes
Preparation of a 1. Heat a glass tube (4-5 mm inside diameter, 20 cm long) at the centre
special micro- and stretch from both ends, and divide at the centre (a Pasteur pipette
pipette (Fig. 3) can be used).
2. Place a cotton stopper at the wider end of the pipette, and connect a
long rubber tube.
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 21
Most photobionts grow easily in culture. While few photobionts have ab-
solute requirements for organic carbon or nitrogen sources, some green
algal photobionts grow much faster after the addition of glucose and / or
proteose peptone to the culture medium. Media for culturing photobionts
include the following.
NaN0 3 250 mg
KH zP0 4 175 mg
KzHP0 4 7S mg
MgS0 4 ·7HzO 7S mg
CaCl 2 ·2H zO 2S mg
NaCI 25 mg
EDTA 50 mg
KOH 31 mg
FeS04 . 7H 2O 4.98 mg
H3 B0 3 11.42 mg
ZnS04· 7H 20 8.82 mg
MnCh·7H 2O 1.44 mg
Mo0 3 0.71 mg
CuS04· 5HzO 1.57 mg
Co(N0 3 )z . 6H zO 0.49 mg
Make up to 1 I with distilled water
For a solid medium, add 15-20 g of agar to the above ingredients and make
up to 1 1 with distilled water.
= {
~ \'-~~:=--.::::-----::::::---:::::::::.-:: ------""'---
Capillary tube
Glass tube
Fig. 3. Micropipette used for a single cell separation of photobionts (after Nakano 1987).
3xN BBM 3xN BBM Modified Bold's Basal Medium with three
times more nitrogen (Brown and Bold 1964)
As above except
750 mg
For a solid medium add 15-20 g of agar to the above ingredients and make
up to 1 I with distilled water.
For a solid medium add 15-20 g of agar to the above ingredients and make
up to 1 I with distilled water.
For a solid medium add 15-20 g of agar to the above ingredients and make
up to 1 litre with distilled water.
Fe Solution
FeS04 1g
Distilled water 500 ml
Concentrated H2SO 4 2 drops
AS solution
H3B0 3 286 mg
MnS04·7H 2O 250 mg
ZnS04·7H 2O 22.2 mg
CUS04' sH 20 7.9 mg
Na2Mo0 4 2.1 mg
Distilled water 100 ml
Macrolichens 1. After the washing procedure mount the lichen thallus on a sterilised
(foliose and glass microscope slide.
fruticose species)
2. Under a dissecting-microscope, carefully scrape or shave away the sur-
face of the thallus (cortex) using a small knife made by filing a small
3. Under the microscope, remove the photobiont layer and transfer it
onto a new, sterilised glass slide.
4. Add one drop of sterilised water to the slide, cover the excised portions
of photobiont layers with another glass slide and grind into smaller
fragments using light pressure. Photobionts are mechanically sepa-
rated from mycobionts, although some mycobiont hyphae may remain
attached. Both symbionts are suspended in the liquid.
Microlichens After washing, place small portions of the thallus on a sterilised micro-
scope slide and grind between two microscope slides by applying light
pressure. Unlike the above protocol for macro lichens, the cortex is still
present, so apply more pressure. The resulting suspension contains
both photobionts and mycobionts. Break up larger pieces using a blender,
or mortar and pestle (Yamamoto 1987). However, fragile cells may be de-
stroyed in blenders, and thus it is best to use less "violent" techniques such
as grinding between two glass slides (Nakano 1987).
Variations in the method how to wash thalli, and recommendations for
best equipment have been reported by several researchers e.g. a wooden
board by Ahmadjian (1967a) and a small washing chamber, cup and filter
by Yoshimura et al. (1993). With cyanolichens, use thin slices (up to 40)lm
thick), obtained with a freezing microtome for inoculation.
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 25
Isolation of photobionts
Spray method The spray method (Fig. 4) can be useful for single cell green algae isolation.
This technique was developed by Wiedeman et al. (1964) and can be used
to both isolate single cell green algae and produce axenic cultures of algae
(without contamination of bacteria, yeast etc. and without mycobiont hy-
phae attached to the photobiont surface).
1. To obtain cultures derived from a single cell, select colonies containing
low levels of contamination (or no contamination), from the photo-
biont colonies growing on the agar plate, and transplant onto 1 x N
BBM slant agar media in test tubes.
2. Culture the colonies for several weeks.
3. Transfer the colonies into 10 ml centrifugation tubes with 1 ml of ster-
ilized water and one drop of Tween 20.
4. Ultrasonicate. This results in the photobiont colonies dissociating from
contaminating bacteria and mycobionts attached to the surface of their
cell walls.
5. Centrifuge (1000 rpm, 5-10 min) the mixture of dissociated photobiont
cells and other organisms.
6. Remove the supernatant and add 1 ml of sterilised water and a drop of
Tween 20 to the photobiont cells remaining in the centrifuged tube.
Repeat this treatment about 10 times.
7. Insert a capillary tube in the bottom of the centrifuge tube and hold in
s. Direct compressed air through a small opening across the top of the
capillary tube extending from the centrifuge tube.
9. The algal suspension is drawn up the microtube and atomised into a
fine spray.
lO. Quickly pass a Petri dish containing medium (usually Trebouxia Or-
ganic Nutrient Medium) through the spray. The dish will become
coated with a suspension of algal cells.
11. After 1 or 2 weeks, remove non-contaminated algal colonies and trans-
plant them onto suitable culture media.
Micropipette The micropipette method is a useful and reliable way to isolate green algae,
method although you cannot use it for long filamentous algae.
Add sterilized Fragments of mycobionts Remove Add sterilized
water contaminated with bacteria supernatant
Tween-20 in
sterilized water
Ultrasonication o
Ultrasonication Centrifugation ~
treatment (1-2 min) o·
~,r>" ~
.... _, o
I~ ..... Air t""'
'I'~- .. &
I ::;l
Capillary tube o"
Solid agar plate ~
--11- g..
Fig. 4. Isolation protocol of photobionts using the spray method (after Nakano 1987).
Cutting method It is difficult to obtain axenic cultures of filamentous green algae, e.g. Tren-
tepohlia, using only the methods described above. The cutting method
may help you to obtain axenic cultures of these algae.
1. Cut the newly grown algal filaments off at their apices using sterilised
forceps, and transplant them onto new culture media.
2. Apply Yamamoto's method (see Chapter 2), and after the second fil-
tration select greenish pieces under a stereo-microscope, then transfer
them to test tubes with solid nutrient or plain agar.
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 29
3. Maintain many (ca. SO) test tubes with agar slants for a few weeks, and
remove any contaminated test tubes. Contamination of culture tubes
depends on the part and condition of the thallus, and the species.
4. In the uncontaminated tubes, new growth of the symbionts (photo-
bionts and mycobionts) occurs after about 4 weeks of incubation.
The photobiont can be further isolated using additional treatments
(the spray method or micropipette method) to get a genetically
pure photobiont colony derived from a single cell.
Some Trebouxia strains lose their colour when cultured at light intensities
above 11 /lmol m- 2 S-1 (Ahmadjian 1967a). We recommend culturing Tre-
bouxia at about 5 /lmol m- 2 S-1 illumination to preserve strains for a long
time. However, for taxonomical observations, Trebouxia strains must be
cultured on 3 x N BBM under 22°C, 33 /lmol m- 2 S-I, and a light-dark cycle
of 12 h light and 12 h dark (Archibald 1975).
• Contamination
To rid cyanobacterial photobionts from bacteria that are normally pre-
sent in the gelatinous sheaths enveloping the algal cells, irradiate with
ultraviolet light (sufficient to destroy bacteria but not the algal cells) or
treat them with antibiotics (Ahmadjian 1967b). During the culture,
mites often eat cultured algae or mycobionts. Vinyl tape shields are
often effective against mites.
Carr NG, Komarek J, Whitton BA (1973) Notes on isolation and laboratory culture, In:
Carr NG, Whitton, BA, (eds) The Biology of Blue-Green Algae, University of Cali-
fornia Press, Berkeley, pp 525-530.
Chrismas M (1980) Ascospore discharge and germination in Xanthoria parietina.
Lichenologist 12: 403-406
Deason TR, Bold HC (1960) Phycological studies 1. Exploratory studies of Texas soil
algae. Univ. of Texas Publication Nr. 60022
Galun M (1988) Handbook of Lichenology Vol 3. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Garrett RM (1971) Studies on some aspects of ascospore liberation and dispersal in
lichens. Lichenologist 5: 33-44
Hale ME (1983) The Biology of Lichens. Edward Arnold, London
Honegger R, Bartnicki-Garcia S (1991) Cell wall structure and composition of cultured
mycobionts from the lichen Cladonia macrophylla, Cladonia caespiticia, and Phys-
cia stellaris (Lecanorales, Ascomycetes). Mycol Res 95: 905-914
Honegger R, Kutasi V (1990) Anthraquinone production in three aposymbiotically
cultured teloschistalean lichen mycobionts: the role of the carbon source. In: Nar-
don P, Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Grenier MA, Smith DC ,Margulis L (eds) Endocyto-
biology IV. 4th International Symposium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis, Lyon,
July 4-8, 1989175-8. Paris: Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique
Honegger R, Kutasi V, Rufflier HP (1993) Polyol patterns in eleven species of apos-
ymbiotically cultured lichen mycobionts. Mycol Res 97: 359
Kofler L (1970) A method to use spores in quantitative studies on germination. Bryol-
ogist 73: 602-606
Kratz WA, Myers J (1955) Nutrition and growth of several blue-green algae. Am J Bot
42: 282
Lallemant R , Bernard T (1977) Obtention de cultures pures des mycosymbiontes du
Lobaria laetevirens (Lightf.) Zahlbr. et du Lobaria pulmonaria (L) Hoffm.: Ie roles
des gonidies. Rev Bry Lichen 43: 303-308
Lawrey JD (1984) Biology of Lichenized fungi. New York, Praeger Publishers
Lilly VG, Barnett HL (1951) In Physiology of Fungi. McGraw-Hill, New York
Mathey A, Holder A (1978) Fluorescence, luminescence et pouvoir germinatif des
spores dans la famille des TrypetheJiacees (lichens pyrenomzcetes). Nova Hedwigia
Nakano T (1987) Isolation and culture methods of lichen photobionts. [In Japanese]
Lichen 6: 1-3
Nakano T (1988) Phycobionts of some Japanese species of Graphidaceae. Lichenologist
20: 353-360
Nichols HW (1973) Growth media-fresh water. In: Stein JR (ed) Handbook of Phyco-
logical Methods. Culture Methods and Growth Measurements. Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, London, p 7
Oliver E, Crittenden PD, Beckett A, Brown DH (1989) Growth oflichen-forming fungi
on membrane filters. Lichenologist 21:387-391
Ostrofsky A, Denison WC (1980) Ascospore discharge and germination in Xanthoria
polycarpa. Mycologia 72: ll7l-ll79
Pyatt FB (1968) An investigation into conditions influencing ascospore discharge and
germination in lichens. Rev Bryol Lichen 36:323-329
Pyatt FB (1969) Studies of the periodicity of spore discharge and germination in li-
chens. Bryologist 72: 48-53
1 Isolation and Culture of Lichen Photobionts and Mycobionts 33
Pyatt FB (1973) Lichen propagules. In: Ahmadjian V, Hale ME (eds) The Lichens. Aca-
demic Press, New York pp 117-145
Pyatt, FB (1976) Lichen ecology of metal spoil tips: Effects of metal ions on ascospore
viability. Bryologist. 79: 172-179
Ramk~r K (1978) The influence of salinity on the establishing phase of rocky shore
lichens. Bot. Tidsskrift 72: 119-123
Richardson DHS (1971) Lichens. In: Booth C (ed) Methods in microbiology, vol 4.
Academic Press, New York, pp 267-293
Roussard M (1969) Contribution a l'etude des ascospores de lichens et de leur germi-
nation. Bull Soc Mycol France 85: 355-366
Stanier RY, Kunisawa R, Mandel M,Cohen-Bazire G (1971) Purification and properties
of unicellular blue-green algae (order Chroococcales). Bact Rev 35:171
Starr RC (1980) The culture collection of algae at the University of Texas at Austin.
J Phycol 14: 483
Takeshita S, Nakano T, Iwatsuki Z. (1989) Phycobionts of some Japanese species of
Pertusaria (Pertusariaceae). PI. syst. Evol. 165: 49-54
Vobis G. 1977. Studies on the germination of lichen conidia. Lichenologist 9:131-136
Watanabe A (1960) List of algal strains in collection at the Institute of Applied Micro-
biology, University of Tokyo. J. Gen. App!. Microbiol. 6: 283-292
Whiton JC, Lawrey JD (1982) Inhibition of Cladonia cristatella and Sordaria fimicola
ascospore germination by lichen acids. Bryologist 85: 222-226
Whiton JC, Lawrey JD (1984) Inhibition of crustose lichen spore germination by lichen
acids. Bryologist 87: 42-43
Wiedeman VE, Walne PL, Trainor FR (1964) A new technique for obtaining axenic
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Yamamoto Y (1987) Tissue cultures of lichens. Proceedings of symposium on Tissue
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Yamamoto Y, Mizuguchi R, Yamada Y (1985) Tissue cultures of Usnea rubescens and
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thalli in vitro. Bryologist 96: 412-421
Chapter 2 PROTOCOL
Lichens have been used as medicines, dyes, perfumes, and food and drink
stuffs since ancient times allover the world. Within the last two decades
many pharmacologically active compounds have been isolated from li-
chens. However, mass harvesting of lichens as an industrial resource
may lead to extinction of species. Therefore, if lichens are to be used
in industrial applications, they must be cultured in vitro.
A standard method for obtaining cultures of lichen mycobionts is to
initiate them from their spores. However, this method has several disad-
vantages (reviewed by Ahmadjian, 1993; see also Chapter 1). For example,
apothecia may not discharge spores, spores do not always germinate in
vitro, and not all species regularly produce apothecia. In our laboratories,
we have succeeded in isolating, culturing and maintaining mycobionts as
well as photobionts of about 400 species of lichens.
Since Schwendener (1868) proposed that lichens are composed of fun-
gal and algal symbionts, thallus resynthesis in vitro from isolated sym-
bionts has been a challenge for lichenologists. Very few lichenologists
have achieved this, and usually not under aseptic conditions (for review
see Ahmadjian, 1973a).
If large amounts of cultured lichens need to be produced for physio-
logical experiments to study the metabolism of secondary compounds, or
even more so for industrial use, it is not advantageous to use pure my-
Note: You must carry out all treatments on a clean laminar flow bench
or under sterile conditions, except for the pre-washing stage. All equip-
ment should be autoclaved (15 - 20 min, 121°C, I atm) or oven-dried
(30 min, ISOaC) before use.
- Autoclave Equipment
- Bamboo sticks (15 cm in length for "Yakitori" sold in Japanese stores).
- Laminar flow bench
- Incubator
- Nylon sieves (150 /lmand 500 /lmmeshes, e.g. Kyoshin Riko Co, Tokyo)
- Dissecting microscope
Specimens can be either used within one week after collection from the Lichen material
field, or alternatively, put in a paper bag and stored in a freezer at -25°C
within one week after collecting. Frozen specimens can be used for culture
purposes following storage for more than one year.
Glucose 10.0 g
L-Asparagine 2.0 g
KH zP0 4 1.0 g
MgS0 4 ·7HzO 0.5 g
Fe(N0 3)3 • 9H zO 0.2 mg
ZnS04· 7H 20 0.2 mg
MnS04· 4H zO 0.1 mg
Thiamin hydrochloride 100 flg
Biotin 5 flg
Deionized water or distilled water make up to 1000 ml
Agar 20 g
Deionised water or distilled water make up to 1000 ml
Autoclave all media before use, and in the laminar flow bench, pour 15 ml
into Petri dishes or 5 ml into test tubes.
6. Two weeks after inoculation, mycobiont hyphae and/or algae will grow
out of the thallus fragments.
7. Six months later, transfer growing cell-aggregates composed of the my-
cobiont and photobiont onto fresh MY agar-medium in plastic Petri
dishes (60 or 90 mm diameter).
8. Transfer cell-aggregates to fresh medium every 3 to 6 months and
maintain at 15°C in the dark.
c) Separation of symbionts
After Step 7 in procedure a), the cell-aggregates comprising mycobiont
and photobiont can be used to isolate the symbionts. Afterwards they
can be grown axenically, and if required, used in resynthesis experiments.
1. Transfer small aggregates to a mortar and homogenise with sterile
water (1 to 3 ml).
2. Dilute 1 ml of homogenised solution with sterile water ten times.
3. Spread 1 ml of solution onto a MY agar-plate in a Petri dish (90 mm in
diameter) and incubate at 15 to 20°e.
4. After three to six months colonies appear on the surface of the med-
ium. Pick up greenish colonies of photobionts and filamentous ones of
mycobionts separately and transfer onto slant test tubes. After one to
three months, remove test tubes which are contaminated with the other
symbiont and if all test tubes are contaminated, go back to Step 1.
5. Maintain uncontaminated test tubes as pure cultures of symbionts.
Culture of thallus fragments
Seasonal variation Table 2 gives evidence that collecting season does not influence the con-
tamination and growth of thallus fragments of Usnea bismolliuscula and
U. rubescens.
Variation in Table 3 demonstrates that the contamination and growth of thallus frag-
collection sites ments were only slightly affected by collection locality in species collected
at various localities in Japan. We have obtained similar results with other
lichen genera, e.g. Cladonia sp., Cetraria sp. and Umbilicaria sp. (Yama-
moto, unpublished results).
Culture conditions: Yamamoto et al. (1987) report influences of light and temperature on the
light and growth of undifferentiated cell-aggregates. The effect of light on the initial
temperature growth of undifferentiated cell-aggregates depended on the tested species.
The growth of undifferentiated cell-aggregates of Alectoria ochroleuca, an
alpine lichen, was induced only at 15°C. However, growth of undifferen-
tiated cell-aggregates of subtropical forest lichens such as Ramalina
boninensis and R. pacifica could be induced at 25°C as well as at 15°C
(Yamamoto, unpublished data).
Culture conditions: Since Ahmadjian originally used MY medium to culture lichen myco-
media bionts of Cladonia species, we often used this medium. However, MY
may not be suitable for mycobiont and thallus fragment culture of
some lichen genera; these included Anzia, Gymnoderma and many cya-
no lichens (Lobaria, Nephroma, Peltigera, Solorina, Sticta etc.) (Yamamo-
2 Culture of Thallus Fragments and Redifferentiation of Lichens 41
Culture conditions: Phytohormones such as auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins regulate the
hormones growth and differentiation of plant cells. However, supplementing cul-
tures of thallus fragments with phytohormones, vitamins and other organ-
ic compounds do not significantly promote growth (Yamamoto et al. 1987,
and Yamamoto, unpublished data).
Storage of collected It is important to know how long lichens remain viable in the laboratory
lichens after collection. Table 4 shows effects of storage period at various tempera-
tures on fragment growth in an incubator or refrigerator. When lichen
thalli were stored at 25 c C in the incubator, Usnea species died within
one month, while other species, e.g., Rimelia and Parmotrema were still
alive. When stored at -25°C in the refrigerator many lichens remained
alive for 1 to 3 years, and for 5 years when stored at -80°C (Yamamoto,
unpublished data).
2 Culture of Thallus Fragments and Redifferentiation of Lichens 43
Yoshimura et al. (1990) reported the effects of nutrients in the medium on Effect of media
redifferentiation of Usnea rubescens and Peltigera praetextata from thal-
lus fragments. U. rubescens preferred modified medium with less glucose
and asparagine than in standard LB medium, and P. praetextata grew bet-
ter on WA medium than MDM and MY medium. Kon et al. (1997) studied
the effect of agar concentration in the MY medium on fragment culture of
U. confusa ssp. kitamiensis. Lower water content (i.e. higher agar concen-
tration) remarkably affected redifferentiation of microthalli.
• Microbial contamination
Contamination of the lichen thallus depends on their habitat. Thalli
growing on soil are most difficult to culture. When only a few test tubes
remain one month after inoculation, the specimen or species may be
too difficult to culture. If fragments show high contamination rates, a
filter with smaller mesh size may be useful. You may also try to vary the
media used, the temperature or light/dark regime, or try to work with
another specimen or species.
• Contamination by mites
Usually lichen mycobionts as well as fungi attract mites that introduce
contaminants into lichen cultures. Freezing Petri dishes where mites
live on the agar plate at -25°C overnight can kill mites easily without
damage to lichen symbionts.
• Fragments fail to grow
If growth of thallus fragments from microlichens and cyanolichens
cannot be induced using LB and MY medium, alternative media for
culturing these lichens must be investigated. See also Chapter 3.
Growth factors • Lichen cultures including fragments grow very slowly in vitro. These
growth rates do not satisfy the requirements for industrial mass pro-
duction of lichens. Therefore, we encourage other researchers to study
mechanisms regulating lichen growth.
Effect of the alga on • Kinoshita et al. (l993a) studied the capacity of the Usnea hirta myco-
morphogenesis biont to form a thallus. The mycobiont formed small and branched
microthallus-like filaments on MY agar-medium. However, they did
not enlarge even after several months. This suggests that the algal part-
ner plays an important role in thallus differentiation. Another ap-
2 Culture of Thallus Fragments and Redifferentiation of Lichens 45
• Resynthesis of lichens from isolated mycobionts and photobionts can Studying photo-
also be applied to study photosymbiodemes. For instance Yoshimura symbiodemes
et al. (1994b) reported redifferentiation of Peltigera aphthosa, a cya-
nolichen with green algae. For more details see Chapter 3.
LB Lilly-Barnett medium
MY malt-yeast extract medium
WA water-agar medium
Chapter 3 PROTOCOL
Resynthesis of Photosymbiodemes
In foliose lichens, sometimes two photo types are formed by probably the
same mycobiont which lives in symbiosis with either green or cyanobacterial
photobionts. Moreover, the same mycobiont can also form two different
morphotypes, which are present as cyanobacterial fruticose thalli growing
on green lobate thalli. This occurs particularly in the genera Peltigera, Lo-
baria, Nephroma, Sticta andPseudocyphellaria. The "one fungus-two photo-
morphs" hypothesis (Goffinet and Bayer 1997) implies that one lichen fungus
can live in a symbiotic relationship with either (prokaryotic) cyanobacteria
and/or (eukaryotic) green algae. The often -used term "photosymbiodeme",
derived from the former phycosymbiodeme (Renner and Galloway 1982),
includes lichens forming dimorphic thalli, thalli with different green algal or
cyanobacterial photobionts ("cyanobionts") and cephalodiate thalli. The
origin of photosymbiodemes is far from understood, as is their presence or
absence in natural ecosystems. Perhaps symbiotic ascomycetous fungi
evolved a high phenotypic plasticity that allowed them to respond to chan-
ging conditions in their environment. Field studies ofSticta filix revealed that
light intensity determines whether the green phototype or the cyanotype
differentiates (Poelt 1986). Between the green and cyanobacterial morpho-
types, mixed phototypes (photosymbiodemes) are found.
Mycobionts of triple symbiotic systems show obligate "cyanotrophy"
(Poelt and Mayrhofer 1988). Cyanotrophy may be defined as a dependence
of some lichen fungi on nutrients provided by cyanobacteria. Many of
these lichens have large thalli and grow on nutrient-poor substrates.
They depend on an effective nitrogenase system occurring in the hetero-
cysts of the cyanobionts. This system has been analysed in cephalodia and
various cyanobacterial thalli by Feige (1976a,b), Rai et al. (1980) and Rai
(1988). The isolation of "cyanotroph" mycobionts has always been a chal-
lenge, as they need contact with cyanobacteria to start growth. One me-
thod involves growing them in contact with isolated cyanobacterial colo-
nies. Alternatively, it may be possible to find conditions that compensate
for the presence of cyanobacteria by growing them on media enriched with
nitrogenous compounds.
During the past twenty years, many new photosymbiodemes have been
described and investigated (e.g. James 1975; James and Henssen 1976;
Brodo and Richardson 1978; T0nsberg and Holtan-Hartwig 1983, Ott
1988; Armaleo and Clerc 1991; Holtan-Hartwig 1993; Vitikainen 1994;
Stocker-Worgotter and Turk 1994; Stocker Worgotter 1995,1998; Goffinet
and Bayer 1997, Goffinet and Goward 1998). Recently, studies in photo-
symbiodemes have entered a new era. Modern laboratory manipulations
allow the dissociation and resynthesis of lichens in an artificial environ-
ment under controlled laboratory conditions. These investigations are of
great interest for answering questions on symbiont specificity, formation
of secondary compounds (lichen substances) in resynthesised thalli and
also for an understanding of the evolution of symbiotic systems in general.
In the future, molecular biology techniques may be used to create new
symbioses with predetermined characters, but this will require a detailed
knowledge about factors that influence the establishment of natural and
artificial symbiotic associations.
Early resynthesis experiments (e.g. Ahmadjian 1989; Ahmadjian and
Jacobs 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987) mainly dealt with lichens where one my-
cobiont lives together with one type of photobiont. However, in a few stu-
dies triple and multiple symbioses have been examined (Brodo and Ri-
chardson 1978, Honegger 1982, Ott 1988), and most ofthese investigations
Plant material
Peltigera britannica This species forms green and cyanobacterial phototypes (Fig. 1.1) in arctic
(Gyeln.) Holt. habitats. Both photo- and cyanomorphs develop lobes. The adult green
Hartw. phototypes are sprinkled with cephalodia, formed by tiny cyanobacterial
lobules. Juvenile green, cup-shaped phototypes often protrude from adult
lobate cyanobionts (Fig. 1.6).
Lobaria fendleri This species is especially common in moist and shady habitats, growing on
(Tuck.ex.Mont.) moss-covered tree-trunks in the tropics. The green phototype is lobate,
Lindau while the cyanotype is fruticose/shrubby and tightly fixed to the green
lobes. Lobaria fendleri (Fig. 1.8) forms dimorphic thalli, and early taxo-
nomists mistakenly interpreted the fruticose part as a separate lichen spe-
cies that they named "Dendriscocaulon". This tropical photosymbiodeme,
that comprises shrubby cyanomorphs growing from a green Lobaria thal-
lus, is to some extent comparable to the Lobaria amplissima photosym-
3 Resynthesis of Photosymbiodemes 51
Culture media
- 1 g NaCI
4 trace-element solutions:
- 11.42 g H 3 B0 3
- 4.98 g FeS04 . 7H zO, 8.82 g ZnS04 . 7H zO, 1.44 g MnCl z . 4H zO
Subprotocol 1
Isolation of Symbionts
The following procedure is based on the method of Yamamoto (1990), see Mycobionts
also Chapter 2.
1. Wash single thallus lobes from all different photo- and cyanomorphs
(Peltigera britannica, Lobaria fendleri) in sterile double distilled water
and add a drop of Tween 80 (a surfactant). Change the water several
times during a washing procedure lasting for about 4 h.
2. Select clean fragments under a dissecting microscope and grind gently
using a homogeniser at low speed (5000-10000 rpm for 15 sec) or a
sterile mortar and pestle.
3. The resulting suspension should contain minute fragments of algae
and fungi. Filter using sieves of two different meshes (sizes: 500 11m
and then 150 11m).
4. Pick up approx. 150 11m pieces using inoculation needles or bamboo
sticks under a dissecting microscope. Inoculate agar slants with one
piece of every sample in each tube. The original Yamamoto method
(Yamamoto 1990) used MY agar for all mycobiont isolations. My re-
cent experiments have shown that many mycobionts grow better on
other media.
5. Peltigera and Lobaria mycobionts are well known for their cyanotro-
phy (Stocker-Worgotter and Turk 1994) and do not show any growth
reactions on MY medium. Rather, first grow these mycobionts together
with cultured colonies of their natural photobionts (Fig. 1.4). Later,
introduce a very rich nutrient medium (MIX or MS) to compensate
for the presence of the photobionts by providing the mycobiont
with nitrogenous compounds.
6. Keep the mycobiont cultures for 2 - 3 months covered by aluminium
foil to suppress growth of the algae or cyanobacteria present in the
fragments. Keep the temperature low (approx. 10 - 15°C) for myco-
biont isolates of temperate species like Peltigera britannica. For tro-
picallichens e.g. Lobaria fendleri raise the temperature to 23°e.
Green photobionts 8. I also recommend the Yamamoto method (Yamamoto 1990 and Chap-
ter 2) for isolating the algae. In this case, keep agar slants containing
isolations of algae under a light regime of 50 -100 )lmol photons m- 2 •
Within 2 to 3 weeks algal colonies develop next to the fungus.
9. If the isolate is free of contaminants, the algae/cyanobacteria can be
easily removed by an inoculation needle and transferred to a new nu-
trient medium, e.g. BBM or MY medium. Coccomyxa, the green photo-
biont of Peltigera britannica has been isolated by this method (Fig.
1.3). The green photobiont of the main thallus of Lobaria fendleri,
probably a species of the algal genus Dictyochloropsis can be grown
in liquid BBM (with soil extract). To prepare soil extract, dilute
500 g soil in 2000 ml double distilled water and autoclave two times
for 3 h. Adjust the pH of the supernatant to pH 6, filter under sterile
conditions and keep this stock solution in the refrigerator.
Cyanobacteria 10. Isolate the cyanobionts, e.g. Nostoc from Peltigera britannica and Lo-
baria fendleri, by a different method (modified after Ahmadjian 1973).
Crush a carefully washed thallus fragment in a drop of sterile water
between two microscope slides.
n. Examine the resulting cyanobacterial suspension under a dissecting
microscope. Pick up the cyanobionts using a micropipette and transfer
them to a petri dish containing BBM or MY agar.
12. The first isolates of cyanobacteria are very often highly contaminated
by bacteria. The solid substrate allows to localise the contaminants and
to get rid of them through successive transfers and subcultures.
13. Alternatively, another useful isolation method for cyanobacteria in-
volves using vegetative reproductive units of the filamentous cyano-
bacteria (e.g. Nostoc, Stigonema), termed hormogonia. Hormogonia
usually have no gelatinous sheath, and can move on agar surfaces
if they are attracted by a light source. Movement on or through the
agar substrate often loosens attached bacteria (Boissiere et al. 1987).
Isolating hormogonia leads more rapidly to axenic cultures of the re-
quired Nostoc colonies than following Steps 10 - 12.
3 Resynthesis of Photosymbiodemes 55
14. Within two weeks, isolated hormogonia of Nostoc can develop new
filaments (Fig. 1.2). For Peltigera britannica, grow the cyanobionts
and also the green photobionts at 15°e during a 14 h day and at
woe during a 10 h night. Grow cyanobacteria and green algae isolated
from Lobaria fendleri at 28°e during a 12 h day, and at 23°e during a
12 h night. Keep the light intensity at 50-100 /lmol photons m- 2s- 1•
Subprotocol 2
1. Collect soil from the habitat of the lichen you want to resynthesise (e.g.
Peltigera aphthosa).
2. Sieve 500 g of soil (mesh 1 - 2 mm) and then add 100 ml of double
distilled water.
3. Add moist soil to 100 x 15 mm glass Petri dishes to a height of 8 mm,
autoclave and leave for 24 hours, then autoclave again.
4. Inoculate the soil with axenic ally cultured photobionts and cyano-
bionts, and maintain the cultures for 3 - 4 weeks under the above de-
scribed culture conditions (Step 14 in Subprotocol 1).
5. To get the fungal isolates ready for resynthesis, transfer them to a sugar
deficient liquid medium (e.g. BBM) and maintain them there for about
one month.
6. Spread homogenised, segmented hyphal filaments over the algal/cya-
nobacterial colonies.
7. Maintain the resynthesis cultures in a culture chamber adjusted to the
conditions described for their photobionts.
Axenic Nostoc (isolated from hormogonia) and Coccomyxa colonies were Peltigera
obtained after 3 or 4 subcultures on agar plates (Fig. 1.2, 1.3). Further cul- britannica
turing was conducted in liquid BBM, where both photobionts were char-
acterised by high growth rates that allowed them to be subcultured every
Lobaria fendleri The mycobiont of Lobaria fendleri grew very slowly on MIX and Sabour-
aud media. On MS agar the growth rates (3 - 5 mm increase of radial
growth per month) were comparable with those of the Peltigera britannica
mycobiont on MIX medium. For resynthesis, the fragmented mycobiont
isolates were transferred to the soil substrate and inoculated on a mixture
of Dictyochloriopsis and Nostoc cells. After 4 months the substrate was
covered by minute globose primordia of the cyanotype. The green colonies
had become invisible and were completely overgrown by Nostoc. After a
further period of two months, the cyanotype-primordia had differentiated
into branched structures of 2 - 3 mm height (Fig. l.9). They were compar-
able to the juvenile stages of the cyanomorph, normally growing on well-
developed green lobes of Lobaria fendleri (Fig. l.9). After one year, the
substrate was colonized by well-developed shrubby cyanomorphs. Re-
synthesis of the green photomorph, which normally grows as an epiphyte
on tree-trunks under tropical conditions, has not yet been achieved in an
in vitro experiment.
3 Resynthesis of Photosymbiodemes 57
• Cultured mycobiont
Gyrophoric acid (found for the first time in a mycobiont culture);
formed on aerial hyphae (crystals: fine curved needles) after 6 months.
• Cultured cyanobacterial photomorph
No secondary compounds.
The voucher specimen of P. britannica contains mainly tridepsides and
triterpenoides. Tenuiorin, the most prominent tridepside in species of
the genus Peltigera was present in the different photomorphs and also
in the lobate cephalodia. However, the cultured mycobiont did not
form tenuiorin, but methyl-Iecanorate and methyl-gyrophorate. In all re-
synthesised stages tenuiorin was found, but the pattern of triterpenoides
except zeorine clearly deviated from the voucher photomorphs. These re-
sults indicate that the resynthesised stages in lab culture always lack com-
pounds; the whole variety ofsecondary compounds inP. britannica seems to
be present only in a fully developed and differentiated symbiotic system. In
the case ofLobariaJendleri, the voucher specimen has gyrophoric acid and 4-
O-methyl-gyrophoric acid (a substance found in a few species of Lobaria
from North America, Latin America, Madeira, East Africa and Japan). Sur-
prisingly, the cultured mycobiont formed the major compound ofL.Jendleri,
gyrophoric acid, but did not produce the 4-0-methylated form, found in the
voucher specimen. Both, the resynthesized cyanobacterial photomorph and
the natural cyanomorph did not produce any secondary substances. It
remains uncertain why the mycobiont from Peltigera can produce a tridep-
side when it lives together with cyanobacteria and green algae, whereas the
mycobiont from Lobaria obviously can form tridepsides only in symbiosis
with green algae. This is particularly surprising, because the chemical struc-
tures of tenuiorin and gyrophoric acid are very similar.
Ahmadjian V (1989) Studies on the isolation and bionts of the lichen Peltigera canina
(Peltigeraceae). PI Syst Evol 165: 29-39
Ahmadjian V, Jacobs JB (1982) Artificial reestablishment oflichens. III. Synthetic de-
velopment of Usnea strigosa. J Hattori Bot Lab 52: 393-399
Ahmadjian V, Jacobs JB (1983) Algal fungal relationships in lichens: recognition,
synthesis and development. In: Goff, JL (ed) Algal symbiosis. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, pp 147-172
Ahmadjian V, Jacobs JB (1985) Artificial reestablishment of lichens. Comparison be-
tween natural and synthetic Usnea strigosa. Lichenologist 17: 149-165
Ahmadjian V, Jacobs JB (1987) Studies on the development of synthetic lichens. Bib-
liotheca lichenologica 25: 47-58
Armaleo D, Clerc P (1991) Lichen Chimeras: DNA Analysis suggests that one fungus
forms two morphotypes. Exp Mycol 15: 1-10
Bischoff HW, Bold HC (1963) Some soil algae from enchanted rocks and related spe-
cies. Phycol Studies 4: 1-95
Boissiere JC, Boissiere MC, Champion-Arnaud P, Lallemant R, Wagner J (1987) Le
cycle de Nostoc des genres Peltigera et Collema en cultures in vitro et dans Ie thalle
licMnique. Can J Bot 65: 1468-1477.
Brodo 1M, Richardson DH (I978) Chimeroid associations in the genus Peltigera.
Lichenologist 10: 157-170
Culberson CF (1970) Supplement to "Chemical and Botanical guide to lichen pro-
ducts". Bryologist 73: 177-377
Deason TR, Bold HC (1960) Phycological studies. I. Exploratory studies of Texas soil
algae. Univ Texas Public 6022: 70.
Feige B (1976a) Untersuchungen zur Physiologie der Cephalodien der Flechte Peltigera
aphthosa (L) Willd. 1. Die photosynthetische 14C-markierung der Lipidfraktion. Zeit
Pflanzenphysiol 80: 377-385
Feige B (1976b) Untersuchungen zur Physiologie der Flechte Peltigera aphthosa (L)
Willd. II. Das photosynthetische 14C-Markierungsmuster und der Kohlenhydrat-
transfer zwischen Phycobiot und Mycobiot. Zeit Pflanzenphysiol 80: 386-394.
Goffinet B, Bayer RJ (1997) Characterization of mycobionts of photomorph pairs in the
Peltigerinae (lichenized Ascomycetes) based on ITS sequences of specifically am-
plified fungal ribosomal DNA. Fungal Gen Bioi 21: 228-237
Goffinet B, Goward T (1998) Is Nephroma silvae-veteris the cyanomorph of Lobaria
oregana? Insights from molecular, chemical and morphological characters. In:
Glenn MG, Harris RC, Dirig R, Cole MS (eds) Lichenographia Thomsoniana: North
American lichenology in honour oOW Thomson. Mycotaxon Ltd, Ithaca, New York
pp 41-52
Holtan-Hartwig J (1993) The lichen genus Peltigera, exclusive of the P. canina group, in
Norway. Sommerfeltia 15: 1-77
BBM Bold's Basal medium
MIX Mixture of compounds derived from other media
MS Murashige and Skoog medium
MY Malt yeast medium
Chapter 4 PROTOCOL
Yasuhiro Kinoshita, Nippon Paint Co., Ltd, Basic Research Department, 1-15,
4-Chome, Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, 140-8675, Japan
(phone +81-3-3740-1142; fax +81-3-3740-1399; e-mail [email protected])
Note: All steps must be done under aseptic conditions.
10. Suspend protoplasts with 80 ml of 0.6 M MgCl 2 gently and then collect
protoplasts by centrifugation (5000 rpm, 10 min). Repeat this step
(washing protoplasts) at least twice.
• The procedure outlined above produced the best results in the studies
of Ahmadjian et al. (1987) and Kinoshita et al. (1991). However, both
these studies were carried out on lichen mycobionts from the Clado-
niaceae. Modification of several conditions in the experiment might be
necessary for mycobionts from other lichen families.
• It is necessary to purify protoplasts before using them for gene trans-
formation or other experiments because undigested cells and cell deb-
ris are present as contaminants. Filtration by paper filters, cheese
cloths or nylon meshes or centrifugation with density gradient using
Percol (Pharmacia, with which a density gradient can be made without
changing osmotic pressure) may be helpful here. Optimum conditions
have not yet been determined. Enzyme treatment will cause some da-
- Silicon adhesive: silicone rubber (e.g. Aquaria sealant; N.V. Dow Corn-
ing S.A. Seneffe, Belgium) or other products without fungicide!
- Clay from local pottery. Look for material without lime.
Subprotocol 1
In Vivo Cultivation of Fragments and Diaspores in the Field
For in vivo cultivation of fragments and diaspores in the field, use so redia,
isidia and small or larger fragments of thalli (Schuster et al. 1985). Larger
fragments have the advantage of a sufficiently large biomass for uninter-
rupted growth. Smaller fragments frequently degenerate into an undiffer-
entiated lump of tissue that consists of fungal hyphae and algal cells from
which new thalli differentiate. Apart from size, the age of the tissues is also
important. Comparisons of the growth of older parts of the thallus with
younger marginal parts with meristematic zones can give insights into
growth processes and the degree of determination. Isidia often germinate
slowly. Possibly, in the intact lichen the thallus inhibits isidial growth, and
residual inhibition is present in detached isidia. In some lichen species,
globose isidia may become spatulate as a first step towards the differen-
tiation of secondary lobes (e.g. in Parmelia saxatilis). The growth of these
spatulate isidia is not inhibited in cultures (K16ckner 1998).
3. In the field, fragments and diaspores may be sown directly onto a nat-
ural substrate. Sow many propagules, as many diaspores will be lost
through rain and wind action.
4. The propagules easily adhere to soil, but if you use stone as a substrate
you must attach them with glue, or cover them with a net. Silicone
adhesive (without fungicide!) is suitable, as it remains pliable even dur-
ing extreme climatic conditions. Many cultivated lichens cover the ad-
hesive and use it as a substrate. Sterile gauze or squares from nylon
stockings may be used as net (Fig. 1).
5. On tree bark, nets and glue may also be used and the nets can be fixed
with staples. The diaspores may also be placed in horizontal wedge-
shaped cuts in the bark. In all cases, shading by the net or sowing
into fissures provides optimal conditions for development, as most pri-
mordia prefer low light intensities and a good water supply.
6. Blocks of burned clay are also suitable for fieldwork. In the field, large
numbers of these blocks should be placed adjacent to one another and
surrounded with a metal fence to prevent displacement by rain or by
small animals. If diaspores are not glued to the surface of the clay they
may be washed off by rain. Blocks may be protected for a few weeks by
a net placed about 30-50 em above the cultures.
7. Initial developmental stages are best examined by SEM. The normal
specimen holders for SEM with pieces of bark or rock glued to their
surface may be used as a substrate. In the field, holders can be placed
on plastic discs or artificially drilled holes in the rock (Figs. 2 and 3).
Note however, that these methods may prevent close contact between
the culture and the surrounding natural substrate and therefore
change the microclimate.
8. Remove all nets when you see that the diaspores have attached them-
selves by outgrowing hyphae, usually after 6-12 months. This process
depends on microclimate, and is species specific.
9. Experiments on growth and development in the field usually take sev-
eral years, and photographic recording of growth is necessary. Take
your first photograph directly after inoculation.
10. To examine intermediate developmental stages you will need many
parallel experiments. Complete samples must be removed with the
substrate at intervals for SEM viewing, and clearly such harvesting
is destructive. The intervals depend on the rate of development in a
1 2
5 Differentiation Processes in Lichens - in Vivo Cultivation and Transplantation Methods 69
Subprotocol 2
In Vivo Cultivation of Fragments and Diaspores in the Laboratory
The methods for in vivo cultivation of fragments and diaspores in the la-
boratory are virtually the same as those in the field. A natural substrate can
be used and, particularly for terricolous lichens, no substrate seems to be
an adequate substitute for soil. Terricolous lichens are cultivated best in
small clay pots (Stocker-Worgotter 1991). If defined media are used in
preference to natural substrates, special experimental conditions are ne-
cessary which will be discussed below. Axenic conditions are superfluous
as the diaspores and fragments are never sterile and cultures are only
rarely overgrown by contaminating fungi. Initially the fragments often
seem to be overgrown by fungi (Dibben 1971), but in many instances
this is only the mycobiont leaving the symbiosis and forming cotton-
like mycelia (Jahns 1993). A major problem in the laboratory is the reg-
ulation of the microclimate. A change between dry and wet phases is ne-
cessary as continuous high humidity favours the growth of aerial hyphae
instead of a closed cortex.
Fig. 1. Culture of fragments of Placynthium nigrum covered by a net made from nylon
stockings. Fig. 2. Cultures on carriers for SEM placed on a disc in the Antarctic. Fig. 3. Cul-
tures on carriers for SEM in artificially drilled holes in rock. Fig. 4. Cultures on blocks of fired
clay on a metal grid in a glass container.
Subprotocol 3
Transplantation of Young and Adult Thalli
Transplanted lichens can be used to evaluate air pollution (Werner 1993),
but we do not recommend this method for rigorous scientific experiments.
Thalli from unpolluted habitats are attached to a board under standar-
dised conditions and exposed under field conditions. The discoloration
and decomposition of the thalli is recorded at intervals. Even after an
adaptation time that is obligatory in these experiments, major problems
remain, because the physiological state, the age, and the degree of adapta-
tion to the original location of the lichens used are unknown. Older thalli
suffer in particular from a change of micro climatic conditions and may be
unable to adapt to the new location. Growth of transplanted young stages,
or lobes from old thalli are the best indicators of environmental condi-
tions. Degeneration of older thalli can be induced either by an unfavour-
able environment or by changes in the conditions that are not necessarily
unfavourable. In ecological research both young and adult thalli should be
transplanted to examine the problem of pre-adaptation and their physio-
logical properties. The microclimate of the old and the new site should
always be measured and compared. Light and water availability are of spe-
cial importance. The best transplantation method will depend on the sub-
stratum and growth form of the lichen.
Ahmadjian V (1973) Methods of isolating and culturing lichen symbionts and thalli. In:
Ahmadjian V, Hale M E (eds) The lichens. Academic Press, London, pp 653-658
Ahmadjian V (1989) Studies on the isolation and synthesis ofbionts of the cyanolichen
Peltigera canina (Peltigeraceae). Plant Syst Evol 165: 29-38
Armstrong R A (1993) The growth of six saxicolous lichens transplanted to lime-rich
and lime-poor substrates in South Gwynedd, Wales. Symbiosis 15:257-267
Brodo I M (1961) Transplant experiments with corticolous lichens using a new tech-
nique. Ecology 42: 838-841
Bubrick P, Galun M (1988) Methods for cultivating lichens and isolated bionts. In:
Galun M (ed) Handbook of Lichenology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Vol. 3, pp.
Dibben M J (197l) Whole-lichen culture in a phytotron. Lichenologist 5: 1-10
Honegger R (1993) A simple outdoor culturing system for the foliose macrolichens
Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.Fr. and Parmelia sulcata Taylor. Bot Helv 103:223-229
Jahns H M (1993) Culture experiments with lichens. Plant Syst Evol 187:145-174
Klockner P (1998) Wachstums- und Differenzierungsprozesse vegetativer Flechten-
strukturen unter kontrollierten Bedingungen. Inaugural-Dissertation, Di.isseldorf
Scheidegger C, Frey B, Zoller S (1995) Transplantation of symbiotic propagules and
thallus fragments: methods for the conservation of threatened epiphytic lichen po-
pulations. In: Scheidegger C, Wolseley P A, Thor G (eds) Conservation Biology of
Subprotocol 1
Isolation of Lichenicolous Fungi From Living Collections
ture conditions, may also be tested. Very little is presently known about
the cultural requirements of these fungi.
Of the many fungal culture collections available for deposit, I have used
these listed here most frequently. Prior to deposit of cultures in a culture
collection, one should contact a mycologist at the institution to ensure that
proper procedures are followed and sufficient information is sent along
with the culture.
• ATCC - American Type Culture Collection, 10801 University Boule-
vard, Manassas, Virginia 20110-2209, email:
• CBS-Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, P.O. Box 273, 3740 AG
Baarn, Netherlands,
• IMI-International Mycological Institute, Egham, Surrey TW20 9TY,
• NRRL-The National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (pre-
viously called the Northern Regional Research Laboratory), 1815 N.
University Street, Peoria, IL 61604,
Subprotocol 2
Growing Cultured Lichenicolous Fungi on Lichen Tissues
in the Laboratory
Once they are isolated, cultures of lichenicolous fungi can be used in var-
ious laboratory experiments. In our laboratory, lichen tissues are inocu-
lated with these fungal isolates to determine how growth of the licheni-
colo us fungus is affected by lichen secondary products.
1. Collect lichens from the field, clean debris from thalli, wash briefly in
distilled water, and air dry. Grind dried tissues in a Wiley mill to pro-
duce small (1 mm diameter) fragments. These should be stored in a
desiccator over anhydrous calcium sulphate or silica gel prior to use.
2. If the experiment is designed to test the effect oflichen secondary com-
pounds on lichenicolous fungal growth, lichen tissues can be washed in
acetone to remove these compounds.
• Washing several times in cold acetone usually results in removal of
most lichen compounds.
• The effectiveness of the washing (especially the first time it is done)
should be tested by thin-layer (TLC) or high-pressure liquid chro-
matography (HPLC), see also Chapter 17.
3. Small samples (100 mg) of sterilised lichen tissues (washed and un-
washed) are weighed and placed in glass Petri dishes.
• Sterile technique is not necessary at this point, but accurate weights
must be obtained.
• Produce replicate plates of all treatments.
4. Since lichen thalli harbour numerous micro-organisms and cannot be
maintained long under laboratory conditions, it is necessary to sterilise
tissues before inoculating with fungal cultures.
• Generally, heat treatment in a laboratory steriliser is used, but this
will inevitably affect the secondary products of the lichen tissues. It
is best to monitor these changes using TLC or HPLC.
• Alternative methods include the use of various sterilising chemi-
cals. For example, ethylene oxide vapours are effective in sterilising
lichen tissues, but they may also alter lichen chemistry. Radiation
can be used to sterilise tissues, but the equipment necessary to do
this is not commonly available.
5. In the laminar flow bench, inoculate all sterilised plates with fungal
inoculum. Inoculum is made from active « 1 week old) cultures
blended in sterile water to make a slurry with known concentration
of fungal mycelium.
• Using sterilised instruments, scrape fungal mycelium from a cul-
ture plate into sterile water in a sterilised Waring blender and blend
for 15 seconds.
• Take a small volume of the slurry produced, filter and weigh to
obtain the concentration of fungal mycelium per unit volume;
this will indicate how much of the slurry should be used in the in-
• Inoculate each sterilised substratum with the same amount of fun-
gal mycelium (usually between 0.2 and 0.5 mg dry weight). Inocu-
late control plates to make certain the fungus grows and is not con-
6. Wrap all plates in plastic film to prevent drying and place in a con-
trolled temperature chamber for the experimental period. We routi-
nely use a 12 h day/12 h night cycle at 18°C. We have generally
used a 3D-day period to determine degradative activity of fungi.
7. After 30 days, dry each plate at 105°C and store in a desiccator until it
can be weighed.
8. Scrape out the dried substratum from each of the dishes.
• Iflichen tissues are to be used later, freeze in plastic containers. We
have analysed this tissue using TLC and HPLC to identify changes
in secondary products caused by fungal degradation. Control tis-
sues are those maintained for the same length of time in sterile
water without fungal inoculum, dried and frozen.
• Clean plates thoroughly and dry them at lOS°C. The dry weight of
tissues is determined by subtracting the weight of the dried glass
petri dishes from the weight of the plates plus the tissues.
• Note that the weight of the substratum at the end of the experiment
includes the weight of fungus tissue mixed with it; weight losses
caused by tissue degradation by lichenicolous fungi are therefore
net losses.
• Some fungi fail to degrade lichen tissues after 30 days; in these
cases, the dry weight of the substratum at the end of the experiment
should be the initial weight plus the dry weight of the inoculum.
9. Express weight losses after 30 days as a percentage of the initial sample
weight. Compare percent weight losses of tissues containing lichen
6 Isolation and Culture of Lichenicolous Fungi 81
::s 5
c: Fig. 1. Degradative activity (measured as
.c: mean percentage weight loss of lichen tis-
-13 sues (± SE of the mean) of the lichenico-
lous fungus Marchandiomyces corallin us
0 inoculated onto four lichen substrata
:0::R (Flavoparmelia baltimorensis, Lasallia
papulosa, Punctelia rudecta and Peltigera
-31 canina) that have either been left untreated
0 (lichen compounds present, hatched bars)
-40 or washed with acetone to remove lichen
~ Fba/t Lpap Prtld Pean substances (compounds absent, solid bars).
CD 5
Fig. 2. Degradative activity (measured as
c: mean percentage weight loss of lichen tis-
.r:. sues (± SE of the mean) of the as-yet-
(.) -13 unidentified nonlichenicolous fungus
Marchandiomyces sp. inoculated onto four
0 lichen substrata (Flavoparmelia baltimor-
:0:R ensis, Lasallia papulosa, Punctelia rudecta
and Peltigera canina) that have either been
(/J -31 left untreated (lichen compounds present,
0 hatched bars) or washed with acetone to
-40 remove lichen substances (compounds
3: Fba/I Lpap Prud Pcan
absent, solid bars).
6 Isolation and Culture of Lichenicolous Fungi 83
Figure 1 illustrates the steps that must be followed in the protocols for
preparation oflichen material for TEM described in this chapter. The three
basic kinds of preparation, i.e. conventional, for immunocytochemistry
and with use of cryomethods are described in Subprotocols 1 - 3.
.I • +
Resin infiltration IReplica I Resin infiltration
IEmbedding I • •
• •
I Cleaning I Embedding I
1 IImmunolabelling I
I Staining I I Staining I
":.. /
I Observation in TEM I
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the steps in preparation of lichen samples for TEM.
7 Preparative Techniques for TEM and CLSM 91
- Cryovacuumblock e.g. Reichert-Jung (Leica), for cryofixation by slam-
- Liquid Propane plunging system (Halpern and Quintana, 1989), for
cryofixation by plunging
- Freezer Cryosystem (RUA) and conventional freezers, for cryosubsti-
- Polaron E7500 (shadowing unit)/ P650A (vacuum unit), for Freeze-
Fracture techniques
- 50 mM sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4)
- Liquid propane
- Liquid nitrogen
- Liquid helium
- Rubber foam
- Double sided tape
- Mica sheets
- Methanol
- Acetone
- Spurr's resin: Low viscosity ("Spurr") embedding kit
- 2% Osmium tetroxide in methanol
- 0.1% Uranyl acetate in methanol
7 Preparative Techniques for TEM and CLSM 93
Subprotocol 1
Conventional Preparation for TEM
There are many ways to prepare material, and including all possibilities is
impossible. We describe the protocols that are used in our laboratories
that have been modified for lichens.
To preserve the structure of the lichens for ultrastructural examina-
tion, the lichen material must be freshly collected. Herbarium and mate-
rial collected previously can also be prepared but generally the results
achieved are inferior.
1. Prepare a 3% glutaraldehyde solution in 100 mM sodium phosphate
buffer (pH 7.1) (primary fixative) and maintain this at 4-S°C.
2. Cut the lichen thalli (preferentially hydrated) into small pieces not lar-
ger than 1-2 mm 2. This will allow even fixation and minimise fixative
penetration time.
3. Place the fragments of the specimen in small glass tubes (5 cm high,
1 cm in diameter) where all the following preparation steps except
final polymerisation are carried out.
4. Add the primary fixative to the tubes with the fragments of the speci-
men and leave with the fixative for 3 h at 4-S°C. Vacuum infiltrate in-
side a desiccator connected to a rotary pump (for two periods of 10 min
approximately) at start of fixation. This facilitates the penetration of
the fixative into the structure of the lichen thalli that would otherwise
simply float on the surface of the fixative because of the associated air
5. Rinse fragments of the specimen three times, for 30 min each at room
temperature in 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.1).
As all fixation solutions are designed to react with biological material, it is Precautions
necessary to be extremely careful when handling them and to work in a
fume hood.
Spurr's resin is prepared following the manufacturer's instructions and Spurr's resin
stored at -20°C until use. Keep it for a maximum of two months.
Warm the resin to room temperature before opening to prevent conden-
sation of water. The components of Spurr's resin are harmful so it should
be handled with extreme caution. We advise that you wear protective latex
gloves and always use a fume hood when making up or handling the un-
cured resin or its components. In spite of the high toxicity of Spurr's resin,
we continue to use this resin because, in our experience, it provides the
best results with lichens.
We recommend hydration of the specimen before fixation, as this will im - Chemical fixation
prove subsequent fixation. This step is very important in lichens as their
anatomy makes the penetration of the fixatives difficult. The time neces-
sary for optimal hydration depends on the species. Also, the time required
for vacuum infiltration during primary fixation can differ among species.
Double fixation gives a better resolution. The aldehyde component (pri-
mary fixative) preserves mainly proteinaceous structures. Osmium tetr-
oxide complements the aldehydes by fixing or immobilising mainly lipids.
For dehydration you can use acetone instead of ethanol. We use ethanol Dehydration
because it causes less extraction of cellular contents and lichen substances
than acetone. Acetone rinsing oflichens is a standard method for extract-
ing secondary lichen products (Culberson and Kristinsson 1970).
Staining Reynold's lead staining has given good results in lichen samples em-
bedded in Spurr's resin. Aqueous uranyl acetate does not stain samples
embedded in Spurr's resin as effectively (Dykstra 1992). Sometimes, glo-
bose lead stain deposits are observed in lichen sections stained with lead
citrate. Reynolds' lead citrate has a pH of 12-13 and can precipitate in the
presence of acidic compounds such as lichen substances.
Subprotocol 2
Preparation for Immunocytochemistry
9. Change to pure LR-White resin and keep the tubes with fragments of
the specimen in LR-White resin, well closed, in a refrigerator for three
days. Change the resin twice during this period.
10. Place fragments of the specimen in fresh LR-White in capped gelatine
capsules to reduce the presence of oxygen that can inhibit resin poly-
11. Place the gelatine capsules in the polymerization oven and polymerise
the LR-White at 60°C for 48 h. Turn off the oven and leave the capsules
inside until they reach room temperature.
12. Trim and prepare the resin embedded blocks for sectioning in an ul-
tramicrotome (see Subprotocol I, Step 16).
13. Cut semi-thin (0.35-0.5 /lm) sections of resin-embedded specimens on
an ultramicrotome using glass or diamond knives with a water-filled
boat. Stain the semi-thin sections with toluidine or methylene blue to
determine the orientation of the specimen.
14. Cut ultrathin (70-90 nm) sections on an ultramicrotome using a dia-
mond knife and deposit the sections on nickel grids covered previously
with the formvar-like membrane "pioloform". The ultra thin sections
have to be cut just before the immunolabelling processes.
15. Protocols can vary depending on the component you wish to localise. A Gold
protocol used for Rubisco localisation within photobiont will be de- immunolabelling
scribed here. Ultra thin sections on nickel grids are put, section
side down, on drops of the following solutions. The drops are placed
on a fresh sheet of ParafIlm in the bottom of a Petri dish.
• 2% Bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 10 mM Tris-HCI buffer pH 7.4
(TBS), for 1 h, at 37°C
• Rabbit anti-Euglena Rubisco (primary antibody), diluted 1:1000
(v/v) in 2% BSA in TBS, for 1 h, at 37°C
• 0.2% BSA in TBS, five times, for 3 min each, at room temperature
• Goat anti-rabbit antibody coupled to 15 nm colloidal gold particles
(secondary antibody), diluted (1:25 v/v) in 0.2 % BSA in TBS, for 1 h,
at 37°C
• 0.1 % (v/v) Triton X-100, 0.2 % BSA in TBS, three times, for 1 min
each, at room temperature
• Deionised water, five times, for 1 min each, at room temperature
Process the following set of controls in parallel: (i) treat some grids
with 2% BSA in TBS instead of anti-Rubisco antibodies; (ii) treat
some grids with 0.2% BSA in TBS instead of secondary antibody.
16. Stain with uranyl acetate in the dark. Put the section sides of the grids
on drops of 2% aqueous uranyl acetate. After 10-12 min, remove the
grid from the drop of stain and wash in a series of three drops of water,
then blot the grid completely dry on Whatman no. 1 filter paper before
17. Post-stain with lead citrate solution (9 min; Reynolds 1963) to improve
the visualisation of ultrastructural details (see Subprotocoll, Step 19).
Resin In conventional specimen preparation you use a different resin from that
required in immunocytochemistry. In conventional protocols, epoxy re-
sins are used as they give good structural preservation and stability in the
electron beam. However, the hydrophobic nature of these resins reduces
the antigenic capacity. As a result, for immunocytochemical purposes, po-
lar acrylic resins are preferred due to their hydrophilic nature. The use of
these hydrophilic resins prevents total dehydration. Ultrastructural pre-
servation with acrylic resins gives poorer results, and therefore it is always
advisable to prepare samples for conventional observation in parallel. In
7 Preparative Techniques for TEM and CLSM 99
Subprotocol 3
Preparation Using Cryotechniques
As mentioned in the introduction, using cryotechniques to study lichens is
difficult. We describe three protocols that we have used with lichens in our
laboratories. These protocols include two different methods for cryofixing
the specimen, freezing by slamming onto cold surfaces (slamming) and
freezing by high-speed plunging into liquid cryogens (immersion). Biolo-
gical systems usually contain more than 70% water, and as a result the
formation of ice crystals becomes the main source of artefacts in cryofixa-
tion (Quintana 1994). The use of a higher cooling rate and/or higher pres-
sure during cryofixation reduces ice crystal size. Chemical fixatives are
also frequently added to stabilize the ultrastructure and to prevent the
loss of cellular compounds.
In the two first protocols, cryofixation is followed by a cryosubstitution
in which substitution agents replace water in the sample ensuring rapid
cessation of biological activity as a result of cryofixation. Conventional
embedding then follows this. However, the third (freeze-etching) consists
of obtaining a replica of a fractured surface from a cryofixed sample. In
this technique, we observe in the microscope the replica, and not ultra thin
sections of embedded material, as in the other protocols.
If you want to cut ultra thin sections from your specimen and immu-
nolabel them, the protocols below have to be modified: omission of os-
mium tetroxide fixation and the use of hydrophilic resins are recom-
mended (Fig. l).
Cryofixation by slamming, cryosubstitution and embedding
Cryofixation by slamming has the advantage that the specimen is frozen Advantages
using a solid cryogenic medium. Solid metals like copper are better refrig- of slamming
erants than fluids because they may be cooled to a lower temperature than
liquids (limited by their melting point) and their thermal conductivities
are higher than those of liquid cryogens. These involve very high cooling
velocities. As a result, they are very useful for studying a time course of any
cellular activity, for which specimens must be prepared at fixed times, or
for investigations into ultrastructural changes produced during hydration
or dehydration processes in lichens. However, this method gives only 10-
20 /lm of good ultrastructure from the surface of the sample. For this rea-
son, we recommend that you prepare a small flat sample section of the
lichen material. Cryo-ultamicrotomy can be used for the preparation
of these flat sections from hydrated samples but it is very difficult with
dehydrated ones. Another disadvantage is that although the sample is
mounted on a small piece of rubber foam on the stub, slamming can in-
duce some degree of surface deformation.
Substitution agents Different substitution agents can be used for cryosubstitution e.g. acetone,
methanol and diethylether. Depending on the agent used, the step lengths
and temperatures used in specimen preparation can differ. During cryo-
substitution, it is important to avoid the production of artefacts by the
growth of secondary ice crystals from sample water. For this reason, it
is important not to allow samples to reach temperatures above -85°C dur-
ing this period. Chemical fixatives dissolved in the substitution agent, dif-
fuse throughout the sample with the agent in the cryosubstitution process.
Fixatives interact simultaneously with all the parts of the sample when the
sample is slowly warmed and when they reach their particular reactive
temperature. Specific recommendations for the manipulation of Spurr's
resin are included in Subprotocol 1.
4°C. The cryosystem RUA is used for the first step, and other freezers
set at a fixed temperature are used for the other steps.
7. Place the samples in 100% methanol for 2 h, changing to fresh metha-
nol every 5 min.
8. Pre-infiltration: Place the samples in propylene oxide, three times for
10 min each, at room temperature.
9. Infiltrate in (1:3) Spurr's resin:propylene oxide, overnight, at room
10. Infiltrate in (1:1) Spurr's resin:propylene oxide, for 7 h, at room tem-
11. Infiltrate in (3:1) Spurr's resin:propylene oxide, overnight, at room
12. Infiltrate for 48 h in Spurr's resin, changing to fresh resin after 24 h, at
room temperature.
13. Place fragments of the specimen in fresh Spurr's resin in flat embed-
ding moulds.
14. Place the embedding moulds in the oven and polymerise the Spurr's
resin at 60°C for 48 h.
15. Remove the blocks of the resin-embedded specimen from the mould,
once the inside of the oven has reached room temperature.
16. Trim and prepare the resin embedded blocks for sectioning in an ul-
tramicrotome (see Subprotocol 1, Step 16).
17. Cut semi-thin (0.35-0.5 ~m) sections of resin-embedded specimens on
an ultramicrotome using glass or diamond knives with a water-filled
boat. Stain the semi-thin sections with toluidine or methylene blue to
determine the orientation of the specimen.
Precautions This method consists of quick plunging of samples into liquid propane.
Due to the flammability of propane, which forms a potentially explosive
mixture with liquid oxygen condensed from the air, the sample cannot be
handled too roughly.
Advantages This method is the best for starting to freeze samples. It can be established
in any laboratory using simple and inexpensive apparatus [see Robards
and Sleytr (1985) and Quintana (1991a)]. However, unless plunge condi-
tions are optimised, poor cooling rates may be obtained. The shape and
size of the specimen are factors that must be considered. The sample has to
be as small and flat as possible to facilitate a homogenous freezing. Hy-
drated samples must be handled fast enough to avoid desiccation. Do not
keep your sample too close to the cool liquid bath, as it could become pre-
cooled as a result of cold gas evaporations. As with most freezing tech-
niques, optimal sample freezing occurs no more than 10-20 11m from
the surface of the sample surface. Lichen thalli are irregularly cryofixed
in transverse section due to their anatomy and the presence of air spaces
inside the thalli.
Freeze drying Instead of using cryosubstitution in these protocols, cryofixed cells can be
cryodehydrated by freeze-drying. The advantage of this technique is that a
native frozen specimen can be infiltrated with resin without having been
exposed to aqueous fixatives, aqueous buffers or dehydrating agents. The
advantage of this is that it will give better retention of diffusible elements
(Dykstra, 1992). However, cryosubstitution has the advantage of being sim-
pler, giving clearer and more reproducible preservation of fine structure and
easier resin infiltration (Quintana, 1994). Therefore, unless you want to
localise water-soluble components, we recommend cryosubstitution.
7 Preparative Techniques for TEM and CLSM 105
1. Cryofix the lichen thallus. For this purpose, it is possible to use the
plunging method as previously described (immersion of the sample
in liquid propane at -ISS°C).
2. Mount the stub with the sample in the Polaron E7s00/P6s0A or similar
3. Fracture the sample at a temperature between -isOaC and -lIOGC, gen-
erally with the help of a razor blade which is used as a knife, in a cham-
ber with a vacuum of 10-6 mbar.
4. Immediately etch the ice from the fractured surface; this could be
superficial (freeze-etching) or profound (deep-etching). In our experi-
ence, good etching can be obtained by raising the temperature to
-100°C for 90 s.
5. Coat the sample with Platinum-Carbon, thus producing a mould or
"replica" of the fractured surface.
6. Before observing the replica under the rEM, you must clean it of or-
ganic and inorganic matter. For this purpose, place the replica in chro-
mic mixture (5% Cr207K2 and 10% H2S04 in water), for 1-3 days at
room temperature.
7. After cleaning, carefully rinse the replicas several times in distilled
8. Finally, pick up the replica from the surface of the distilled water by
pressing a grid against it using forceps and lifting it away.
For studying lichen symbionts, we recommend making a paste of photo- Studying lichen
bionts or mycobionts under a dissecting microscope rather than attempt- symbionts
ing to use thallus pieces. If you are interested in examining the membranes
of photobionts, make a paste enriched in photobiont cells under a mag-
nifier (although obviously some mycobiont cells will also be present).
Cryofix a drop of this mixture for later fracture. A razor blade is the
best tool for fracturing lichen samples. For cleaning the replica, sodium
hypochlorite is used traditionally. However, we have found that bleach
inflates the walls of the mycobiont cells producing strong tensions that
break the replica, and we thus recommend a chromic acid mixture.
Fig. 2. Electron micrograph of Trebouxia photobiont and mycobiont cells from Lasallia hispanica processed with
conventional protocols. cc, concentric bodies; L, lipid bodies; m, mitochondria; p, pyrenoid; v vacuoles; vc, vesicular
complex; w, cell wall. Fig. 3. Immunogold-TEM localization of Rubisco in the Trebouxia photobiont of Parmelia
omphalodes. p, pyrenoid. Fig. 4. Electron micrograph of a cryoprocessed (slamming and freeze-substitution) Treboux-
ia cell from Neofuscelia pokonyi. m, mitochondria, p, pyrenoid. Arrows indicate the depressions of the plasma mem-
brane. Fig. 5. EF face (exoplasmic fracture face) ofthe Trebouxia plasmalemma from a freeze-fracture preparation of
Evernia prunastri. r, ridges. Arrows indicate intramembranous particles.
(Fig. 2). Cryoprocessed cells and their organelles appear more turgid. This
can be clearly seen in mitochondria that appear more rounded in cryo-
fIxed cells (Fig. 4). More details of the plasma membrane can be observed
in cryoprocessed cells. The membrane looks smoother and is in close con-
tact with the cell wall. Also, in cryofIxed cells, it is possible to distinguish at
irregular intervals tiny depressions in the plasma membrane. Plasmolysis
is sometimes observed in samples treated with conventional techniques,
but not observed in samples treated with cryomethods. Ultrastructural
studies using cryotechniques reveal details not preserved by conventional
chemical fIxation and produce ultrastructural images more representative
of the living state. The study of the relationships between lichen symbionts
is facilitated by more precise information than this technique gives. We
particularly recommend these techniques in studies where chemical fIxa-
tion is too slow to reflect the precise cellular location of ions and mole-
cules, and those where it is necessary to avoid the hydration produced in
the conventional chemical fIxation.
Freeze-etching is a good alternative to the transverse sections of mem-
branes, because the preferential plane of the fracture exposes the interior
of the lipid bilayer, thus exposing plasmalemma invaginations, as well as
the proteins that constitute the intra-membranous particles. It allows de-
termination of the size, distribution and density (number per unit area of
the membrane) of intra-membranous particles. Fig. 5 shows the exoplas-
mic fracture (EF) face of the plasmalemma, where ridge and particle struc-
tures are visible (i.e. intra-membranous particles). Ridges correspond to
the tiny depressions observed in ultra thin sections of cryo-processed sam-
ples (Fig. 4). Varying density and size of intra-membranous particles are
connected with physiological changes of the lichen thalli (Rapsch et al.
1986). This way, these investigations can be very useful for physiological
• Incomplete dehydration
If the dehydration is incomplete (the level is determined by the nature
of the resin), resin infiltration will not be complete and it will be im-
possible to cut good ultrathin sections. Sections appear with holes or
soft parts inside the resin. Incorrect dehydration can occur, if the etha-
nol is no longer anhydrous, the sample size is too large, if the dehy-
dration process was too rapid or it can be caused by specific features of
the sample. This last aspect is especially important in some species of
lichens as their anatomy or presence of some components in the thal-
lus, makes the process of dehydration difficult. Holes in a specimen can
result in the breakage of ultra thin sections when the electron beam
penetrates the sample. The presence of holes or irregularities is espe-
cially problematic when the section is going to be subjected to immu-
nolabelling processes. Antibodies can join to these holes and produce
high background.
• Embedding
If the embedding is made at a lower temperature than required, the
resin will be soft and the sections obtained irregular in thickness.
• Secondary lichen products
The presence of secondary lichen products complicates the prepara-
tion of samples for TEM. Modifications of the pH of the fixative solu-
tions by lichen substances are common and may cause problems dur-
ing the fixation process. Lichen substances can also produce precipi-
tates of the staining solutions on the ultra thin sections.
• Cryofixation
As has already been discussed, so far, it is not possible to study totally
dehydrated thalli with conventional protocols. The use of cryotechni-
ques in TEM permits their study. However, these techniques are not
fully optimised and often cryofixation is irregular and only occurs in a
thin layer from the surface of the sample. Better results are obtained
with hydrated samples than with dehydrated ones although both are
irregularly cryofixed. Small specimen size « 0.1 mm in all dimen-
sions) improves the chance of getting fast cooling. The use of cryopro-
tectants can improve the cryofixation by immersion of hydrated sam-
ples, but a comparison with ultra-fast freezing results is required to
show if artefacts are produced by the presence of the cryoprotectant.
Cryotechniques are not easy to use with lichen thalli, but we must try to
Subprotocol 4
Confocal laser Scanning Microscopy (ClSM)
Fresh material
Saxicolous lichens
The ability to observe lichens while still attached to their substrate allows
the analysis of the interface, and the relationships with other lithobiontic
micro-organisms present in the same zone. Fixing and embedding the spe-
cimen facilitates the study of saxicolous lichens. Specimen preparation of
this material is similar to that shown for TEM (Subprotocoll). After em-
bedding, the block of resin which includes lichen with its substrate is trea-
ted to produce a surface that permits studying it by microscopy. The meth-
od used is the same as that in the technique developed by Wierzchos and
Ascaso (1994) for the study oflichen-substrate interface by scanning elec-
tron microscopy operating in Back Scattered electron mode and called
"technique SEM-BSE".
Fig. 6. CLSM image of a Parmelia omphalodes thallus stained with acridine orange (argon
laser: 488 nm; emission band pass: 515-545 nm). The black arrow indicates a pyrenoid and
the white the nucleus of the photobiont. Fig. 7. CLSM image of a fissure occupied by
endolithic micro-organisms and situated close to a Lasallia hispanica thallus.
can profit from all advantages that fluorescence microscopy has. The use
of different fluorochromes and filters makes it possible to distinguish dif-
ferent organelles or specific residues inside or on the cell but with the
possibility of a three dimensional observation.
New aspects of the interface saxicolous lichen, lithic substrate and
lithobionthic micro-organisms can be studied by confocal microscopy.
This technique is unique for visualising endolithic micro-organisms
and organisms in their natural undisturbed condition. Although the spa-
tial resolution of CLSM images is not the same as that with the technique
of scanning electron microscopy SEM-BSE (see Wierzchos and Ascaso,
1994), its application is an important complement to cytological informa-
tion obtained with the cited method. The use of CLSM and "technique
SEM-BSE" on the same sample zone allows, what Ascaso et al. (1998),
have termed the "correlative microscopy" strategy, to be carried out.
When auto-fluorescence is detected, the living material attached to the
rock and inside of the mineral substrate can be visualised (Fig. 7). In ad-
dition, the possibility of producing 3D reconstruction by means of CLSM
permits the visualisation of the spatial organisation of lithobionthic
micro-organisms, and saxicolous lichen thalli, which occupy a determined
volume of a fissure or cavity.
7 Preparative Techniques for TEM and CLSM 113
• Autofluorescence
Before studying samples stained with fluorescent dyes it is essential to
check the autofluorescence of lichen thalli at different wavelengths in
order to avoid misinterpretations. Also, as discussed above, if fixed
samples are used, the choice of fixative is important because fixatives
affect tissue fluorescence.
• Photobleaching of fluorescence labelling agents
Fluorescent preparations nearly always photobleach during irradia-
tion. photo bleaching or progressive losts of fluorescent intensity dur-
ing irradiation, is due mainly to photochemical reactions induced by
the light used for excitation (Rost, 1995). In confocal microscopy this
irreversible photochemical reaction can be particularly annoying be-
cause the entire three-dimensional sample volume is illuminated dur-
ing a single scan cycle with the signal only collected in the plane of the
focus (Known et al. 1993). We recommend that you illuminate fluor-
escent labels for as short a time as is needed to obtain a useful signal,
and always use optimal collection conditions. The use of an anti-
quenching mounting medium can help alleviate photobleaching,
although, as it is highly toxic to living cells, you should only use it
with fixed material.
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Peveling E (1973) Fine structure. In: Ahmadjian V, Hale M (eds) The lichens. Academic
Press, New York, pp147-182
Peveling E (1974) Biogenesis of cell organelles during the differentiation of the lichen
thallus. Port Acta Bioi 14: 357-368
Peveling E (1976) Investigations into the ultrastructure of lichens. In: Brown DH,
Hawksworth DL, Bailey RH (eds) Lichenology: progress and problems. Academic
Press, London, pp 17-26
Peveling E, Robenek H (1980) The plasmalemma structure in the phycobiont Treboux-
ia at different stages of humidity of a lichen thallus. New Phytol 84: 371-374
Quintana C (1991a) X-ray microanalysis of cell nuclei. J. Electron Microsc. Tchn. 18:
Quintana C (1991b) The use of low temperature embedding in elemental microana-
lysis, immunocytochemistry and ultrastrutural studies. Abs Colloque Franco-Iber-
ique Microscopie Electronique, Universite de Barcelona, (ed.). Barcelona (Spain), pp
Quintana C (1992) Development of a new cryosystem of freeze-substitution and
cryoembedding for processing biological samples. In: Rios A, Arias JM, Megias L
(eds) Electron microscopy 92, vol. 1. Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain),
pp 363-364
Quintana C (1994) CryofIxation, cryosubstitution, cryoembedding for ultrastructural,
immunocytochemical and microanalytical studies. Micron 25: 63-99
Rapsch S, Ascaso C, Cifuentes B (1986) Effects of the lip oxygenase enzyme on mor-
phological changes of the EF face in the plasmalemma of the Evernia prunastri phy-
cobiont. Cryptogamie Bryol Lich€mol 7: 257-266
Reynolds S (1963) The use oflead citrate at high pH as electron-opaque stain in elec-
tron microscopy. J Cell Bioi 17: 200-211
Robards AW, Sleytr UB (1985) Low temperature methods in biological electron mi-
croscopy. In: Glauert AM (ed) Practical methods in electron microscopy Vol 10.
Elsevier Science Publishers B, Amsterdam, pp 1-551.
Robards AW, Wilson AJ (1993) Procedures in electron microscopy. Wiley, Chicester.
Rost FWD (1995) Fluorescence microscopy. Vol II. Cambridge University Press, Cam-
7 Preparative Techniques for TEM and CLSM 117
Scott MG; Larson DW (1986) The effect of winter field conditions on the distribution of
two species of Umbilicaria. II. Fine structure and storage bodies distribution. New
Phytol 102: 313-326
Sitte H, Fell H, Hobli W, Kleber H, Neumann K (1977) Fast freezing device. J Micro-
scopy 111: 35
Tarhanen S, Holopainen T, Oskanen J (1997) Ultrastructural changes and electrolyte
leakage from ozone fumigated epiphytic lichens. Annals of Botany 80: 611-621
Valladares F, Ascaso C (1994) Quantitative approach to the fine structure of both sym-
bionts on nine Umbilicaria species. Protoplasma 178: 168-178
Wierzchos J, Ascaso C (1994) Application of backscattered electron imaging to the
study of the lichen rock interface. J Microscopy 175: 54-59
Wright SJ, Centonze VE, Stricker SA, DeVries PJ, Paddock SW, Schatten G (1993).
Introduction to confocal microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction. In:
Methods in cell Biology vol. 38. Academic Press, Boston, Mass.
All reagents should be the highest quality available, e.g. from Merck
(Darmstadt, Germany) with the following exceptions: Osmium tetroxide
and Pioloform can be bought from Agar Scientific LTD (Essex, UK) and
glutaraldehyde (EM grade) from Fluka. LR-White acrylic resin is available
from London Resin Company (Hampschire, UK) or Agar Scientific LTD
(Essex, UK), and Low viscosity (Spurr) embedding Kit from Energy Beam
Sciences (Massachutsetts, USA).
Chapter 8 PROTOCOL
C5!'J Beat Frey, WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute, ZiircherstraBe 111, Birmensdorf,
8903, Switzerland (phone +41-1-7392541; e-mail [email protected])
Christoph Scheidegger
8 Preparative Techniques for Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lichens 119
Fig. 1. Schematic flow sheet illustrating the steps for low temperature scanning microscopy
8 Preparative Techniques for Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lichens 121
Equipment and materials can be obtained from electron microscope sup- Equipment
pliers (see section Suppliers). and Reagents
- Scanning electron microscope with a cold stage
- Secondary electron detector and / or backscattered electron detector
- An energy dispersive X-ray detector
- Software for the acquisition of spectra and spectra processing, and an
image processing package for the display of images and digital X-ray
- Cryopreparation chamber attached to the SEM (dedicated system) or
cryopreparation chamber isolated from the SEM (non-dedicated
- Sputter coating unit, fitted to the cryopreparation chamber
- Quartz thin film thickness monitor inside the cryopreparation
- Vacuum pumps (rotary pump, turbomolecular pump) at the cryopre-
paration chamber
- Transfer freezing device (TFD)
- Mounting stubs
- SEM specimen support holder (copper support)
- Double-sided adhesive tape
- Liquid nitrogen dewar
- Cryotank for liquid nitrogen
- Cryo-glue (e.g. Tissue-Tek)
- Primary cryogen (liquid nitrogen)
- Secondary cryogen (e.g. propane)
Cryofixation 1. Cut the lichen sample in small pieces using a scalpel and subsequently
blot the excised sample with filter paper to remove adhering surface
2. Place the sample on a sample support. Set the samples vertically on
stubs using a cryo-glue (e.g. Tissue-Tek) to make freeze-fractures or
mounted horizontally with double-sided adhesive tape for the analysis
of surfaces.
Note: Standard stubs provided with LTSEM systems have a flat surface.
These stubs can be readily modified to suit particular specimen.
Mounting the specimen in a hole is useful for a cylindrical object while
mounting in a slit is suitable for transverse cryofractures of tissue
slices. A wide range of custom-made SEM stubs should be now avail-
able, with holes, slots etc. of various dimensions which are designed to
hold a small, excised piece of tissue. SEM stubs are commonly made of
carbon or aluminium. The choice of material from which the stubs are
made is only important in EDX analysis and depends on the elements
of interest and their X-ray energies.
3. Using forceps, plunge-freeze the mounted specimen in a primary or
secondary cryogen for at least 5 s. Then quickly transfer the specimen
holder to the basket in the LN2 and release it from the forceps.
Note: If the water content of the samples should not be altered due to
an aqueous cryoglue, then cryofixation without prior mounting in a
cryoglue is essential. Specimens are then mounted afterwards onto
the stubs. Mounting is either conducted mechanically or with a
low-temperature glue such as a DMSO in water. For further details
see Scheidegger (1994).
8 Preparative Techniques for Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lichens 123
4. Store the frozen specimens in a liquid nitrogen dewar until required for
observation. Note: If fresh tissue samples are plunge-frozen immedi-
ately after harvest without prior mounting on a stub, they should be
kept at low temperature « -120°C) until examination in the SEM. Fro-
zen samples can then be mounted under low temperature in a transfer-
freezing device (TFD).
S. Mount the stub with the specimen on a pre-cooled SEM specimen Cryopreparation
6. Transfer the specimen holder to the preparation chamber set at -80°C
and partially freeze-dry in a high vacuum (P < 2 X 10-4 Pa) for 5-10 min.
Sublimation of the specimen can be monitored visually in the prepara-
tion chamber.
Note: Freezing rapidly transforms freezable cellular and extracellular
water into its solid state (ice) and the specimen is considered to be fully
frozen-hydrated (FH). Etching will remove superficial water droplets
and films derived from environmental sources either naturally or as
contaminants. If the sample is etched, the specimen may be then con-
sidered partially freeze-dried (PFD) and features of the surface can be
exposed that would otherwise be obscured.
7. Fracture the sample with a microtome at -90 c C. After fracturing, etch
the fracture plane (if necessary) by keeping specimens for 30 s to 1 min
at -8S C.
8. Purge the preparation chamber with argon gas raising the pressure to 2.2
Pa prior to coating and set the current at about 60 mA (for coating with
platinum). Allow coating to proceed until a programmed thin film thick-
ness monitor terminates at a specific coating thickness (5 - IS nm).
Note: For EDX analysis, leave the samples uncoated or use chromium
or carbon (5 nm) as coating materials that normally do not interfere
with the X-ray energies of elements of interest.
9. After coating, transfer the specimen with a manipulator through the Examination
sliding vacuum valve onto the SEM cold stage with the temperature in the SEM
set to below -160°C (dedicated system) or transfer the specimen in
a high vacuum cell onto the SEM cold stage (non-dedicated system).
10. Observe the frozen lichen samples (surface or fracture plane) by sec-
ondary emission (SE) electron mode of the SEM at accelerating vol-
tages between 10 and 15 kV (higher kV for EDX).
11. Acquire images or EDX spectra of selected cell compartments and tis-
LTSEM shows an excellent structural preservation of the specimen and the
resolution power of the SEM is not limited by the cryo-scanning unit (Fig.
2). The specimens retain their shape and surfaces are not distorted, rup-
tured, or collapsed. Preparation time for LTSEM is an order of magnitude
faster than conventional preparation and is in most cases less than half an
hour per specimen. Because neither chemical fixation nor organic solvents
are needed in the preparation protocol for LTSEM, crystalline lichen com-
pounds and their localization on the symbionts are well preserved (Fig. 2).
Conventional preparation protocols including dehydration of the lichen
thallus with an organic solvent and subsequent critical point drying usual-
ly dissolves crystalline lichen substances. Similarly, Honegger (1986)
showed that freeze-drying of cryofixed lichen specimens proved to be
Fig. 3. a LTSEM·micrograph of a freeze-fractured thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria. Air-dried lichen thalli were
mounted on aluminium stubs and plunged in liquid propane. Photobionts are heavily collapsed. Cortical and
medullary hyphae are cavitated. Bar = 10 ~m.
b LTSEM-micrograph of a freeze-fractured thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria. Air-dried lichen thalli were soaked in tap
water for 100 s, mounted on aluminium stubs and plunged in liquid propane. Uppermost and lower photobiont cells
are globular and fungal hyphae were refilled. Bar = 10 ~m.
the medulla or in the photobiont layer (Fig. 3b). Water transport to the
photobiont cells in L. pulmonaria was predominantly from the fungal apo-
plast through the apoplastic host-symbiont interface to the photobiont
apoplast and symplast, as demonstrated by energy dispersive X-ray
(EDX) microanalysis in the LTSEM of thalli rehydrated with a solution
containing tracers for apoplastic (La) and cell-to cell-transport (Rb)
(Scheidegger et al. 1997). This means that during the rapid rehydration
of a desiccated lichen thallus, cell-to-cell water translocation played a neg-
ligible role and the rapid rehydration was predominantly supported
through the apoplastic space.
LTSEM has not only proved to be a suitable method for the study of
structural changes due to desiccation and rehydration at ambient tem-
peratures but also for detecting extracellular water in the spongiostratum
of Anzia japonica and for showing extracellular ice formation during slow
freezing in Umbilicaria aprina (Fig. 4). When water saturated U. aprina
were slowly cooled at sub-zero temperatures, extracellular freezing of
water was detected (Schroeter and Scheidegger, 1995). Ice crystals occu-
pied a considerable amount of the intercellular air space, and often com-
pletely surrounded medullary hyphae and photobiont cells (Fig. 4). If
water-saturated slowly frozen thalli were thawed after extracellular ice for-
mation had occurred, all water that was previously frozen extracellularly
on medullary hyphae and photobionts was absorbed through the apoplast
and again no free extracellular water could be detected. Furthermore, the
same study showed that the extracellular ice formation leads to cytorrhysis
in the photobiont cells and to cavitation in the mycobiont cells. Both pro-
cesses were reversible if the lichen thallus was thawed. Similar structural
changes occurred during the processes of desiccation and rehydration at
ambient temperatures (Honegger and Peter 1994; Scheidegger 1994).
LTSEM-EDX in combination with mercury intrusion porosimetry is a
suitable tool to study the pore-size distribution in lichens. Fig. 5 is an X-ray
map of mercury in a freeze- fracture across a thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria
intruded with mercury. The elemental map shows the distribution of de-
posits containing mercury in a cross-fractured thallus (Fig. 5b) and clearly
shows that mercury is located in the medullary intercellular spaces of the
lower part of the algal layer (the gas filled interior) and is lacking in the
Fig. S. a LTSEM micrograph of a freeze-fractured thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria intruded with mercury (resolution
512 x 512). Scale bar = 10 11m.
b Mercury mapping of the same freeze-fractured thallus intruded with mercury obtained with the energy dispersive
X-ray microanalysis system (resolution 64 x 64).
upper cortex (Fig. Sa). This means that no fine pores exist in the upper
cortex. Therefore, water uptake through the intercellular space (fine
pores) can be excluded in Lobaria pulmonaria. Mercury porosimetry is
therefore a valuable estimate for the intercellular medullary air space
in Lobaria pulmonaria and other lichens with a hydrophobic surface
of the medullary hyphae. However, mercury porosimetry is not usually
a valid estimate for water storage capacity, except for lichens with easily
wettable medullary hyphae (Scheidegger et al.1997; Valladares et al. 1998).
• Freeze-fracturing
The fracture plane is difficult to control. A small mound of cryo-ad-
hesive in the hole or slit will freeze around the specimen to form a rigid
sleeve, and the specimen often breaks close to the top of this, at or
above the thinnest point. Unless the fracture plane of interest is ex-
posed, repeat fracturing by transferring specimens again to the cold
stage of the preparation chamber until the fracture plane of interest
is exposed. In some cases it is advisable to fracture the specimen
(very thick samples or very delicate samples) outside the preparation
chamber in LN 2• Repeated fractures of the specimen can be made out-
side and should be done with the aid of a dissecting microscope. If the
fracture knife is not sufficiently pre-cooled prior to fracturing or has
insufficient clearance angle then smearing of the fracture face may oc-
• Condensation of water vapour
Condensation of water vapour on the specimen surface is a common
artefact in LTSEM and may have various sources (vacuum leakage,
time of etching too short, etching temperature too low). If condensa-
tion of water vapour on the fracture surface occurs (which is normally
not the case), then fracturing at a higher temperature may help to over-
come this problem. Generally a longer etching time reduces the pos-
sibility of having condensation of water vapour on the surface. It
should be taken into account that etching in the preparation chamber
must be performed empirically. The extent of the etching process is
unknown until the specimen is inspected on the cold stage of the mi-
croscope. If insufficient etching has been achieved, the process may be
repeated only when the sample has not been coated before.
• Electric charging in the SEM
Specimen charging is one of the most common but potent sources of
image deterioration and artefact in LTSEM. Prolonged coating is useful
to overcome charging on the specimen surface. Excessively thick coat-
ings may, however, mask fine structures. The amount of coating may
vary with specimen type. It is therefore necessary, that each user adopt
his or her own routine for coating.
Ascaso C, Wierzchos 1, De los Rios A (1998) In situ cellular and enzymatic investiga-
tions of saxicolous lichens using correlative microscopical and microanalytical tech-
niques. Symbiosis 24:221-233
Ascaso C, Wierzchos J (1994) Structural aspects of the lichen-rock interface using back-
scattered electron imaging. Bot Acta 107: 251-256
Beckett A, Read ND (1986) Low temperature scanning electron microscopy. In: Aldrich
HC, Todd WJ (eds) Ultrastructure techniques for microorganisms. Plenum Press,
New York London, pp 45-86
Brown DH, Rapsch S, Beckett A, Ascaso C (1987) The effect of desiccation on cell shape
in the lichen Parmelia sulcata Taylor. New Phytol 105:295-299
Echlin P (1992) Low-temperature microscopy and analysis. Plenum Press, New York
Fowke LC (1995) Transmission and scanning electron microscopy for plant proto-
plasts, cultured cells and tissues. In: Gamborg OL, Phillips GC (eds) Plant cell, tissue
and organ culture. Springer Lab Manual. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp
8 Preparative Techniques for Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lichens 131
Garty J, Delarea J (1987) Some initial stages in the formation of epilithic crustose li-
chens in nature: a SEM study. Symbiosis 3:49-56
Garty J, Karary Y, Harel J (1993) The impact of air pollution on the integrity of cell
membranes and chlorphyll in the lichen Ramalina duriaei (De Not.) Bagl. trans-
planted to industrial sites in Israel. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 24:455-460
Hale MJ (1973) Fine structure of the cortex in the lichen family Parmeliaceae viewed
with the scanning-electron microscope. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Hall JL, Hawes C (1991) Electron microscopy of plant cells. Academic Press, London
Honegger R (1986) Ultrastructural studies in lichens. II. Mycobiont and photobiont
cell wall surface layers and adhering crystalline lichen products in four parmelia-
ceae. New Phytol 103:797-808
Honegger R, Peter M (1994) Routes of solute translocation and the location of water in
heteromerous lichens visualized with cryotechniques in light and electron micro-
scopy. Symbiosis 16:167-186
Honegger R (1995) Experimental studies with foliose macrolichens: fungal responses
to spatial disturbance at the organismic level and to spatial problems at the cellular
level during drought stress events. Can J Bot 73 (Suppl 1): 569-578
Jahns HM (1987) New trends in developmental morphology of the thallus. In: E.
Peveling (ed.) Progress and problems in lichenology in the Eighties. Bibl. Lichenol.
25: 17-33
Jeffree CE, Read ND (1991) Ambient- and low-temperature scanning electron micro-
scopy. In: Hall JL, Hawes C (eds) Electron microscopy of plant cells. Academic Press,
London, pp 313-413
Lumbsch HT, Kothe HW (1992) Thallus surfaces in Coccocarpiaceae and Pannariaceae
(lichenized ascomycetes) viewed with scanning electron microscopy. Mycotaxon
Modenesi P (1993) An SEM study of injury symptoms in Parmotrema reticulatum
treated with paraquat or growing in sulphur dioxide-polluted air. Lichenologist
Postek MT, Howard KS, Johnson AH, McMichael KL (1980) Scanning electron micro-
scopy - a student's handbook. Ladd Res. Industries
Scheidegger C (1993) A revision of European saxicolous species of the genus Buellia De
Not. and formerly included genera. Lichenologist 25: 315-364
Scheidegger C (1994) Low temperature scanning electron microscopy: the localization
of free and perturbed water and its role in the morphology of the lichen symbionts.
Crypt Botany 4: 290-299
Scheidegger C (1995) Reproductive strategies in Vezdea (Lecanorales, lichenized As-
comycetes): a low temperature scanning electron microscopy study of a ruderal spe-
cies. Crypt Bot 5: 163-171
Scheidegger C, Schroeter B, Frey B (1995) Structural and functional processes during
water vapour uptake and desiccation in selected lichens with green algal photo-
bionts. Planta 197: 399-409
Scheidegger C, Frey B, Schroeter B (1997) Cellular water uptake, translocation and PSII
activation during rehydration of desiccated Lobaria pulmonaria and Nephroma bel-
lum. Bibl Lichenol 67:105-117
Schroeter B, Scheidegger C (1995) Water relations in lichens at subzero temperatures:
structural changes and carbon dioxide exchange in the lichen Umbilicaria aprina
from continental Antarctica. New Phytol 131: 273-285
Tibell L (1991) A new species of Stenocybe from Western North America. Bryologist 94:
Valladares F, Ascaso C, Sancho LG (1994) Intrathalline variability of some structural
and physical parameters in the lichen genus Lasallia. Can J Bot 72:415-428
Valladares F, Sancho LG, Ascaso C (1998) Water storage in the lichen family Umbi-
licariaceae. Bot Acta 111 :99-107
Williamson BJ, McLean J, Purvis OW (1998) Application of X-ray element mapping
across the lichen-rock interface. J Microsc 191:91-96
Zierold K, Steinbrecht RA. (1987) Cryofixation of diffusible elements in cells and tis-
sues for electron probe microanalysis. In: Steinbrecht RA, Zierold K (eds) Cryotech-
niques in biological electron microscopy. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp
Levels of CF emission
Fp Peak level of emission in Kautsky curves (lower than Fm)
Fm Transient maximum emission yield of dark adapted samples during a
single saturation pulse
m Transient maximum emission yield of samples illuminated with con-
tinuous actinic light and a single saturation pulse
Emission yield before the onset of actinic light (modulated measuring
light on)
Fa' Emission yield after switching the actinic light off. Some machines use
an additional far red light pulse after the actinic light for a better
determination of the Fo' level (lower values), but caution is needed. In
lichens, too strong a far red pulse may increase rather than decrease Fo'.
Therefore, instruments with automatic far red pulse are not necessarily
automatically better than those without far red pulse.
9 Measurement of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Lichens 137
Subprotocol 1
Determination of the Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameter Fv/F m
1. If the samples are dry, spray them with water. Remove excess water Measurement of
with absorbent paper, but take care to keep the sample wet during green algal lichens
the experiment (unless you are investigating the effects of desiccation).
2. If the samples are not fresh, and you want to take measurements in the
laboratory, activate lichens by storing them wet in the dark (1 - 3 days,
depending on the collection/storage conditions) or at low light [30
/lmol photons m- 2 S-I; cf. Palmqvist (1993)] at relatively low tempera-
ture (e.g. 4 - 7e e in a refrigerator).
3. In the field, mount the distance or dark adaptation clips over the sam-
ples (adhesive tape, nails or you may need to make some special de-
vice). Install the light guide of the fluorescence measuring system.
4. Set the saturation pulse width to 1 s (see Troubleshooting).
5. The necessary pre-darkening period should if possible be determined
by preliminary trials. For this purpose, illuminate samples with a re-
latively high light intensity for 10 min (400 /lmol photons m- 2 S-1 or less:
200 for shade adapted samples) and observe the recovery of Fy/Fm fol-
lowing these periods in the dark: lOs, 30 s, 60 s, 2 min, 4 min, 8 min,
and 16 min. From the time course of Fy/Fm recovery estimate the short-
est pre-darkening period needed to get stable maximum values.
6. Darken the samples by black foil (a large area of black foil is needed,
available from photo supply shops) or black velvet for the time deter-
mined in Step 5. Alternatively, use 30 min if the optimal time is not
7. Fire the saturation pulses (= taking a measurement). Low light while
mounting the light guide from one clip to another is not critical, but the
respective sample should be darkened for one further minute.
In principle, the same protocol as for green algal lichens can be used. How- Measurement
ever, this does not yield the maximal Fy/Fm values. Instead of pre-darken- of cyanolichens
ing, the lichens should be kept in low light prior to the Fy/Fm determina- or cephalodia
tions [(5 - 20 /lmol photons m- 2 S-I; cf. [Sundberg et al. 1997)]. Estimate the
appropriate low light intensity by pilot tests at 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 /lmol
photons m- 2 S-I.
mal growing conditions (Manrique et al. 1993). For some Lobarion spe-
cies, even irradiation in the dry state for 2-3 days could be deleterious
and lead to irreversible reductions in Fy/Fm (Gauslaa and Solhaug
1996). Obviously, high light intensities can lead to permanent damage
or slowly recovering Fy/Fm values. As discussed above, the normal dark
adaptation times of lichens are in the range of minutes. Thus, low pre-
dawn Fy/Fm values indicate maintained inhibition of PS II. However,
low values alone do not indicate whether permanent destruction or
harmless photoinhibition that can be overcome after some days of
low irradiation has occurred. For this reason, Fy/Fm studies with ma-
terial collected or measured shortly after long periods of strong sun-
light may give anomalous results.
• Cyanobacterial lichens
Fy/Fm values of dark-adapted lichens with cyanobacterial photobionts
(Demmig-Adams et al. 1990) appear to be relatively low (0.41 - 0.61).
This mainly results from the well-known state transition of cyanobac-
teria, which redistributes the excitation energy in the dark in favour of
photo system I at the expense of photo system II (Papageorgiou and
Govindjee 1968) and by non-variable phycobilin fluorescence (Ghosh
and Govindjee 1966). Low Fy/Fm values may therefore monitor envir-
onmental damage, photo inhibition, a marked state transition or a high
phycobilin content. Recently, it has been proposed that Fy/Fm should
be measured after low light treatment instead of darkness (Sundberg et
al. 1997) to overcome state transition effects. The optimal intensity of
the low light treatment varies between different species but values be-
tween 5 and 20 ).lmol photons m- 2 S-1 should be used (Sundberg et al.
At present, most information is available on Peltigera rufescens, as its
chlorophyll fluorescence parameters have been measured continu-
ously over a complete year. For this lichen, no maintained photoinhi-
bition was detected by dawn measured Fy/Fm values in the field (Leis-
ner et al. 1996), but nevertheless wet thalli can be protected against
light stress by the formation of canthaxanthin (Lange et al. 1999). After
a period of dry and hot weather artificial wetting in the afternoon (in
darkness) did not restore any variable fluorescence for about 0.5 h,
probably indicating transient photoinhibition.
9 Measurement of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Lichens 143
Subprotocol 2
Measurement of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters
in Continuous Light
The parameters ~F/Fm'<PPSIl> derived electron transport rate (ETR), and
the quenching parameters qP, qN, NPQ are dependent on the ambient tem-
perature and light intensity. Therefore it is important not only to measure
chlorophyll fluorescence but also temperature and light. In addition, it is
necessary to determine Fv/Fm within the same run of measurements, as the
Fm value and (partly) the Fo and the Fo' value must be known for the cor-
rect calculation of the CF parameters. Users should keep in mind that the
correct determination ofF o' and therefore of qN and qP is critical. Further-
more, the water content of the lichen samples plays a role.
- PAM 2000: all important parameters, infrared light for more correct Walz GmbH
determination ofFo'; connection to micro quantum / temperature sen-
sor for non-leaf-like samples; miniature fibreoptic light guide (2 mm
diameter) available; computer necessary; special fluorescence standard
in order to assess absolute fluorescence intensities.
- MiniPAM: all important parameters, burst mode for the reduction of
the measuring beam intensity; integral data storage; accessories like
PAM 2000 (data must be uploaded into a computer after using the in-
strument in the stand-alone mode).
- PAM -200 (= teaching PAM): all important parameters; all illumination
by LED's (less light intensity); less accessories; computer necessary
(new model PAM-210: computer not necessary); only small area mea-
surements (ca. 2 - 3 mm diameter).
- A new system for simultaneous measurement of CO 2 gas exchange and
chlorophyll fluorescence in the field ('Klapp' -cuvette, Lange et al. 1997)
is available, but only on special order (Walz).
- FMS2: all important parameters; infrared light; integral data storage Hansatech
(data must be uploaded into a computer after using the instrument Instruments ltd.
in the stand-alone mode); connection to a leaf clip with integrated mi-
cro quantum / temperature sensor.
ADC Bioscientific - OSI 1 FL: all important parameters, integral data storage
- OSI 5 FL: all important parameters, integrated screen, data storage on
- OS150: for determination of chlorophyll density via the ratio F690/
F735, integral data storage
~F m
high I limited
CO 2 dark respiration
02 trace
12 min
slow, biphasic
recovery of F0
.--- F'
I" ~I 0
light phase
1 sat.pulse I 30 s
Fig. 1. Typical traces of chlorophyll fluorescence and O2 gas exchange of Peltigera aphthosa
in a closed cuvette (LD2, no addition of KHC0 3). After dark respiration and the onset of
illumination (360 /lmol photons m- 2 S-l white light), CO 2 is fixed at a high rate until there is
approximation to the CO 2 compensation point (low CO 2). At limited COb severe quenching
of chlorophyll fluorescence is observed (F, Fm'). Finally, Fo' is more than 30 % below the Fo
value. Note the slow recovery of Fo in the dark.
Subprotocol 3
Simultanous Measurement of O2 or CO 2 Exchange
and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in the Laboratory
• Maintenance of Oz electrodes
For the maintenance of Oz electrodes, it is good practice to polish the
silver anode thoroughly with fine diamond powder paste and to clean it
for 30 min with a small volume of 1 M KCN (caution!). To prevent
crystallisation of the electrolyte, a KCI concentration of 1 M instead
of 3 M can be chosen. To assemble the membrane, the "membrane
applicator" should be used. A second O-ring near the platinum cathode
can be omitted as this may lead to mechanical problems. If the elec-
trode is not new, it may be necessary to extend the equilibration period
(polarisation voltage on) to 24 h or more. All electrical connections
must be tight (some tend to loosen).
Bjorkman 0, Demmig B (1987) Photon yield of O2 evolution and chlorophyll fluor-
escence characteristics at 77 K among vascular plants of diverse origins. Planta
Calatayud A, Sanz MJ, Calvo E, Barreno E, DelValle-Tascon S (1996) Chlorophyll a
fluorescence and chlorophyll content in Parmelia quercina thalli from a polluted
region of Northern Caste1l6n (Spain). Lichenologist 28:49-65
9 Measurement of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Lichens 149
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Chapter 10 PROTOCOL
Subprotocol 1
Rapid Isolation of Lichen Photobionts for Immediate Physiological
Photosynthesis in lichens is the result of the summed photosynthetic ac-
tivity of their algal or cyanobacterial photobiont population. Therefore,
the upper limit for gross photosynthetic rate (i.e. photosynthetic capacity)
of a lichen will be determined both by the inherent photosynthetic proper-
ties of each photobiont cell, and the amount of photobiont cells the par-
ticular lichen contains (Palmqvist et al. 1998), see also Bjorkman (1981) for
a comprehensive survey on factors determining photosynthetic capacity in
general. It may sometimes be fruitful to study the characteristics of iso-
lated lichen symbionts (see Chapter 1), an approach that has for example
been used to characterise photobiont CO 2 acquisition strategies (d.
Palmqvist 1993, Palmqvist et al. 1994a, 1994b, 1995, 1997).
Experiments can be made either with cells freshly isolated from the
lichen thallus (Subprotocoll) or with cells that have been cultured under
defined environmental conditions (Subprotocol 2). If one wishes to char-
acterise the cells as they are in the lichen thallus, the former procedure
may be preferred, even though it can be difficult to isolate a sufficient
quantity of representative cells. Therefore, when large quantities of cells
are required it may be necessary to grow cultures of the isolated photo-
biont. However, it is important to keep in mind that physiological and
biochemical characteristics of these cultured photobionts may be different
from their lichenized state. For example, net photosynthetic capacity may
be altered (Palmqvist 1993, Palmqvist et al. 1997). In addition, photobiont
carbon export and possibly overall carbon metabolism changes rapidly
after isolation from the mycobiont (Smith 1974, 1992). Whether this pre-
sents a problem is dependent on the specific question of the study.
Large quantities of intact photobiont cells can be isolated from foliose
and fruticose lichens, and most easily from species that have relatively
high photobiont amounts, such as Lobaria pulmonaria, Peltigera aphthosa
and P. canina.
The procedure described in Subprotocoll was originally developed by
Drew and Smith (1967), whereby mild homogenisation of the thallus and
differential centrifugation is adopted. The procedure is relatively simple,
can be performed at room temperature and takes 30 - 40 min, but yields of
intact photobiont cells may be relatively low (10-20%). Also, the method is
only suitable for unicellular photobionts, because filamentous species may
easily be disrupted. Yields and purity can be increased if sucrose, Percoll,
CsCh or KI gradient centrifugation is adopted (d. Bubrick 1988 and re-
ferences therein). However, such procedures generally take longer and re-
quire extensive washing of the isolated cells before they can be used for
physiological measurements. Please also note that the following protocol
should not be adopted for the isolation of axenic cultures. Such techniques
are described in detail in Chapter 1.
Equipment - Low speed centrifuge (clinical centrifuges are handy for this proce-
dure) for tube volumes between 5-20 ml, preferably with swing-out
- Centrifuge for Eppendorf vials
- Porcelain mortar and pestle
- Glass homogeniser (Potter-type; 10 or 20 ml) with a relatively wide
piston clearance
- Light Microscope
- Teflon screens of varying pore diameter sizes (e.g. from 10 up to 50 ).tm)
Media Any of the organic buffers suggested below can be used for the homoge-
nisation medium. The buffer serves to neutralize pH changes due to lib-
eration of lichen acids during preparation. Choice of buffer will be depen-
dent on the final application. For instance if an assay medium of high pH is
to be used in the final experiment, it is most convenient to use a high pH
buffer throughout.
1. Spray the lichen with water and reactivate for 1-3 days [e.g. 1O-15°C; Activate the lichen
16 h Light (50-100 /lmol photons m- 2 S-I): 8 h Dark; 97-100% RHJ. Li-
chen thalli typically contain 50-500 mg ChI m- 2 or 0.5-3 mg ChI g DW- I ,
so 2 g DW or 200 cm 2 lichen material may then yield 0.1-1 mg ChI,
assuming a yield of intact photobiont cells from the thallus of 10%.
2. Brush away all debris and wash the upper thallus surface with distilled Photobiont
water to remove any epiphytic algae. We have found that photobiont liberation
yields are increased and purity of the preparation is better, i.e. there
may be less interfering subcellular contaminants (see Comments), if
marginal lobes are used rather than older parts of the thalli. If possible,
remove rhizinae and the lower fungal medulla with forceps. Cut the
thalli into 0.5-1 cm 2 pieces, place them in a porcelain mortar and
add 5 ml of one of the above homogenisation media per 1 g DW of
lichen. Homogenize the lichen by gently grinding until the liquid is
darkly green. Yields may also be increased if a smaller quantity is
ground each time and then pooled, and if an additional squeezing
step using a glass homogeniser is adopted.
3. Filter the homogenate through a teflon screen, from 10 to 50 /lm dia-
meter pore size, depending on photobiont size, and collect the filtrate
in centrifuge tubes. If the thallus homogenate still contains green frag-
ments, the grinding process can be repeated once or twice. The filtrate
contains intact photobiont cells, disrupted photobiont cells, smaller
hyphal fragments, and extracellular and subcellular compounds.
4. Centrifuge at room temperature at 300-400 g for 3 min to precipitate Differential
hyphal fragments and photobionts. Higher speeds may be required to centrifugation
pellet smaller photobiont cells such as Nostoc and Coccomyxa. Discard
the brown supernatant containing extracellular and subcellular com-
pounds. The pellet consists of a dark green zone of algal cells below a
thin top layer of fine white debris. Scrape off the green layer with a
spatula and resuspend in homogenisation medium.
5. The resulting suspension is centrifuged step-wise at 100-150 g 7 times, Pool and repeat
first for 30 s, then for 40 s, 50 s, 60 s, 70 s, 80 s and finally 90 s. Cen-
trifugation time is taken from switching on to switching off the cen-
trifuge. To reduce centrifugation time, manual braking may be applied
after switching off, but be careful, manual braking can present a hazard
when centrifugation speeds are high. However, at the relatively low
speeds used here manual braking should not present a major hazard.
After each centrifugation save each pellet. Carry out the next centri-
fugation with the supernatant.
6. Examine a small sample from each of the 7 pellets in the microscope.
The first pellets are generally rich in broken fungal hyphae. Check the
final supernatant and discard it if there are only few intact photobiont
cells left, otherwise centrifuge between 300 g and 1000 g for 2-5 min,
examine the pellet and pool with the others.
7. Pool all photobiont -enriched pellets by dissolving one of the pellets in a
small volume of homogenization medium yielding a dark green sus-
pension. Transfer this solution to the next pellet; if necessary add more
medium, dissolve pellet, and transfer suspension to the next pellet and
so on until all are pooled. Add enough medium to fill a centrifuge tube
and repeat Step 5.
8. The obtained intact photobiont cells can be used for many kinds of
experiments where it is necessary to start from an enriched photobiont
fraction, so depending on final application dissolve the resulting pellet
in the assay medium required for the particular study. For photosynth-
esis measurements, add pH buffered COrfree medium (SubprotocoI4)
until the photobiont suspension is pale green with a ChI concentration
of 1O±5 Ilg ml- I .
9. For ChI determinations transfer 1 ml of the cell suspension to an Ep-
pendorf tube and pellet at the highest speed in an Eppendorf centrifuge
(c. 20000 g for 10 min) and proceed from Step 2 in Subprotocol 3.
Subprotocol 2
Cultivation of Photobionts for Physiological Experiments
When large quantities of cells are required for an experiment, or when
photobionts are particularly difficult to isolate in sufficient amount di-
rectly from the lichen thallus, it may be more convenient to grow the cells
in isolation. Growing the cells at relatively low densities in liquid medium
under strict environmental control will result in a culture of actively di-
viding vegetative cells, producing large amounts of material relatively ra-
pidly. The following protocol describes how to obtain such cultures, while
methods describing how to maintain axenic photobiont isolates are de-
scribed in Chapter 1.
The vegetative "life cycle" of many algae and cyanobacteria may be
very short, ranging from a few hours up to a few days when environmental
conditions are favourable. We have experienced that this is also the case
for isolated photobionts such as Nostoc, Coccomyxa and Trebouxia
(Palmqvist 1993, Ogren 1993, Palmqvist et al. 1997, Sundberg et al.
1997). Also, many algae and cyanobacteria can acclimatise to changing
environmental conditions within a few hours. Therefore, the physiological
characteristics may be dramatically different between populations of the
same algal or cyanobacterial strain, depending on light, CO 2 , temperature
and nutrient conditions during growth. All these factors, with the excep-
tion of temperature, may indeed vary significantly when the cells are
grown in batch cultures for prolonged periods, as increased cellular den-
sity will reduce light quantity, alter light quality, reduce CO 2, change pH
and reduce nutrient concentrations. Therefore, it is advisable that envir-
onmental conditions are both known and controlled during cell growth.
For physiological experiments the photobiont should preferably be
grown in dilute liquid cultures. In this way, illumination will be more uni-
form and CO 2 and O2 concentrations can be maintained constant in the
growth medium by vigorously bubbling air through it. Depending on the
type of study, cells can be grown in continuous light, which will create a
mixture of cells representing all the phases of the vegetative "life-cycle".
Growth media Chapter 1 outlines suitable growth media for Trebouxia photobionts
(BBM) (Nichols and Bold 1965). However, take care to avoid media
with organic carbon or nitrogen supplies if you want to study the auto-
trophic characteristics of the photobionts. Cyanobacterial Nostoc and
green algal Coccomyxa grow well on the BG-ll medium (Stanier et al.
1971) described below.
10 Characterising Photosynthesis and Respiration 159
Prepare a bottle of each of the below nutrient stock solutions (N) and the BG-ll
trace element stock (T). Stock solutions do not need to be autoclaved if
kept in a refrigerator. We routinely use chemicals of analytical grade for
growth media.
Add to 100 ml distilled water the following:
Green algal photobionts, but not cyanobacteria (see Price and Badger pH buffering
1985) can be grown in media buffered with 10 - 25 mM organic buffer,
e.g. bis-tris-propane (BTP). In this way, the pH of the medium will remain
constant even when nutrients have been consumed. Also, and most im-
portantly, relative CO 2 and HC0 3- concentrations remain constant in re-
lation to each other in a pH buffered medium. Add the organic buffer to
the medium prior to sterilisation and adjust the pH.
Subprotocol 3
Extraction and Quantification of Chlorophyll
Extraction of chlorophyll (ChI) from unicellular algae can often present a
problem due to the relative rigidity of their cell wall. ChI extraction from
these organisms therefore generally involves heating of the cells in an or-
ganic solvent. The following procedure is based on two recent publications
(Barnes et al. 1992, Wellburn 1994), using DMSO as a solvent. Our experi-
ence is that this procedure is both reproducible and suitable for lichens,
even though some lichen pigments can interfere with chlorophyll absorp-
tion. The whole procedure takes c. 60 min, with a 40 min long incubation
Sample preparation 1. The following protocol can be used for extraction of chlorophyll pig-
ments from intact lichens, pulverised lichen material or pelleted photo-
biont cells. Intact thalli can be ground to smaller fragments directly in
the test tube using a glass rod or spatula. Photobiont cells can be pel-
leted by centrifugation at c. 20000 g for 10 min in an Eppendorf cen-
2. In a fume hood, add 2 ml DMSO and a spatula tip of MgC0 3 to 10 - 20
mg lichen material. Alternatively, add Iml DMSO and a spatula tip of
MgC0 3 to a photobiont pellet obtained from 1 - 5 ml culture, sample
volume being dependent on cell density of the culture.
Incubation 3. Vortex the sample and incubate at 60°C for 40 min. Vortex a few times
during incubation.
4. Centrifuge at room temperature in an Eppendorf centrifuge at max-
imum speed (c. 20000 g) for 5 min.
5. The resulting supernatant contains the ChI. If the pellet appears green-
ish, vortex thoroughly and incubate the sample for a few more minutes.
Measurement 6. Measure in a spectrophotometer (spectral resolution 1 - 4 nm) for ab-
sorption at 665 and 649 nm. Use pure DMSO as a blank or measure the
baseline absorption at 750 nm. Absorption at 665 and 649 nm should
preferentially be between 0.2 and 0.8, depending on the linearity of the
spectrophotometer. Sample amount and DMSO volume should there-
fore be adjusted for the species being investigated.
Equations 7. Calculate chlorophyll a (C a) and b (Cb) in mg 1-1 according to equations
1 - 3 (Wellburn 1994):
Ca = 12.19A665 - 3.45A649 Equation 1
Subprotocol 4
Use of Oxygen Electrode to Characterize Photobionts
Liquid-phase O2 -electrodes allow quantification of photosynthesis and
respiration in algae, cyanobacteria and plant protoplasts as well as elec-
tron transport rates in isolated chloroplasts, thylakoids and mitochondria.
The technique is relatively easy and the equipment is much less expensive
compared to infra red CO 2 gas analyser (IRGA) equipment. However, in
contrast to the IRGA technique, the Orelectrode allows only indirect
quantification of CO 2 and inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes. Moreover, the oxy-
gen electrode cuvette is a closed system where O2 and CO 2 concentrations
vary during the time course of the experiment. This section describes how
to obtain light- and CO 2 response curves of photobiont photosynthesis
using cells that have either been newly isolated from a lichen thallus
or for cells that have been cultured.
Table 1. Using HC0 3- solutions, pH buffered medium and the oxygen electrode to estimate CO 2 and Ci re-
sponse curves for photosynthetic cells. Please note that pKa values change with temperature and ionic strength
of the medium (cf. Palmqvist 1993 or a textbook in Inorganic Chemistry).
Approximate [C0 2] at 25° C if
pKa[ = 6.25 and sample volume is 1 ml
HC0 3- stock [mM] Add to 1 ml [Ill] [Ci]tot [11M] pH 6 [11M] pH 7 [11M] pH 8 [11M]
2 2 1.3 0.3 0.03
5 5 3.2 0.8 0.09
5 2 10 6.4 1.5 0.2
10 2 20 12.8 3 0.4
5 50 32 7.6 0.9
50 2 100 64 15 1.8
100 2 200 128 30 3.5
5 500 320 75 8.7
500 2 1000 640 151 17.5
10 Characterising Photosynthesis and Respiration 165
Obtaining a light response curve with oxygen electrode
if high cell densities are used, the sample may suffer from CO 2 deple-
tion in the cuvette. It is then better to use a new sample at each irra-
diance level, but always start with dark respiration. In general,
the higher the irradiance, the longer the sample will take to reach
Chi determination 7. Transfer each sample from the O2 electrode cuvette to an Eppendorf
tube for ChI determination. In some cases it can also be convenient to
have a measure of cell number, which can be counted using a light
microscope. For ChI determination, measure the sample volume
before centrifugation at the highest speed in an Eppendorf centrifuge
(c. 20000 g for 10 min) and proceed from Step 2 in Subprotocol 3.
8. Calculate dark respiration and photosynthesis rates from the data ob-
tained, relating O2 concentration changes to sample volume and ChI
concentration and express O2exchange rates as )lmol O2mg Chl- 1 h- 1 or
nmol O2 mg Chl- 1 S-I.
Data processing 9. The obtained data can be plotted as a function of irradiance to obtain a
photosynthetic light response curve of the particular photobiont species
or for cells representing a particular culturing condition. The data can
further be fitted to a non-rectangular hyperbola equation (equation 4)
giving values of maximum photosynthesis (P max ), dark respiration (R),
the quantum yield (<p) and the convexity (8) (Leverenz & Jarvis, 1979).
8P2 - (<PI + Pmax)P + <pIPmax = 0 Equation 4
In this equation P is the rate of photosynthesis (y-variable), I is the
irradiance (x-variable), <p is the maximum quantum yield, i.e. the slope
of the line of the light limited part, Pmax is the light-saturated rate of
photosynthesis, and 8 is the convexity, i.e. a measure of the curvature
of the transition zone from the light limited to the light saturated part
of the curve. This mathematical description is useful because it con-
tains variables with a clear physiological meaning that can be derived
from the light-response curve and used to model photosynthesis (Og-
ren 1993, Lambers et al. 1998). Note that it is not correct to fit the ob-
tained data to a Michaelis-Menten equation because photosynthesis is
composed of a combination of physical and enzymatic reactions. Also
note that the quantum yield (<p) obtained from liquid phase O2 elec-
trode measurements has an arbitrary unit of mol O2 (mg Chlt 1 h- 1 (1)-1
where I represents incident irradiance in mol photons m- 2 S-1 (see
Sundberg et al. 1997). This is because photosynthetic rates are not ob-
tained per sample area.
10 Characterising Photosynthesis and Respiration 167
1. Start bubbling CO 2 free air through your pH buffered assay medium at Preparation of CO 2
least 20 h before experimental use. Longer times are required to get rid free medium
of all inorganic carbon (Ci) in high pH buffers compared to low pH
buffers. Keep the medium at the same temperature that will be
used for the experiments.
2. Install and calibrate the liquid-phase O2 electrode according to the Preparation
manufacturer's manual (e.g. Hansatech; Walker 1990). of equipment
3. Rinse cuvette house chamber, lid and the tiny magnetic flea vigorously
with distilled water. At all times, try to avoid uncontrolled contamina-
tion of O2 electrode parts, pipettes and syringes with HC0 3- or any
other CO 2 source.
4. Use a cell sample from the growth culture to check the irradiance re- Determine
quired for light saturation. If necessary, dilute the cells with growth light saturating
medium to a ChI density of 10±5 /lg ChI ml-I. Put the cells in the irradiance
O2 electrode cuvette, and make sure that all air is evacuated when seal-
ing the cuvette chamber with the lid as described in the manufacturer's
manual. Then add HC0 3- through the hole in the lid using a glass syr-
inge. Final CO 2 concentrations should be between 100 -150 /lM CO 2
(aq) (see Table O. Switch on the light source, and illuminate the sample
with an irradiance slightly below the growth light regime. Then in-
crease the irradiance step-wise until photosynthetic O2 evolution
has reached light saturation, generally occurring at or slightly above
the growth light regime.
5. Harvest cells from their growth or isolation medium by centrifugation Preparation of a CO2
at 1000 - 3000 g for 5 - 10 min depending on cell sizes. Wash the cells in free sample
CO 2 free medium and pellet again twice to get rid of contaminating
inorganic carbon. Resuspend the cells in CO 2 free medium to a final
concentration of 10±5 /lg ChI ml- I . The washed cells can be maintained
CO 2 free ifbubbled with CO 2 free air and kept in darkness, and be used
for measurements for up to 2 - 3 h after harvest. Please note that the
sample should be kept at the same temperature as used for the experi-
ments. Placing the sample on ice is not recommended.
6. Add 1 ml of the cell suspension to the O2 electrode cuvette chamber, Measurement
seal with the lid and evacuate all air.
7. Switch on the light, which should be saturating for photosynthesis at
CO 2 saturation (see Step 4 above). Allow the cells to deplete any re-
..-- 50
u 40
---'0 30
:p 20
N 10
1000 2000
Total inorganic C [~M]
o 10 20 30 40
Approximate C02 [iJM] at pH 7.8
Fig. 1. A typical response of net photosynthesis to total inorganic carbon (Ci) concentra-
tion and to approximate CO 2 concentration at the particular pH of the assay medium. Ko.5 is
equivalent to the Ci or CO 2 concentration that is required to reach half maximum rate of
photosynthesis. Making measurements in assay media at different pH will yield information
about the preferred Ci source (C0 2 or HC0 3-) of the investigated species. See references in
the text for additional applications.
Subprotocol 5
Testing Intact Lichens or Isolated Photobionts for the Presence
of Ci Accumulation
Absolute quantification of photosynthetic CO 2 fixation and respiratory
CO 2 losses can be made with an infra red CO 2 gas exchange analyser
(IRGA). This technique allows online measurements in flow-through
gas exchange systems where CO 2 and O2 concentrations can be controlled
and held constant, using gas mixing and mass flow controllers. Generally,
measurements are made in special cuvettes where other environmental
parameters such as temperature, illumination and relative humidity are
also controlled. The following protocol describes a particular IRGA tech-
nique whereby the ability of some lichen photobionts to accumulate an
intracellular pool of inorganic carbon can be studied. The technique
was originally developed by Badger et al. (1993), and later improved
by decreasing the assay temperature whereby better resolution between
Ci accumulation and CO 2 fixation could be obtained (Palmqvist et al.
1994b, 1997, Sundberg et al. 1997). The technique can be used for mea-
surements of intact lichen thalli or for cultured or newly isolated photo-
biont cells. In the latter cases, the photobiont cells can be filtered on to a
glass fibre or cellulose filter having narrow pore size diameters « 10 11m).
Such filters hold sufficient water to avoid desiccation effects during the
measurement. Additional techniques that may reveal the presence of a
CCM in a lichen or its photobiont include measurements of its carbon
isotope discrimination characteristics (Maguas et al. 1993, Smith and
10 Characterising Photosynthesis and Respiration 171
- Infra Red CO 2 gas analyser with a fast response «5 s for 95% response Equipment
to a change in the cuvette) (e.g. Heinz-Walz BINOS system, H-Walz,
Effeltrich, Germany)
- Fast data acquisition system connected to the IRGA, e.g. a chart recor-
der or a computer logger
- Small cuvette (c. 5 ml) (can be hand made)
- Gas tubing between cuvette and IRGA (minimise the length)
- Glass fibre or cellulose filters for measurements of isolated photo-
bionts (e.g. Micron Separations Inc., Westboro, Massachusetts, USA)
1. Spray the lichen with water and reactivate for 1-3 days at for example Activation
10-15°C; 16 h Light (50-100 /lmol photons m- 2 S-I): 8 h Dark; 97-100% of the lichen
RH. Alternatively, use newly isolated or cultured photobiont cells ob-
tained as described in Subprotocol 1.
2. Install and calibrate the IRGA according to the manufacturer's manual. Preparation
of the IRGA
3. Attach a small cuvette to the IRGA and reduce gas tubing to a minimal
length. Reduced cuvette and tubing volumes will increase the resolu-
tion of CO 2 changes in the cuvette and decrease the response time be-
tween the sample and the IRGA.
4. Measurements can be performed at temperatures appropriate for the
lichen, but keeping temperatures relatively low, e.g. at 5-1O°C, will in-
crease the resolution between CO 2 accumulation and fixation, because
'b 60
I 10 min Net Pmax at the conditions
OJ 40
~ 20
~ 0
-5x -20
t t
Fig. 2. Measurements of COz-uptake and release pools (shaded areas) in a lichen with cy-
anobacterial Nostoc photobionts. Lichens with green algal Trebouxia photobionts generally
display the uptake pool only. The size of the pools can be calculated by integrating their
respective area. See references given in the text for additional applications.
Subprotocol 6
Quantifying Rubisco in lichens and Their Photobionts
Rubisco is the most abundant protein in cyanobacteria and in plant and
algal chloroplasts, with up to 25% of all cellular nitrogen being invested in
this enzyme. Such large investments into Rubisco are apparently the case
also for lichenized algae and cyanobacteria, constituting about 4 - 5% of all
thallus proteins (Palmqvist et aI. 1998, Sundberg et aI. 2001). Rubisco is de-
disrupt. Such improvements may involve grinding of the lichen with liquid
nitrogen before homogenisation (Step 1 of the procedure), adopting a
French Press at Step 4, and increasing the number of freezing and thawing
cycles (Steps 6-7).
The complete protocol requires a few days oflaboratory work, starting
with preparing buffers and gels, extracting lichen proteins, performing the
gel electrophoresis and subsequent quantification of polypeptide densi-
ties. The lichen protein preparation (Steps 1-12) can be stored in a
deep freezer awaiting gel analysis.
- Loading buffer
1. Weigh 25 mg pulverised lichen powder into a small (2 ml) glass homo- Preparation of
geniser. Weigh an additional sub-sample of 10 mg lichen powder from sample
the same source for ChI determination with DMSO extraction (see
Step 22).
2. Add 1.5 ml Preparation buffer.
3. Add 1 mM Pefablock (10 Ill, 100 mM per ml buffer) and 20 mM DTT
(3.1 mg ml- 1 buffer).
4. Disrupt the photobiont cells by squeezing the homogeniser piston Cell disruption
20 - 25 times through the suspension.
5. Transfer the suspension to an Eppendorf tube (2 ml) and add 200 III
SDS (10%).
6. To further disrupt the photobiont cells, place the tube in liquid nitro- Freezing
gen for 2 min. and thawing
7. Quickly transfer the tube to a heating block and heat for 5 min at 75°C.
S. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 two more times.
9. Centrifuge in an Eppendorf centrifuge at room temperature and at
maximum speed (c. 20000 g) for 3 min.
10. The resulting supernatant contains soluble proteins. Transfer the
supernatant to a new Eppendorf tube and add 200 III SDS (10%).
11. Heat the sample at 75°C for 5 min.
12. The sample is now ready for protein separation by gel electrophoresis.
The sample can be stored in a freezer at -IScC, or in a deep freezer, if
separation is not performed immediately.
13. Dissolve purified Rubisco in the preparation buffer. At least two dif- Preparation of
ferent concentrations of Rubisco standards must be loaded on each gel Rubisco standard
and these concentrations should be within the span of the Rubisco con-
centrations of the sample. We have found that Rubisco contents can
range from 0.7 to 5 mg g-l DW of lichen. If the procedure above is
followed, and if the gel allows 20 - 30 III of sample per well, the Rubisco
standards should range between O.OS and 0.4 )lg per lane. However, this
may need to be adjusted depending on species.
14. Prepare a 10% SDS-PAGE gel, or use a prefabricated gel, and install the Gel electrophoresis
gel electrophoresis equipment.
15. Mix 2/3 sample or Rubisco standard with 1/3 ofloading buffer. Prepare
molecular weight standards according to the supplier's instructions.
16. Heat the obtained mixture at lOOGC for 5 min and centrifuge briefly
(1 s) at maximum speed in an Eppendorf centrifuge to remove droplets
from the tube walls.
17. With a micropipette, load 20 III of each lichen sample mixture, the two
Rubsico standards, and the molecular weight standard, in one well
each. Run the gel for 1 - 1.5 h according to the particular instructions
for the electrophoresis equipment.
18. In a fume hood, stain the gel by bathing it for 30 min in the CBB Stain-
ing solution.
19. Destain the gel in de staining solution for at least 24 h. Change the de-
staining solution 5 - 6 times during this period.
20. The large subunit of Rubisco (LSD) will appear as a 55 kDa band and
the small subunit (SSD) as a 15 kDa band on the gel.
Quantification 21. Quantify the density of the 55 kDa band (OD 55) of the lichen sample
with OD 55 of at least two Rubisco standards, using image analysis and
software. The amount of Rubisco present in the lichen can then be
quantified in relation to the known concentration of the Rubisco stan-
dard on the gel. It is advisable to calibrate the quantification procedure
by loading a full range of Rubisco concentrations on a separate gel to
make a standard curve.
22. Calculate the amount of broken photobionts by comparing total ChI of
a parallel sub-sample as determined after DMSO extraction (Subpro-
tocol 3) with the ChI content of the lichen protein sample as follows.
Add 200 III of the protein sample to 800 III pure ice cold acetone and
freeze the mixture at - 18°C for 20 min. Centrifuge in an Eppendorf
centrifuge at maximum speed (c. 20000 g) at 5°C for 5 min.
23. Measure the absorption spectrophotometrically at the wavelengths 663
and 646 nm and calculate chlorophyll a and b concentrations in mg 1-1
as follows (Wellburn 1994):
Ca = 12.21A663 ~ 2.81A646 Equation 5
Badger MR, Andrews TJ, Whitney SM, Ludwig M, Yellowlees DC, Leggat W, Price GD
(1998) The diversity and coevolution of Rubisco, plastids, pyrenoids, and chloro-
plast-based CO 2-concentrating mechanisms in algae. Can J Bot 76: 1052-1071
Badger MR, Palmqvist K, Yu J-W (1994) Measurement of CO 2 and HC0 3 fluxes in
cyanobacteria and micro algae during steady-state photosynthesis. Physiol Plant
90: 529-536
Badger MR, Pfanz H, Blidel B, Heber U, Lange OL (1993) Evidence for the functioning
of photosynthetic CO 2 concentrating mechanisms in lichens containing green algal
and cyanobacterial photobionts. Planta 191: 57-70
Balaguer L, Manrique E, de los Rios A, Ascaso C, Palmqvist K, Fordham M, Barnes JD
(1999) Long-term responses of the green-algal lichen Parmelia caperata to natural
CO 2 enrichment. Oecologia 119: 166-174.
Barnes JD, Balaguer L, Manrique E, Elvira S & Davison AW (1992) A reappraisal of the
use ofDMSO for the extraction and determination of chlorophylls a and b in lichens
and higher plants. Env Exp Bot 32: 85-100
Bjorkman 0 (1981) Responses to different quantum flux densities. In: Lange OL, Nobel
PS, Osmond CB, Ziegler H. eds. Physiological Plant Ecology I. Responses to the phy-
sical environment. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology 12 A. Springer, Berlin, pp 57-
Bubrick P (1988) Methods for cultivating lichens and isolated bionts. In: Galun M, ed.
CRC handbook of lichenology, vol III. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 127-140
Drew EA, Smith DC (1967) Studies in the physiology oflichens VII. The physiology of
the Nostoc symbiont of Peltigera polydactyla compared with cultured and free-living
forms. New Phyt 66: 379-388.
Lambers H, Pons, TL, Chapin III FS (1998) Plant Physiological Ecology. Springer,
Leverenz J, Jarvis PG (1979) Photosynthesis in Sitka spruce VIII. The effects oflight flux
density and direction on the rate of net photosynthesis and the stomatal conduc-
tance of needles. J App Ecol 16: 919-932
Maguas C, Griffiths H, Ehleringer J, Serodio J (1993) Characterization of photobiont
associations in lichens using carbon isotope discrimination techniques. In: Ehler-
inger J, Hall A, Farquhar G, eds. Stable isotopes and plant carbon-water relations.
Academic Press, New York, pp 423-458
Nichols HW, Bold HC (1965) Trichosarcina polymorpha gen. Et sp. nov., J Phyc 1:
Ogren E (1993) Convexity of the photosynthetic light-response curve in relation to
intensity and direction of light during growth. Plant Phys 101: 1Ol3-1019
Palmqvist K (1993) Photosynthetic CO 2 use efficiency in lichens and their isolated
photobionts: The possible role of a CO 2 concentrating mechanism in cyanobacterial
lichens. Planta 191: 48-56
Palmqvist K, Ogren E, Lernmark U (1994a) The CO 2 concentrating mechanism is ab-
sent in the green alga Coccomyxa: a comparative study of photosynthetic CO 2 and
light responses of Coccomyxa, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and barley protoplasts.
Plant Cell Env 17: 65-76
Palmqvist K, Samuelsson G, Badger MR (1994b) Photobiont-related differences in car-
bon acquisition among green-algal lichens. Planta 195: 70-79
Palmqvist K, Siiltemeyer D, Baldet P, Andrews TJ, Badger MR (1995) Characterisation
of inorganic carbon fluxes, carbonic anhydrase(s) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate
carboxylase-oxygenase in the green unicellular alga Coccomyxa. Planta 197: 352-36l
Palmqvist K, de los Rios A, Ascaso C, Samuelsson G (1997) Photosynthetic carbon
acquisition in the lichen photobionts Coccomyxa and Trebouxia (Chlorophyta).
Phys Plant 101: 67-76
Palmqvist K, Campbell D, Ekblad A, Johansson H (1998) Photosynthetic capacity in
relation to nitrogen content and its partitioning in lichens with different photo-
bionts. Plant Cell Env 21: 361-372
Price D, Badger MR (1985) Inhibition by proton buffers of photosynthetic utilization of
bICarbonate in Chara corallina. Aus J Plant Phys 12: 257-267
Raven JA (1997) Putting the C in phycology. Eur J Phyc 32: 319-333
Smith DC (1974) Transport from symbiotic algae and symbiotic chloroplasts to host
cells. Symp Soc Exp Bioi 28: 437-508
Smith DC (1992) The symbiotic condition (review). Symbiosis 14:3-15
Smith EC, Griffiths H (1996) The occurrence of the chloroplast pyrenoid is correlated
with the activity of a COrconcentrating mechanism and carbon isotope discrimi-
nation in lichens and bryophytes. Planta 198: 6-16
1O Characterising Photosynthesis and Respiration 181
Much research has been done on plant hormones in higher plants, where
they playa fundamental role in regulating plant growth, development and
reproduction (Davies 1995). In addition, in lichens interactions between
the mycobiont and the photobiont require regulation (Jahns and Ott
1990). Plant hormones are a group of natural organic substances that af-
fect physiological processes at low concentrations. Auxins, cytokinins,
gibberellins, abscisic acid and ethylene, as well as polyamines, jasmonates,
salicylic acid and brassinosteroids are biologically effective substances
widespread in higher plants. However, information on the role of these
substances in algae and fungi is very limited. Plant hormones have
been identified in a range of different lichens (Ott and Zwoch 1992). Indole
acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene have been discovered
in several lichen species. For example, IAA and ethylene have been de-
tected in Ramalina duriaei (Epstein et al. 1986, Lurie and Garty 1991),
and ABA in Ramalina maciformis (Hartung and Gimmler 1994). Of these
plant hormones, only the gaseous substance ethylene has been examined
in detail (Garty et al. 1995, Ott and Schiele it 1994, Ott 1993).
Ethylene can be synthesized by different biosynthetic pathways using
different substrates and precursors. The biosynthetic pathway of ethylene
has been well characterized in higher plants. In the first step, methionine
(MET) is transformed to S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). SAM is then bro-
ken down to l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) and 5'-
methylthioadenosin (MTA) by the enzyme ACC synthase. ACC is the di-
rect precursor of ethylene in higher plants (Adams and Yang 1979, Yang
and Hoffmann 1984). It is transformed to ethylene in the last step of the
Subprotocol 1
Determination of Ethylene Emissions From lichens
and Their Isolated Symbionts
- Gas chromatograph (GC), e.g. Carlo Erba GC Vega Series, with flame Equipment
ionisation detector (PID)
- Column with stationary phase suitable for separation of permanent
gases and small hydrocarbons, e.g. Carboxen 1000 (45 - 60 mesh,
2 ft x 118", Supelco)
- Integrator, e.g. Spectra Physics SP4270
- Gas tight glass vials (2.5 ml, 15 x 28 mm) with screw caps and septum
(silicon, 12 mm in diameter)
- Gas tight syringe, e.g. Hamilton syringe, model 1005 TLL, 5 ml, and
Hamilton needles, side port w/KEL-P®Hub
- Shaking water bath
- Centrifuge, e.g. Sorvall with rotor SS 34
Por more details on detectors, column packing material, carrier and com-
bustion gas see Abeles et al. (1992).
Intact lichens 1. Store the lichen material in a growth chamber under constant condi-
tions (14 h/l0 h day/night cycle, 60 - 70 /lmol photons m- 2 s-1, relative
humidity 70-80 %, air temperature 10°C).
2. Wet the lichens by spraying with deionized water every second day for
not longer than 6 weeks.
3. Use thallus fragments or thalli of a definite size to increase the preci-
sion of the estimate of ethylene production. As an alternative method,
use entire thalli. Carefully remove adhering particles of soil and organ-
ic materials from the samples.
4. When dry, mix the pieces together, and take samples of a definite dry
5. Wet the thallus pieces with a pipette by adding a definite amount of
water (depending on size and the morphological/anatomical structure
of the lichen species). Allow the water to fully hydrate the thallus
6. Ensure that moisture content is the same in each sample. Check this by
determining the mass of wet thalli before GC analysis, and the dry mass
afterwards. Control of the water content is necessary to exclude differ-
ences in ethylene production caused by unequal water content among
the samples (Ott and Schieleit 1994).
7. Put each sample (c. 0.05 g FW) in a 2.5 ml glass vial.
11 Analysis of Ethylene and ACC in Lichens 185
8. Flush the vials with compressed air to ensure that they contain no ethy-
lene at the beginning of the experiment.
9. Seal the vial by a screw cap with a silicon septum.
Chapters 1-3 describe procedures for culturing mycobionts in detail. For Mycobiont
physiological and biochemical experiments, mycobionts cultured on agar
are not very suitable. Much time is needed to get sufficient experimental
material, and many agar plates are required. Transferring the mycelia in
liquid medium significantly accelerates the growth rate of the mycobiont,
so less time is needed to obtain enough mycobiont. Using liquid medium
instead of agar also helps to prevent residues from the medium from in-
terfering with the assay. Soil extract (from the respective collection site)
can be added to the liquid medium if the mycobiont is isolated from ter-
ricolous lichens obviously supporting the growth of mycelia.
1. Inoculate a fixed number (e.g. 12) of the mycelial colonies (c. 1 - 2
mm 2) into a 300 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml of a liquid med-
ium of malt-yeast extract (pH 5.2) and 40 mll- 1 soil extract.
Note: To avoid contamination the whole procedure must be performed
under sterile conditions.
2. Gently shake the liquid cultures at 25°C in the dark on a shaker.
3. Replacing the liquid medium every five weeks promotes the growth
rate of the mycobiont.
4. Growth for 3 - 6 months, depending on species, should yield 2 - 3 g
fresh weight of mycobiont culture.
5. Harvest the mycelia by vacuum filtration through 2 layers of filter pa-
per, then wash several times (e.g. 4 times) with de ionised water.
6. Remove the remaining water carefully with paper towels.
7. Put c. 0.05 g of mycelia in 2.5 ml vials and continue as described for
intact lichens (Steps 8-9).
For preparation of culture media, see Chapters 1-3. Culture conditions Photobiont
depend on the algal species. For Coccomyxa spp. I recommend 25°C
and 30 ~mol photons m- 2 S-I. For species of Trebouxia use 11°C and
20-25 ~mol photons m- 2s- 1• The time needed before cultures can be har-
vested depends on the species and its growth curve; ensure that you know
this before starting the experiments.
Incubation of samples
3. When studying material for the first time, we recommend taking mea-
surements over a time course. Ethylene production is non-linear with
time, but displays saturation kinetics. Estimate the rate of ethylene pro-
duction from the initial slope of a graph of ethylene production as a
function of time.
GC analysis
Use the following operating conditions for the GC: a pressure of 60 kPa for
He (carrier gas). For the combustion gases use 75 kPa H2 and 110 kPa
synthetic air. Adjust temperatures to 160°C (oven), 225°C (injector)
and 250°C (detector).
1. Calibrate the GC before running the experiments with the calibration
gas ethylene.
2. Take a 1 ml gas sample of each vial after incubation.
3. Inject the gas sample into the GC.
4. Calculate the ethylene production following Equation 1:
E [nl g-l h- 1] = [(A - b)/a] [(V - FW)/(DW x Vst)] Equation 1
Subprotocol 2
Determination of the ACC Content in Lichens
and Their Isolated Symbionts
Two methods exist for the determination of ACC. The first method is
based on the oxidation of l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid to ethy-
lene, which is then determined by gas chromatography. This method was
developed by Lizada and Yang (1979) and later modified by Rower and
Schierle (1982), and is described in detail. The second method involves
direct identification of ACC using HPLC-MS (Chauvaux et al. 1993). Be-
cause the equipment for this method is very expensive and not available in
every laboratory the first method is most commonly used for ACC deter-
mination. However, to conclusively prove that an organism can produce
ACC, determination by HPLC-MS is necessary.
11 Analysis of Ethylene and ACC in Lichens 189
Chemicals - Ethanol
- Diethylether
- Ammonia solution, 25% NH3
- HgCh 80 mM
- Oxidation mix: saturated NaOH solution: NaOCl solution (containing
4% active Chlorine, Aldrich) = 1:2
- MOPS buffer (Morpholinopropane sulphonic acid), 50 mM, pH 6
- ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, 99%) 1/lM (Fa. Aldrich)
- Liquid nitrogen
- Cation exchange resin (e.g. AG® SOW-X8 Resin, 100 - 200 mesh, hydro-
gen form)
stant weight.
8. Centrifuge both centrifuge tubes from Step 7 (10 min, 3000 g), discard
the supernatant and determine the fresh weight of the algal pellets.
GC analysis of ACC
Trou bleshooting
• Intact thallus and mycobiont
- Crushing material in liquid nitrogen may be difficult because the
fungi can be very hard. Check that mycobiont cells have in fact been
broken using a compound microscope.
- Be careful when using the rotary evaporator, as samples may un-
expectedly boil.
- The ion exchange column is necessary for removing phenolic sub-
stances from the extract that may inhibit or influence the further
experimental process. Phenolics and amides can disrupt the Lizada
and Yang test because they can complex Hg2+.
• Photobiont
- During treatment with diethyl ether the phases often only separate
after 20 - 40 min. Discard any greasy phase between the aqueous
and the ether phase.
- When using 80 % ethanol you may get delayed boiling in the rotary
evaporator, so always carry out the extraction in 100% ethanol. If
delayed boiling nonetheless occurs, add more 100% ethanol. Tre-
bouxia forms cell clusters that can be difficult to break, reducing
extraction efficiency.
- When preparing ACC as internal standard you should use sterile
water only. Although ACC is a chemically stable substance
(200°C), it may be used as a nitrogen source by some micro-organ-
- ACC solution may be kept in the freezer, but it should not be frozen
Abeles FB, Morgan PW, Saltveit ME (1992) Ethylene in Plant Biology. Academic Press,
New York 2nd.
Adams DO, Yang SF (1979) Ethylene biosynthesis: Identification of l-aminocyclopro-
pane-I-carboxylic acid as an intermediate in the conversion of methioninee to ethy-
lene. Proc Nat! Acad Sci USA 76:170-174
Ahmadjian V (1967) A guide to the algae occuring as lichen symbionts: Isolation, cul-
ture, cultural physiology and identification. Phycologia 6:127-160
Billington C, Golding BT, Primrose SB (1979) Biosynthesis of ethylene from Methio-
nine - Isolation of the putative intermediate 4-Methylthio-2-0xobutanoate from
culture fluids of bacteria and fungi. Biochem J 182:827-836
Chauvaux N, van Dongen W, Esmans EL, van Onckelen HA (1993) Liquid chromato-
graphic-mass spectrometric determination of l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic
acid in tobacco. J Chromat 657:337-343
Davies PJ (1995) Plant Hormones. Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht London
Epstein E, Sagee 0, Cohen JD, Garty J (1986) Endogenous auxin and ethylene in the
lichen Ramalina duriaei. Plant Physiol 82:1122-1125
Friedl T (1989) Systematik und Biologie von Trebouxia (Microthamniales, Chlorophy-
ta) als Phycobiont der Parmeliaceae (lichenisierte Ascomyceten). Inaugural Disser-
tation, Universitat Bayreuth
Garty J, Kauppi M, Kauppi A (1995) Differential responses of certain lichen species to
sulfur-containing solutions under acidic conditions as expressed by the production
of stress-ethylene. Environ Res 69: 132 - 143
Hartung W, Gimmler H (1994) A stress physiological role for abscisic acid (ABA) in
lower plants. Progress in Botany 55:157-173
Jahns HM, Ott S (1990) Regulation of regenerative processes in lichens. Bibl Lichenol
Kende H (1993) Ethylene biosynthesis. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol BioI 44: 283-
Lizada C, Yang SF (1979) A simple and sensitive assay for l-aminocyclopropane-l-
carboxylic acid. Anal Biochem 100:140-145
Lurie S, Garty J (1991) Ethylene production in the lichen Ramalina duriaei. Ann Bot
Mansouri S, Bunch AW (1989) Bacterial ethylene synthesis from 2-oxo-4-thiobutyric
acid and from methionine. J Gen Microbiol 135: 2819-2827
11 Analysis of Ethylene and ACC in Lichens 195
Introd uction
I 11. ptiona! KeN for inhibition of
I cyanide-sensitive SOD is added;
8. the cuvetle is place d in a I Aile rnati ve. H20 2 for inhibition of I
spectropho1Ome ler at 340 nm and l~~~d':'S~~7~~~ ___ J
s1B.bilized; GS&} i3 mixed in and the
reduction in absorbance due 10
oxidation of NADPH i3 followed for 12. phosphale buffer i3 adde d 10 bIing the
10-15 minules mixture to 2.99 ml; contentl are mixed
Fig. 2. Procedure flowchart. Steps 1-6 show sample preparation and protein isolation. Steps
7-9 are the assay for GR activity. Steps 10-16 demonstrate the SOD activity assay.
12 Measuring SOD and GR in Lichens 199
tinguish the Cu,Zn-SOD activity from the combined SOD activity and
HZ0 1 to distinguish Mn-SOD activity.
- 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution (25% w/v 8000 MW PEG, Stock solutions
25% w/v 1000 MW PEG). Store at 4°C.
- Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) solution (0.0174 g PMSF in
100 III dimethylsulfoxide). Store at -20ce.
I _________ .. ________ ... 7
~ ....................·:.
.......... c.
Fig. 3. An example of a light -box apparatus for the photosensitive production of formazin.
A =foil-lined light box. The dimensions ofthe box may vary as needed. An appropriate ratio
of length:width:height would be 2:1:1. A typical fluorescent tube light bulb measures ap-
proximately 30 cm for every 10 W, with 5 - 10 cm additional for the ballast. Therefore num-
ber, intensity and position of the light source(s) will determine the dimensions of the box.
B = cover for light box with e.g. 2 15 W full-spectrum fluorescent tube light assemblies
mounted on the inside. The light source control (e.g. power cord, power switch) should
be externally accessible to enable turning the light onloff while the cover is in place.
C = removable incubation tray, which sits under the lights. Seatings on the tray for cuvettes
should be no deeper than 3 - 4 mm to enhance light exposure. Actual placement of cuvettes
in the tray should be to minimise shadowing. The inner facing of the cover and the exposed
areas of the tray should also be foil-lined. The lights should not be turned on until the tray
and cover are in position.
12 Measuring SOD and GR in Lichens 203
All equipment used for extraction and pre-extraction should be cleaned Sample pre-extrac-
and rinsed well with water of at least de-ionised quality. tion preparation
1. Lichen thalli collected for assay must be mechanically cleaned as thor-
oughly as possible of attached materials, such as attached substrate,
plant materials, extraneous foreign lichen fragments and debris. Thalli
sections which are noticeably parasitised should not be used unless
such parasitisation is the focus of the assay. Some lichen species adhere
strongly to their substrate. If thallus portions with strongly adherent
foreign matter cannot be discarded, then the lichen should be slightly
moistened, which will ease removal of extraneous materials with the
least degree of tissue damage. The thalli must then be air-dried before
proceeding. The time to air dry is dependent on the species of lichen
and the lab environmental conditions in addition to the water content,
but it may require no longer than 2-3 hours to achieve a stable weight.
To ease later preparation, the necessary time frame should be deter-
mined beforehand.
Note: Good experimental design involves controlling the greatest num-
ber of extraneous variables. Therefore, pre-treatment procedures
should be standardised for all samples. For example, if any samples
require moistening for cleaning, then all samples for that experiment
should be similarly moistened. The degree of pre-treatment required
for a species should be a consideration (when possible) in selecting a
species for study. A pendulous or fruticose lichen is much easier to
clean than a closely adherent, foliose lichen. The nature of the study
is also a consideration in selecting samples. If the goal is to measure the
activity of in situ material, then it may be more practical to subjectively
select thalli from the field that are easier to clean. If the experiment
involves laboratory manipulation (e.g. fumigation), then the material
should be collected in bulk and cleaned at the same time.
2. Prior to grinding, extracellular phenolics are removed (Fahselt and
Jancey 1977).
Note: In order to reduce the loss of intracellular contents, it is very
important to ensure that the lichen material is in an air-dried state
and that pure acetone is used. Dried lichens are very hydrophilic,
and severe membrane disruption will occur if they are exposed to sol-
vents such as acetone and alcohols while partially hydrated. In a fume
Protein extraction Protease inhibitors are recommended when working with protein extracts
to maintain stability of the extract (Deutscher 1990). There are a number
of protease inhibitors available (e.g. metallo-, serine, acid and thiol pro-
teases). The selection of protease inhibitors is dependent on what enzyme
activity is investigated. Metallo- and thiol protease inhibitors are not re-
commended for assays of SOD and GR, respectively, as they may interfere
with the activities of those enzymes. By default, I recommend PMSF (phe-
nylmethylsulfonyl fluoride), a serine protease inhibitor. It is the most
widely used protease inhibitor in studies with yeast (Jazwinski 1990). It
can be stored at -20 o e for some time. However, once added to the sample
buffer, it has an effective half-life of about 100 min at pH 7 and room
temperature (Jazwinski 1990), but can be resupplied when the extraction
procedure progresses beyond that. It should therefore be added last to the
extraction buffer, and temperatures should be maintained at or near 4c e
for as long as possible during the extraction.
4. Place 0.3-1.0 g of ground lichen in a 15 ml centrifuge tube. Add to this
the 10 mM potassium phosphate stock buffer in the proportion of 1 ml
buffer: 0.1 g lichen. Shake the tube to mix contents. Immediately add
PMSF solution (1/ll PMSF: 1 ml sample/buffer solution; final concen-
tration approx. 1 mM). Remix the contents by shaking the tube. Place
the tube in a sonicating water bath for 1 - 2 min to further agitate the
mixture. Then incubate the samples at 4°e for one hour. This last step
is to ensure hydration of undisrupted cells and organelles, making
them more susceptible to rupture by the French press procedure.
12 Measuring SOD and GR in Lichens 205
The volume of the protein extract should now be 3 - 7 ml. Although this Protein
sample is available for immediate enzyme assay, protein precipitation precipitation
concentrates the materials, enhancing the assays.
6. Add the PEG solution to the protein extract in a 1:1 (v/v) proportion
(final PEG concentration 25% w/v). Thoroughly mix this solution by
shaking, and incubate at 4°C overnight. Following incubation, centri-
fuge the mixture at 3000 x G at 4 C for 15 min to pellet the protein
precipitate. Pipette off and discard most of the supernatant, being care-
ful to conserve the pellet. Re-centrifuge the mixture for 5 min, and then
discard the remaining supernatant. Resuspend the pellet in the 10 mM
potassium phosphate stock buffer (0.5 - 1 ml depending on desired
protein concentration) by repeated pipetting. Following resuspension,
transfer the solution to a 1.5 ml microeppendorf tube. The sample may
then be assayed immediately, or stored short term (2 - 3 weeks) at
-20°C or longer term (more than 6 months) at -80 a C. The total protein
concentration of the sample should be determined spectrophotometri-
cally (recommended: bicinchoninic acid assay). Because of differences
in protein extractability oflichens by such factors as species and thallus
age, I recommend that the results from enzyme assays be normalised as
per protein content rather than per thallus dry weight.
Superoxide This assay must be done in low-light conditions after the addition of ribo-
dismutase assay flavin. All standards and samples must be exposed to light concurrently.
KCN is highly toxic, always wear gloves. The assay proceeds at 25°C.
10. Add the following to a 3 ml spectrophotometer cuvette: 90 ).11 Triton x-
100 solution (0.025% v/v final concentration), 100 ).11 NBT solution (60
).1M final concentration), 150 ).11 EDTA solution (0.1 mM final concen-
tration), and 50 ).11 protein extract, SOD standard or 10 mM potassium
phosphate stock buffer (blank).
11. For cyanide-inhibition replicates, 20 ).11 KCN solution (1 mM final con-
centration) is also added to distinguish cyanide-sensitive SOD activity
(Cu,Zn-SOD) from total SOD activity. Troubleshooting for alternative
inhibition protocols.
12. Add a sufficient amount of the 50 mM potassium phosphate stock buf-
fer to bring the total volume of the cuvette mixture to 2.99 ml (calculate
this beforehand). Cap each cuvette and mix the contents by inversion.
12 Measuring SOD and GR in Lichens 207
13. Rapidly, under low-light conditions, add 10 III of the riboflavin solu-
tion (0.886 IlM final concentration) to each cuvette. Mix the cuvettes by
inversion (as before).
14. Place the cuvettes in a shallow, foil-lined holding tray, which is then
inserted into a light box (Giannopolitis and Ries 1977, Beyer and Fri-
dovich 1987) with (e.g.) 2 - 4 15 W full spectrum light bulbs as a light
source (Fig. 3). Turn on the light box light source and illuminate the
cuvettes for approximately 8 min. At the end of the incubation period,
turn the light source off. Continue to maintain low-light conditions.
Note: Formazin will continue to be produced with additional light ex-
posure until the reactants are used up. The effectiveness of this assay is
dependent on removing the light source while differential amounts of
product have been produced and the standards are still distinguishable
from each other. A general approximation of the necessary timeframe
of light exposure is 7 - 9 min. The optimal timeframe is determined by
the design of the light box used (shape, reflectance, light source and
intensity), and should be pre-determined by trial and error. In general,
the reaction should probably not proceed beyond 12 min.
15. The production of formazin in each cuvette is assayed by measuring
the absorption at 560 nm with a spectrophotometer. Before measuring
the samples, the spectrophotometer should be zeroed with a blank so-
lution containing all the reactants (except inhibitors and sample, but
including 50 III of sample buffer), but not exposed to light. Measure-
ment of the sample and standard mixtures should be made as quickly
as possible, and as soon as possible following the light incubation.
16. Activity calculations: SOD inhibition of formazin production is non-
linear. The absorption values are made linear by conversion as: V/v - 1,
where V is the absorption of the control cuvette (no SOD addition, and
so maximum formazin production) and v is the absorption of the sam-
ple or standard (Asada et al. 1974, Giannopolitis and Ries 1977). Re-
gression equations are generated using the converted standard values,
and the sample SOD concentrations are then calculated. SOD activities
are typically reported as units per Ilg protein. The percentage of total
SOD represented by the various forms (i.e. cyanide-sensitive, hydrogen
peroxide-sensitive) is also calculated.
Cu, Zn-SOD superoxide dismutase form with copper and zinc in the reaction centre
Fe-SOD superoxide dis mutase form with an iron reaction centre
GR glutathione reductase
GSH glutathione (reduced)
GSSG glutathione disulphide, oxidised form of glutathione
Mn-SOD superoxide dismutase form with manganese in the reaction centre
NET nitroblue tetrazolium
PEG polyethylene glycol
PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride
SOD superoxide dismutase
Chapter 13 PROTOCOL
[:'!(l Zoltan Tuba, Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences, Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, G6d6116, 2103, Hungary
(phone +36-28-522075; fax +36-28-410804; e-mail [email protected])
Edit Otv6s
Attila S6vari
13 Studying the Effects of Elevated Concentrations of CO 2 using OTCs 213
The general design of the OTC system is shown in Fig. 1. Fumigation oc-
curs in Plexiglas chambers. The adjusted CO 2 concentration can be main-
tained within limits of 50 ppm. The CO 2 supplied to the chambers via
mass-flow controllers (MFCs) is diluted with air in order to achieve an
even distribution. Plastic pipes transfer air sample to an infra-red gas ana-
lyser (IRGA) through valves. A computer compares the signal with the set
point and regulates the MFCs correspondingly. An irrigation system, not
indicated in Fig. 1, must be included in the system.
air supply
1 ~
- 10
gas samples
Fig. l. Layout of the OTC system. Single lines represent data flow, double lines stand for gas pipes.
- Flexible plastic tubes; these carry the CO 2 supply and air samples; they
should be 4 mm in diameter.
- Mass-flow controllers (UFC 1020, Unit Instruments, Ireland); the max-
imum flow rate must be 2 dm 3 min- 1 at working gas pressure (0.2 - 0.5
- D/A card; the card provides the electric input of up to 5 V, and is con-
nected to the personal computer.
- Personal Computer (PC); the requirements of the system can be ful-
filled even by an AT 286.
- Axial electric fans; the fans supply air to the chambers; to achieve com-
plete air exchange every minute within the chambers (1.02 m 3), the
capacity of a fan has to be between 25 and 45 dm 3 sec-I. This airspeed
causes turbulence and satisfactory mixing of CO 2 within the chamber
without an internal fan.
- Aluminium chimney tube; the air enters the chamber through this
tube; the diameter should be 100 mm. Plastic tubing carrying CO 2 en-
ters here in case of the high-C0 2 chambers.
- Lay-flat tubing; this tubing distributes air via a perforated encircling
the interior of the chamber.
- Infra-red gas analyser (IRGA, e.g. WMA 2, Parkinson, UK); the IRGA
monitors the CO 2 level in the high-C0 2 chambers one by one.
- Electric pump; this carries the air sample to the IRGA, and may be con-
tained within the IRGA. Its capacity ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 1 min-I.
- Peltier module; this is in the path of the air sample, and must precede
the IRGA. It serves to eliminate water vapour via condensation, which
would cause an error in the measurement.
- Row of electric valves; these are integrated into the system, and guide
the air sample from one chamber to the IRGA. The computer controls
these valves.
- AID card; this is used to transform and store the CO 2 concentrations in
the PC. The control system has to be installed in a rainproof building or
- Irrigation system; this comprises flexible plastic tubes, spraying heads,
an electric valve and a timer (e.g. DAN Sprinklers, Israel; Hardie, USA;
Hunter, USA).
5 600
5 - Elevated CO 2
8' 500
.."."......., Setpoint
- Present CO 2
300 "'---~---
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2 1 23 25 27 29
Day of the month
Fig. 2. CO 2 concentrations measured within a high-C0 2 OTC, and an unchambered plot during September 1999.
13 Studying the Effects of Elevated Concentrations of CO 2 using OTCs 217
1. Attach chambers to the ground with poles. Do not bury the chamber Chambers
even centimetres deep into the soil, as this would block the pathway of
runoff. For the same reason, do not set the chamber up in a hollow.
Long distances between chambers, or between chambers and the con-
trol system result in unacceptably long travelling times for air samples.
On the other hand, close placement of chambers results in extensive
mutual shading. In our experience, the distance between the control
system and the farthest chamber should not exceed 25 m; therefore, the
distance between chambers can be up to 2 m.
2. Enclose the bundles of plastic tubes in protecting sheaths, and elevate Pipelines
them from the ground using small stands. This will protect the turf
between chambers.
3. Place the end of the air sample tubes in the middle of the chambers
(which is the most distant point from the CO 2 source) and bend them
so that they point downwards, to avoid sucking up water. Note that
liquid water can damage the IRGA!
4. Place all lichens, even terricolous ones, in the chambers with their ori- Placement
ginal substratum. Though one of the purposes of air injection is to of the test plants
achieve turbulence and a uniform CO 2 concentration, CO 2 levels in
the upper third of the chamber volume, depending again on wind ve-
locity, can be considerably lower. For this reason, only lichens situated
on a similar elevation can be compared. This is a particular problem
when exposing epiphytic lichens.
Another problem is that the air stream coming from the perforated lay-
flat tube dries out adjacent lichens very rapidly. As a consequence, a
strip oflichens 10-15 cm wide at the margin of the chamber is lost for
experimental purposes. To use expensive experimental area more ef-
fectively, shield lichens from the direct air stream with small screens
made of Plexiglas reaching not more than 5 cm above thallus surface.
5. Seed grass between chambers, because its albedo is lower than that of Surroundings
bare soil. This will prevent the microclimate of the experimental sta- of the chambers
tion from being warmer than the surroundings.
Once your chambers have been running for the required period, you can
start making physiological measurements. Data on acclimation of lichens
to elevated CO 2 concentration is sparse (Tuba et al. 1999). However, the
following studies indicate the kind of information that can be obtained.
Sonesson et al. (1995) did not find any short-term (or rather rapid)
effects of elevated CO 2 on the photosystem II yield of Cetraria islandica.
On the other hand, Balaguer et al. (1996) report downward acclimation of
photosynthesis in Parmelia sulcata after one month of exposure. In a long-
term experiment Parmelia caperata shows practically no acclimation
(Balaguer et al. 1999).
However, one has to use the expression "short-term" with care in the
case of desiccation tolerant plants. The time spent in dry, "anhydrobiotic"
state, must be subtracted from their exposure period to get the time avail-
able for acclimation.
In a medium-term experiment (4 months under 700 ppm CO 2) no signs
of acclimation of photosynthesis were detected in Cladonia convoluta
(Csintalan et al. 1997). Total chlorophyll content, soluble sugar and pro-
tein-N contents were also unchanged. Though the maximum rate of net
CO 2 assimilation rate at optimum water content did not change, elevated
CO 2 proved to be beneficial during desiccation and rehydration. On re-
13 Studying the Effects of Elevated Concentrations of CO 2 using orcs 219
Temperature An OTC undoubtedly changes the environment of the test organisms (Lee
and Barton 1993). Due to the well-known greenhouse effect, the tempera-
ture is higher inside the chamber. The difference rises linearly with radia-
tion, and at 700 W m- 2 it reaches 3°C. However, the OTC interior is also
warmer in the night by about OSc. Temperature regimes are shown in
Fig. 3.
Water availability Setting up an OTC will also affect the water relations of a plot. In windy
weather, rain will be unevenly distributed within the chamber. At a wind
speed of 1.6 m S-1 there is practically no rainfall sheltering. At 3.6 m S-1 only
the edge of the plot is affected. At a wind speed of 4.3 m S-I, half of the plot
remains dry (ColIs et al. 1988). As soils conduct water at least to some
extent, the effect of the chamber is evened out. However, as the terrestrial
lichens we have studied do not appear to rehydrate from the substrate,
rainfall sheltering will increase variation within the plot.
Relative humidity The OTC also modifies the relative humidity. Adaros et al. (1989) mea-
sured an increase of 12 % during daylight and a reduction up to 15 %
at night. On the other hand, they were growing vascular plants (broad
beans and spring barley), which have high transpiration rates. In OTCs
containing lichen thalli the nocturnal reduction in relative humidity
can even reach 25 % hindering dew formation. In addition, elevated re-
lative humidity during daylight can be detrimental if the temperature is
high. The net result of these effects is that water must be supplied to the
OTCs at dawn to give the thalli time to desiccate before temperature rises.
As uniform wetting is needed, it is best to apply the water as a spray. On
hot days excess water may cause the death of the lichens. If the experi-
mental set-up requires control of the amount and quality of water one
can rely entirely on artificially administered water by covering the top
of the chamber by a shield of Plexiglas. It is important to mount this shield
well above the chamber to allow aeration.
13 Studying the Effects of Elevated Concentrations of CO 2 using OTCs 221
12 .'
9:00 9:36 10: 12 10:48 11 :24 12:00 12:36 13: 12 13:48 14:24 15:00 15:36
12 October. 1999
Fig. 3. Temperature values measured within a high-C0 2 OTC, present-day CO 2 OTC, and an unchambered plot.
Electricity consumption is about 1.6 kW for the control system and the ten
fans. CO 2 demand depends very much on the current wind velocity. On
average, 0.12 kg C0 2 h- 1 is released per chamber, implying a total monthly
demand of 870 kg CO 2 for the whole system.
Closing the tap and disabling the control system in the night will usual-
ly lower CO 2 demand. In experiments with higher plants, the saving
reaches 200 kg per month. When working with lichens, this is not advi-
sable. The voluminous biomass of vascular plants growing in the chamber
can increase the CO 2 concentration close to the set point (700 ppm in our
case) through its respiratory activity. With lichens, this is not the case. As
we cannot exclude the possibility that elevated CO 2 increases plant pro-
duction via decreasing respiration (Bunce, 1994), test organisms should
also be fed with CO 2 during the night.
Adaros G, Weigel HI, Jager HJ (1989) Environment in open-top chambers and its ef-
fects on growth and yield of plants. In: Payer HD, Pfirrmann T, Mathy P (eds.) En-
vironmental Research with Plants in Closed Chambers. E. Guyot SA, Brussels, pp 97
Ashenden TW, Baxter R, Rafarel CR (1992) An inexpensive system for exposing plants
in the field to elevated concentrations of CO 2, Technical report. Plant, Cell Env.
Balaguer L, Manrique E, delosRios A, Ascasco C, Palmquist K, Fordham M, Barnes JD
(1999) Long-term responses of the green-algal lichen Parmelia caperata to natural
CO 2 enrichment. Oecologia 119:166-174
Balaguer L, Valladares F, Ascasco C, Barnes JD, de los Rios A, Manrique E, Smith EC
(1996) Potential effects of rising tropospheric concentrations of CO 2 and 0 3 on
green-algal lichens. New Phytol. 132:641-652
Bazzaz FA, Carlson RW (1984) The response of plants to- elevated CO 2, I. Competition
among an asseblage at two levels of soil moisture. Oecologia 62:196-198
Bunce JA (1994) Responses of respiration to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentrations. Physiol. Plant. 90:427-430
Colis JJ, Sanders GE, Clark AG (1988) Open-top chamber experiment on field-grown
Viciafaba L. at Sutton Bonington (1987-1988). In: Bonte I, Mathy, P (eds) The Eur-
opean Community Research Project on Open-Top Chambers. Results on Agricul-
tural Crops. E. Guyot SA, Brussels, pp 43-72
Csintalan Zs, Takacs Z, Tuba Z, Proctor MCF, Smirnoff N, Grace J (1997) Desiccation
tolerant grassland cryptogams under elevated CO 2 : Preliminary findings. Abst Bot
Fahselt D. (1994) Carbon metabolism in lichens. Symbiosis 17:127-182
Gunderson CA, Wullschleger SD (1994) Photosynthesis acclimation in trees to rising
atmospheric CO 2: A broader perspective. Photos Res 39:369-388
Houghton JT, Jenkins GJ, Ephramus JJ (1990) Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific
Assessment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Last FT (ed) (1986) Microclimate and plant growth in open top chambers. CEC, Air
Pollution Research Report 5. EUR 11257
Lawrey JD (1995) Lichen allelopathy, A review. In: Inderjit D, Dakshini KMM, Einhellig
FA (eds) Allelopathy. Organisms, processes and applications. American Chemical
Society, Symposium Series 582. Washington DC, pp 26-38
Lee HSJ, Barton CVM (1993) Comparative studies on elevated CO 2 using open-top
chambers, tree chambers and branch bags. In. Schulze ED, Mooney HA (eds.) De-
sign and Execution of Experiments on CO 2 Enrichment. Commission of the Eur-
opean Communities. E. Guyot SA, Brussels, pp 239-260
13 Studying the Effects of Elevated Concentrations of CO 2 using OTCs 223
also influenced by substrate type (Ott et al. 1997). For this reason, all these
parameters should be measured at the same time.
When determining the water content of lichens, always note that water Water uptake
loss from poikilohydric thalli occurs very fast, even if a compact cortex and loss from
or gelatinous water storage tissues retard the process. Water absorption the lichen thallus
is a slower process, and depends on the water source, the anatomy of the
thallus and its impregnation with more or less hydrophobic substances.
Finely distributed droplets, in the form of fog and mist, are optimal for
absorption while large raindrops run off (Jahns and Ott 1983). Most li-
chens can take up water from the air. This process is asymptotic, and sa-
turation is reached much later than expected, often only after days (Jahns
1984). In the thallus, water is mainly stored in the hyphal walls and in
gelatinous substances. The capillary regions between the hyphae, neces-
sary for gaseous exchange, are kept free from liquid water by impregnation
with hydrophobic substances. Therefore uptake of water through the cor-
tex occurs by diffusion through the walls of the hyphae. Larger quantities
of water are stored as surface films on the thallus and between the rhizinae
on the lower side (Jahns 1984). As it is impossible to determine how much
water is bound to the surface one cannot measure the maximum water
content reliably. It is not surprising that the maximum values given in
literature obtained by spraying or immersing the thalli vary considerably.
However, they are oflittle ecological and physiological interest as this de-
gree of saturation is hardly ever reached in the natural habitat.
After briefly describing the measurement of thallus water status using the Methods to study
classical "gravimetric" method, the main technique described here mea- water content
sures thallus water content using the conduction of electrical currents
through the lichen thallus. The currents are the result of a flow of ions
in the thallus, and are accompanied by a number of reactions that are
incompletely understood. The currents can be measured and are directly
proportional to the water content of the thallus. Conductivities in the tis-
sues are usually measured with high frequency alternating currents (Cox-
son 1991). The practical application of this method, however, is limited,
particularly when one measures a large number of lichen thalli simulta-
neously. Alternating currents are influenced by the dielectric properties of
insulating materials and the lichen thallus. This hampers the measurement
and makes circuit construction and evaluation difficult. Preventative
shields or adjusted records are possible, but it is very time consuming
for a routine application. When a large number of measuring points exist
in the field it is quite impractical. Every clamp and its wire has to be cali-
Subprotocol 1
Gravimetric Determination of Water Content
This method is very accurate, but remember that wet thalli can lose a con-
siderable amount of water in seconds as you transfer them in dry air to
another container or to the weighing scales. Physiological experiments on
photosynthesis overcame this problem by integrating the scales into the
experimental set-up (Schroeter et al. 1991). In the field, one or more thalli
can be placed into a wire basket and may be repeatedly removed from the
substrate for weighing (Hahn et al. 1989). This provides exact results but
interrupts the continuity between the lichen and its environment and per-
manently prevents normal water exchange with the substrate. The method
cannot be applied to lichens that grow between dwarf shrubs or that are
closely attached to the substrate.
14 In Situ Measurement of the Water Content of Lichens 227
Subprotocol 2
Impedance Measurements
- Needle-shaped electrodes
- V2A spring steel wires (0.3 mm in diameter)
- Polyurethane or silicone varnish
- Miniature clamp for electrodes (Fig. 2)
- Thin glass plate to fit the lower part of the clamp to keep the surface
smooth and not adsorb water; a cover slip can be used
- Flex (stranded, maximum length 2 m x 0.14 mm2 ), must be light and
elastic to reduce the tensile stress on the lichen during measurement.
- Digital voltmeter
- Termistor (Siemens B57085 M 473K, 47K)
- Electrolysis bath containing saturated NaCl, capable of delivering 12 V
and 1.5 A
For calibration
:-\ adhesive
Fig. 2. Miniature clip with electrodes for measuring water content of the thallus. The dis-
tance between needles is 1 mm.
14 In Situ Measurement of the Water Content of Lichens 229
Construction of sensors
Fig. 3. Miniature clip with thermistor for measuring thallus temperature.
Remember that the method only senses the water between the electrodes
and assumes that the water content between the needles is representative
for the complete thallus. Comparable measurements from different thalli
can only be achieved when the electrodes are attached at similar locations.
It is important to keep the electrical current loading of the thallus extre-
mely low. This is in the range of a few microamperes in a wet thallus and
even lower in the dry thallus. The current is only applied for the duration
of the measurement (approx. 3 s). The low currents and the brief exposure,
and the inherent electro-chemical environment in the thallus, virtually
exclude polarisation effects on the electrodes if intervals of at least 15
min are maintained between measurements.
1. Each lichen species must be calibrated separately using at least ten re-
plicates at the same temperature, e.g. room temperature (20°C). Attach
a saturated thallus to the electrode then place it in a closed container
with known relative humidity above defined saturated salt solutions as
outlined in Materials (also see Jahns 1984). Complete equilibrium with
the air humidity is not essential, as the thalli are removed at arbitrary
intervals to get a complete set of values for impedance measurements.
2. Adjust the value of the variable resistor - a thallus with 20% water con-
tent should produce a reading of approx. 10 m V while a wet thallus
should give readings of 1 to 2 volts.
3. Take an impedance measurement for each thallus. The displayed vol-
tage drops quickly in the first 1 - 2 s after the switch is activated. This
process depends on the water content. The value after 2 s is taken as the
basis for calculating the water content of the thallus.
4. Immediately remove the thallus and take a gravimetric measurement
(see Subprotocol 1).
S. Plot a calibration graph of conductance as a function of thallus water
content. No values are obtained below 15-20% water content, and high-
er values from 100% upwards produce very steep, rather inaccurate
curves. For ecological measurements these limitations are of little im-
portance as a very high water content, which is species-specific, is rare
in nature and most species are physiologically inactive below 20%. The
measurements should be reproducible with a standard error of about
14 In Situ Measurement of the Water Content of Lichens 231
Subprotocol 3
Taking Readings in the Field
The described device is suitable for recording thallus moisture for a period
of several days, but the clamps may be used for weeks if conditions include
both dry and wet periods and the clamps have a chance to dry out per-
The sensors should ideally be used with data loggers. We have built one Use of data loggers
that can record solar irradiance (PAR), air and thallus temperature and the
thallus moisture in up to 16 locations simultaneously. For solar irradiance
the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) can be measured with a
I Thallus
I Light Air
1. In the field, attach both clamps to the lichen thallus. For comparative
measurements, thalli of similar diameter should be used, but small var-
iations have no influence on accuracy. Be careful not to tear the tissue
of the lichen. If necessary, fix the flex to the substrate close to the li-
chen. For crustose lichens, use only the upper part of the clamps.
2. Check the contact of the needles by taking one impedance measure-
ment at least once a day.
3. Fix the clamps for temperature measurement with the sensors below
the thallus (if possible) or at least not exposed to direct irradiance. We
recommend attaching a thermistor to the head of a miniature clamp
and pressed to the lower surface of the lichen (Fig. 3).
4. Always record thallus temperature and water content simultaneously,
as temperature is needed for calibration.
S. Measure the voltage after 2 s, as voltage falls with time probably as a
result of several interacting factors. One possible explanation is the
variable rate of ion movement; incipient polarisation of the electrodes
may be another. In our experience, however, this is reversible and can
be ignored by allowing appropriate intervals between measurements
(approx. 15 min). With our self-constructed recorder, the measure-
ment is taken automatically 2 s after the device is switched on.
• Under wet conditions the material of the clamp may absorb water. You
will notice that after rain the measurements do not decrease following
Replace the clamps by spares stored over silica gel. Wet clamps can be
dried, and if necessary coated again with water repellent varnish.
Parts for the construction of sensors and logger can be bought from local
electronic distributors.
Sensors of PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) from: LICOR inc,
4421 Superior street, P.O. Box 4425, Lincoln, Nebrasca, 68504 USA;
Hamamatsu photonics, 325-6 Sunayama-cho, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka,
Japan (with offices in many countries).
Scales with infrared drying: Mettler PM 100 and Mettler LP16
Chapter 15 PROTOCOL
Lichens are poikilohydric, i.e. can lose most of the water from their thalli,
and then recover metabolic activity when re-wetted. They share this fea-
ture with most bryophytes and many algae, but poikilohydry is absent
from the vast majority of higher plants that are termed homoiohydric.
Surprisingly little information is available on the basic water relations
oflichens; only a few measurements of water potential and its components
exist in the literature. Water potential (\ji) is an expression of the chemical
potential or free energy status of water (Kramer and Boyer 1995). It is a
measure of the driving force that causes water to move into a system, or
from one part of a system to another. It is only possible to measure the
chemical potential of water in a given system relative to the chemical po-
tential of pure, free water, i.e., of water containing no solutes and bound by
no forces. We take the \ji of pure water to be zero under standard condi-
tions of temperature and pressure. The water potential of a plant cell un-
der isothermal conditions has three components:
Equation 1
where \jin is osmotic potential, \jip is turgor potential, and \jiM is matric
potential. Osmotic potential is the contribution made by dissolved solids
and is always negative in sign. Turgor potential is the contribution made
by pressure exerted by the cell wall and is positive, or zero in plasmolysed
cells. Matric potential is the contribution made by water-binding colloids
and surfaces in the cell. It is negative in sign, and in living homoiohydric
plant cells is usually sufficiently small to be ignored, although in lichen
tissues at low water contents it is likely to be important.
A B c o
Fig.!. Representations of the relationships among relative water content and the compo-
nents of water potential in a tissue. A: no adaptation to drought. B, C, and D: turgor main-
tenance by osmotic adjustment, increase in elasticity, and increase in bound-water fraction,
respectively. The horizontal dashed line indicates the IjI that in A is associated with zero
turgor. In B, C, and D the IjI for zero turgor is considerably lower. The vertical dashed lines
within each diagram indicate the relative water content and turgor associated with the con-
stant 1jI. Note that for constant IjI the relative water content is unchanged in B, decreased in
C, and increased in D. Taken from Radin (1983).
Principles of Workers usually determine the water potential of higher plants using the
thermocouple pressure chamber or 'pressure bomb'. This involves severing a leaf or twig,
psychrometry placing it in a sealed chamber with the cut end exposed, then applying
pressure until the xylem sap is forced back to the protruding cut surface.
The pressure required to force the xylem sap back to the cut surface is
equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the tension (negative pressure)
the xylem sap was under originally. However, this technique is clearly un-
suitable for lichens, and instead \If can be determined using the thermo-
couple psychrometer.
Boyer (1995) provides a detailed description of the theory behind ther-
mocouple psychrometry. Various types of psychrometer exist, but all in-
volve enclosing a small sample in a vapour chamber and using thermo-
couples to determine the humidity of the air above the sample. At 25°C the
relationship between the vapour pressure of a solution and its water po-
tential approximates to:
\lfw = 137.21n (ew/eo) Equation 2
where \lfw is the water potential of the solution in a thermocouple cup, ew
the vapour pressure of the solution and eo the vapour pressure of distilled
water. Note that if the water potential of the solution in the vapour cham-
15 Determination of the Parameters of Lichen Water Relations 239
ber is -1 MPa then the relative humidity above the solution will be 99.3%.
Clearly, humidities above most biological samples will be high, even when
their water potential is quite negative. The vapour pressure develops at the
surface of the solution in the sample chamber. For plant tissue, this surface
is the cell wall.
The principle behind the thermocouple is as follows. If two dissimilar
metal conductors are joined to make a circuit, a voltage is generated at
each junction. The voltage varies with temperature, but if the temperature
is uniform then no current is produced because the voltages in the circuit
are the same and oppose each other. However, when the junctions differ in
temperature a voltmeter inserted into the circuit will register a current. In
thermocouple psychrometry, one junction is held at the temperature of
surroundings, i.e. the temperature of the sample chamber in which the
sample is located, and is termed the reference junction. The other junction
is termed the measurement junction and is exposed to the chamber atmo-
Of the various kinds of psychrometer available, perhaps the simplest
for measuring the water potential oflichens is the Peltier type (Fig. 2) [see
Boyer (1995) for a discussion of other types]. Passing a current through the
thermocouple cools the wire and thus condenses water from the atmo-
sphere of the vapour chamber, forming tiny droplets on the thermocouple
junction. The current is then switched off, and the droplets allowed to
evaporate. As the droplets evaporate, they cool the thermocouple junction,
producing a voltage. The drier the air in the chamber, the faster the dro-
plets evaporate, and the greater the voltage produced. The voltage gener-
Fig. 2. Peltier psychrometer using current imposed by a voltage source to cool the junction
below the dew point (Peltier effect). Turning off the cooling current allows condensate to
evaporate from the junction. The output decreases to a semi-stable value that is compared to
outputs previously measured with calibrating solutions. Taken from Boyer (1995).
Thallus water Different ways of expressing thallus water content exist in the literature
content (Kershaw 1985). One method is to express the amount of water in lichen
material as a percentage of the thallus dry weight, typically derived by
drying lichen material at 80°C for 48 hours. However, it can sometimes
be helpful, for example when constructing PV isotherms, to present thallus
water content as a percentage of the saturating water content, i.e. the "re-
lative water content" (RWC):
RWC = (Fresh weight - Dry weight)/(Turgid weight - Dry weight)
Equation 3
As may be expected, plots of photosynthesis as a function of water
content can show much less variation between different replicates if water
content is expressed as RWC (Kershaw 1985). The main problem calculat-
ing the RWC oflichens is the estimation of the turgid weight. One possible
method is outlined under Materials.
Problems with Although lichen PV curves may appear normal, plotting 'l'P as a function
constructing lichen of RWC often yields anomalous results (e.g. Fig. 3C). Apparently, initially
PV curves 'l'P does not change as the RWC decreases. A possible explanation for this
is that as lichens dry, they first lose intercellular water. Turgor will only
decrease when lichens start losing symplastic water. Although some work-
ers question the significance of intercellular water (see Frey and Scheideg-
ger, this volume chapter 8) its existence is supported by evidence from
studies on photosynthesis in lichens (Cowan et al. 1992). Valladares et
al. (1993) estimated that in the lichen genus Umbilicaria pore space oc-
cupies approx. 25% of the thallus volume. It seems reasonable to assume
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
Ol Ol
D.. D..
~ ~
;:r ;:r
"';" 0.5 "';" 0.5
O~I-.-------'-------r-------r------'-~~__' O~I_,-------.--------,-------,_------~----__,
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ,.....
1- RWC 1 - RWC c tl
2.0 2.0 §.
D ::l
c ~
1.5 1.5 o...,
that at least some of this pore space could become filled with water. If
uncorrected, this intercellular water will cause inaccuracies in the esti-
mates of the components of \jI.
Unfortunately, no simple method exists to correct for the existence of
intercellular water and thus determine the true lichen water content at full
turgor. Beckett (1996a) suggested the following approach. Recalculate the
values of RWC to exclude intercellular water using this equation:
RWCc = (Fresh weight - Dry weight)/
(Turgid weight - Dry weight - Weight of intercellular water)
Equation 4
~ 150
c 100
0 2 3 4 5 6
-'If (MPa)
~ 100
"- 50
0 5 10 15 20
-'I' (MPa)
Fig. 4. Water content as a function of", in the moss Polytrichum commune [A, modified
from Proctor et al. (1998)J and in the lichen Xanthoria parietina (B).
gives no indication of any upward inflexion (Fig. 4B), and yet graphs of
turgor as a function ofRWC derived from this data are clearly anomalous
(Fig. 3C). The most likely explanation for this result is that in mosses the
water responsible for the sharp upward inflexion is very loosely held and
readily lost. While firm blotting will remove most superficial water in li-
chens, the absence of sharp inflections in graphs of water content as a
function of \jI may be a result of water loss from intercellular pores of
progressively smaller diameter as a thallus desiccates. Possibly therefore,
when working with lichens, the method for correcting for intercellular or
external water outlined above may provide better estimates of the com-
ponents of \jI than that proposed by Proctor et al. (1998).
In future, it seems likely that pressure probes that can be inserted into
individual cells will be developed, and these will allow direct determina-
tion of \jIp as a function of RWC in both photo- and mycobiont cells.
Although in theory appropriate probes already exist (Boyer 1995), obtain-
ing reliable, reproducible measurements from them is currently extremely
lichen Material 1. If lichens are collected dry, they should be slowly hydrated by storage
for 48 h at a relative humidity of 100% (in a desiccator over distilled
water) at 20°C and a low light intensity (e.g. approx. 100 ).Lmol photons
m- 2 S-l).
2. Completely hydrate the material by weighing small samples of lichen
thallus (e.g. 50 - 100 mg) and gently shake them in approx. 10 ml of
deionised distilled water.
3. Remove, carefully blot dry and weigh the samples every 10 - 15 minutes
until they reach constant mass (usually approx. 1 - 2 hours).
Never directly touch the thermocouple at any stage of the procedure, as it Cleaning the
is extremely delicate. However, with routine use the thermocouple and the thermocouple
thermocouple plate will become dirty, and this will affect the accuracy of
readings. Clean the thermocouple as follows:
1. Spray the thermocouple with fine jet of deionised distilled water.
2. If the thermocouple is mounted in a metal plate, as for example in the
"Decagon" unit, clean the plate surrounding the thermocouple using a
matchstick, or an orange wood stick, of the kind used for specimen
preparation in electron microscopy. Shave the end of the stick to a
point, and place a small piece of cotton wool on the end. Dip the cotton
wool in a dilute detergent solution, e.g., "teepol" and, viewing the plate
under a dissecting microscope, gently rub the plate to remove contam-
3. Thoroughly rinse the plate and thermocouple with de ionised distilled
water, and then dry at 60°C for 1 h.
Calibration curve Before determining the water potential of biological samples, construct a
calibration curve of water potential as a function of microvolts generated
by the thermocouple. If this graph is approximately linear, the thermocou-
ple is probably working properly.
5. Prepare a set of standard solutions using sucrose, NaCI or KCI (see
Materials) from, e.g., 0 to -20 MPa. NaCl and KCI have the advantage
of being less susceptible to microbial attack, but can cause corrosion if
left in the sample chamber for too long.
6. Place a disk of filter paper in the base of the chamber and line the walls
of the chamber with a rectangular strip of filter paper.
7. Add sufficient solution to moisten the paper thoroughly, leave for 1 h
to equilibrate, and then measure.
Equilibration times Even though lichens lack a cuticle, the atmosphere of the sample chamber
can take surprisingly long to equilibrate with the water potential of lichen
8. Prepare samples of lichens at a range of RWCs, and place them in the
thermocouple psychrometer.
9. Take readings every 0.5 h for 3 h, and then every 1 h for 9 h.
10. For each sample, plot a graph of \jI as a function of time, and determine
the time needed for equilibration at each RWC. For tissue at low RWCs,
this can be up to 12 h.
taking a reading, and the equilibration of sample \jf with sample chamber
air will be fast compared with leakage rates.
The Decagon "Tru-Psi" thermocouple psychrometer is well suited to mea- Obtaining raw data
suring the water potential of lichens as it allows the simultaneous equili- needed to construct
bration of ten samples. In addition, the chamber volume is sufficiently a PV curve
large (approx. 4 ml) to take a representative sample of lichen tissue. If
you are using the Richards method for wetting the thermocouple, a typical
experiment would comprise the following: five sample chambers contain-
ing lichen tissue; three standards (distilled water, and one standard higher
and one lower than the expected values of tissue \jf); one special chamber
with water for wetting the thermocouple, and one empty chamber. The
empty chamber is useful for drying the thermocouple while you wait
for samples to equilibrate, and you should routinely place this chamber
below the thermocouple when you are not taking measurements. To ob-
tain the raw data needed to construct a PV curve proceed as follows.
11. Incubate lichen tissue in deionised distilled water until it is fully hy-
drated (see above).
12. Place the lichen tissue into a pre-weighed sample chamber. Tissue fresh
masses of 50 - 100 mg, weighed to 0.1 mg, are suitable for the Decagon
thermocouple psychrometer. Rapidly transfer the chamber to the psy-
chrometer, preferably within 10 s to minimise any loss of water.
13. Allow the sample to equilibrate with the chamber atmosphere for the
time estimated above, then read water potential. Make a note of the
temperature. It is good practice to read the standards every time
you make a set of measurements on lichen tissue.
14. Remove the sample chamber from the thermocouple psychrometer,
then rapidly weigh. Allow the sample to lose 2 - 3 mg of water to obtain
the next RWC value on the PV curve, then replace in the thermocouple.
15. Repeat stages 13 and 14 until the sample has achieved a RWC of ap-
prox. 0.2, increasing the equilibration time as determined above as \jf
falls. You may need to take as many as 15 to 20 measurements on each
16. Place the sample cups and lichen samples in an oven at 80 C for 48 h,
Construction Typing the raw data obtained above into any spreadsheet program will
of the PV curve help you calculate the parameters that can be derived from the PV iso-
17. For every measurement taken, calculate the \jI and RWC of each sam-
ple. Convert the values of\jl measured at temperature T (degrees Kel-
vin) to their equivalent values at 20 C using the following equation:
Osmotic potential 20. Estimate the weight of intercellular water as the weight of water that the
at full turgor lichen loses before \jIp starts to fall, estimated from the graph obtained
in Step 19.
21. For reasons discussed in the "Introduction", recalculate RWC to ex-
clude intercellular water, using the following equation:
RWC c = (Fresh weight - Dryweight)/
(Turgid weight - Dry weight - Weight of intercellular water)
Equation 6
22. Replot the PV curve using RWC o and excluding any RWC c values
greater than 1.
23. The y-axis intercept of the extrapolated linear portion of the new PV
isotherm corresponds to \jIns. As indicated above, it is possible that
matric potential (\jiM) becomes important as lichen thalli dry to low
RWCs. However, even at low RWCs the PV isotherms oflichens appear
15 Determination of the Parameters of Lichen Water Relations 249
Water in lichens can occur in three cellular locations: inside cells (sym- Cellular location
plastic water, Rs); in pores within the cell wall (apoplastic water, Ra) and of water
between cells (intercellular water, Ri). Rs, Ra and Ri indicate the propor-
tions of total thallus water in these three locations.
27. As outlined above, Ri can be estimated from the graph of turgor as a
function of RWC i.e. the proportion of water that the thallus loses be-
fore turgor starts to fall.
28. Apoplastic water occurs in small pores in the cell wall. In higher plants,
these are typically from 5 to 10 nm in diameter (Meidner and Sheriff
1976). Plants will only lose this water when the thallus is very dry, and
\If less than -15 MPa. You can estimate Ra by extrapolating the linear
portion of the PV isotherm until it intercepts the X-axis (i.e. the RWC
at large negative values of thallus \If).
29. Finally, estimate Rs by subtraction, i.e. 1 - Ra - Ri.
30. First, determine the mean thallus intracellular K concentration on a Proportion of '1'715
dry weight basis using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. You due to K
can then calculate the mean concentration of K as follows:
Mean K concentration (moll-I) = Mean intracellular thallus K concen-
tration (mol g-I dry mass) x 1000 / Mean thallus H20 content at full
turgor (g g-I dry mass) x (1 - Ra - Ri) Equation 7
Some lichens e.g. Ramalina species display the phenomenon of "over sa-
turation" (Blum 1973) and continue to increase in weight for at least 24 h.
This is presumably a result of the hydration of cell wall colloids. It is dif-
ficult to define full thallus hydration in these species, and I can only sug-
gest that for consistency you hydrate them for approximately the same
time as other, morphologically similar species. One other particular pro-
blem arises with maritime lichens. These often contain high intercellular
concentrations ofNaCI that you need to remove before you can determine
\jf and its components (Beckett 1996b,c). However, incubation of these
species in deionised distilled water can cause the loss of intracellular
ions. I recommend that you hydrate and at the same time wash these spe-
cies by shaking them in a solution of 0.25 mM Ca(N03h as recommended
by Fletcher (1976).
Occasionally, you may find species in which estimates of \jfrrs derived
from the PV isotherm differ significantly from those estimated by the
above method of Campbell (1985) [see for example Beckett (1998)]. Var-
ious explanations for this exist, but one possibility is that the cell wall con-
15 Determination of the Parameters of Lichen Water Relations 251
Shortly after completing the writing of this chapter, Decagon Devices dis-
continued manufacture of the "Tru-Psi" thermocouple psychrometer, and
introduced the "WP4 Water Potential Meter" as a replacement. The WP4
uses the chilled-mirror dewpoint technique to measure the water potential
of a sample. The WP4 uses an internal fan that circulates the air within the
sample chamber to reduce time to equilibrium. Because both dewpoint
and sample surface temperatures are simultaneously measured, the
need for complete thermal equilibrium is eliminated, which also reduces
measurement times. As discussed above, the "Tru-Psi" Decagon unit al-
lows users to equilibrate multiple samples with the atmosphere of the
chambers simultaneously. This is very useful, as long equilibration times
are required as lichens reach low water contents. Whether the WP4 is sui-
table for lichen work will depend on whether it can speed up equilibration
times sufficiently to offset the disadvantage that the unit can only equili-
brate one sample at a time. Another consideration is that the Tru-Psi's
cylindrical sample cups have a diameter of 1 cm, compared with the
4 cm sample cups of the WP4. As plant material should ideally cover
the entire base of the cup, in practice this means that the WP4 requires
more material. While a larger sample size should provide more accurate
values of \jI and RWC for each point on the PV curve, problems could arise
if only limited material is available.
The only alternative to the Tru-Psi I am aware of that is currently read-
ily available would be to use the following equipment from Wescor: multi-
ple C-52 sample chambers (or possibly L-51 leaf pschrometers), a PS-IO
pschrometer switchbox and a HR-33T dew point microvoltmeter. How-
ever, the C-52 sample chamber works on the principle of Peltier cooling.
As discussed above, this method can only measure water potentials down
to -5 MPa, rather than -30 MPa attainable by the Richard's method. In
practice, -5 MPa may be too high for the determination of PV curves
for some lichens.
Acknowledgements. I thank the National Research Foundation (South Africa) and the Uni-
versity of Natal Research Fund for financial assistance, Prof M C F Proctor for some ex-
tremely useful comments on an early version of this chapter, and Prof M J Savage for help
with thermocouple psychrometry.
Beadle CL, Ludlow MM, Honeyset JL (1993) Water relations. In: Hall DO, Scurlock
JMO, Bolhar-Nordenkampf HR, Leegood RC, Long SP (eds) Photosynthesis and
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and Hall, London pp 113-128
Beckett RP (1996a) Some aspects of the water relations of the lichen Parmotrema tinc-
torum measured using thermocouple psychrometry. Lichenologist 28:257-266
Beckett RP (1996b) The water relations of the maritime lichen Rocce/la hypomecha
(Ach.) Bory. studied using thermocouple psychrometry. S Afr J Bot 62:122-125
Beckett RP (1996c) Some aspects of the water relations of the coastal lichen Xanthoria
parietina (L.) Th. Fr. Acta Phys Plant 18:229-234
Beckett RP (1998) Some aspects of the water relations of the desert lichen Xanthoma-
culina hottentota studied with thermocouple psychrometry. S Afr J Bot 64: 346-349
Blum OB (1973) Water relations. In: Ahmadjian V, Hale ME (eds) The lichens. Aca-
demic Press, New York pp 381-400
Boyer JS (1995) Measuring the water status of plants and soils. Academic Press, San
15 Determination of the Parameters of Lichen Water Relations 253
Campbell GS (1985) Instruments for measuring plant water potential and its compo-
nents. In: Marshall B, Woodward F I (eds) Instruments for environmental physiol-
ogy: Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series no. 22. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press pp 193-214
Cowan IR, Lange OL, Green TGA (1992) Carbon-dioxide exchange in lichens: deter-
mination of transport and carboxylation characteristics. Planta 187:282-294
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DH, Hawksworth DL, Bailey RH (eds) Lichenology: Progress and Problems. Aca-
demic Press, London pp 359-384
Hunt R, Parsons IT (1974) A computer program for deriving growth functions in plant
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Kershaw KA (1985) Physiological ecology of lichens. Cambridge University Press,
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Meidner H, Sheriff DW (1976) Water and plants. John Wiley, New York
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Wenkert W, Lemon ER, Sinclair TR (1978) Water content-potential relationship in
soya bean: changes in component potentials for mature and immature leaves under
field conditions. Ann Bot 42:295-307
The type of growth measurement chosen will depend partly on the growth Thallus growth
form (morphology) of the thallus and the methods most likely to be suc- form
cessful are indicated in Table 3.
Table 3. Summary of options for measuring growth rates in different types of lichen
Growth form Linear growth Area growth Mass growth
[length x time-I] [area x time-I] [mass x time-I]
Fruticose yes difficult yes
Foliose yes yes yes
Umbilicate yes yes yes
Circular crust yes yes difficult
Diffuse crust difficult possible difficult
Time-scale The longer the time-scale the more likely there will be problems of iden-
problems tification of thalli which may also disappear, break up or fuse together.
These problems can occur over a period of one or more years in foliose
thalli. Follman (1961) was able to use one of the longer time-scales with
photographs of crustose species separated by 47 years. Long time-scales
have the advantage in that they tend to average out, or obscure, the effects
of seasonal or annual variations in environmental conditions. Shorter
time-scales, less than a year, are used to investigate the effects of seasonal,
monthly, weekly or even possibly daily variations in environmental fac-
When measuring small increments over a short time period, variation
of size or mass due to hydration, or presence or absence of debris, can be
large compared with the possible growth increment. Growth periods of a
month or more do not seem to present difficulties, but variations due to
hydration are a major problem for shorter-term measurements down to a
week or a few days (Fig. 1). With anytime scale, thalli should be measured,
photographed or weighed under similar environmental conditions or
measurements corrected for effect of variable humidity. A sensor, which
measures electrical current through a filter paper (calibrated against
1 I
'D i
E 0,9I
~ 0,8 ~I
5; 0,7
.!: 0,5
i o,2l
.!:! 0,4 1
:3 0,1 .
~ o+i----~----~----~----~----~----,-----~----,---~
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time [d)
Fig. 1. The daily increment of a lobe of Xanthoria parietina. The lower points represent the thallus when dry and the
upper points when saturated with water (measured from photographs between 7 October and 10 November 1996 on
trunk of Malus domestica near Bristol, UK).
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 259
When choosing the most suitable method for measuring growth for a par-
ticular project, a number of factors need to be considered. Figure 2 sets out
a simplified scheme to assist in this choice.
There are three main approaches for the meassurement of lichen
growth: linear measures direct from thalli in the field (Subprotocol 2)
or from photographs (Subprotocol 3), area measures from photographs
or tracings and mass measures (SubprotocoI4). The photographs and tra-
cings have the advantage that they also provide a valuable permanent re-
cord of the lichen thalli and growth, which may be useful for future re-
ference. Techniques for measurements on very small early phases of thal-
lus establishment and measurements for lichenometric studies are also
described (Subprotocol 5).
Growth analysis and data presentation is described in Sub protocol 6.
Subprotocol 1
General Protocol for Relocation of Lichen Thalli in the Field
Relocation of lichen thalli, or even a small part of one, can be surprisingly
difficult and time consuming in the field. Photographs or drawings (with
field notes) and a map of the exact location of the measured lichen thallus
can be helpful, or even essential.
- 35 mm camera and tripod, and for short term measurements either 50
or 90 mm macro lens
- Colour print (or transparency) film
or on detached substratum and arranged on
a rack.
2. Weigh thalli with substrate and or holder
Thallus not growing in thickness or with additional lobes In center: and measure of humidity and temperature
photographic method of the air.
Photographs with slide or print film if thallus is circular or in discrete 3. At end of growth period. weigh thalli and
patches. or with print mm if thallus diffuse and scattered. holder/substrate separately and calculate
.t. .t.
Data expression Data expression
For circular thalli. express data as increase in thallus radius or E:»press measw'ements as increase in area as
diameter. proportion of existing area by choosing similar areas
For other thalli which are not circular, increase in lobe length, to compare. Then divide the growth by the time
or distance moved by growing point. Then divide the growth interval to obtain a rate of growth per unit time.
by the time interval to obtain a rate of growth per unit time. The rate of increase may be dependent on the existing
The ratc of increase may be dependent on the c:»isting area. area.
Fig. 2. Flow diagram for choosing suitable method for measuring lichen growth
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 261
Take the following photographs, marking the position from which the
photo is taken, and the key features in the photograph on the map.
1. Whole lichen thallus showing any parts featuring in close-ups.
2. Community of thalli showing the thallus being measured.
3. Tree or rock etc. showing this community.
4. Tree or rock etc. in its location with other land marks.
5. Two or three shots of the locations with the tripod left in situ.
Fewer photos than indicated above may be used if safe to do so, and hand
drawn sketches and plans may suffice. Take copies into the field when
relocating thalli.
Subprotocol 2
Direct Linear Measurements
2. Mark rock with reference points scratched into it, e.g. slate (Armstrong
1973), or, paint rock surrounding the thallus margin with white gloss
paint, allow to dry then apply marks 1 mm apart moving radially away
from the thallus with Indian ink on white gloss paint (Benedict 1990).
3. Measure the diameters of circular lichen thalli in the field. If not per-
fectly circular take mean of least and greatest diameters (Innes 1986).
Calliper measurements are more accurate than those made with a clear
plastic ruler (Bull and Brandon 1998).
4. With a hand-lens measure position of tip of lobe (and hence radial
increments) to reference marks scratched in a smooth rock surface,
or to fine ink marks noting to which mark measurements are made.
5. Repeat measurements at required time intervals.
6. For growth analysis of radial growth of circular thalli, see below.
Subprotocol 3
Linear Measurements Using Photographs
minium box, which is milled to fit round the camera body and into which
the camera is screwed precisely, that has three very firmly fixed legs which
end in points attached at precise angles, so that the lens points vertically
downwards. The points of the three legs can locate 1) into the head of a
"posidriv", or Philips screw (fixing the first dimension in space), 2) into
the head of a screw whose slot ("bush") is in-line with the first screw (fix-
ing the second dimension) and 3) onto the head of a flat headed nail (fix-
ing the third dimension). The legs are designed to be adjustable to preset
lengths which coincide with the plane of focus of the lens(es) when fully
extended. The two screws can be adjusted so that the lichen thallus is pre-
cisely in plane of optimum focus. The tripod and camera can be rapidly
replaced into the screw heads and hence into exactly the same position.
Any minor expansion or contraction in the substrate, or tripod, will not
prevent the tripod fitting exactly and firmly. The measurements in Figure
1 were obtained using this technique.
For longer time periods (one or more years) a macro lens may not be
necessary as the amount of growth would be more substantial except
where lichens grow very slowly, for example, in arctic and desert habitats.
- 35 mm camera and tripod and for short term measurements either 50 Photographic
or 90 mm macro lens technique
- Colour print (or transparency) film
- Hygrometer
- Thermometer
- Strips of graph paper (marked in millimetres)
- "Blu-tack", a detachable mouldable adhesive plastic available from sta-
- Vernier callipers
- Photographic development service
12. Develop film and prepare prints from negatives with 5 x - 20 x enlarge-
ment. If transparencies have been taken, project them onto a hard
white wall.
13. Select a fixed point on the substratum observable in every photograph,
e.g. a grain or crack in the rock, or bark, on a radial line through the
growing point to be measured.
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 265
Subprotocol 4
Area and Mass Measurements
Areas can be calculated from diameter or radial measurements or mea-
sured directly by weighing cut out paper on which tracings of the thalli
have been made from photos (Honegger et al. 1996) or by using a Seescan
Solitaire image analyser (Smith 1995).
It is possible to trace the outline of the expanding thallus onto clear
plastic sheets (Armstrong 1975) but the maximum accuracy achievable is
to about 0.5 mm (Benedict 1990), so that periods of growth ofless than a
year would be difficult. The technique has, however, been done effectively
for 3 year intervals of growth in, for example, Parmelia saxatilis (Gilbert
1971). As a guide, area measurements should be expressed, where possible,
as increase in area per unit length of perimeter.
Mass measurement requires the lichen to be removed from its substra-
tum and this can be difficult except for large foliose or fruticose species.
Some authors have made a special frame (Muir et al. 1998) or receptacle
(Hyvarinen and Crittenden 1998) for holding the lichen so that it is easier
Dealing with - Frame, nylon filaments or receptacle for holding lichen (see above)
variation in water
- Balance
- Enclosed chambers for creating different relative humidities
- Thermometer
- Hygrometer (or wet- and dry-bulb thermometer)
- Saturated solutions of various salts (salts in equilibrium with the sa-
turated solutions) (Table 4)
- Temperature controlled environment (cabinet or room)
LiCI x H 2O 11 NH 4N0 3 62
Lil x 3 H 2 O 18 NaN0 3 74
CaCiz x 6 H 2O 29 (NH 4 )z S0 4 81
Nal x 2 H 2O 38 KN0 3 92
Ca(N0 3)z x 4 H2O 51 K2 S0 4 97
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 267
1. Select thalli that are uniform in size, unless size is a desired factor.
2. Clean off any loose thallus material and debris and substratum.
3. Tie to frame or hook onto nylon threads.
Subprotocol 5
Measurement of Growth in Very Early Stages and for lichenometric
When measuring growth of minute thalli, it helps to have the thalli on a
detachable substrate. Young thalli can be grown from so redia or thalline
fragments on small ceramic discs (Honegger 1996), which are observed
microscopically by light microscopy or low-temperature scanning elec-
tron microscopy. For corticolous species, the same technique is used
but with detachable pieces of bark (Schuster et al. 1985). So redia or thalline
fragments can also be fixed to bark on trees in the field with surgical gauze
while observing their growth (Scheidegger et al. 1995).
ones, although this has not been seen with other lichens such as Pseude-
phebe miniscula in which thalli grow more constantly (Haworth et al.
1986). Brief methodology is given here.
1. Choose species which is abundant in the area of interest and has range
of different thallus sizes and grows at the rate commensurate with the
study and which also occurs on a series of surfaces of known exposure
dates covering the time period of interest.
2. Select an easily defined fixed area for use in the field within which thalli
will be located and within each locate Fixed Area Largest Lichen thallus
(FALL) (see Bull and Brandon 1998).
3. Measure Largest Inscribed Circle (LIC).
4. Repeat procedure for thalli growing on surfaces of known date and
construct a curve ofLIC against time using best fitting curve (computer
with appropriate statistical software).
5. Read off dates corresponding to each LICs for each FALL in area of
Subprotocol 6
Growth Analysis and Data Presentation
The method of data analysis depends on the type of lichen thallus and the
purpose of the investigation (Table 1-3). It is important that the investi-
gator is clear as to the reason why he/she applies a particular method of
data analysis. Without this clarity, manipulation of the data can obscure
rather than clarify the interpretation of the data. It is unfortunate that the
term "Relative Growth Rate" (RGR, dimension r1) has pervaded the lit-
erature on lichen growth on the assumption that lichens should grow loga-
rithmically. The RGR concept, originally borrowed from flowering plant
growth analysis, has been consequently erroneously applied directly to
lichens (Woolhouse 1968, Armstrong 1975) with the result that the calcu-
lated value for it declines rapidly as thallus grows larger, without showing
any sign of even approximate constancy (until it nears zero), a fact that
immediately invalidates the application of the RGR concept. And so it is
known that lichens do not, in fact, grow logarithmically. By contrast, the
growth of, for example micro-organisms and higher plants, when unrest-
ricted by resources and senescence, has been clearly shown to be approxi-
mately logarithmic or to have a logarithmic basis. The method below is for
foliose or crustrose thalli.
Growth model Analysis of the growth of flat circular lichen thalli, based on the functional
for circular thalli features oflichens has been made (Aplin and Hill 1979j Childress and Kel-
ler 1980) and provides a means for comparing growth in thalli of different
dr/dt = asr/(r + 2s) Equation 1
where r is the radius of the circular thallus, t is time, a is the rate constant
(dimension t- 1) and s is a distance constant (dimension L). For a fuller
discussion of the mathematical derivation and its application of this equa-
tion see Hill (1981).
It has been tested and found suitable for determining the rate coeffi-
cient (a x rl) for lichen growth from measurements of the radius of cir-
cular thalli, separated by a known time period, and applies to any circular
thalli such as formed by foliose and crustose species. To describe the ob-
served rate of growth, a distance coefficient (s x mm) in addition to the
rate coefficient has to be determined and this relates to the width of a
peripheral zone contributing to the measured rate of radial growth (Proc-
tor 1977, Fisher and Proctor 1978, Armstrong 1979, Hill 1981). Innes
(1985), after reviewing the then current methods of analysis, concluded
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 271
that "In the absence of convincing evidence to the contrary, Aplin and
HilllHill's techniques must be accepted as valid" but since then no other
comparable analyses have been proposed. Proctor (1983) was able to apply
this technique to Rhizocarpon geographicum dating on glacial moraines
and, more recently, Armstrong and Smith (1996) demonstrated its applic-
ability to growth in Parmelia conspersa. Note that although the Aplin/Hill
a for lichens has the same dimension (rl) as the RGR for micro-organisms
and higher plants, values cannot be correctly calculated by using the fa-
miliar formula:
Equation 2
where x is a measurement of radius, mass or area.
There are two ways to calculate the values of the AplinlHill growth coeffi- Calculation of
cients. The two methods of calculating the values for the growth coeffi- growth constants
cients, a and s, are summarised in Fig. 3. Refer to this figure when follow-
ing the methods below.
Method a
This is the simplest (though not strictly the most accurate) method.
1. Measure the radius of a population of thalli of different sizes from the
very smallest to the largest before and after a growth period.
2. Determine the increase in radius during the growth period.
3. Plot a graph of the increase in radius (~r) against the mean of the two
measurements (rl+r2)/2=r. - see example in Fig. 4.
4. Obtain the gradient of the straight line which passes through the origin
and the smallest thalli (~r/r).
5. Divide this value finally by half the time period to give the value for the
rate coefficient (a, which has dimension t- I ) of lichen growth, see Hill
(1981). A calculation is shown in Fig. 4.
6. Take the mean rate of radial growth (mm rl) of the largest thalli and
divide it by the value previously obtained for the rate coefficient, a, and
the time period to give the value of the distance coefficient (s which has
dimension mm).
Plotting graph
0 Plot a graph orthe increase in radius over a time period of growth (y-axis) against the geometric mean
of the radius before and after the growth period (x-axis).
Reading off the graph (or computing the hasic mean
0 Draw a line through the origin and the points
representing the smallest thalli and calculate its
gradient. This can be done on a computer using
regression analysis of the data for the smaller thalli
and fixing the line to go through the origin.
0 Draw a horizontal line through the points representing
the largest thalli and read off the growth increase on
the y-axis. This can also be achieved by meaning the Alternative more accurate method
growth increase of the larger thalli.
0 Plot graph of rrr, (increase in growth
(It is necessary to plot the graph to decide which thalli
over time period) with In(r,lr,).
should be included with the smaller and larger thalli.) • Draw best fitting line through the
points furthest away from the origin.
This line should be a diagonal to the
origin with a negative gradient.
Calculating the growth coefficients 0 Find value of intercept on the In(r2Ir,)
0 The rate coeftlcient (r'), u, is calculated by axis and divide it by the time period
multiplying the gradient by 2 and dividing by the time and multiply it by 2 to obtain value
period. for u.
0 The distance coefficient (em or mm), s, is calculated 0 Find value of intercept on other axis
by dividing the mean growth rate of the larger thalli to lind u s and divide this by obtained
by the rate coeftlcient obtained from the smaller value for u to obtain value for s.
0 See Figure 4 for an example. • See Figure 5 for an example .
Fig. 3. Flow chart that summarises the method for calculating the rate and distance coeffi-
cients for circular thalli.
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 273
2,50 -r==========::;----------~
• experimental
- _. - - -model method a
• •
2,00 -i_-_--_Illo<.Iel_method b
! 1,50
... ~ •
.... ~
0,00 -j----i----+----+----r---.,.----t------'
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Mean thallus radius [mm]
Method a
Statistic Mean growth rate Gradient between Alpha [y"] s [mm]
of larger thaI! i growth rate and size of
(over 2 mm smaller thalli (under
radius) [mm /] OJ mm radius)
Value 1.69 0.95 1.86 0.909
Standard 0.5408 0.0349 0.065 0.293
Coefficient 0.276 0.044 0.D35 0.323
of variation
Fig. 4. Growth in Diploicia canescens thalli over one year period as a function of thallus size
(measured from photographs taken on 8 August 1977 and 3 August 1978 by Dr MCF Proc-
tor, on wall, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, Devon,UK.) The calculations for growth coeffi-
cients (a and s) by the two methods (see text) are superimposed. The lines drawn on the
graph assume the values obtained for the coefficients and indicate the differing values ob-
tained for s due to the variation in growth rate of larger thalli.
Method b
This is theoretically a more accurate method for calculating the rate and
distance coefficients.
1. Plot the growth observed (rz-rl) against In (r2/rl) - for example see Fig-
ure 5.
2. Fit the best straight line.
....... 0,80 •
:: 0,60
•• • •
0,40 •
0,20 •
0 2 3 4
Fig.s. Example of semi-log plot to calculate growth coefficients by Method b using data in
Figure 4.
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 275
3. Read off the intercept on the In (rz/r])-axis and multiply by 2 and di-
vided by the time period to obtain a.
4. Read off the intercept in the (rrr])-axis and divide by the value for a
and the time period to obtain s.
It is important only to use the very smallest thalli (approximately 0.1-1 mm Method a
diameter) to obtain the gradient as any larger thalli may cause an under-
estimate in the rate coefficient. Some of the larger thalli may have been
growing much more slowly than others causing a large standard deviation
in the mean. Whilst you may wish to include these in the data analysis to
represent the whole population, they may be omitted if the values of coef-
ficients from different populations need to be compared. Method b to
some extent avoids this problem (see Figure 4).
The distribution of points on the graph is such that the best fitting line may Method b
pass through the points with the highest values, in both the semi-log plot and
the graph of growth rate against thallus size, rather than a mid point through
all the points. This may be due to the non-normal distribution of "error" on
the semi -log plot and/ or to some older thalli growing much more slowly than
others of the same size due to some inhibition, a well-known feature that
needs investigating. For an example see Proctor (1983).
The distance coefficient (s) is related to the width, but is not the actual Interpretation of
width, of the peripheral ring, or length of lobe tip, that contributes to growth constants
the observed growth as mentioned above. Values for the rate coefficient
(a) more closely correlate with environmental variables than do measured
values for increase in radius as measured as has been shown for Diploicia
canescens (Hill unpublished). Within a group of similar thalli, values for
the rate coefficient are usually much less variable than are the direct mea-
surements of the radial growth of thalli (see example in Figure 4). The
growth rate of large thalli may be especially variable possibly because
the growth of the larger thalli is affected by more internal factors (repre-
sented by both a and s) than contribute to growth in the small slower
growing thalli (mainly determined by a).
Aplin PS, Hill DJ (1979) Growth analysis of circular lichen thalli. J Theo BioI 78:347-363
Armstrong RA (1973) Seasonal growth and growth rate-colony size relationships in six
species of saxicolous lichens. New Phyt 72:1023-1030
Armstrong RA (1975) Studies in the growth rates of lichens. In: Brown DH, Hawks-
worth DL, Bailey RH (eds.) Lichenology: Progress and Problems. Academic Press,
London, pp 309-322
Armstrong RA (1979) Growth and regeneration of lichen thalli with the central por-
tions artificially removed. Env Exp Bot 19:175-178
Armstrong RA (1995) Lobe interactions within the thallus margin and the maintenance
of symmetry in the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.)Ach. Symbiosis 18:127-
Armstrong RA, Smith SN (1996) Factors determining the growth curve of the foliose
lichen Parmelia conspersa. New Phyt 134:517-522
Benedict JB (1990) Experiments on lichen growth 1. Seasonal patterns and environ-
mental controls. Arc Alp Res 22:244-454
Bull WB, Brandon MT (1998) Lichen dating of earthquake-generated regional rockfall
events, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Geol Soc Am Bull 110:60-84
16 Measurement of Lichen Growth 277
Proctor MCF (1977) The growth curve of the crustose lichen Buellia canescens (Dicks.)
de Not. New Phyt 79:659-663
Proctor MCF (1983) Sizes and growth rates of thalli of the lichen Rhizocarpon geogra-
phicum on the moraines on the Glacier de Galorey, Valais, Switzerland. Lichenol-
ogist 15:259-261
Renhorn K-E, Essen P-A (1995) Biomass growth in five alectoroid lichen epiphytes.
Mitteilungen der Eidgenossischen Forschungsanstalt fur Wald Schnee und Land-
schaft 70:133-140
Renhorn K-E, Essen P-A, Palmqvist K, Sunberg B (1997) Growth and vitality of epi-
phytic lichens. Response to microclimate along a forest edge-interior gradient.
Oecologia 109:1-9
Scheidegger C, Frey B, Zoller B (1995) Transplantation of symbiotic propagules and
thallus fragments: methods for the conservation of threatened epiphytic lichen po-
pulations. Mitteilungen der Eidgenossischen Forschungsansalt fur Wald, Schnee
und Landschaft 70:41-62
Schuster G, Ott S, Jahns HM (1985) Artificial culture of lichens in the natural envir-
onment. Lichenologist 17:247-253
Smith RIL (1995) Colonization by lichens and the development of lichen-dominated
communities in the maritime Antarctic. Lichenologist 27:473-483
Vagts I, Kinder M (1999) The response of different Cladonia species after treatment
with fertiliser or lime in heathland. Lichenologist 31 :75-83
Woolhouse HW (1968) The measurement of growth rates in lichens. Lichenologist
lichen Compounds
Chapter 17 PROTOCOL
lichen substances, the most comprehensive being the recent book by Hu-
neck and Yoshimura (1996). The reader is referred to this and the other
publications for more detailed information and additional techniques
used in lichen chemistry (Santesson 1973; Leuckert 1984; White and James
1985; CF Culberson and Elix 1989). Table 1 presents a list of the classes of
secondary metabolites found in lichen-forming fungi.
TLC Equipment
- Capillary tubes
- Eppendorftubes
- Merck silica gel 60 F254 pre-coated glass-backed TLC plates (layer thick-
ness 0.25 mm) 20 x 20 cm
- Pasteur pipettes
- Pencil
- Safety glasses for UV lamp
- Spray gun
- TLC tanks
- UV lamp
- Identical to equipment described for TLC, with the exception of dif-
ferent plates and tanks
- Merck silica gel 60 F254 pre-coated glass-backed HPTLC plates
(layer thickness 0.20 mm, pore size 6 nm) 10 x 10 cm
- Developing chamber (Camag)
- Alternatively, a Nanomat (Camag) may be used, but manual appli-
cation is a more economic alternative.
- Cotton swabs or Milipore filter
- Eppendorf tubes
- Pasteur pipettes
- Micropistilles
- HPLC system, preferably connected to a computer for data storage,
with a UV detector, coupled with a photometer or photodiode array
- Autosampler and Autosampler vials (optional)
- Reversed phase C 18 column, 5 11m particle size, 250 x 4.6 mm, e.g.
Spherisorb 5 ODS 2 column (Kontron)
A B B'
180 ml toluene 130 ml hexane 140 ml hexane
45 ml dioxane 80 ml diethyl ether 72 ml methyl tert-butyl ether
5 ml acetic acid 20 ml formic acid 18 ml formic acid
170 ml toluene 75 ml cyclohexane 139 ml toluene
30 ml acetic acid 25 ml ethyl acetate 83 ml ethyl acetate
8 ml formic acid
- Acetone
- Solvent A = Double distilled water containing 1% ortho-phosphoric
- Solvent B = Methanol for HPLC
- Benzoic acid standard (10 mg/lOOO ml acetone)
- Solorinic acid standard (10 mg/lOOO ml acetone). Solorinic acid is not
commercially available and has to be isolated from Salarina cracea (see
e.g. Krog et al. 1980 or Moberg and Holmsen 1982 for illustrations) in
which it occurs in large amounts. Solorinic acid is responsible for the
strong orange coloration of the lower surface and is easily isolated in a
- 1. Prepare dry lichen material free of substrate and mortar to pow-
der. Extract with triple amount of acetone.
- 2. Fill extract into a column and elute column with acetone. The
elution of solorinic acid is easily seen by the strong coloration
and this fraction should be collected in large Petri dishes.
- 3. Evaporate the eluate until dry and wash carefully with diethyl
ether. For this, the Petri dishes should be inclined and the dry eluate
is carefully washed with diethyl ether using a pipette. Be careful not
to dissolve the solorinic acid. Discard the liquid.
- 4. Dissolve the residue with acetone and repeat steps 2-3 twice.
- 5. Control purity of solorinic acid using HPLC; if several peaks oc-
cur, repeat steps 2-3 until the solorinic acid is pure.
I Subprotocol 1
The basic methodology of standardised TLC analysis of secondary meta-
bolites in lichen-forming fungi has been described by CF Culberson and
Kristinsson (1970), CF Culberson (1972), and White and James (1985), and
the reader is referred to these publications for further information. Lists of
chromatographic data for lichen substances are available in book (Huneck
and Yoshimura 1996) or computer format (Elix et al. 1987, 1988; Mietzsch
et al. 1992, 1993).
Caution: Most solvents used are harmful, and great care should be ta-
ken throughout the procedure. Place the solvent tanks in a fume-cup-
board, and make all preparations in a fume-hood.
1. Place solvents in individual TLC tanks. The lid of the tanks should be
sealed with silicone grease in order to minimise evaporation of the sol-
vents. Record name and herbarium number of the lichen material to be
examined on data sheets. Carefully separate small fragments (about 5
mg) of the lichens to be examined and place each in a separate Eppen-
dorf tube. Add ca. 0.1 ml acetone or a sufficient amount of acetone to
moisten the fragments, and leave them to soak for at least 15 min. For
comparison, control substances or lichens known to contain the cor-
responding metabolite should be run on the same plate to facilitate
2. Number points with a soft pencil 1 em apart, 2 em above the base and
beginning 2 em from the edge of the plate to avoid edge effects. Spot
extract on TLC plate using a clean capillary tube on the corresponding
numbered point. Repeat this process if necessary. To ascertain whether
spots are sufficiently intense, it is advisable to check plates under short
wavelength UV light.
3. When using solvent A, B or B' a filter paper should be placed at the
back of the tank and saturated with the solvent to achieve uniform
vapour saturation throughout the tank. Place the TLC plate in the
tank with the silica-side facing the filter paper. When using solvent
B, B' or C it is necessary to pre-equilibrate the plate for 5 min with
60% formic acid vapour for solvents Band B' or for 10 min with glacial
acetic acid vapour for solvent C before elution. Ensure that the plate is
not wetted by the liquid dcids.
4. Fill tank with appropriate solvent system up to ca. 1 em height and
leave to stabilise for ca. 2 h. Then place the prepared plate into the
tank to start elution. The duration of the elution depends on the sol-
vent system and lasts for ca. 30-45 min.
5. After elution to ca. 18 em height, remove the plate from the tank, mark
the front of the solvent with a pencil, and air-dry for ca. 30 min in a
fume cupboard.
17 Analysis of Phenolic Products in Lichens for Identification and Taxonomy 287
6. Examine the dried plates initially in daylight for pigments that appear
as coloured spots. Record their position and colour. Then examine the
plates under short wavelength (A=254 nm) UV light, where all aromatic
substances can be easily observed as dark spots on a fluorescent back-
ground. Mark these spots with a pencil to distinguish them from non-
aromatic substances.
7. Plates may then be sprayed with water for screening of aliphatic acids.
Aliphatic acids produce opaque white spots against a dull background.
Subsequently spray the air-dried plates with 10% sulphuric acid. Alter-
natively, the plates may be directly sprayed with 10% sulphuric acid
until wet, left until they just begin to dry and then heated at 110°C
in an oven for ca. 5-10 min to develop spots. Overheating should
be avoided as this obscures the colours. The RF values and colours
of the spots should now be recorded as some colours may alter
with time. Extra purple or bluish spots may also appear - not visible
before spraying - these are non-aromatic terpenes and steroids. Sub-
sequently examine the spots under long wavelength (A=350 nm) UV
light. Strong spots represent major constituents, while compounds pre-
sent in minor quantities will produce weak spots.
8. Alternatively, other spraying reagents can be used for special purposes.
These include Archer's solution (a 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolone hydra-
zone hydrochloride solution) (Archer 1978), a stabilised PD reagent
(Steiner 1955) or anisaldehyde with sulphuric acid (Leuckert et al. 1979).
9. Calculate the absolute RF value as the ratio of the height of the centre of
the corresponding spot and the upper front of the solvent system. Al-
ternatively, the standardised method (CF Culberson 1972; White and
James 1985) utilises RF classes determined on each plate by a control
mixture of atranorin and norstictic acid so that accurate reproducibil-
ity of RF values is not required.
I Subprotocol 2
HPTLC is basically the same as standard TLC, but has some advantages,
including a shorter elution time (ca. 15-20 min), smaller amounts of li-
chens and solvents needed, and increased ability to detect compounds
present in traces. A detailed description of the application of this method
for lichen substances is given by Amp et al. (1993).
Subprotocol 3
HPLC is an ideal tool for detecting trace substances, analysing small sam-
ples, quantifying phenolic lichen metabolites, and providing structural in-
formation from retention characteristics. A standardised method for gra-
dient elution HPLC was developed by Feige et al. (1993) using a UV de-
tector coupled with a photometer. Yoshimura et al. (I994) described the
use of a photo diode array detector for HPLC analysis oflichen substances.
The latter methodology affords additional capabilities not available with a
simple UV detector.
to convert these into retention indices (RI) that remain stable during
the life-time of a column. For example, the RI value for the system
solorinic acid/benzoic acid is calculated as follows:
RI = Rt Peale - Rt BenzOlc. aCl"d xiOO
Equation I
RtSolorinic acid
5. The RI values in combination with UV spectral data can be used for the
identification oflichen substances using the lists or databases of chro-
matographic data cited above. However, it is imperative to compare
compounds being identified with authentic samples or with extracts
from authentic-source lichens.
TLC • Two solvent fronts are visible.
The solvents are aged and should be replaced by freshly prepared mix-
• All substances are present as faint spots.
The extracts were too dilute, and in a re-run more lichen material or
less acetone should be used.
• Substances are present as thick, smearing spots.
The extracts were too concentrated, and in a re-run less lichen material
or more acetone should be used.
• The mixture of lichen substances is very complex and the substances
are difficult to separate.
This problem is quite rare in the analysis of phenolic compounds (ex-
ceptions include the stictic acid complex) and is most commonly en-
countered when studying lichens containing numerous terpenes. In
these cases, two-dimensional TLC should be undertaken, as described
by Culberson and Johnson (1976).
• The RF values obtained differ from published results.
The commonest reason is the use of TLC tanks of unusual dimensions.
The tank commonly used for the standardised TLC method for lichen
products is the Desaga Standard Separating Chamber, which can be
obtained from Bodman. Desaga also makes a TLC Separating Chamber
that is cheaper but has a very different geometry and should not be
mistaken for the Standard Separating Chamber.
17 Analysis of Phenolic Products in Lichens for Identification and Taxonomy 291
Vl c:
c: 0
0 Q:i
400 ~
:!2 7
c: "0
(0 co
200 :§.
6 'C
1 4 ~ "0
~~1 I
- I I I I I
10 20 30 40 50
Time [min)
Fig. 1. Example of a HPLC chromatogram of a lichen (Lecanora epibryon ssp. broccha). The
extraction solvent acetone elutes first, the standards benzoic and solorinic acids elute be-
fore, respectively after most known lichen substances. 1 = constictic acid, 2 = cryptostictic
acid, 3 = stictic acid, 4 = gyrophoric acid, 5 = atranorin, 6 = chloroatranorin, 7 = 2,5,7-
Acknowledgements. Dr. Chicita Culberson (Durham, N.C.) and Professor John A. Elix (Can-
berra) are thanked for valuable comments on the manuscript.
Asahina Y, Shibata S (1954) Chemistry of Lichen Substances. Jap Soc Prom Sci Tokyo
Brodo IM (1978) Changing concepts regarding chemical diversity in lichens. Lichenol-
ogist 10: 1-11
Brodo IM (1986) Interpreting chemical variation in lichens for systematic purposes.
Bryologist 89:132-138
Culberson CF (1969) Chemical and Botanical Guide to Lichen Products. Chapel Hill:
Univ N Carolina Press
Culberson CF (1970) Supplement to Chemical and Botanical Guide to Lichen Products.
Bryologist 73:177-377
Culberson CF (1972) Improved conditions and new data for the identification oflichen
products by a standardized thin-layer chromatographic method. J Chromatogr
Culberson CF (1986) Biogenetic relationships of the lichen substances in the frame-
work of systematics. Bryologist 89:91-98
Culberson CF, Elix JA (1989) Lichen substances. In Harborne JB (ed): Methods in Plant
Biochemistry Vol. 1. Plant Phenolics, pp 509-535. London, San Diego: Academic
Culberson CF, Johnson A (1976) A standardized two-dimensional thin-layer chroma-
tographic method for lichen products. J Chromatogr 128:253-259
Culberson CF, Kristinsson H (1970) A standardized method for the identification of
lichen products. J Chromatogr 46:85-93
Culberson CF, Culberson WL, Johnson A (1977) Second Supplement to Chemical and
Botanical Guide to Lichen Products. St. Louis: Am Bryol Lichenol Soc, Miss Bot Gard
Culberson CF, Culberson WL, Johnson A (1981) A standardized TLC analysis of 15-
orcinol depsidones. Bryologist 84:16-29
Culberson WL (1969) The use of chemistry in the systematics of the lichens. Taxon
Culberson WL (1970) Chemosystematics and ecology oflichen-forming fungi. Ann Rev
Ecol Syst 1:153-170
Culberson WL (1986) Chemistry and sibling speciation in the lichen-forming fungi:
ecological and biological considerations. Bryologist 89:123-131
Culberson WL, Culberson CF (1970) A phylogenetic view of chemical evolution in the
lichens. Bryologist 73:1-31
Egan RS (1986) Correlations and non-correlations of chemical variation patterns with
lichen morphology and geography. Bryologist 89:99-110
Elix JA, Whitton AA, Sargent MV (1984) Recent progress in the chemistry of lichen
substances. Progr Chern Organ Nat Prod 45:103-234
Elix JA, Johnston J, Parker JL (1987) Mactabolites. Users Manual. 2nd edn. Canberra
Elix JA, Johnston J, Parker JL (1988) A computer program for the rapid identification of
lichen substances. Mycotaxon 31:89-99
Esslinger TL (1994) On the chemistry and distribution of Cladonia petrophila. Myco-
taxon 51:101-105
Feige GB, Lumbsch HT, Huneck S, Elix JA (1993) Identification oflichen substances by
a standardized high-performance liquid chromatographic method. J Chromatogr
646:417 -42 7
Hanko B (1983) Die Chemotypen der Flechtengattung Pertusaria in Europa. Bibl Li-
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Hawksworth DL (1976) Lichen chemotaxonomy. In Brown DH, Hawksworth DL, Bai-
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Huneck S (1971) Chemie und Biosynthese der Flechtenstoffe. Fortschr Chern Organ
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Huneck S (1973) Nature oflichen substances. In: Ahmadjian V and Hale ME (ed): The
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Huneck S (1984) Fortschritte der Chemie von Flechtenstoffen. Beih Nova Hedwigia
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Lawrey JD (1986) Biological role of lichen substances. Bryologist 89:111-122
Lawrey JD (1995) The chemical ecology of lichen mycoparasites. Can J Bot 73
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Leuckert C (1984) Die Identifizierung von Flechtenstoffen im Rahmen chemotaxono-
mischer Routineanalysen. Beih Nova Hedwigia 79:839-869
Leuckert C (1985) Probleme der Flechten-Chemotaxonomie - Stoffkombinationen und
ihre taxonomische Wertung. Ber Dtsch Bot Ges 98:401-408
Leuckert C, Knoph J-G (1992) European taxa of saxicolous Lecidella containing chlor-
oxanthones: identification of patterns using thin layer chromatography. Lichenol-
ogist 24:383-397
Leuckert C, Dolling K, Wolters W (1979) Chemische Flechtenanalysen. Herzogia 5:181-
Lumbsch HT (1998a) Taxonomic use of metabolic data in lichen-forming fungi. In:
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New York: Marcel Dekker
Lumbsch HT (1998b) The use of metabolic data in lichenology at the species and sub-
specific levels. Lichenologist 30:357-367
Mietzsch E, Lumbsch HT, Elix JA (1992) Wintabolites Users Manual. Essen
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17 Analysis of Phenolic Products in Lichens for Identification and Taxonomy 295
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ondary metabolites from lichen by high performance liquid chromatography with a
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Culture media
Potato Dextrose - Dissolve 39 g PDA in double distilled water, and make up to 1000 ml.
Agar (PDA) Use for isolations in tubes. I recommend PDA from Sigma (P2182).
Good for Umbilicaria.
18 Investigating the Production of Secondary Compounds in Cultured Lichen Mycobionts 299
For full details of how to isolate lichen mycobionts, see Chapter 1. For Lichen material
lichen species that are known to produce fruiting bodies only very rarely,
I recommend the following modified Yamamoto method (Yamamoto et
al. 1998, see also Chapter 2).
1. Excise pieces of thallus approx. 1 cm in diameter.
2. Wash in tap water and then in sterile double distilled water containing
a drop of the detergent Tween 80.
12. Cut circular plugs (approx. 1.5 cm in diameter) out from each of the
agar plates overgrown by the mycobionts.
13. Dry the samples overnight in a sterile hood (12-15 h), then store them
in a vacuum desiccator over P20 S'
14. Extract the dried agar discs with attached mycelia 5 times with approx.
3-5 ml acetone (40°C), then evaporate using a mini-vaporator (Supel-
co/Sigma) under a stream of nitrogen at reduced pressure (modified
after Culberson et al. 1992).
15. Just before analysis re-dissolve the extracts in acetone and centrifuge
briefly at approx. 7700 g.
16. Run a 40 min gradient from 80% to 15% (solvent A) followed by 20 min HPLC analysis
at 15% solvent A. Detect peaks at 270 nm.
17. Wash the column for 5 min with 5 % solvent A and re-equilibrate for
10 min at 80% solvent A (Narui et al. 1996).
18. Identify peaks using comparisons of voucher specimens and extracts
from samples serving as sources of specific compounds. See also Chap-
ter 17.
19. Peak identity can also be confirmed by TLC using the three solvent TLC confirmation
systems described by Culberson and Ammann (1979). See also Chap-
ter 17.
Very little information exists on the production of secondary metabolites
in cultured mycobionts. Originally, pure cultures of mycobionts were not
believed to form these substances. However, recent research has suggested
that it is likely that the production of the whole chemical spectrum of com-
pounds present in intact thalli can be induced in cultured mycobionts.
Zorer et aI. (1997) reported production of secondary metabolites in nat-
ural diaspores (soredia) and soredia-like developmental stages in resynth-
esis cultures. It seems that culture conditions that promote some form of
differentiation, e.g. the formation of resynthesis stages (hyphal network to
house the algal partner) or podetia (highly differentiated fungal structures
for reproduction) will stimulate secondary metabolite production. The
following results are based upon my own observations of Cladonia, Tham-
nolia and Umbilicaria. These notes may help to decide which environmen-
18 Investigating the Production of Secondary Compounds in Cultured Lichen Mycobionts 303
Field grown Umbilicaria species are known to contain gyrophoric, leca- Umbilicaria
noric and umbilicaric acids (Narui et. al. 1996), a result confirmed by ana-
~ A
0 n::
.A J.. A LA-
E () n:: B
c w >-
.....I <.!)
C :J
..0 k~~
A '--
~ «ca
10 20 30
Retention time (min)
18 Investigating the Production of Secondary Compounds in Cultured Lichen Mycobionts 305
lysis of the intact thallus in the present study. Isolated Umbilicaria my-
cobionts showed the best growth rates on PDA. The production of second-
ary metabolites only occurred in very dry cultures, when the cultures had
stopped growing, after an incubation period of 6 months. Desiccation was
achieved by slow evaporation of the medium. Under these conditions, U.
mammulata produced gyrophoric and umbilicaric acids. Surprisingly, in
U. virginis these acids were only formed in cultures that, in addition to
being desiccated, were regularly refrigerated for 1-2 weeks at -23°C after
determined periods, e.g. every 6 weeks. Fig. 1.5 illustrates the appearance
of these cultures, while Fig. 2B illustrates the compounds present.
Crittenden PD, Porter N (1991) Lichen forming fungi: potential sources of novel me-
tabolites. Tr Biotech 9: 409-414
Crittenden PD, David JC, Hawksworth DL, Campbell FS (1995) Attempted isolation
and success in the culturing of a broad spectrum of lichen-forming and lichenico-
lous fungi. New Phyt 130: 267-297
Culberson CF, Armaleo D (1992) Induction of a complete secondary-product pathway
in a cultured lichen fungus. Exp Mycol 16: 52-63
Culberson CF, Ammann K (1979) Standartmethode zur Diinnschichtchromatographie
von Flechtensubstanzen. Herzogia 5: 1-24
Culberson CF, Elix JA (1989) Lichen Substances. In: Harborne JB (ed) Methods in Plant
Biochemistry. Vol. 1. Plant Phenolics, Academic Press, London, San Diego, pp 509 -
Culberson CF, Culberson WL, Johnson A (1977) Second Supplement to Chemical and
Botanical Guide to Lichen Products: The American Bryological and Lichenological
Society, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
Culberson CF, Culberson WL, Johnson A (1992) Characteristic lichen products in cul-
tures of chemotypes of the Ramalina siliquosa complex. Mycologia 84: 705-714
Elix JA (1996) Biochemistry and secondary metabolites. In: Nash Th (ed) Lichen Bio-
logy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 154-180
Subprotocol 1
Isoelectridocussing of Proteins
Removal of phenolics
Mechanical disruption
Extraction of proteins .. Preparing
+ Gel / / J
Dialysis making
Staining ~ Photography ~ Scoring
Fig.!. Summary of operations involved in analysis of lichen proteins using isoelectric-
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 309
Stock solutions
Stir the solution until clear, and then make up to 100 ml with dd water
and filter. Use within 2 weeks.
Note: Acrylamide and bisacrylamide are dangerous if inhaled or con-
tacted by skin. Wear a dust mask, goggles, lab coat and gloves when
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 311
- 3.1 ml of 0.1 M HCI (8.08 ml concentrated HCl made up to 1000 ml with 0.05 M Tris buffer,
dd H20) pH 8.5
- 5 ml 0.2 M THAM (12.12 g tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane made up
to 500 ml with dd H20)
- 91.9 ml dd H 20
- Anode solution (0.1 M glutamic acid in 0.5 M phosphoric acid) Electrode solutions
- 0.44 g glutamic acid for pH 4 - 6 gels
- 1 ml concentrated phosphoric acid
- 28.5 ml dd H 20
- 1.0 ml of dd H 20
Gelling solution for one gel, pH 4 - 6
- lO ml acrylamide / BIS stock solution
- 3.5 ml 87% glycerol (8.7 ml glycerol plus 1.3 ml dd H20)
- 0.2 ml Ampholine 3.5 - 5
- 0.9 ml Ampholine 4 - 6
- 0.4 ml Ampholine 6 - 8
- 15.8 ml dd H20
Mix the solution well and slowly degas in a 125 ml side-arm Erlenmeyer
flask. Degassing the solution for a single gel takes lO min on a vacuum line,
but twice the time is needed for a double batch.
Preparation of gels 1. Place a plastic gel supporting sheet, hydrophilic side up, on a glass
moulding plate at least 3 mm thick and sized to produce gels that
fit the electrophoresis apparatus. Be sure to use the correct side of
the gel-support sheet; the hydrophilic side permits a fine spray of water
to run off easily as opposed to beading up.
2. Around the edge of a moulding plate place a rubber or neoprene gasket
0.07 mm thick coated with a thin film of silicone lubricant. If gel is
being moulded directly on glass without a hydrophilic gel support,
the glass must be extremely clean and coated with a product such
as Silane A174 to promote adhesion.
3. Place a second 3 mm glass plate, with the inside coated with Repel
Silane, on top of the gasket. Sandwich the gasket between plates by
placing strong clamps on all sides (Fig. 2), leaving a temporary opening
in one corner so the gelling solution can be poured into the mould.
4. Immediately pipette 0.15 ml of fresh lO% ammonium persulphate into
the flask containing gelling solution. Swirl the flask gently to mix and
avoid introducing bubbles.
5. Immediately pour the gelling solution through a syringe into the gel
mould. To prevent bubble formation, hold the gel mould at an angle so
that filling proceeds from one corner.
6. Close the gasket, place a clamp over the opening and leave the mould in
a vertical position for 1 h to polymerise. The clamps can serve as legs
(Fig. 2).
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 313
7. Unclamp the mould and lay it horizontally, plastic backing down, for
30 min at 4°C to facilitate gel release.
8. Remove the gel from the completely dismantled mould and rinse with
dd H20. Use immediately or wrap well in two layers of good quality
self-sealing plastic food wrap and store at 4°C. Such gels can be stored
for at least two or three months.
lichen material
1. Before grinding, place each sample in a separate beaker, cover with Removal of extra-
acetone, and agitate at low speed on a shaker for 20 min. cellular phenolics
Fig. 2. Gel moulding apparatus. A = plate glass; B = neoprene gasket; C = opening in gasket
to allow gelling solution to be inserted into mould; D = heavy-duty pressure clips; E = upper
meniscus of the gelling solution after mould is filled; F = syringe; arrow = direction of flow
of gelling solution into the apparatus.
2. Pour off acetone as waste and repeat the process 3 more times. Reclaim
waste acetone by distillation and use again.
3. Samples are now free of extracellular phenolics and should not be left
at room temperature. Freeze immediately and store at -l7°C or colder.
4. In addition to material under active investigation, extracts from an
already characterised sample should be analysed at the same time,
as a standard or reference.
Mechanical S. The night before extraction, leave the Dewar bucket as well as mortar
disruption of thalli and pestles empty in a freezer at approximately -17°C.
6. When starting the extraction procedure, place a small amount of liquid
nitrogen in the mortar, with pestle, to cool it further.
7. Place each lichen sample in the mortar and grind vigorously in liquid
nitrogen. For each sample use two successive applications of liquid
nitrogen, both sufficient to cover lichen material.
8. Place the resulting powders in small glass vials with screw top lids, label
and store at -20°e. These should probably be analysed within 3 - 4
9. Between successive samples, brush the mortar and pestle with a clean
brush to remove traces of the last sample.
10. If extraction is not anticipated within a few weeks, freeze acetone-ex-
tracted samples directly without liquid nitrogen treatment, then grind
in nitrogen either a few days before protein extraction begins or on the
same day.
Extraction of The extraction of proteins, which is described in the following steps takes
proteins from approximately 8 h, during which time samples must always be kept at 4°C
lichens or less. Begin extraction in the morning, so samples will be ready for dia-
lysing overnight. IEF will occupy all of the following day.
n. Place two mortars and pestles in a freezer, to be used alternately. While
one is used for grinding, keep the other at approximately -17°C.
12. Weigh out 0.45 g oflichen powder for each sample; as many as 20 - 24
samples can be run together on the same gel so no more than this
should be extracted on the same day.
13. Label a corresponding number of 50 ml centrifuge tubes (e.g. 22) and
place in crushed ice. Unbreakable polycarbonate tubes are convenient.
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 315
14. First grind the powdered lichen with 1.5 ml of 0.06 M phosphate buffer
pH 6.6 in a mortar and pestle for approximately 1 min. Then add an
additional 2.5 ml buffer one drop at a time to rinse the mortar walls.
Grind further with each addition of buffer.
15. Pour the total of approximately 4 ml of slurry into a motorized 15 ml
Wheaton tissue grinder seated in crushed ice, and vigorously grind for
4 min (Fig. 3).
16. Pour the slurry into one of the cold 50 ml centrifuge tubes while the
tube remains in ice.
17. Add an additional 5 - 10 ml of buffer drop wise to the sludge on the
sides and bottom of the grinder, grind for about 0.5 min with each
Fig. 3. Standard variable-speed electric drill mounted with a Wheaton tissue grinder for
grinding lichen material. Shaft of the grinder (TG) extends into an ice bucket where sample
is macerated in a ground glass tube at no more than 4c C. LN = approved vessel for holding
liquid nitrogen.
addition, and combine all slurries from each sample in the same poly-
carbonate tube.
18. Make up two 1000 ml solutions of 1 % glycine in large beakers (10 g
glycine in 1000 ml dd H20), and cover both. Place on a magnetic stirrer
at about 4°C until needed for the next major operation, which is re-
moval of salts through dialysis.
Centrifugation to 19. Balance the samples in centrifuge tubes with buffer and spin at 12400 g
spin down cell for 20 min in the centrifuge at 4°C to remove cell fragments.
20. Place the tubes back in ice and take off the supernatants with pasteur
pipettes. If the pellet is loose, a longer period of centrifugation may be
used to compact it; otherwise it may be necessary to pass supernatants
through coarse (C type) 3 ml sintered glass filter funnels, an operation
that must also take place at 4°C.
Precipitation of 21. Collect each supernatant in a 25 ml cold graduated cylinder to deter-
protein mine its volume.
22. Use 0.561 g of ammonium sulphate to precipitate protein from each
1 ml of supernatant; calculate the amounts of ammonium sulphate
needed for the volumes involved. Weigh ammonium sulphate and
add to cooled and numbered 50 ml beakers, along with a small mag-
netic "flea" or stirring bar in each.
23. Add the supernatant from each sample to the appropriate beaker, and
stir magnetically for 2 h at 4°C to ensure that crystals of ammonium
sulphate are completely dissolved. With practice it is possible to get the
ammonium sulphate in 3-4 beakers mixing simultaneously on one
magnetic stirrer.
Protein 24. Place numbered 15 ml centrifuge tubes in crushed ice to cool. Larger
centrifugation tubes do not seem to work well at this stage, as the resulting protein
pellets are usually not hard enough.
25. Remove stir bars magnetically from beakers containing the ammo-
nium sulphate and pour each extract into a cold tube and spin
down at 12 100 g for 40 min at 4°C.
26. Pour off and discard supernatants.
Dialysis 27. While the protein centrifugation is in progress, prepare to dialyse the
proteins being precipitated by soaking one 12 cm length of dialyser
tubing per sample in hot 10% acetic acid solution for approximately
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 317
30 min. Do not overheat, as the tubing will become weak and tend to
28. Rinse the strips of dialyser tubing thoroughly inside and outside with
dd H20 and leave them to soak in 1% glycine.
29. Resuspend each protein pellet in 1 ml cold 0.06 M pH 6.6 phosphate
buffer, and remove lumps by repeatedly sucking in and out of a pipette.
30. Tie a knot close to the end of each length of tubing, introduce a protein
extract into the tube by pipette and knot the tube at the other end.
Position the two knots as close together as possible. This restricts
the volume attainable during dialysis and maintains higher protein
31. Use coloured plastic paper clips to distinguish samples from one an-
other in tubing, and submerge them in a covered 1 I beaker of 1% gly-
cine. Dialyse on a magnetic stirrer at 4°C for 2 h.
Fig. 4. Electrophoresis apparatus (A) connected to power supply (P) and cooling bath (C).
To facilitate cooling, A and C are placed close together so the length of hose connecting them
is minimized, and hose is covered with insulating material.
32. After 2 h, place dialysis tubes in fresh 1% glycine solution. Dialyse over-
night at 4°C.
Pre run 33. Turn on the cooling system at least 30 min before electrofocussing, and
set to maintain a temperature of 3 - 4°C (Fig. 4).
34. If the electrophoretic apparatus has no grid on which to orient the gel,
spread a few drops of paraffin oil into a thin mm on the back of a grid
or template and apply to the electrophoresis bed. The beds of units
marked with a permanent grid require no additional template.
35. Carefully roll a polyacrylamide gel, usually pH 4.0 - 6.5, onto the bed
(with or without a template). Start from the middle, so that bubbles
beneath the gel support can be more easily eliminated.
36. On two separate pieces of foil (or plastic mm) apply anode and cathode
solutions to the appropriate electrode strips cut to size. The strips
should be evenly wetted by the electrolytic solutions, but apply no
more solution than can be absorbed. Use separate scissors to cut strips
to the appropriate lengths and clean forceps to apply each of the strips
to opposite ends of the gel.
37. Assemble the electrophoretic apparatus (Fig. 4) by positioning the lid
and connecting the electrical leads. When the electrodes are in close
contact with the saturated electrode strips throughout their length,
turn on the power.
38. A 1 h pre-run is performed without lichen samples, and during this
step the power is maintained at 1.0 W, creating a pH gradient across
the gel [Recall: Volts x Amps = Watts (power)]. Reduce the power set-
ting proportionately for partial gels, i.e., 112, 1/3, etc.
Centrifugation to 39. Pipette dialysed protein extracts into cold numbered 15 ml centrifuge
remove debris tubes, and spin down at 12400 g for 40 min at 4°C to remove undis-
solved debris.
40. Immediately pipette off supernatants containing protein into 5 ml
tubes placed in ice and maintain at approximately 4°C until used
for IEF.
loading electro- 41. Have 5 x 10 mm holes machined into 2 mm thick polycarbonate strips
focussing gel to serve as re-useable wells for application of samples. Such wells ac-
commodate a larger volume of extract than many other application
systems and thus tend to compensate for lower concentrations of pro-
tein in sample solutions. If carefully cleaned in detergent and rinsed in
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 319
alcohol, such plastic starting gate strips adhere well and do not permit
leakage of extract.
42. Use forceps to press sample starting gates firmly into position on the
gel, usually near the cathode end (Fig. 5) of the electrical field.
43. In addition to the samples being analysed on each gel, run two appli-
cations of a reference extract containing previously characterised en-
zyme bands.
44. Leave a strip 1.5 cm wide without samples on one edge of the gel to
allow an area for pH measurements to be made following the run.
45. If samples on one gel are to be stained for different enzymes, record the
positions on the template corresponding to where the gel should be
46. Load 0.25 ml of sample into each sample well.
Fig. 5. Polyacrylamide gel set up on bed of electrophoresis apparatus, with electrode strips
applied at the cathode (-) and anode (+) ends. The large arrow on the left indicates plastic
sample application strips, near the cathode, with reservoirs for up to 23 samples. The shaft of
the large arrow extends into space reserved on the left edge of the gel for documenting the
pH gradient developed during IEF. Insulated connections to the bath containing coolant
appear on the right.
47. Cover unused extract remaining in tubes with "Parafilm" and store in
freezer in case further IEF separations are needed for clarification.
48. Close the lid of the electrophoresis apparatus, connect the electrodes
and turn on the power.
49. Determine the concentration protein in supernatants following centri-
fugation using, for example, a Biorad protein assay kit. This is parti-
cularly necessary if no stained products are being detected; a protein
assay may indicate if the concentration in extracts is too low. Activity
of at least some enzymes is usually detectable if the concentration of
protein exceeds 1 mg ml- I .
The run 50. For the first 30 min maintain the power close to 1.8 W for a full-width
gel, reducing the power proportionately for partial gels.
51. After 30 min increase the power for a full gel to 4 - 6 W. However, the
gel should remain at approximately 2 - 3°C, and certainly not more
than 4°C. If temperature climbs, as on hot or humid days, lower
the voltage, otherwise enzymes may be denatured and fail to stain.
52. One h after the start of a run, turn the power off momentarily and
remove the starting gates with clean forceps.
53. Gently absorb excess liquid from the gel surface by wiping toward the
cathode with small pieces of thick filter paper. This removes pigmented
deposits that could cause streaking on the gel.
54. Protein bands are usually focussed after 3 h, and at this time 5 x 10 mm
pieces of the gel are excised at 1 cm intervals down one side. Place each
in a covered test tube with 1 ml dd H20 at 4°C for a few h or overnight.
55. Mix contents of test tubes well, allow them to reach room temperature
and then take pH readings.
56. After excising gel pieces for pH testing, re-focus for 10 min before the
power supply is turned off finally.
57. Open the apparatus and carefully remove and discard electrode strips.
58. For proper orientation of the gel during subsequent analysis, mark the
upper right-hand corner of each gel by cutting off a small piece with a
59. Rinse the gel in dd water and transfer to staining container(s).
19 Analysing Lichen Enzymes by Isoelectricfocussing 321
60. Rinse electrode wires with dd H20 and dry carefully with lab tissue (e.g.
Kimwipes) after every run. Use a separate piece of clean tissue for each
Subprotocol 2
Isozyme Staining
De-staining solution
- 800 ml dd H20
- 300 ml ethanol
- 100 ml glacial acetic acid
Alkaline phosphatase
Acid phosphatase
4. Continue staining for another 5 min and check the gel for more bands.
5. If bands are faint, a new staining solution may be mixed and the gel
incubated for a further 20 - 30 min.
6. Check periodically and do not allow over-staining.
7. When bands begin to diffuse, remove gel from stain, and rinse in dd
H20. Then place on a shaker covered with dd H20 and 50 ml of de-
staining solution.
8. Make a second drawing after 1 - 2 h. Gel should be left overnight and a
third drawing made in the morning. All drawings should be combined
into one. Photograph the gel at the time of each drawing.
Carbonic anhydrase
This method is based on Brewer and Sing (1970). The procedure is the
same as for esterase, but Na a-napthyl acetate is substituted for a-napthyl
1. Incubate gel for 2 - 3 h, but watch carefully so as not to over-stain.
2. Reddish-pink band should appear.
3. If bands are poorly developed, try doubling the amount of Na
a-napthyl acetate and fast blue RR salt.
Superoxide dismutase
Subprotocol 3
Photography and Tracing of Gels
1. Set the ASA appropriately, at 120 for Plus-X, and with the shutter speed
set at 125, openings of f8, fl1 and fl6 should be used for each exposure.
For best results illuminate gels evenly from below.
2. Clearly label gels to indicate enzyme and run number and display in each
photo, along with a metric ruler placed adjacent to one edge of the gel.
Fig. 6. Gels showing 18 samples stained for a) mannitol dehydrogenase and b) esterase.
- = cathode end of gel; + = anode.
5. Wipe any oil off the lower surface of the backing and cover the gel
neatly with two independent layers of plastic food wrap film.
6. If carefully sealed and stored in a covered box at 4°C, a gel will be pro-
tected from dehydrating appreciably for several weeks.
Subprotocol 4
Scoring of Gels
Vallejos CE (1983) Enzyme activity staining. In: Tanksley SD, Orton TJ (eds)Isozymes
in plant genetics and breeding, Part A. Elsevier Press, Amsterdam New York, pp 469-
Winter A, Ek K, Andersson U-B (1977) Analytical electrofocusing in thin layers of
polyacrylamide gels. LKB Application Note 250, LKB, Bromma, Sweden
In all living organisms lipids play several roles, and according to their
structures they can be divided into two main groups: the neutral lipids
(acylglycerols, sterols, free fatty acids, wax and steryl esters) and polar
lipids (phospholipids, glycolipids and betaine lipids). Triacylglycerols
act as a compact, easily metabolised and non-hydrated energy store.
Waxes are commonly extracellular components such as the surface cover-
ing, which function both to reduce water loss and to protect plants from
noxious environmental conditions (Harwood 1998). Polar lipids and ster-
ols are important structural components of all cell membranes. Also, there
are many examples of what could be termed biologically active lipids (e.g.,
inositol lipids, sphingolipids, oxidation products). In recent years, scien-
tists have started to realize that lipid metabolism is a key factor in the
adaptation mechanisms of many organisms to environmental and anthro-
pogenic stress. In lichens, the importance of their lipids in the response
and adaptation to environmental factors such as temperature, elevation,
light, high levels of radiation, and sulphur have been studied (Dertien et aL
1977, Piervittori et al. 1995, Bychek and Bychek 1996, Shapiro et al. 1998,
Bychek-Guschina et aL 1999). The present chapter will describe methods
of lipid analysis that are available for many laboratories and have been
used by the author for extraction, separation and quantification of basic
Irina A. Bychek-Guschina, Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin RAS, Togliatti,
445003, Russia (phone +7-8482- 489389; fax +7-8482-489504;
e-mail [email protected])
20 Analysis of Lipids in Lichens 333
I Subprotocol 1
Lipid Extraction
The aim of lipid extraction procedures is to extract lipids quantitatively
and without contamination by non-lipid components.
1. Cut lichen thalli (about 0.5 g fresh weight) into small pieces.
Subprotocol 2
Separation of Total lipid Extract by Column Chromatography
Usually the lipid extracts from many lichen species contain large amounts
of pigments and coloured organic-soluble lichen products. These com-
pounds prevent clear separation of the total lipid extract into individual
lipid classes by thin layer chromatography. Because of this, an initial se-
paration of total lipids by column chromatography (Christie 1982) is quite
helpful for the subsequent analysis of individual lipids.
20 Analysis of Lipids in Lichens 335
- Glass column of 1 cm diameter with glass wool in the lower part to Equipment
support the adsorbent
I Subprotocol 3
HPTLC of Polar lipids
Although separation of polar lipids may be carried out by various tech-
niques (Cartwright 1993; Henderson and Tocher 1992) two-dimensional
high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) on pre-coated 10 x
10 or 6 x 6 cm plates with silica gel G as adsorbent is one of most useful for
the analytical separation of individual lipid classes in lichens.
10. Spray the developed plate with the appropriate lipid detection reagent
(a full description of the reagents for identification of lipids on TLC
plates is present in Kates 1972 and Christie 1982):
• For identification of all phospholipids spray the plate with the
working reagent for the phosphorus assay (Subprotocol 6): after
a few minutes, the phospholipid-containing spots appear as dark
blue bands or spots;
• Lipids with free amino groups (phosphatidylethanolamine, phos-
phatidylserine and the related lyso compounds) can be detected
after spraying the plate with 0.25% ninhydrin in acetone: the amino
lipids appear as pink-purple spots within 1-2 h at room temperature
or within 15 min if the plates are heated to about 100°C;
• Phosphatidylcholine, lyso-phosphatidylcholine and diacylglyceryl-
trimethylhomoserine appear after a few minutes as orange or yel-
low coloured spots after spraying the plate with the Dragendorff
2nd direction
e PE
- OPG . PG
Pl ~ LPC
PA ps- •
Fig. 1. Schematic two-dimensional HPTLC of polar lipids of lichens. Solvent systems: lSI
dimension, development with chloroform' methanol' benzene' 28% ammonium hydro-
xide (65:30:10:6, by volume) to Fj ; 2nd dimension; development with chloroform' methanol
'benzene' acetone' acetic acid (70:30:10:5:4:1, by volume) to Fz. Abbreviations: 0, origin;
PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PG, phosphatidylglycerol; DPG,
diphosphatidylglycerol; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PS, phosphatidylserine; PA, phosphatidic
acid; LPC, lysophosphatidylcholine; LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamine; DGTS, diacylgly-
ceryltrimethylhomoserine; MGDG, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol; DGDG, digalactosyldia-
cylglycerol; SQDG, sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol. MGDG, DGDG and SQDG appear
when total lipid extract is separated. Trace amount of these lipids appear when phospho
plus betaine lipid fraction is separated.
20 Analysis of Lipids in Lichens 339
Subprotocol 4
TlC of Neutral lipids
The best method for separating and quantifying the neutral lipids of li-
chens after column fractionation involves using one-dimensional TLC
on 10 x 10 or 20 x 20 cm silica gel G plates, and two different sequential
solvent mixtures.
F]I-- ___..-- - ! SE
0 o
Fig.2. Schematic one-dimensional separation of neutral lipids (A) and glycolipids (B). A:
Solvent systems: toluene/hexane/formic acid (140:60:1) to FI and hexane/diethyl ether/for-
mic acid (60:40:1) to h B: acetone/benzene/water (91:30:8). Abbreviations: 0, origin; MAG,
monoacylglycerols; DAG, diacylglycerols; FS, free sterols; FFA, free fatty acids; TAG, tria-
cylglycerols; WE, wax esters; SE, steryl esters, MGDG, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol; DGDG,
digalactosyldiacylglycerol; SQDG, sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol.
I Subprotocol 5
TLC of Glycolipids
One-dimensional TLC on 10 x 10 em silica gel G plates is more useful for
separation of individual glyeolipids of lichens followed by column chro-
2. Apply 1-3 mg of each lipid sample as a streak (0.5 cm wide) 1.0 cm from
the bottom edge of the plate.
3. Develop the plate in a tank containing one from the above mentioned
(lor II) solvent mixtures.
4. Remove the plate when the solvent front is about 0.5 - 0.7 cm from top
edge, and dry it in air or under nitrogen.
5. For identification of glycolipids spray the plate with a-naphthol solu-
tion, air dry and re-spray lightly with 95% sulphuric acid.
6. Heat the plate to 120°C until purple - blue colour develops (Figure 2B).
Subprotocol 6
Determination of Phospholipids After TLC Separation
After separation by HPTLC, phospholipids can be determined by the
phosphorus assay that is sensitive to )..lmolar quantities (Vaskovsky et
al. 1975).
Equipment - Centrifuge
- Spectrophotometer
20 Analysis of Lipids in Lichens 343
Subprotocol 7
Determination of Esters After TlC Separation
Ester bonds in triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols, wax
and steryl esters, phospholipids, glycolipids and betaine lipids are deter-
mined by a modification of the method of Snyder and Stephens 1959 (see
also Higgins 1987).
Equipment - Desiccator
- Centrifuge
20 Analysis of Lipids in Lichens 345
- Spectrophotometer
- Heating block
1. After TLC separation (SubprotocoI4), dry the plate and then place it in
a sealed desiccator of suitable size containing a few crystals of iodine.
The lipids appear as brown - yellow spots or bands. This may take
about 5 - 20 minutes depending on the amount of lipids. Outline
the lipid spots with a soft pencil and allow the iodine to fade. This
may be accelerated by warming the plate. Residual traces of iodine
will not interface with the subsequent Snyder and Stephen's method.
2. Scrape the ester bonds containing lipids and a blank into the test tubes.
Bychek lA, Bychek EA (1996) Effect of illumination conditions on lipid and fatty acid
composition of the lichen Parmelia tinctina. Biochemistry (Moscow) 61: 629-634
Bychek-Guschina lA, Kotlova ER, Heipieper H (1999) Effects of sulphur dioxide on
lichen lipids and fatty acids. Biochemistry (Moscow) 64: 61-65
Cartwright I J (1993) Separation and analysis of phospholipids by thin layer chroma-
tography. In: Graham J M, Higgins J A (eds) Biomembrane protocols. I Isolation and
analysis. Methods in molecular biology, vol 19. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey,
pp 153-167.
Christie WW (1982) Lipid analysis 2nd edn. Pergamon Press, Oxford
Dertien BK, De Kok LJ, Kuiper P (1977) Lipid and fatty acid composition of tree-grow-
ing and terrestrial lichens. Physiol Plant 40: 175-180
Garbus J, De Luca HF, Loomans ME, Strong FM (1963) The rapid incorporation of
phosphate into mitochondrial lipids. J BioI Chern 238:59-63
Harwood JL (1998) What's so special about plant lipids? In: Harwood JL (ed) Plant lipid
biosynthesis. Fundamental and agricultural applications. University Press, Cam-
bridge, pp 1-29
Henderson RJ, Tocher DR (1992) Thin-layer chromatography. In: Hamilton RJ, Ha-
milton S (eds) Lipid analysis. A practical approach. University press, Oxford, pp 65-
Higgins JA (1987) Separation and analysis of membrane lipid components. In: Findlay
JBC, Evans WH (eds) Biological membranes: a practical approach. IRL-Press, Ox-
ford, pp 103-137
20 Analysis of Lipids in Lichens 347
Possible fungal There are some prominent components of lichens and fungi that can be
markers used as such markers, namely chlorophyll for the photobiont, and chitin as
well as ergosterol for the fungus. Ergosterol is the principal sterol of fungal
plasma membranes (cf. Griffin 1994 and references therein) and it has
been demonstrated that this component is also well correlated with basal
respiration rates of lichens (Sundberg et al. 1999). However, it is possible
that ergosterol may also be a constituent of some lichen photobionts
(Goodwin, 1974), so further studies are needed to resolve whether ergos-
terol is unique for the fungus.
Chitin is the beta (1-4)-linked polymer ofN-acetyl-glucosamine, being
a cell wall component of most fungi (cf. Griffin 1994). Chitin is synthesised
vectorially through the fungal plasma membrane by a transmembrane
synthase. This synthase accepts glucosamine precursors from the cytosol,
feeding and polymerizing them through the plasma membrane and into
the wall (Gooday 1995). Depending on the fungal species, chitin content in
relation to other cell wall compounds is highly variable (cf. Griffin 1994),
and at least among lichens it appears that chitin content in relation to
other cell wall components is higher in species with access to cyanobac-
terial N2 fixation (Schlarmann et al. 1990, Palmqvist et al. 1998). Chitin
content also varies within species, a trait that can vary with the nitrogen
status of the individual thallus (Sundberg et al. 2001).
As for ergosterol, chitin quantification of lichens is still a developing
field. Therefore, new applications will become evident as soon as more
data is available. For mycorrhizal associations for instance, it has been
shown that the ratio of ergosterol to chitin may be used as an indicator
of the proportion of metabolically active to inactive fungal biomass in
plant roots (Ekblad et al. 1998).
This chapter describes how the above two components can be extracted HPlC techniques
and quantified from intact lichen thalli, starting with material collected
from the field. Some simplified guidelines for how these two components
can be directly related to lichen biomass or area are also given in Subpro-
tocol l.
The ergosterol assay (SubprotocoI2) was originally developed for fungi
as described by Salmanowicz and Nylund (1988) and results in the extrac-
tion of what has been referred to as free ergosterol (Martin et al. 1990), i.e.
the ergosterol pool that is most easily extracted from fungal tissue. See also
Goad and Akihisa (1997) for a comprehensive survey of sterol analysis
The chitin assay (Subprotocol 3) was developed by Ekblad and Nas-
holm (1996), and is based on the hydrolysis of chitin and the subsequent
production of a fluorescent 9-fluorenylmethylchloroformate (FMOC)-de-
rivative of glucosamine. The method is very sensitive and the resulting
derivative is stable for several days. The major problem with this method
is working with the FMOC, which is highly toxic, requiring careful hand-
350 LENA DAHLMAN et al.
Subprotocol 1
Quantification of Thallus Area and Dry Weight and How
to Prepare Lichen Tissue for Subsequent Extraction
1. The area of most foliose and some fruticose lichens can be measured by Area determination
making a photocopy of the thallus, an alternative, if the lichen is too
thick to fit into the leaf-area meter directly. Measure the area when the
lichen is hydrated and fully expanded, which will then be a measure of
its projected area when being metabolically active. Flatten the lichen
gently and place it on the photocopier. Close the lid and make a copy.
Check that the copy and the lichen have equal sizes.
2a. Cut the copy from the paper and measure its area in a leaf area meter.
Alternatively, weigh the copy and compare with the weight of a known
area cut out from the same piece of paper.
2b. Alternatively, lichen area can also be determined with a computer
scanner, or any other leaf area device connected to a computer
with image analysis software. Many lichens are too thick also for these
devices, however. Therefore, making a photocopy may be an alterna-
tive also in this case.
3. Dry the thallus according to one of the methods described below; the Dry weight
choice of method will depend on the final application and/or future use determination
of the lichen.
- Air-drying over night is a mild method suitable if the thallus is to be
rewetted and used for further metabolic measurements or for field
- Freeze-drying is the best choice when no further physiological mea-
surements will be made, amethod that is also better than dryingathigh
temperature in an oven if one wishes to quantify sub-cellular com-
pounds, because oven drying can destroy or modify cell components.
352 LENA DAHLMAN et al.
4. Pulverize the dried lichen either in a ball mill or a mortar. In the latter
case, a homogenous powder will be obtained if the thallus is placed in a
chilled mortar and liquid nitrogen is added. If using a ball mill, it is
advisable to chill cylinders and other devices in a freezer or with liquid
nitrogen prior to pulverization. This way, excessive breakdown of the
different sub cellular compounds (e.g. ergosterol) will, as far as pos-
sible, be avoided.
5. Store the dried and pulverized lichen material in sealed vials and in
boxes with silica gel in darkness, in a deep freezer, preferably at
-80°C or in liquid nitrogen, altough -20°C is also possible for shorter
Subprotocol 2
Ergosterol Extraction and Detection
- Vortex
- Centrifuge for Eppendorf vials
- Balance with precision to nearest 0.01 mg
- Eppendorf tubes (l.5 ml) with screw cap
carrying out Steps 3 and 4 (cf. Nylund and Wallander 1992). To extract
also the bound fraction of ergosterol it is possible to use the procedure
of Salmanowicz and Nylund (1988) whereby the sample is heated in
KOH. This way, an additional 5% of the total ergosterol pool could
be extracted.
Pellet contains 6. Collect all supernatants and transfer to a new Eppendorf tube and save
chitin the pellet if chitin analysis will be made. For HPLC analysis at least 50 ).11
(see next step) is required. The supernatant can be stored in a deep
freezer for a maximum of 1-2 days, but it is advisable to perform
the analysis immediately after extraction.
Separation and 7. Pipette sufficient sample (ca. 100 ).11) into a coloured vial, protecting the
detection extracted ergosterol from light. Set the auto injector to 50 ).11, and se-
parate the ergosterol on a reversed phase ODS ultra sphere column
using methanol as the mobile phase. Set flow rate to 1.5 ml min- 1
and total analysis time to 12 min. With our system, the retention of
ergosterol is 5-10 min. The ergosterol peak is detected with a UV-de-
tector at 280 nm.
8. For quantification of the ergosterol concentration in the lichen sam-
ples, produce a standard curve with different amounts of ergosterol.
The lichens we have investigated so far contained 0.1-1.8 mg g-I DW
ergosterol, so if 10 mg lichen powder is extracted with 1 ml ethanol, the
standard curve samples should at least range from 1 to 20 ).1g ergosterol
dissolved in Iml ethanol. Figure 1 shows chromatograms of an ergos-
terol standard and a lichen extract.
9. Test the recovery of ergosterol to ensure that it is not destroyed during
the extraction. Divide the freeze-dried lichen powder into 10 sub-sam-
ples and analyse five of these as described above, and spike five others
with known amounts of standard solution. At least 90 % of the added
standard should be recovered, otherwise indicate recovery rate in pub-
lications. However, losses of ergosterol occurring prior to final extrac-
tion will not be detected in this way.
Because both ergosterol extraction and its detection are relatively simple
procedures there are few sources of errors. However, even if freeze-dried,
pulverised lichen material can take up water from surrounding air, parti-
21 Measuring Ergosterol and Chitin in Lichens 355
(b) Standard
e OJ_
I----' ./ ~
o 5 10
Retention time [min]
Fig. 1. HPLC chromatogram for an ethanolic extract of pulverised lichen material contain-
ing ergosterol (a) and for ergosterol standard dissolved in ethanol (b). Note that the reten-
tion time of ergosterol may vary with the particular HPLC system and column. In this case,
the retention time of ergosterol was 5-6 min.
Subprotocol 3
Chitin Extraction and Detection
- ODS hypersil column (250 em x 4.6 mm; particle size 5 ).lm) (e.g.
Beckman, Fullerton, USA)
- Balance with precision to 0.1 or 0.01 mg
- Vortex
- Heating block for Eppendorf tubes
- Centrifuge for Eppendorf vials
- Vacuum centrifuge
- Eppendorf tubes (1.5 ml) with screw caps
- Standard Eppendorf tubes (1.5 ml)
Triethylamine 1 ml
Acetic acid (glacial) 8 ml
Make up to 1000 ml with ultrapure water (Millipore) and
adjust the pH with 10 M NaOH
Note: Filter solvent B through a 0.45 ).lm Millipore filter before use.
358 LENA DAHLMAN et al.
Day 1. Removal 1. Weigh 10-20 mg oflichen powder into a 1.5 ml screw cap Eppendorf
of proteins tube. Alternatively, start with the pellet remaining after ergosterol ex-
traction (see Subprotoco12). According to our observations there is no
loss of chitin during the ergosterol extractions but there could be a
difference between different species. This can be tested by comparing
the chitin content of two samples with or without previous ergosterol
2. Add 1 ml of 0.2 M NaOH to the pellet, or to the dry material to remove
amino acids and proteins that can interfere with the assay. Vortex the
tube vigorously to suspend the pellet.
3. Incubate the tube for 6 h at room temperature on the lab bench.
4. Vortex the sample, centrifuge in an Eppendorf centrifuge at maximum
speed (c. 20000 g) for 15 min and discard the resulting supernatant.
5. Add another 1 ml of 0.2 M NaOH to the pelleted sample and vortex
vigorously to suspend the pellet.
6. Transfer the tube to a heating block and incubate for 17.5 h at 100°C
(do not tighten the cap before the tube has heated somewhat).
Day 2. Washing 7. Vortex the Eppendorf tube vigorously and centrifuge in an Eppendorf
centrifuge at maximum speed (c. 20000 g) for 15 min. Discard the re-
sulting supernatant.
8. Add 1 ml ultrapure water (Millipore) to the Eppendorf tube, vortex
vigorously to suspend the pellet and centrifuge the tube in an Eppen-
dorf centrifuge at maximum speed (c. 20000 g) for 15 min (at ambient
temperature). Discard the supernatant. Repeat this Step three more
times. If a large series of samples is being processed simultaneously,
these washing Steps will require almost a full day of laboratory work.
Day 3. Chitin 9. To start the hydrolysis, add 1 ml of 6 M HCl to the pellet resulting from
hydrolysis the last wash, vortex and incubate at room temperature on the lab
bench for 1 h.
10. Vortex the sample, then hydrolyse it by transferring the tube to the
heating block and incubate for 7 h at 100°C (again, do not tighten
the cap before the tube has heated somewhat).
21 Measuring Ergosterol and Chitin in Lichens 359
11. After hydrolysis, vortex the sample vigorously and centrifuge the tube
in an Eppendorf centrifuge at maximum speed (c. 20000 g) for 15 min.
The resulting supernatant contains the glucosamine resulting from
chitin hydrolysis.
12. Transfer 40 )11 of the acid hydrolyse product to a new Eppendorf tube
and evaporate this solution in a vacuum centrifuge. This may take be-
tween 20-40 min depending on the number of samples and the parti-
cular Speed-vac capacity.
Note: From here it is possible to leave the sample in a freezer over
l3. Add 200 )11 of internal standard (5 )1M homocysteic acid) to the tube Day 4. Derivatiza-
and incubate on the bench for 1-2 hours to suspend the pellet. tion and analysis
14. In a fume hood, add 250)11 ofFMOC-Cl reagent dissolved in acetic acid
buffer and 50 )11 of borate buffer, and vortex carefully. Incubate for
10 min.
Note: This reagent is highly toxic. Use protective clothing and gloves
and work carefully!
15. Remove excess FMOC-Cl by two-phase partitioning of the sample
against 1 ml of n-Heptane. Vortex carefully and discard the upper hep-
tane phase. Repeat this procedure once if hydrolyzed FMOC-OH inter-
feres with FMOC-glucosamine in the HPLC separation. The sample is
now ready for injection in the HPLC.
16. Analyse 10-50 )11 of the sample by HPLC. The sample volume is depen-
dent on chitin concentration. Separate FMOC-glucosamine on an ODS
hypersil column using the following methanol:acetic acid buffer gra-
dient: 0-8 min 40:60; 8-15 min 50:50; 15-20 min 100:0; 20-22 min 100:0;
22-25 min 40:60 (numbers referring to volume proportions of metha-
nol to acetic acid buffer). Set the flow rate to 1 ml min- l and total ana-
lysis time per sample to 38 min.
17. The FMOC-glucosamine is detected by fluorescence emission at 330
nm with excitation at 265 nm. The resulting chromatogram (Fig. 2)
contains two major glucosamine peaks with approximately 18 and
20 min retention time, respectively. Either of these can be used for
the quantification of glucosamine. If an internal standard is used,
the response factor of the chosen product (peak one or two) relative
to that of the internal standard must be determined. If external stan-
dards are preferred, a standard-curve with different concentrations of
360 LENA DAHLMAN et al.
Lichen sample
L.J ~ L
o 20 40
Retention time [min]
Fig. 2. HPLC chromatogram for FMOC-CI derivatives of glucosamine extracted from pul-
verized lichen material. The peaks 1, 2 and 3 are the three peaks formed by glucosamine
derivatives; IS = internal standard (homocysteic acid); the small peak to the right of peak 3
comes from impurities in the solution; the big peak to the right is the hydrolysis product of
the reagent.
21 Measuring Ergosterol and Chitin in Lichens 361
Acknowledgements. AlfEkblad and Jorgen Persson are acknowledged for their pioneer work
with lichen ergosterol and chitin analyses. The Swedish Polar Institute and our participating
colleagues on the TNW 99 expedition, Jan-Erik Mattson and Martin Westberg, provided
material from the Canadian Arctic, Fernando Valladares collected the Antarctic lichens,
Karl-Erik Renhorn collected and identified numerous specimens from Sweden and Tener-
ife. The above protocols have been tested and developed thanks to grants from the Swedish
Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spitial Planning to Kristin
Palmqvist and Torgny Nasholm, and Center for Environmental Research (CMF, Umea, Swe-
den) to Lena Dahlman. We also wish to thank the editors of this book for inviting us to write
this chapter and for helping us to improve the protocols.
Schlarmann G, Peveling E, Tenberge K 1990 The occurrence of chitin in the cell walls of
ascomycete mycobionts. Bib Lichen 38: 395-409
Sundberg B, Niisholm, Palmqvist K (2001) The effect of nitrogen on growth and key
thallus components in the two tripartite lichens, Nephroma arcticum and Peltigera
aphthosa. Plant Cell Env 24: 517 - 527
Sundberg B, Ekblad A, Niisholm T, Palmqvist K. 1999 Lichen respiration in relation to
active time, temperature nitrogen and ergosterol concentrations. Func Eco113: 119-
Tapper R 1981 Direct measurement of translocation of carbohydrate in the lichen Cla-
donia convoluta by quantitative autoradiography. New Phyt 89: 429-437
Introd uction
Experiment (optional)
Freeze-dry lichens
Store at - 80°C
Spectrophotometric assay SP 2
Evaluation of data
Subprotocol 1
Analysis of Chlorophylls and Carotenoids by High Performance Liquid
vials in a freezer, however, if you want to be on the safe side, put them
into plastic bags with silica gel, and anneal the plastic bag as described
above. If the samples are treated carefully and never wetted, they can
be stored for a long time (probably more than three years), but we
recommend immediate analysis.
9. Before analysis, remove the vials from the freezer and let them adapt to
ambient temperature to avoid condensation of humidity on the pow-
der. We recommend the vials be placed into a desiccator over silica gel.
After withdrawing powder for one sample, close the vial immediately
to prevent destruction of the remainder caused by moisture, and put it
back into the freezer as soon as possible.
irritant. Work in a fume hood and avoid contact with skin (wear
l2a. Shake samples well for approximately 30 s using a vortex.
Alternative extrac- If no ball mill is available, lichens can alternatively be ground using mortar
tion method using and pestle, which requires modification (Steps lOb - 12b) of the extraction
mortar and pestle procedure.
lOb. Put 40 - 60 mg lichen material, 50 mg CaC0 3, and a small amount of
liquid nitrogen into a small mortar and grind with a pestle. Add a spa-
tula tip of quartz sand if lichen thalli are tough and difficult to homo-
llb. After evaporation of the liquid nitrogen add 1.0 ml DMSO:ethanol =2: 1
(v/v) and grind gently for c. 30 sec.
l2b. Transfer the homogenate (using a Pasteur pipette or a pipette with a
disposable polypropylene tip) to a dark centrifuge tube, add a further
0.5 ml extraction medium to the mortar to remove residue, and pool
with the previous homogenate.
l3. Centrifuge for 5 min at 20 C and at least at 20000 g.
22 Analysis of Chlorophylls, Carotenoids, and Tocopherols in Lichens 369
14. Decant the supernatant into graduated glass tubes and store them in
the dark (cover the glass tubes with aluminium foil).
15. Re-suspend the pellet in 1 ml96 % ethanol (or 0.75 ml DMSO:ethanol =
2:1, iflichens have been ground using mortar and pestle), vortex vig-
orously and centrifuge for at least 5 min at 20000 g.
16. Combine the supernatants and repeat Steps 14 and 15 until the pellet is
Note: Generally, two to three extraction steps are necessary for quan-
titative extraction of plastid pigments. Further extraction steps do not
enhance the yield of extracted pigments significantly; by contrast, they
might be disadvantageous, because extracts become too dilute.
17. Record the volume of the combined supernatants.
18. To remove cell debris that would block the analytical column and
shorten its lifespan, centrifuge samples (at least at 20000 g for
20 min) prior to injection into the HPLC system, then pipette super-
natants into dark autosampler vials. Alternatively, pass extracts
through a membrane filter (0.22 11m pore size).
19. Separate pigments using the following settings: Settings
• Column: Spherisorb ODS-2 (250 x 4.6 mm i.d.), particle size 5 11m
• Flow rate: 1 mllmin
• Gradient: Linear gradient from 10 to 70 % solution B within 18 min,
then 4 min at 70 % solution B (until elution of ~ carotene). Using
these settings, adequate resolution, even of the xanthophyll isomers
lutein and zeaxanthin, can be achieved (Figure 3)
• Detection: If plastid pigments in the sample are already identified
and a quantitative determination of these is the aim of the study,
use a UV /vis variable detector, wavelength set at 440 nm. If the pig-
ment pattern of your lichen species has not been studied so far, or if
identification of unknown plastid pigments is desired, use a diode-
array detector (DAD). Record the absorbance spectra of all peaks in
a range from 250 to 550 nm. UVlVis detectors are more sensitive
than DADs, but the latter allow for recording spectra of compounds
and can thus be used in the identification process (see below).
0 Chlorophyll b
Chlorophyll a
'0> 1500
oS 1000
r il ir
500 rI
Ir r± r"
r~ r"
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
D Neoxanthin
m ~Carotene Fig. 2. Extraction efficiency of various solvents
~600 used for extraction of the following pigments
0 from the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea:
""00>450 chlorophylls (a), the carotenoids neoxanthin,
E lutein and B-carotene (b), and the xanthophyll
£300 cycle pigments violaxanhin, antheraxanthin
and zeaxanthin (c). Data are means and SD for
150 n = 8-20. Extraction media:
~ 1 pure acetone
0 2 pure acetone containing 0.1% N-ethyldiiso-
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
120 3 96 % ethanol
D Antheraxanthin
C 4 DMSO (room temperature)
100 5 DMSO (sample heated to 60°C)
~ Zeaxanthin
6 DMSO followed by washing twice with
~ 80 96 % ethanol
,00> T 7 96 % ETOH followed by washing twice
"0 with DMSO
E 8 DMSO followed by washing with DMSO and
£ 40
then pure acetone containing 0.1 % N-ethyldi-
9 DMSO followed by washing twice with pure
0 acetone containing 0.1% N-ethyldiisopropyl-
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 amine
Extraction med ium
22 Analysis of Chlorophylls, Carotenoids, and Tocopherols in Lichens 371
20. Equilibrate the column with 10 % B for 10 min before next run.
21. Prepare standards of the following plastid pigments that are usually
present in green algae (Goodwin 1980, Goodwin and Britton 1988):
chlorophyll a and b, B-carotene, lutein, violaxanthin, antheraxanthin,
zeaxanthin, and neoxanthin. For lichens with cyanobacterial photo-
bionts, standard solutions of chlorophyll a, B-carotene, zeaxanthin,
canthaxanthin and echinenone are required. Dilute a known amount
of standard in an appropriate solvent (ethanol, acetone) and analyse as
described above.
Note: If the pigment pattern of your lichen species is already known,
continue at Step 26.
22. Compare retention times in the HPLC trace and spectrum of each com- Identification
pound of the lichen extract with those of authentic standards. The use of unknown
of a DAD significantly reduces the time for identification, because compounds
spectral and chromatographic profiles can be recorded simulta-
neously. If such a facility is not available, collect fractions containing
the separated pigments and check the absorbance properties of the
fractions in the range between 250 and 550 nm using a spectrophot-
0meter (use quartz cuvettes).
.... 8
o 5 10 15 20
Retention time [min]
Fig. 3. HPLC separation of chlorophylls and carotenoids of a Pseudevernia furfuracea ex-
tract. 1, neoxanthin; 2, violaxanthin; 3, antheraxanthin; 4, lutein; 5, zeaxanthin; 6, chloro-
phyll b; 7, chlorophyll a; 8, ~-carotene.
• Homogenisation of samples: ball mill versus mortar and pestle
Whenever possible we recommend the use of a ball mill for homoge-
nisation of samples. This has several advantages: there is no loss of
material during extraction; samples can be stored for long periods;
more accurate data is obtained, particularly where the same powder
is used in different assays.
• Extraction medium
- Frequently, 80 % acetone is used as solvent for spectrophotometric
determination of plastid pigments. However, this solvent is unsui-
table for extraction of chlorophylls and carotenoids from lichens,
because the water that is added to the solvent solubilises lichen
acids that destroy the chlorophylls and some carotenoids. We
strongly recommend the use of DMSO, pure acetone, ethanol or
the other solvents described above.
Oxidation during extraction, if this proves to be a problem, may be
minimised by addition of anti-oxidants (e.g. butylated hydroxyto-
luene) to the extraction solvent.
• Large phaeophytin peak appears in chromatogram
Chlorophyll can be degraded to phaeophytin by co-extracted acidic
lichen substances when either organic solvents containing water are
used for extraction (see above) or when wet and in most cases also
air-dried lichens are analysed. We strongly recommend freeze drying
lichens prior to pigment extraction. This is a very simple technique
which ensures that you measure the actual chlorophyll content in li-
chens instead of using protocols which estimate an approximate chlor-
ophyll content by calculating a "phaeophytinization ratio".
• Analytical column
The performance of octadecylsilyl (ODS) stationary phases used in
HPLC is dependent on the manufacturer. Consequently, in certain
cases it will be necessary to vary the conditions given above in order
to optimise the separation of lutein and zeaxanthin and other carote-
noids. Additionally, differences in the selectivity between non-end-
capped ODS-l and endcapped ODS-2 phases must be considered.
Thus, some authors (e.g. Thayer and Bjorkman 1990) prefer ODS-I,
if a baseline separation of the xanthophylls lutein and zeaxanthin is
desired. In our laboratory we used ODS-2 in combination with an acet-
onitrile-based mobile phase and achieved an approximate baseline re-
solution of these two compounds (Figure 3).
22 Analysis of Chlorophylls, Carotenoids, and Tocopherols in Lichens 375
Subprotocol 2
Spectrophotometric Determination of Plastid Pigments
Subprotocol 3
Analysis of Tocopherols by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
General aspects Most photosynthetic pigments and tocopherols can simultaneously be de-
termined by a recently developed reversed-phase HPLC method (Garcia-
Plazaola and Becerril 1999) which uses a gradient system for separation of
compounds, and for detection a UV detectororaDAD,respectively. Here, we
describe a method for separation and quantification of tocopherols by iso-
cratic HPLC with fluorescence detection modified after Wildi and Liitz
(1996). The major advantage of using a fluorescence detector is, that it
ismuchmoresensitivethana UV detectorandmoreso,aDAD, thus allowing
forthedetermination of tocopherol when very little material is available. This
is, for instance, the case when analysing lichens grown in axenic cultures.
Moreover, tocopherol is only present in the photobiont, and therefore the
material available for analyses might be limited.
Sample preparation and the extraction procedure is the same as for
chlorophylls and carotenoids. If you use extracts that have been used for
pigment analysis, start the procedure at Step 3 of the following protocol.
Acknowledgements. We thank Prof. A. Keith Cowan (University of Natal, South Africa) for
critically reading the manuscript. We acknowledge financial support from the Austrian
Academy of Science (APART 428) and the Austrian Science Foundation (P12690-BIO)
to Ilse Kranner.
Stransky H, Hager A (1970) Das Carotinoidmuster und die Verbreitung des lichtin-
duzierten Xanthophyllcydus in verschiedenen Algenklassen. Arch Mikrobiol 72:
Thayer SS, Bjorkman 0 (1990) Leaf xanthophyll content and composition in sun and
shade as determined by HPLC. Photosynth Res 23: 331-343
Wellburn AR (1994) The spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well as total
carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution.
J Plant Physiol 144: 307-313
Wildi B, Liitz C (1996) Antioxidant composition of selected high alpine plant species
from different altitudes. Plant Cell Env 19: 138-146
Young AJ, Phillip D, Savill J (1997) Methods for carotenoid analysis. In: Pessaraki M
(ed) Handbook of Photosynthesis, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 597-622
Ball Mill
- F. Kurt RETSCH GmbH & Co.KG, Rheinische Str. 36, 42781 Haan, Ger-
- B. Braun Biotech International GmbH, Schwarzenberger Weg 73 - 79,
P.O.Box 1120, D - 34209 Melsungen;
Ultra pure water: Milli Q-Plus, Millipore Corporation
Filters: Schleicher & Schuell GmbH, Postfach 4, 37582 Dassel, Germany,
phone: +49 55561 791-0, fax: +49 5561 79-15-36
Pigment standards can be obtained from
- Sigma, St. Louis 63178, MO, W-caro-
tene, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, lutein) and
- Carl Roth GmbH & Co., SchOnperlenstraBe 1-5, D-76185 Karlsruhe,
phone: +49-0721-5606-0, fax: +49-721/5606-149, (~-carotene, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, lutein, zeaxanthin).
- A good range of plastid pigments (a-carotene, ~-carotene, anthera-
xanthin, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll c, lutein, neoxanthin,
violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, echinenone and others) can
be obtained from DHI - Water & Environment, The International
Agency for 14C Determination, Agern Alle 11, DK - 2970 Horsholm,
Denmark, phone: +45 4516 9200, fax: +45 4516 9292, E-mail:
[email protected],
Nucleic acids
Chapter 23 PROTOCOL
This chapter is a primer for those investigators working with lichens for
whom molecular techniques are a relatively new experience, or who are
having problems obtaining consistent results due to difficulties in deriving
nucleic acids of sufficient purity. We will deal with some of the particular
problems of nucleic acid extraction from lichens, focusing on genomic
DNA isolation protocols, although we will also make some suggestions
about RNA isolation. Some of the published protocols will be considered
and a CTAB (Cetyl-trimethyl ammonium bromide) based protocol for li-
chen DNA isolation will be explained in detail.
Nucleic acid isolation is the first step in any molecular application in-
volving DNA or RNA. It is carried out with minimal laboratory equipment
following simple protocols that usually have a similar general layout but
differ in key steps affecting the quantity, quality and purity of the resulting
product. The most important points to consider when choosing between
alternative protocols are those related to the type and quantity of nucleic
acid needed for a particular molecular application (RNA, DNA or both),
the quantity of sample available, and the type and quantity of cellular com-
ponents that have to be eliminated during the purification process.
When deriving nucleic acids from lichens we are faced with several
major problems. The existence of several genomes in the lichen is usually
resolved by the separate culture of the symbionts, using algal-free fungal
parts of the thallus or discriminative techniques, such as specific primers
in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), or hybridisation with specific
CTAB protocol The protocol we will describe in detail (Cubero et al. 1999) is based on that
of Rogers and Bendich (1988) and similar to that described by Armaleo
and Clerc (1995). It exploits the ability of cetyl-trimethyl ammonium bro-
mide (CTAB) to prevent the co-precipitation of polysaccharides (Jones
1963) and of polyvinyl polypyrrolidone (PVPP) to eliminate polyphenolic
23 Isolation of Nucleic Acids From Lichens 383
To prepare the solutions required by the protocol quickly and easily, the Reagents
following stock solutions should be available in the laboratory:
- 1 M Tris HCI adjusted to pH 8.0 with concentrated HCI (sterilised by
- 0.5 M EDTA (ethylene-diamine-tetra acetate) adjusted to pH 8.0 with
NaOH pellets (sterilised by autoclaving)
- 4 M NaCl (sterilised by autoclaving)
- 4% CTAB w/v
To perform the extraction the following solutions are required:
- CTAB extraction buffer (100 mM TrislHCI pH 8.0, 30 mM EDTA, 1 M
NaCI, 1% w/v CTAB)
8. Measure and transfer the upper aqueous phase to a new tube. During
this step the CI will drag the cell debris and most of the proteins to the
interface. The PVPP with some polyphenolic compounds attached will
also precipitate in this phase. Polyphenolic compounds will also be
dissolved in the CI (lower) phase, but the nucleic acids will remain
in the upper aqueous phase.
eTAB precipitation 9. Dilute the aqueous phase of each tube with CTAB precipitation buffer
three times to lower the NaCl concentration and mix.
10. Centrifuge at a speed of 10 000 G for 5 min at room temperature. The
CTAB will precipitate with the DNA attached. After this step you
should obtain a small white pellet at the bottom of the tube. If you
cannot detect a pellet, even a minute one, centrifuge for longer. If
you are working with small quantities of lichen, place the tubes at
4°C for 5 min before centrifugation to help the CTAB-DNA complex
to precipitate.
11. Eliminate the aqueous phase and resuspend the pellet in 0.4 ml of pre-
warmed (at 37°C) 1.2 M NaCl solution. The pellet usually dissolves
easily, but if it does not then place the tubes in a water bath at 50°e.
If RNA-free DNA is needed for your molecular application (for PCR it
is not usually necessary to eliminate the RNA) then proceed in the fol-
lowing alternative manner. Resuspend the CTAB-DNA pellet in 25 III of
prewarmed 1.2 M NaCl solution and add 3 III of ten-times concentrated
(lOX) RNAase buffer (if a different concentration is supplied by the
manufacturer, then correct the quantity to obtain the final IX concen-
tration) and 2 III of RNAase A (10 mg mP). Incubate for 30 min at
37 c e. Add the remaining 370 III of prewarmed NaCl.
Second chloroform 12. Add 500 III of CI and proceed as described in Steps 6 - 8.
Alcohol l3. Add 0.6 volumes of isopropanol (e.g., 180 III if you have recovered 300
precipitation III of the aqueous phase) and centrifuge at 13 000 G for 15 min at 4°e.
The pellet obtained, if visible, is usually white or translucent.
Final wash 14. Eliminate the aqueous phase and add 500 III of 70% ethanol to elim-
inate excess salt. Shake by hand and collect the pellet by centrifugation
for 3 min at 13 000 G at 4°C.
15. Drain the pellet (using a micropipette to eliminate the last drops) and
dry it at SO°e.
23 Isolation of Nucleic Acids From Lichens 387
The DNA electrophoresis gels also give information about DNA purity.
High purity DNA gives well-shaped bands. Protein and polysaccharides
Fig.!. Agarose gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA obtained as described in the text. Lane
1: Commertial DNA ladder. Lane 2: isolation from a fresh sample. Lanes 3, 4 and 5: isolation
from herbarium specimes. DNA from lane 5 was used to amplicy up to 600 bp PCR products.
This method can give an acceptable yield of un degraded DNA that is free
of most polysaccharides and polyphenolics. RNA, mitochondrial DNA
and plasmid yield is lower than with other protocols (which do not include
CTAB non-alcoholic precipitation) but is enough to perform PCR. A ty-
pical DNA isolation gel is shown in Fig. 1.
Here we cover some points to check and suggestions that may help if you
do not obtain the desired results with this or similar protocols.
• You obtain less DNA than expected.
Check your tissue disruption. Be sure that you have obtained a fine
powder (and not just small lichen fragments) after grinding with liquid
nitrogen in Step 2. Try to perform stronger centrifugation steps (in-
creasing the duration or speed of the centrifugation). In Step 13 use
cold isopropanol and store the tubes at -20°C for 20 min before cen-
trifugation. Try a shorter protocol without CTAB-precipitation (if your
sample does not contain much polysaccharide).
• You obtain no DNA.
You have probably lost the DNA pellet during Steps 11, 14 or 15. Try to
eliminate the aqueous phase carefully with a micropipette. Be sure that
you do not suck up the DNA pellet.
• Your final DNA solution is coloured.
This probably means that some polyphenolics remain. Do not worry if
this happens, as small quantities of polyphenolics do not usually inter-
fere with most molecular applications. However, to eliminate them,
warm the tubes after adding CI at Steps 6 and 12 for 2 min at 50°C
23 Isolation of Nucleic Acids From Lichens 389
(first seal the tubes with parafilm and take the necessary precautions to
avoid chloroform vapours). Alternatively, the samples can be washed
in acetone before the DNA isolation.
• Your sample contains too much polysaccharide.
In such cases you will obtain a white gelatinous pellet after Step 14 that
is difficult to resuspend. To avoid this, centrifuge at a lower speed at
Step 10 (however, be aware that this will also reduce the DNA yield).
You can also perform a second CTAB precipitation: at Step 11 resus-
pend in O.S ml CTAB extraction buffer (at 60 - 70°e) instead of NaCI
and continue from Step 6.
• Your DNA is degraded.
If you are working with cultures or fresh samples there is no reason
why you should obtain degraded DNA. Do not dry your samples with
heat. Check all your buffers (mainly their pH).
• You have tried everything and the DNA extraction does not appear to
have worked when the extract is used for subsequent applications, e.g.
Check for possible mistakes in your molecular application (e.g. change
your PCR conditions, check your PCR primers, or be sure that your
restriction enzyme is in good condition). Use a different protocol
or purify your DNA solution through purification columns.
Most protocols designed to obtain DNA also yield reasonable quantities of RNA isolation
total RNA. However, RNA tends to be degraded during the isolation pro-
cess or during storage by RNAases liberated during cell lysis or that are
contaminating laboratory equipment. Special care has to be taken with
sterilisation of equipment, and RNAase inhibitors should be used during
the isolation procedure and storage. RNA can also be specifically isolated
(without DNA). There are also protocols to separate or visualise the dif-
ferent types of RNA but they are beyond the objectives of this chapter. For
some general protocols and advice, see Sambrook et al. (1989).
Unfortunately, many problems exist when extracting useful DNA from Herbarium material
old, dried, herbarium samples. The problems with this kind of material
are related to nucleic acid modification and degradation, and to the ac-
cumulation of enzymatic inhibitors during sample storage and death
(Doyle and Dickson 1987; Savolainen et al. 1995; Hoss et al. 1996). There is
no definite solution for this problem, however some suggestions are avail-
able. A protocol that uses PVP (polyvinyl pyrrolidone) or PVPP and sev-
eral purification steps with phenol or chloroform can be used to eliminate
inhibitors. Checking the DNA integrity in an agarose gel will also help to
decide which applications are possible. If the DNA is totally degraded it
will appear as a big spot at the same position as the RNA in the gel and it
will not be of use for molecular applications. If it is partially degraded it
will appear in the gel as a smear containing DNA fragments of different
sizes. This can be used for PCR, although the smaller the DNA fragments
obtained, the lower the possibility of obtaining good results.
Armaleo D, Clerc P (1991) Lichen chimeras: DNA analysis suggests that one fungus
forms two morphotypes. Exp Mycol15: 1-10
Armaleo D, Clerc P (1995) A rapid and inexpensive method for the purification of DNA
from lichens and their symbionts. Lichenologist 27: 207-213
Bruns TD, Fogel R, Taylor JW (1990) Amplification and sequencing of DNA from fun-
gal herbarium specimens. Mycologia 82: 175-184
Crespo A, Bridge PD, Hawksworth DL (1997) Amplification of fungal rDNA-ITS re-
gions from non-fertile specimens of the lichen-forming genus Parmelia. Lichenol-
ogist 29: 275-282
Cubero OF, Crespo A, Fatehi J, Bridge, PF (1999) DNA extraction and PCR amplifica-
tion method suitable for fresh, herbarium-stored, lichenized and other fungi. PI Syst
Evol 216:243-249
Doyle JJ, Dickson EE (1987) Preservation of plant samples for DNA restriction endo-
nuclease analysis. Taxon 36: 715-722
Grube M, DePriest PT, Gargas A, Hafellner J (1995) DNA isolation from lichen asco-
mata. Mycol Res 99: 1321-1324
Hoss M, Jaruga P, Zastawny TH, Dizdaroglu M, P1Hibo S (1996) DNA damage and DNA
sequence retrieval from ancient tissues. Nuc Acids Res 24: 1304-1307
Jones AS (1963) Use of alkyltrimethylammonium bromides for the isolation of ribo-
and the deoxyribo- nucleic acids. Nature 199: 280-282
Lee SB, Taylor JW (1990) Isolation of DNA from fungal mycelia and single spores. In:
Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky JJ and White TJ (eds) PCR Protocols. Academic
Press, San Diego. 282-287
Pich U, Schubert I (1993) Midiprep method for isolation of DNA from plants with a
high content of polyphenolics. Nuc Acids Res 21:14
Rogers SO, Bendich AJ (1988) Extraction of DNA from plant tissues. Plant Molecular
Biology Manual A6: 1-10
Samsbrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual.
Second Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. New York
Savolainen V, Cuenoud P, Spichiger R, Martinez MDP, Crevecoeur M, Manen J (1995)
The use of herbarium specimens in DNA phylogenetics; evaluation and improve-
ment. PI Syst Evol 190: 87-98
23 Isolation of Nucleic Acids From Lichens 391
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a fairly simple but powerful tech-
nique that allows the amplification of small amounts of genetic material in
vitro (Saiki et al. 1985). The versatility of this technique has made it a rou-
tine method in any molecular work and its application in evolutionary
biology has led to important progress in understanding the phylogeny
of organisms. Several studies have focused on the phylogeny oflichenized
and non-lichenized ascomycetes or bacidiomycetes inferred from data of
the nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA; e.g., Gargas and
Taylor 1992a, Gargas et al. 1995a, Lutzoni and Vilgalys 1995, Wedin et
al. 1998). Studies on the SSU rDNA have also revealed that insertions
are apparently more common in lichenized fungi than in many other or-
ganisms (e.g., Gargas et al. 1995b). Most studies on lichen-forming fungi
were facilitated by the design of specific primers that do not amplify algal
DNA (e.g., Gargas and Taylor 1992b). During the last few years, studies on
the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) and the large sub-
unit (LSU) rDNA have become more common. The ITS regions and some
parts of the LSU are generally more variable than the SSU, and sequences
from these regions have been used to study phylogenies within and be-
tween genera (e.g., Arup and Grube 1998, Crespo and Cubero 1998, Groner
and LaGreca 1997) and at the population level (DePriest 1994).
Ulf Arup, Lund University, Department of Systematic Botany, Ostra Vallgatan 14-20,
Lund, 223 61, Sweden (phone +46-46-222-8970; fax +46-46-222-4234;
e-mail [email protected])
24 peR Techniques and Automated Sequencing in Lichens 393
Gel Electrophoresis
Subprotocol 1
PCR Techniques
Primer design
Many of the ribosomal primers are designed to amplify only fungal DNA
and can thus be used for isolations containing also algal DNA, which is
often the case for lichen extracts. Fungal specific primers can, often suc-
cessfully, be used together with non-specific primers. In most cases there is
no need to use other primers than those already designed, but sometimes
it may be necessary to design new primers. This may be the case where
already existing primers cannot anneal and initiate extension due to the
occurrence of introns. If the primers are supposed to perform well there
24 peR Techniques and Automated Sequencing in Lichens 395
All ingredients should be kept on ice during the preparation and gloves
should be worn at all times to prevent contamination. The PCR master-
mix is prepared in a 0.5 ml Eppendorf tube and here described for a reac-
tion volume of 50 III and a negative control of 10 Ill. In some thermal cy-
clers 250 III tubes are used. Use gloves to prevent contamination of the
samples. The procedure is described for a standard PCR set-up performed
in an ABI Perkin-Elmer thermal cycler and works for some common en-
zymes. When using other enzymes, the protocol given below must be re-
calculated according to the manufacturers instructions. Pip etters measur-
ing large volumes with two decimals are used here, but pipetters with only
one decimal can also be used.
1. Set up and number an adequate number of tubes.
2. Add two drops of 40-50 III mineral oil to each of the tubes to prevent
evaporation of the sample. This is not needed in thermal cyclers with a
heated cover.
3. Add 15.75 III of double distilled water.
4. Add 20 III of template DNA.
5. Prepare a master mix with the reagents below and vortex for 2 s. The
amount needed is the number of reaction tubes multiplied by 14.25 Ill,
plus 2.85 III for control. Allow for some loss during the pipetting.
Note: When buffer does not contain MgClz it must be added to the mix.
See product instructions for amount.
6. Add 14.25 III of the master mix to each tube and centrifuge briefly.
7. Prepare a control tube with 7.15111 of double distilled water and 2.85111
of master mix overlaid with one drop, or 20-25 Ill, of mineral oil.
Note: The amount of water and DNA template depends on the con-
centration of the DNA stock solution. In the protocol above the iso-
lated DNA is dissolved in 25 III of water and an aliquot of 5 III diluted in
95 III of water.
The optimal amount of polymerase used must be empirically deter-
mined. My experience is that the amount of polymerase suggested
by the manufacturer is often larger than required.
8. Place the reaction tubes in a thermal cycler and run 30 cycles of a pro-
gramme with the following parameters: 94°C for 45 s; 52°C for 45 s;
noc for 90 sec. The programme may include an initial heating phase
of 5 min at 94°C and a final phase at noc for 5 min. Following the final
phase the temperature should be reduced to 4°C.
9. Visualise the PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis (see Subpro-
tocol 2) or an alternative method.
Clean PCR products 10. 5. Clean the PCR products by using a commercial cleaning kit. Qiagen
Spin columns can be recommended for normal cleaning and Qiagen
Gel Extraction kit for cleaning of bands cut out from agarose gels.
Cleaning can also be carried out following a PEG-based protocol
for cleaning (Kusukawa et al. 1990).
Hot-start Hot-start techniques prevent the polymerase from taking action before the
techniques denaturation temperature is reached. The most simple hot-start techni-
que, which is often sufficient, involves transferring the reaction tubes di-
24 peR Techniques and Automated Sequencing in Lichens 397
With a touch-down technique the first cycles are carried out at an anneal- Touch-down
ing temperature higher than the calculated optimum and then gradually techniques
reduced to annealing temperature or temperatures lower than for optimal
The annealing temperature Ta should be appropriate for the primer pair Annealing
used. It may be calculated through the melting temperature Tm of the pri- temperature
mers: Ta = Tm - 5°C. The melting temperature of the primer pair should
not differ by too much, preferably by less than 100e. There are a number of
ways to calculate the Tm for primers but one of the most widely used cal-
culation is given in Equation 1:
Equation 1
However, the age of specimens that can be used varies within gen-
era. For example, material of the Lecanora subfusca group should
not be more than one year old to amplify well. Finally, some groups
of Arthoniales are notoriously difficult, and for good results fresh
material is usually required. To some degree the result also depends
on storage conditions.
- Sometimes even fresh material may be reluctant to amplify. In this
case inhibitors may be the cause. Lichens, like higher plants, con-
tain a large number of potential inhibitors that can impair PCR, e.g.,
polysaccharides, anthraquinones, terpenoid compounds, and car-
bonised tissues. If you suspect that either of the reasons given above
were an inhibitor causing the failure of the PCR, try to isolate from
fresher material and/or use another extraction protocol, that com-
pletely removes the inhibitors. Ekman (1999) has successfully used
the DNA extraction kit DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) that origin-
ally was intended for isolation of small amounts of tissue from
green plants, but has been shown to work well also for normally
problematic materiaL Try also to use smaller amounts of tissue
that do not contain, for example, carbonised parts.
- Other possibilities include reducing the concentration of the tem-
plate combined with a larger number of cycles. Try also other pri-
mers. Some templates are very rich in introns that may block the
primer site (see below for primer design). Another powerful meth-
od is nested or seminested PCR, which requires very clean working
and careful interpretation of the results (see below). Finally, direct
peR may solve the problem (see Subprotocol 3).
• Several PCR products are formed
- More than one reason exists why PCRs can result in several pro-
ducts. For example, mispriming can occur, and in addition primers
can anneal to parts of the genome other than to the target template,
or even to the DNA from other organisms, mostly other fungi. If
mispriming is the suspected cause, try a higher annealing tempera-
ture (increase in steps of 2°C), decrease the magnesium ion con-
centration, use a more efficient polymerase, use hot-start techni-
ques, touch-down techniques (if possible) or nested PCR. Adding
DMSO (dimethylsulphoxide) to the PCR master-mix may also in-
crease specificity.
- If the primers are not specific for the target sequence more than one
product will be formed. Try other primers if possible, or if this does
not work, maybe designing new primers may be required.
24 peR Techniques and Automated Sequencing in Lichens 399
PCR optimisation
Even though the PCR method is basically rather simple, there are a num-
ber of important factors that can be regulated for optimal results. The
concentration of some of the reagents in the PCR master-mix as well
as the length and temperature of the steps of the PCR programme may
be altered to achieve better PCR results. Normally, the protocol described
above works well for a variety of DNA templates isolated from crustose,
foliose and fruticose lichens.
Several steps may be taken to optimise each PCR. This subject cannot
be thoroughly covered in this publication, but for more help see Ekman
(1999). Factors worth optimising are: polymerase concentration, MgCb
concentration, annealing temperature, extension time and number of cy-
cles. Table 1 below indicates how these factors affect PCR.
Table 1. The listed factors are important for PCR and can be regulated in desired direc-
tion to give higher specificity, but lower yield, or the reverse.
Higher specificity, lower yield Lower specificity, higher yield
Increasing annealing temperature Decreasing annealing temperature
Increasing polymerase concentration Decreasing polymerase concentration
Decreasing MgCh concentration Increasing MgCl2 concentration
Lower DNA concentration Higher DNA concentration
Shorter extension time Longer extension time
Fewer cycles More cycles (until plateau effect, which
normally is c. 40 cycles)
For phylogenetic studies of the nuclear ribosomal genes many primers are
now available. A proposal to standardise the nomenclature and a list of
these has been presented by Gargas and DePriest (1996). A large number
of primers for amplification of rDNA are also available on the world wide
24 peR Techniques and Automated Sequencing in Lichens 401
Subprotocol 2
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
The result of the peR is most conveniently visualised by agarose gel elec-
trophoresis. A small amount of the peR product is loaded onto a gel,
stained with ethidium bromide, and run in an electric field so that nega-
tively charged DNA molecules move toward the anode. The electric mo-
bility of the DNA molecules depends mainly on the size of the molecule,
the agarose concentration and the voltage used.
- Agarose
- Ethidium bromide (10 mg/ml)
- Loading buffer (distilled water:glycerol=I:I, containing 0,2 % bromo-
phenolblue and/or xylenecyanol). The glycerol increases the density of
the sample and prevents it from diffusing in the TBE buffer
- DNA size marker
1. Prepare a gel tray with a comb adjusted 1-2 mm above the plate.
Modification Staining of the DNA molecules may also be carried out after running the
gel by placing it in a solution of ethidium bromide (1 /lg/ml) for 10-20 min
(depends on thickness of the gel), preferably on a horizontal shaker.
I Subprotocol 3
Microslide PCR
Sometimes normal DNA isolation of lichens or lichenicolous fungi is dif-
ficult or impossible, especially when the sample is very small. A method
offering a way around this problem is direct PCR, where no isolation step
is needed but the PCR is carried out directly with a section or small part of
the lichen (Wolinski et al. 1997, 1999; Heibel et al. 1999; see also
Chapter 25).
I Subprotocol 4
Cycle Sequencing
Direct cycle-sequencing is now the standard method for sequencing of
lichen DNA, partly because only nanograms of DNA are needed. The
DNA is usually sequenced in both directions, to avoid ambiguities. If
the sequences contain a number of ambiguous sites, cloning of the
PCR product prior to sequencing is suggested. Thus, the second strand,
which has been sequenced in the opposite direction, should verify the first
strand. The conservative parts of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, the SSU and
the LSU, are often rich in insertions. The expected length of the SSU with-
out insertions is about 1800 bp, but there are examples (Aspicilia caesio-
cinerea) where eight introns were present in the SSU and its total length
was 3600 bp (Amp, unpublished). This makes both amplification and se-
quencing more troublesome because finding suitable amplification pri-
mers may be problematic and many more primers for sequencing
must be used.
The reaction is carried out in a thermal cycler and is similar to the PCR,
but no exponential amplification takes place. It has, like the PCR pro-
gramme, an initial heating phase (10 s), followed by three main steps
that are repeated in 25-30 cycles:
1. Denaturation of the double-stranded DNA at 94-96°C for 10 s;
~DNA templat~
Thermal cycler
25-30 cycles
The cycle sequencing procedures differ somewhat from each other de-
pending on whether you use labelled primers (e.g., Pharmacia) or labelled
ddNTPs (Perkin Elmer). The procedure described below is for a total re-
action volume of 10 III using a cycle sequencing kit where the four different
nucleotides are processed in one single tube (Perkin Elmer). To each tube
add 4 III of sequencing kit, 1 III of primer and enough DNA to give a final
concentration of 50-75 ng in 10 Ill. Dilute with water to a final volume of
lO Ill.
1. Calculate the concentration of cleaned DNA for each template.
2. Calculate for each template how much DNA should be added to give a
final DNA concentration of 50-75 ng in 10 III in each tube. Example: If
you want a DNA concentration of 60 ng inlO III and the concentration
of your DNA is 50 ng/1l1 you need 1.2 III of DNA. To make up the vo-
lume of lO III (including 5 III of sequencing kit and 1 III of primer) you
need to add 3.8 III of water.
3. Prepare and number tubes for cycle sequencing.
4. Add amount of water as calculated in Step 2 according to the amount of
DNA template to all of the tubes (one pipette tip may be used for all
5. Add 1 III of primer to the tubes. Use one pipette tip for each primer.
6. Add amount of DNA template as calculated in Step 2 above. Use one
pipette tip for each tube.
7. Add 4 !il of cycle sequencing kit to each tube. Use one pipette tip for
each tube.
8. Centrifuge the components to the bottom of the tube, place in a ther-
mal cycler and run the programme outlined above. If the thermal cy-
cler has no heated cover, add a droplet of mineral oil to each tube.
9. Store the sequencing product at 4°C.
Note: Sequence reactions with too much DNA generally produce se-
quences with very strong signal at the beginning, but with very short
length of read. Too low concentrations of DNA result in weak signal
and short length of read.
Subprotocol 5
Cleaning of Cycle Sequencing Products
Salts, enzymes and unincorporated nucleotides from the sequencing re-
action have to be removed by cleaning. A clean sequencing product is very
important and, in fact, inadequate template preparation is the most com-
mon cause for sequencing problems. There are commercial kits also for
this cleaning step, but using the protocol below usually works well. How-
ever, it is important that the cleaning reagents are fresh and held at the
right concentrations. Wrong concentrations lead to salt remnants or loss
of DNA.
- Sodium acetate NaOAc 3M pH 4.4 (store at 4°C)
- Chilled EtOH 95 % (store at _20DC)
- EtOH 80 % (store at 4°C)
24 peR Techniques and Automated Sequencing in Lichens 409
Murtagh GJ, Dyer PS, McClure PC, Crittenden PD (1999) Use of randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA markers as a tool to study variation in lichen-forming fungi.
Lichenol 31: 257-268
Printzen C, Lumbsch HT, Schmitt I, Feige GB (1999) A genetic study on the genetic
variability of Biatora helvola using RAPD markers. Lichenol 31: 491-499
Roux KH (1995) Optimization and troubleshooting in PCR. PCR Methods and Appli-
cations 4:185-194
Saiki RK, Scharf S, Faloona F, Mullis KB, Horn GT, Erlich HA, Arnheim N (1985) En-
zymatic amplification of B-globin genomic sequence and restriction site analysis for
diagnosts of sickle cell anemia. Science 230:1350-1354
Wedin M, Tehler A, Gargas A (1998) Phylogenetic relationships ofSphaerophoraceae
(Ascomycetes) inferred from SSU rDNA sequences. Plant Syst Evol 209:75-83
Wittwer CT, Garling DJ (1991) Rapid cycle DNA amplification: time and temperature
optimazation. BioTechniques 10:76-83
Wolinski H, Blanz P, Grube M (1997) Slide PCR als Alternative zu DNA-Isolationstech-
niken bei Pilzen. Tagung der Gesellschaft flir Mykol und Lichenol, Regensburg.
Abstracts der Poster, p. 62
Wolinski H, Grube M, Blanz P (1999) Direct PCR of symbiotic fungi using microslides.
BioTechniques. 26:454-455
Zoller S, Scheidegger C, Sperisen C (1999) PCR primers for amplification of mitocon-
drial small subunit ribosomal DNA oflichen-forming ascomycetes. Lichenol31 :511-
Chapter 25 PROTOCOL
RAPD-PCR of Lichens
- Computer Equipment
- Electrophoresis chamber and voltage source
- Microwave or conventional hotplate
- Polaroid camera or video camera for documentation of gels
- Software for data analysis
- Thermocycler
- UV transilluminator
- Vortex
- Freezing microtome
- Acetone Chemicals
- Agarose
- Ethidium bromide (10 mg/ml in distilled water)
- Gel load mix (0.25% bromophenol blue, 0.25% xylene cyanole, 30.00%
- Mineral oil (some new thermocyclers do not require the use of mineral
There are two ways of obtaining target DNA from lichen material for
RAPD analysis. One possibility is to use only the fungal parts of the lichen
material. This may be either by directly using ascospores which is easily
done, e.g. in taxa with mazaedia (spore masses on ascomata due to passive
spore dispersal). Another possibility is to use sections of algal-free lichen
parts, e.g. biatorine apothecia, the central axis of a lichen or the medulla of
crustose lichens (Grube, pers. comm.). An alternative to slice PCR is the
25 RAPD-PCR of Lichens 415
use of mycobiont DNA extracted from axenic cultures (see Chapters 1-3).
The second method is more complex and time-consuming and is not out-
lined here. A detailed protocol can be found in Murtagh et al. (1998). Be-
cause RAPD primers amplify all sorts of DNA, extreme care should be
taken to prevent DNA contamination. Use sterile filter pipette tips, auto-
claved and acid washed material (including blade) only.
Gel analysis
Preparation of 1. Boil 1 % agarose gel (e.g. 200 ml TAE buffer, 2 g agarose) in microwave
agarose gel until it is clear.
2. Cool for 2 min at ambient temperature and then add ethidium bromide
to a final concentration of 0.1 %.
25 RAPD-PCR of Lichens 417
3. Pour solution into electrophoresis form, let solidify for about 30 min
and remove comb.
4. Place gel in electrophoresis chamber and cover with TAE buffer. Gel electrophoresis
5. Prepare 2 III of gel load mix and 5 III of each amplification product on
parafilm and mix with micropipette.
6. Load gel, placing peR products with identical primers next to each
7. In addition to the peR products a molecular weight and size marker
should be used to allow estimation of the size of the peR products.
8. Set voltage source to about 80 V and 100 rnA and electrophorese for
about 1.5 h.
To visualize the banding pattern of the randomly amplified DNA place the
gel on an UV transilluminator and either photograph the results with a
polaroid camera or capture the image with a video camera and print
out the picture.
Data analysis
ferent methods, bootstrap analysis (Felsenstein 1985) being the most com-
monly applied one. The phenogram showing the genetic similarity of the
samples examined can be drawn with the help of different computer pro-
grams, listed below.
Check whether the concentration of the DNA used (e.g. number and
size of sections) and primers is always the same. Check whether some
samples may be degraded or contaminated. Ensure that the same ther-
mocycler is used and the program is always exactly the same.
There are numerous suppliers for equipment and chemicals necessary for
molecular research. Anyone starting with molecular research should con-
tact microbiologists or molecular biologists in his/her department and ask
for advice. Usually these departments get discounts from certain compa-
nies and it may be advantageous to cooperate with them regarding orders
in the beginning.
Some programs and software packages available for data analysis are
listed below:
• Paup*
Software package with numerous applications, including distance
methods and bootstraps. Available from Sinauer Associates: orders@-
• Phylip
Software package with numerous applications, including distance
methods and bootstraps. Available via Internet:
25 RAPD- peR of Lichens 421
• RAP Distance
Program for computing distance matrices in RAPD analyses. Available
via Internet: gopher:/ / software/rapd.html
• Treecon
Software package including computation of distance matrices and pos-
sibilities to draw dendrograms. Available from the author; information
in the Internet: hUp:/ /
• Treeview
Program for drawing dendrograms. Available via Internet: uk/rod/treeview.html
bp base pair
AFLP amplified fragment length polymorphism
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
dATP 2-deoxyriboadenosintriphosphate
dCTP 2-deoxyribocytidintriphosphate
dGTP 2-deoxyriboguanosintriphosphate
dNTP 2-deoxyribonucleotidtriphosphate
dTTP 2-deoxyribothymidintriphosphate
PCR polymerase chain reaction
RAPD randomly amplified polymorphic DNA
TAE buffer buffer consisting of Tris solution, acetic acid and EDTA
TE buffer buffer consisting of Tris solution and EDT A
UPGMA unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
Bioindication and Biomonitoring
Chapter 26 PROTOCOL
Aboveground nuclear tests conducted in the fifties and sixties of the 20th
century gave rise to large amounts of 137Cs and 90Sr in the environment.
Both radio nuclides have physical half-lives of approximately 30 years and
are still found in parts of the ecosystem. The long-lived fission products
persist, especially in alpine and circumpolar environments characterised
by a very slow biological turnover rate (Svoboda and Taylor 1979, Taylor
et al. 1985). However, lichens are contaminated by fallout to a higher de-
gree than vascular plants growing in the same habitat (e.g. Gorham 1959).
The high surface area to biomass ratio, the slow growth rate and persis-
tence of lichens, and the lack of a well-developed cuticle or wax layers
explain their extraordinary capacity for fallout interception and retention.
Additionally, lichens are well known as effective accumulators of metals
because they take up soluble metal ions very rapidly via an extracellular
ion exchange process (Nieboer et al. 1976), and they also trap and intra-
cellularly accumulate metal-rich particles (Richardson 1995).
Measurements of 137Cs in lichens were conducted by Hviden and Lil-
legraven (1961) in Northern Norway. Svensson and Liden (1965) noted
that 95 % of the total airborne complement of 137Cs deposited by preci-
pitation in Northern Sweden is taken up and retained by lichens. The en-
hanced accumulation in lichens results in greatly increased body burden
of radio nuclides in caribou (Canada and Alaska) or reindeer (Northern
Scandinavia and Russia) and subsequently in predators such as fox
and wolf, and in humans, mainly Eskimos and Lapps. Considerable ana-
Subprotocol 1
Collecting and Handling of lichen Samples
The choice of which group and which species to use in monitoring will lichen species
depend on the intention of the project. Lichens can be used for a general
screening, monitoring of ecosystem fluxes, with emphasis on a particular
emission source, monitoring with particular respect to human health (e.g.
analysis of 137CS in the food chain lichens to humans) and on the ecosys-
tem under investigation.
Not all lichens can be found at each fallout monitoring site in suffi-
ciently large amounts. Most work on contamination of lichens with radio-
nuclides has been carried out using terricolous species, such as Cladonia
sp. and Cetraria sp. The epiphytic lichens Pseudevernia furfuracea and
Hypogymnia physodes occur on many trees in mountainous and subalpine
regions, whereas Cetraria islandica is a common terricolous lichen.
Often used monitors of radio nuclides are Alectoria ochroleuca, Cetra-
ria cucullata, C. islandica, C. nivalis, Cladina arbuscula, Cladina stellaris,
CZadina mitis, CZadina rangiferina, CZadonia phyllophora, CZ. squamosa,
Cl. furcata, Cornicularia divergens, Hypogymnia physodes, Platismatia
glauca, Pseudevernia furfuracea, Stereocaulon paschale, Thamnolia vermi-
cularis, and Xanthoria parietina.
Terricolous lichens are believed to accumulate higher 137CS concentra-
tions than epiphytic lichens (Eckl et al. 1984). The 137CS activity of Clado-
nia rangiferina, collected 1993 at the Stubnerkogel, Salzburg, was reported
to be 1.6 times higher than that of Cetraria islandica and C. cucullata and
3.2 times higher than that of Alectoria ochroleuca (Hofmann et al. 1995).
137 Cs was also monitored using saxicolous lichens of the genus Umbilica-
ria. U. cylindrica and U. deusta were reported to be good bioindicators of
137Cs, but U. hirsuta and U. murina were apparently less effective (Kwa-
pulinski et al. 1985).
Collecting lichens
A first step in any analytical strategy is the definition of the purpose for
which the analysis is performed, and on this basis a sampling procedure
has to be developed. In all cases the samples should be taken in a way that
permits meaningful comparison of the analytical results according to time
and/or the place (Djingova and Kuleff 1994). A checklist of sample collec-
tion criteria can be found in Scholz et al. (1994).
The following points have to be considered:
• Can the knowledge desired be obtained by the study planned?
• Does the sampling plan yield a good picture of the real contamination?
• Is the sample big enough to enable sufficiently precise statements to be
made about mean or variance of the actual data?
• Is the collection of samples sufficiently recorded?
• Is the sampling error quantified, e.g. by a sufficiently large number of
sampling repetitions?
• Is the laboratory/analysis error quantified by repeated analysis of re-
ference samples?
• Is the selection of parameters determined sufficient to obtain the
knowledge desired?
• Can the knowledge desired be obtained at smaller cost?
• Are more samples obtained than statistically necessary?
A detailed step-by-step sampling design is difficult to create because the
intentions of monitoring can differ. However, always consider the follow-
ing points.
• To get reliable results, use the same species for monitoring purposes.
• The selected standard species should be ubiquitous and the thalli
should be large enough so that you can get enough material.
• Take a reasonably large sample, providing sufficient material is avail-
able and it is not a protected species.
• Your "sample" should be comprised of 10-30 sub-samples, each with a
minimum mass of 10 g.
26 Biomonitoring Radionuclide Deposition with Lichens 429
• Separate each plant carefully from the substrate (tree trunk, stone or
soil), and clean off other foreign material (twigs, needles, litter debris)
before placing in collection bags to minimise contamination.
• If you use plastic bags for the collection in the field, change to paper
bags as soon as possible, because mould fungi can grow on partially
hydrated lichens.
• Some authors recommend that lichens should be washed in distilled
water (e.g. Kwapulinski et al. 1985). It is accepted that in the case of
food chain studies washing of plant material prior to analytical pro-
cedures should be avoided. In biomonitoring studies final conclusions
about the necessity of preliminary washing of plant material have not
been reached yet. We do not recommend this procedure, because of the
possible loss of radionuclides. In addition, the fact that various wash-
ing procedures are used, makes comparison of results rather difficult.
Subprotocol 2
Detection of Radionuclides by Macroautoradiography
This technique can be used to investigate the distribution of radio nuclides
within single lichen thalli and to detect "hot spots".
- X-ray films (Fuji X-Ray film; Kodak Scientific Imaging Film X-OMAT
AR; Agfa Structurix D4 FW, Industrial X-Ray film; Hyperfilm MP or
Hyperfilm 6max, Amersham Lifescience).
- Common X-ray film developer (Phenisol, Ilford and D-19, Kodak).
- Stop solution. Ilford and Kodak supply concentrated stop solutions.
A general purpose stop solution consists of 0.5 % v/v acetic acid in
deionised water.
- Fixing solution (e.g. Hypam rapid fixer, Ilford, Unifix, Kodak). A gen-
eral purpose fix solution consists of 30% w/v sodium thiosulfate in
deionised water.
Note: All three processing solutions should be allowed to equilibrate to
IS-20°C and should not differ in temperature from one another by
more than 2°C.
Fig. 1. Autoradiograph of lichens and mosses, collected after the Chernobyl accident and
exposed with Agfa Structurix D 7 for two months. Top row, from left to right: Climacium
dendraides (Graz), Bryum argenteum (Graz), Pseudevernia furfuracea (KlippitztOrl). Bot-
tom row, from left to right: Climacium dendra ides (Graz), Amblystegium serpens (Graz), and
two Pseudevernia furfuracea samples (Biirgeralpe and Weinebene). The contamination is
not uniform, some "hot spots" can be observed.
26 Biomonitoring Radionuclide Deposition with Lichens 433
Subprotocol 3
Determination of "{-Ray Emitting Radionuclides
Using Nal-Crystal Detectors
The following natural radionuelides can be measured with this procedure:
- 7Be is a short-lived (t1l2 = 53d) light radio nuclide of cosmogenic origin
that has widely been used as a tracer for atmospheric turbulence and to
measure the efficiency of uptake into lichens from the atmosphere
(Ellis and Smith 1987, Smith and Ellis 1990).
- e
40K (t1l2 = 1.3 .109 a, 1460 keY) is associated with natural potassium 9K
with a relative abundance of 93.1; 40K = 0.0118; 41K = 6.88). The ob-
served 40K concentrations in lichens range from 96 to 392 Bq kg- 1 (Eckl
et al. 1986). In some studies the values of 40K seem to be too high.
Therefore we recommend that you should measure potassium by
atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) in addition to y-counting
(1 Bq coming from 40K corresponds to 0.0321 g potassium).
- Radionuclides from the decay series (natural radioactive families) can
be found not only in soils but also sometimes in lichens:
- 232 Thorium decay series: 228Ac (13 h);
- 224 Ra (3.64 d), 212 Pb (10.6 h), 208Tl (3.1 m);
- 238U-Radium series: 226Ra (1600 a);
- 214Pb (28.8 m);
- 214Bi (19.8 m);
- 210Pb (22 a).
In addition to these natural isotopes there are many man made radionu-
elides (Table 1):
- 137 Cs is the most important nuclide and most work has been carried out
on this element, because of its long half-life.
Table 1. Physical half-life and spectrum lines of man made fallout radionuclides
Radionuclide Physical half-life Spectrum lines (at KeV)
137Cs 30.14 y 661.6
134Cs 2.06 Y 569.3; 604.7; 795.8; 1038.6; 1167.9;
1365,1; sum peaks: 1400.5
(604.7+795,8); 1969.8 (604.7+1365.1)
103Ru 39.4 d 497.08
106Ru 371.6 d 511.9; 1050.3
llOmAg 249.9 d 884.7; 937.5; 1505.0; 1562.3
125Sb 2.73 Y 427.9
144Ce 248.9 d 133.5
95Nb 30.2 d 765.8
95Zr 64.4 d 724.2; 756.7
214Bi 19.9 m 609.3; 1120.3; 1764.5
2. Dry the sample at 100°C for 24 h, grind and record the dry weight.
3. Fill the plastic tube to a height of 5 cm. Close the tube with parafilm and
analyse each sample for 10 min to 1 h depending on the contamination
of the sample. Samples are changed by an autosampler. After 9 samples
we recommend that you determine the background counts using an
empty tube.
4. Repeat the measurements at least two times to estimate the error of the
measurement. One disadvantage is the small volume of the sample in
the tubes, especially for slightly contaminated samples. On the other
hand, measuring in plastic tubes increases the measuring efficiency up
to 400 % compared to a 11 Marinelli beaker because of the better mea-
suring geometry.
2. Fill the Marinelli beaker with material (dried at 100°C for 24 hand
pulverised as described above) if possible up to the 1 I marker and
analyse three times for 0.5 h.
The Mod MCA-Manuela has manual change of Marinelli-beakers of
0.5 I or 1 1. In addition, it is possible to measure plastic tubes in a
well. The apparatus makes a subtraction of the background counts
and prints the values of the measured isotopes in Bq kg-l and makes
a figure of the spectrum over the 1024 channels (Figure 2).
These systems cost approximately one third of the systems mentioned be-
low. Both are useful for the measurement of the long-lived radio nuclides
137 Cs and 134CS. If the radioactivity is low, we recommend systems in which
Marinelli beakers can be used.
The ability for the measurement of 40 K is limited. The Raytest counter
which cannot be cooled, shows a small drift (particularly if room tempera-
ture is not stable) and therefore long-time measurements are not recom-
mended. It is better to measure samples for one h, and repeat the mea-
surements twice. In addition to the measurement of 40K with the above-
mentioned "I-counters, measurement of the 39K content by AAS is recom-
Channels Tot 1924 Disp 1824 I Graphic 3 I Cursor L 1 I Scale Ala I Status Off
TiMe a
LiMit 3688
Tot 126685
Act. Betion 1 .'
=} Cs 137
SuM 32883
. ,;;.
vrs 1823 .
Left Cursor
keIJ 566.35
Cot 172
Bight Cursor
keY T18.53
Cot 58
"in 8
1 1 Ertle bot. 6. Date: 25 flay 1992 Ti ..: 16:43:58 11824
Isotope Energy range (keV) Yield Activity (Bq kg· l )
from to
Fig. 2. A shortened plot of the raytest multichannel analyser of a soil sample from the Botanical Garden in
Graz, collected on 25 th of May 1992. Note the peaks of l37Cs, l34Cs, and 40K.
Table 2. 137Cs in kBq kg- 1 in Pseudevernia furfuracea and Hypogymnia physodes col-
lected at different sites in Europe.
Subprotocol 4
Measurements of y Emitting Radionuclides with Semiconductor Photon
Decay correction The decay correction projects the activity at the time of the count back to
the time the sample was collected. This is necessary when there is a long
time (relative to the physical half-life) between the sample collection time
and the sample count time. A decay correction is useful for the day of
collecting the sample and in most cases not for the day of the contamina-
tion, because the biological half-life and Tphys are different, and Tbiois not a
constant value.
vU-S::J ----=..;;.;.,==;--'
,,"~-L-L~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~ ""
~ N
Fig. 3. Gamma spectrum of a 'hot' sample of Pseudevernia furfuracea from the Weinebene
(1700m) collected on 8th of August 1987, data acquired on 28 th of November 1987. Real
time=50400 sec. Live time=48892 sec.
Both the time of count and decay-corrected values are presented in the
report of some programs (e.g. "Gamma Vision" = Gamma-Ray Spectrum
Analysis and MCA Emulation). It is also possible to use the following
A = Ao X Equation 1
where Ao is activity at time 0, A is activity at time t, and 'r is physical half
Note: For t and 'r use the same time unit (day or year).
Geometry correction
Problems are caused by the amount of lichens that can be collected. The
values of the measurements are only comparable if the Marinelli beakers
are always filled to the same height. Note that the filling of the beaker with
samples having less volume causes a systematic measuring error because it
creates a different measuring geometry. To calculate and correct this pos-
sible error, follow this procedure.
1. Measure 100 ml of a standard containing the radio nuclides you are
interested in.
2. Dilute step by step with 100 ml of distilled water up to a total volume of
1 1. Stir and measure the activity after each dilution step. Always refer
to the same weight (I kg).
3. To obtain a geometrical correction factor, divide the activity per kg
measured in 1 I volume by the activity at a certain volume.
~ 100
o 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 4. Influence of the height of filling a Marinelli beaker on the 137Cs measurement using a
NaI-Detector in comparison to a HPGe-Detector. A radioactivity of 1460 Bq of 137Cs was
recorded after repeated addition of 100 ml water, up to 1000 m!. The sample weight after
each dilution was set to 1000 g.
Self absorption
Subprotocol 5
Measurement of the p-Ray Emitting Radionuclide
90Sr-Standard Precipitation Method
90Sr in the environment is mainly derived from global fallout following
nuclear weapon tests and to a lesser, although increasing extent, from
atomic power plants. 90Sr is a pure ~ emitter with a half-life of 28.5 years.
Because ~ radiators emit radiation in a broad range of energy, their spectra
overlap and cannot be separated easily by setting energy windows (as in y
radiation measurement) or by simple calculations. Therefore a chemical
procedure is necessary to separate 90Sr from other ~ radiators. Below, we
describe a modified version of the procedure described by Schonhofer et
al. (1989). Another technique to separate 90Sr from other radionuclides is
given in Wihlidal (1999) and Wihlidal et al. (1998).
l. Ash 10-25 g of dried plant material in a muffle furnace at 600°C for 10 h. Sample preparation
2. Weigh 1 g of the ash in a glass centrifuge tube and add 20 ml of nitric
acid (HN0 3 65%: distilled water = 1:1 v/v), 5 ml ofSrC12 solution (10 mg
Sr ml- I ) and 1 ml of BaCh solution (20 mg Ba ml- I ). Stir for 30 min in a
boiling water bath, then centrifuge for 10 min at 5000 g.
3. Add 1 ml FeC13 solution (10 mg Fe ml- I ) to the decanted supernatant,
neutralise with 25% ammonia solution and stir for 20 min in a boiling
water bath, then centrifuge for 10 min at 5000 g.
4. Decant supernatant and add 6 M acetic acid to the supernatant until
the pH is approximately 4, then add 3 M ammonium acetate solution to
increase the pH value to 4.75. Add 1 ml1.5 M Na2Cr04solution to pre-
cipitate barium chromate and stir again for 30 min in a boiling water
bath. If there is no visible precipitation add 1 ml of the above-men-
tioned BaCh solution. Centrifuge for 10 min at 5000 g.
5. Add 25% ammonia solution to adjust the pH value of the decanted
supernatant to about 7 to 8, then add ca 5 g (NH 4hC0 3 in small por-
tions to prevent the loss of foam from your sample. Stir in a boiling
water bath for 20 min and centrifuge for 10 min at 5000 g.
Subprotocol 6
Determination of Radiostrontium Using Crown Ether
Wood et al. (1993) showed that sym-dibenzo-16-crown-5 oxyacetic acid is
selective for the extraction of y3+ over Sr2+ from aqueous solutions into
Other extraction reagents are di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid (DEH-
PA) and tributyl phosphate TBP). Mikulaj and Svec (1993) used TBP
26 Biomonitoring Radionuclide Deposition with Lichens 445
to determine 90Sr in milk, plants and soils. Amano and Yanase (1990) pre-
sented a method for the measurement of 90Sr and 89Sr in environmental
samples by cation exchange using Amberlite CG-120 (100-200 mesh, in a
25 x 2.0 cm column) followed by liquid scintillation counting.
The method described below uses the protocol of Vajda et al. (1992) as
slightly modified by Gastberger (1999).
Chromatographic 11. Fill 2.5 g of the crown ether Sr.Spec into a chromatographic column
separation (inner diameter 7 mm, height 12 cm), wash the column with 100
of strontium ml distilled water and 40 ml 3 M HN0 3•
12. Place a filter paper (MN619 1/4) on the top of the column and wait until
the 3 M HN0 3 load solution produced at point 10 has passed through
the column.
13. Rinse the beaker with 20 ml 3 M HN0 3 and add the solution to the
column. Remove the filter and pass another 90 ml of 3 M HN0 3 (in
portions of 40, 30, and 20 ml) through the column.
26 Biomonitoring Radionuclide Deposition with Lichens 447
14. Finally, strip the strontium with 15-20 ml distilled water. For cost ef-
fectiveness use one column filling for 4-8 measurements. Between sin-
gle measurements rinse the column with 6 x 100 ml distilled water, 2 x
100 of which are heated up to 40°C before addition onto the column.
15. Add 300 mg CZH Z0 4 to the strip solution, heat the solution to promote Determination of
dissolution and adjust the pH to 9-10 with 25 % NH 3• the chemical yield
16. Filter the solution through a weighed filter paper, wash the beaker with
distilled water (add a few drops of 25 % NH 3) and finally with a few ml
17. Dry the sample at 50 C for at least one h and then weigh again.
18. Calculate the chemical recovery from the weight of the oxalate preci-
pitation, assuming that the amount of stable strontium originally pre-
sent in the sample can be neglected.
19. Place the filter with the strontium oxalate precipitate into a plastic scin- Preparation
tillation vial. Add 2 ml of 1 M HN0 3 and dissolve the precipitate. of the sample for
liquid scintillation
20. Add 4 ml scintillation cocktail, close the vial, shake thoroughly and
centrifuge for 1-2 minutes at low speed to collect the resulting gel
at the lower part of the vial.
21. Measure each sample together with a blank. For the blank measure-
ment place an empty filter into a scintillation vial and treat in the
same way as the sample. As the gel inside the vial is stable for only
1-2 days, the sample preparation needs to be done immediately before
the measurement is started.
22. Measure the samples with a liquid scintillation counter with a special Determination
low level mode. Usually, this is done after 90y has reached equilibrium of 90S r activity
with 90Sr, i.e. at least 2 weeks after the chemical separation. Alterna-
tively samples can be measured immediately after the chemical separa-
tion; in this case the results have to be corrected for 90y ingrowth ori-
ginating from 90Sr.
23. Calibrate the counter with a 90Sr solution. Pass about 10 Bq 90Sr and 10
mg stable Sr in a 3 M HN0 3 solution through a chromatographic col-
umn filled with 2.5 g supported crown ether. Afterwards, rinse the col-
umn with 100 m13 M HN0 3 to remove 90y and finally, strip 90Sr with 20
ml distilled water. The determination of the chemical yield and the
preparation for liquid scintillation counting is as described above.
Table 4 shows the 90Sr activities oflichens in Austria. After the Chernobyl
accident, the 90Sr level in lichens was high, as expected. Shortly after the
accident, the 137Cs-90Sr ratio in Pseudevernia furfuracea was 149 and it
increased every year, because the loss of 90Sr is faster than that of
137 Cs. The Tbio for 90Sr was 1.2-1.6 years, whereas a 50% reduction in
the l37Cs contamination was reached after approximately 2.5-3 years.
Table 4. Activities of 90Sr, !37Cs in Bq kg- 1 DW, and the quotient !37Cs/90Sr in lichens
collected at Weinebene, Styria; measurement uncertainty in %, 1 G.
Subprotocol 7
Determination of a-Particles Emitting Radionuclides
Because Pu 38 pu and 239(240)PU) is usually present only in extremely low
concentrations in the biosphere, time consuming radiochemical concen-
trations and separation procedures are necessary before the various Pu
isotopes can finally be determined by a-spectrometry.
Bunzl and Kracke (1994) described an efficient radiochemical separa-
tion for the determination of plutonium in environmental samples, using
a supported, highly specific extractant.
Equipment - a-Spectrometer
- Muffle furnace
- Column
- 242pU tracer
- HN0 3 (conc. and 2 M)
- 0.5 M HN0 3
- HCI0 4 (cone.)
- 8 M HCI
- 0.5 M HCI
- La (N0 3h· 6H 20
- NaN0 2
- Amonia solution (conc.)
- 0.1 M NaOH
- (NH 4 hS04
- KN0 3 (0.1 M)
- Thymol blue (0.04%)
1. Before use, swell the resin in deionised water overnight. Column preparation
2. Prepare the column (18 cm long glass tubes, internal diameter 3.76
mm, bed volume 2 ml with a small glass-wool plug in the bottom)
by adding approx. 1 g of the bulk material as a slurry in water. Cover
the resin in the column with a piece of filter paper to prevent disruption
of the resin bed during sample introduction and connect to the pump
by a ground glass joint.
3. For a sample weight up to 5 g dry weight, add the 242pU tracer, ash the Preparation of the
sample in a muffle furnace at 550°C, dissolve in 2 M nitric acid, and load solution
evaporate to dryness in a Teflon-coated dish.
4. Remove traces of organic matter by adding a few ml of concentrated
perchloric acid until the colour of the ash is yellowish-white.
5. Take up the residue with 50 ml2 M nitric acid, and add 10 mg ofLa (as
nitrate) and 50 mg sodium nitrite.
Testa et al. (1993) gives alternative methods for separating and determin-
ing the a-emitters 38 pu and 239(240)PU), and radiochemical techniques for
the separation and determination of B eOSr, 63Ni and 241pU) and X emitters
(55Pe, 59Ni).
• With very few exceptions, lichens are not eaten by humans, and there-
fore, unlike crop plants, lichens are not distributed world-wide by man.
• Lichens are not very toxitolerant, particularly not against S02, and are
therefore not present in areas with high air pollution (centres of towns
and industrial areas) and are often not represented in large numbers all
over the monitoring area.
• It is often impossible to know the age of parts of the thallus.
• It is very difficult to grow lichens under standardised conditions, and
therefore all exposed material has to be obtained from nature.
• In contrast to higher plants (e.g. Populus nigra), material with genetic
uniformity is not available, i. e. cloning is not possible.
• Lichen identification needs experience.
• Lichens do not reflect the content of radio nuclides of the soil (e.g. high
concentration of 235, 238U or thorium) as accurately as higher plants
(e.g. Sambucus nigra or numerous species of Fabaceae).
• Leaking of substances needs to be monitored.
• The radioactivity of lichens measured some years after contamination
does not allow the exact calculation of the amount of the initial con-
tamination, because the biological half-life of radio nuclides differs in
different lichen species as well as in different individuals of the same
• It is impossible to determine the exact date of initial contamination,
although the presence of only short-lived radio nuclides indicates re-
cent contamination.
Jacob Garty, Tei Aviv University, Department of Plant Sciences and Institute for Nature
Conservation Research, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv, 69978,
Israel (phone +972-3-6407468; fax +972-3-6409380; e-mail [email protected])
27 Biomonitoring Heavy Metal Pollution with Lichens 459
Foliose and fruticose lichens are more suitable for monitoring heavy metal
pollution than crustose lichens because they are easier to sample. The fo-
liose lichen Hypogymnia physodes, for example, has proved to be very ef-
ficient as a monitor of the environmental impact of metal pollution. This
lichen was selected to monitor airborne heavy metals in the seventies and
the eighties (James 1973; Puckett 1988; Kubin 1990; Richardson 1992;
Garty 1992, 1993; Nash 1996; Jacquiot and Daillant 1997). Additional stu-
dies using H. physodes to biomonitor airborne heavy metals and other
chemicals appeared in the nineties, and the species was used to monitor
many kinds of industrial activities. Table 1 lists selected studies that have
used foliose, fruticose and crustose lichens as biomonitors for heavy metal
pollution, with an emphasis on recent publications.
Among corticolous lichens habitats, certain species may exhibit a high-
er capacity to accumulate metals than others. The epiphytic fruticose li-
chen Pseudevernia furfuracea, for example, collected in Bern, Switzerland,
was found to contain 10 504 ).lg/g Fe whereas the foliose lichen Parmelia
sulcata contained only 892 ± 607 ).lg/g Fe (Garty and Ammann 1987). Mor-
phological and anatomical features probably determine accumulation
rates of heavy metals by lichens, by affecting the efficiency of particle en-
trapment. Nash and Sommerfeld (1981) found that morphological char-
acteristics determine the elemental composition oflichens. Low values for
mineral elements in Rhizoplaca melanophthalma were related to the fact
that this lichen had a relatively thick thallus and consequently a low ratio
of surface to volume in comparison with Acarospora strigata, Caloplaca
trachyphylla, Lecanora frustulosa, L. alphoplaca and L. novomexicana. For
soluble ions, Puckett and co-workers (1973) showed that different lichen
species had varying metal-binding capabilities under laboratory condi-
tions. Individual species of the genera Umbilicaria and Cladonia differed
considerably in their capacity to absorb Cu.
27 Biomonitoring Heavy Metal Pollution with Lichens 461
Table 1. Selected studies using foliose, fruticose and crustose lichens as biomonitors
for heavy metal pollution, with emphasis on the nineties
Lichens References
Hypogymnia physodes Belandria et al. (1991); Kansanen and Venetvaara (1991);
Lupsina et al. (1992); Tynnyrinen et al. (1992); Gailey and
Lloyd (1993); Takala et al. (1994); Lackovicova et al.
(1994); Kytomaa et al. (1995); Jeran et al. (1995); Jovano-
vic et al. (1995); Makholm and Bennett (1998)
Xanthoria parietina Bartok and Osvath (1990), Bargagli et al. (1997)
Parmelia sulcata Sloof and Wolterbeek (1991a,b); Freitas et al. (1997); Reis
et al. (1999)
Parmelia caperata Freitas and Nobre (1997); Rodrigo et al. (1999)
Ramalina lacera Garty et al. (1997a-d, 1998a,b)
Ramalina menziesii Boonpragob and Nash (1990)
Ramalina stenospora Walther et al. (1990)
Ramalina maciformis Garty (1985); Garty et al. (1995a, 1996b)
Pseudevernia furfuracea Garty and Ammann (1987); Takala et al. (1994); Quevau-
viller et al. (1996)
Cladina spp. Fahselt et al. (1995)
Cladonia spp. Savidis and Heinrich (1992)
Usnea spp. Garty and Ammann (1987); Garty et al. (1996a, 1997e)
Lecanora muralis Seaward (1973, 1974)
Lecanora conizaeoides Pilegaard et al. (1979); Gailey and Lloyd (1983); Sloof and
Wolterbeek (1993)
Caloplaca aurantia Garty et al. (1977, 1979)
Caloplaca ehrenbergii Garty (1985)
The kind of analytical technique you wish to use will determine subse-
quent specimen preparation. The following instructions apply to the
most frequently used methods, e.g. inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometry (ICPAES) or atomic absorption spectroscopy
1. Rinse the samples (I to 2 g) rapidly with double distilled water 2 - 3
times, for 5 s each time. Rapid rinsing will minimize the loss of water-
soluble elements, i.e. K, Mg (Buck and Brown 1979) and Na, known to
occur upon the rinsing of desiccated thalli. It is assumed that a rapid,
repetitive procedure will not remove particles containing elements like
Cu and Pb enclosed by surface hyphae.
2. Air-dry the thalli.
3. Pulverise samples in a mortar with liquid nitrogen. Homogenisation of
the lichen material is required to achieve a uniform distribution of me-
tals in the samples.
4. Dry the powder produced in this manner for 24 h at 105°C. Then, digest
sub-samples of 250 mg in 10 ml of concentrated analytical HN0 3 in 50
ml test tubes in a heating block for 8 h at a temperature of 120°C.
metal content of transplanted lichens before and after the start-up of in-
dustrial plants are mostly conducted with epiphytic lichens.
Biomonitoring The procedure itself is limited to choosing and pruning the twigs, and then
procedure transferring 30 - 40 twigs to each of the biomonitoring sites.
1. For the use of epiphytic lichens growing on twigs, collect terminal
lichen-covered twigs with a length of 40 - 60 cm.
2. Secure these 'sticks' with PVC cords and suspend them on peripheral
branches oflocal trees, at 2 to 3 m above the ground. It is important to
suspend the twigs on peripheral branches in order to obtain light for
the essential physiological processes of the living thalli.
3. The optimal duration of the exposure period is 6 to 9 months. A period
of less than 4 months is not enough to accumulate sufficient amounts
of airborne heavy metals, whereas an extended period of 12 - 13
months may cause substantial loss of thalli by wind, rain or hail.
In the vicinity of both "old" point sources of emission and main motor- Transplant
ways, lichens have provided useful knowledge on the source, nature and experiments
level of pollutants. Information gathered by analyses of heavy metal con-
tent oflichen transplants may be compared with available data on air qual-
ity in previous periods with a view to planning urbanisation of rural areas.
This information may suggest the need to change the type of fuels being
used or to introduce filters in industrial plants etc. Comparative analyses
of the elemental content in lichen transplants along roads or along trans-
ects from roadsides may provide information on changes in motorcar
fuels (e.g. from leaded to unleaded gasoline) and on the increase of traffic.
The duration of the exposure-period of transplants has to be adapted
to the intensity of the anthropogenic activity in the relevant study area.
In a typical study, Gailey and co-workers (1985) collected small branches Typical results
covered with Hypogymnia physodes and tied them with string onto plastic-
covered wire which was then fixed to bamboo poles at a height of 2 m
above the ground around a metal foundry in Armadale, Scotland. Batches
of the transplants were exposed for eight two-months periods. In the pol-
luted air in the vicinity of the foundry the transplants accumulated greater
amounts of Zn than in other parts of the town. The authors found that the
Zn content of H. physodes transplants ranged between 31 and 202 !lg/g,
depending on the location of the transplanted material. Gailey and Lloyd
(1986) also found that the Fe content of H. physodes transplants exposed to
an iron-contaminated environment depends on the length of exposure.
In another study, the Pb content of Ramalina lacera collected in an
unpolluted forest area in Israel and transplanted to a road junction near
Tel Aviv was 246 !lg/g after 8 months of exposure whereas control samples,
left in the forest, contained only 12 !lg/g at the end of the experiment.
Samples of R. lacera transplanted simultaneously to another road junction
contained 105 !lg/g Pb at the end of the exposure period whereas samples
transplanted to a biomonitoring station located 700 m away from this
junction contained only 35 !lg/g Pb (Garty and Fuchs 1982). These findings
are comparable with those of Deruelle and Petit (1983) who found a sig-
nificant decrease of the Pb content in H. physodes at distances of 15 and
600 m from a motorway in France: 488 !lg/g and 65 !lg/g Pb, respectively.
Laboratory studies have shown that heavy metals can cause chlorophyll
degradation. To determine the impact of different metal ions in the pre-
sence of certain anions on the integrity of chlorophyll in Ramalina lacera,
thalli were exposed to different solutions with each of the metal ions Fe 2+,
Fe H , Mn2+, Cu2+, Pb 2+ and Zn 2+ and the anions sOi-, N0 3- or Cl- under
acidic conditions. Treatments with Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Fe(II) and Fe(III) salts
under acidic conditions were particularly harmful. The sOi- ion com-
bined with K+ proved to be rather harmful to the chlorophyll in R. lacera,
over and above Cl- anions. A CuCh treatment led to severe chlorophyll
degradation in R. lacera (Garty et al. 1992). Chettri et al. (1998) tested
the effect of Cu, Zn and Pb on the chlorophyll content of the lichens Cla-
donia convoluta and C. rangiformis under controlled conditions. A Cu
content up to 1600 Ilg g-l dry wt. had no effect on the total chlorophyll
content of C. rangiformis, whereas Cu contents exceeding 175 Ilg g-l in
C. convoluta led to a decrease of the total content of chlorophyll. Cu effects
on chlorophyll were found to diminish in the presence of Pb and Zn in
both lichen species.
One way of expressing chlorophyll integrity is to use the "phaeophy-
tization ratio", i.e. the ratio of absorbance at 435 nm to absorbance at 415
nm (Ronen and Galun 1984, see also Chapters 10 and 22). We recommend
using DMSO as a solvent for the extraction of photosynthetic lichen pig-
ments, as extraction is simple, rapid and complete (see Barnes et al. 1992
for more details). In addition, the extract is easily stored at low tempera-
tures without degradation. In one study, this parameter was applied under
field conditions for lichen-samples transplanted for one year (1980-1981)
in biomonitoring stations in northeast and central Israel (Garty et al.
1985). The values obtained for the ratio of absorbance at 435 nm to ab-
sorbance at 415 nm decreased in proportion to the amounts of Br, Pb, Fe
and Ti. The ratio was inversely correlated with the amounts of Pb, Zn, Cu
and S in thalli of R. lacera transplanted in the above mentioned study area
for another period of one year, 1984-1985 (Garty et al. 1988).
27 Biomonitoring Heavy Metal Pollution with Lichens 469
Ethylene has been termed the "stress hormone", and in higher plants,
stress often induces its synthesis. It seems reasonable to assume that heavy
metal stress may induce ethylene production in lichens, and several la-
boratory studies have indeed suggested that this may occur (Lurie and
Garty 1991; Garty et al. 1995b). The production of stress-ethylene by thalli
of R. lacera was measured under controlled conditions upon incubation
for 30 min at a low pH; H20-treated thalli produced 1.38 nl/g/h ethylene.
Additional thalli exposed to 20 mM of either PbCh, ZnCI 2, MnCb, CuCl 2 or
FeClz, produced 3.12, 2.64, 4.l2, 7.09 and 17.86 nl/g/h ethylene, respectively
(Lurie and Garty, 1991). We obtained a production of 21.8 ± 6.6 nl/g/h
ethylene by R. lacera exposed to 20 mM FeCiz at pH 2.0 for 30 min, whereas
a H 20-treatment yielded only 1.2 ± 0.4 nl/g/h at pH 7.0 and 4.6 ± 0.7 nl/g/h
Typical results Recently, a series of transplantation studies were carried out to estimate
the degree of stress induced by exposure of lichens to pollutants, as ex-
pressed by changes in the spectral reflectance response of the thallus
(Garty et al. 1997a-d). We compared the alteration of NDVI with the
amount of mineral elements, including heavy metals in thalli of Ramalina
lacera from HaZorea, transplanted in the Ashdod region (SW Israel) for
different periods. The exposure of thalli of R. lacera to air pollutants in the
Ashdod region caused significant shifts in the spectral reflectance of the
lichen thallus. Low NDVI values were obtained for lichens exposed for
3-11 months near a sulphur terminal, a chemical plant and oil refineries
in Ashdod (Garty et al. 1997a-d). Typical NDVI values of 0.412 ± 0.005
were obtained for Ramalina lacera from an unpolluted site and 0.160
± 0.008 for samples transplanted to a site contaminated by heavy metals
and additional pollutants (Garty et al. 1997d). According to the above-
mentioned studies, Pearson correlation coefficients of NDVI and mineral
elements accumulated in R. lacera transplants indicated an inverse cor-
relation of NDVI and total S, sulphate-S, Ni, V, Pb, Mn, AI, Cr, Fe and Ti
and a direct correlation of NDVI, K and P.
forest fires are still unavailable, especially for fires that occur close to in-
dustrial cities.
Despite hundreds of articles, reviews and book-chapters dealing with
the interaction of lichens and heavy metals, it is quite difficult to establish
a biological scale for an assessment of heavy-metal pollution by lichens, as
made available for an estimation of 502. Moreover, to the best of my
knowledge, it has not proved possible to translate elemental levels and
physiological alteration, to actual deposition rates.
On the other hand, I have been encouraged by the fact that in the nine-
ties, lichens were applied as air-biomonitors in remote parts of the world:
Africa, South America and Antarctica. I am also encouraged by the fact
that the vast body of data referring to the capability of lichens to accu-
mulate airborne lead, seems to yield fruitful studies which provide proof
to the existence of a definite decrease of Pb in the environment which
correlates with the disuse ofPb in gasoline since the 1970's in most western
Acknowledgements. The author thanks Mrs. Rachel Garty-Spitz for her valued contribution
to the manuscript.
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Chapter 28 PROTOCOL
Toxicity of sulphur The physiological basis of the great sensitivity oflichens to sulphur com-
compounds pounds lies in the acidic characteristic of sulphur dioxide as the main
anthropogenic source of sulphur. It is known that sulphur dioxide, sul-
phite and sulphate are the most harmful forms for lichens (e.g. Hawks-
worth and Rose 1970, Nash 1973, Turk and Wirth 1974, Deruelle 1978).
Harmful effects of sulphur compounds are connected with proton genera-
tion, partly also with oxidation of sulphite to sulphate and free radical
formation during the oxidation process. Both partners in lichen symbiosis
are affected by air pollution with sulphur compounds. The impact on li-
chens is much greater when the thallus is hydrated than dry. This is also
the reason that mean winter concentrations are more relevant in regions
with low temperature in winter when water loss is lower and lichens re-
main hydrated longer after soaking than in summer. Additionally, the
amount of sulphur compounds emitted is much higher in the winter per-
iod due to heating and energy production. Sometimes, the transport and
dilution of anthropogenic sulphur compounds is smaller in winter than in
summer due to the formation of temperature inversions, especially in
closed valleys and basins in mountainous regions.
Although emission of sulphur dioxide has been substantially reduced
in the more developed countries of the European Community (Posch et al.
1997) and the United States (NAPAP report 1998) there are still large emis-
sion sources in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, China and in many
developing countries. Here, the epiphytic lichen flora in particular is still
severely endangered, and using lichens as reactive bioindicators may pro-
vide much useful information about air pollution.
Lichens as Lichens are more sensitive to sulphur dioxide than higher plants. The
bioindicators main reason for this is probably that the thallus has a very simple struc-
ture, lacking a cuticle and an epidermis. In addition, lichens are poikilo-
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 485
hydric i.e. they cannot maintain stable water content as the supply of water
in the environment changes. That is probably why fructicose and pendu-
lose lichens are more sensitive to pollution than crustose species, as they
are more exposed to polluted air, and the substratum on which the lichen
is growing (stone, soil, bark, etc.) offers less protection. However, some
species probably also show greater inherent tolerance, but the precise me-
chanisms of this are unknown. Tolerance mechanisms can be of a mor-
phological nature, e.g. the structure of the cortex, production of so redia,
hydrophobic lichen substances, all of which are mechanisms of stress
avoidance. Some of those species actually appear to have a greater
need for sulphur e.g. Lecanora conizaeoides Nyl. Ex Crombie and Scoli-
ciosporum chlorococcum (Graewe ex Stenh.) Vzda. These species are two
of the most resistant lichens to sulphur dioxide in Europe. In general, sul-
phur dioxide mostly affects lichen species that grow in particular envir-
onmental conditions, e.g. those adapted to the physical and chemical bark
properties of old trees in old, undisturbed natural forests and are species
that occur late in a succession. Lichens of this kind occur in the natural
forests of European beech (Fagus silvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba
Mill.) (e.g. in Dinaric region of Slovenia) e.g. Lobaria pulmonaria (L.)
Hoffm., L. amplissima (Scop.) Forss., L. scrobiculata (Scop.) DC., Pannaria
conoplea (Ach.)Bory, Degelia plumbea (Lightf.) P.M.J0rg. and P.James
Parmeliella triptophylla (Ach.) Miill.Arg., Thelotrema lepadinum (Ach.)
Ach., Menegazzia terebrata (Hoffm.) Massal., Gyalecta ulmi (Sw.) Zahlbr.,
Arthonia leucopellaea (Ach.) Almq. and many other micro lichens. Species
that are widespread and occur early in the development of lichen com-
munities are less affected. Examples include Hypogymnia physodes (L.)
Nyl., Parmelia sulcata Taylor, Melanelia glabratula (Lamy) Essl., Cladonia
coniocraea auct., Parmeliopsis ambigua (Wulfen) Nyl., Phlyctis argena
(Sprengel) Flotow., Lepraria incana (L.) Ach., Lecanora argentata
(Ach.) Malme, L. expallens Ach., L. carpinea (L.) Vainio, and Lecidella
elaeochroma(Ach.) Choisy.
It is important to remember that sulphur dioxide is not the only cause
of lichen death in polluted environments. It is difficult to distinguish the
effects of sulphur dioxide from those caused by nitrogen compounds or
even ozone and other air pollutants (Herzig et al. 1989, Nimis et al. 1991).
The main aims of this chapter are as follows:
• To provide information about the importance of bioindication in air
pollution monitoring and to describe the methods for monitoring sul-
phur dioxide air pollution by lichens;
Study area Geographical, meteorological, vegetation and land use history data of the
area under study should be acquired. Some of these data can be obtained
from national and other libraries; others, especially air pollution and cli-
mate data can be provided by natural institutions that measure these para-
meters within natural and international frameworks. Information about
the lichen flora obtained from earlier mapping is particularly useful.
Field work Only well known and easily recognised species can be determined and
mapped in the field, while most species must be determined later in
the laboratory. For field identification you will need the following:
- Hand lenses (10 x, 15 x, 20 x magnification)
- Camera
- Field bag for carrying samples, materials and tools
- Paper bags of different size for keeping samples
- Soft paper for preserving small and fragile thalli
- Plastic bags for sorting and storing the collected material in paper bags
during the sampling, especially necessary in wet conditions
- Pencils and other waterproof writing and labelling materials
- Notebook for recording data
- Field versions oflichen identification keys, especially desirable for be-
- Map of the investigated area on sufficiently large scale to enable sam-
pling locations to be indicated
- GPS (Global Positioning System), if available
- Suitable knife, hammer and chisel for taking lichens from the substrate
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 487
After lichen species have been determined, the data field lists and assess- Evaluation of data
ments must be produced. Further processing of the data depends on the
aim of the study, chosen bioindication method and on the facilities of the
researcher. By using computer programs, lists of mapped lichen species
and their assessments combined with geographical, climatic and air pol-
lution data can be transformed to indices, zones or otherwise delimited
investigated areas. This will require a personal computer with appropriate
printers and software.
Subprotocol 1
Mapping Species Distribution
Detailed plotting of the distribution of lichen species on maps is the clas-
sical approach to study the effects of air pollutants on lichens. The under-
lying assumption of this approach is that the number of species increases
with distance from the source of sulphur dioxide air pollution. The basic
procedures of standardisation when using this method were established by
the pioneers oflichen species mapping e.g. Skye (1968), Barkman (1958),
Hawkworth & Rose (1970), Gilbert (1970), Deruelle (1978) and many
1. Make the profile in the area under investigation according to the po-
sition of air pollution source, topography of the area and meteoro-
logical circumstances.
2. Select the most suitable sites for lichen mapping. Pay special attention
to sites/substrata that are very rich in lichens.
3. Decide which lichens you are going to map: epiphytic, epilithic, or ter-
ricolous lichens. Epiphytic lichens respond better to air pollution.
Therefore you must select proper tree species (phorophytes). Follow-
ing Barkman (l958), European trees can be grouped according to the
bark characteristics (mineral content of bark, pH, wetability, water
holding capacity, mechanical bark properties) as follows:
• bark poor in minerals and acid; these species include the conifers
(Pinus, Picea, Larix, Juniperus, Abies, Cupressus), birches, (Betula),
and alders (Alnus)
• bark medium to rich in minerals, slightly acid or neutral pHs; these
species include the majority of broadleaves like oaks, sweet chest-
nut, hop-hornbeam (Quercus, Castanea, Ostrya), maples (Acer),
beech and hornbeam (Fagus, Carpinus), ash (Fraxinus), and fruit
trees and their wild relatives (Malus, Pyrus, Prunus, Sorbus);
• bark rich in minerals, pH neutral or slightly basic; these species
include the willows and poplars (Salix, Populus), elms, walnut,
black locust and horse chestnut (Ulmus, Juglans, Robinia, Aescu-
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 489
4. Score all lichens that you are able to determine to the species level in
the field and collect the rest of the species for laboratory determina-
5. Collect lichen samples and determine species.
6. Make a list of lichens according to the sites in the investigated profile/
area and relate it to the level of measured air pollution, if data are avail-
7. Compare list of lichens found in the investigated area with former
mapping, where available.
The best results are obtained when epiphytic lichens are mapped on a
transect on the same phorophyte. This is rarely possible, therefore usually
lichens collected from the same type of bark and tree crown are compared
as indicated in the Procedure. According to Hawksworth and Rose (1970)
observations on lichens can be grouped into trees with eutrophic and non-
eutrophic bark regardless of the above classification. Although both clas-
sifications have been used for a long time and used by several workers, no
comparative study has been done to evaluate the two groupings. It is clear
that a high input of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds masks to a great
extent the natural chemical bark characteristics. However, differences
among barks of trees due to other chemical and physical bark character-
istics persist as does tree crown type (personal observations). Probably,
grouping trees into those possessing eutrophic or non-eutrophic barks
is too simple. Input of calcareous dust plays another important role, si-
milar to eutrophication, and the successional stages of the managed for-
ests, and the history of the land use at the site are also very important.
Mapping studies carried out in Slovenian forests (Mayrhofer et al.
1996, Grube et al. 1995) have shown that some tree species have very spe-
cific epiphytic lichen floras (for example, very species rich, very species
poor, specific species always present). This flora does not depend on their
age, forest stand structure and history, a fact that must be considered
when comparing results. These species are common beech and white
hornbeam, sycamore, silver fir, black pine and Scots pine (Fagus
sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, Acer pseudoplatanus, Abies alba, Pinus nigra,
Pinus sylvestris). Studying the distributions of each species separately, and
subsequently integrating your data will provide best results. Recent lichen
en .....
en CD
en c:
..Q r.
:::J .~ .....
en .....
Q) Q)
---- ..,
--- ..,
:::J :::J CD
c: c:
• D
~ ..,
N :t::::
..... c
N co
-- co
- CD
-- .....
Fig. 1. Relationship between epiphytic lichen species number and number of tree species
(y) in a profile across a highly polluted valley (x) in central Slovenia (Mrzlica-Jatna); sites
from 22 to 33 are in the vicinity of a thermal power plant (note that very few lichens are
present); data from Vidergar-Gorjup 1998.
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 491
mapping in a relatively clean air area (Julian Alps) and in highly polluted
central parts of Slovenia (Zasavje) confirmed that while the availability of
a proper substrate, e.g. phorophyte, affects the number of epiphytic li-
chens, sulphur dioxide has a larger effect. In Figure 1 the number of epi-
phytic lichen species is presented according to the number of available
substrates at a site in a transect over the Sava valley in the Zasavje district
of Slovenia. This district is highly polluted with sulphur dioxide from a
thermal power plant situated at the bottom of a deep and steep valley sur-
rounded by hills with very diverse vegetation types. Although the number
of phorophytes varies, the decline in epiphytic lichen species number is
always the largest where the transect crosses the polluted area (Vidergar-
Gorjup 1998).
In Figure 2 epiphytic lichens were mapped along an altitudinal profile
in the Julian Alps where data from the lichen mapping was supported by
measurements of sulphur dioxide in air using instrumental monitoring
(Gomiscek 1997). The number of substrates (Norway spruce, European
beech, European larch) is more or less the same within the profile, but
the number of lichen species present is inversely proportional to the mea-
10 T c::::JS02
E 6 30 ;
C) .l:
N ~
0 4 20 0
en "-
2 10 i
0 o
930 1020 1130 1250 1360 1450
Altitude [m]
Fig. 2. Relationship between epiphytic lichen species number (line) and sulphur dioxide
concentration (bars) in the air along an altitudinal profile at Kurji vrh in the Julian
Alps in Slovenia. Site at 980 m is situated at the bottom of a rather polluted valley and
has less epiphytic lichens while sites at higher altitudes have more lichens and lower con-
centrations of sulphur dioxide; data from Surina 1998.
Subprotocol 2
Percentage and Frequency Mapping
Apart from mapping distribution, the occurrence of lichens, the percen-
tage cover and the frequency of single species or lichen thallus types can be
used to determine the level of air pollution (Jones, 1952). The approach is
particularly useful in highly polluted areas where the majority of lichen
species have disappeared. For example Gilbert (1970) mapped the highly
tolerant epiphytic lichen species Lecanora conizaeoides. He found that in
highly polluted areas (80 - 130 Ilg S02 m- 3) this species represented 80 -
95% of the epiphytic lichen cover while in less polluted areas ( < 60 Ilg S02
m 3) it occupied only 60 - 80% of the total lichen cover.
Another approach in mapping is to assess the cover and frequency of
the three major lichen thallus types i.e. crustose, foliose and fructicose
lichens. This approach is particularly useful in broad-scale mapping
and where non-lichenologists are involved, when species determination
is impossible or too time consuming (Fenton 1960, Batie 1991, Batie
and Mayrhofer 1996). This method is based on the assumption that crus-
tose lichens are more resistant to air pollution than foliose, and foliose
more than fructicose. In general this is true, although some crustose spe-
cies are much more sensitive to sulphur dioxide and other air pollutants
than foliose or even some fructicose species (Barkman 1958; Hawksworth
and Rose 1970). Lichen life-form mapping is a very simple method for
determining air pollution levels and was often used for teaching purposes
with school children, or in broad scale forest decline inventories where a
general impression about air quality can be obtained by this method, espe-
cially on high density grids and by repetition of mapping at various time
intervals (Batie 1991, Batie and Kralj 1995, Batie and Mayrhofer 1996).
From lichen survey studies and "zone mapping", an indicator value for
several epiphytic lichen species has been established. The indicator value is
most often related to sulphur dioxide concentration in air or just to overall
air pollution. In determining the most suitable species to use as indicators,
Hawksworth (1973) recommends that the following points should be
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 493
• The ecology and distribution of the species must be well known in the
area under investigation. The species should have been present in the
area before it became affected by air pollution. Therefore old records
about the species distribution are very useful, and should be compared
with the present distribution if possible. Unfortunately, there are few
areas in which the distribution of lichens was well known both before
and after becoming polluted. The indicator value of a lichen species
changes with climate and some other environmental circumstances,
which makes comparison of results difficult.
• The species selected as indicators must still occur on the same sub-
strate after the onset of pollution. This requirement is often difficult
to meet because changing land use resulted in a change of available
substrates. For example, deciduous forests were often transformed
to conifers, drastically changing the epiphytic lichen vegetation.
• The species should be present in the same environmental circum-
stances in clean nearby areas or on more favourable substrates in
the polluted areas. This allows the possibility of the lichen spreading
should a reduction of air pollution occur.
• The species must be sensitive to sulphur dioxide, as proved by trans-
plant experiments.
• Skye (1968) recommended avoiding the selection of species that are
very tolerant or very sensitive to sulphur dioxide. The best results
are obtained by using a group of well-known species, ranging from
sensitive to resistant.
• The chosen species must be easily recognised, even by non-specialists.
There are few species that meet all these requirements worldwide, and it is
becoming evident that indicator species must be chosen for each area.
With certain precautions, the groups of indicator species suggested by
Hawksworth and Rose (1970) could be used for screening sulphur dioxide
air pollution, but their scaling should be locally tested and certain species
should be omitted and additional new ones included.
When starting with lichen mapping one must know how to determine li-
chens; for beginners, complete species mapping is a very hard task. The
choice of which method to use (complete flora mapping, indicator species
Subprotocol 3
Zone-Mapping and lAP Maps
From single species mapping and from mapping of all lichen species in
chosen areas several investigators have constructed zones according to
lichen richness, cover and frequency. Such zone-maps have been con-
structed for many towns, individual industrial plants, provinces and
even whole countries [see Hawksworth (1973) for citations].
The number of zones designated differs among researchers, but most of- Five zone system
ten five zones are recognised on the basis of lichen species occurrence,
their cover and frequency. These are as follows:
1. An inner zone, often termed a "lichen desert" where no lichen can be
found or only the most tolerant; these often comprise sterile thalli of
crustose species;
2. An "inner struggle zone", with a few resistant foliose lichens with low
cover and frequency, fructiose species are absent;
3. An "outer struggle zone" in which the most resistant fruticose species
appear, especially in sheltered positions;
4. A "transition zone", where lichen species composition is normal ac-
cording to expectation but signs of air pollution impact are detectable
(changed frequency and cover of tolerant and sensitive species, signs of
pollution damages);
5. A "normal", unaffected zone.
Later it was realised that phrases such as "lichen desert", "struggle zone",
and "normal zone" should be avoided because these terms were used in
different circumstances by different authors and caused confusion in in-
Hawksworth and Rose (1970) devised one of the most elaborate zone map- Ten zone system
ping systems. They devised a ten zone system for eutrophic and non-eu-
trophic bark, indicating concentrations of sulphur dioxide from 0 to > 170
flg S02 m- 3, estimating the mean winter S02 air pollution in England and
Wales using epiphytic lichens (Hawkworth and Rose 1970, Hawksworth
Index of Atmo- At about the same time as the above zone systems were being proposed,
spheric Purity other workers devised lAP (Index of Atmospheric Purity) maps (DeSlo-
over, 1964 LeBlanc and DeSloover 1970; Trass 1971). The lAP is time con-
suming to estimate, but provides a numerical assessment of the degree of
air pollution. It is based on the number of lichen species, their cover and
frequency and tolerance to air pollutants at the investigated site. Maps can
be drawn by computer, and then compared with data from instrumental
monitoring. The first studies of this kind suggested that good correlations
between lAP and sulphur dioxide existed. However, later it was realised
that other air pollutants are involved. More sophisticated computer tech-
niques were used to correlate lichen data with several measured air pol-
lutants at the observation plot or nearby air quality measuring stations
(Herzig et al. 1989, Nimis et al. 1991). Similar lAP maps have also
been constructed from the mapping of lichen life-form types where ob-
servations of the occurrence, cover and frequency of thalli types were car-
ried out separately for tree base, trunk and crown. Figure 3 gives an ex-
32 - 54
29- 32
21 - 29
17 - 21
13 -17
7 -13
o- 7
Fig. 3. Lichen map of Slovenia based on the lAP values as obtained from observing lichen
thallus types, their frequency and cover within 4x4 km grid in 1991, at regularly forest die-
back inventory on different types of trees. The lAP values are between and 54 (where the
value means a plot without lichens and very polluted air and the value 54 means very rich
lichen vegetation and very clean air), and are divided into 7 classes according to the per-
centile values (10,30, 50, 70, 90, 95%); data from Teran et al. 1996.
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 497
ample of such an lAP map for Slovenia from regular forest decline inven-
tories (Batie and Mayrhofer 1996, Jeran et al. 1996).
The most detailed mapping system of this kind was a form of passive
biomonitoring with lichens as part of an integrated biological measuring
system for monitoring air pollution in Switzerland proposed by Herzig et
al. (1989) and Liebendorfer et al. (1988). The procedure oflichen mapping
is similar to those described in Subprotocols 1 and 2 for total species map-
ping and percentage and frequency mapping, but with some modifica-
6. Calibrate lAP values against measured main air pollutants (SOz, N0 3-,
Cl-, dust, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd) and find the best fitted correlation factors
with main pollutants; group the lAP values into five classes delimiting
- - I"""
1/4 of the stem
circumference t- 1/4 of the stem
circumference ~
- = r.t
. .
+ +- _~~I
...-- ~, :
j Wire fastener
Vertical line on the trunk
passing through most lichens
Fig. 4. A IO-field frequency net for lichen assessment after Herzig et aL (1989).
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 499
emission and lichen zones: critical pollution -lichen desert, high pollu-
tion - inner struggle zone, middle pollution - outer struggle zone, little
pollution - transition zone, very little pollution - normal zone (Lieben-
dorfer et al. 1988).
Subprotocol 4
Transplant Studies and Total Sulphur Content Measurements
To prove that sulphur dioxide is having a harmful effect on lichens, they
can be transplanted to a polluted environment, for example close to sites
where instrumental monitoring is being carried out. Hawksworth (1973)
reviews older studies, and these methods are still useful. These approaches
can be used in areas without proper natural phorophytes, and also as a
substitute for lichen species mapping over large areas to save time and
money. Usually more tolerant species are used, e.g. Hypogymnia physodes,
Fig. 5. The pattern of sulphur dioxide concentrations obtained from lichen data on a na-
tional scale, divided into 7 classes according to the percentile values (10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 95%).
The epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. was sampled from, as far as possible,
the most similar sites and tree species within the Slovenian 16 x 16 km bioindication grid.
This grid was established by the Slovenian Forestry Institute within a research programme
dedicated to forest decline studies [data from Jeran et al. (1996)].
Parmelia sulcata and Cladonia sp. The same lichen species are also often
analysed for total sulphur content, either collected in nature or taken from
the transplant experiments. The results are often very difficult to interpret.
While alive, lichens can be used as sulphur accumulators. They are very
good tools for short-term experiments to monitor sulphur dioxide emis-
sions or abatement of air pollution. When severely damaged or even dead,
lichens lose accumulated sulphur quickly and can no longer be used for
this purpose (Batie, unpublished results). Figure 5 gives an example of the
use of epiphytic lichens as sulphur accumulators (Jeran et al. 1996) in a
study carried out in Slovenia for screening heavy metal and radio nuclide
air pollution. Thalli of the tolerant ubiquitous epiphytic lichen species Hy-
pogymnia physodes were collected from nature using a 16 x 16 km sam-
pling grid. Sulphur accumulation in this lichen is in good agreement with
expected air quality. In areas with clean air lichen thalli contain less sul-
phur. The agreement of sulphur content data with lAP values is not per-
fect, because other pollutants affect lichen growth and contribute to lower
lAP values in addition to sulphur dioxide.
1. Define precisely the main goal of the study; e.g. screening sulphur and
other air pollutants in naturally occurring thalli or in transplants.
2. Select the most convenient species for transplantation. Enough mate-
rial must be collected from unpolluted areas. The choice of species will
depend on local climate, lichen flora and available substrates for ex-
posure. In middle and north Europe Hypogymnia physodes is one of
the most frequently transplanted species. SchOnbeck (1969) recom-
mends transplanting lichens together with their substratum, e.g. a
tree branch.
3. Transplant lichen into polluted environment. Select sites for exposure
as for mapping studies or as described in Chapter 26. Enough material
should be exposed at the site, depending mostly on number and types
of analyses, length of exposure and frequency of sampling during the
exposure. The longer the exposure period, the more material must be
exposed, and accordingly frequency of sampling could be higher.
28 Bioindication of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution with Lichens 501
4. Sample the exposed lichen material and analyse thalli for total sulphur
content by using the method described by Jeran et al. (1993) as follows:
• moisten lichens in the laboratory with distilled water and remove
adhering bark particles
• freeze dry lichen samples in liquid nitrogen
• grind frozen lichen samples in a zirconia mortar with a Zr02 ball
• take about 200 mg of dry lichen powder to press it into tablets using
Manual hydraulic press
• analyse total sulphur content by using X-ray fluorescence spectro-
Trou bleshooting
• Fieldwork should be done in short time and ensure that the same group
of well trained people are involved in the assessments.
• Do not start complete lichen flora mapping, or a large project like the
Swiss integrated zone mapping (Herzig et al. 1989) with beginners.
These methods are very accurate, but only well trained lichenologists
are able to collect and determine all species in the area or assess species
properly according to the Swiss method (Subprotocol 3).
• When you have no data about air pollutant measurements be careful
when explaining and delimiting zones of air pollution impact based
merely on your mapping data, or based only on literature.
Taxonomic studies must be at least in part based upon herbarium speci- Taxonomic,
mens, of which the so called type-specimens are the most important. It is chemical and
on these that descriptions of new taxa are based, and they serve in per- molecular studies
petuity as the reference for these names. For a new species to be validly
published, the herbarium in which the type specimens are lodged must be
specified. Locations, contents, acronyms etc. of the world's public herbaria
can be found in "Index Herbariorum", compiled by Holmgren et aI. 1990.
A searchable internet-version is available at:
Most secondary lichen substances remain stable in storage, and hence
herbarium specimens are reliable subjects for chemical investigations. The
ability of lichen thalli to accumulate pollutants means that older speci-
mens may provide evidence of former environmental conditions.
Improved methods in molecular studies have also led to an increasing
use of herbarium specimens (preferably not older than 10 years) as im-
portant subjects for taxonomic works. When old herbarium collections
(e.g. from the last century) are examined, lichen phylogeny and the
long term population dynamics of lichens will become promising fields
of study.
Floristic data Herbarium specimens are an essential basis for the preparation of check-
lists or floras of particular geographical regions. They can also provide an
indication of changes over time in the distributions of species.
Experimental Details
Preparation of lichens
Collecting lichens Before collecting lichenized fungi (or indeed any biological specimens),
and preliminary the potential rarity of the species should be considered. Many countries
field-preparations require formal collecting permits, and these frequently come with a range
of restrictions. In countries where some species are legally protected, col-
lecting of rare, vulnerable or threatened species may be highly restricted or
prohibited. Regardless, no collecting should deplete an entire stand.
For epiphytic lichens, the substratum must also be considered, and
trees should not be damaged or killed. Depending on the growth habit
of lichens and the type of substratum, different collecting-methods are
appropriate. Easily removable (large foliose, umbilicate or fruticose) li-
chens must be collected with their attachment organs (but usually without
substratum). Small foliose and all crustose lichens have to be removed
with part of the substratum. Stout knifes or caulking irons are used for
bark, wood or soil; chisel and hammer help to remove lichens from
29 Management of a Lichen Herbarium 509
hard substrate (e.g. rocks). Fragile lichen species (e.g. Caliciales, or many
fruticose taxa if totally dried) should be carefully wrapped in soft paper
(e.g. uncoloured toilet paper). Rocks with crustose lichens (especially
when wet) must be processed in the same way to avoid mutual abrasion.
Fig. 1. Home-made "rock-hacker" with interchangeable chisels and using a typical car
29 Management of a Lichen Herbarium 511
a b
Fig. 2. Suggested design and fold-order for lichen herbarium envelopes. a. Inner envelope, folded (1-4) and glued
onto the card (5). This would contain the specimen, or pieces of specimen. b. Typical, folded (1-3) herbarium
envelope, within which card and lichen (as per 2a) are placed.
After specimens have been decontaminated (see below), they can be in-
corporated into the herbarium. It is probably best to store lichen-envel-
opes flat, mounted on a sheet of paper. However, other methods, such as
vertical filing of individual packets, are employed in various institutions.
The advantage of rapid access to vertically filed specimens is more than
offset by the disadvantages. For example, specimens can be easily da-
maged, and problems arise as a result of different envelope sizes or space
may not exist for large envelopes, while small packets tend to slide under
larger ones. Horizontally filed specimens can be easily retrieved, and of
course any size of envelope can be stuck onto the sheets. However, hand-
ling is probably slower and extra costs for folders and cardboard sheets are
involved. In case of a flat storage, envelopes or packets may be glued (or
even pinned with needles) to sheets or kept loose. As loose packets on
sheets tend to fall off, some form of 'fixing-method' is recommended. De-
pending on the size of the sheets and the envelopes, 2 - 8 packets can be
fixed onto a single sheet. Several herbaria prefer to mount only one single
envelope on a sheet, which has the advantage that enough space is pro-
vided for directly visible annotations, and that envelopes never have to be
removed from the sheets. However, specimens stored in this way use much
space. Depending on the thickness (and weight) of the specimens, 2 - 5
sheets may be placed inside a stronger and slightly larger folder. Alterna-
tively, a few herbaria use big cardboard-boxes, which may be stacked hor-
izontally. These boxes provide maximum protection for the specimens,
29 Management of a Lichen Herbarium 513
but handling is much less efficient. Where envelopes are glued to sheets
but need to be removed for some reason, the sheet is torn from the packet
but not vice versa to avoid damage (e.g. causing a hole at the back side of
the envelope).
Because the classification of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi at the fa- Arrangement
mily level and above fungi is in a strong state of flux, I recommend arran-
ging lichen taxa alphabetically by genus and species names respectively.
Within each species, a geographical classification may be useful. For ex-
ample you could use a different colour of species cover for different local
region/country/continent. Using an additional striking colour for type-
covers will allow easier handling of this most valuable component of
the herbarium. In some herbaria, types are stored separately as well as
important (mostly old) personal collections or exsiccata material. In
case of the latter, I recommend avoiding a separate storage, at least of
the numerous recent exsiccata, because it dramatically slows down
loan management when it is necessary to search the same taxa in
many different places.
Fully databased herbarium information also offers the possibility of
keeping specimens in the same order that they are accessioned. This meth-
od has the advantage, that all specimens keep their original place even if
there are taxonomic changes or space extensions. But again, loan manage-
ment and identification work with comparison-material is made much
more difficult.
Herbarium Problems
Deep freezing (below -20ce for three days) is the most widely used method
for decontaminating incoming herbarium material. In addition, the whole
herbarium unit should be fumigated periodically (e.g. every second year)
although the need for this varies very much with local conditions such as
humidity and the prevalence of certain insect pests. Nowadays very vo-
latile gases (e.g. hydrogen phosphide) are used, which minimise health
problems, but require a carefully sealing of every single room. Naturally
this process is only undertaken by professionals!
Although lichens are known to be rather resistant to pests, soralia and
algal layers of some nitrophilous taxa (e.g. Physciaceae and Teloschista-
ceae) can be entirely devoured. The main culprits are bark lice [Liposcelis
spec. div. ("book lice") 1and also skin beetles [dermestids, e.g. Anthrenus
museorum ("museum beetle") and Anthrenus verbascil. These insects
mostly live and breed inside a herbarium, whilst others (e.g. mites) are
carried in with freshly collected material. If specimens are not deconta-
minated, the mites can continue feeding for a while (until they and the
lichens are dried up). In very damp conditions, the most serious damage
can occur through an attack on the specimen label and the glues, rather
than on the specimen itself. Among others, silverfish (Lepisma spec. div.)
and several bark lice (see above) may cause such damage.
Best protection against mould growth (and pest feeding) is provided
by storage in constant environment rooms with constant temperature
(20-23°C) and low humidity (40-60%).
Storage space
Active herbaria not only have the duty to house old material but should
also try to acquire freshly collected samples, which represent invaluable
genetic resources in the future. Material from the area where the herbar-
ium is situated is often procured by a local staff. Species from distant parts
of the world are frequently acquired via exchange with other herbaria, e.g.
by means of issuing exsiccata material or duplicate collections.
Although storage of duplicate material is said to involve extra resource
consumption for maintaining the same amount of scientific information,
the morphological (and chemical) spectrum of species is much better de-
monstrated with several collections of the same taxon.
However, to expand collections always seem to be in permanent need
of additional space. Therefore there are few herbaria in the world that do
29 Management of a Lichen Herbarium 515
not suffer from a space shortage. New and improved storage systems (see
above) may partly be of help, but in many cases only extensions or even
new herbarium buildings can solve the problem. The need to defend the
importance of herbarium collections to politicians and senior managers is
very much a way of life for most herbarium curators.
Loan Management
All material sent by post, for example on loan or the return of a loan, as a
gift or as an exchange, must be carefully packaged. Dried lichen thalli are
usually very brittle, and easily damaged or even destroyed, and therefore
must be protected from crushing, shaking or mutual abrasion. It is best to
keep each envelope under a slight pressure inside the parcel. To avoid
damage, never send specimens, particularly type material, in padded
bags, but always in stiff cardboard boxes. Loan forms, or similar docu-
ments for gifts and exchange, which have to be acknowledged and sent
back by the borrower, must be included. The necessary data for such doc-
umentation are:
• Address (including herbarium acronyms) of both sender and recipient
• Date of dispatch
• Loan-number (preferably containing the year)
• Detailed list of specimens; the list of specimens should include at least
the names and numbers of specimens and a unique detail for every
single specimen, e.g. running herbarium number or collection number
• Loan period
• Advice for handling
It may also be useful to make copies of the borrowed specimen labels, or
other records and place them in the herbarium collection where specimens
have been removed; this alerts other users that some specimens may be
It is strongly recommended that incoming material from other herbar-
ia or returned loans are deep frozen before further handling or reincor-
poration. Before acknowledging the enclosed form, the material must be
checked against the given list. In the case of an incoming return of loan,
determination/confirmation slips (hopefully added to the specimen)
should be glued to the outside of the envelope to assist the correct filing
on reincorporation of the specimen into the herbarium. The determina-
tion slip (with the names of taxon, revisor and date of revision) must be as
small as possible to leave space for further revisions. Hand-written deter-
mination slips should be avoided.
1. Check the condition of the package and specimens, and compare the Incoming loan
documentation with the actual content.
2. Send acknowledgement-form to the sender, retaining one copy, or ac-
knowledge the receipt bye-mail.
3. Deep-freeze the parcels.
4. Hand over the specimens to the scientists and remind them to handle
the specimens with great care and to keep to the terms and conditions
of the loan.
1. Check the condition of the package and specimens, and compare the Incoming return
documentation with the actual content. of loan
2. Send acknowledgement-form to the sender, retaining one copy, or ac-
knowledge the receipt bye-mail.
3. Deep-freeze the parcels.
4. Remount any damaged specimens.
5. Glue revision and confirmation labels on the outside of every envelope.
6. Remove the stored copies of labels and/or make the database entries
and corrections.
7. Reincorporate the material into the herbarium.
Table 1. Continuous
MUSE - The KUNHM MUSE Project is an effort to
provide software for the curation of natural history
collections. It is designed explicitly to manage natural
history collections and is based upon the experience of
curators and collections managers. Built in taxonomic
dictionaries are available for several taxonomic
BRAHMS (Botanical Research And Herbarium
Management System) has been developed to support
three closely related and overlapping activities: 1. the
curation and management of botanical collections in
herbaria (general accessions management, loans, ex-
changes, labels, determination slips and lists, visitor
services, internet services, etc.). 2. the production of
taxonomically oriented outputs (revisions, monographs,
taxonomic checklists, taxonomic synopses, etc.). 3. the
production of geographically oriented outputs (geo-
graphic checklists, floras, biodiversity surveys, etc.).
The need to manage extensive amounts of data has forced many her- Database-systems
baria to develop their own database systems. Some of these programs are for herbarium
now freely available via the internet. A collection of software developed for management
the purpose of databasing biological objects can be found under: http:// The catalogue also
contains database programs especially written for herbarium manage-
ment (see Table 1).
Most of the cited programs also create and print out formatted labels
from the database, probably their most common use. Some herbaria have
developed one-off packages to service their particular needs, and these
may be linked to other data-handling or -mapping programs. Databased
label information allows retrieval of specimens using more criteria, which
is of particular interest for lichen herbaria. For example, specimens often
contain several species in addition to the one under whose name they are
stored (e.g. lichenicolous fungi and their host, or two sparse thalli of rare,
interwoven taxa, which can not be separated).
When starting a project to database all herbarium specimens, one
should consider that within a herbarium the percentage of correctly de-
termined species (and subspecies and varieties) varies from 100 % to less
than 10 %, for example in some genera of Verrucariales or in leprarioid
lichens. As even many genera of macro lichens (e.g. Usnea, Bryoria, Cetre-
Table 2. List of some lichen herbaria with access to their database via the internet (A
comprehensive list of botany related URL's is kept under:
botany.html (Brach, A.R. & S. Liu (1996-)).
ASU (Tempe, U.S.A.)
BG (Bergen, Norway) see below under "Norwegian lichen
ESS (Essen, Germany
HBG (Hamburg, Germany)
MIN (Minesota, U.S.A.) -wetmore/
Norwegian Lichen Database. The
database compiles six independent bot-mus/lav/soklavhb.htm
databases from four herbaria (BG, hb.
Holien, 0, UPS) and is able to create
distribution maps.
o (Oslo, Norway) (lichen types; see
also above under "Norwegian lichen bot-musllav/sok_ltyp.htm
S (Stockholm, Sweden)
species list of lichens
Olof Swartz' lichen types (scanned
images of specimens and labels) kbo/sw/welcome.html.en
Erik Acharius' lichen types (scanned
images of specimens and labels) kbo/ach/welcome.html.en
TSB (Trieste, Italy)
UPS (Upsala, Sweden) (see also above
under "Norwegian lichen database")
US (Washington, U.S.A.) gopher -menus/
U.S.NationalHerbariumLichen Type
private herbarium of Professor uk! acad/ envsci/
M.R.D.Seaward (U.K.) infostore/herbarium/LICHEN.html
29 Management of a Lichen Herbarium 521
Table 3. Continuous
Versamap for Windows is suitable for
drawing maps of continents or large countries webdoclO.htm
The GEOnet Names Server (GNS) provides access
to the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's htmllindex.html
(NIMA) database of foreign geographic feature names.
Geographic Names Information System
(United States and Territories) www/gnis/gnisform.html
Coordinates of worlds bigger cities
Miscellaneous useful links and access to e-mail addresses and homepages:
Index Herbariorum !! (updated every few months)
Lichenologists' and Mycologists' E-mail Address List
IAL (International Association of Lichenologists).
New entries, cancellations and changes of address, hawaiLedu/lichen/
phone and fax number, e-mail, homepage and default.htm
scientific interests are personally done by the
Electronic discussion group devoted to lichens. send mail "subscribe
LICHENS-L Your Name" to:
English German dictionary
EURODICAUTOM (a multilingual terminological
database which contains technical terms, cgi-bin/edicbin/Euro-
abbreviations, acronyms and phraseology)
Searchable database of Universities around the world
un iv/
As internet data transfer becomes more advanced, more herbaria are Herbaria on-line
offering online access to their database systems. An incomplete compila-
tion of important lichen herbaria that are online is presented in Table 2.
Lists of stored taxa and very detailed data (including label text etc.) can be
requested. Type databases are especially useful for taxonomists and strong
efforts should be undertaken to connect all such databases to a single net-
work. Some institutions are already striving to connect database systems
of different biological collections for large geographical areas, e.g. "Nat-
ureWeb" for central Europe ( and "BioCISE"
for the European community (
In addition to the cited internet addresses for database systems Other uses
(Table 1) and online-herbaria (Table 2), Table 3 presents some further of the internet
useful links for curators of lichen herbaria.
Acknowledgements. I would like to express sincere thanks to Dr. Gintaras Kantvilas and to
anonymous referees for many valuable hints and advice and to the former also for the lin-
guistic improvement of the manuscript.
Foreman L, Bridson D (1998) The Herbarium Handbook, 3rd Edition. Kew, RBG.
Hawksworth DL (1974) Mycologist'S Handbook, an Introduction to the Principles of
Taxonomy and Nomenclature in Fungi and Lichens. Commonwealth Mycological
Institute, Kew Surrey England.
Holmgren PK, Holmgren, NH, Barnett LC (1990) Index Herbariorum Part I The her-
baria of the world Edition 8. Regnum Vegetabile Vol 120
Metsger DA, Byers SC [eds.] (1999) Managing the modern Herbarium An inter-dis-
ciplinary approach. Society for the preservation of natural history collections. Elton-
Wolf Publishing, Vancouver, Canada.
Moberg R, Holmsen 1(1992) Flechten von Nord- und Mitteleuropa, Ein Bestimmungs-
buch. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New York
Wirth V (1995) Flechtenflora, Bestimmung und okologische Kennzeichnung der Flech-
ten Siidwestdeutschlands und angrenzender Gebiete. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart
Chapter 30 PROTOCOL
The basic equipment includes the camera body, macro lenses, tripod, auto
extension tubes, auto bellows and electronic flash units.
The single lens reflex camera is best for the macrophotography oflichens. Camera
The subject matter appears through the lens exactly as it will on the film.
Usually, the 35-mm camera, delivering slides or negatives with an area of
24 x 36 mm, is sufficient. Good quality films rated at speeds of 100 ASA or
less have more than enough resolving power to allow excellent reproduc-
tion at the dimensions usually required by scientific publications. Large
format cameras, for example those delivering 6 x 6 em negatives can be
useful for overview pictures rich in details, e.g. for fruticose lichen vegeta-
tion or lichen mosaics on tree trunks or large rock faces. However, they are
often not suited for pictures of small lichen individuals. The film area may
exceed the subject area, and the area surrounding the subject often gives
no additional information, is out of focus or disturbs the composition of
the picture. Choose a camera that will allow you to select the aperture
manually and automatically adjusts exposure time. Make sure that you
can override the automatic exposure to compensate for expected under-
or over-exposure of important subjects parts. This will be required, for
example, when you are photographing a black lichen thallus on white
limestone substrate or white filaments of a beard lichen on a dark back-
ground. Modern single lens reflex cameras allow "through the lens" (TTL)
metering of natural or flash lighting, so that changing lenses, bellows or
filters creates no problems for estimating exposure times. Most cameras
today are equipped with an automatic focusing system, but make sure you
can switch this off because it does not work properly at close distances.
The viewfinder usually is equipped with a focusing screen with a central
micro prism spot or a central horizontally oriented split-image spot. In
macrophotography the split image spot is inconvenient as it does not
work at close distance and appear often as a dark spot. For macrophoto-
graphy a mat Fresnel field with no spot or special Fresnel fields for high-
magnification applications are best. In some cameras the focusing screen
is interchangeable.
No single macro lens is capable of delivering optimum results for the en- Lenses
tire range of magnifications usually needed. For magnifications of up to
0.5 x or (with some firms also) 1 x ("close up" photography) ordinary
macro lenses are available which fit the camera body without any addi-
tional equipment. They can focus subjects at infinity, but offer highest
resolutions in the macro range. If these macro lenses have focal lengths of
50 or 60 mm they can also be used for normal photography, e.g. landscape
shots. For close-up photos their often relatively low maximum apertures
of f 1:4 or f 1:3.5 are of no consequence. Macro lenses with longer focal
length (e.g. 80 to 105 mm) have the advantage that they provide a greater
"working" distance, i.e. distance from the end of the lens to the subject.
This may make it easier to arrange suitable lighting or position of the tri-
pod. For magnifications higher than 0.5 or 1 x (strictly, the term "macro-
photography" should be used only for magnifications greater than 1 x) it is
necessary to use extension accessories such as extension tubes or auto
bellows. Macro lenses are available that are constructed for use only in
conjunction with these accessories. They can extend the magnification
up to 20 x and more. The higher the magnifying power of the lens, the
shorter the focal length. For example, Olympus provided an 80 mm macro
lens for magnifications from 0.5 to 2 x, a 38 mm macro for magnifications
from 2 to 6 x, and a 20 mm macro for 6 to 12 x. The latter magnification
corresponds to a subject area of 3 x 2 mm. Minolta macro lenses exist with
focal distances of 25 and 12 mm which allow magnifications from 3.2 to
20.5 x. Canon offers 35 mm and 20 mm macro lenses with magnification
from 2 to 10 x. At magnifications of 15 to 20 x the working distance is
extremely short and positioning and illumination of the subjects becomes
very difficult.
Extension tubes, As discussed above, ordinary macro lenses can only be used at high mag-
auto bellows, and nifications when connected to extension tubes, bellows or a telescopic
telescopic tube. Telescopic tubes and bellows offer continuous extension, i.e. a con-
auto tubes tinuous change of subject distance and thus magnification. Olympus were
the first to offer a telescopic auto tube. This can be a useful and lightweight
accessory for hand-held shooting. Unfortunately, it does not allow use of
all magnifications when used in conjunction with the different macro-
lenses offered. The maximum extension is too short to reach the lowest
magnification of the "next" most powerful macrolens. This problem
(which can be reduced by adding further extension tubes) also occurs
with relatively short and handy bellows. However, you can avoid this pro-
blem by using conventional bellows made by the same manufacturer as
your lenses; in this case the focussing rail will be long enough to ensure
overlapping of the magnification ranges of the macro lenses. Bellows are
usually unsuitable for hand-held shooting because they do not offer auto-
matic diaphragm linkage. However, bellows made by Novoflex and Leica
have a double-cable release, allowing automatic stop-down to the pre-
selected lens aperture at the moment of exposure.
30 Documentation of Lichens by Macrophotography 527
There are advantages of using natural lighting for photographing lichens. Electronic flash
For example, subjects such as fruticose or beard lichens on twigs look bet- lighting
ter in front of a naturally illuminated background, whether this be a land-
scape or the sky. However, natural lighting can create rather sharp con-
trasts in your subject. Flash lighting makes you independent of ambient
conditions, and enables you to control lighting angle and contrast (see
below, and Figures 1-6). The effects can be tested easily by shooting series
of pictures with different lighting conditions. You will need to use aux-
iliary lighting if working indoors, or outdoors on a cloudy day or in
the shade, otherwise very long exposure times will be needed. Using
long exposure times creates several problems. First, it is easy for the cam-
era to move slightly during exposure, particularly if the tripod is resting on
soft ground. Secondly, beyond certain exposure times colours recorded by
the film shift towards blue or blue-green regions of the spectrum (the
Schwarzschild effect). These problems can be solved by using electronic
flash. Three main kinds of flash units exist: a single spot flash, twin flashes
(two flash units fixed by brackets on both sides of the camera or the lens)
and the ring flash. The ring flash fits conveniently around the front of the
camera lens and illuminates the subject from all sides; some products al-
Iowa differential illumination by cutting off segments of the ring. When
Fig. 1. Crustose lichen (Acarospora sinopica). a:with single flash unit from above left, sha-
dows help to pronounce surface unevenness and cracks; b: twin flash lighting with left flash
closer to the subject diminishes shadow effects but still produces enough relief
30 Documentation of Lichens by Macrophotography 529
Fig. 2. Crustose lichen (Thelotrema lepadinum). a: with single flash unit from above; b: with
ring flash lighting. The difference is striking; the shadowless picture does not give any im-
pression of the plasticity of the fruiting body
If you wish to use a reflected light microscope, it is often possible to attach Using a
your single lens reflex camera directly to the microscope, and thus con- stereomicroscope
tinue to enjoy TTL light metering. The stereomicroscope usually does not
offer the possibility of choosing different apertures.
Selecting the right subject is very important for the final quality of the
picture. Apart from aesthetic considerations, choosing the right subject
can help you to minimise problems associated with depth of field or sa-
tisfying illumination. A crustose lichen on an even flat surface is better
suited to show the characteristics of the lichen than one on a very uneven
relief. When photographing podetia of Cladonia or the fruiting bodies of
Baeomyces or Dibaeis you should choose specimens that have more than
one of these structures in a suitable plane of focus.
Fig. 3. Foliose lichen {Menegazzia terebrata}. a:with ring flash lighting, the subject appear-
ing unnaturally flat; b: with single flash unit from above left, the subject showing structures
more naturally
Generally the subject plane should be parallel to the film plane. If you are
photographing deep objects, it is usually desirable to get a large depth of
field by using a small aperture. Position the important elements of the
lichen in the foreground; it is usually better to have the foreground in
sharp focus and the background out of focus. For example, keep the mush-
room-like fruiting bodies of a large thallus of Baeomyces or the pseudo-
podetia of Stereocaulon pileatum in the front of your composition, and
sharply in focus. You can use an out of focus background to document
30 Documentation of Lichens by Macrophotography 531
Fig.4. Foliose lichen with concave lobes (Peltigera col/ina), a: with single flash unit; b: with
single flash unit from above and additional ring flash to brighten up shadows; c: inadequate
twin flash lighting, leaving unnatural shadows in the depth of concave structures
Fig. 5. Fruticose lichen {Cladonia cenotea}. a: with ring flash lighting which offers for this
type of growth form an adequate illumination; because of the depth of the subject no "flat"
impression occurs; b: with natural light conditions producing too extended shadows
Fig. 6. Foliose lichen (Parmelia caperata). a: with single flash unit positioned at small/close
angle to the camera, producing little shadow; b: natural lighting where you must accept
structure hiding shadows
struct your own using instructions published in special magazines for mi-
croscopy and microphotography e.g. Mikrokosmos.
The most common way for taxonomists to collect and store biological data
has been for them to write their observations on paper or in form sheets in
a more or less structured way. Today, most taxonomists store records in
PC-based databases. Such electronic repositories potentially allow sophis-
ticated data retrieval, the generation of data tables and production of var-
ious types of formatted reports. They may also be used as a starting point
for traditionally established taxonomic descriptions or printed keys for
The interchange format for descriptive data, DELTA (DEscription Lan-
guage for TAxonomy), introduced by Dallwitz (1980), allows the use of
data for a wide range of applications. DELTA describes taxonomic objects
in a format that can be used for generating taxonomic descriptions in nat-
ural language and printed polychotomous keys, as well as for computer-
aided interactive identification (Dallwitz and Paine 1993 onwards). The
format is widely used today and was endorsed as an international data
standard by the Taxonomic Database Working Group (TDWG), a subdi-
vision of the IUBS. The coding of text, multi-state characters and numer-
ical data follows rather simple principles and thus remains readable to
some extent. Editors for DELTA exist for DOS platform, e.g., Taxasoft
(Gouda 1998) and Dedit DOS which is part of Pankey program suite
(Pankhurst 1988, 1999), and for Windows® 95/98/NT platforms, e.g.,
the editor of CSIRO-Delta program package (Dallwitz et al. 1993 onwards).
These editors make working with this coding language data very conve-
nient and do not confront users unnecessarily with the original coding
language, but enable them to focus attention on the essentials of data cap-
ture. DELTA can be recommended as a most useful tool for storing de-
scriptive data, and is used in the present article to exemplify the setting up
of databases for interactive identification. Data can also be imported into
software for statistic or cladistic analyses.
or more states, which may include two or more states and need not or
cannot be brought in a natural order of sequence.
Example: Ascospores wall surface <texture>/
1) smooth/
2) po rate/
3) rugose!
4) substiptate!
5) stipitatel
Note: The best way to test, whether the sequence of character states is
ordered or not, is to join pairs of states by the term 'to' and ask whether
the statement implies the inclusion of the intermediate states or not.
With respect to the selected example this is the case, because 'im-
mersed to stipitate' includes the intermediate states 'subimmersed',
'adnate' and 'substiptate'.
• Integers, being numerical values resulting from counts. (Note, that
mean values of integers may be real numerics!)
Example: Ascospores <number>/
• Real numerics, being numerical values derived from measurements
and are often measured by units, in the present example: \tm'.
Example: Ascospores <length>/ ).lm/
• Text characters may include any kind of textual data.
Example: Phorophyte <name>/
It is possible, but not recommended to use characters with a combination
of two or more basic properties:
Example: Ascospores septation <presence, kind>/
1) absent!
2) parallel I-septate!
3) parallel 2-5-septate!
4) muriform!
Depending on the taxonomic group under consideration and the pur-
pose of the identification key, the list of characters of a database project
may comprise up to several hundred characters. Table 2 provides the ex-
ample of a short character listing for crustose lichens in the DELTA for-
The short phrases proceeded by an asterisk symbol are so-called DEL-
TA directives. The numbering symbol ('#') and the delimiters ('/') are ob-
ligatory formatting tags of the coding language. Basic property terms are
enclosed in angular brackets.
31 Computer-Aided Identification Systems for Biology, with Particular Reference to Lichens 543
Table 2. Continuous
*SHOW Lichenized Fungi - Chars REVISED 990131_09:12
#6. thallus <kind>/
1. endosubstratic/
2. episubstratic/
#7. thallus surface <structure>/
1. smooth/
2. rough/
3. byssoid/
4. pulverulaceous/
5. farinose/
#S. ascomata <diameter>/
mm in diam./
#9. ascomata <exposure>/
1. immersed/
2. semi-immersed/
3. sessile/
4. substipitate/
5. stipitate/
#10. ascomata margin <development>/
1. indistinct!
2. slightly prominent/
3. prominent/
#11. ascomata lower layers colour (HSB value) <range>/
#12. asci wall layers apex inner layers amyloid reactivity <pattern>/
1. with amyloid tube/
2. with amyloid capt
3. entirely amyloid/
#13. ascospores <number>/
per ascus/
#14. ascospores <length>/
11m long/
31 Computer-Aided Identification Systems for Biology, with Particular Reference to Lichens 545
Table 2. Continuous
*SHOW Lichenized Fungi - Chars REVISED 990l31_09:12
#15. ascospores septation <presence>!
1. absent!
2. present!
#16. ascospores septation <kind>!
1. parallel I-septate!
2. parallel 2-5-septate!
3. muriform!
#17. ascospores wall surface <texture>!
1. smooth!
2. porate!
3. rugose!
#18. primary photobiont <kind>!
1. cyanobacterioid!
2. chlorococcoid!
3. trentepohlioid!
For subsequent import in the Delta editor, database specifications, stored Setting
in a file named 'specs' are needed. (If the character list is entered directly up the character
into the editor, this file is generated automatically.) An example of a mini- specifications
mum specification is given here:
A very handy tool for data entry and maintenance is the editor distrib-
uted with the CSIRO-Delta program package. The package ('delt32.exe')
can be downloaded from the Programs and Documentation page at http:// When started, the self-extracting file pro-
poses the creation of a folder called 'Delta' to contain various program,
system and data files. The CSIRO-Delta package is shareware. A test period
of 1 month is allowed, after which the programs must be registered as
described in the file Register.txt in the 'doc' subfolder (this file is also avail-
able directly from the Programs and Documentation Web page).
A User's Guide to the Delta Editor is located in the subfolder 'docs'.
The 'sample' subfolder contains a complete, working data set. These files
(e.g. intkey.ini and toolbar.ini) can be useful as guides for setting up your
own files. The relevant ones can be copied from the 'sample' folder to your
own project folder (,MyDeltaProject'), using the DELTA 'sample' option
(at the MS-DOS prompt), Windows Explorer, or the Delta Editor (as de-
scribed in the documentation of the Editor).
31 Computer-Aided Identification Systems for Biology, with Particular Reference to Lichens 547
Having started the editor 'Delta.exe', the chars and specs files in the project Entering item-
folder first need to be imported. This is done by selecting in the menu bar: related data
File ---+ New and then File ---+ Import directives. in the Delta editor
Entry of taxon-related data (taxon name and data on characters) is
possible in the major data entry form of the editor. Multi-state characters
are selected by checkboxes of the lower right frame of the interface. Often
more than one state per character needs to be selected, except in the case
where states are defined as being exclusive and do not allow more than one
state to be present per item. Numeric and text data are entered into the
lower left frame. Frequently, for some reason, certain traits of an organism
may not have been examined, and data therefore do not exist. In this case,
the respective characters are considered as 'unknown' and can be left un-
coded. (Example: a species only known from its type collection has not yet
been analysed chemically. The compounds of the species are unknown;
however, potentially, data could be gained by later chemical examination.)
Due to a priori absence by character state dependency, inapplicable char-
acters are different. Here, the presence of a structure may depend on the
presence of another superior structure. In other words, absence of a con-
trolling character state causes inapplicability of the dependent character.
(Example: character #16 'ascospores septation <kind>' is not applicable,
if character #15 'ascospores septation <presence>' is set to 'absent'. Thus,
due to the lack of septation, data of the kind of septation are not relevant.)
If the inclusion of additional characters becomes necessary during a
project, they may be added to the character form of the editor. Characters
should be defined precisely. A reference book, like the Dictionary of Fungi
(Hawksworth et al. 1995), supplies appropriate definitions for being
adopted and stored in the character notes field of the character edit
form of the editor. Options to integrate picture and sound files are pro-
vided as well.
For making stored data accessible to queries and interactive identifi-
cation, re-export of the data contents into DELTA data files is necessary.
This is done by selecting, in the menu bar: File ---+ Export directives). The
minimum set of needed export files are 'chars', 'items', 'specs' and 'cnotes'
with character- and taxa-related data, specifications, and notes to the char-
acters. Alternatively, the files may be exported automatically when other
programs are run from within the editor (by selecting in the menu bar:
View ---+ Action sets).
Be aware that during DELTA export, backup files are made automa-
tically from the original chars and specs files. It should be pointed out that
the step of DELTA exporting will be superfluous in future versions of the
CSIRO-Delta Editor, which will generate output directly from the data-
Providing descriptive data for local and online use via the WWW
Various programs for identification and data query are capable of reading
data in DELTA format, for instance Intkey (Dallwitz et al. 1995 onwards,
1998), Pankey (Pankhurst 1999), or DeltaAccess (Hagedorn 1997).
DeltaAccess is a free application for MS Access® for Windows, which
builds up a relational structure from DELTA-based data during import. It
includes modules for project management, data maintenance, data ana-
lysis and interactive identification.
Intkey is an interactive key program that enables rapid identification of
biological specimens and uses files generated from the DELTA-coded data
by Confor, the compiler of the CSIRO-Delta program suite. Intkey calcu-
lates the order of characters according to their potential capacity to resolve
sets of taxa after each decision step during the procedure of identification.
The order of characters is dynamically generated and those with the high-
est capacity appear at top of the window. Apart from identification, Intkey
exhibits sophisticated features that greatly exceed those of ordinary data
base applications and provides, for instance, the option to compare se-
lected taxa or to create diagnostic descriptions.
How to compile DELTA files can be imported directly into DeltaAccess and Pankey, but for
DElTA data for use use in Intkey, the translation of code with the compiler 'Conforqw.exe'
with intkey (part of the Delta program package) is necessary. Two files, toint and In-
tkey.ini, which contain DELTA directives, need to be prepared in advance
and saved in ANSI format in the project folder:
• Create the file 'toint' needed for the compilation by Confor:
*SHOW Translate into INTKEY format
*HEADING Example Lichen Data Set
• Start Confor at the MS-DOS prompt in the project folder and enter
'toint' (without quotation marks) at the prompt line. The compilation
process starts with entering the <return> button. [In cases where the
data files (chars, items, specs, cnotes and toint) include no errors, the
process will be terminated with the message 'normal termination'.] Al-
ternatively, Confor can be run from the Windows 'Start' menu, or with-
in the editor by selecting in the menu bar: View ----+ Action sets ----+ toint
----+ Run.
The new data files 'ichars' and 'iitems', created by compilation, are ready
now to be used by Intkey.
Delta Intkey files or DeltaAccess databases may be put on an Internet
server for downloading and subsequent local use. However, more conve-
nient for the user is an option for direct data query online. Via a web brow-
ser, Intkey data files can be directly loaded into the memory of a local
computer, while Intkey is evoked as a 'helper application'.
• Pack the following files (e.g., with the program WinZip®) into a zip-file How to install In-
called '': ichars, iitems, intkey.ini and Toolbar.inp. tkey files for their
direct use over the
• Create a text file (ANSI) '' with the following contents ['fi-
lename' should be replaced by name of file, name of file, '_mydomain_1
_myproject_1_'by the web address (domain name and path) of the file]:
;To run the Intkey from this ftle, you need Intkey5 and Windows95/98/NT
;N arne of this file
InkFile=http://_mydomain_' _myproject_/
;Name of the Intkey initialization file within the compressed data file
;Name of the compressed data file
DataFile= http://_mydomain_/_myproject_/
• Copy these three files onto a server under the 'DataFile' address and
add the link address '' to a HTML page on which the files
can be loaded down (hypothetical example!):
<a href =''http://_mydomain_/_myprojecc/''>Intkey Example Data<a/><br>
Three free web interfaces link DeltaAccess databases to the Internet: 1)
DeltaAccess Perl (Cross 1997, Findling 1998a) 2) DA WI (Findling
1998b), 3) Navikey (Bartley and Cross 1999). The parallel installation
of the interfaces at the LIAS site ( allows
one to study the pros and cons of the different techniques. This web
page also links to information on how to install the interfaces on a server.
Summarising, the following steps need to be exercised for creating da-
tabases for local use and online use over the Internet:
1. Text Editor: character selection and decomposition set up ---) char-
acter arrangement ---) character specifications set up (in DELTA format)
2. CSIRO-Delta Editor: character and specifications data import ---)
item-related data entry ---) data export (in DELTA format)
3. ConforW: DELTA data compilation ---) local installation for use with
Intkey ---) installation on WWW server for download and use with Intkey
4. DeltaAccess: DELTA data import ---) local installation for use as da-
tabase ---) installation on WWW server together with user interfaces (like
DAP, DA WI and Navikey) for online use over the Internet
[All Internet sites listed were consulted on June 2001; an updated list of the links below
is provided under
Acharius E (1798) Lichenographiae sueciae prodromus: i-xxiv, 1-264. Linkiiping
Acharius E (1810) Lichenographia universalis: 1-696. 14 tab. Gottingae
Bartley M and Cross N 1999. Navikey v. 2.0 . [
Boughey AS, Bridges K Wand Ikeda A G (1968) An automated biological identification
key. Research series no.2. Museum of Systematic Biology, University of California,
Botanische Staatssammlung Miinchen (ed.) (1995) LIAS - a DELTA-based information
and data storage system for lichenised and lichenicolous Ascomycetes. [http:// (First posted on 95-01-01, most recent update 2001-06-01).
The British Lichen Society (ed.) (1997) Database for the Identification of Parmelia Ach.
of Great Britain and Ireland. The British Lichen Society. [
The British Lichen Society (ed.) (1998) Identification of Parmelia Ach. The British
Lichen Society. [ISBN 0 9523049 4 5, CD-ROMl.
Cross N (1997) Delta Access Perl FAQ. [
lab/web_keys/ delta_access_perl.htmll. Cambridge, Mass.
Dallwitz M J (1980) A general system for coding taxonomic descriptions. Taxon 29:
Dallwitz M J(1997) Desirable attributes for interactive identification programs. [hup:11
Dallwitz M J, Paine T A (1993 onwards) Definition of the DELTA format. [
diversity. uno.edul delta!].
Dallwitz M J, Paine T A, Zurcher, E. J (1993 onwards) 'User's Guide to the DELTA
System: a General System for Processing Taxonomic Descriptions.' 4th edition.
2. Set-up of a database
3. Formatting of the data
4. Connection to the Internet
5. Development of application software
Data compilation
Fig. 1. Example for an entity relationship-diagram. Ovals represent attributes, boxes are entities, and facets are re-
32 On-Line Documentation of Lichen Biodiversity 559
Database design
Step 1 is the translation of a data model into a form that can be imple-
mented in the target database system; practically it is the creation of tables,
variables, etc. Step 2 can include various rules that have to be followed in
the database, e.g. that only correctly written names can be entered, or that
the same record is entered only once. This is very important to maintain
the consistency of the database. The design and analysis of transactions is
more important in larger and intensely used databases to keep a high level
of performance, because complex transactions (queries and updates) via
the Web must be processed in reasonable time. As the fourth step suggests,
consideration should be given to the disk space that will be used, because
sufficient storage space must be allocated. If the information system is
maintained on different computers, portions of the database can be
kept separately. This could either be tables or rows of a table (=horizontal
splitting). Alternatively, and to avoid time-consuming queries across re-
mote sites, read-only copies of all tables, so-called snapshots, can be main-
tained on different servers, which are regularly updated.
If several independent centres of research or authors contribute to a
joint project, inconsistencies and standardisation of taxonomic concepts
will become important issues, because different concepts are still followed
by the lichenological community. This will lead to difficulties in searching
the database unless the inconsistencies can be translated or managed by a
thesaurus of synonymy. The synonymy can be incorporated as a separate
I --l
-1 ~pPlications J
I - - -
and determines whether the request is for a static HTML page that can be
accessed from the file system or whether the request requires the use of a
Web Request Broker (WRB) cartridge. Such software cartridges execute
the requests, e.g. by processing PL/SQL routines. Cartridges exist also
for other languages and APls (application programming interfaces),
such as Java, Perl, LiveHTML and ODBC. As it is not possible here to dis-
cuss the Oracle Web Application Server in detail, the reader is referred to
Harvey and Beitler (1998).
The listings in Figure 5 and 6 are examples for underlying PLlSQL code of
a query form and an output page.
There are numerous options that can improve the design of pages pre-
sented to the client: for example, text areas are used in the input forms to
let the user enter a search name, and checkboxes, radio buttons, menus, or
font size controls can be used to refine queries and to improve the appear-
ance of the form pages. Error handling is most useful to handle wrong
input or to indicate that the queried data are not present in the database.
It is also appropriate to inform the user about the reasons for a failure.
This may be useful for example when the user enters an outdated name.
Then, a taxonomic thesaurus may be invoked to look up a possible current
name, which may be used to search the database again. Graphical output
htp. HtmlOpen; /* this command opens a HTML page */
htp. BodyOpen; /* this opens the body ofa HTML page */
htp. FormOpen ( , Da tabase _ response' , , POST' ) ; /* here, the procedure is called which
will handle the request */
htp.p('Enter species: ');
h tp . FormText ( , the_name' , , 30 ' ); /* creates an empty text field for entering the
request */
htp. p ( 'Wi th synonyms: 'I I htf. formcheckbox ( 'Synonymy' ) ) ; /* with this, the user
can specify whether the synonyms should be listed */
/* creates a submit button */
htp.FormReset('Another species');
htp.Mailto ('[email protected]', 'my email address'</P>');
/* in this simple case we assume that the entire distribution of a taxon is represented in a single data field */
PROCEDURE Database response
(the_name in varchar2, Synonymy varchar2)
/* the following cursors are used to navigate through the floristic and taxonomic tables; they contain a select
statement to find matching entries */
OPEN row cursor;
FETCH row cursor INTO dba rec;
/* If the name is not found, the following code looks in the synonym table */
SELECT DISTINCT name INTO cur name FROM synonyms WHERE synLIKE
htp.p(the name I I' is not found in the database. <BR>'); EXIT;
htp. P ( '<TR>In this database, 'I I cur_name I I' is the current name for
the taxon you asked for (' I I the name I I '). </TR>');
htp. P ( '<B>' I I dba rec. name I I '</B>' ) ;
htp.p('Is present in the following regions: <BR>');
htp.p (dba_rec .dist I I '<BR>') ;;
Fig. 6. PL/SQL program generating dynamic HTML output from an Oracle database
32 On-Line Documentation of Lichen Biodiversity 567
Various kinds of additional information can be linked. This may for ex-
ample involve the following types of data:
• Ecological parameters for a species
• Literature references
• Taxonomic data
• Descriptions of species
• Images of species
Except for the latter two, these additional links are also integrated in the
Lichen Database of Italy (Nimis 1999). Such links to other electronic re-
sources are optional and can be managed by the application software. The
latter can automatically format input properly to invoke external query
routines. One example for this is implemented in the database of Medi-
terranean lichens, where the original query string is reformatted to re-
trieve information from a server in Trieste on specimens in the herbarium
in Trieste (TSB), on specimens of seven herbaria databased in Oslo, or on
recent literature and taxonomic information on the queried genus. When
ecological data and descriptions of species, e.g. in DELTA format (Ram-
bold, this volume), are available, this could lead to a completely new type
of information resource. Interactive keys can then individually be gener-
ated for lichens occurring under certain ecological conditions in the op-
erational geographic unit.
Further extensions are possible if the database is linked with a GIS.
Complex geographic information can be stored as so-called themes in
such a geographic database, and can be linked to other databases via
open database connectivity (ODBC). For example, a theme may be geo-
logical data; another is altitude or vegetational data. The link with a GIS
can be used to draw simple distribution maps of lichens or to carry out
complex analyses of OGUs, for example, to compare the distribution of
Acknowledgements. Sabine Rostek and Guenther Berthold (EDV-Zentrum Graz) are ac-
knowledged for technical support. I also thank Stefano Martellos, Pier Luigi Nimis
(both Trieste), and Helmut Kammerer (Graz) for discussions.
Triebel D and Rambold G (1998-99, first posted on May 19th, 1998; most recent update:
January 2nd, 1999). DALI: Database of ascomycete literature. Botanische Staats-
sammlung Miinchen, Hyperlink:
Hawksworth DL, Kirk BM, Sutton BC, Pegler DN (1995) Ainsworth & Bisby's diction-
ary of the fungi. 8ed. CAB International, Wallingford, UK
Tootill E (1984) Dictionary of Botany, Penguin, London, UK
Wittig R (1993) Generals aspects ofbiomonitoring heavy metals by plants. In: Markert
B. (ed). Plants as biomonitors. Indicators for heavy metals in the terrestrial envir-
onment. VCH Weinheim, New York, pp 4-27
Subject Index
N protoplast 125
neutral lipids 332, 339-341 - isolation 61, 63
NPQ (non-photochemical quenching) Pu isotopes 451
137, 143-146
nucleic acids 88,381-383,386,389 R
radionuclide (radioactivity) 425 ff
o RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic
on-line documentation 554 DNA) 412-417,419
osmotic potential 236, 238, 248, 250 reactive oxygen species 196-197
OTC (open top chamber) 212-214, 216, redifferentiation (of lichens from thallus
220-221 fragments) 35, 38-39, 43-44
oxygen electrode (0 2 electrode) 146, 148, rehydration 125-127,218-219
152, 157, 163-167 RGR (relative growth rate) 256,270-271
RWC (relative water content) see water
P content
parasymbionts 75 respiration 152, 163, 166,473
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) resynthesis (oflichens) 34-35,45,47-49,
381-383, 386, 388-390, 392 ff, 412ff 55-58
- microslide PCR 404 RNA 88, 381, 386, 388-390
peroxidase 321, 324 rubisco 97,152,173-174,177-178
phenolics (polyphenolics) see secondary
(phenolic) (lichen) products (com- S
pounds, substances, metabolites) secondary (phenolic) (lichen) products
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (compounds, substances, metabolites)
323 - biological role 79,81-82,281
phospholipids 332, 338, 342, 344 - classes 282
photobiont - degradation by mycoparasites 80
- cultivation 157 - identification 57,281,285, 287,
- culture 3-5,20-21, 185-186 289-290, 297, 537-538
- culture media 21-23,51-52 - in isolated mycobionts 35, 58
- isolation 4, 25-27, 153 - methodological problems caused in
photo destruction 141 - ACC analysis 193
photography (photographic technique, - chlorophyll and carotenoids
photographs) 262-265, 327, 524 ff analysis 363,366-367,374
photoinhibition 137-138, 142, 144 - cultivation of photobionts 156
photosymbiodemes 45,47-50,57 - enzyme activity estimation 174,
photosynthesis 137, 152-153, 157, 163, 198-199,203-204,208,307,313-314
166-167, 169, 172, 467, 472-473 - nucleic acids analysis 382-383,386,
phylogeny (phylogenetic) 392,400-401, 388,415
412 - photosynthesis measurement 157
plastid pigments 363, 369, 371, 373-375 - TEM 96, 109
poikilohydry (poikilohydric) 88, 213, - potential applications 45, 296-297
225, 236, 484-485 - stimulating synthesis 45, 58, 297,
polar lipids 332, 336, 338 300-301, 303, 305
potential taxon concept 560 - use in taxonomy 281, 296, 507
pressure volume (PV) curve (isotherm) - visualization within thallus 95, 119,
238,240-242,247-251 124-125
protein extraction 198-199,204,208,308, SEM (scanning electron microscopy) 70,
314 111-112,118-120,122-124,130,459
580 Subject Index