Leak Chart Air
Leak Chart Air
Leak Chart Air
In cubic feet of free air per minute at standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 lb. Per sq. in. absolute and 70oF
before 1/64” 1/32” 1/16” 1/8” ¼” 3/8” ½” 5/8”" ¾” 7/8” 1”
Orifice in
per sq. in. Discharge in cubic feet of free air per minute
1 .028 .112 .450 1.80 7.18 16.2 28.7 45.0 64.7 88.1 115
2 .040 .158 .633 2.53 10.1 22.8 40.5 63.3 91.2 124 162
3 .048 .194 .775 3.10 12.4 27.8 49.5 77.5 111 152 198
4 .056 .223 .892 3.56 14.3 32.1 57.0 89.2 128 175 228
5 .062 .248 .993 3.97 15.9 35.7 63.5 99.3 143 195 254
6 .068 .272 1.09 4.34 17.4 39.1 69.5 109 156 213 278
7 .073 .293 1.17 4.68 18.7 42.2 75.0 117 168 230 300
9 .083 .331 1.32 5.30 21.2 47.7 84.7 132 191 260 339
12 .095 .379 1.52 6.07 24.3 54.6 97.0 152 218 297 388
15 .105 .420 1.68 6.72 26.9 60.5 108 168 242 329 430
20 .123 .491 1.96 7.86 31.4 70.7 126 196 283 385 503
25 .140 .562 2.25 8.98 35.9 80.9 144 225 323 440 575
30 .158 .633 2.53 10.1 40.5 91.1 162 253 365 496 648
35 .176 .703 2.81 11.3 45.0 101 180 281 405 551 720
40 .194 .774 3.10 12.4 49.6 112 198 310 446 607 793
45 .211 .845 3.38 13.5 54.1 122 216 338 487 662 865
50 .229 .916 3.66 14.7 58.6 132 235 366 528 718 938
60 .264 1.06 4.23 16.9 67.6 152 271 423 609 828 1082
70 .300 1.20 4.79 19.2 76.7 173 307 479 690 939 1227
80 .335 1.34 5.36 21.4 85.7 193 343 536 771 1050 1371
90 .370 1.48 5.92 23.7 94.8 213 379 592 853 1161 1516
100 .406 1.62 6.49 26.0 104 234 415 649 934 1272 1661
110 .441 1.76 7.05 28.2 113 254 452 705 1016 1383 1806
120 .476 1.91 7.62 30.5 122 274 488 762 1097 1494 1951
125 .494 1.98 7.90 31.6 126 284 506 790 1138 1549 2023
150 .582 2.37 9.45 37.5 150 338 600 910 1315 1789 2338
200 .761 3.10 12.35 49.0 196 441 784 1225 1764 2401 3136
250 .935 3.80 15.18 60.3 241 542 964 1508 2169 2952 3856
300 .995 4.88 18.08 71.8 287 646 1148 1795 2583 3515 4592
400 1.220 5.98 23.81 94.5 378 851 1512 2360 3402 4630 6048
500 1.519 7.41 29.55 117.3 469 1055 1876 2930 4221 5745 7504
750 2.240 10.98 43.85 174.0 696 1566 2784 4350 6264 8525 11136
1000 2.985 14.60 58.21 231.0 924 2079 3696 5790 8316 11318 14784
Table is based on 100% coefficient of flow. For a well rounded entrance, multiply values by 0.97. For sharp edged orifices a multiplier of 0.61 may be used for approximate
results. Values for pressures from 1 to 15 lbs. gauge calculated by standard adiabatic formula. Values for pressures above 15 lb. gauge calculated by approximate formula
proposed by S.A. Moss Where:
Inches x 25.4 = mm; psi x 6.895 = kPa; chn x 0.02832 = rn3/rnin; 70oF = 21.1 oC