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This report is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, wisdom,

Knowledge, and understanding throughout the period of the industrial training.


First and foremost, I want to appreciate the name of the Almighty God, the Supreme
Being and the source of my life for His sustenance, love, protection and guidance and
daily provision.

I also want to thank my lovely parents for all their financial remittances all these while.

I am equally grateful to the management OF KDF KONSULT LIMITED for granting

me the opportunity to do my industrial training in their reputable company.

I don’t forget the assistance and support offered by my good friends. I say thank you all.
I remain grateful and loyal to all of you.


Title page
I Letter of employment II Certification III Dedication IV Acknowledgement V Abstract
VI Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Historical development of SIWES
1.1.1 Aim and objectives of SIWES
1.1.2 The scope of the scheme
1.1.3 Contribution of the scheme
1.1.4 Problems affecting the scheme

2.0 Detailed description on the company
2.1 Scope of services
2.2 Professional services

3.0 Definition of financial management
3.1 Significance of financial management for non-finance students and professionals
3.2 Important concepts and areas in financial management
3.3 The position of financial managers in organizational hierarchy and their respective
work domain.
3.4 The external and internal business environments and their relevance to financial
3.5 Different types of financial and real assets markets.

4.0 Objectives of financial management as compared to Economics and Financial
4.1 Real and Financial assets
4.2 Different types and characteristics of financial assets and the similarities and
Difference among them
4.3 Analysis of Financial Statements


5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation



The student work experience scheme{SIWES} came into establishment of the

industrial training fund[ITF] under degree No 47 of 8 October, 1971, in a bid to
boost indigenous capacity for the nation’s industrial need, the fund in its policy
statement No. 1 published in 1973 inserted a clause dealing with the issue of
practical skills which states that “the seek will seek to work out cooperative
machinery with industry, where student in institution of higher learning may
acquire training in industry or mid-career attached by contributing to the allowance
payable to the student”.
The fund identified a great gap between theory and practice of engineering and
technology of higher learning and has come to an effort to eliminate this gap. The
fund initiated work experience scheme {SIWES} in 1973. SIWES therefore is a
skill training program designed to expose and prepared students of universities,
polytechnics and college of education to real life work situation including
environmental, technical and business student in higher institution of training in

• To provide student with an opportunity to applied their theoretical knowledge in
real work situation thereby bridging the gap between theories and practical

• To provide avenue for students for institutions in higher learning to acquire

industrial skills and experience in their course of study while in school.

• To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and

machineries that may not be available in some educational institutions.

• To enhance and strengthened employers involvement in the education process and

preparing student for employment in the industries.


The scope of this program varies from one department to the other. The students in
Financial Management Technology department, FUTO, observe this program in
200level second semester for a period of three [3] months. This is observed by all
institution of higher learning offering Financial Management Technology and related

The scheme therefore offer students a chance to be out there in the country economic
system and observe, first hand, what is been taught in lecture halls. This scheme gives
the trainee more insight on how their course of study is been applied outside the


The scheme is making a tremendous impact in the economy and technological

development of the country especially on human resources development. An elaborated
summary of some of the contribution of the scheme are as follow;

 It offers the students an opportunity to associate themselves with workers at

various levels in the industries.
 It has contributed to the improved quality of skilled man-power in Nigeria.
 It prepares the students so that they can fit into employments in the industries.
It creates more relationship between institutions and industries.

 It assures the institution that the qualities of student produced by them are to
standard after going through the SIWES program as it forms part of the
assessment of the award of certificate and degree.


SIWES has encountered a lot of problem in recent times, and this has affected its growth
and development. Below are some of the problems;

 There is inadequate funding system which reduces the student capability at work
since they are not well motivated

 Supervision sometimes is not carried out as scheduled due to inadequate

motivations which make student unserious and relax to work.

 Employers hardly have time to impact knowledge to the student.

 IT trainees are usually treated like normal staff, been over-worked and are been
paid nothing or less for their efforts


KDF KONSUL LIMITED is a giant financial institution. It started in 1993 in Logos

Island and later relocated to port Harcourt. It has a staff capacity of 30.as far as financial

problems are concerned; KDF KONSULT LIMITED is the answer to all financial






FINANACIAL MANAGEMENT is the management of financial resources – how to

best find and use investments and financing opportunities in an ever-changing and
increasingly complex environment.

3.1 Why should CS majors study FM?

First of all, financial management is a core life skill; almost everyone needs to
understand some concepts of finance to manage his/her business & personal finances.
It is generally and quite rightfully said, “Money makes the world go round”. Finance is
like a life-blood for a company. Even the best of the companies and CEOs go out of the
business because of poor financial management policies.
Management Information Systems (MIS) and Information Technology (IT) are just a
part of the overall corporate strategy which runs on finances, the major resource. So the
computer sciences professionals need to have an understanding of the financial concepts
to understand and contribute to the overall corporate strategy.
Financial Engineering is an upcoming field that requires people with CS, math/science,
and finance background. Financial engineering is the application of engineering methods
to finance. One important area of study is the design, analysis, and construction of
financial contracts to meet the needs of enterprises. This field is experiencing an
increased demand for professionals, especially those who are trained in both the
underlying mathematics/computer technologies and finance.

3.1.1 Definitions

Finance is the science of managing financial resources in an optimal pattern i.e. the best
use of available financial sources. Finance consists of three interrelated areas:
1) Money & Capital markets, which deals with securities markets & financial
2) Investments, which focuses on the decisions of both individual and institutional
investors as they choose assets for their investment portfolios.
3) Financial Management, or business finance which involves the actual management of

3.2 Major Areas & Concepts of Financial Management

Following are some of the important areas and concepts of financial management, which
would be discussed in detail in the lectures to come.

Analysis of Financial Statements:

Analysis of financial statement is one of the most common techniques of financial

analysis, in the financial performance and financial health of a company is analyzed
based on its past performance.
The following financial statements are used in the analysis process.

• Profit & Loss Statement or Income Statement
Income statement reflects the operating efficiency or profitability of a company as a
result of its operations along with the net profit available to the shareholders for a given
year (usually one accounting period). This statement provides the analyst with some
insight into the financial performance of the company.

• Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet is a snap-shot of an organization’s financial health at a particular time. It
shows what assets are owned by the business and the sources of acquiring these assets.
Balance Sheet – An FM Perspective (Fig.1)

Fig. 1

Statement of Shareholders’ equity
Statement of shareholders’ equity provides the share of the owners in the business.

• Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of cash flows explicitly reflects the cash movement (inflows and outflows)
during the operations in an accounting period.
Taken together, these statements give an accounting picture of the firm’s operations and
financial position. Financial statements report what has actually happened to the assets,
earnings, and dividends over the years. The analysis of the information contained in
these statements help management of the organization to evaluate the performance and
activities of the concern; it also helps the investors and creditors to have an idea of the
profitability potential and creditworthiness of the business.

Investment Decisions & Capital Budgeting:

Investment decisions are the most critical as they usually involve huge sums of money
and these decisions are likely to bring prosperity or doom to a business. A company’s
future income depends on how much investment is made, in what type of assets, and
how these assets add to the overall value of the company.
Capital budgeting is a term strictly related to investment in fixed assets; here, the term
capital refers to the fixed assets that are used in production, while budget is a plan which
details projected cash inflows and outflows over some future period. The following
concepts and techniques are employed while analyzing investment decisions.
 Interest rate formulas
 Time Value of Money
 Discounted Cash Flows
 Net Present Value
 Internal Rate of Return
Risk & Return:
Investors, individual or institutional, invest their money with the expectations of earning
a return on their investment. While investors wish and attempt to earn maximum return,
they are constrained by risk. How the risks and returns are related and how do investors
make a choice of their portfolios is important for investment decision making. Following
concepts and theories would be discussed while discussing the risk-return choices of the
 Uncertainty
 Risk
 Portfolio Theory
 Capital Asset Pricing Model

Corporate Financing & Capital Structure:

When a firm plans to expand, it needs capital or funds. Acquisition of funds is
considered to be a primary responsibility of a finance department in an organization.
There are numerous ways to acquire funds, i.e., finances can be raised in the form of
debt or equity. The proportion of debt and equity constitutes the capital structure of the
firm. Financial experts attempt to find a combination of debt and equity that could
increase the overall value of the company, i.e., they try to find the optimal capital
structure. The following concepts would be used to understand how an optimal capital
structure could be attained.
 Cost of Capital
 Leverage
 Dividend Policy
 Debt Instruments

Asset or company valuation is important not only for financial managers, but also for
creditors and investors. It is important to know the value of the company or its assets to
make important financing and investment choices. Different valuation techniques and
factors that influence the value of a company or its financial instruments would be
discussed in this section.
 Share
 Bond
 Option
 Corporate

Working Capital & Inventory Management: Working capital and inventory

management pertains to the effective management of current assets. As we will see, an
optimal and effective utilization of working capital and inventory increases the operating
efficiency of the firm.

International Finance & Foreign Exchange: With the increasing importance of

international trade and global markets, the role of international finance has increased
manifold. In a global environment, the finance managers have more choices pertaining
to investing and financing than ever before. However, it is important to understand the
implications of working in a global environment, since fluctuations in the currency rates
can convert a good financing or investment decision into a bad one. This section of the
course would discuss the international financial environment and the financial
implications of working in a global environment.

3.4 Internal and External Business Environment


Internal Business Environment:

Internal environment of business normally consists of the following.
I. Finance
ii. Marketing
iii. Human Resources
iv. Operations (Production, Manufacturing)
v. Technology
vi. Other Functions (Logistics, Communications)

External Business Environment:
The following business environment factors outside an organization have a profound
effect on the functions and operations of an organization.
I. Customers
ii. Suppliers
iii. Competitors
iv. Government/Legal Agencies & Regulations
v. Macro Economy/Markets:
vi. Technological Revolution
An analysis which is used in a business is called SWOT Analysis. SWOT is an acronym
S stands for Strengths
W stands for Weaknesses
O stands for Opportunities
T stands for Threats
Strengths and weaknesses are within an organization, i.e., they pertain to the internal
environment of the organization.
Opportunities and threats, on the other hand, pertain to the external environment, i.e.,
outside the organization.

3.5 Financial Markets

Capital Markets:
These are the markets for the long term debt & corporate stocks.
Stock Exchange:

A stock exchange is a place where the listed shares, Term finance certificates (TFC) and
national investment trust units (NIT) are exchanged and traded between buyers and
Long term bonds:
Long term government & corporate bonds are also traded in capital markets.

Money Markets
Money market generally is a market where there is buying and selling of short term
liquid debt instruments. (Short term means one year or less). Liquid means something
which is easily en-cashable; an instrument that can be easily exchanged for cash.
Following financial instruments are traded in money markets.
Short term Bonds
Government of Pakistan: Federal Investment Bonds (FIB), Treasury-Bills (TBills)
Private Sector: Corporate Bonds, Debentures
Call Money, Inter-bank short-term and overnight lending & borrowing
Loans, Leases, Insurance policies, Certificate of Deposits (CD’s)
Badlah (money lending against shares), Road-side money lenders

Real Assets or Physical Asset Markets

Following are the active markets of real and physical assets in Pakistan
 Cotton Exchange, Gold Market, Kapra Market
 Property (land, house, apartment, warehouse)
 Computer hardware, Used Cars, Wheat, Sugar, Vegetables, etc




In this lecture, we would discuss the differences that exist among Financial
Economics & Financial Accounting disciplines.

• Objective of Economics:
The objective of economics, as a subject, is profit maximization; however, the scope of
economic profit maximization is vast and loosely defined. In economics, we can talk
about profit maximization for an individual, the whole society, or a particular class or
group. We can also talk about profit maximization for the whole world in global terms.
In social economics, we may study the social profit maximization for the societies,
whereas, in capitalistic economics we may study individual or company’s profit.

• Objective of Financial Management (FM)

In comparison, financial management is more focused. The objective of financial
management, specifically, is to maximize the shareholders wealth in the present terms.
Financial practitioners usually use the discounting and the net present value techniques
while calculating the increase in the wealth of shareholders.

• Objective of Financial Accounting (FA)

The objective of financial accounting is to collect accurate, systematic, and timely
financial data and other financial information, and to compile and consolidate it in an

organized and systematic way, according to the principles and rules of accounting, for
reporting purpose.
The financial managers use these reports to assess the financial position of the company
through various financial management tools and then the financial position can be
compared to, or benchmarked against, the industry norms. The four different financial
statements used for the purpose of reporting and analysis are
1. Balance Sheet
2. P/L or Income Statement
3. Cash Flow Statement
4. Statement of Retained Earnings (or Shareholders’ Equity Statement)
In financial accounting, assets are recorded on the basis of historical costs in the balance
i.e., the assets are recorded at their original purchase price. Of course, the depreciation
on the asset is duly subtracted from its original value as the asset remains in use of the
However, in financial management, book value is seldom used and financial managers
consider the market value and the intrinsic value of assets.

Market value may be defined as the value currently prevailing in the market or the
value at which the sellers are ready to sell, and buyers are ready to buy a particular asset.

Intrinsic value or the fair value is calculated by summing up the discounted future cash
In Financial accounting, we followed the principle of accrual accounting in which
expenses & incomes are rerecorded when they incur. In Financial management, we will
primarily be interested in cash & cash flows. In Financial management, we will use cash

as primary source for calculating value, although the accrual data would also be useful
for analyzing a firm’s financial position.
Before getting into details, it is important to understand a few concepts that would be
frequently used throughout the course.


Real Assets:
Real assets are tangible assets that have physical characteristics. For instance, land,
house, equipment, car, wheat, fruits, cotton, computers, etc., are different kinds of real

Security, also known as a financial asset, is a piece of paper representing a claim on an
Securities can be classified into two categories.

4.2 Different types and characteristics of financial assets and the similarities and
differences among them

Security, also known as a financial asset, is a piece of paper representing a claim on an
Securities can be classified into two categories.

Direct Securities: Direct securities include stocks and bonds. While valuing direct
securities we take into account the cash flows generated by the underlying assets.

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) technique is often used to determine the value of a stock
or bond.

Indirect Securities: Indirect securities include derivatives, Futures and Options.

The securities do not generate any cash flow; however, its value depends on the value of
the underlying asset.

Bonds represent debt. The important features of bonds are given as under.
Internationally, bonds are the most common way for companies to raise funds.
• A bond is a long-term debt contract (on paper) issued by the borrower (Issuer of the
Bond i.e., a company that wishes to raise funds) to the lenders (bondholders or Investors
which may include banks, financial institutions, and private investors).
• Bonds issued by a company are usually shown on the liabilities side of the Balance
• A Bond requires the borrower to pay a pre-determined amount of interest regularly to
the lender (bondholder). The interest rate or the rate of return on a bond can be Fixed or
Floating. If an investor purchases a bond which is offering a rate of 10 % for the life of
the bond, the rate would be fixed at 10 percent. However, if the interest rate on the bond
is tied to the market interest rates, the rate of interest would be floating. The floating rate
implies that the interest rate would fluctuate with any change in the market interest rate.

Types of Bonds:
• Debentures: Unsecured – no asset backing
• Mortgage Bond: Secured by real property i.e. Land, house
• Others: Eurobond, Zeros, Junk, etc.
The details on these different types of bonds would be discussed in later lectures.

Stocks (or Shares):
Stocks (or Shares) are paper certificates representing ownership in a business. Therefore,
if a company has issued 1 million shares and an investor owns 1 share only, he is a part
owner (or shareholder) of the company. Stocks or shares are represented in the equity
section of the balance sheet. A stock certificate is perpetuity, i.e., it lasts as long as the
company does. Shareholders have a residual claim (last claim) on whatever net income
(or profit) and assets are left over after the bondholders have been fully paid off. It is the
most common source of raising funds under Islamic Shariah. Shares are traded in Stock
market e.g. Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), Lahore Stock
Exchange (LSE) & Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE).

Difference between Shares & Bonds:

The main difference between shares and bonds is that shares are representation of
ownership in a company while bonds are not representative of ownership.
The second difference is that shares last as long as the company lasts where as bonds
have limited life.
Another difference is that the return on a bond is predetermined, i.e., the investor knows
in advance how much return he would get from a bond. However, a stockholder cannot
be certain about the return on a stock investment, since the dividends may or may not be
paid in a certain year or the percentage of dividends announced may vary.

3.3 Analysis of Financial Statements: A company’s financial statements need to be

studied for signs of financial strengths and weaknesses and then compared to (or
benchmarked against) the industry. Before getting into the details of the financial
management techniques, we would briefly revise some of the accounting concepts,
which are going to help us in comprehending those analysis techniques.

Basic Financial Statements:
There are four basic financial statements that are prepared by the financial accountants
for the use of the managers, creditors and investors of the company. These statements
a. Balance Sheet
b. P/L or Income Statement
c. Cash Flow Statement
d. Statement of Retained Earnings (or Shareholders’ Equity Statement)
The concepts that we are going to discuss here in reviewing financial accounting
concepts are Fundamental Accounting Equation and Double Entry Principle.
• Assets +Expense = Liabilities + Shareholders’ Equity + Revenue
(Note: Expense & Revenue are Temporary P/L accounts – the others are Permanent
Balance Sheet
• Left Hand Items increase when debited. Right Hand items increase when credited.
• For every journal entry, the Sum of Debits = the Sum of Credits

Balance Sheet:
The following facts about balance sheet are also going to help us in understanding the
financial statements analysis process.
– A balance sheet is a ‘static snapshot’ at one point in time (therefore the consolidated
data available is vulnerable to inventory and cash swings, i.e., if the balance sheet of a
firm is showing low inventory and high cash position at the year ending when the
balance sheet is prepared, the company may buy excessive inventory against cash the
very next day. The balance sheet prepared a day earlier would not report the new

transaction and the latest financial position of the company would not be known to the
analyst, unless the company updates him on that.)
– Balance sheet items or accounts are ‘permanent accounts’ that continue to accumulate
from one accounting cycle to the next.
– Balance sheet items are recorded on historical cost basis, i.e., the balance sheet
neglects any increase in value of assets resulting from inflation and reports assets and
liabilities at their book value. It is a big limitation for financial analysts, since a useful
analysis could only be made by considering the assets and liabilities at their market
value rather than book value. Nevertheless, there are some approaches by which we can
solve this problem. Constant rupee approach is one such remedy.
– Constant Rupee Approach: In constant rupee approach, two balance sheets of the same
company for different times are compared at a specific time and inflationary adjustments
are made.

• Assets (Left Hand Side):

Having revised certain concepts and limitations of financial accounting process and
financial statements, we would now have a brief overview of the items that appear on the
left-hand side of the balance sheet, known as assets.
– Assets are economic and business resources that are used in generating revenue for the
organization: They can be tangible (inventory) or intangible (patent, brand value,
license). Some assets are classified as current (cash, accounts receivable) and others are
fixed (machinery, land, and building). There are also long-term assets (property, loan)
and contingent assets, the value of which can only be assessed in future (legal claim
pending, option).
– Current Assets = Cash + Marketable Securities + Accounts Receivable + Pre-Paid
Expenses + Inventory

– The accounts receivable aging schedule is a listing of the customers making up total
accounts receivable balance. Most businesses prepare an accounts receivable aging
schedule at the end of each month. Analyzing your accounts receivable aging schedule
may help you identify potential cash flow problems.
– Inventory value (at any instant in time) is a very controversial figure which depends on
inventory valuation methodology (i.e. FIFO, LIFO, and Average Cost) and Depreciation
Method (i.e. Straight Line, Double Declining, and Accelerated). Companies have the
flexibility that they can use one methodology for preparing the financial statements &
the different methodology for tax purposes.

• Liabilities (Right Hand Side):

The right hand side of the balance sheet represents liabilities.
– Liabilities are sources which are use to acquire the resources or liabilities are
obligations of two types:
1) Obligations to outside creditors and
2) Obligations to shareholders known as Equity.
– Liabilities can be short term debts, long term debt, equity, retained earnings,
contingent, unrealized gain on holding of marketable securities
– Current Liabilities = Account Payables + Short Term Loans + Accrued Expenses
– Net Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
– Total Equity = Common Equity + Paid In Capital + Retained Earnings (Retained
Earnings is NOT cash always)
– Total Equity represents the residual excess value of Assets over Liabilities: Assets –
Liabilities = Equity = Net Worth
– Only cash account represents real cash which can be used to pay your bills!!

Profit & Loss account or Income Statement:

– An income statement is a “flow statement” over a period of time matching the
operating cycle of the business, which reports the income of the firm.
– Generally, Revenue – Expense = Income
– Right hand side receipts (revenues) are added. Left hand side payments (expenses) are
– P/L Items or Accounts are ‘temporary’ accounts that need to be closed at the end of the
accounting cycle.
– Sales revenue – Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit (Revenue)
– Cost of Goods Sold is a very controversial figure that varies depending on Inventory
Valuation Method (i.e., FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost) and Depreciation Method (Straight
Line, Double Declining, Accelerated). Depreciation is treated as an expense (although it
is non-cash)
– Gross Revenue – Admin & Operating Expenses = Operating Revenue
– Operating Revenue – Other Expenses + Other Revenue = EBIT
– EBIT – Financial Charges & Interest = EBT Note: Leasing Treatment
– EBT – Tax = Net Income
– Net Income – Dividends = Retained Earnings
– Net Income is NOT cash (it can’t pay for bills)

P/L Statement of Company XYZ

(Year Ending June 30th 2002)

(‘000 Rs) (‘000 Rs) (‘000 Rs)

Net Sales 1000

Cost of Goods Sold (500)
Gross Profit 500
Administration Expenses (200)
Depreciation Expense (0)
Operating Profit 300

Other Expenses (180)

Other Income (interest) (0) (180)
EBIT 120
Tax (20)
Net Income 100

Cash Flow Statement: A cash flow statement shows the cash position of the firm and
the way cash has been acquired or utilized in an accounting period.
A cash flow statement separates the activities of the firm into three categories, which are
operating activities, investing activities and financing activities.
• Operating Cash Flow Statement can be obtained by using two approaches:
1) Direct
2) Indirect.
A cash flow statement can be derived from P/L or Income Statement and two
consecutive year Balance Sheets.
• A cash flow statement is not prepared on accrual basis but rather on cash basis: Actual
cash receipts and cash payments.
• The net income is obtained from the Income Statement of a period of time matching
the operating cycle of the business. Generally:
Revenue – Expense = Income
In order to arrive as the cash flows resulting from operating activities Increases in
current assets
are cash payments (-), i.e., cash outflow
Increases in current liabilities are cash receipts (+), i.e., cash inflow
Right Hand Side Receipts are added.
Left Hand Side payments are subtracted

Statement of Retained Earnings or Shareholders’ Equity Statement

Total Equity = Common Par Stock Issued + Paid In Capital + Retained Earnings
(Retained Earnings is the cumulative income that is not given out as Dividend – it is
NOT ca

Cash Flow Statement
(June 30th 2001 – June 30th 2002)

(‘000 Rs) (‘000 Rs) (‘000 Rs)

Net Income 400

Add Depreciation Expense 100

Subtract Increase in Current Assets:

Increase in Cash (400)
Increase in Inventory (700)
Add Increase in Current Liabilities:
Increase in A/c Payable 500
Cash Flow from Operations (100)
Cash Flow from Investments 0
Cash Flow from Financing 500

Net Cash Flow from All Activities 400

Note 1: Indirect Cash Flow Approach using Income Statement and two consecutive
Note 2: Final Net Cash Flow from All Activities should match the difference in the
difference in the closing balances in the Balance Sheets from June 30th 2001 and June
30th 2002

Note 3: Investments include all cash sale and purchases of non-current assets and
marketable services
Note 4: Financing includes all cash changes in loans, leasing, and equity.



In conclusion, from my experience, it is revealed the importance of the S.I.W.E.S

program for tertiary student, not only for the reason of keeping their selves busy, but for
the enclosure it brings to them. The S.I.W.E.S programs gives the student the first hand
experience of what is been taught in lecture halls, thus improving, enhancing and also
giving the student a broader knowledge and also creating an opportunity to maximize
them through the practice of the supposed course.


Based on the findings of this study the following recommendations are made:

 Tertiary schools should have an evaluation test after the S.I.W.E.S program to
check on the job satisfaction level of their students so as to know the
factors/necessities lacking in the industries for S.I.W.E.S students.
 Tertiary schools should organize a seminar for students after their S.I.W.E.S
program for them to discuss their experience.
 Schools should from time to time recommend outstanding students for IT


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