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TRM401 Energy Savings Calculator Pump and Fan VFD V Training

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Energy Savings Calculator - Pump and Fan VFD Retrofit


This calculator is designed to provide savings estimates for VFD fan and pump installations. The tool can be used in conjunctio
spot measurements and logged data of with generic load profiles and estimated full load motor loading.
This tool has three specific calculation pages:
1) VFD Fan Analysis - fan applications
2) VFD Pump Analysis - Pump applications where system flow will vary throughout the year
3) Throttle Valve Analysis - Pump applications where system flow will remain constant and a VFD is being used to replace a t
(e.g., triple-duty valve)

Fan Analysis Instructions

Step 1 Enter fan motor information (motor hp and efficiency from motor nameplate or other documented source)
Step 2 Estimate motor load factor, or use default load factor (80%).
Step 3 Determine fan motor full load kW - the analysis will be based on a calculated value determined from Step 1, or the u
If Full Load (100% flow) spot Power measurements have been taken enter the value in cell F8
If Full Load (100% flow) spot Amperage measurements are available, estimate full load kW usin
Step 4 Enter the fan's annual hours of operation
Step 5 Select existing and proposed control systems
The control type selection determines which standard part load performance curve will be used i
The curves were developed from data obtained by measuring the operating characteristics of va
Step 6 Select annual load profile
If annual load profile is known from site metered data or site specific schedules
If annual load profile is not known, select a generic load profile in cell B25 which represents the

Savings Calculation Method

The results of the analysis are presented in the table and graphs to the right of the input section. The savings values
Annual hours of operation (column M) for each of the pump load bins is determined by multiplyin
The existing (column N) and proposed (column Q) full load power percentage is taken from the f
The existing (column O) and proposed (column R) pump power is determined by multiplying the
The existing (column P) and proposed (column S) annual energy usage (kWh) is determined by
The total annual energy savings is the sum of difference between the annual energy usage of th

Pump Analysis Instructions

Step 1 Enter pump motor information (motor hp and efficiency from motor nameplate or other documented source)
Step 2 Estimate motor load factor, or use default load factor (80%).
Step 3 Determine pump motor full load kW - the analysis will be based on a calculated value determined from Step 1, or the
If Full Load (100% flow) spot Power measurements have been taken enter the value in cell F8
If Full Load (100% flow) spot Amperage measurements are available, estimate full load kW usin
Step 4 Enter the pump's annual hours of operation
Step 5 Select existing and proposed control systems
The control type selection determines which standard part load performance curve will be used i
The curves were developed from data obtained by measuring the operating characteristics of va
Step 6 Select annual load profile
If annual load profile is known from site metered data or site specific schedules
If annual load profile is not known, select a generic load profile in cell B25 which best represent

Savings Calculation Method

The results of the analysis are presented in the table and graphs to the right of the input section. The savings values
Annual hours of operation (column M) for each of the pump load bins is determined by multiplyin
The existing (column N) and proposed (column Q) full load power percentage is taken from the f
The existing (column O) and proposed (column R) pump power is determined by multiplying the
The existing (column P) and proposed (column S) annual energy usage (kWh) is determined by
The total annual energy savings is the sum of difference between the annual energy usage of th

Throttle Valve Instructions

Step 1 Enter pump motor information (motor hp and efficiency from motor nameplate or other documented source)
Step 2 Estimate motor load factor, or use default load factor (80%).
Step 3 Determine pump motor power - the analysis will be based on a calculated value determined from Step 1, or the use
If Full Load (100% flow) spot Power measurements have been taken enter the value in cell F8
If Full Load (100% flow) spot Amperage measurements are available, estimate full load kW usin
If no full load spot measurements are available, estimate motor load factor in cell F6
Step 4 Enter the pump's annual hours of operation
Step 5 Determine existing system flow:
If the system flow is known from site metered data or spot measurements
If only the existing valve position is known select "Known Valve Position" in cell E22 and enter th
Savings Calculation Method
The results of the analysis are presented in the table to the right of the input section. The savings values presented
The existing system power is determined from the measured value, or calculated based on the p
The throttling devise moves the system curve to the left and the pump's power is reduced (know
System % Flow Calculated from either the value in cell F26 if "Know Existing Capacity" is s
Existing System - Full Load Power Calculated from throttle valve regression curve from "Pump Curves" worksh
Proposed System - Full Load Power Calculated from VSD regression curve from "Pump Curves" worksheet and
The total annual energy savings is the sum of difference between the annual energy usage of the existing and propo
The tool can be used in conjunction with site specific
or loading.

a VFD is being used to replace a throttling valve

er documented source)

e determined from Step 1, or the user may input full load kW based on field measurements:
en taken enter the value in cell F8
available, estimate full load kW using calculation method in cells C46:F46 and standard power factor table. Enter estimated kW calculated in

d performance curve will be used in the calculations. All part load curves were taken from the Bonneville Power Administration published do
the operating characteristics of various pumps and from information provided in "Flow Control", a Westinghouse publication, Bulletin B-851

e specific schedules select "custom or metered" in cell B25. Enter annual load profile in cells D29:D39
le in cell B25 which represents the expected annual load profile

e input section. The savings values presented are calculated as follows:

ad bins is determined by multiplying the load profile % by the total annual hours of operation
wer percentage is taken from the fan load curves located on the "Fan Curves" worksheet
er is determined by multiplying the full load pump power( cell F7 or F8) by the corresponding full load power percentage
rgy usage (kWh) is determined by multiplying the associated full load power by the total annual hours in that bin
een the annual energy usage of the existing and proposed usage (cell P23 - cell S23)

other documented source)

alue determined from Step 1, or the user may input full load kW based on field measurements:
en taken enter the value in cell F8
available, estimate full load kW using calculation method in cells C46:F46 and standard power factor table. Enter estimated kW calculated in

d performance curve will be used in the calculations. All part load curves were taken from the Bonneville Power Administration published do
g the operating characteristics of various pumps and from information provided in "Flow Control", a Westinghouse publication, Bulletin B-851

e specific schedules select "custom or metered" in cell B25. Enter annual load profile in cells D29:D39
le in cell B25 which best represents the expected annual load profile the pump will serve

e input section. The savings values presented are calculated as follows:

ad bins is determined by multiplying the load profile % by the total annual hours of operation
wer percentage is taken from the fan load curves located on the "Fan Curves" worksheet
er is determined by multiplying the full load pump power( cell F7 or F8) by the corresponding full load power percentage
rgy usage (kWh) is determined by multiplying the associated full load power by the total annual hours in that bin
een the annual energy usage of the existing and proposed usage (cell P23 - cell S23)

other documented source)

determined from Step 1, or the user may input motor power based on field measurements:
en taken enter the value in cell F8
available, estimate full load kW using calculation method in cells C46:F46 and standard power factor table. Enter estimated kW calculated in
or load factor in cell F6

measurements select "Known Existing Capacity" in cell E22 and enter the flow as a percentage of the full load GPM in cell F26
e Position" in cell E22 and enter the valve percent open position in cell F26

on. The savings values presented are calculated as follows:

value, or calculated based on the percent load reduction caused by using a throttling devise
he pump's power is reduced (known as riding the pump curve)
26 if "Know Existing Capacity" is selected or calculated from a standard throttle position curve contained on the "Throttling valve curves" wo
curve from "Pump Curves" worksheet and the system % flow
om "Pump Curves" worksheet and the system % flow
gy usage of the existing and proposed usage (cell P12 - cell S12)
ter estimated kW calculated in cell B46 into cell F8

er Administration published documents

se publication, Bulletin B-851, F/86/Rev-CMS 8121.

ter estimated kW calculated in cell B46 into cell F8

er Administration published documents

use publication, Bulletin B-851, F/86/Rev-CMS 8121.
ter estimated kW calculated in cell B46 into cell F8

d GPM in cell F26

e "Throttling valve curves" worksheet if "Know valve position" is selected

Fan Motor Information

Enter nameplate horsepower: 10.00 hp

Enter nameplate efficiency: 90.50% percent
Enter motor load factor: 80.00% percent (default 80%)
Calculated full load power: 6.60 kW
Or, Enter motor power, if measured: overrides calculated
kW (overrides calculated power
power;- leave
leave blank
blank ifif unknown)
Operating Parameters

Enter hours per year fan operates: 6,100 hrs/yr

Fan Control Method Selection

Look up table reference #
Select existing control type: Inlet Guide Vane, FC Fans 4

Select proposed control type: VSD 2

Load Curve Selection

Select load curve profile Look up table reference #
HVAC fan 2

HVAC fan User Input

% time at % time at
% flow
Capacity Capacity
Analysis Profile
0% 0% 0% 0%
10% 0% 0% 0%
20% 0% 0% 0%
30% 0% 0% 0%
40% 0% 10% 0%
50% 10% 15% 10%
60% 20% 15% 20%
70% 30% 20% 30%
80% 20% 15% 20%
90% 15% 15% 15%
100% 5% 10% 5%
Total 100% 100%
Savings Analysis Results

Annual energy savings, kWh 2,274

Percent savings 10.1%
EFLH of proposed system 345

Part load performance Existing system Proposed system

% flow req'd Op hrs Full load power kW kWh Full load power kW
0% 0 20% 1.32 0 5% 0.31
10% 0 21% 1.36 0 5% 0.31
20% 0 22% 1.42 0 5% 0.35
30% 0 23% 1.54 0 8% 0.53
40% 0 26% 1.74 0 13% 0.85
50% 610 31% 2.08 1,266 20% 1.34
60% 1,220 39% 2.57 3,134 30% 2.01
70% 1,830 49% 3.26 5,963 43% 2.87
80% 1,220 63% 4.18 5,100 60% 3.94
90% 915 81% 5.37 4,914 80% 5.25
100% 305 104% 6.87 2,094 103% 6.79
Total 6,100 22,472

Load Profile


% Time at Capacity





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 10
% Flow (percent of full flow required to meet load)
osed system Savings
kWh kWh
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
816 450
2,446 687
5,250 713
4,812 289
4,801 113
2,072 22
20,197 2,274

80% 90% 100%

Pump Motor Information

Enter nameplate horsepower: 100.00 hp

Enter nameplate efficiency: 94.0% percent
Enter motor load factor: 80.0% percent (default 80%)
Calculated full load power: 63.55 kW
Or, Enter motor power, if measured: 60.00 overrides calculated
kW (overrides calculated power
power;- leave
leave blank
blank ifif unknown)
Operating Parameters

Enter hours per year pump operates: 4,000 hrs/yr

Pump Control Method Selection

Look up table reference #
Select existing control type: None-Constant Volume 5

Select proposed control type: VSD 2

Load Curve Selection

Select load curve profile Look up table reference #
Custom or Metered 6

Custom or Metered User Input

% time at % time at
% flow
Capacity Capacity
Analysis Profile
0% 0% 0% 0%
10% 0% 0% 0%
20% 0% 0% 0%
30% 0% 0% 0%
40% 0% 10% 10%
50% 0% 15% 15%
60% 0% 15% 15%
70% 0% 20% 20%
80% 0% 15% 15%
90% 0% 15% 15%
100% 0% 10% 10%
Total 0% 100%
Load Profile


% Time at Capacity





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 10
% Flow (percent of full flow required to meet load)
Savings Analysis Results

Annual energy savings, kWh 122,393

Percent savings 51.0%
EFLH of proposed system 1,926

Part load performance Existing system Proposed system

% flow req'd Op hrs Full load power kW kWh Full load power kW
0% 0 100% 60.00 0 27% 16.47
10% 0 100% 60.00 0 19% 11.47
20% 0 100% 60.00 0 14% 8.59
30% 0 100% 60.00 0 13% 7.83
40% 400 100% 60.00 24,000 15% 9.18
50% 600 100% 60.00 36,000 21% 12.64
60% 600 100% 60.00 36,000 30% 18.22
70% 800 100% 60.00 48,000 43% 25.91
80% 600 100% 60.00 36,000 60% 35.72
90% 600 100% 60.00 36,000 79% 47.64
100% 400 100% 60.00 24,000 103% 61.68
Total 4,000 240,000

Load Profile


% Time at Capacity





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
% Flow (percent of full flow required to meet load)
osed system Savings
kWh kWh
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
3,672 20,328
7,586 28,414
10,932 25,068
20,730 27,270
21,432 14,568
28,585 7,415
24,671 -671
117,607 122,393

80% 90% 100%

Pump Motor Information

Enter nameplate horsepower: 100.00 hp

Enter nameplate efficiency: 94.0% percent
Enter motor load factor: 80.0% percent (default 80%)
Calculated motor power: 63.55 kW
Or, Enter motor power, if measured: 60.00 overrides calculated
kW (overrides calculated power
power;- leave
leave blank
blank ifif unknown)
Operating Parameters

Enter hours per year pump operates: 4,000 hrs/yr

Pump Control Method Selection

Select existing control type: Throttle Valve

Select proposed control type: VSD

Existing Flow Determination

Select flow calculation method: Known Valve Position

Enter existing valve position (percent open): 75.00 %

Enter existing flow capacity: 80.00 % % of full load GPM

Estimating power (kW) from measured amps:

kW amps volts ph power factor
5.74 8.0 460 3 0.90
Estimating power (kW) from rated full load amps:
kW FLA volts ph power factor load factor
5.74 10.0 460 3 0.90 0.80

Motor Efficiency & Power Factor

Efficiency Power Factor
HP Std Prem. Std Prem.
0.001 50.00% 55.00% 50.00% 55.00%
0.250 62.70% 67.50% 53.33% 57.80%
0.330 66.00% 68.80% 62.42% 64.16%
0.500 69.00% 73.90% 61.68% 63.35%
0.750 76.00% 78.50% 66.00% 74.55%
1.0 82.04% 84.59% 72.50% 76.50%
1.5 83.67% 85.83% 72.90% 77.20%
2.0 83.73% 85.98% 76.90% 78.80%
3.0 86.12% 88.54% 78.10% 80.00%
5.0 86.81% 88.47% 82.20% 83.20%
7.5 88.16% 90.08% 83.10% 83.40%
10 89.25% 90.58% 84.00% 85.20%
15 90.02% 91.37% 84.70% 84.70%
20 90.13% 91.70% 86.00% 85.50%
25 91.73% 92.57% 85.90% 85.80%
30 91.55% 92.57% 87.20% 86.40%
40 91.86% 93.04% 86.00% 85.60%
50 91.87% 93.01% 85.60% 85.90%
60 92.80% 93.48% 87.30% 85.80%
75 93.01% 93.50% 87.70% 86.80%
100 93.19% 93.77% 87.80% 86.30%
125 93.10% 93.88% 88.60% 86.80%
150 93.47% 94.24% 88.80% 86.90%
200 93.61% 94.40% 88.30% 86.70%
300 95.30% 95.80% 90.40% 86.80%
350 95.40% 95.90% 89.30% 88.80%
400 95.30% 95.60% 89.40% 86.90%
450 95.00% 95.00% 90.00% 90.00%
500 95.20% 95.20% 90.50% 90.50%
9999 95.20% 95.20% 90.50% 90.50%
Savings Analysis Results

Annual energy savings (kWh) 24,953

Percent savings 10.4%

s calculated power - leave blank if

Part load performance Existing system
System % Flow Op hrs Full load power kW kWh
95% 4,000 98% 60.00 240,000
Total 4,000 240,000
Look up table reference #

Look up table reference #
Estimated total flow
% of full load GPM
ysis Results

Proposed system Savings

Full load power kW kWh kWh
90% 53.76 215,047 24,953
215,047 24,953
Fan System Type Pump System Types
Eddy Current Drives 3 Eddy Current Drives 3
Inlet Guide Vane, FC Fans 4 Torque Converter 4
Inlet Guide Vane, BI & Airfoil Fans 5 None-Constant Volume 5
Inlet Damper Box 6 Throttle Valve 6
Outlet Damper, FC Fans 7
Outlet Damper, BI & Airfoil Fans 8
Constant Volume 9
Fan Curves 3-Duty Flow Selection Pump Curves
HVAC fan 2 Known Valve Position 1 Medium Load
Medium Load 3 Known Existing Capacity 2 Low Load
Low Load 4 Custom or Metered
CO Garage Fan 5
Custom or Metered 6
% Design Pump Power (kW)
2 3 4 5
% Capacity (GPM) VSD Eddy Current Torque Converter Constant
0% 27.4 16.4 13.5 100.0
10% 19.1 17.0 18.2 100.0
20% 14.3 20.0 24.9 100.0
30% 13.0 25.0 33.4 100.0
40% 15.3 32.0 43.1 100.0
50% 21.1 40.7 53.7 100.0
60% 30.4 51.1 64.8 100.0
70% 43.2 62.8 75.8 100.0
80% 59.5 75.7 86.5 100.0
90% 79.4 89.6 96.3 100.0
100% 102.8 104.4 104.9 100.0

Pump Control Types


f(x) == 176.2x^2
- 19x^2 +-63.7x
100.853x + 27.44751
+ 55.2124 Ed
% Design Pump Power (kW)

R² =
R² = 11 VS

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
% Capacity (GPM)

Throttle Valve



Eddy Current
Polynomial (VSD)
Torque Converter
None-Constant Volume
Throttle Valve
Logarithmic (Throttle Valve)
Polynomial (Throttle Valve)

100% 120%
% Design Fan Power (kW)
2 3 4 5 6

Inlet Guide
Vane Control Inlet Guide Vane
Forward Curve Control, BI &
% Capacity (CFM) VSD Eddy Current Fans Airfoil Fans Inlet Damper Box
0% 4.8 10.4 20.0 47.3 50.3
10% 4.8 17.0 20.6 52.6 56.1
20% 5.4 20.0 21.6 55.8 59.8
30% 8.0 25.0 23.3 57.4 62.2
40% 12.9 32.0 26.4 58.5 64.0
50% 20.3 40.7 31.5 59.9 66.0
60% 30.4 51.1 38.9 62.3 69.1
70% 43.5 62.8 49.4 66.7 73.9
80% 59.8 75.5 63.3 73.8 81.2
90% 79.5 89.6 81.4 84.6 91.9
100% 102.9 104.4 104.0 99.8 106.7

Fan Control Types


100.0 Eddy Curr

Inlet Guid
Curve Fan
% Design Fan Power (kW)

Inlet Guid
Inlet Dam

40.0 Outlet Da

20.0 Outlet Da

0.0 Constant V
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
% Capacity (CFM)
7 8 9
Outlet Damper
Control, Radial
Blade Backward
Outlet Damper Control Inclined & Airfoil Constant
Forward Curve Fans Fans Volume
20.4 55.9 100.0
22.3 52.6 100.0
25.6 53.3 100.0
30.4 57.2 100.0
36.7 63.6 100.0
44.5 71.5 100.0
53.8 80.2 100.0
64.6 88.7 100.0
76.9 96.3 100.0
90.6 102.1 100.0
105.9 105.2 100.0


Eddy Current

Inlet Guide Vane Control Forward

Curve Fans

Inlet Guide Vane Control, BI & Airfoil


Inlet Damper Box

Outlet Damper Control Forward Curve


Outlet Damper Control, Radial Blade

Backward Inclined & Airfoil Fans

Constant Volume
100% 120%
2 3 4 5
% Capacity HVAC fan Medium Load Low Load CO Garage Sensor
0% 0% 0% 5% 60%
10% 0% 0% 10% 0%
20% 0% 0% 10% 0%
30% 0% 5% 10% 0%
40% 0% 10% 20% 0%
50% 10% 20% 10% 20%
60% 20% 30% 10% 10%
70% 30% 20% 10% 10%
80% 20% 10% 10% 0%
90% 15% 5% 5% 0%
100% 5% 0% 0% 0%
100% 100% 100% 100%
Custom or Metered
Typical valve/damper performance
% flow
% open Typical valve Typical Throttle Valve Performa
100 100 100
90 98 f(x) = - 0.000002331x^4 + 0.0006631702x^3 - 0.0726223776x^2 + 3
R² = 0.9995467579
80 96
70 93
60 90 70
50 85 60
40 79 50
% Flow
30 69
20 55
10 35
0 0 20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
% Open
A = design point, operating conditions with throttling valve partially closed
B = operating conditions, throttling valve 100% open
C = operating conditions, pump/fan speed reduced
le Valve Performance Curve
702x^3 - 0.0726223776x^2 + 3.9524475524x + 0.5944055944

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Open

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